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02x12 - What Happens in Burma

Posted: 02/03/11 06:22
by bunniefuu
Coming here always reminds me I should travel.

I tried to get you to go to France.

No, you fled to France. Nitpicking.

You had quite a run there for a while...

The Riviera, Copenhagen.

I should've sent postcards.

No, I had Interpol warrants... Just as good.

"Neal's robbing a palace. Wish you were here."

Good times.

Where would you go... Anywhere in the world?


I like vikings...

A sword in my hand, a good ship under my feet.

Pillage and plunder... I knew that under that lawman exterior beats the heart of a thief.

Well, maybe I just like hats with horns.

That's our guy... Undersecretary of Asian Affairs.

He asked for us? Yep.

What does the State Department want with the FBI?

Let's ask him.

Agent Burke?

Adam Wilson.

And you must be Neal Caffrey.

Thanks for coming.

It's not often get a request from the U.N. ambassador's office.

How can we help?

His name is Christopher Harlowe.

He's an American college student being held in Kabaw prison in Burma.


He's accused of smuggling a ruby out of the country.

[ Whistles ] Gem smuggling in Burma... That's serious.

We believe the charges are trumped up.

You think they grabbed him to embarrass the U.S.?

It's possible.

Our relations with Burma aren't good.

We're in the middle of trade negotiations that aren't moving.

This is a kid with no criminal record, no prior travel or contacts in the region.

I sympathize with your problem, but where do we come in?

We've heard chatter that the ruby was smuggled out of Burma by someone else and that it's here in Manhattan.

We find the real smuggler, and the case against Christopher falls apart.

Exactly. Can you help?

Christopher Harlowe is charged with stealing this... the Mandalay Ruby.

It's a 237-carat pigeon blood.

Pigeon blood?

It's a local description of the deep-red color of the most prized Burmese gems.

No pigeons were harmed in the mining of this ruby.

I'll take mine medium rare.

That's good to know.

In the last year, it was held in a secured vault at a state mining facility, under army guard, in the middle of a jungle.

Not exactly a prime location for a college kid to just walk in and grab it.

No. The mine is in the Mogok Valley.

You can get there by a helicopter or a seven-hour jeep ride over some nasty terrain.

You just know these things?

Yeah, that's why they keep me around. Mm.

You'd need some muscle, a cargo plane, and a few grand in bribe money just to get started.

You would?

And who knows what else?

Because I've never considered stealing gems in Burma.


What if this kid's guilty?

We're working under the assumption he's not.

If we find the thief in Manhattan, then the Burmese case against Christopher falls apart.

So, Diana, Jones, see if any of our usual gem fences have been in Burma lately. Got it.


Sniff around my contacts and see if anybody's hocking a 237-carat pigeon blood.

That's why I keep you around.

Neal: You know, you look at the world differently when you've crossed the Irrawaddy River on the shoulders of an elephant.

You've been to Burma?


Guess I missed that postcard.

Thank you for referring to our country by its true name.

Of course.

We changed our name to Myanmar in 1989 after...

After a military junta took over, I know.

But America still recognizes it as Burma.

One of the many reasons we find negotiating with your country difficult.

This is ambassador Than Kyi.


I'm sorry we couldn't meet under better circumstances.

Special agent Burke, FBI, and this is my consultant, Neal Caffrey.

Mr. Caffrey.

You understand that my government is under no obligation to turn over the DVD of Christopher Harlowe's confession, as this is purely an internal matter.

I'm sure pressure from amnesty international to confirm the health and well-being of Christopher Harlowe had nothing to do with it, either.

The DVD will verify that he is being well-treated.

But also that he's guilty of the theft.

Sadly, yes.

Ambassador Kyi, if we prove that someone else stole the ruby, I assume you would release Christopher?

Well, of course I would bring that evidence to our courts.

I believe the Myanmar people have a saying...

Even if the truth is buried for centuries, it will eventually come out and thrive.


But keep in mind that he will be sentenced in one week.

After that, it would be very difficult to reverse the decision, despite our proverbs.

Thank you, ambassador.

You're quite welcome.

Thank you, gentlemen.

Yeah, maybe we'll meet again under less-political circumstances.

That would be nice.

Love that you had that Burmese proverb ready to go.

Mm. They also say, "beware a man's shadow and a bee's sting."

What does that mean?

I have no idea.

Then you used the right one.


Did he just trash a parking ticket?

Yeah, just like it was a bubble-gum wrapper.

[ Scoffs ]

Diplomatic immunity.

The bane of meter maids everywhere.


This case is going to be different than we're used to.

Our laws don't apply.

I hope Chris can hold out the week.

For whatever reason, they want to make an example out of him.

Once he's sentenced by the junta, no civilian court will overturn his verdict.

We have one week to prove he didn't do it.

I don't know how he pulled it off.

The Burmese have been stonewalling since Chris' arrest.

We weren't even aware there was a tape.

Well, you can thank agent Berrigan for this.

The regional director of Southeast Asia's a friend.

She was able to pressure them into turning over proof of life.

The good thing about this is they wouldn't let us see it unless he was all right.

Go ahead.

[ Man speaking native language ]

Interpreter: State your name.

Christopher Harlowe.

I have some questions.

Are you prepared to answer them?

Yes, sir.

Are you being treated well?

I've been given everything I need.

Did you steal the ruby?

That's what I'm accused of.

[ Man speaking native language ]

Did you steal it... Yes or no?


Who helped you?

I was alone.

How did you manage such a feat?

I crossed the stream into the base.

Then I bribed a guard to get the ruby.

That's gonna be hard to refute.

When you came to us, you already knew that he had confessed.

Yeah, sorry. I should've mentioned that.

But Chris has absolutely no criminal record whatsoever.


We're meeting outside your workplace.

You're comfortable calling him Chris.

Chris isn't just any kid, is he?

He's your son.

That's why you really came to us.


Chris and I have become...distant.

He took his mother's name after the divorce.

Our contact is down to e-mails at birthdays and holidays, but if the Burmese are made aware that he is my son...

You don't want him used as a bargaining chip.

We may not be close, but I'm still his father.

I can't put him in jeopardy.

We'll handle this.

He was doing something with his hand.

Do you think he was sending a signal?

The children of diplomats are trained to send messages if they're in trouble.

We're gonna need to get a look at the rest of that tape.

What kind of father is that?

His job puts Chris at further risk, so he came to us sub-rosa instead to protect him.

Tough love?

It's what my father would have done.

Your dad was a bricklayer, not a diplomat.

Okay, so he would've tried to break through the mortar walls of the prison first instead, but he would've done the same thing.

What about yours?

My dad?

Yeah. I don't know much about him.

Oh. I thought you knew everything about me.

Well, there's a big, gaping hole before your 18th birthday.

Enjoy the mystery.

Oh, come on. You don't want to talk about him?

What do you want me to say?

I don't know. Start small.

What did he do for a living?

My dad was a cop.

A cop?!

You said start small.

Have a nice day.

You c...


Come on, a cop?


You know, I'd appreciate it if you'd replenish my supply when you diminish it.

I'm wallowing.

Word on the street is you went to Randy Morosco for information.

Well, a unique black-market pigeon blood recently made its way to New York, and none of the local shops have anything like it.

No one would try to sell a stone like that without cutting it first.

It calls too much attention to itself. One would think.

That's why Randy Morosco's the kind of guy that can help me find it.

I'm a gem expert.

That's true.

And you asked to keep your distance from the FBI.

I was doing you a favor.

Oh, by conversing with my archrival?

Everyone's your archrival, Moz.

But I would like the chance at first veto on helping.

I will come to you first next time.

Hey, Moz.


Are you ever curious about your birth parents?

[ Scoffs ]

No, thanks.

I don't need to look into the crystal ball of my future.

Are you heading down that road again?

No, I was talking with Peter today, and my father came up.

You want to lie down on the couch?

I'll get my notepad.

No, thanks, Dr. Freud.

I just find it fascinating, considering your patriarchal relationship with the suit and your penchant for breaking the law.

Does Peter know?

I said he was a cop.

Ah. You gonna tell him?

You know, he could be useful. Moz.

So, Randy and the ruby.

How long's it been since you've seen him?

Before I went to prison.

Think he's gonna talk to you?

Of course...

Provided I'm the guy he remembers.

Man: Don't you want the frame?

No, thanks.

What's with the glasses?

Oh, just easier to examine the gems with.

You have 20/20 vision.

Randy's having a trunk show at his store in a few days.

That's where they show their latest wares to a select group of buyers.

I know what a trunk show is. Oh, excuse me.

He plays on the gray side of the valuable-stones market.

It's not about the uniqueness of the cut, but the story behind it.

The more memorable the tale, the more people will pay.

Like getting smuggled out of a Burmese fortress?

Now you're proving my point. Let me do the talking.

Or I can get a search warrant to find the damn ruby.

Chris doesn't have time to spare.

Which is exactly why we're not waiting around for a warrant.

If the ruby's in there, I'll find out.

Why does your way beat my way?

'Cause a friend of mine knows Randy.

And don't let his rough exterior fool you.

The man can slice a gem like Marcel Tolkowsky himself.

Oh, well, Marcel Tolkowsky. Why didn't you tell me?

Mr. Donnelly, what a surprise.

You said friend, not alias.

I consider them my friends.

Randy, always a pleasure.

How's the family?

Oh, you're opening Pandora’s box.

Nancy recently made partner at the firm, and Dylan is... He's obsessed with soccer.


Love the new haircut on your boy.

I barely recognize him.

Time flies.

Listen, we're in a bit of a rush, Randy.

This is Nancy's brother, Mr. Satchmo.

He reminded me that Nancy's birthday is coming up.


I'm here to confirm he makes up for totally forgetting it last year.

I heard you recently designed a piece that could do the trick...

The, uh, rarer, the better.

I might have a few new things.

You ready, Mr. Donnelly?

[ Both chuckle ]

Mr. Satchmo?

Oh, yeah.

These are some of my finest pieces.


There we go, huh?


I think this could be the one.

You have a good eye, Mr. Donnelly.

200 carats, S1 quality.

May I see the provenance?

Paperwork is boring.


Did you know that this necklace was part of the Maharajah's collection from 1805 to 1954?


You see the dents on the side?

Oh, an imperfection. Shame.

Au contraire...

When the Maharajah's wife found him sleeping with a servant girl, she threw it against a wall.

Intriguing, yes?


The servant girl grabbed the necklace and ran.

Now, though she was penniless, she refused to sell it, because its beauty was more important to her than wealth.

No other gem in the world has its history, hence the... Augmented price.

Fascinating. Would you excuse us a moment?

Mm-hmm. Great story.

This provenance is fake.

The setting is period, but the stone was recently cut and polished using technology that didn't exist 150 years ago.

This necklace is our pigeon blood.

200 carats, S1... It's got to be.

I got this.

It's quite an imperfection, Randy.

I'm sure Nancy would appreciate the story.

Uh, he was talking about your paperwork.

FBI. You're selling stolen merchandise.

George, what is this?

Peter, you just burned a perfectly good alias.

And you named me after my dog. Touché.

You're gonna tell me another story, Randy, one about the person who sold you this ruby.

Randy claims he doesn't know the real name of the man who sold him the piece.

He give a description?

Not one that will I.D. him... British accent.

This stone was the first time Randy did business with this guy.

Yeah, he said he'd bring back more, but we can't afford to wait.

So we make him come to us.

We'll use his trunk show to host a viewing of exquisite gems.

We'll invite the who's who of the jewelry world.

With the hope that our ruby smuggler won't be able to resist stopping by to check out the competition.

And when he does, we take him in, get him to confess, and clear Chris.


Sounds good on paper... One problem.

These people know Randy's inventory.

If we're gonna pull this off, we need to...

Show them the old razzle-dazzle?

With flawless gems, not...

Jazz hands.

I was hoping I'd never have to share this with you.

The FBI has a gem vault, and you didn't tell me?

Why give an alcoholic a drink?

Jones: They're waiting for us in the conference room.

How many jewels do I get to take?



For this particular mission.


When the Bureau comes across black-market gems, we confiscate them.


And they accumulate in an evidence locker, gathering dust?

That's it?

These are the best we've got.

Are you serious?

These are nice.


You could buy a Soho loft with one of these and still get change back.

Well, they'll help. But?

But none of these are pigeon bloods.

We need something that threatens our smuggler's corner on the market if we're gonna draw him out.

I don't think the FBI will authorize us taking a trip to Burma.


So I'll need an oven that reaches 2,000 degrees Celsius and some welding equipment.

Perhaps assisting the suit isn't so bad.

Impressive tools.

I haven't had this much fun since I tripped Noam Chomsky.

You need to get out more, flashdance.

Hey, you want to make a star ruby?

We can put masonic etchings in the silk veins.

We're not rewriting history. Let's keep it simple.

Note my immediate boredom.

Help me explain why an oxyhydrogen blowtorch is gonna show up on my expense report.

It's my own improvement of Auguste Verneuil's flame fusion apparatus.

You're making that up.

We're making synthetic rubies, "plebe-ian."

It's plebeian.

How long till it's cooked?

About six hours. We're halfway there.

Will this fool our Brit?

Verneuils have curved growth lines.

Natural crystals run parallel.

But it requires high magnification...

Close enough for government work.

That's what I want to hear.

Suit, your supplies are much appreciated.

Ohh, you told him he could keep the equipment, didn't you?

He doesn't work for free.


Nice clarity.

Yeah. It's perfect.

Perfect is good, right?

Not quite.

See, perfection is the antithesis of authenticity.

Real gems have flaws. Now ours has one.

Great. All right, I talked to Randy.

The show is set for tomorrow night.

Unless they're looking at it under a microscope, you'll be fine.

I think I have a fix for that.

[ Rap music plays ]

[ Sighs ] All right. You ready for this?

They didn't cover the runway walk at Quantico, but I think I can figure it out, Mr. Satchmo.

I made you a model. I deserve that.

I have to admit, this ruby looks pretty damn good.

Mm-hmm. So do you.

[ Music continues ]

Cameras set?

Recording on every door.

If our smuggler shows up, we'll get him on tape.

Have you ever considered a career in modeling?

I prefer being an FBI agent.

It means I carry a g*n.

I know.

You're barking up the wrong tree in so many ways.

Hey, it's a party.

The word is out.

As to whether or not the guy you're looking for will show up is...

[ Music continues ]

[ British accent ]


The ruby or the model?


Is the stone yours?

Discovered it last month at a castle in the Scottish highlands...

In a rock collection, of all places.

A Scottish rock collection?

Clever story.

Well, the Maharajah bit was good, too.

But paperwork's a little suspect for such a high-profile gem.

Those are the papers I got from the sellers.

It's authentic.

To all but the most discerning eye.


The Mandalay Ruby was a master get.

As was yours. Thank you.

Where'd it come from?

Not one for a little healthy competition?

I've done quite well on my own.

I know you have, which is why I've arranged this little show... to meet you.

Think of the money to be made if we combined our efforts.

When I see a good opportunity, I take it.

But I don't discuss business in a public setting.

We could talk downstairs.

I'll finish my drink, and I'll meet you there.

[ Music continues ]

Caffrey's on the move.

I'll stay on the ruby smuggler.

Good. Be ready.

Neal: There you are.

Thought you'd changed your mind.

Just making sure no one saw us leave together.

We're good.


You think I can't find out your sources by myself?

Guess you do like working alone.

Personally, I like to work with a team.

Put the g*n down.

Here's one of them right now.

One more step, and he's dead.

FBI. Lower your w*apon.

And another one.

A minute ago, the charge would've been smuggling.

Now it's attempted m*rder of an FBI agent.

Let's talk deal.

He makes a good one. Trust me.

The Mandalay Ruby theft was quite impressive.

Well, thank you.

In my field, it's rare to be recognized for your work.

And this statement covers the entire theft?

I didn't leave out a detail, per our agreement.


Have you ever seen this kid?


Are you sure?

I prefer to work alone.

Chris will be fine.

The ambassador promised to call as soon as Collins' statement to the Burmese authorities has been taken and Chris is released.

I won't believe anything until he's free and home.

When was the last time you saw your son?

Eight years ago.

I'm sure it must be pretty difficult with your position.

My divorce was messy.

I tried to remain close with Chris, but he ended up resenting everything I stand for.

And ultimately, he said he didn't need me.

A 12-year-old doesn't know what he does or doesn't need.

He didn't want to be my son.

There was nothing I could do.


Well, you're his father.

You should have kept trying.

I realize that.

That's why I'm here now.

Peter, the ambassador's aid just called.

They want to see you.

[ Sighs ]

Mm-hmm, absolutely. That's him.

That's the guy who helped me with the ruby theft.

I showed you this photo.

You said you'd never seen him.

Well, I didn't recognize him at first.

When we met, he, uh, had a beard.

Kyi: It was fortunate that I could spend a few moments with Mr. Collins in order to confirm details.

Obviously, there were omissions.

Fine... Then give Collins back to me, and I'll get him for attempted m*rder.

No, I'm sorry.

But now that he's on Burmese soil, we need to extradite him for his part in the theft.

So he gets to go home while an innocent American stays in jail.

We made a deal.

Looks like he made a better one.

This isn't over.

The Burmese government gave Collins political asylum.

I'm hoping that the tape will tell us something.

Uh-oh. He's got his crossword.

Helps me think.

Your infamous multitasking?

I'm surprised you can't do it.

I like to hone in, focus.

Oh. Where do you think that trait comes from?

Nice try.

I don't want to talk about my dad. Fine.

Do your crossword. Okay.

[ Sighs ]

Six-letter word for embarrassing genetic overseer.

Parent. Mm.

Let me see that. No.

You made that up. So sue me.

For four years, I studied your every move, and not one word about your father.

Then all of a sudden, you drop a b*mb on me that he's a cop?


I'll tell you everything my mom told me.


I didn't know him.

He died when I was 2.

Ah, Neal, I'm sorry.


Mom said he went out in a hail of g*nf*re, taking down a whole g*ng of bad guys.

He was a hero.

I grew up wanting to be just like him.

Other kids played Cowboys and Indians.

I pretended I was my dad.

Got really good with g*ns.

So, now you know.

Glad I do.

[ Cellphone rings ]

[ Clears throat ]

[ Cellphone beeps ]


Diana: I got a copy of Christopher's video.


Yeah. You're gonna want to see this.

You must owe your friend at amnesty international a seriously expensive dinner.

Don't ask.

At this rate, I'll have to build her a new kitchen.

The Burmese cropped the video.

They knew Chris might try to send a message.

Mm. So they only showed us his face.

But amnesty got access to the raw signal.

His hand gestures are clearly indicating something.

Oh, he's touching the letters on his t-shirt.

Speed up the video.


"O." He's good.

He's rehearsed it. It's what I'd do.


Knee. He just touched his knee.


R-o-c-k... rock.



Got it. Rocker.

That's his girlfriend's nickname.

The Burmese may have already figured it out.

Get Wilson on the phone.

[ Elevator bell dings ]

I got here as soon as I could.

Maggie's in the conference room, giving a statement to one of my agents.

Thought her name was Rocker.

It's her nickname.

Using a nickname was smart...

Makes it harder for the Burmese to decode.

Unfortunately, not hard enough.

Miss Sheldon, would you mind telling Mr. Wilson from the State Department what you told us?

Maggie, I'm Chris' dad.

The Mr. Wilson?

Someone broke into my place this morning while I was out.

The Burmese got to her first.

You know what they were looking for?

They stole my external hard drive, but I keep a backup flash drive of my cut footage on me.

Chris was in Burma getting information about the rebel movement.

Chris was? Why?

He's doing a documentary about the democracy of the region.

Well, this came in last week.

I should have gotten Tonkyo drunk before.

He admitted to having cousins in the KNLA.

There's a secret camp near the Indian border.

We're going there now before he sobers up.

I'll drop this in the snail toss on the way, all right?

I love you. [ Smooches ]

What's the KNLA?

The KNLA is a rebel group.

The Burmese government has been trying to shut them down for decades.

The Burmese officials must have found out he was filming, pinned the ruby theft on him as a cover-up.

I wish I'd known. I should have known.

Chris is bullheaded. He likes to do everything on his own.

Yeah, but I could have helped him with safer access.

This is all my fault.

Chris doesn't blame you for anything.

[ Chuckles, sighs ]

I think you should see this.

Progress is...slow on this remote plateau, but a wise man once said, "slow progress is lasting progress."

Wait a minute. My dad said that.

I'm quoting my dad.

[ Chuckles ]

Kind of cool.

[ a*tillery fire ]

I got to go. I love you.

That rocket attack resulted in over half a dozen civilian casualties and was documented by the Red Cross and Physicians Without Borders.

We can use that to establish Chris' whereabouts at the time of the theft. Yes, we can.

Jones, anything?

Yeah, a bank ATM cam shows diplomatic plates arriving and then leaving the front of miss Sheldon's building several minutes later.

I think we should go pay our friend the Burmese ambassador a little visit.

[ Siren chirps ]

Neal: Hello again.

Mr. Caffrey. Agent Burke. How can I help you?

This car was spotted at the scene of a crime.

Another parking violation.

I will speak to my driver.

Eh, it's a little more serious than that.

Someone broke into an apartment in Brooklyn.

I'd like my agent to search the vehicle.


Would it be all right if we searched you, as well?

I wouldn't mind at all.

They don't let me do the searches.


May I hold your bag?

No. It's a diplomatic pouch.

Turn around, please.


We need to get a look inside that bag.


What's going on here?

I have evidence linking this vehicle to a crime I'm investigating.

So far, your staff's been very cooperative.

A search of that pouch would completely exonerate any of them from connection to this crime.

International law states that the pouch is part of Burmese soil.

I take it that's a no?

We're unable to assist you further.

You can take it up with the State Department, of course.

Of course.

Suu Ram.

Neal: See you, Suu.

Maybe we can get the State Department to file a grievance, delay Chris' sentencing somehow.

You really think that'll help?

No. No, I don't.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

All right, look, I know this isn't a good time, but I got to run. Fine.



I'm not in the mood, anyway.

I'll see you later. Okay.

You were a little cryptic on the phone.

Phones can be tapped.

Look, I can tell you think I haven't been the best father.

I'm not a dad.

I don't know what it's like.

There are a million things I'd do differently if I could.

And I can't help but think that Chris went over there because of me.

Or because he wants to be like you.

You can help me make it right for my son.

What are you asking?

If that hard drive leaves this country, there's no way they're letting him go, and any chance I have of getting to know my son again is gone.

The drive's inside the Burmese Mission.

I know who you are, Mr. Caffrey.

You want me to steal it back.

We're doing everything we can.

I'll keep you in the loop.



How's he holding up?

Well, as best as he can.

Any leads from your Washington contacts?

Oh, it's a delicate situation.

Our people are talking to their people.

Is that diplo-speak for "stop beating a dead horse"?

[ Chuckles ] Yeah.

And this is what your father chooses to do for a living?

It has its perks.

Yeah, I've seen what diplomats do with parking tickets.

[ Chuckles ]

Does your father know Wilson?

I don't think so.

Does Wilson have any other connection to the Bureau?

What are you getting at?

Something's been bugging me since the beginning.

Why did Wilson choose us?

Because you're the best, and Caffrey's...

Yeah, he's Caffrey.

From the get-go, Wilson wanted to work outside the box.

You think he'd be willing to go off reservation to save his son.

What father wouldn't?

Wilson wanted Neal from the beginning.

Pull Neal's tracking detail for the last 36 hours.

You know, suddenly, I'm very curious to know where he's been.

All right, let's walk through this, Liz Taylor.

Diana says the diplomatic pouch departs New York tomorrow on the 11:00 A.M. Air Bagan flight to Burma.

Also on the passenger list is a miss Suu Ram.

Ah, she's transporting the pouch personally.

The ambassador's limousine will drive her directly from the consulate to the plane, which only leaves us a few moments between the consulate and the limo to acquire its contents.

Is that a cat?


It's the pouch with the Burmese crest... a cogwheel and a rice plant.

Looks like a cat.

It's not.

Anything in the pouch is the property of Burma, stolen or not.

You remove the drive, you're creating an international incident.

So, I get Suu Ram to do it for me using our ruby.

Oh, to take my heart would be less painful.

We can always make another one.

I say it's the Mandalay just back from evidence, give her a quick look, close the lid on the box, and she places it in the pouch.

Unbeknownst to her, the box also contains a finite amount of ammonia and hydrochloric acid.

Moments after the clasp on the box is closed, the liquids mix, and...


Shouldn't a smoke b*mb make smoke?


In theory, Suu Ram spots smoke coming from the pouch, dumps the contents onto American soil, and I reclaim the external drive as stolen evidence.

Thus proving our brilliance.

[ Knock on door ]

Peter. Hey.

Neal. Mozzie.

[ Door closes ]

What you doing?

Discussing Hegel and his rational realism.


Casual stroll.

You're smoking.

It's a smoking jacket.

Give us a moment?

I will.

Because the fresh air sounds exhilarating.

You met with Wilson yesterday.

Neal, whatever he's asking you to do...

He's got nowhere else to turn.

Oh, God, Neal. Don't do it.

Look, Wilson's trying to make good with his son, and I can help him.

[ Sighs ]

The system failed him.

You're rationalizing, and you know it.

Nothing gives him or you or anyone the right to go around the law.

It's his son. That gives him the right.

I don't agree with that.

It's what a father should do.

All right, look...

Obviously, there's more to the story with your dad.

I don't know how badly it messed with your head.

You're right. You don't.

If this were your son...

Or my son...

I know what you would do.

[ Scoffs ]

One wrong move inside the Burmese consulate, and they will extradite you.

You'll end up in a Kabaw prison.

I can't protect you.

I'm not asking you to.


Mozzie: So, are we good to go?

[ Exhales sharply ]


[ Zipper zips ]

Mr. Caffrey. Hello.

Come to search my person again?


I came to return something you've been waiting for.

The ruby.

As promised.

Excuse me. I must show this to the ambassador.

Of course.



I'm glad I caught you.

I got Neal's tracking data. He's at the Burmese Mission.

[ Sighs ] I knew it.

He is going after the drive, isn't he?

It contains information the Burmese consider too sensitive to e-mail.

They'll go to extreme measures to protect it.

I warned him.

Yeah, but you didn't stop him.

What do you mean?

Boss, you could've chained him to the desk if you wanted to, but you didn't.

Are you saying I want him to get that drive?

I'm saying that you know Christopher's innocent and you're not exactly fond of diplomats.

I don't want Neal to get caught.

Well, you know where he is.

All right, have your diplomatic friends on speed dial.

If this goes wrong, Neal and I are gonna start an international incident.

Mr. Caffrey, you're still here.

Yeah, I wanted to make sure the ruby makes it home safely.

I assure you that it will.

Myanmar's thrilled to have its property back at home.

I'm sure you are.

If you'll excuse us.

Peter: Neal?


Look, I know I... I know.

What do you need me for?

You're not here to stop me?

Savor this moment.

Already savoring.

Look, I'll spare you the details, but basically, the smoking jacket's not smoking.

We need to stall.

...To anyone else, do not open this pouch.

Guard it with your life, because it has everything that we need.

Mr. Ambassador...

...Beautiful day, isn't it?

Agent Burke.

I trust you and your companion aren't here interfering with the official business of Myanmar.

Wouldn't think of it.

Just happened to notice you're parked near a hydrant with a ticket.

This car is registered to the Mission.

We don't pay for parking tickets.

And your car's registration can prove that?

Hold this, please.

The registration.

And 18 parking tickets.

All unpaid.

Diplomatic immunity. Immunity, yeah.

Means that you can't be held accountable for these violations.

You are, however... required to help me close out my investigation of said parking violations.

Let's get started.

November 8th.

What's your reason for not paying this one?

Diplomatic immunity.


Uh, here's one for... Oh, I can't read that.

Do you know what that says?

I got it. August 2nd.

Diplomatic immunity.


Oh, look, here's one from yesterday.

Handicapped parking zone.

You look healthy to me.

Diplomatic immunity.


What are you doing?

You can't open the pouch.

Put it back. Put everything back.

It was on fire. I didn't... What do we have here?

You tampered with that pouch.

Ooh, you should call the police, have them look into that.

Give that to me. It's official Myanmar property.

Actually, it's stolen property.

He took that from a diplomatic pouch.

No, I took it from a street in Manhattan.

And now it's evidence.

You can't do that.

Oh, actually, we can.

But rest assured, whoever took this external drive will be dealt with.

Any blowback from the Burmese over the external drive?

They can't admit it exists.

Footage of the rebels?

It's in U.S. hands now. Their identities are protected.

Chris was probably more worried about them than himself.

Sounds like my son.

Mr. Wilson.

I am Mr. Nyi Tar.

I'll be replacing Mr. Kyi as ambassador of the Myanmar Mission.

He had to return home for health reasons.

Sorry to hear that.

My country's sincerest apologies for your family's inconvenience.

Thank you.


Thank you... for getting my son home to me.

I know it was unconventional.

That's our specialty.


You asked me about my dad.

I think my mom told me what any kid would want to hear.

That he was a hero?

He wasn't.

He was a dirty cop.

You're not him.

If I'm not my father's son...

Who am I?

Certain things are...

In my blood.

I don't believe it.

You did that.

Christopher is free because of you.

Tell me about your mother.

Not a chance. Come on.

Nope. Did she wear hats?