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02x05 - Family Tree

Posted: 02/12/24 18:05
by bunniefuu
Our family didn't

like to talk about the past.


Uh, when did your father die?

Uh, 1896.

He drowned when I was two.

He was a whaler.

The whale won.

Mostly because there

wasn't much good to talk about.

And his father?


And his?

Lost at sea.


It's homework. We have

to do a family tree.

Good God, what would you

want to do a family tree for?

You spend all that time

and money trying to find out

where you came from, and

then you spend twice as much

trying to cover it all back up again!

The only time

my parents looked back

was to toss some salt

over their shoulder.

Oh, Mom?

When did your mother die?

It's not nice to talk about the dead.

I'm going to bed.


Sorry, son.

Our family tree is more like a shrub.

An over-watered one at that.

Good God, who's

calling the house at this hour?

See, the Critches were

fishermen from Liverpool.

Now, my brother Moses, he didn't drown!

He died of TB.

- Put that in there.

- Yeah.

That's important.

What's that again?

Brendan ?


Uncle Brendan

was a travelling salesman.

He was always in trouble.

What's he done now?

It's not the police, is it?

Oh, it's probably

somebody looking for money.

But he was

still Pop's favourite.

Just say he isn't here.

He isn't here!

Ah, look, I haven't seen Brendan in

Let me have that again?

Oh, uh

Okay, well, thanks for letting us know.


Well, what is it?

What's the trouble

the boy's got into now?

He's dead.

Wha ?

My family

tree was losing leaves

like it was the windiest day in Autumn.

The Critch family

plot was close to bursting,

but there was just enough

room for uncle Brendan

to slip in like the

missing piece of a puzzle.

Mike shouldn't

somebody say something?

Uncle Brendan

Uncle Brendan was, um

He was

Try as I might,

I just couldn't make the tears come.

And try as he might, my brother

just couldn't stop them.

Come on.

I just spoke to Bucky.

He tells me that the

grave is packed tight.

The only way we're gonna

get poor Brendan in there

is if we stick him in sideways.

Good God!

Shh, keep it down!


I always thought that I'd be

in there alongside your mother.

What about me?

This is not about you.

This is about me!

You go ahead, Dad. I'll

make sure it's done.

You sure?


All right, everyone.

Nothing to see here.

Got some tiny sandwiches

up at the house.

Come on, girl.

We checks in on our

crowd before we goes.

Well, Mike, b'y.

Hard losing a brother, eh?

You must be torn apart.


A cemetery trip

was a family archivist's dream.

I couldn't see the forest

for the family trees.

Uh, Mom?

Yes, my love?

Where's my grandmother?

Her name's not on here.

Why would her name

be there? She's not

Say a prayer, Alice. You'll

be in there soon enough.

They just never added her name is all.

She was a very

Private person.

Now, give it up being morbid.

You're on me last nerve.

Alice, we're gone.

Fine, stay and water the flowers.

Like Bucky the gravedigger,

the more I dug, the more I uncovered.

Oh, now, look who's decided to show up.

Fashionably late!

I was burying my brother!


Next to my mother, whose coffin

has held up pretty well, by the way!

Boo-hoo-hoo, ya big poodle.

You couldn't even let your

brother have his special day!

Do you know what it was like

for me to have to see all that?

No, because I was here

entertaining our company!

I don't mean to interrupt,

but, uh, Mr. Critch

Mike is the only son you have left.

It's too late to change the past,

but it isn't too late

to adjust the future.

Ooh, jam-jams!

Don't mind if I do!

Yummy, yummy.


Was I really a bad father?

Oh, no, Dad. Brendan loved you.

No, I don't mean to him.

I mean to you.

Oh. Well, uh

You did your best, Dad.

No, no.

No, I didn't.

It's too late for me and

Brendan and me now, but

It's not too late for you and I.

Come on.

- Mom?

- What, honey?

What did my grandmother die from?

Jesus Murphy!

Have we not had enough

death for one day?

Go make yourself useful!

Pass out those wieners!

It was unlike

my mother not to gossip

about someone.

Something was up.

Vienna sausage?

Ooh, Viennese!

We don't get these in the rectory.

Father, I'm

researching my family tree

and I'm missing some leaves.

Does the church have births, deaths?

That kind of thing?

Well, all that information

is kind of private.

It's not really for kids.

Well, I

I guess I could supervise?


There's plenty more

where that came from.

Use the bloody mitt!

Pop was determined

to make up for lost time,

and with Dad, that meant

starting over at the beginning.

You sure you don't

want to take your jacket off?

Nice and easy!


Augh. Jesus.

Come on, this is wasted time!

Dislike father, dislike son.

Even Jesus had a more

detailed family tree than I did!

Whoa! Nice tree.

Very full.

Photo albums, arrest

records. It was easy.

How's yours?

I'm just having a little trouble

finding out where my grandmother is.

I don't really know my nan either.

Yeah, Dad cashed her pension cheques

so she's super pissed.

Shut up, nimrod!

Maybe we could help.

That'd be great!

I have a lead.

We will leave no tombstone unturned.

At Coles Funeral Home,

we want to help you to

Who should we leave the oven to?


The oven. Who should get it?

Why are you writing a will?

The only one that gets any of our

stuff when we dies is the bank.

Why don't you just tell the

boy where his grandmother is?

No need to go stirring all that up.

Let dead dogs lie.

You can't change the past.

We are gonna do something we

should have done years ago.

I'm gonna teach you how to fish.

Come on.

You'll love it.


In every life we have some trouble. ♪

But if you worry

you makes it double. ♪

Don't worry! ♪

Be happy! ♪

Jesus, Mike.

Don't worry!

Be happy!

Don't worry ♪

Be happy ♪

Don't worry, be happy. ♪

Woo ♪

Frig, Mike. What's wrong?

I miss Uncle Brendan.

You know, he just got me,

and now he's just gone,

and it's not fair.

It never is.

Brendan was good for a laugh.

He wouldn't want to see you like this.


Geez, yeah, he'd be

pretty embarrassed, huh?

No, b'y.

I never seen anyone take to

this place as quick as you.

Brendan would be proud to be your uncle.

I know I would be.

Look, I got ya something

I been meaning to give ya.

Oh, yeah? What is it?

Not much time left in this song.

Hang on.

No way!

You earned it.

Well, come on! Try it on!

Don't worry ♪


Thanks Uncle d*ck.



Even priests can be tempted.

Hey, you kids gotta hurry up.

If Brother Angel comes

back, he'll crucify me.

I can't find her anywhere!

She's a ghost.

That's the point.

She's dead.

Do you mind? She's still my grandmother.

She has to be in here somewhere.

We found her birth certificate.

What's this all about, anyway?

My mom says her mom's

buried in our plot,

but I can't find her

There or anywhere.

Well, there's an

explanation for everything.

Like turning water into wine?

Well, there might be more

info in the parish sectretum,

but that's off-limits.

Please, Father? Just this once?

I'm sorry, buddy.

I wish I could help, but even

I don't know what's in there.

Found it!

Holy crap!

Oh, no.


Okay, give that to me.

- No.

- I give it.

- Why would I

- Give it to me.

What's it say?

Nothing, it's stupid.

Your nan was divorced!


The only Catholic "D"

word worse than death!

And she re-married!

But Catholics can't remarry.

She changed religions?

So we just have to check the

Protestant cemetery now, right?


She won't be there.

Why not?

Because she's not dead!

Jesus Christ!

Be with you.

I should have taught

you how to fish years ago!


I can't hear anything

over that bloody engine.

Make and break!

Old and reliable, just like me.

Waddaya at?


I wish we were on that one!


Forget it, ya deaf old coot!


All right, sit down, lad.

Okay, here we go.


Christ on a cr*cker!

You scared the bejesus out of me!

I have a question.

I don't want to hear it.

You come from a long

line of dead people.

That's all you need to know.

I promise I won't ask where

my grandmother is buried again.

Thank God for that.

So, where does she live?


I got that much to do today, I

Stop lying!

She isn't dead! She isn't even Catholic!

What kind of mother lies about

a kid's grandmother being dead?

Well, she's dead to me.

"What kind of mother?" Wow!

The kind of mother who

didn't have one, I guess.

Mom, please. Please


The only thing I ever wanted

to keep from you was pain.

My parents got divorced

when I was seven years old.

The nuns looked at me like I

was the devil's own, which

I s'pose I was.

Mom, I'm sorry, I won't

Oh, duckie, I don't want to

be the kind of mother who lies.

I had enough of that myself.



One day my mother just

packed a bag and left,

like she was going to the store.

I begged her to take me with her,

but she just pushed me down

and told me to stay where I was.

And being a good girl,

I listened to her.

I never saw hide nor

hair of my mother again.

Looking at the

hurt in my mother's eyes,

I realized that some things

stay buried for a reason.

You want to know where she is?

She married a Clark and

she lives on Forest Road.

But you said never to go there.

"Nothing but skeets and hussies."

I didn't lie to you about that.

You knew where she was all this time

and you never even called her?

She's your mother!

I know when I'm not wanted.

If there was

one thing I was good at,

it was making things worse.

All right, let it hit the bottom,

bring it up a couple of

feet, and then start jigging.

That's what I'm doing!

Jerk it!

Ya jerk, don't you know anything?

I s'pose if Brendan was here now

he'd just walk out on the water

and the fish would just

start jumpin' in the boat?

All right! Oh

Oh, you've got it caught on

the bottom, you bloody jinker!

You're the one with the jigger!

You know, this was a mistake.


We can finally agree

on something for once.

Oh, Jesus, now

It's completely seized.

Ah, I can't move that.

Can't you fix it?

Fix it?

I don't know anything about boats!

Well, what

are we gonna do now?

We're drifting out to sea!

I suppose it's the Critch

curse, finally caught up with us.

Well, it figures.

And the plot's full.

That must be her.

I was laying

eyes on my grandmother

for the first time

In a stakeout!

I bet those bags

are full of grandma stuff.

Like cookies and hard candy!

What are you gonna do?

I'm going in.


This doesn't feel right.

What, are you crazy?

She's his grandma!

She's gonna hug him and

feed him and kiss him.

Trust me.

Not all families are like

the ones you see on TV.

I'm not doing this for me.

I'm doing it for Mom.

When's Brendan's birthday?

You don't know when your

own brother's birthday is?

October 2nd.

And when's mine?



In the Summer.


Look, I was easier on Brendan

because he needed me more.

You were

You were more self-sufficient

and you didn't need me.

And now, I mean, do you know

how hard it is for a father

to be dependent on his son?

Dad, it's not like that.

I never had a father.

I didn't know what it was to be one.

But seeing you with your boys

Now I know.

You are a great grandfather.

Ah, well

Little Mark, he's just

like you were at that age.

You know, maybe God

does give second chances.

I think I got something!

What do I do, what do I do?

Bring it up! Hand over hand!

That's it, hand over hand!

Come on, hand over hand, you got it!

- Ho-ho-ho!

- Oh!

We did it!

No, you did it.

Well done.



Is you all right?

Fine, thanks! Movin' on!

No, no! Wait, wait, wait!

We need a tow!

Yeah, all right.

The motor's just a little trouble.

I could fix it, but the lad here,

he's a nervous Nelly!

I had lost an uncle,

and was about to gain a grandmother.

Oh, we don't donate at the door.

Oh, Johanna Clark?


My name's Mark Critch.

Uh, we haven't met before,

but I believe I'm your grandson?

Who's at the door?

Just someone looking for donations.

Get rid of them!

What what do you want?


No, I just

Wanted to meet you.

Well, you met me.


Some things are better

left buried in the past.

I have a new life now.

Don't come back here again.

The door closed more firmly

than Ucle Brendan's coffin lid.

Mom had come looking for me.

And good thing, too.

She had been hurt by her mother before,

and this apple hadn't fallen

far from the family tree.

You were right.

She doesn't want to know me.

You okay?


Oh, for God's sake!

Remember me?

No point digging up old bones.

You never even told

him about me, did ya?

You old bat!

Hi, there!

I'm just her daughter

from the first marriage!

Surprise, she's not the

vestal virgin you thought!

Have fun with that.

You little bitch.


It's Critch.

You know, you may not have

missed out on much with me,

but you sure missed out on my boys.

Well, that's your loss, not theirs.

Come on, kids, we're going home.

Every family has a story.

Some say we're who we are

because of who we come from.

I disagree.

We decide who we are

and who our family is.

You live as long as you're remembered.

To me, my family will live forever.