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02x06 - In the Red

Posted: 08/19/10 17:59
by bunniefuu
Neal: 12 past 4.

Still no sign of our jewel thief.

You lift 100 grand worth of stones from Bluestein's, you want to unload them as fast as possible.

Give it time.

Your gut's still telling you it's an inside job?

Why do you ask?

'Cause I have an Andrew Jackson telling me it wasn't.

I'll take your money, Jones.

Oh, get out your wallets, gentlemen.

Here comes our suspect.

Let's make this quick.

Run the plate.

[ Keys clacking ]

Got it. Katherine MacMillan.

Bluestein's assistant manager.


You're pretty happy with yourself, huh?

I'm not the one who bet against the gut.

So, how does this work?

You show me the cash, I show you the jewelry?

You gonna let me in?

This isn't a drug deal in a parking lot.

I'm not flashing this much cash in the open.

You alone?

Please show me the money.

Look, maybe you should reconsider.

The right buyer would pay you twice what I'm offering.

Why is he trying to talk her out of it?

Jones: Soft spot for a pretty lady?

What are you doing, Neal?

Show me the stones.

[ Sighs ]

The deal was for $100,000.

Yeah. I know how much the deal was for.

I'd like my money now.

It's all there.

You can count it.

"Count it." That's our signal.

Move in! Move in!

No g*ns!

No g*ns, guys!

Drop your weapons! Drop them!

Step out of the car.

Weapons down! Weapons down!

This way.

[ Indistinct shouting ]

Please don't take away my son.

What happens now?

Don't hold your breath for a mother-and-son reunion.

Hey, Moz.

[ Door closes ]

How often do I say "thank you"?



Rhetorically. Genuinely.

I can't recall. Why?

You've done... A lot for me.

I wanted to say "thank you."

You're welcome.

There's more.

The cockpit voice recording from Kate's plane?

Last we saw it, it was in the apartment of the beautiful insurance investigator Sara Ellis.

What'd you do, Moz?

I went to her apartment.


You know she put in a razing keypad lock?

I noticed.

People tend to upgrade their security after an attempted m*rder.

Ranzig's tough to beat.

Not if you have the code.

How'd you get it?

She blocks the combination when she enters it.

Thermal scope.

Residual heat from her fingers.



So you waited for her to leave.

It took a while.

[ Door buzzes ]

But you're gonna be very happy with what I found.


Kate's last words are on here.

That's a possibility.

It also may...

Tell us what happened.

Listen, I got to meet with Peter.

I' this later.

Thanks, Moz.

Of course.

How's the kid?


Well, he's doing as well as any 5-year-old ripped from his mother's arms.

We had to hand him over to child-protective services.

If you thought there might have been a kid, you should have said something.

I did.

No. You were busy trying to talk the mother into not making a sale.

Come on. Katherine MacMillan is not a jewel thief.

You mean, no priors, she's a PTA mom who volunteers her time at the youth center on the weekends?

Throw a mullet on her, and she's Carol Brady.

Carol Brady had an affair with Greg Brady.

Proof that everybody's got a dark side.

Thing about the law... One size fits all.

[ Cell phone rings ]

Jones, what's going on?

Katherine MacMillan's asking to speak to you about her arrest.

All right, thanks.

Mrs. Brady wants to talk.

Want to tag along?

Oh, yeah.

Eight months ago, I adopted my son, Olly, through an international adoption lawyer, Luke Donovan.

Where's Olly from?


Mr. Donovan has connections to agencies all over eastern Europe.

A month after the adoption was finalized, he told me the chechen birth mother had come forward and wanted Olly back.

He said it was a scam the birth mothers pull sometimes.

They don't want their kids. They want your money.

He said I could pay her $50,000 to make her go away.

But she didn't go away.

Last week, he told me things with the birth mother had gotten complicated.

She wanted more money.

He said if I wanted to keep my son, I had one week to come up with an additional $100,000.

Piece of cake, right?

One week?

Did Donovan give you any proof that the birth mother had come forward?

Some papers with chicken scratches for a signature.

I put in calls at the state department to check out his story, but the clock was ticking.

If he was telling the truth, and I delayed things...

They'd take Olly away from you.

So you decided to rob your own store.

Not exactly mother of the year... I know.

Neither was taking your child to an exchange with a potentially dangerous fence.

If someone threatened to kidnap your wife, would you let her out of your sight?

You're sure Olly's adoption was legal?

He has an ri-4 visa, a social security number...

He's my son.

And if I go to prison, I may never see him again.

Donovan is shaking Katherine down for cash using her kid as leverage.

It's tough to prove.

Well, maybe it's the real mother, maybe it's not.

Katherine calls him on it, he can just say that the real mom changed her mind and moved on to the next family.

Sounds like extortion to me.

I'm gonna pay Donovan a visit.


Yes. Katherine MacMillan.

I read about it in this morning's paper.

Poor Olly.

If there's anything I can do...

You can tell me why you demanded $100,000 from her.

No, no, no. No. I didn't demand anything.

Sometimes... The birth mothers will thr*aten to reclaim their children unless they're given a large sum of money.

It's unfortunate, but these are the waters.

Prove to me that Olly's birth mother came forward.

Well, I'll be happy to give you the name of my chechen contact.

If you need proof beyond that, feel free to charter a flight to Gudermes and find her yourself.

Katherine told you she didn't have the money.

Well, yes, and I had no idea what she'd resort to to get it.

She's an adult. I told her the truth.

She robbed a jewelry store.

If I'm guilty of something, it's believing that she was a good parent.

I don't tear families apart, agent.

I bring them together.

Sometimes it doesn't work out.

Clark Maskhadov.

A.K.A. "Clark the shark."

Yeah, he likes to chew people up.

He's the enforcer for Kaz Abramov.

Chechen mob boss?

What's he doing calling on Donovan?

Maybe he wants Donovan's help becoming a daddy.

You think the chechen mob's involved with his adoptions.

My gut tells me there's a connection.

Your gut's rarely wrong.

Where's Maskhadov now?

I've got Jones sitting on him.

Let's see where he leads us.

Excuse me, ma'am.

What's Sara doing here?


Let her up.

Are you sure that's a good idea?

I don't know. Let's ask her.

What are you doing here, Sara?

I came to see Neal.

Hear that?

She came to see you.

It's not a social visit.

You broke into my house... again.


Can you prove it?

I can.

I'd like him to submit to a polygraph.

I'm not issuing a polygraph.

That's okay.

I brought my own.

She has her own.

I see that.

Sara, if you had any proof that could justify this polygraph... I'll take it.

I didn't break into her house.

Great. Can I borrow an office?

[ Sighs ]

This should be fun.

Sara: Hmm.

All right. State your name.

Neal Caffrey.

[ beep ]

What color are your eyes?


[ Beep ] Okay.

Tell me a lie.

That color does not bring out the subtle glint of hazel in your eyes.

[ Sharp beep ]

Voice stress analyzer.

Sterling bosch. Standard issue.

More portable than a polygraph, and I don't have to hire an analyst.

An unopened package from the FAA was stolen from my home.

Did you take it?

I did not.

[ Beep ]

Do you know who did?

I do not.

[ Beep ]

Peter: He took it.

What makes you so sure?

[ Sighs ]

Package from the FAA. Kate died on a plane.

Neal's involved.

The package arrived while we were working together on the Halbridge case... the same time you started playing nice.

I think there was something in that package... something you wanted, and you used me to get it.

Am I wrong?

You're wrong.

[ Beep ]

Listen, Sara, despite what you think, this situation has nothing to do with us.

So why don't we call a time-out, talk things over, and get past it?

Coffee, dinner, you name it.

What do you say?

I say that you're also responsible for the theft of a Raphael in April of 2005.

I only agreed to talk about the stolen package, so I guess we're done.


No, we're not.

[ Beep ]

I took the polygraph.

Peter: You cheated. I don't know how...

But you cheated.

You're playing with fire.

Sara is like a tornado in heels, and you're...

Please, please don't reduce me to a trailer park.

[ Telephone rings ]

Mm, if the shoe fits.

Hey, Jones.

I just tailed Maskhadov to the old New York room.

How long ago?

10 minutes. Looks like the place is hopping.

Good. Thanks.

Clark the shark just disappeared into the old new York room.

I thought that place got shut down.

Well, apparently, it's reopened for business.

Donovan won a Texas hold 'em tournament in Macau last year.

There's our connection between Clark and Donovan.

Could be. Let's find out.

This conversation about Sara is not over.

I didn't think it would be.

Neal: Bouncer and a password to get in.

The guy talking to the girl in the purple dress...

That's Burya Buryatskiy, Abramov's right arm.

Want me to see if Donovan's inside?

How you gonna get in?

Call me.


You want me to get in?

[ Cell phone ringing ]

Can you hear me?


Don't hang up.

[ Horns honking ]

Oh, excuse me. Sorry about that, sir.

Can I see your phone?

Bouncer: Password?

Buryatskiy: [ chechen accent ]


Go ahead.

That's great.

What happens when Buryatskiy finds out he's got your phone in his pocket?

Better keep his hands off my rollover minutes.

Hey. Password?


[ Taps door ]

He's okay.

[ Sighs ]

[ Hip-hop music plays ]

[ Chechen accent ] Burya.

Ready for big game?

I'm ready to win.

Maybe I check your sleeves for pocket queens.

You'll find nothing.

[ Chuckles ] Give me a light.

Kaz Abramov.

It's a pleasure.

Who are you?

Nick Halden.

I hear you got a game going.

Unfortunately, we just filled last spot for Friday night.

That's a shame.

At the risk of sounding immodest, my last gambling spree a few years back brought the sun city to its knees.

And what?

You want to use my establishment for your encore?

Wherever I play, attention follows.

The type of attention that draws bigger players with much bigger wallets.

The buy-in is $100,000. Ooh.

When's it get interesting?


Find my new friend here a seat for Friday night, will you?


What do you got?

Ooh, you got one.

Are you still there?

Peter: Anything on Donovan?

I'm working on it.

[ Keys clacking ]

Buy-in for Friday is $100,000.

Method of payment?

[ Pen scratching ]

Bank account and routing number.

Just one moment while I verify.

[ Keys clacking ]

I'm sorry, Mr. Halden, but it appears your account has insufficient funds.

There must be some error.

Apologies, but I won't be able to hold your spot in the game until I have the money in hand.

You saw me and Abramov chatting just now, right, Sam?

That was him thanking me.

Now, I'd hate to tell him that the man who saved his beloved prostitutka from the Russian diamond mines was denied access into his poker game because you couldn't overlook something as trivial as a bank error.

[ Scoffs lightly ]

Come on.

We close to entrants one hour before the game.

And it has to be cash.

Thank you.

See ya.


I may have an angle on how we can take down Donovan.

You got 100 grand I can borrow?

What do we have?

Donovan's subpoenaed files.

All his adoptions look perfectly legit, Katherine MacMillan's included.

I called his liaison in Gudermes.

The guy corroborated Donovan's story about Olly's birth mother.

Of course he did.

He's probably getting a cut of Donovan's extortion money.

Or Donovan's telling the truth.

Oh, no. No way he's clean.

Neal did a little digging in the New York room yesterday, found out why Donovan was so eager to shake down Katherine.

He's in the red 200 grand with the Abramov crime family.

And he's planning on winning it back at their poker game Friday night.

So Abramov must have him on a clock.

Which means he's desperate. He's gotta win.


But what if Neal were to play Donovan in that poker game and made sure he didn't win?

Oh. Then he'd get even more desperate.

Desperate enough to try and shake down another adoptive parent.

How would you guys feel about going under as a couple working through a tricky international adoption?

It'd be selfish of us not to share our love with little Samir.

"Ra." Samira.

You wanted a girl.

This is good.

Neal makes Donovan desperate for cash...

[ clears throat ]

And he extorts the two of you to recoup his losses.

So you just used a tack?

She surprised me. What else was I gonna do?

It worked.

How'd she know someone broke in?

Oh, I don't know.

100 failed attempts on her keypad?

That would do it. Yeah.

So I'm guessing you haven't listened to the fruits of my labor yet.

No. I've been busy with a case.

Neal, it's me.

You weren't there, Moz.

You didn't see it happen.

I witnessed the aftermath... figuratively and literally.

Look. When you're ready to listen...

You'll be there. Yes.

So what is this case?

I'm taking down a lawyer.

He's extorting money from the parents using their adopted kids as leverage.

Adopted kids?


What kind of a cretin preys on helpless adopted kids?

All they want is a fair shake and a chance to belong.

I know. You were adopted.

Foster care. I was never adopted.

How are you gonna take down this pig?

Poker game.

You better win.

Well, that's the game plan.

You better make sure you win.

Again, that's the game plan.

What's his tell?

I will figure out his tell.

You do that.

Then crush him.

Over here. That's good.

Peter: Look at you two.

Did I wake up in the Hamptons?

I don't know what you're talking about.

We look good.[ sighs ]

Donovan knows the feds are looking into him.

So convincing him to take on new clients isn't gonna be easy.

Everything you need to know is in this briefcase...

Salary history, legal documents, names and numbers of your sudanese adoption contacts.

Do you feel married?

We feel like Tanya and David Mayburn, a happy couple trying to adopt a 6-month-old from Al-Fashir in Sudan.

[ Opens briefcase ]

A few photos of little Samira.

You wanted a girl, so we got a girl.

How is that fair?

Excuse me. Who's the one on the phone with Al-Fashir every day while you're off hitting a bucket of balls with the boys?

Sounds like a married couple to me.

Knock 'em dead.

Jones: It was our love of children that brought us together.

Fast forward five years. We've tried everything...

To conceive on our own, but...

It wasn't meant to be.

So, you decided to adopt internationally.

What kept it from being finalized?

Diana: We don't know.

We've been calling the agency in Al-Fashir, but...

Every time, it's the run-around.

Can't get a straight answer.

Whatever's going on, we want it fixed.

We heard you're the man that can make it happen.


Who told you that?

Gilbert. Gilbert Lowenstein.

At the Hemmingson institute. He...

Gilbert! I haven't talked to him in ages.


Did his daughter finish school?

[ Taps table ]

Which one was that again?


Emily graduated cum laude.

And how is Gil doing with the divorce?

Well, with all due respect, uh, Mr. Donovan, we're here to discuss our daughter.

[ Inhales sharply ] Yes.

And if you want my services, answer my questions.

He's onto them.

Well, I believe the divorce was finalized last spring.

Is there anything else you'd like to know about Gil?

How he takes his coffee, perhaps?

We just... We just want our Samira where she belongs...

Here with us.

We'll do anything.

Price isn't an issue.

[ Breathes deeply ]

$50,000 is my standard retainer. Will that be a problem?

Do you prefer cash or check?

[ Door opens ]

You got him to bite.

Yeah. Well, he's gonna check us out.

Good. We got that covered.

We're his insurance.

He loses the poker game, it's safer to risk an FBI setup than the wrath of a mob boss.

Then he made the wrong choice.

Peter: Hughes approved the money.

We got the 100 grand for the buy-in.


But I need something else.

I need some way to find out Donovan's tell so I know when he's bluffing a hand.

You don't think you can beat him?

It hurts me that you would even ask that.

I know I can.

But there's a kid at stake. I can't take any chances.

I'll handle it.

Peter Burke gut detector?

FBI's most valuable w*apon.
[ Knock on door ]


Detective Lewis.

This is Neal Caffrey.

This is a search warrant.

We're looking for the stolen FAA package.

Oh. Points for persistence.

I'm a lot harder to beat than a lie detector.

Nice place, Neal.

I've seen yours. You've seen mine. We're even.

If I snuck in here with a g*n, then we'd be even.

Mid-19th-century tiger oak?

Hand carved. Beautiful.

If I stole the package, you really think I'd keep it here?

Why not?

Let me help you out with that. Thank you.

How did you con your way into this place?

[ Chuckles ]

You are convinced I don't have an honest bone.

Give me a good reason to think otherwise.

There's nothing here.

Lewis: Ms. Ellis?

I can explain that.

He's 5.

How do you know Clark Maskhadov?


Clark Maskhadov.

Also known as Clark the shark.

I don't know him.

Let's talk about the birth mother.

She's really coming forward?

Not some extortion scam you're pulling?

She's real.

Thank you very much, Mr. Donovan.

That's all I need to know.

Thank you for coming in.

I'll be in touch if I have any further questions.

You've subpoenaed all my files, and you've accused me of extortion.

I can't imagine what more you want from me.

I'll be in touch.

[ Sniffs ]

This way, sir.

You get him?

I got him.

He blinks twice.

Two little blinks, just like that, when he lies.


It's Neal.

Where is Neal?

The game starts in three hours.

He's being arrested.

You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say...

I'm familiar with the speech.

Sara, this is a really bad time.

Agent Burke.

Peter, will you please stop...

What's going on here?

Neal stole a package.

[ Sighs ]

Detective, may I speak with Mr. Caffrey, please?


Thank you.

[ Sighs ]

Did you steal it?



You realize what this... Yes.

You can't play if... I know.

She's mad.



He's all yours.



Just forget it. All right?

He broke into my house... again.

You know what that is?

[ Sighs ]


I think it has something to do with Kate Moreau.

And when it comes to her, Neal's judgment is severely lacking.

All right. Fine. Why am I involved?

I don't know.

Look. I understand why you're pressing charges.

I get it.

But I'm gonna ask you not to.

Oh, this ought to be good.

It's an adoption scam.

There's a kid... He's caught in the middle of all this.

Neal is integral to our takedown.

How integral?

We can't do it without him.

A kid?


[ Breathes deeply ]

These guys can spot a cheat.

No wires, no cell phone...

No Mozzie.

You're gonna have to do this the old-fashioned way.

You're gonna have to beat him honestly.


Contrary to popular opinion, I can do honest.

Can you beat him?

He's good. I'm better.

Anything else?

Yeah. Good luck.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Luke Donovan.

Nick Halden.

Mr. Halden.

Uh...Enjoy the play.

You too.

Good evening. Welcome.

The game is no limit Texas hold 'em.

You will play until there is only one player left standing.


Shuffle up and deal.

Man: Here we go.

Man #2: Here we go.

[ Woman laughs ]



You got the straight.

Do I?

Let's see 'em.

[ Sighs ] Cards are w*r...

Disguised as sport.

You're lucky, Donovan.


That's four in a row.

Ah, yes. Nothing happens by chance, my friend.

There's no such thing as luck.

There is meaning behind every little thing.

I hope you're right.

Come on.

Nobody likes to quit when they're behind.

Oh, nobody likes to quit when they're ahead.

Shuffle up and deal.

And then there were two.

Your math skills are impeccable.

[ Spectators murmuring ]

[ Sniffs ]


I call.

20 grand.

You know, this might be the time you think about folding.

Do you know how to do that?

You must really like your hand.


[ Exhales sharply ]

All in.

[ Spectators murmuring ]

[ Woman laughing ]

You have the ace-high flush?

Do I?

What can I say?

Let's go to w*r.

[ Laughter ]

[ Gasping ]

[ Spectators oohing ]

[ Scattered laughter ]

[ Exhales sharply ]

He flips over the river and...

Mm-hmm. You cheated, right?

Peter, you insult me.

There's no way you would have left it to chance.

A true gambler never reveals his strategy.

Oh. Oh, "reveals his strategy," hmm?

And, uh, what about the winnings?

Per your request, I deposited the $800,000 into the FBI bank account this morning.

800 grand.

100 grand times 10 players minus the 10% house cut.

That's... 900,000.

100 grand, bottom drawer, hollowed-out weapons manual.


Looks like Neal's poker smackdown paid off.

Donovan's desperate.

What, you talked to him?

No, but he just called the number of our sudanese adoption contact.

I rerouted it to the audio trace-back room.

Good. What'd he say?

Our linguist expert posing as the contact followed the script perfectly.

Told him that the hold-up with Samira's adoption was nothing more than a paperwork mix-up.

All right.

Now we see if he comes back to you and Jones with the same story, or if he pulls some nonexistent birth mother out of thin air.

What do we do until then?

Until then, we wait.

[ Clears throat ]

His tell?

Oh, yeah. His tell.

We beat him together.

Well, I beat him, but, you know, you helped.

Bottom drawer?


How'd it go?

Elizabeth: Well, let's see.

The client's happy, so I'm happy, which makes you happy for me.

Oh. You're lucky I'm so supportive.

Yes. The client's so excited that she wants to take me to dinner to celebrate.

Well, nice one of us has something to celebrate about.

And, yes, it's about Neal.

He is neck deep in a dangerous game of cat and mouse.


With who?

Sara Ellis, our insurance investigator.

She's investigating him, and he's enjoying it.

All that pent-up animosity and fighting... it leads to sparks.

Well, we don't have pent-up animosity.

We never fight.

[ Chuckles ]

And that's a good thing.

What about the sparks?

Honey, we are so not lacking in the sparks department, when I get home, I'm gonna prove it to you.

I'm gonna hold you to that.

[ Beeping ]


[ sighs ] Oh.

Honey, I got to take this. I'll call you later.

Okay. Bye.

[ Sighs ] Hey, Diana. What's up?

Diana: Donovan wants to talk.

Jones and I are returning his call in 20 minutes.

I'll be there.

Donovan: I finally got in touch with your contact in Al-Fashir.

There's no easy way to say this, but he informed me that Samira's birth mother has stepped forward.

[ Voice breaking ] Oh, God.

She wants Samira?

Mrs. Mayburn, it's only a scare tactic.

What she really wants is money.

I think I can convince her to back off.


How much does she want?



I'll need you to bring it to my office at noon tomorrow.

Sorry to sound so demanding, but I am convinced this is a solution that will best serve all parties involved.


So, what's the story with Donovan pushing up the payoff 30 minutes?

He called me back late last night and changed the time.

He's either spooked, or he's up to something.

Or both.

Are you sure you don't want me to go with her?

If he's spooked, he'll be more at ease with just one of you.

It's time. Wish me luck.

Good luck.

[ Cell phone rings ]

Neal, what'd you find out?

Neal: Diana's hunch was right.

Donovan just booked the red-eye to Buenos Aires.

He's not paying off Abramov.

He's taking the money and running.

Yeah, but why push up the meeting? What does that get him?

Abramov wants his cash.

He must know Donovan's getting it at noon.

Donovan shows up early, collects his 200 grand, and splits the country.


Except we're gonna be there to crash his bon voyage.

[ Engine revs ]

[ Tires screech ]


There's something going on.

It's Abramov's men.

Looks like we're not the only one crashing Donovan's bon voyage.

They must know he's taking the money and running.

[ Chechen accent ]

Mrs. Mayburn?

[ Car door closes ]

I work with Mr. Donovan.

He's instructed me to accept the money on his behalf.

No. We blow our cover, it's over.

Diana? Stall.

Just play it out, see what happens.

Everyone else, stay alert.

I'm only giving the money to Donovan.

If he's not here, we'll have to reschedule.

I'm afraid that's not possible.

Man: FBI! Move! Move!

Hold your fire. Just hold your fire!

Weapons down!

Weapons down! Hold your fire!

What is this, a setup?

We're not here for you.

We just want Donovan.

He's leaving this country a free man unless we figure this out.

I'm willing to cut you a deal.

What kind of deal did you have in mind?

FBI's got you on illegal gambling.

We could shut you down and look the other way, or we can shut you down and arrest you.

Decision's yours.

I have lawyers.

And I've got your guys attempting to steal money from a federal agent.

We stole nothing.

Donovan owes us that money.

How'd you know she was coming with that money?

Donovan told us he's running some kind of adoption scam.

This lady'd be bringing it.

Hey, we don't want to risk him screwing us.

Cut out middle men.

Get from her directly.

Yeah, well, it's the adoption scam that we want to shut down.

What do I care?

You care because he's using chechen kids.

Nick Halden!

Something tells me we're not here for a poker game.

Abramov: Seems that Mr. Halden...

Is not who he says he is.

You scam my men out of lot of money.

And you...

You owe me money... I...

And I expect payment in cash...

Or blood.

It's your choice.

I know what this guy is capable of.

If you got the money, I'd give it to him.

I don't.

Uh, Mr. Abramov, I'm sorry.

I was expecting a cash payment when your men picked me up.

Oh, no, no, no, no.

Is wrong answer.

I will give you one minute...

To think of right answer.

Neal: [ groans ]

Wait, wait!

No, wait, please, stop.

I don't... Aah!

I don't... Have your money!

I swear to you!

[ Thud ] Aah!

I swear to you.

I swear to you, I don't have your money!

[ Moans ] No!

Say something about your legs.

Your legs.

Ohh, God!

I swear to you!

Aah! Gah.


Not fire! Aah! Hoo!

No, not the cigarette butt!


Aah, my leg.

Aah. Ohh.

Oh, my God.


[ Moaning ]

Come up with way to get my money yet?

[ Moans lightly ]

[ Grunts ]

Gentlemen, give Mr. Donovan same treatment, please.

Oh, whoa, wait, wait, wait. I can... I can...

I-I-I can get you money. My job. My job can... your job?

I can...

Your job?

[ chuckles ]

You work for mint or something?

No, no, no.

No, no. I'm...

I'm an adoption lawyer with wealthy clients.

I can get money from them, and I'll cut you in.

My associates tell me you're running some sort of scam.

I thr*aten them.

I-I tell them they might lose their kids.


How will I know the plan of yours will work?

'Cause I've done it.

I've done it 8, 9, 10 times.

It works. I promise.

I promise.

Jones, Diana...

You got all that, right?

Oh, yeah.

Excellent. Everybody move in.

FBI! Let him go!


Agent Burke! These men! They... told you I'd be in touch.

This is a setup?

And you were in on it?


Agent Burke explained to me your little extortion scheme.

What kind of sick animal messes with innocent chechen kids?


You should be ashamed of yourself.

Mrs. Mayburn and I plan on playing that little confession for your clients.

I got a feeling a lot more extortion victims are gonna be coming forward.

So, what happens to Abramov?


But he so much as gets a parking ticket, the organized crime division gets a very thick file.

Generous gesture.

[ Sniffs ]

Espresso machine.

Well, that's a good idea.

Maybe we could dress up Jones as a pastry chef on Fridays.

I suggest refinement. You make jokes.

No, I'm serious.

I think he'd look handsome with one of those floppy chef hats.

It's called a toque.

I know what it's called.

And no espresso machine.

I can't stand that steam sound.

Oh. Hey, Katherine.

How you doing?

I heard the custody meeting went well.

My attorney got me a deferred prosecution.

Strict probation with some community service.

And you get to keep Olly.

Yes. He's my son.

[ Peter chuckles ]

Glad to hear. That's great.

Katherine: I just... I wanted to thank both of you for everything.

We're gonna be okay.

Take care.

Bye, guys.

[ Breathes deeply ]

We did good.


As long as we keep trying to do that, we'll be okay.

Wow. That is bad. Oh, it's awful.

I'm gonna get an espresso.

Yeah, grab me one.

[ Knock on door ]

Good morning.

Here to arrest me again?

Tell me about Kate.

Come on in.

[ Door closes ]

She was your girlfriend before you went to prison.

What happened to her in that plane?

It's complicated.

Who k*lled her?

I don't know.

Neal, I don't know what possessed you to drag me into this...

But I'm in.

You listen to it?


You need to hear it.

Listen, um, helping those kids?


Anytime, Moz.

You ready?

[ Breathes deeply ]

[ Radio static ]

[ Telephone ringing ]

Kate: Hey.

It's me.

Peter Burke is here.

That's Kate's voice.

I don't know why Burke's here.

Does this change the plan?

[ expl*si*n ]

She called someone. Yeah.

[ Telephone ringing ]

Hey. It's me. Peter Burke... we can enhance the sound, figure out who she dialed.

I want to know who was on the other end of that phone.