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01x05 - The Portrait

Posted: 11/22/09 11:43
by bunniefuu
Kate leaves you a bottle with a map on it, and this is where it leads us... Grand Central Station?

It's something I'd recognize, Moz.

Something significant.


Grand Central Station!

Something familiar.

She could have sent us anywhere, so she sends us to a place that leads everywhere?


You know, there's a great oyster bar in there.

Hey, I think there's something in here.

"X" marks the spot... again?

Kate likes the classics.

"Dear Neal, heard you're looking for me."

"Wish I could explain more, but time is not on our side,"

"but you need to stop looking."

"No one can deny what we have, but it's over."

"Please move on."


All this for "move on".

Oddly bipolar.

I'd rather have some oysters.

[ Singing indistinctly ]

[ Knock on door ]



Have a good weekend?

Ah, nothing too exciting.

I went to the park.

Oh, great. Glad you're getting out.


Love to. No time. Got a stolen painting.

It's June's Italian roast.



Haustenberg, well...

Is it a museum heist?

No. Residential robbery.

I'd like to meet the person who keeps a Haustenberg over their mantel.

[ Horn honking ]

Neal: I love Haustenberg.

Which one of his paintings was stolen?

This one is called "Young girl with a locket".

No photograph?

No, but I bet you it's a painting of a young girl wearing a locket.

You don't get enough credit for your deductive skills.

It's worth $2 million and change.

That's nice.

Haustenbergs are rare.

Not many of his works made it out of Hungary after the w*r.

Yeah. Rare can make it valuable... Very valuable.

What are you looking at me for?

Why do you think?

I didn't steal it.

I know you didn't steal it, but you like paintings.

I'm worried that if we find it, it may be too much temptation for you.

I can handle temptation.

[ Beeping, tires screech ]

Do you want to keep your eyes on the road?

This is a taurus. Car can take care of itself.

I'm keeping my eyes on you.

Good, good. The road is important, too.

I see the road. Sorry about that.

No. Don't apologize. That was... He stopped.

You know I didn't steal it. You checked my anklet?

I always check your anklet.

I pull a map up on you every day so I can see exactly where you've been.

What was so interesting about Grand Central Station?

Oyster bar... It's the best in town.

I stayed within my two-mile radius.

I wonder if we've been a little too generous on that.

[ Scoffing ]

Oh, yeah.

What, are you gonna sulk now?

You don't trust me.

What did Reagan say?

"Trust, but verify."

That was also the motto of the Soviet secret police.

Get used to it, comrade.

[ Beeping ]

Eyes! Road!

Let's just recover the painting.

Yeah, and drive.

Wow, so, the FBI... You're really taking this seriously, huh?

We are.

Are you the homeowner?



My parents are dead, I'm over 21, and I was robbed.

Any other questions?

Was the painting insured?


It's worth $2.6 million.


That's where it was.

Tuesdays I have classes.

Uh, the instructor let us out early.

I came in here, and there was this... monster here, and he shoved me up against the wall.

He hurt you?


I hit him in the face, and he said if I did it again, he would k*ll me.

What did you do?

I hit him again.

[ Chuckles ]

Do you have a photo of the painting?

Your report only had a description.


Yeah. Yeah.

Can I help you?

Oh, it's okay, Gary. It's the FBI.

They're here about the painting.

Oh, of course.

Thank you for coming so quickly.

Sure, sure. Were you there when it happened?

No. I was at work at the time.

Wish I could be more help.

[ Chuckles ]


We looking at an inside job?

Thief knew her schedule. Nothing else was taken.

I'd go with that. I'd go with that, too.

Help Julianna with that photo.

Gary, I have a few questions.


Gary's your, um...?

Uncle. Uncle.

Will that do?

Oh, my goodness.

That's my grandmother. That's the painting behind her.

Could be your twin.

I'll take that as a compliment.

I was named after her. She raised me.

When she died, she left me the house...

And the painting.

What did uncle Gary think of that?

You don't look like an FBI agent.

[ Chuckles ]

I'll take that as a compliment.

What's an FBI agent look like?



You got the photo?

Let's go.

Peter: I've never seen a guy lawyer up that fast.

I've got that he's a stock trader on wall street And that his attorney Will answer any further questions I might have.

So, uncle Gary tips off the thief, splits the take.

More likely uncle Gary owes money to somebody, and he got tired of staring at 2 million bucks hanging on the wall.

Now he shuts up, and we do this the hard way.

The hard way?

All we need from Gary is the name of the guy he's working with, right?

Right. So, why don't I talk to him?

You? Yeah.

O... Okay, let me rephrase that.

Since I am a consultant and not technically an employee of the FBI...

A consultant on a tenuous probation.

As I'm constantly reminded.

Is there anything illegal about me talking to him?

You can't thr*aten him. Don't plan to.

Or lie to him.

All right.

All right. No lying.

I'm just gonna ask him for the name.

Tell me, Gary, Does Julianna know you helped steal the painting?

You can't be here.

My lawyer was very clear.

First of all, hiring a lawyer makes you look guilty.

He told me specifically not to talk to the FBI.

Do I look like an FBI agent?

Who are you?

Think hard, Gary.

Did he send you?

What do you think?

God, I knew this would happen.

What, that whole thing at the house was a setup?

How'd it go wrong?

Julianna wasn't supposed to be there.

Now she's a witness.

It wasn't my fault. Her class got out early.

Please don't hurt her.

It's not me you need to convince.

Tell him...

Tell him I'll make sure she doesn't cause any trouble.

She's ready to sit with a sketch artist.

This is the kind of thing that makes it much harder for him to sell the painting.

How about... here?

How about a good-faith payment?

Here. Here's $300. That's all I got.



All right, you're right. You're right.


I can write him a check.

That could work.

Peter: He wrote you a personal check to the guy he helped steal his mother's painting.

He was very insistent.

No threats. No lies.

I let him do all the talking.

I'm calling this a "gray area".

[ Laughs ]

Oh. Gerard Dorsett.

You know him? Yeah.

Yeah, he's a... bad guy.

So I figured.

Hey, what about Julianna?

He figures out she's talking to us...

Let's catch the bastard before that happens.

Jones: Yeah, we got him.

We've been sitting on him for two days.

They've gone to every high-end gallery in Manhattan offering the Haustenberg.

Who's that?

The big guy? Joshua.

Ex-military, the muscle who stole the painting.

Julianna wasn't kidding about the punch.

Girl has an arm.

And the other guy is Dorsett, French expat.

What's he into, besides shaking down stockbrokers?

Peter: High-end loan-sharking, although calling him a loan shark Is like calling Oedipus a mama's boy.

He makes questionable loans with big corporate money.

Get behind on your payment, he'll firebomb your office.


But the good news is, you get to meet him tomorrow.

How'd you arrange that?

I set it up.

Neal, this is Taryn Vandersant.

She's a buyer at the Lambert gallery and is nice enough to help us out on this one.

I convinced Dorsett I have a wealthy client who's very interested in the painting.

How much is he asking?


We've arranged to have the exchange happen at the gallery, Neal.

Jones, let's get a prep.

This should be fun.


Have you ever met a woman who didn't...

Brittni... Brittni Nichole...

In second grade.

I had a gap in my teeth.

[ Muttering ]

[ Chuckles ]

Kate loves the classics.

That's a big load of laundry.

Yeah. It just sold for $120,000.


Hey, hey! What?

Can't put a price on art.

No, you can't, which is why I think $2.6 million is a little steep for the Haustenberg.

You're not a fan of Haustenberg?

Uh, I don't know.

It's a little cartoony for my taste.

You're... you're a philistine.

Yeah, yeah.

I... I'm the crazy one.

You all set? All set.

Well, let's get wired.

100 grand in cash... That's a lot of money.


Why would you think that?

Peter warned me about you.

Warned you?

Sounds ominous.

Does it?


Is it true you just got out of prison?

Do I look like I just got out of prison?

He said you'd do that.



Yes, I just got out of prison, yes, Peter is the guy who put me there, and, yes...

I'm tempted.

Is it true you escaped for a girl?


Some people think I'm a romantic.

Did she?

I'll let you know.

[ Sighs ]

Man: We got Dorsett crossing 20th.

Let's get a camera on that.


They're approaching the gallery.

Team one has the eye.

Good to see you again.

Good to see you.

As I said on the phone, this is Mr. Devore.

Call me George.

It's smaller than I expected.

Have you seen the "Mona Lisa"?

It's tiny.

Could I see the money, please?

I'd like to authenticate it.

So, you two have known each other for a long time?

We've been friends for, I don't know, how long's it been?


Beautiful people are never just friends.

George has a girlfriend.

Again, monogamy is the great casualty of beauty.

Not always.


We use the expression "butterfly" for a man who flits from flower to flower.

A man such as yourself could be quite a successful butterfly.

We consider butterflies weak, delicate creatures.

Yes, but flap their wings, and they can set off hurricanes.

That's beautiful. You should write a book.

Can we...

Close the doors, please.

I have a girlfriend myself.

Is she faithful?

She's French. I try not to think about it.

Brigitte arrived last night, and I shouldn't leave her alone in a new town for long.

Perhaps we could hurry.

Of course. Lights, please.

I've got fluorescing cadmium green and azurite blue.

That puts the paint composition pre-1960.

Perhaps you can explain why there are people signaling each other outside.

You want us to go?

Not yet. We can't risk it.

Who are they?

If you brought the FBI into this ...

It was not me!

I told you to keep a low profile.

You were careless.

You've been flashing this painting all over town.

They followed you here.

Something is not right here.

Damn right it's not.

For my time and inconvenience.

That's it. Move, move!

Team one, team two, alpha bravo is exiting the rear of the building... Move in.

Peter: Go! Go!

Go! Follow Jones!

You okay?

We're fine.

Arrest them.

Arrest them. We have to keep their cover.

Handcuff them. Read them their rights, everything.

You two are on the north end, opposite side of Jones!


Where are they?

Jones: They disappeared between the buildings.

Anyone have eyes?


All we got is this.


Ah, they switched clothes. Damn it!

Are things always this interesting when you're around?

Come on.

You're under arrest.

[ Car door closes ]

So, how upset were they that you lost the 100 grand?

"Upset" is a bit of an understatement.

It started an administrative inquiry.

Everything will be fine if I recover it...

When I recover it.

Well, the good news is Neal didn't take it.


This is progress.

Do you think he actually had anything to do with it?

No, but the thing about Neal...

Nothing is ever what it seems.

The guy's a contradiction.

He's obsessed about Kate, But you should have seen him flirting with this girl at the takedown.

Well, honey, that's who Neal is.

That's never gonna change.

That's what I love about you so much.

What, that I lost all ability to flirt when we got married?

Honey, it was even questionable then.

[ Laughs ]

Who's the new girl?

Taryn Vandersant.

Don't know her.

She's a buyer at the Lambert gallery.

She's beautiful, seems nice.

Well, if Neal's interested, you should encourage it.

Encourage it?

Oh, I need that like a hole in the head.

Honey, if he would fall for the new girl, he might actually stop chasing Kate.

[ Chuckles ]

Love you.

Love you.

You and Taryn were getting along pretty good yesterday.

She's not my type.

What? Not your... Why isn't she your type?

She loves art.

She looks like Lara Croft in khakis.

Really? Does she bake cookies for orphans, too?

She does.

I get it.

Meet a nice girl, maybe settle down.

Simplify my life, probably save yours.

You're lying about the cookies.

Prove it.

Who's that?

Curator from the Channing Museum.


Why... Why is he here?

The Haustenberg. He says it belongs to them.

Lose the stupid hat.

How come the channing didn't report it missing?

We did report it, when it was stolen in 1967.

I have a question.

The painting was stolen in '67, but it's not listed on the art-loss registry.

The registry was established in 1990.

'91, actually.

You could have re-filed the claim.

I'm sorry. You are who?

Neal Caffrey. He's one of our art consultants.


Not familiar with that name.

It's probably for the best.

You're an expert on Haustenberg?

All the late European post-impressionists.

I authenticated "young girl with locket" myself when it first entered our collection.

You'll agree it's an excellent work, a bit sentimental for my taste, but the Matisse influence is apparent.

Oh, well, considering Matisse was a Fauvist, I wouldn't agree with that at all.

Unless you're talking about his early work, which I don't think you are, and if you are, you're just wrong.

We have reason to believe that this was taken in a residential robbery.

What happened to the painting when it was taken from my museum is not my concern.

Now, someone elected to buy stolen property.

I believe that is a crime.

Do you know how the Haustenberg came into your grandmother's possession?

She brought it with her from Hungary When she came to this country after the w*r.


Agent Burke, got a question for you.


Excuse me.

Play nice, kids.

What's going on?

You're not a very good liar.

Your grandmother stole the painting.

Why would you say that?

She never had it insured.

That was my first clue.

Is this like a good-cop, bad-cop thing?

He takes a call. You wink at me.

If we get the painting, it's going back to the channing, Unless you give us a good reason to keep it away from them.

All right. Tell me a story.

How did she take it?

Just... hypothetically.


A little black dress, a laced bottle of whiskey, and a horny Irish security guard.

Why'd she do it?

That's the locket.

Your grandmother's the little girl in the painting.

[ Sighs ]
[ Indistinct talking ]

How's it going in there?

Oh, it's... it's fine.

Any luck on Dorsett?


Assuming you just walked with 100 grand in cash and the painting, what do you do?

Go to ground till things cool off.

Where do you go?

[ Sighs ]

Dorsett said something about having a girlfriend.



How many Brigittes came in from France last night?

Accounting for middle names and spelling variations, a lot more than I thought.

Well, we can discount connecting flights.

And women over 50.

Tell me I'm wrong.

Well, that leaves seven.

All right.

So, let's pull in some teams, and everybody take a Brigitte.

We'll... we'll take the girl staying at the Gansevoort.

That's where I'd stay.

[ Sport announcer speaking ]

You'd think they'd have a satellite for things like this.

The only thing a satellite is gonna tell us is that he's not on the roof.

This is old-school.


Will you relax?

You meditate?



You look like a guy who meditates.


What is that smell?

That's deviled ham.


Come on.


[ Sport announcer speaking ]

[ Mid-tempo music plays ]

No. Wait. Go back to the game.

No, I called it.

You were just touching the buttons. That's not calling it.

What are we, 12?

I guess we are.

When we're in your car, we can listen to your station.

I don't have a car.

Poor life choice.

[ Music continues ]

And we got the game.

[ Sport announcer speaking ]

What do you think you can afford in that place?

Spot me a $20.

Why don't you use your new gold card to get it?

You know about that?

[ Laughs ]

[ Laughs ]

Keep it. It makes it easier for me to know what you're buying.


All right, go, but no Shenanigans.

You've got 10 minutes. And keep your phone on.

That's for you.

[ Sport announcer speaking ]

[ Door closes ]

[ Indistinct conversations ]

[ Speaking French ]

[ Conversing in French ]


[ Speaking French ]


Parlez-vous français?

Can I buy you a drink?

[ Laughs ]

[ Sport announcer speaking ]



What do you think?



That's Brigitte and her friend.

I convinced them to invite us up to their suite.

Brigitte likes me. You can have Claire.

Are you completely out of your mind?

The room is rented in her name.

We're not breaking any laws if she invites us in.

The 100 grand and the painting could be inside.

Wouldn't you like to know if we're sitting in the right place?


Which one's Claire?

Ah, oui.

[ Giggles ]

Claire's cute.

Yeah. She's exactly what I need in my life right now.

All right. There are no men's socks lying around.

Brigitte does not look like a girl who's worried about her boyfriend coming home.

Peter, you have to relax.

If we have the wrong Brigitte, we'll know soon enough.

Beats sitting in the car, eating deviled ham.

All right, fine.

The second we find out if Dorsett is staying here, we leave, and we call in reinforcements.


They're coming.


VoilĂ .

Merci. Ah, merci beaucoup.

[ Speaks French ]

[ Chuckles ]

She doesn't want us in there.

Yeah, I saw her lock the door.

I bet there's a door in the bathroom that connects to the master suite.

I can open it.

No, you can't.

I won't tell anyone.

No, no.

You understand the rules here.

Listen, I've heard the speech.

[ Speaks French ]

[ Both laugh ]

What's that?

They want to play strip poker.


[ Laughs ]

I'm kidding.

But could you imagine?

[ Speaking French ]

They want music, all right?

Come on. Relax.

All right.

It's over there. Come on.

[ Laughs ]


[ Laughs ]

Just un moment.

Neal, I know what you're doing!

Just un moment.

Cut the French crap! Get out here!

Keep them occupied.

I can't keep them occupied!

I don't... speak French!

[ Both speaking French ]


[ Laughs ]


[ Laughs ]

You know what?

I should get up right now.

I... I can't... I can't do...

[ Speaking French ]

That's a good grape.

[ Cellphone ringing ]


Oh! It's just... It's just my phone.

Just my phone.

No, I'm just getting my phone.

I'm just getting it. That's all I'm doing.

Just getting my... see?

[ Gasps ]


No! Please don't!

Let's... let me have the phone.

Give me the phone!

Thank you.

Oh, God, it's El!


Oh, hey. I didn't think I was gonna get you.

I was actually gonna leave a message.

Oh, hi. Yeah. Well.

Uh, saw that it was you. What's up?

Nothing. I just got back from a client dinner.

I wanted to see how the stakeout was going.

Having a blast.

[ Loud dance music plays ]

Where are you?

I'm at a... I'm at a...

Are you at a nightclub?

Yes, that's where I am.

We... we... we're at a nightclub.

We... we followed him into a nightclub.

At the Gansevoort?

Wow, honey. I'm impressed.

I can't believe you got in there.

[ Exhales sharply ]

It's a long story, El.

El, I've got to go. I've got a situation here, okay?

I love you, honey!

I love you. It's crowded.

It's crowded.

[ Cellphone beeps ]

Hey, Neal. Caffrey!

Caffrey, we got... Caffrey!

[ Women laughing and speaking French ]

[ Frame thuds ]


[ Drawer closes ]

"to my dearest Julianna, keep this forever."

[ Giggling in distance ]

[ Horns honking ]

Let me talk to Elizabeth, all right?

It's the least I can do.

No, the least you can do is nothing, which is exactly what you will do.

It's my fault.

No, I don't need you to lie to my wife.

You gonna do it yourself?


The truth, Peter.

Bold choice.

Hypothetically ...

See, I would tell her that I wouldn't stop complaining about the car, so you let me go into the nightclub, and you witnessed the suspect enter after me and had no choice but to follow.

It's almost the truth.

It's better than alimony.

[ Cellphone rings ]


Jones: We lost Dorsett.


What about the painting and the cash?

All gone.

[ Sighs ]

Dorsett escaped.

This is bad.

Yeah, this is bad.

You know, this one may be a real problem, El.

So, if you don't find Dorsett, what happens to Neal?

He's done. He's back inside.

Do you actually think he stole it?



You gonna be okay?

Yeah, I'll be... I'll be fine, yeah.

Honey, listen.

About last night at the hotel...

You mean the nightclub.



Neal was complaining about my sandwich, and then he started fidgeting with the radio, so I ...

[ Sighs ]

There was no nightclub.

I know.

Honey, you don't think after 10 years I know when you're...

Stretching the truth?

Well, that's a nice way of putting it.

Next time, just tell me.

That's what I told Neal.

Then stick to it.

I will.

I know you're a good man.

Was she cute?

Well, now, that depends on your definition, 'cause I... I got to plead the fifth on this one.

Yeah, okay.

[ Both chuckle ]

[ Cellphone rings ]

Who is this?

Dorsett: I could ask you the same thing.

You seem to have many names, George.


How'd you get this number?

You bought my girlfriend a drink with your credit card.

I'm impressed with your resourcefulness.

Now you will see mine. I want the painting.

If it is not returned, Joshua will pay a visit to your beautiful friend at the gallery.

You leave her out of this.

Brigitte was out of bounds, yet you involved her.

You set the rules.

Now you must play by them.

I need two days.

That's all you have.

[ Receiver clicks ]

[ Cellphone beeps ]

You stole the painting?

I was going to give it back to Julianna.

You're like a child... No sense of consequence.

Okay. Will you look at the inscription?

The channing curator said he authenticated the painting before it was stolen.

He saw that it belonged to Julianna and chose to ignore it.

And you're Robin Hood.

And did I forget to mention the part where you stole the painting?!

I didn't think Dorsett would get away.

This is because you don't like the guy from the channing.

You did this for spite.

I've done things for less.

I can't let him go after Taryn.

So, what are you gonna do?

This better be good.

I took the painting.

[ Exhales sharply ]

Damn it, Neal.

I wasn't gonna...

I did it for...

I can use it to catch Dorsett. He doesn't know I work for you.

We'll set it up tomorrow.

Now get the hell out of my house.



Bye, Neal.

Well, he, uh...

Told you the truth about the painting.

Mm-hmm. Because they threatened Taryn.

It's a start.


It's a start.

You know you have absolutely no impulse control.

Hand me the Naples yellow.

Haustenberg's brushwork is much more fluid.

You're being choppy.

Nah. My brushwork's fine.

This could trick the occasional tourist, but this guy at the channing will not be fooled.

I'm sure he won't.

This pigment needs to be aged.

I'll go preheat the oven.

It's 125.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I know how to age a painting.

How tenuous is my probation?

It's pretty thin.

We need this one.

It's simple, right?

Yeah, so don't make it complicated.

Take Dorsett down quickly.

If I get him, you trust me again?

Yeah, comrade.

You still gonna verify?

Oh, yeah.

Here we go.

Surprised you had the guts to come yourself.

It's not bravery.

I simply don't trust Joshua with a million-dollar painting.

Is it hard to live like that, not trusting the people closest to you?

I suppose, but I'll take the money.

You won.

Yes, but it was a good game.

[ Sirens wailing ]

FBI! You're under arrest!

Hands where I can see them! Give me the painting!

Haustenberg was her father.


She was his illegitimate daughter, but he had a family then in Hungary.

It was before the w*r.

How did the painting end up at the channing?

He willed the painting to my grandmother, but when he died, the museum chose to ignore his will.

Who cares about the illegitimate daughter of a famous artist?

It's not theft when rich men do it.

How do you know that the channing won't try to take it back again?

Because if they do, the curator will have to explain why the museum went against Haustenberg's wishes, and... I don't think he wants that.

Neal, what have you done?


No, no.

Just, uh, overcome with the, uh...

I'm thrilled to have the original Haustenberg back where it belongs.

Forbidden romantic meetings are kind of a personal thing, Moz.

Yeah, like I was gonna let you come alone.

What if the guy with the ring planted that note?

He didn't.

You'll be happy I came when a red laser dot suddenly appears on your forehead.

Enough with the hero talk.

Kate left the note.


Maybe she wrote it three days ago or maybe three months ago.

She'll be here.

Well, it is Friday, and it was noon, so where is she?

[ Telephone rings ]

[ Horns honking ]


Kate: - Neal?

Kate, where are you?

I don't have a lot of time.

[ Horn honks ]

You're here.

Neal, are you still there?




Stay there. I'm coming...

No, Neal.

Neal, he's close.

The man with the ring?


I don't care.

Listen, I need you to tell me where you hid everything.


The money, the bonds, the art... all of it.


He wants something...

Something you took, something you hid.

I hid a lot of things.

Well, then, give him everything.

If he gets what he wants, he'll let me come back to you.

Who is he?

I can't tell you. It's too dangerous for you.

Dangerous? Why?

Kate, just tell me. I can protect you.

This is the only way you can help me.

You always told me I had to trust you.

Well, now you have to trust me.

I want to come home.

Please just tell me where you hid everything.


I want to come home.

It's the only leverage I got.

Just stay there, okay? I'm coming up.

Neal! Neal!


Mozzie, tell Neal I love him.

Tell him it's the only way.

[ Dial tone ]

[ Receiver clicks ]

Neal: Kate!
