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02x05 - Unfinished Business

Posted: 08/12/10 21:23
by bunniefuu
Are we going to Montebello?


The times food critic called it the best new restaurant in Manhattan.

Yelp gave it three stars.

Wow. They practice molecular gastronomy.


It's a revolution in fine dining where chefs use biochemistry to create new and exotic dishes.

A grill works just fine for me.

Every dish is a work of art.

I'm surprised you chose Montebello. It's expensive.

I'm impressed.

Oh, we're not eating there.

Okay, Peter, this is like me taking you to Yankee stadium and then listening to the game in the parking lot.

It's a meeting place. I didn't pick it.

Who did?

The insurance investigator.

Oh, insurance? Great.

Someone stole $100 million in Japanese bearer bonds.

Samurai bonds. Nice.

That's what they're call on the street.

Oh, now I've got your interest.

So who's the investigator?

She has a suspect here in Manhattan.

She? Wait, wait.

Is it?

No. It is?

Yeah. Yeah.

Agent Burke, it's nice to see you.

Neal Caffrey.

It's been a while.


Nearly five years since you testified at my trial.

Against me.

Well, you did steal a painting insured by my employer for several million dollars.

Not according to a jury of my peers.

I thought all your peers were in prison.

A few of us managed to stay out. I could fix that.

Sorry to break up this happy reunion, but we're here to talk about the samurai bonds.

That's what they call them out on the street.

Well, we're not here to talk about them, we're here to find them.

A girl's got to make a living.

Well, my fees are based on recovery, so, yeah.


My company, Sterling Bosch, insured a hundred million in non-government Japanese bearer bonds.

A hundred million yen or U.S. dollars?


And if you recover them?


The truck was h*jacked in transport, and I think the bonds are somewhere here in New York.

She believes Edgar Halbridge is involved.

Biinternational real-estate guy.

He can move them without raising flags.

Yes, he can. Excuse me.

Hi! Emilio's just inside.

Thank you so much.

You're welcome.

Emilio: Hey, you!

That's my car! Get away from it!

Emilio, listen to me.

You can change the vin numbers, you can change the grill, the paint.

It's still a Mercedes SLR.

I know, because you did not change the electronic vin behind the steering wheel.

You're crazy! You're just stealing my car!

No. You stole it. I'm taking it back.

Don't make a scene.


You can file a complaint with my friend from the FBI.

Hey. Hi, there.

Special Agent Burke, FBI.

This is just a misunderstanding. I should just...

You should stop walking and put your hand above your head.

Yeah, running just annoys him.

Oh! Oh!

So you're basically a high-class repo man.

Well, I prefer white-collar bounty hunter.

You should put that on your business card.

This is a limited edition SLR, worth $450,000.

Making your cut $9,000.

Not a bad score on your lunch break.

No, it's not.

Speaking of business cards... when you feel like turning in that Raphael, please call me.

I wouldn't wait by the phone.

See you tomorrow Caffrey.

So happy to have you back in my life.

Mozzie: It's clear.

Come on.

[ Sighs ] Hey, you okay?

Yeah. Yeah, Kate was sitting on the left side... by the window.

Definitely no accident.

Did you ever think it was?

[ Sighs ] No.

A mechanical failure wouldn't cause an expl*si*n by the door.

I bet it was set to explode the plane in mid-air.

It went off early.

Or someone set it off early.

What about the black box?

The whole tail's missing.

Guard: Excuse me!

Who are you?

You said the guard's route takes 15 minutes.

That's not the guard.

All right. Just follow me on this one.

What are you doing in here?

Morning. We're with Sterling Bosch.

You're Roy?


Where you been, Roy?

Unlike you, we're on a schedule here.

Sterling Bosch? Insurance?


No one told me you were coming.

I thought Wentlow Sterlings was handling the claim.

They were.

Where's the cockpit voice recorder?

Oh, that's been logged in with NTSB in Washington.

I hope you made a backup.


Just trust me on this one.

Listen, how'd you guys get in here?

We walked in.

Your security is abysmal.

We have one guard for four hangars.

Good to know.

Listen, we made a copy of the voice recording.

I only handle the physical evidence.

I don't have access to the recording.

When's our flight leave?

Two hours.

I can have FAA send a copy to you.

That would work.

Yeah, I guess that would work.

I'll have them send it to, uh, Sterling Bosch.

What's your name?

You know what, w... why don't you have them send it to my insurance investigator, Sara Ellis.

I can do that.

Great. I'll follow up with a call tomorrow morning.

All right. Ask for my assistant. I'll give her a heads up.

Thanks, Roy.

Yeah, bye, Roy.

Hey, we'll get it.


Who's Sara Ellis?

Oh, you weren't at my trial.

She was.

Oh. Yeah.

She testified against me.

I testified against you.

Oh, that's different.

How can I work with her?

I'm the cunning art thief who slipped through her fingers.

I don't think she used those words.

No, but she looks at me and sees dollar signs.

She's gonna come after me again for that Raphael.

Do you have it?


There's a hundred million stolen bonds out there.

She knows this case better than anybody.

Right now, we're on the same team, so play nice.






Fine. Good.

Start a conversation.

Sara, I feel like we got off on the wrong foot.

Let's start over.

You want to be friends?

Why not?

Okay, what? Coffee? Grab a bite?


How about dinner?

Or maybe a movie? You like classics, right?

Good memory.


Are you worried about her and Neal?

Not at all.

You name the date, Neal.

I would love to spend time with you.

Anything to keep you talking.

You're recording me?


Everything you say to me can and will be used to nail your ass to the wall and recover my painting.

Everything okay, Neal?

What's that?

[ Laughs ] I could get used to this.

Okay, people.

You know Sara Ellis, from Sterling Bosch.

Thanks to her Intel, we have subpoenaed coded e-mails between an alias we think is Edgar Halbridge and a man in hamburg he calls Mr. Black.

The e-mails use a public-key encryption.

We've cracked most of them.

We believe Mr. Black is a courier.

Halbridge has paid him a one-time fee to enter the U.S. and get the bonds out of the country.

The bonds are transferable?

No title. Whoever holds them owns them.

Each certificate is worth 200 grand.

So a stack of $100 million is this thick?

Halbridge is taking a huge risk using a courier.

I'd take the risk.

Peter: Our plan is to intercept Mr. Black when he transfers planes in Toronto.

Then we put Neal into his place here in Manhattan.

Thank you for the heads up.

You said you cracked most of the e-mails.

What's in the one's you haven't?

Don't know.

Halbridge won't recognize Mr. Black?

From the vernacular of the e-mails, we think he's an American expat.

The last e-mail says Black will be the guy wearing a leather jacket and carrying a copy of "Atlas shrugged," which tells me he doesn't know what he looks like.

Let's make this happen.

You're welcome.

For what?

Oh, I recover the bonds, and your cut is $2 million.


See, I thought the Bureau needed me, given their recovery rate is less than 1 in 20.

Is that true?

That's the Bureau's recovery rate.

Not mine.

Peter: Canadian authorities have detained Mr. Black in Toronto but left his name on the flight manifest to JFK.

Diana: As far as Halbridge is concerned, Black lands in an hour.

We've duplicated his wardrobe and every item he had on him.

Diesel jacket, leather wallet, and copy of...

Neal: "Atlas shrugged."

Mr. Black's a lone wolf.

Mitternacht soos?

German chocolate.

Not a fan of the bittersweet.

From the airport, you'll take a cab to fort green.

You'll wait there for a car to pick you up.

The location's open.

We'll be back eight blocks.

We can't get closer without risking our cover.

GPS tracker and voice transmitter in the watch.

We'll be behind you.

As soon as you see those bonds, we move in on him.

What's the activation phrase?

You'll say, "long flight," and we'll be there.

"Long flight."

Should I be getting a recovery fee, because Sara gets 2% and I feel like I'm doing the heavy lifting.


I'm standing alone by a waste treatment plant.

Sexy. We got him?

GPS signal is locked.

Car coming.

Here we go.

Black limo. Arriving from the South.

Got Mr. Black.

I'll confirm when the job is complete.

Everything is as you requested...

Your gloves, your briefcase.

[ Static ]

What happened?

We lost the signal.

Is everything in order?

That is the correct g*n?


No GPS, no audio.

What do you mean? Did he do that or did we?

Neither. Looks like someone's jamming it.

Sure was a long flight.

What was that, sir?

Oh, I... I said, "It sure was a long flight."

[ Clears throat ]

Ruger Mark II with tactical solutions receiver.

Red dot holographic sight.


As you requested.

Jones: We still don't have a visual.

Get eyes on him.

Neal said he arrived from the South.

Let's use that.

Call NYPD.

See if we can rush in one of their helicopters.

Couldn't carry this with me on my long flight, could I?

Everything else is in place.

That's fantastic.

Okay, get a visual on the black limo.

Halbridge's office is in midtown and he lives on the Upper West Side.

Send a team to both.

NYPD can get a chopper in the air in five minutes.

Otherwise we're flying blind.

Great. They've got a head start, and we are looking for a black limo somewhere in Brooklyn.

Everything all right, Mr. Black?

How much farther?

We're close.

Target's on the first floor.

I'm here if there's any resistance.

Stay here.

Keep the engine running.

Any time you guys want to break that safe distance you're maintaining, I'd appreciate it.

He's back up.

Have I mentioned how long my flight was?

"Lawrence of Arabia" long.

He's giving us the takedown signal. Where is he?

GPS is coming up.

I hope you guys are close

'cause I think I'm supposed to k*ll somebody.

Did he say "k*ll somebody"?

I'm walking into a house with a loaded g*n.

Please stop me.

My driver has a g*n, also.

If I don't do this, he might, so I'm going to go through with this until you get here.

Found him. 8602 2nd Street, park slope.

Get a team there now! Who lives there?

Oh, God.

Go! Go!


Wait! Don't sh**t!



Why did he say, "don't sh**t"?

Because she's gonna k*ll him.

This is because I won't let the Raphael go.

No, it's not. This isn't what it looks like.

It looks like you're here to k*ll me.

Okay, it is what it looks like.

I was sent here to k*ll you.

Look, Mr. Black from Hamburg isn't a courier.

He's an assassin.


There's a driver outside. He's armed.

He may come in here if he doesn't see muzzle flashes.

I can make that happen.

[ Telephone rings ]

That's probably Peter.

Look, I'm putting the g*n down.

Answer the phone.

This better be Peter.

It is.

Tell me you haven't shot Caffrey yet.

No, not yet.

The flight was long, Peter!

Who wants me dead?


Peter, is that true?

It looks that way, yes.

We can arrest the driver outside.

Work him to get to Halbridge.

That doesn't guarantee we'll recover the bonds.

What do you suggest?

Let him think I'm dead.

[ g*nshots ]

Congratulations, Caffrey.

You've k*lled me.

It's done. Let's go.

What about the g*n?

I left it in the briefcase for the driver to dispose of.

I know, but apparently that was part of my plan.

We intercepted the E.M.Ts and NYPD.

We put out reports that she's confirmed dead.

Where is Sara now?

Jones was taking her to the safe house.

I took her to the safe house. She didn't want to stay.

Why not?

Gentlemen. Neal.

You're really redefining business casual.

Hardly recognized you without the ruger.

You should step out.

I think I'll step out.

My files on Halbridge. Please put them in there.

First things first. I need pants.

Jones, find her some pants.

What are you doing? You okay?

It's been a rough night. You should get some rest.

We'll talk on the way to the safe house.

I'm good.

You're staying?

Peter, I was woken out of a dead sleep by Neal Caffrey standing over me with a g*n.

I would love to be somewhere I could trust.

Any progress on the pants?


Here's your bag.

Thank you.

Where are you gonna sleep?

I will be fine.

Something about an attempt on your life really gets the blood flowing, like a double shot of red bull and espresso.

I think I just invented a drink.

You boys got any scotch?

[ Chuckles ] Get a cot. Bring it up here.

You got it.

It's been a while since somebody wanted me dead.

Don't look so surprised.

The question is why does Halbridge want me dead?

Which means what's so special about you?

I play a mean cello.

[ Chuckles ] I work for Sterling Bosch.

I can be replaced.

k*ll me, another investigator takes over, and Halbridge knows that.

So, honestly, why me?

Sara. We'll figure this out.

We are gonna get this guy.

How's the coffee around here?

We have a lot of work to do.

You were supposed to be here an hour ago.

Yeah, well, we can't all spend our nights sipping wine on my couch.

Not with that attitude, you can't.

I was a little busy posing as a professional k*ller.

As you said.

Are you tipsy?

A little bit.

Where's the cockpit recording?

I checked with Roy's office.

The package from the FAA arrived at Sterling Bosch earlier today, care of Sara Ellis.

So what happened? Where is it now?

You went and k*lled her is what happened.

It's under lock and key while they investigate her "death."

Okay. I'll find a way into Sterling Bosch.

[ Chuckles ]

Look, your best chance is to wait until sleeping beauty awakens from her dirt nap and snag it then.

I'm guessing you're not her favorite person at this moment?


Then I would suggest cozying up to her.

She put a g*n in my face.

And cocked it?


You've come back from worse.

[ Whistles ]

Love what you've done with the place.

What do you want, Caffrey?

Look, I feel bad about last night, so I bought you a housewarming gift.

I know how much you've been wanting this.

The Raphael you stole.


But it's a nice print of a stolen Raphael.

Says so right here.


Yeah, I mean, we're working closely on this case...


Are we gonna keep doing this?

Really. Keep talking.

'Cause I can go on all day.


Hey, kids. Playing nice?

Neal brought me a gift.

Ah, the Raphael. Cute.

He wants something.

I can't get you a present?

When someone like you gets someone like me a gift, there's a reason.

Peter, what do you think Neal wants?

He's never given me a present.

I sent you birthday cards.

Wasn't a present.
Do you want something from Ms. Ellis?

I want her to stop pointing g*ns at me.

That can be arranged. Sit.

Let's talk about Halbridge.

Sara, why do you think he wants you out of the way?

I don't know.

What do you have in your files that we don't have?

Well, I dug deep.

Um, stocks, security, all his land holdings.

Tenant lease agreements.

We've already seen all that.

I believe so.

Mr. Black. When was the first e-mail sent to him?

Good. Figure out when he arranged the hit?

Yeah. Yeah. All right. Here it is.

Five weeks ago, what were you digging into?

Five weeks ago?


It's Ridgemont.

Ridgemont is an apartment complex on West End Avenue.

It was the first place that Halbridge lived when he came to New York.

Neal: He bought it for nostalgia?

Peter: It's a classic six.

Maybe Halbridge is into pre-w*r architecture.

Maybe, but he's renovated all his other properties except for Ridgemont.

There's something there he doesn't want to let go of.

Yeah, and you should ask him.

Doubt he'll discuss it with the FBI.

Do you think he'd talk to Mr. Black?

Nico: If you have a w*apon, I'll take it.

I don't.

I'm gonna check.

Get your hands off me.

Halbridge: It's all right, Nico.

What is so important that you need to see me in person?

You want to do this in front of him?

I'm more comfortable that he stays.

Did you enjoy your trip to New York?

It isn't over yet.

[ Chuckles ] It should be.

Your business, as I understand it, is complete.

Not quite.

I'm here to talk about Ridgemont.

That supposed to mean something?

You hired me to k*ll a woman.

This conversation is over.

I asked myself, "why k*ll her?"

She must mean something to you.

So before I took care of her, we had a little talk, and she had a lot to say about Ridgemont apartments.

If you're insinuating that I had some woman k*lled, what makes you think that I won't have you k*lled right where you sit?

That crossed my mind.

Here's what happens now.

You're going to transfer $2 million into my account.

You got 48 hours, or the FBI gets a call telling them to look into any connection between you and Ridgemont apartments.

Liquidating $2 million in assets will take some time.

You're a wealthy and resourceful man.

You'll think of something.

If I don't?

[ Glass clunks ]

You got a lot more to lose than I do.

We were right.

Ridgemont was the way in.


Jones, Diana, keep monitoring Halbridge's phones and assets.

There are plenty of places to plant a bug in his house.

If you want to go that way.

You're playing with g*ns.

I'm not letting you back in there.

Just letting that simmer.

What happens if he actually transfers the $2 mil to Mr. Black?

It'll be a good day for Mr. Black.

I've got a team watching Ridgemont.

If Halbridge makes a move, we'll figure out what's so important in there.

Mozzie: Now, explain to me why your hair was slicked back.

Amateur production of "Grease"?

I do think you'd make a sublime Danny Zuko.

Oh, not Kenickie?

Oh, please, you're not a follower.

I went back under as the hit man.


Can't keep yourself from terrorizing Sara?

No, we're trying to force the suspect into...

Why are you still here?

Oh, you have a better wine selection than I do.

Love your honesty.

Truth is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.

And this malbec is a little dry.

I've got to get back to the Bureau.

So, any progress with Sara?

Well, she's still camped out in the conference room.


Where's she sleeping?

She's sleeping in the conference room?

Her bed's tucked into the corner.

She had Jones drag in half her wardrobe.

Oh, guess you can take it with you.

Sounds like she's in for the long haul.

I guess.

That can't be fun.

For her or for us?


The suit can't force her into a hotel?

Peter agreed to this.

She's under protection, so she can't leave the building.

[ Scoffs ]

Can't crack a window and no room service?

I mean, seriously, who can survive like that?

Coffee for breakfast, lunch, and dinner?

Heard Halbridge bit.

Yeah. We've got a team at Ridgemont.

How's everything going with you?

I hate this coffee, I hate eating food out of foil, and the air in here is stale.

Cabin fever?

I'm very sick of this place.

We should get you some fresh air.

Well, that's a little hard when you can't leave the FBI.

Oh, come on.

You got to think outside the box.

Sara: Hmm. The roof.

Neal: Yeah, it's still the FBI.


You know the secret to living with rules?

Finding ways to bend them?


Well, go on. I'm fascinated.

I'm not gonna tell you about the painting.

It's too bad.

You know what they say about curiosity.

Curiosity can't k*ll me if I'm already dead.

So, what's it like?

Hmm. Being dead?


So far, it's what I imagine prison must be like.

You're equating prison and death?

I'm sorry. I forgot I was talking to an expert.

Cue the violins, Neal.

You've got 2 miles. I have a conference room.

Aww, you're indoors for two days.

I got this for four years.

Do you really want to keep doing this?

No, not really.



Nothing's changed.

I'm dead.

And the city looks the same.

As far as the world knows, you're no longer in it, but it keeps turning?


Certain things...

Humble you?

Well, I was gonna say "really piss me off," but okay.

Yeah, sure. Humble me. [ laughs ]

All right.

Oh, what? Your passing didn't make a big enough splash?

A girl can hope.



Brothers and sisters?

Only child.



What do you want from me, Caffrey?

Who says I want anything?

I do.

You're a con man.

You smile for a living.

And you're smiling at me right now, so I know that you want something.

All right.

I would love... for you to pass me that fortune cookie.

[ Both chuckle ]

You first.

[ Sighs ]

Apparently excitement and intrigue follow me.

How about you?

I make delicious soups.

Confucius has you pegged.

Well, it's true, actually. I do.


[ Cellphone rings ]

Hey, Peter.

Peter: Got word from surveillance.

Halbridge just hired a crew to do some landscaping at Ridgemont tomorrow morning.

He took the bait?


Halbridge is digging up Ridgemont.

I'll toast to that.

[ Jackhammer pounding ]

Foreman: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Stop! Stop!

Get that up! Come on, guys.

Get the crane over here.

Okay, let's see what they found.

Come on!

Let's go. Come on. Quick. We got to get this...


I need everyone to put their tools down and step 2 feet away from the hole.

Put it down, guys.

[ Shouts indistinctly ]

Excuse me.

Oh, hey.

Can't be our bonds.


Whatever Halbridge is hiding has been here for years.

He's bound to have more than one skeleton in his closet.

Agent: Hey, Burke, open it?

Yeah, go ahead. Get it open.

[ Men murmuring, groaning ]

[ Inhales sharply ]

Looks like you were right about those skeletons.


How's the case going?

We're making headway.

We just dug up some new evidence.

That was some sort of pun, wasn't it?

I could have also said we found a body of evidence.

I get it. You're very, very funny.

I'm here all week. Don't forget to tip your waitress.

[ Laughs ]

So does that mean that Sara gets to go home?

Soon, I hope.

Well, have you talked to her?

Yeah, I'm gonna update her now.

No, I meant, have you talked to her?

Like a person?

I'm not a shrink.

You've got a pretty good bedside manner, Agent Burke.

Don't pretend you don't.

All right. You twisted my arm.

I love you.

I love you, too.


How you doing?

Me? I'm good. I'm fine.

It's a nice outfit.

Going somewhere?

No. No, I'm just pretending.

Dress how you want to feel, right?


Neal came by. We had a nice little chat.

Is he in one piece?

Yes, I left him whole.

Good. I prefer him that way.


These flowers from him?

Um, no.

My company sent these to the funeral home.

For me.


We had everything forwarded from the funeral home.

It's evidence.


It's carnations.

That's all I'm worth.

Might as well be weeds.

Well, I don't think that's fair to carnations.

I mean, you got to admit, they brighten up the place.

[ Chuckles ]

Did you find anything at Ridgemont?

A body.

A... whose?

Don't know yet.

Clothing is from the mid-'80s.

Looks like a blunt force to the head. No I.D.

No direct links to Halbridge.

Okay, well, then, what can I do?


Tonight you can rest.

That's what you can do.

When this thing is over, you can... get back to your life.

Maybe find something that doesn't fit in these boxes.

Oh, all right.

You're getting paid by the hour now.


My advice?

Get a life.

You work too hard.

And you don't?


What is it they say... "we can sleep when we're dead."

That's a good idea.

You're dead. So get some rest.

[ Laughs ]

Forensics will be here tomorrow, and you can jump back in then.


[ Chuckles ]

All right. I'll make us coffee.

Peter: Oh, yeah.

Sara: Right?

Right. Yeah, the way that "s" moves like that.


Yeah. It's very similar.

Did I miss a memo?


Were we starting early, or...

Forensics came back this morning with an I.D. on the body.


You're gonna love this.

The body buried under Ridgemont was identified as one...

Edgar Halbridge.

Halbridge is the corpse?


So the man we know as Edgar Halbridge is an impostor.

Yep. Who is he then?

We spent the morning comparing a recent signature of Halbridge's to signatures from every Ridgemont apartment lease from the early-to-mid-'80s.

We found a pretty good match.

Steve Price.

He was a tenant at Ridgemont at the same time the real Halbridge was living there.

So you think Price k*lled Halbridge and took his identity?


The real Halbridge had no family, but was coming into some serious cash from an inheritance.

Price was poor.

So Price knocks him off and then steals his identity.

Halbridge's body is lying there at Ridgemont, driving Price crazy.

His own tell-tale heart.

[ Scoffs ] Pay up.


Peter told me you would bring up the tell-tale heart.

Oh, I'm glad my grasp of Gothic fiction is a source of amusement for you.

He buys the property.

It isn't worth the risk of digging up the body, so he cements over it and makes sure no one ever digs there.

You start poking around Ridgemont, that's why he wants you k*lled.

I like it.

In theory.

Yeah, but that's all it is, a theory.

We've got the signature, but it isn't definitive.

No, if we're gonna prove m*rder one, we're gonna need more evidence.

[ Scoffs ] Thank you. Pay up.

We had a bet.

I told her at some point you'd say we need more evidence.

We do.

And we still don't have the bonds.

What if we could k*ll two birds, so to speak.

Make Halbridge admit he's Steve Price and reveal the bonds?

Great. What's the plan?

How would you feel about coming back from the dead?

This was what you found underneath one of my buildings?

It is.

How did they die?

We think it was m*rder.


Have you had any luck identifying it?

Not yet.

We'll know more when the lab work comes back, which takes weeks with older remains like this.

I was hoping that you might be able to help us.

Uh, I bought the building 20 years ago.

It's before my time.

There is one thing you might be able to help us with.

I assume you recognize this woman.

Do I?

You should.

Sara Ellis.

Insurance investigator working with Sterling Bosch.

She was investigating you concerning stolen bearer bonds.

Ah, yes.

I read about her recent misfortune.

What did she, uh, have to do with this?

Does. Present tense.

This photo was taken yesterday.

It appears she's alive.

Her death was faked.

[ Chuckles ]

Why would she do that?

I don't know.

But she was the one who tipped us off about the body.

We think that she's working with this man.

You know him? What's his name?

Steve Price.

That may be an alias. We're not sure.

Does the name ring a bell?

Steve Price...



Well, we think these two might be targeting you in some way.

If something comes up, please let me know.

We're here to help.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Keep those photos.

I will.

Nico, get in here.

You're getting better at planting bugs than Caffrey.

He's talking?


Halbridge: He played me. They both played me.

Nico: How did they know about the body I don't know, but they know who I am.

Oh, it's time to move.

Got him.

[ Knocks "shave and a haircut" on door ]

Did it work?

It worked. Wine, please.

Bringing Sara back from the dead was brilliant.

Sterling Bosch released the mail?

You had a very specific syrah here that I wanted to try, but it's gone missing.

I drank it. The Pinot is fine.

Moz, the mail.

Yes, they released it.

The package from the FAA containing the cockpit voice recording is now sitting amidst a pile of envelopes on her desk.

Or so I was told by a very perky assistant.


So, how are you gonna get it from her?

Well, if we take Halbridge down, the first thing Sara's gonna want to do is get out of that FBI building.

An impulse I understand.

Sterling Bosch is on the way home.

Think she'll stop and pick up her mail?

Yeah, she's a workaholic, and everybody likes mail.

This is true.

To the unopened package and the tantalizing mystery it contains.


You want me to steal it?

She has a g*n.

Is it still pointing at you?

No, I think I've convinced her I'm not trying to k*ll her anymore.

Well, you are a charmer.

I think I've got a plan that's a little less illegal than breaking and entering.

What do you need?

A car.

- You don't drive.

I don't drive often.

Do you think the lady will accept a ride from you?

Beats packing everything into a cab.

I drink to your charm, sir.

Woman: Did you get everything you need?

Halbridge: Yes, I did.

Thank you, Mr. Price.

Of course.

Steve Price?


Did this man just remove something from a security box belonging to Steve Price?


Can I see some I.D.?

I think you'll find everything's in order.

Excuse me.

Where you headed, Steve?

You're under arrest for the m*rder of Edgar Halbridge.

I wonder what's in here.

Huh. Goldfish.

These are pretty.

They got them.

[ Sighs ] Thank God.

I can finally take a shower that doesn't involve a sink.


For some reason, I imagined the FBI had showers somewhere in the building.

It's funny how we have these mental images that don't always match reality.

[ Chuckles ] Get me a cab.

I'm headed that way.

You have a car now?

Which agent's ride are you about to steal?


I'll leave a note and everything.


I'll get the Raphael.


Don't want you to forget it.

You don't pack light, do you?

Found a g*n on the driver.

Any luck on the suitcase with the g*n they gave Neal?

Nothing. Maybe they dumped it.

Keep looking.


Where's Mr. Black?

The Canadians are holding him.

Are you sure? Last we checked.

Find out.

Mr. Black... he's here, isn't he?

Your boss got a pricey lawyer.

I don't recall him saying you got one.

You want to be charged as an accessory to another m*rder?

Or do you want to talk to me?

Jones: Peter!

The Canadians released Black 12 hours ago.

They didn't have anything to charge him with.

Damn it!

He was in your car. Where is he now?

He came back to finish the job.

Where's Sara?

Where do you want these?

Oh, um, you can just put them right back there.

Thank you.

[ Sighs ]

You know, Neal, for an art thief...

Alleged art thief.


For an art thief, you certainly have your moments.

[ Sighs ]

Well, I doubt you'll be saying that after a shower and a few hours of sleep.

Yeah, you're probably right.

Oh, brother. It never ends.

What is this?

[ Doorknob rattling ]

[ g*nshots ]


Drop it. Now!

I said drop it!

I'd listen to her if I were you.

Get him out of here.

Agent: Come on. Let's go.

What are you doing here?

She needed a ride.

Excitement and intrigue...

Follow me wherever I go.

That's probably true for both of us.


Looking forward to trying that soup.

Peter: Soup?
