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02x02 - Need to Know

Posted: 07/22/10 03:30
by bunniefuu
[ Dialing ]

[ Ringing ]


Diana: Nothing.

It's 20 after. You want to call it?

No, not yet.

Fowler was willing to pull a g*n on you to make sure we didn't know about this meeting.

Whoever shows up, I'm betting they know why that plane exploded.


Diana, you see him?


Can't make a face.

Excuse me.


Hold it right there!

He's headed around the stone arches!

Cut him off!

FBI! Freeze!

He knows how to slip a tail.

Yeah, this guy's no civilian.

All right, I want you to pull the tape from every surveillance camera in the area, plus our cameras, atm cameras, everything in this area.


I want to know who this guy is.

Good morning.

You look exhausted.

Oh, I don't sleep well when Elizabeth's out of town.

Well, if her company keeps taking off the way it is, you can retire early and become a house husband.

Because when you look at me, you see soap operas and light housework.

What are we watching?

Our new case. Potentially corrupt politician.

You need a moment to recover?

I might, actually.

Gary Jennings, state senator?

You've heard of him?

I am politically aware.

He's popular. Even Mozzie voted for him.

Mozzie votes?

More often than you'd think.

Or would approve of.

Reporter: Why did you get into politics, Mr. Jennings?

Well, you know, I didn't plan to.

I wanted to be a carpenter.

Jesus was a carpenter.

Yeah, he's subtle.

But then I...I realized that my talents were better suited to helping build America's future with words and ideas rather than brick and mortar.

That's where I find my inspiration.

Well, his assistant thinks that he's illegally funneling money into his campaign.

Don't tell Mozzie.

We've had our eye on Jennings for a while.

So far, nothing's stuck.

But this could be our in.

You want to join a political campaign?

What do I have to do?

Let's figure that out.

I was a true believer. I believed in Jennings.

I still believe in what he stands for.

What changed your mind?

Gary started having these mystery meetings.

Right after, our campaign started getting an increasing number of donations.

Gary started keeping two sets of books.

I'm in charge of one.

None of the regular staff sees the other one.

What do you think is inside that book?

I think he's set up a straw donor scam.

It's an end run around campaign funding rules that limit donations from individuals.

Oh, I know what it is.

Politicians were the original con men.

Instead of cutting one big check to himself from a questionable source, Jennings gets a bunch of regular people to write him smaller checks, then he reimburses them under the table for their contributions.

I think the second book has a list of the straw donors and the source of the illegal money.

Well, who has access?

His inner circle.

Reggie, our head of opposition research, maybe a few others.

We have to find a way to get you inside Jennings' inner circle.

Neal: I got it.

Bad cop, good criminal.

No such thing.

Listen, it's a variation on a con that I've...

Thought about running before.

The bad guy, the cop... that's you... creates a problem for Jennings, and the good guy...

That's you?

Right. I provide the solution.

Listen, if I make Jennings think that the FBI's onto him, it'll spook him.

He'll burn his books.

Not if he thinks the bureau's barking up the wrong tree.

Here's an old loan scandal he was wrapped up in.

Yeah, he walked away clean from that years ago.

But it might make him worried if he thinks that the digging around...

Could uncover whatever he's really doing.

And make him nervous enough to hire a fixer.

Who does he normally use to cover up his problems?

Jennings' usual guy quit a few months ago, same time he started his mystery meetings.

This could work.

All we need's a bad cop.

I can do bad cop.

I've seen you do mildly irritated cop.


[ Sighs ]

God, I hate these glad-handing events.

You picked the wrong job if you don't want to shake hands.

Well... [ knock on door ]


I'm sorry to interrupt, senator.

Dylan, I said no more appointments.

Peter Burke, FBI.

[ Door closes ]

Well, what can I do for you, Agent Burke?

I came to say thank you.

[ Chuckles ] You're welcome.

What did I do?

Nothing yet.

But I'm gonna make my career taking you down.

I'm sorry, um...

Am I actually being accused of something?

The Mickelson loan scandal.

The FBI looked into that "scandal" years ago.

They found nothing.

You really want to waste taxpayers' money with another witch hunt?

I do.

I know if I start kicking over rocks, something will crawl out.

And when it does, it's gonna get your name, my name, and the word "scandal" in the same headline.

And then you figure you can have any job you want.


Maybe I'll take this office.

Why me?

Because I can tell you're dirty just by looking at you.


I'll keep digging until I find something that'll bury you.

You've got my word on that.

[ Door opens ]

[ Door closes ]

How'd I do?

Nice acting.

Who said I was acting?

[ cellphone rings ]


Did it work?


Whatever you said, Jennings is freaked out.

He called an immediate w*r room.

He called a w*r room.

All right. Keep us posted.

I'm the bad cop.

Now it's your turn.

Caffrey, that's my newspaper.

Relax. I'll give it back.

Touch my crossword, and I will put you back behind bars.

Oh, you do it in pen. I'm impressed.

I'm looking for inspiration, you know?

And I think I just found it.

What was the fallout from your meeting with Jennings?

Well, he called in some favors, tried to get me fired.

Hughes is protecting me, which should frustrate Jennings even further.


According to Dylan, he's looking for a new fixer as we speak.

I didn't doubt you for a second.

Dylan put your name on the list, but Jennings is still looking at other people, too.

So, we need to make sure you get that job.

Well, I don't have an alias with this type of background.

Hmm. You're about to get one...

Courtesy of the FBI.

What do you guys need to know about creating a background?

Nothing. We're the FBI.

You're good, but we're better.

You're now Benjamin Cooper.

Wow, high school yearbook?

You're definitely thorough.

Peter: They're thorough.

Jennings doesn't mess around with this stuff.

That means no anklet when you're with him.

Yeah, nice Photoshop work.

We'll add the yearbook to the school's archive in case they check.

I finally get to be valedictorian.

You weren't valedictorian?

You have to graduate for that.

We're giving you a 4.0 from Harvard law.

Harvard is so pedestrian.

Don't let Jones hear you say that.

After graduating, you did a stint at the firm Brexton and Miller in Delaware.

Very exclusive and Grisham-esque.

This is perfect.

Benjamin Cooper?

That would be me.

Pleasure to meet you.

This is Reggie Mayfield, head of opposition research.


[ Sighs ]

Oh, thank you so much.

Well, if you've called me, that means you've got a problem on your hands, right?

We've got a fed on steroids who's going after Gary on the Mickelson...

Details don't matter.

Oh, I think they do. This FBI agent... don't worry about the agent.

Your constituents aren't going to care about him.

Why won't they?

Because they'll be far more concerned with your position on the new stadium.

What's he talking about?

You know anything about a new stadium?

No, nothing.

What new stadium?

That's exactly what you're gonna say.

"What new stadium?"

And when the reporter asks what you're talking about, deny you're in any way involved with the talks to build it.

There isn't going to be a new stadium.

Now you're getting it.


If there were a new stadium being built ... which there isn't... Why would I oppose it?

Oh, you don't oppose it.

I don't.

Of course not.

You just don't want them building a stadium in that particular location because that's where you want them to build the new children's park.

May I, uh...?


There we go.

We're talking to several people about this job...

All right.

Go on.

Are you following any of this?


That's the point. It's all a giant distraction.

Who's gonna care about an old loan scandal of yours when you're fighting against the system?

Against the corporate fat cats who think overpaid athletes are more important than our city's children?

But the story won't hold up.

Oh, you've got less than a month before the election.

It doesn't have to hold up. We just have to distract.


You've got a problem.

I'm your solution, senator.

Have a great day.

I like him.

Cancel the other interviews.

You got it.

Hey, do you have a...

All right. First thing tomorrow.


[ Cellphone closes ]

You don't get to shush me.

Oh, okay. Next time I'll let Jennings hear your voice in the background.

You're hired?

Like I said... Bad cop, good cop.

Good criminal.



So, the stadium thing worked, huh?

In today's world, rumor is truth.

But you told him to deny that there were any talks.


Which means there must be talks.

This is why I hate politics.

Oh, Elizabeth's still out of town, right?

You want to grab a drink?


Uh, I owe Captain Shattuck a favor.

Gonna help the local PD with a stakeout.

Surveillance and deviled ham till 4:00 a.m.

You want to join us...

No, I'll pass.

Thank you, though.

All right.

Oh! Don't tell Elizabeth.

[ Knock on door ] Mm.



Oh, it's just you and Satchmo tonight?

Yeah, just the dog and me.

Elizabeth's still in San Francisco?

She is. Can I get you a beer?


All right.

So, how was your dinner with Christie?


Oh. She still having a tough time adjusting to New York?

We'll get through it.

Yeah, you will. You will.

All right. Any luck putting a face on our mystery man?

He was good... He avoided our cameras and the surveillance cameras on the street.



Just bits and pieces of a face.

Well, put the pieces together...

And we get this.


I think I saw this guy in a horror movie.

Hmm. Our patchwork man.

I'm running it through the facial-recognition database, discreetly.

We'll see what we can get.

What about the location of the music box?

Anybody poking around?

A couple of feelers, but no one knows where it is.

Except you.

Just like you asked, boss.

Are you sure you don't want to know where I'm keeping it?

No, it's safer for the both of us if I don't.

This guy knows something.

Let's find him.

And Caffrey?

You're sure you want to keep all this from him?

Neal's still recovering from Kate's death.

I don't want to reopen that wound with any sort of false hope.

Once we have something concrete, then I'll tell Neal.

[ Sighs ]

Diana, I hate sneaking around like this.

We're supposed to be the good guys.

Hey. We are the good guys.

Boy, this guy's a professional.

If we're looking for him...

There is a fair chance...

He's looking for us.

Morning, Dylan.

Jennings isn't in yet.


I need some time in his office.

Well, the, uh... the door's locked, and Jennings and Reggie are the only ones with keys.

But they'll be here any minute.

So distract them. Can you do that?

Um... I'm a terrible liar.


We need more terrible liars in politics.

[ Whispering indistinctly ]

Come on, come on.


[ Indistinct conversation ] Senator...

You're in early.

Senator, I wanted to go over next week's schedule with you.

Just, uh...

[ Camera shutter clicks ]

[ Talking indistinctly ]


Morning, senator.

Oh, nice and early.

Good start already.

I was gonna go grab a smoke before we jump in.

Do you have a light?

Smoking makes you look weak.

I'll remember that.

Oh, uh....

We should discuss my fee.

You know, I was hoping we could do it off the books.

I'm sure we can come to an arrangement.

[ Cellphone rings ]

[ Clears throat ]

How's your first day of work?

I've taken up smoking.

Politics is already corrupting you.

Yeah. You get the picture I sent?

Yeah. The symbol's the flower of Aphrodite.

We ran it through the ACS database and came up with two coffee shops, a bakery, a winery, and a high-class escort service.

Politicians and hookers ... that one's as old as time.

Listen, there was a word written inside the matchbook ...


All caps except the vowels.

Got it.

Any luck convincing Jennings to pay you off the books?

Yeah, yeah.

He, uh, made a call to get the money.

I put an ear to the door.

He called the man on the end of the line "darrow" or "narrow."

All right, break's over. Get back to work.


[ telephone rings ]


Elizabeth: Hey, sweetie!

Oh, hey, El. How's San Francisco?

It's amazing here.

I biked across the bay this morning to watch the sunrise.

How was the sunrise?

It reminded me of Belize...

Which makes me miss you even more.

You got any big plans for tonight?

Nope. Just catching up on some work.

Woman: Are you looking for high-class female companionship?

Uh, what kind of work is that?

Oh, it's not what it sounds like.

Our discreet service gives you a chance to spend a day with the girl of your dreams. Or that.

We will introduce you to fashion models, pageant winners, beau...

Oh, I can't wait to hear this explanation.

Research, I swear.

Neal: All right, has the press picked up on the stadium story?

A couple of reporters have asked about it.

And we denied it?

Of course.

Good. Make sure to specify that he did not meet with the zoning committee.

He didn't meet with the committee.


Back-date a meeting in his books showing it was scheduled and leak it.

We'll say he canceled.

But why?

[ Chuckles ]

This doesn't make sense.

Of course it does. Jennings is a Maverick.

That's why the FBI is digging into his past.

He's upsetting all the right people.

But there is no stadium project.

We can't create one out of thin air.

Don't be so cynical.

That is exactly what we're going to do.

These people want a park.

That's why we're going to deny that Jennings has met with a couple of big corporations...

Which corporations?

Doesn't matter. Pull their names out of a hat.

We're going to deny that Gary has met with them about forcing a bond measure that would turn the park into a new stadium.

The more we deny there's smoke, the more the press will see fire.

Listen to him.

Let's take a 15-minute break, everyone.


You stay.

What's going on?

We may have found a solution to our problem with our FBI agent.

That's not Mrs. Burke.

When were these taken?

Last night.

If Burke's having an affair, we can use that.

Do we know who the girl is yet?

Not yet.

I'll find out.

Well, I know who she is.

She's a prost*tute.

How do you figure?

This Burke is an FBI guy. He's a control freak.

He's not gonna have an affair. It's too sloppy.

He may be right.

We can use her.

These pictures aren't enough to take Burke out.

But if we can get her to meet with him again and she's under our thumb...

We might have someone who can help us with that.

You told them Diana was a hooker?

Neal: Mm-hmm.

Captain Shattuck sure cleans up nice.

The stakeout was canceled.

Diana came over to work.

Why am I explaining myself to you?

Not everything's a conspiracy, Neal.

I hope that's true.

I've never lied to you.

Oh, come on, Neal. You lie for a living.

Not to you.

I may have let you draw certain conclusions that weren't correct, but never an actual lie.

All right, so, one of Jennings' guys was standing in my backyard taking these?

Yep. You got to them.

They think you're having an affair.

Took a risk and told them Diana was a prost*tute, and they took the bait.

They told me to find her and put her in touch with a guy they know named Barrow.

Ah, your mystery man Jennings called to get you paid off the books.

So, maybe the Aphrodite escort service is where the cash is coming from to pay his straw donors.

That's what I think.

Can you set Diana up with an alias as good as mine?

As an escort? Sure.


Can you come here a minute?

You gonna tell her?

I'm not telling her.

You're the one who made her a hooker.

You're the one who's sleeping with her.

You got a point.


Neal told Jennings you're a hooker.

You and I are having an affair.

You're gonna go meet with an escort service.

Okay. Anything else?


[ Exhales deeply ]

It's good to have her back.

Mozzie: Did you confront the suit about the pictures?

Yeah, I did.

He said it was a misunderstanding.

Oh, right. So was the bay of pigs.

So you think he's looking into who k*lled Kate in his off hours.

I suppose that's a good thing.

I want to know what he's found.

He's trying to protect you.

Oh, come on, Moz. I don't need protecting.

It's only fair.

We keep secrets from the suits all the time.

Now they have their own.

There's a certain universal synchronicity to it all.

Spare me your "circle of life" crap.

What are you writing?

Oh, it's a letter campaign to stop this new stadium from being built.

There's a letter campaign?

You really need to pay more attention to what's going on in the world around you.


Listen, Moz, you should know that ... that you got a real shot at stopping this.

Keep it up.

It is really exciting in the van.


Can I just go in there and ...

You'll sit there, and you'll like it.

Now pay attention.
[ Indistinct conversations ]

You must be Lana.

Roger Barrow.

A friend of mine suggested that you and I could do some business.

Diana: What kind of business?

That's our guy.

What do we know about Barrow?

Arrested three times, all in Chicago.

Aggravated as*ault, extortion.

Last one was for attempted m*rder.


At least we know he's not very good at it.

Well, his target was shot dead in a mugging two weeks later.

Okay, maybe he is good at it.

Barrow: I want to know about your FBI friend.

What do you want?

Here we go.

What do you think?

Money? Look around.

My girls make 10k a night.

The richest men in New York come here.

You want to work for me, you'll make in a week what you normally make in a year.

I'd like that.

Here's the thing.

I need to know that I can trust you.

And I need to make sure that you know what you're doing.

This is for the penthouse suite.

Pick any guy at the bar.

I want his 10 grand in my hand by 4:00 a.m.

$10,000 in cash.

Guys? I was not prepared for an audition.

I'm either walking out of here or taking some guy up to the penthouse.

So, what's the plan?

Where'd Caffrey go?

Can I buy you a drink?

We have three hours.

If we can get $10,000, we can follow the money trail, see if it leads back to Jennings.

But, Peter, we can't get a cash request out of the bureau that fast.

I know.

Diana: You sure you can afford me?

I'm pretty good at scrounging up loose change.

Hmm. Prove it.

Peter, if you're wondering where to get $10,000, meet our mutual friend at my place.

I was afraid he was gonna say that.

About that drink...

You've come to the right place.

Cut the crap, Mozzie.

Can you get us the 10 grand or not?

Yes. But first, some ground rules.

I want full immunity about anything you may see or hear tonight.

Let's just say I'll owe you one.

I accept your counteroffer. I need your shoelace.

My shoelaces are gonna get us the $10,000?

Rule number two... No further questions.

I'm doing this more out of a morbid curiosity than anything else.

I'll also need a magnet and a Sports Illustrated.

This is a scavenger hunt now?

I refer you to rule number two.


No Sports Illustrated.

I've got the New York Journal Magazine supplement.

That'll do, pig. That'll do.

Oh, I also need a $20 bill.

Great. Thanks.

[ Sliding, clank ]

Just a key? Yes. Another piece of the puzzle.

And don't forget a hammer, a crowbar, and a radio.

Scavenger hunt.

"Life is more manageable"

"when thought of as a scavenger hunt"

"as opposed to a surprise party."

Jimmy Buffett.

You're driving.

You sure Barrow won't recognize you?

Jennings keeps him far away from the campaign.

I don't blame him.

You know, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you weren't attracted to me at all.

How's that?

Not bad.

Is this doing anything for you?

Not a damn thing.

[ Chuckles ]

What were you gonna do if I hadn't come in?


I'd have put this strawberry in that guy's mouth...

Taken him up to my room...

Put a g*n between his ribs...

And told him to shut up and sit tight or I'd arrest him for solicitation.

That is really sexy.


We're looking for unit R39.

Radio, please.


Yeah, yeah. Rule number two.

[ Classical piano music plays ]

So, why are we doing this?

We need the money to takedown a corrupt politician.

Oh, I hope it's that guy who's running against Jennings.

It is Jennings?

Oh, forget it.

He's the only one fighting against the stadium.

There is no stadium.

Exactly! Because of Gary Jennings!

Those children need a place to play!

All right, listen. Listen to me.

If he is innocent...

Which he is!

...Then this won't matter.


Just note that I'm assisting under extreme duress.

Noted. Here it is.

Oh, it's actually behind R39.

How are we supposed to get behind that?

Uh, uh.

Man: What's all this noise?

[ Radio shuts off ]

I'm over on six, doing my rounds, I could hear this crap from all the way over there.

All apologies, Eddie.

Mr. C?


Hey, how the hell are you?


How's Mr. F?


Listen, uh, Eddie... I need a little favor.

You ever take a bath in champagne?



Room service.

What? I'm keeping up appearances.

I'm supposed to be a big spender, remember?

Caffrey, this isn't what we're here for.

Look, our cover is that we're enjoying ourselves.

I'd say this is exactly what we're here for.

What, so, that's a no to the champagne bath, or...?

[ Beeping ]

Mr. C and Mr. F?

Oh, there's a long, strange story attached to that.

I'm sure. Now what?

New York Journal Magazine.

What do I do with this?

Stay here and read it.

"There are many things"

"of which a wise man might wish to be ignorant."


Very good.

"All of your quotes are getting on my nerves."

Peter Burke.

[ Clanging ]


Okay. You're right. It doesn't hurt to relax a bit.

[ Sighs ]

I wonder how many rooms like this I've stayed in.

Want to know a hotel-room secret?

I'm pretty sure I know every secret there is.

All hotel-room paintings are locked onto the walls, right?


And they're not hard to unlock, but why bother?

The paintings aren't worth stealing, and hotel doesn't put safes behind them.

They don't. But there's something better.

There's a little mark... right here.

So you know something's there.

It's for people who live out of hotels.

A sort of secret art...

To make the experience more bearable.

[ Laughs ]

[ Chuckles ]

How did you know about this?

I'm the daughter of a diplomat. I grew up in fancy hotels.

You're the daughter of a diplomat?

Why are you so surprised?

Diplomats' daughters don't normally know how to field-strip a semiautomatic.

My bodyguard taught me.

Oh, and you had a bodyguard.

His name was Charlie. He practically raised me.

Was like a father to me.


He died in the line of duty.

Protecting me.

[ Sighs ]

Were you there when it happened?

I was.

My first date with Kate, we conned our way into some rich guy's hotel room.

And we ordered the most expensive food they had.

Did you know there's a $1,000 hamburger?

You're joking. We ordered five.


And from our window... there was a view of this run-down old bridge.

I'm sure it was a mess up close, but from our angle, the way the sun hit it...

It was beautiful.

And we never wanted to leave that room.

It should have been me on that plane.

But it wasn't.

I know you blame yourself for what happened to Kate.

I blamed myself for Charlie.

But Charlie wouldn't have wanted me to do that.

He'd have wanted me to go on with my life.

I didn't know Kate, but I'd guess she'd want the same thing.

Now, do you have a pencil?

I do.


Because there's a painting in this room with nothing behind it.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Clanging ]

[ Clattering ]

Everything all right back there?

Mozzie: Keep reading!

[ Clattering, rattling ]

Your money, sir. We should go.

We need to get these serial numbers logged as quickly as possible.

We have 10 minutes.

We get those numbers, we can trace them back to Jennings.

How are Caffrey and Diana holding up?

How do you think?

You're lying to me.

I'm not. I swear I'm not.

There is no way Peter had a mustache.

For a month! It was amazing.

I would have broken out of prison to see that.

[ Laughs ] [ doorknob jiggles ]

Barrow has a key.

You know, I'd say "Get a room," but...

What if he works for Barrow?

I know who he is.

It was worth a try.


I think we should stay here...

Hey, Hef...


Thank you. We'll do it again some time.

So, when do we start making some real money?

Peter: How is it that you always get the penthouse suite with the girl and I end up with the sweaty, bald-headed guy at a warehouse in Queens?

Stop that.

Can I see a picture of the 'Stache? Please?

No, I burned all of them. They're burned.

What's with the armband?

It's "Save the park" day.


Save the park. Save the park!

Hey. Oh, yes, of course.

Does Mozzie know that the one conspiracy theory that he's falling for is actually true?

Hey, who's to say it's a conspiracy theory?

Perception drives the reality, Peter.

All right?

[ Cellphone rings ]


This is Benjamin.

All right. Relax, Gary.

This is what we've been preparing for.

Call up a reporter friendly to the campaign.

I want them to ask you about the loan scandal, okay?

And I want you to answer with a simple question...

"Did you ever play stickball?"

Reporter: ...The FBI has reopened their investigation into the Mickelson loan scandal.

Is this true?

It is.

And let me ask you something.

Have you ever played stickball?

No, I have not, senator.

Well, all you need to play stickball is a broomstick and a ball.

It's the ultimate form of democracy, right?

Anyone can play. Even Timmy Nolan.

Who is Timmy Nolan?

Timmy Nolan...

Was a friend of mine that I used to play with.

And he's also the reason why I am fighting so hard to make this park a reality.

Look, we all know why a 5-year-old, closed investigation has suddenly resurfaced.

It's because there are people out there who would rather use this land for their own profit than to let the Timmy Nolans of this city have a place to play.

Well, I'll tell you this.

They can come at me with whatever they want.

But I will not back down.

[ Cheers and applause ] All right. Yeah!

Good work. Good job on Timmy Nolan, my friend.


What's wrong?


Thanks. I'll check in later.

Nice job.

Look, I need to know what's going on, or I can't fix it.

If you can't trust me... you believe in Gary Jennings, right?

Yeah, I wouldn't have done this if I didn't.

He's gonna be governor in the next five years.

He's got his sights set even higher.

But to make it there...

We need to take out this FBI agent.

Didn't you just watch the news?

The story's buried. I took care of it.

For now, yeah. But I've seen guys like Burke.

You buried him now.

That's just gonna heat him up.

What's your plan?

This prost*tute... Lana?

I think she knows a lot more about Burke than she's letting on.

You want to talk to her?

Not me.

I've got a guy.


Yeah. He'll get it out of her.

What's he gonna do to the girl?

He'll scare her...

Maybe rough her up a little.


And what if he gets out of control?

Is that so bad?

When's Barrow gonna have this "discussion" with the girl?

Any time now.

Here we go.

Diana's entering Barrow's hotel room.

[ Cellphone buzzes ]

Diana's in trouble.

You two, come with me. Jones, call for backup.

Move away from the door.

What's going on?

Just sit down, and you won't get hurt.

I promise.

You're lying.

I'm not. We're just gonna have a chat.

You should know you're threatening an undercover FBI agent.

That's even more reason for me to pull the trigger.

Put the g*n down, and you'll walk out of here.



Draw and I'll put a b*llet through your shoulder.

[ g*nsh*t ] Aah!

Told ya. [ door slams open ]

Aww. You were worried.

Oh. Not about you.

I was worried what you'd do to him.

Think we've got enough to arrest Jennings now?

Yeah. I think we do.

You get what you need?

Barrow rolled on Jennings.

He figured a confession was better for the soul.

Jones just finished arresting Reggie, and he found a copy of the second set of books on him.

Now for the big guy.

Oh, wait for it.


Oh, ho ho ho.

Picture perfect.

I don't think this is the kind of headline you're looking for, Agent Burke.

"Rogue FBI agent arrests innocent man."

[ Chuckles ]

You're a saint. Isn't he?

Oh, yeah.

Yeah, I can almost see the halo.


Hey, what do you think?

Hang the dogs playing poker on that wall?

That would really bring this room together.

Senator Jennings... You're under arrest.

This is ridiculous. On what charge?

Oh, a bunch of them... Campaign finance fraud and as an accessory to m*rder.

He also knows about Barrow.

I also know about Barrow.

Nothing to say to that?

I want my lawyer.

Good choice.

Oh, Peter.


A new bond measure has been placed on the ballot that, if passed, will assure this field will be the new home of Timmy Nolan Memorial Park.

Who's Timmy Nolan?

I have no idea. You guys have to invent him.

...The greater good of the community, in this case by a little boy named Timmy Nolan and an old-fashioned game of stickball.

Look at you.

You got a park built.

Peter, how could you keep this from me?

I'm sorry, boss. He needed to know.


I expected more "Magnum, PI"...

And less super Mario.

I burned all those.

How did you... Give me that.

Oh, no, no.

Come on, let me... It's more Burt Reynolds, no?

You look good in orange.

That's for making me flirt with Caffrey.

All right. Fair enough, fair enough.

[ Laughter ] Who wants it? Who wants it?

Take it, you guys.

[ Sighs ]

What else you have?

Facial recognition came back.


Nothing on our mystery man.

[ Sighs ]

Who are you?