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01x01 - Episode 1

Posted: 02/13/24 09:57
by bunniefuu

MAN: Oh, f*ck! (PANTS)

MAN 2: What the f*ck?!

WOMAN: Get it on camera. Get it...
WOMAN 2: Are you right?

NEWSREADER: It occurred around 4pm,

witnesses capturing the incident
on their mobile phones.

Passers-by rushed to the aid
of the first victim.

REPORTER: At first, it appeared

this may have been
a terrible accident,

but soon it became clear
this was something more sinister.

WOMAN: What are you doing?!

MAN: Hey!


WOMAN: What are you doing?!

WOMAN 2: He just got out
and shot her.

NEWSREADER: A concerned citizen
paying the ultimate price.

The estranged husband had failed
to turn up to a court hearing

concerning the custody
of their children.

NEWSREADER: Amidst the carnage,

a moment that can only be described
as pure heroism.


(FAINTLY) f*cking happy?

Is this what you wanted?

NEWSREADER: Winton woman Alexandra
Irving confronted the gunman,

acting as a human shield,
bravely standing her ground.

NEWSREADER: A moment recorded
by many, too confronting to show.



Questions are being raised

as to how the man, subject to
multiple intervention orders,

was able to procure a shotgun.

Authorities praised
Ms Irving's actions,

stating that the death toll
would have been higher

had it not been for her intervention

from outside a courthouse
in Mount Isa,

bringing the number of women k*lled
in violent crimes this year to 43.

A regional health worker,

Miss Irving had travelled five hours
to Mount Isa that day

to pay her mother's parking fines.

She has refused all requests
for interviews.

And now on to finance.
The Australian share market...

SONG: ♪ Watch out

♪ I'm a one-way ticket
to a blood fight

♪ Watch out

♪ Got a head full of thoughts
and it ain't right

♪ Watch out

♪ There's a chip on my shoulder
like a butcher's knife

♪ Ain't nobody want to mess with me
this time. ♪

Heya, Stephen.

I've got this one here for your boy.

Yeah, well, he'd like all of them.
But that's not the issue.

Am I gonna have to
come out here again?

Is that a threat? (CHUCKLES)
Yeah. You know why.

Cut out the soft drink.
Take your pills.

And don't think
just because you're a bloke,

you can stop mid-course and flush 'em
down the toilet, alright?

Then bring me out a couple of beers
to flush 'em down with.

No. I'll k*ll you myself
if you don't take 'em.

Yeah, righto. Well, take...
take all the dogs, then.

Take your meds.
I don't want the meds either.

Your boy would like the dogs.

Well, take him this one.

Hughie, hop up. Hop up, Amma.

Amma, hop in.

Look. They all want to go with ya.


Take them mongrel dogs.
Righto, boys, let's go.

We'd better go. Come on.
Get out of here.

Amma. Hughie. (WHISTLES)

(WHISTLES) Hughie, come.


SONG: ♪ Watch out

♪ I'm a one-way ticket
to a blood fight... ♪


♪ Watch out

♪ Got my teeth bared
ready for you this time

♪ Watch out

♪ There's a crack
in the middle of the sky

♪ Who'll be the last one standing?

♪ I'll be the last one standing

♪ 'Cause ain't nobody
wanna mess with my kind... ♪


Can I help you?

I'm looking for Alexandra Irving.
Is she in?

You a journo?

Mormon, then.
You're wasting your time.

I'm from
the Prime Minister's Office.

My name's Jonathan Cosgrove.

Well, Alex isn't home from work yet.

Well, could I wait inside?

I like the decor.

93 years old. Never missed
a day's work in her life.

Now, you show me someone else
who'll give that kind of service.

I agree with you, Mrs Irving.

I'm a massive fan of the Queen.

Hey, Alex.

Yeah, good on ya!

Those bloody mob next door!

Here she is.
I swear, I'm gonna k*ll 'em.

(CLEARS THROAT) Miss Irving.
Jonathan Cosgrove.

I left a couple of messages.


I didn't ask him to come in.
Why'd you invite him inside, anyway?

Because it's my house.

You mind yourself, girl.

OK, then.


Well, because Senator Hamish Gordon
has very selfishly gone and died

and he's left the party
without a majority in the Senate.

Gordon was a dickhead.

Yes. But he was our dickhead.

You know what I mean.

Why me?

Well, the Prime Minister's
very impressed

with your commitment to local issues
while serving on the local council.

And furthermore, your track record
of service in the armed forces...

I was in transport.

...and your focus
on personal responsibility

rather than welfare handouts

show you to be an ideal candidate
to represent this government.

Don't bullshit me, Jonathan.

And you faced down a gunman.
The footage went viral.

We have an election in six months.

Thanks, but no.

(CHUCKLES) She's offering you
a seat in the Senate.

She wants me that badly,
she can ask me herself.

Why would you say no?
It's a bloody stupid idea.

Look. Some say we have
a woman problem...

No. The problem is that
you don't have enough women.

Well, the Prime Minister's a woman.

And she believes you're
the right person for the Senate,

and I support her 100%.

See? Even you think it's bullshit.

Tell your mother thanks for the tea.


Yeah, it's alright for you, Charlie.

You probably get asked
to go into Parliament every day.

Look, I still can't believe it.

We bust our arses for decades

and suddenly those right-wing pricks
you voted for

go running after any black woman
with a trending hashtag

and just throw her a seat
in the Senate.



Reception's crap.
You're going in and out.

How's Mum?

Oh, roof needs fixing.

How's the student body treating you?

Be nice.

Honestly, sis...

...they just want a pet Aborigine.

Is that who you are?

It was a joke.

I'll talk to you later, Charlie.






Oi, I'm talking to you.

Oi, dickhead. If we was in
an emergency, we'd be f*cked!

MAN: Shut up, Maclean!

You gonna make me? Huh?

I've already told you,
shut up in there!

Come on! Let me out!

Get your hand off that f*cking bell!

Open the door, you prick!

YOUNG WOMAN 2: Come on!
MAN: Last chance in there.

Dickhead! Let me out!

Open the f*cking door!

Come on, tough guy. Hurry up!


Alright, Maclean. Suck on this.



Marce? You OK?

I can't breathe. Grab my puffer!



Help! Somebody help!
I can't breathe!


Help! Somebody help!


Someone! She can't breathe!

Help us!

Somebody help! She can't breathe!



Come on.





MAN: Come on. Move it along.

I said move!


Oh, f*ck! Oh! Oh!

f*ck off!
MAN: Keep it down.

YOUNG WOMAN: You bastard.


MAN: Oi! Oi!


You're taking a risk.

I know that, Peter.

The party can't put her
in a neat little box.

That makes 'em nervous.




Hi. You must be Alexandra Irving.

Rachel Anderson.

Prime Minister.

Apparently you said

I should come and offer you
the Senate position in person.


Uh, you want to come inside?

You know what?
We've been travelling all day.

How about we take a walk,
you show me your town?

Yeah, sure. Um, give me a minute.

Walk-and-talk, Peter.
Tell the blokes not to overreact.

You heard her. Let's go.


It's a great little town.

Well, this region has one of
the highest unemployment rates

in the country.

There's no capital investment.
No programs scheduled.

What are you gonna do about it,
run for local council again?

Well, with respect, Prime Minister,
what are YOU gonna do about it?

Whatever I can.


Let's just say we're negotiating.
What would you want?

I want the bloody medical centre
to reopen.

Tell me about that.

It's on the main street.

You lot cut the funding.

I want to stop sending people to jail

because they haven't paid
their fines.

I want a complete review
of all the welfare you mob throw

at stupid bloody programs
that don't do anything for anyone.

And how are you gonna do that
if you refuse a seat at the table?

There's already blackfellas
at the table. What has that achieved?

More than you will
if you just stay here.

It's not just the blackfellas.

The whole region needs
effective representation.

Listen, Alex,
what you did was incredible.

I want people like you,
women like you, on my team.

How do you know I voted for you?

(CHUCKLES) Well, from what I hear,
your mother is a diehard royalist.

Your father was
a card-carrying National.

I figure the apple doesn't fall
far from the tree.

Have you met my brother?

There's always exceptions
to the rule.

Look, you've worked really hard

to try to make changes
in your own community,

you've had the occasional win,

but if you want to make big change,
generational change,

the only way to do that
is through the power of government.

So, be your pet Aborigine?
Is that it?

Alex, I'm seven months out
from an election.

I've got a majority of one
in the House, a hung Senate

and a bunch of dickwads on my right
ready with a guillotine.

I don't need a pet.
I need a f*cking ally.

And by the sounds of things,
so does everybody here.

SONG: ♪ Oh

♪ In the light,
I'll be waiting for you

♪ Oh

♪ Oh

♪ When you're out,
I'll be waiting for you

♪ Oh

♪ Oh. ♪

You're looking good out there, bub.

You know me and Nan would be OK?

If you went to Canberra.

Yeah, well, it's not happening,
so let's forget about it.

I'm just saying, if you did.

Are you done?

Pizza for tea?
What, again?

(CHUCKLES) Yeah, alright.

ALEX: Is this what you wanted?



SONG: ♪ I'm on the edge of something

♪ Got an itch in my soul

♪ There's a fire
in the middle of my bones

♪ I'm on the edge of something

♪ And it's gonna take time

♪ But I'm doing it for you... ♪

RADIO PRESENTER: An inspired choice
or a desperate publicity stunt?

Prime Minister Rachel Anderson's
recent captain's call

has raised more than a few eyebrows,

not just from outside her party...

NEWSREADER: Reluctant national hero
Alexandra Irving

has been thrust into the spotlight
yet again.

In a shock move, she was sworn in
today as a senator for Queensland,

taking the seat of the recently
deceased Hamish Gordon...

♪ I'm on the edge of something

♪ Possibly beautiful. ♪



I'm your chief adviser.

They didn't tell you?

No. They didn't.

Well, you can take it up with the PM
if you're unhappy about it.

She is fairly busy, though.

Well, thanks for coming to find me.

Well, you have a fairly busy day
scheduled. I hope you're ready.

Well, you're my chief adviser.
Why don't you advise me?

The Senate sits tomorrow
and every vote will be crucial.

No pressure.

The Government has three bills
under discussion

and the crossbenchers
will need wrangling as usual.

Fortunately, the PM has a degree
in herding cats.

That's Laurie Martin,
Leader of the Opposition.

How are we?

Lanky charming snake.

We'll introduce you
to the President of the Senate,

but he's completely ineffectual,
so feel free to ignore him.

You'll have to make your
maiden speech before you can vote.

But we'll work on that.

You'll meet the Governor-General
at 10:30

and swear an oath of allegiance
to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth.

Bet that won't be a problem for you.

Uh, that's Damien Bauer,
Minister for Immigration,

leader of the party's
hard-right flank.

He's currently doing a wonderful job
of white-anting the PM.

We've booked you into a hotel.

Set up internet, ID, COMCAR account.
The passes are on your desk.

And... here we are.

WOMAN: Talk to you later. Bye.

This is Jillian Morrell.
Media training.

She's your social media strategist.

So great to meet you, Senator.

And Tracey Helliar,
your office manager.


Nice to meet you, Tracey.

That your husband?

Uh... no. That was Senator Gordon.

This was his office.


Um... briefing folders
for the Senate sitting tomorrow.

Uh, I've printed you an introduction
to Parliament House.

This is your ID.
You can pick your art tomorrow.

Temporary passwords
are on the Post-it Notes.

Uh, is there anything else?



I'm looking forward
to working together.




Well, given the fact that
she's friendless in the party room,

has no idea how the system works,

I'd say it's lucky
you've got me here.

There are concerns
she won't be a team player.

(CHUCKLES) Isn't that why
you've given her to me?

I'm glad she'll have your support.

Well, of course,
I'll need some support myself.

Some recognition from the party
given how green she is.

Though, I'm far too tactful
to ever point that out.

Maiden speech?

I'm on it.

Thank you, Jonathan.



let's get started, shall we?

Good afternoon, folks.

I would like to introduce our
new colleague, Senator Alex Irving.

Now, we all know of Alex's bravery,

but what you might be less familiar
with is her record of service -

11 years in the infantry,
rising to rank of sergeant,

and three terms representing the
party on the local shire council.

Well done, Alex.


Always a pleasure to welcome a
fellow Queenslander to the trenches

and to notice that the
Prime Minister is fervently clinging

to the notion of a broad church.

(LAUGHS) That's very gracious
of you, Damien.

I will remind you, however,

I was calculating the political
benefits of that broad church

while you were still soiling the bed
after lights out at King's.


Alright. First order of business.

OK. Up first, we have...

Organise an internal poll. Preferred
PM, issues in the marginals.

Our eyes only?

Find a friendly,
get it done on the side.

We need to find a gold vein and
tap it fast. Get ahead on an issue.

This party infighting is k*lling us.


Senator Irving?
MAN: Sorry, ma'am. Not your car.


MAN: Uh, sorry.

No, no, that's, uh... it's my car.


This... is my car.

Does it matter?

Have you got your booking number?

I don't know.

Well, you're gonna need it.

Alright. Thanks.

Hang about. Just... just a moment.

Hey, Amal, can you do me a favour

and check Senator Irving's
booking number for me, please?


I saw there was another.

That's, uh, 12 this year.
It's a tragedy.

It'll be very interesting
to see what the Minister thinks.

AMAL: 236.
It's 236.

Don't worry. This palaver takes
a little while to get used to.

Thanks for that. Because I haven't
been patronised enough today.

Fair enough.
Have a good evening, Senator Irving.

MAN: Yes.

Yeah, of course it f*ckin' is.



Don't be stingy.


How are you feeling, Dad?

(GROANS) Old and fed up.

What about you, pet?

God, you look dreadful.

Oh! Nice to see you too, Dad.

Yeah, no, I've got a bit on
at the moment.

Oh, Christ, Rachel.
Those bastards overwork you.

When are they gonna
make you a partner?

I always thought you were wasted
in the law.

You could have made a go of it
in politics.

I'm not in the law anymore, Dad.


The law.
Haven't been a lawyer for 20 years.

Well... politics wouldn't be
a bad life.

Jeez, you'd need a sense of humour.



WOMAN: (ON RECORDING) The reality is

that my presence in the Senate
IS an affront to some.

They are offended
that people of colour and Muslims

have the audacity to not only exist

but to open our mouths
and join the public debate.

Some politicians
call us cockroaches.

Some say we are a disease...

...which Australia
needs vaccination for.

Some, if they had their way,

would ban us
from making Australia our home.

So it is with great pride
I stand here before you...

Hello, Senator.
(CHUCKLES) You mad bastard.

Thank you for coming.
Oh, no worries.

Sydney's not that far.

So, what are you gonna say?
Oh, yeah.

I've got my latte-sipping socialist
brother reading my maiden speech.



That's how you're gonna start it?

What's wrong with it?

Say it for me.

What, now?
Yeah, now.




"Thank you, Mr Speaker..."

No, no. Stand up and do it
like you're gonna do it.


"Thank you, Mr Speaker.

"I wanted to speak to you
in my traditional language.

"But I can't.

"My mother was sent to an Aboriginal
reserve when she was a child...

"..and those words
were taken from her,

"so the only language I know
is English.

"But look how far we've come.

"My name is Alex Irving

"and I'm standing here before you
in the Senate of Australia.

"I thought this place wasn't
for someone like me.

"Not just because I'm black,

"but also because I'm female,

"from regional Queensland,

"because I left school at 14...

"..because I'm a single mum...

"..and because my own mother was
stolen and grew up on the mission.

"But I'm an Australian.

"And if I'm here, that means
any one of us can be here.

"And if this place is ever barred
to any one of us,

"then the building around us
doesn't deserve to keep on standing,

"let alone the Parliament
that meets here."

(SIGHS) This is f*ckin' stupid.

Jesus, Alex, shut up.

You're gonna be amazing.

You reckon?
Yeah. I know it.

How do you feel?


Dickhead! Let me out!

(BUZZES) Open the f*cking door!

Come on, tough guy. Hurry up!

GUARD: Alright, Maclean.
Suck on this.

The Prime Minister will regain

the balance of power
in the Senate today.

Newly appointed senator
Alex Irving's crucial vote

will ensure three Government bills
will be passed later today,

relieving significant delays
for the Government.

And now on to finance.
The Australian share market...

Thank you, Rowan. I won't forget
what you've done for me.

Yeah, you too. Bye.

Sorry. Had to kick some heads
in Adelaide.

They still think not having convicts
makes them special.

How's your office?
It's good, thanks.

This doesn't have to be
a girlie catch-up.

Jonathan's competent,
but he's working for himself, not me.

I can have him moved.

No. He'll be good for me.

The others are fine.

Talk to him about your wardrobe.
He'll have some ideas.

Otherwise, you'll front the press

wanting to talk about
domestic v*olence

and all they'll want to talk about
is the size of your arse.

Are you f*cking anyone
at the moment? Don't look shocked.

Some Neanderthal will find out and
throw it in your face if you are.

Don't f*ck the wrong people.

Who are the right people?

Jack, go round again.

Don't f*ck your staff.

Shouldn't be an issue for you

unless there's something about you
I don't know.

Other members' staff are fair game.

Don't f*ck across the aisle.
Don't f*ck leadership.

And just remember, the rules
are always different for you.

Because I'm black.

I was gonna say because
you're a woman.

How do you deal with it?

Oh. Uh...

I'm always prepared.
I trust my chief of staff.

I put this face on in the mirror,

make sure nothing's ever
out of place.

I leave myself at the door
when I go into the world

and I never forget what it is
I set out to do.


Good luck with your speech, Alex.
We'll all be watching.

Hard copy of your maiden speech.
Don't need it.

Senator, I...


The chamber is this way.

And it's 'Mr President'.
You've written 'Mr Speaker'.



This speech has been cleared
by the Prime Minister's Office.

Yeah. I read the email.
I briefed you yesterday.

Yes, and you said
that I need to speak

before my vote could be recognised.

And this is what you'll be saying.
Don't tell me what I'm gonna say.


The Prime Minister
invited you personally

to take the seat in the chamber.

There was significant opposition
in the party room.

The party rewards team players.

You toe the line, you get to stay.

You step off that line
and you're gone

and you can forget whatever it is
you wanted to achieve.

What do you know about
what I want to achieve?

I know whatever it is, you won't get
anything done if you're not here.

Now, I've written a speech
that won't offend anyone

and ensures you get to stick around
a bit longer.

Can you really say the same
about yours?


MAN: This is all to say
that the Government

takes an unconscionable proportion,

an unconscionable proportion,
of our incomes

while obsessing over private matters

that it has no business
trying to police.

Now, the end result
is a nanny state,

a nanny state that steals our money
and treats us like children.

Relax the g*n laws and do it now.

Thank you, Senator Mortensen.

Before I call Senator Irving,
I remind the Honourable Members

that this is her first speech

and therefore, the usual courtesies
be extended to her.

Senator Irving.


Mr President.

I'm deeply honoured

to represent the great state
of Queensland in this Parliament,

and I will do this with hard work and
respect for my fellow Queenslanders,

upholding the values
of our great democracy,

with every citizen free and empowered
to live their own lives.

And I say
to the people of Queensland,

I'm here for all of you, regardless
of colour, background or belief.

The party I join
believes the best way forward

is for us all to take individual
responsibility for our own lives...

(DOOR CLOSES) to work hard

and free to make our own choices.


Finally, I'd like to thank the party
and the chamber

for this opportunity
to represent my state.

I won't take that responsibility


Thank you, Senator Irving.

We now move
to notice of motion 1466,

also standing in the name
of Senator Rankin.


What the f*ck is that?

Thank you.


Cheers, mate.
That's alright. Cheers to you too.

Are you a politician?

(LAUGHS) No. I'm an electrician.

Good enough.

WOMAN: The way
the press were carrying on,

I thought he might...

MAN: My minister
can barely send an email,

let alone wander unsupervised
onto social media.

Hey, at least he didn't try
to bust some rhymes.

Yeah, true.
I'm still recovering.

Oh, 12 o'clock.

Oh. Who's the new boy?

Christopher something.
Cartwright's new private secretary.

Usual rules?

Where does Cartwright find them?

Who cares?
I hope he's straight.

If he is, he's just
another drink away from gay.


SONG: ♪ Ah

♪ Ah

♪ Ah

♪ Nothing to hide

♪ Ah

♪ Empty all my pockets
and take what you like

♪ Empty all my pockets if you like

♪ I've got nothing to hide... ♪

RADIO: join the squad
for their first training session

at Marlborough College today,

venue for Australia's
three-day tour match

against England Women's Academy,
which starts tomorrow.

Australia holds a six-point lead
in the multi-format series,

having won the first of three
one-day internationals,

with a chance to win three T20
internationals still to be played.

The Ashes is awarded to the team
that accrues the most points...


OTHERS: Morning.


a young Indigenous woman died

in the Macauley Detention Centre
two weeks ago.

This is the 12th this year
and I knew nothing about it.

I want a meeting with
the Minister for Indigenous Affairs.

Kevin Cartwright.

Yeah, uh... (CLEARS THROAT)




Just a reminder - you've got
Morning Briefing on Channel 10,

so you'll be leaving shortly,
and it's live.

You've also got a price tag
hanging off your jacket.



Leave it. You have to focus.

You don't think I can do this.

It's just a puff piece.
You'll be fine.

I'm not talking about
the bloody interview.

Mum. You OK?

MRS IRVING: Look, I know you're busy
and I don't want to get you upset,

but Eddie's that bloody angry...

What? Hang on.


What? Why is Eddie angry?
Why should I be upset?

(ON SPEAKER) All our mob up here,

they're sh**ting their mouths off
about you.

What are they saying?

They're saying, well...

...they saw that speech of yours
and they're calling you a sell-out.

The nerve of them
calling you a coconut!

I told them all to back off.

And Eddie's fine, so you don't
have to worry about that.

WOMAN: Two minutes, Senator.
I thought you should know.

It's all good, Mum. I gotta go, OK?

You have to focus.

If they move on to policy,

you have to steer away from anything
about the leadership or China.




(g*nsh*t ECHOES)


ALEX: f*cking happy?
Is this what you wanted?



WOMAN: Senator Irving? Are you OK?

(KNOCKS) It's time.
We need you in the studio.


I'll be there in a second.





WOMAN: Standing by.

Five. Four. Three.

Welcome, Alex Irving.
Or, should I say, Senator Irving.

Thanks for being here.

Now, what you did
at the Mount Isa Magistrates Court

was extraordinarily brave.

Of course,
what everyone wants to know is...

...what did you say to that gunman?

(LAUGHS) Uh, I'm not here
to talk about that, Sam.

This was an iconic moment, Alex,
that has captured the imagination...

No, I'm here to talk about my
new role as senator for Queensland.

Well, the government essentially has
a one-seat majority in the Senate,

and the latest polls are saying

that this is gonna be
an incredibly close election.

Now, you have had no experience
in the Parliament.

Why shouldn't the public think
that your appointment

isn't just a cynical stunt
to get votes

as we head toward the election?

They might be right.

I... I can understand that.

Me being here in Canberra

seems like the most cynical
publicity stunt possible.

A very smart woman told me that...

...I should leave myself at the door
when I walk into Parliament.

But I'm not sure that I agree.

Senator, are you saying that your...
Sorry, can I just, um...

These heels are k*lling me
and I'm just gonna take them off.

Are you... you OK, Senator?
No, no. Not really.


I... just had a panic attack
in the studio toilets,

and these heels are making it worse.

Is this in response
to the Mount Isa incident?


No, because...

...every day of my life, I feel like
that I'm constantly under threat.

And I think that some of your viewers
would feel it too.

Not just the blackfellas.

So, that's why I'm here.

I'm... I'm barefoot in your studio

because I am sick and tired
of pretending that everything is OK.

A 16-year-old Indigenous woman
died in detention two weeks ago.

She had an asthma attack.

Her name was Marcie Maclean.

Now, when I talk about...
being under threat,

she's who I'm talking about.

I'm talking about the woman
who was mowed down by her husband

in front of the courthouse

and the woman who lost her life
just trying to help.

I'm talking about people from a town
who can't do anything

because they're... they're black,
they're poor, they're female.

And the list goes on.

But if I can be here... I am...

...and if I can stand up
in the Senate, then anyone can.

Publicity stunt or not,
that's why I'm here.

Thank you, Senator Irving.

Her name was Marcie Maclean.

Yes, Minister Cartwright?

A young woman died
in the Macauley Detention Centre

a couple of weeks ago,
last name Maclean.

I'd like the details, please.

Newly appointed Senator Alex Irving

has come out swinging this morning

in one of the most honest and raw
interviews by a politician

in recent memory.

Every day of my life, I feel like

that I'm constantly under threat.

And I think that some of your viewers
would feel it too.

Not just the blackfellas.

So that's why I'm here.

I'm barefoot in your studio

because I am sick and tired
of pretending that everything is OK.

NEWSREADER: Her comments have put

Indigenous Affairs Minister
Kevin Cartwright in the firing line

as she drew attention
to the recent death in custody

of 16-year-old Marcie Maclean.

Many are now calling

the PM's decision to appoint
Senator Irving a masterstroke

as we head towards the election.

JILLIAN: Honestly,
I cannot believe this.


We are getting a lot of traffic
off the back of this morning.

Hashtag #barefootsenator
is trending on Twitter.

Thanks, Jillian.

And, Tracey...

Maybe it's time
for Senator Gordon to go.



ALEX: Um, look,
my mum's racked up some fines

and I just want to sort it out -
it's not gonna be a problem, is it?

WOMAN: Hmm. Maybe.

She already has a scheduled
court date. It's too late.

Look, I've got the money now.
Can I just pay?

What's this?

"Pay the rent"?

(CHUCKLES) It's just a reminder.

The clinic's a couple of hours' drive
from her home.

Then she has to wait ages
at the doctor's,

and then she comes out
and gets a ticket on her windscreen.

I'm sorry. I can't help you.


Black bitch.

SONG: ♪ Oh, no, you didn't
♪ Uh-huh, uh-huh

♪ You didn't just go there

♪ Uh-huh, yeah, uh-huh... ♪



♪ Oh, no, you didn't

♪ You didn't push me again

♪ I got a memory
like an elephant, honey

♪ I never forget

♪ They call me... ♪

RACHEL: US military
have requested permission

to establish another defence base
on our soil.

That base would fall under
your native title lands.

That's a big responsibility.
No shit.

I take it you've rung me by mistake?

I don't do anything by mistake, Tom.
You know that.

MAN: These negotiations pose
a threat to national security.

What is it about
the safety of this country

that the Prime Minister
doesn't understand?

It's not negotiable.

You've been brainwashed, girl.
We don't trust you.

You need a lift?