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01x07 - New York Kids

Posted: 10/29/14 22:07
by bunniefuu
Henry: My name is Henry Morgan. My story is a long one. Something happened nearly two centuries ago. And I was transformed. But my life is just like yours... Except for one small difference. It never ends.

Over the years, you could say I've become a student of death. You see, I need to find a key to unlock my curse. So, I currently work for the New York City medical examiner's office. It holds the largest collection of slightly-chilled corpses in the world. If your game is death, you go where the action is.


Carter: Thank you.

Thank you.

It's wonderful to be here to honor someone who has devoted himself so entirely to caring for others.

When he was still just a medical resident, he founded the "First Chance Clinic" in Washington Heights.

It was one room, one doctor... himself.

Today, it has a staff of nearly 300 and is a beacon of health and hope.

That's also an apt description of its founder.

I know because I'm lucky enough to have been friends with Ty... Tyler...

Sorry, "Dr. Forester"... since the 9th grade.

And while, yes, my family's firm is one of tonight's sponsors, it has nothing to do with tonight's 2014 "NYC Gives Back Hero" Award going to the best person I've ever met, Tyler Forester.


Get up here, Tyler!

[Applause continues]

You've always done the right thing, T.

Don't ever change.

[Camera shutter clicking]

Hmm. No good deed, indeed.

Guy was a doctor at the clinic a few blocks away.

He was probably home when someone broke in and things got ugly.

Business as usual in this part of Harlem.

He picked the wrong neighborhood for a quiet night at home.

Yeah, well, he could've afforded rent someplace else, that's for sure.

What do you mean?

The victim is Tyler Forester.

His father's Lawrence Forester.

What do you mean, the CEO of Forester Lambert?

The billionaire?

Well, I'm not his accountant, but that's what I hear.

A billionaire's son living up here like this?

What was he, stupid?

Perhaps he wanted to live among his patients.

Not so stupid.

C.O.D. is blunt trauma to the head.

He was struck with this award from... approximately a 20-degree vector.


Angle and force.

Oh. Well, then just say that.

Which means the height of our suspect is between 5'9 " and 6'2".

And based on the body's current rigor mortis, I'm putting the time of death at approximately...

11:30 last night.

This lock, it was broken from the inside.

I can tell from the angle...

No, I'm sorry, the vector... marks on the wall.

doesn't look half bad.

Maybe tech can get something off it.


So, no other sign of a struggle.

The lock broken from the inside.

The body's position facing the door seems less like the m*rder*r broke in than...

He was let in.

Why did he break the lock?

Hmm. Presumably to make it look otherwise.

So, you're thinking Mr. Saint-of-the-city got iced by someone he knew?


In my experience, just because you're a Saint doesn't mean that you don't know any sinners.

Every crime, like every person, has its secrets.

Some are never revealed, while others are hidden in plain sight.

Roman numerals.

I know what they are, Henry.

Benefits of a New York City public-school education.

Of course.

But what do they mean?

Well, there's a lot about this guy that's hard to figure.

I spent the entire morning up at his clinic.

Turns out nobody knew him very well.

He worked crazy hours, was completely devoted.

But it seems like doctoring was the only thing he really cared about.

Yes, well, practicing medicine can be a passion unlike any other.

Cover the body.

It's the father.

Forester: I wasn't aware of any tattoo, no.

Nor can I offer a guess as to its meaning.


The truth is...

I didn't know Tyler very well, and hadn't for some time.

Was that due to something specific?


At least, not that I'm aware of.

Over time, he just...

Drifted away.

Well, "drifted" is perhaps too mild a word.

He pushed us away.

You and your wife?

Divorced five years, but yes.

Starting around the time Tyler went off to college, he basically began to rebuff us at every turn.

Mr. Forester, given your financial profile, we really do need to consider the possibility that money was a factor.

My profile, yes, but not Tyler's.

He had nothing.

I'll show you his bank records.

Not only did he refuse to take anything from me, he gave most of what little he did make on his own to other charities.

A few I had never even heard of.

Henry: Some of the forensic evidence that we gathered from Tyler's apartment suggests that Tyler might have been k*lled by someone he knew.

Is there anyone in Tyler's life that you can think of that we would benefit from speaking to?

[Sighs] Um...

There's a memorial service tomorrow morning.

Maybe there'll be people there who knew him better than I did.

I certainly hope so.

[Up-tempo music playing]

Man: My father brought it all back with him from Vietnam.

Ah. Army?

Dad? No, marines.

Oh. Army.

'67 and '68.



So, then, you can probably see that the Buddha statue is the real deal.

My dad said he got it from a monk in the jungle.

Well, in my experience, monks aren't always the, uh, most reliable sources.

Well, in my experience, my dad is.


I can give you $500 for all of it.

Okay. You got a deal.


There you are.


You're welcome.

[Bells jingle]


Huh. You just buy that?

Yeah. A stellar example of the Bangkok Airport gift shop Circa 1970.

Well, sometimes what we don't know doesn't hurt us, right?

Well, that was kind of you.


Though I think, just as often, what we don't know does hurt us.

I spoke to a father who was in mourning today, troubled by how little he really knew about his son.

A new case?

Yes, a young doctor who founded a free clinic uptown.

Apparently devoted so entirely to medicine and his work that he pushed everything else in his life away.

Yes, well, all you doctors can get a little consumed by your work.

More than a little, now and then.

Are you referring to...

If memory serves, and I believe it does, there was a certain October.

1956, to be exact...

Oh, please, not again.

When a little boy, just 10 years old, was promised by his parents...

One a nurse, the other a doctor... that he'd be taken to the fifth game of the world series between the New York Yankees and...

Oh, for the thousandth time, we were working the emergency room.

There was an emergency.


Couldn't just leave and take you to a baseball game.

Don Larsen pitched a perfect game in game five.

Do you know how often that happens in the world series?

Hmm? Ever? Do you?

I believe only...

Just once!

And I missed it because of you.

[Bells tolling]

Even at Hamilton, not exactly a bastion of selflessness, there was something about Tyler that seemed of a higher plane.

He wasn't a Saint, trust me, but for us, at least, he came close.

He will forever be in our hearts.

Hamilton school is one of the oldest private schools in New York.

Jo: Yeah. And the richest.

They're all wearing the same class rings.

The city's best and brightest.

Do I detect a chip on your shoulder, detective?

Then again, your instincts may be right.

The one with the facial hair, agitated breathing, sweating, dilated pupils.

He's on something... cocaine, most likely.

Yeah, well, you can't teach class.

So, where might he be off to?

Hey! Bathroom's out of order.

But, then again, what do I know? I'm not a plumber.

I'm just a detective.

Jo Martinez, NYPD.

A detective?

Wow. Okay.

I'm Paul.

Paul Gould.

So, you guys are here because...

Because your friend was m*rder*d.

When was the last time you saw Tyler?

Spoke to him?

It had been a while, actually.


Can't remember when, exactly.

God, the whole thing is just so messed up, you know?

Can't really believe it.

Were you aware at all that Tyler had a tattoo?

A rather prominent one on his chest?

A tattoo? Tyler? Really?

Excuse me, can I help you two?

I'm an NYPD detective, and we're investigating Tyler's m*rder.

Okay. Well, this is a memorial service, detective.

And I'm sure Mr. and Mrs. Forester, like the rest of us, would appreciate it...

Mr. Forester invited us.

Cassandra Mueller. I'm an attorney.

Does Paul here need a lawyer?

Actually, we were just leaving.

Detective, might I have a moment?

I'm sorry for your loss.

We'll be in touch.

Carter Pilsen. Hi.

I'm so sorry for Cassandra's tone.

And, uh... Paul.

But it's a tough day for all of us, as you can imagine, and, of course, we'd like to help you with your investigation any way we can.

Thank you.

When was the last time you saw Tyler?

Before the night of the m*rder?


Um, I presented him with the "Hero Award" that evening.

We chatted briefly afterward, but he left early, said he had to be up at the clinic the next day.

And before that...

Several years.

We were all really close in high school, but, you know [Chuckles] things change.

Hmm. Can you think of a reason why the date "June 10, 2005" would mean anything special to Tyler?



Thank you for your time, Mr. Pilsen.

And, again, I'm so sorry for your loss.

What was that about? That date?

The guy practically turned white.

Yes, he did, didn't he?

Do you have a mirror on you?

You know, one of those... What do you call them...

Compacts. For makeup.

[Sighs] No, of course not.

[Clears throat]


[Exhales sharply]


Look at the photo.

Top right-hand corner.

The date stamp.


Hold this card up to this mirror.

Tyler's tattoo... June 10, 2005.

It was a date he wanted to remember.

Or he wouldn't let himself forget.

It was the day he graduated from Hamilton.

Everything seemed perfect.

I think they all left later that afternoon for Southampton, to spend the summer.

The four of them were... inseparable.

I think Tyler had a mad crush on Cassandra.

Though I believe it was Paul that she was dating.

But Tyler didn't stay with them on Long Island for long.

He was back in the city in a few weeks' time.

Why'd he leave early?

I don't know.

But that's really when the change in him began.

This... sadness.

It's also when he started refusing to take any money from us.

At the last second, he chose to attend a state school over Harvard, to pay his own tuition.

It's admirable.

Of course, we... admire Tyler for his choices, his... commitment to helping others.

But we seem to have lost him, somehow, to all of it.

[Elevator dings]

Wish you had a phone.

Lab results came back for the substance that was on the award.

95% diesel gasoline and almost 5% something called "supercetane."

Ah, a polycyclic hydrocarbon.

Right. Yes. O-obviously.

It's an additive in fuel engineered for small boats.

Well, less than 50 feet... Relatively small. [Snorts]

I've been on bigger.

Have you? On a cruise?

Possibly romantic in tone? Huh?

Still trying to crack the code.

Okay, moving on.

Because my passion for my work has no bounds... well, very few bounds... I went over the body again, and I found the smallest, really, just the tiniest, "kind of amazing that I found it" piece of human hair.

Not the victim's.


That's excellent work.

Have you...

Gotten the DNA signature?

Yes. It's from an adult Caucasian female.

That's all we got so far.

It doesn't match any of our databases.

Contact the Hamilton school.

They may keep DNA swabs of their students.

Some elite schools do as part of their abduction precautionary measures.

We may find a match.


Wow, don't think anybody at my high school would notice if I was abducted.

Well, look how far you've come.

You're now someone whose abduction... would be noticed.


It would.

Thanks, doc.

How you doing, Jo?

All right.

You know, today we're gonna talk to a few of the victim's high-school friends.

I feel like they know more than they're letting on.

Oh, that's good.

But I wasn't asking about the Forester case.

How you doing since the sh**ting?


Uh... My sh**ting.

I-I-I'm fine.

Yeah, I mean, the guy was a bona fide psychopath.

So it's not like he gave us any choice, right?

I was a beat cop, a few months in, the first time I fired my w*apon.

Two sh*ts, guy dies.

Robbery in progress in a shoe store.

Few weeks later, I'm on the street, the dealer pulls a g*n on me.

You know what happens?

You couldn't draw your g*n?

b*llet fever, right?

Look, lieutenant, I know that that can happen, and I-I appreciate your concern, but...

I'm okay.

I didn't freeze. I fired.

I shot him in the leg like I was trained to do.

There you go.

Thing is, right around that time, though, every morning, I'm getting ready to go to work, I bend over to tie my shoes...

I freeze... Laces in my hand.

It's like a bad joke.

Pop a guy in a shoe store, got to start wearing slippers.

The point is, is that...

I didn't think that k*lling someone affected me, either.

Nothing stays buried, Jo.

It all comes up... one way or another.

[Clears throat]

Jo: Thanks for coming in, Ms. Mueller.

Of course. So...

Have any leads?

We're getting there.

Had you seen Tyler recently?

Once or twice, briefly.

We had grown apart somewhat over the years.

Since the summer after you graduated high school in 2005?

That's right.

Jo: So, you were telling us about Tyler that summer.

Just that...

I-if you ask me, Tyler got all bummed out that summer because of me and Cass being together.

He was totally in love with her.

Carter too, probably.

There are two kinds of people in this world...

Those who look back and those who look forward.

I think Tyler looked back.

And lord knows Paul does.

But Cassandra and I are different.

Cassandra's special. There's no one like her.

We've all tried to help Paul.

I know that a few years ago, Tyler gave him a key to his place.

The night he was k*lled, I was at home.

Just, you know, home.

After the Awards, I went back to my office.

I had a ton of work to do.

Cassandra was there with me.

Actually, she's one of the lawyers on a deal I'm spearheading.

I went uptown to see Tyler a few weeks ago.

I had been... missing him.

I don't think I told Carter or Paul about it, though.

They can both tend to get a little... jealous.

Carter: Paul thought Cass had started seeing Tyler.

Like, dating.

He called me about it.

This was a few days before Tyler was k*lled.

But he was wrong.

And I-I told him so.

Why do you think Tyler had "6-10-05" tattooed in reverse across his chest?

No clue.

You'd have to ask Tyler.

Henry: Paul was right about Cassandra having started to see Tyler again.

The necklace she was wearing is the one with the triangle charm on it, it's the other half of the one we found at Tyler's apartment.

But she's clearly romantically involved with Carter, as well.

There's a gift-wrapped box of perfume at Carter's... Chanel.

It was a present for Cassandra.

It's the scent that she wears.

I detected it when we were with her.

Hm, fond of Chanel, are we?

But it's clear that Paul still carries a torch for Cassandra, which is why she was hiding her relationship with Tyler and Carter from him.

Man, this girl is something, huh?

A most tangled web, indeed.

Hey. I got that phone working, the one you pulled from the Forester apartment.

Oh, anything interesting on it?


This is for Mr. and Mrs. Meachum.

My name is Tyler Forester, and I...

I don't know how to say this.

It has to do with what happened to your son.

It's something that I... that we... need to...

[Lock clicks]

[Door closes]

What the hell are you doing, Tyler?


Jo: We don't bring up the video.

We just ask him nicely to come down to the station and talk some more.

Hopefully by then, Reece will have some information on these Meachum people Tyler brought up in the video.

"Ask nicely," yes. Shall I handle that part?

[Chuckles sarcastically]





He's overdosed.

Body temperature's spiked. He's not breathing.

Help me up!




Hey. This is Detective Jo Martinez.


I need an ambulance.

Henry: Coffee grounds, white sugar...

Baking soda! Yes!

Yeah, 3127 Avenue C, apartment 3C.


Leftover Chinese food, mustard.

Sour milk!



Paul, drink this!

Paul, can you hear me?!




[Sighs] Sour milk and baking soda.

An old technique to induce vomiting.

How did you know to do that?

You know, you live long enough, you learn a thing or two.

Paul didn't strike me as much of a hiking enthusiast.

How about you?

EMT says that he won't be able to answer any questions until tomorrow morning.

He may have recently visited the trail earmarked in this book.

The mud on his boots is fresh and sandy, and is similar to the soil found in this trail.

But there's nothing related to the name "Robert Meachum."

Well, thanks to you, we still have a shot at Paul filling us in.

Can I ask you a question?


Did you ever think of becoming a real doctor?

Actually, I am a real doctor, and will try not to be offended on behalf of the brotherhood of medical examiners the world over.

The answer to your question...


I was a physician for a time.

Years ago.

So why did you stop?

It was time for a change.

[Train rumbling]

[Announcer] ...Game five of the world series at Yankee Stadium.

Man: Look what happens when you lose a bet and don't pay!

Please don't hurt me!

No more excuses!

Look, I need a few more days!

Pay me!

Please, just...

[Slap] Oh!


[g*n clicks] Ohh!



Get the hell out of here!

Look, please.

[Panting] Please...

I'm a doctor.

Man: You're also a witness.



Henry, Reece got a line on the Meachums...

A doctor and his wife living on Long Island, little town called "Manorville."

Their son, Robert Meachum, was reported missing June 12, 2005.

He was 17.

Two days after the tattoo date.


And Manorville just happens to be down the road from...

Let me guess... Southampton.


As a matter of fact, Robert Meachum was never found.

He was presumed dead. And there's more.

I got a judge to issue a warrant for Paul's credit-card records.

They show that Paul bought a t*nk of gas in Manorville at 5:00 A.M.

The morning after the memorial.

That's a pretty early start for a guy like that, hmm?

Or a late finish.

Jo: So, I checked.

This place is nowhere near the house Paul's family owns.

They're beachfront, naturally.

What is it about him and the others being from wealthy families that bothers you so much?

None of us can choose our parents, can we?

When I was 11, I got this scholarship to a fancy, private school in Manhattan.

So I started there in the fall.

And the kids were smart and sophisticated just like I'd hoped.

They were also... vicious.

Three weeks in, this little blonde, she pushes me when I'm on the stairs.

I fell. I broke my wrist.

Bunch of kids saw the whole thing, wouldn't say a thing.

Well, I was back to my old school by Christmas, and good riddance.

Kids can be that way sometimes.

Doesn't mean that they'll grow up to be...

K*llers? No, of course not.

Unless they k*ll someone.

[Metal ratcheting]


Do you know where I can find the owner?

You're looking at him.

What can I do for you?

Your gas pumps, do you have any security cameras trained on them?

Uh, yeah.

Right here.

I haven't worked the graveyard shift since I bought the place, but, uh, this should have everything you're looking for.

Henry: He's wearing the same boots we saw in his apartment.

Is there anything in the direction the guy with the bag is walking?

Just a dumpster.

[Grunts] Hey.

Burying evidence?

Or digging it up.

[Police radio chatter]

Henry: We'll move slowly.

Everyone's eyes should stay at a specific vector... angle...

On either side of the trail.

We're looking for a grave, possibly one recently dug or dug up.

Watch for aberrant soil variations and grade anomalies.

Thank you.

Jo: How do you know all this stuff?

I used to be a grave digger.

Right. How could I forget?

I got to ask you... Did you enjoy it?


Found it rewarding.

[Police radio chatter]


Man: Hold up!

For a young tree... I'd say only around 10 years old... to be growing so robustly underneath the canopy of this old grove suggests it's being uniquely fertilized.

By human remains.

Decomposition provides what amounts to a localized nitrate fuel injection to the soil.

You see, our questioning led them to surmise that Tyler's tattoo would eventually lead us to finding the grave, so they came back here, to where they buried the body nine years ago, to move it before we found it.

I think we got something here.

But I don't think they succeeded.

But we have.

[Camera shutter clicks]

I believe these are the remains of Robert Meachum.

[Camera shutter clicks]

Abe: So, you think they went out there to move the body and couldn't find it?

It's not so surprising, really.

It had been nine years.


And my sense is that they've all been doing their best to forget it ever happened.

All of them except Tyler, that is.

I think it just became too much for him, carrying that secret around.

[Watch beeps] Oh!

Well, uh, we all have our secrets, don't we?

Have a nice day.

What's yours?

Your biggest secret?

Well, if I told you, I wouldn't be a secret anymore, would it?

Well, okay. Fine.

You don't have to tell me.

Of course, you do know mine, so...

No judgments?

And don't give me that "I'm the least judgmental person you'll ever meet" crap.

No judgments.

All right.


When I first opened this place, um...

Now, remember, you weren't around at the time...

I sold a piece I knew was fake.

For quite a sum.

I put all my savings into opening this place.

I mean, I hadn't sold a thing.

I was behind on my rent, on everything, and, uh, well...

I lied.

I looked the customer right in the eye...

And I lied.

I-I'm not proud of it.

But you know, at the time, it felt like... it felt like...


It was them or me.



Well, it's just something I'll have to live with.

[Siren wails, bells jingle]


I'm gonna put my hands on the wound, stop the bleeding.



[Weakly] Don't let me die, doc.

[Siren wailing] [Breathing heavily]


[Man yelling indistinctly]

I'm sorry!

Man: For him! Over here!

I'm sorry.

[Tires screech]

[Wailing continues]

Policeman: Somebody talk to me. What do we got?

Man: Heard a g*nsh*t.

Man 2: There's another guy.


I saw him over there.



Henry: The bones have been DNA-tested, and are confirmed to be those of Robert Meachum.

And soil samples from the site contain traces of DNA from Paul Gould, Carter Pilsen, and Cassandra Mueller.

How were the samples matched?

Through their old high school.

They did DNA swabs as a part of abduction precautions.

You guys would, you know, notice if I was abducted, right?

I've already told him that we would be, if it wasn't too busy.

The school swabs are also how we definitively matched the hair that Lucas found on Tyler's body to Cassandra, putting her at the m*rder.

Furthermore, analysis of Meachum's bones reveal injuries consistent with his having been hit by a car.

[Tires screech, glass breaks]

Front bumper, to be exact.

Most like a 2005 XJ Sedan.

How could you possibly know that?

Because, again, due to the bone fractures, the bumper was likely to be 22 to 25 inches off the ground, and the '05 XJ Sedan is 23.6 inches.

I have a thing about Jaguars.

And the date-stamped graduation photo has the four of them sitting on a 2005 XJ Sedan, New York plates, registered to Cassandra Mueller.

Probably a graduation gift.


No, more like "guilty."

So, they k*lled Meachum, and then they k*lled Tyler because he was gonna confess.

Okay. Bring them in.

And make sure each of them knows the other is there... and talking.

You k*lled her... It was all three of you.


That's not true.

Stop it, Carter!

We have footage of you and Paul at the gas station.

You're holding the shovel.

Which we found in the dumpster.

It's your DNA in the soil at the grave.

It's over.

Look, just... do yourself a favor.

Tell me what happened that night.

We hit him...

The kid.

We were drunk, driving home from a party.

No one saw the kid.

[Up-tempo music playing]

Carter: [Laughing] Come on, Cass!

[Singsong voice] I dare you!


Come on, you know you want to do it.

Don't do it, dude. I'll k*ll you.



If you want to be with him, then...


Okay. Okay. Enough. Enough. Enough.

Tyler: Watch out! [Tires screech, glass breaks]

Paul was driving.

Carter said I was driving?

Joanne: Paul said you were the one driving, which means you'll get the most time.

Which is probably why you went to see Tyler that night about confessing, isn't it?

I was with Carter that night.

I didn't k*ll Tyler.

Cassandra couldn't have done it.

She was with me that night.

You can check my firm's doorman.

I begged Tyler not to send that video to anyone, but he made up his mind.

I only told Cassandra about it.

I knew she'd be the only one who could stop him.

Tyler wanted to go to the police.

But I told them that...

We had a choice to make, that we had to choose ourselves...

Our futures.

So, what you're saying to me is that you k*lled Meachum, but you didn't k*ll Tyler.


We did hit that boy that night.

I wish we didn't.

But we did.

But I didn't hurt Tyler.

I could never do that.

Jo: Do you believe her?

I believe she loved Tyler.

Doesn't mean she didn't k*ll him.

No, it doesn't.

Well, it's not like anybody can say she didn't have it in her.

She just admitted to k*lling Robert Meachum.

Henry: And, of course, Dr. and Mrs. Meachum, I can have Robert's remains forwarded directly to the funeral home in Manorville.

Yes, I...

I suppose that would be best.

And, so you know, we have the three in custody.

They'll be officially charged later today.

I told Bobby I didn't want him walking to that gas station in the middle of the night.

I told him. [Sniffling]

[Gas station bell dings]

What is it?

Do you mind, awfully, if we hold onto this for a little while longer?

Thank you.


Thank you.

I think we resigned ourself to never really knowing what happened to Bobby.

It's, um...

It's better this way.

Henry, would you just slow down?

Use your words. What do you need?

Where's Tyler's case file?


Good lord. How do you find anything?

Here. Here.

Here it is.

Alicorn International.

Tyler's father mentioned that he donated to charities that he'd never even heard of.

Well, here's the list.

I was looking at it the other day.

There's one charity here, Alicorn International.

Address... 1342 route 27, Manorville, New York.

Isn't that the same address as...

The station that Tyler and the rest stopped after the accident.


Where Robert Meachum worked.


Same as on the m*rder w*apon.

And white gravel. Same as Tyler's apartment.

Hey, there.


If it isn't New York's finest.

I heard you guys found that Meachum kid's body.

Glad I could help.

Yes, thanks.

How long have you worked here, mister...?


Since I was a kid.

Bought the place five years ago.

So, you were the one that changed the name of the station.

Yeah. Used to be called "Alicorn Gas."


A winged unicorn.

Stupid, right?

So, I changed it.

Tell me, Mr. Morris, were you working here the night that Robert Meachum disappeared?

That was like... 10 years ago.

I don't know.


Can we take a look at your bank records?

I'm not with the I.R.S., obviously.

It's pertaining to a m*rder in New York.

In the city?

What, is this... about that Meachum thing?


Hey, you know what?

It's fine. I got nothing to hide.

R-right back here. I'll get them.

Henry: Ahh!



Go! I'll be fine!



Drop your w*apon!

Drop your w*apon now!

Jo: b*llet fever, right?

Look, lieutenant, I know that that can happen...


You drop your w*apon.

It's those rich kids from the city who are the bad guys here, not me.


We know what they did, Mr. Morris.

Like we know you were working here that night, the night they hit Meachum...

That you knew what they had done.

And when you found out that Tyler was wealthy, you decided to blackmail him.

Until he decided to confess.

Jo: Henry, stop!


Hey, it's her or you, man. Your call.

Me. sh**t me.

Henry, stop!


Drop your g*n! Drop your g*n!

Drop it!


Roll over.

Fingers together! Interlace them!

[Handcuffs click]

So, Tyler told Morris he wasn't gonna pay him any more hush money, and Morris went to his apartment after the Awards ceremony to thr*aten him and wound up k*lling him.

And at the gas station out there, were you all right?

Yeah. I-I was fine.

Meet me here.


Henry: I understand Tyler's friends brought in their lawyers.

Vehicular as*ault.

It's not even manslaughter.

They'll do a few years.

And the worst part is, I don't think even one of them lost a moment's sleep over what they did.

Yes, well, in the heat of any moment, we all have an instinct for self-preservation.

Yeah, but it's the choices we make after those moments that count, right?

You know, your self-preservation instinct seems non-existent.

Henry, look at me.

Don't ever pull another stunt like you did at that gas station.



Using your w*apon has to be instinct, muscle memory.

Not a choice.

Henry: We can train our bodies to forget.

But not our minds.

And one thing living forever teaches you is that your past, your secrets, mark you always, like it or not.

My famous Thai-jungle curry.

It cures colds and b*llet wounds.

Oh, um, I-it... it's hot, so, uh, j-just give it a second.

Henry, the other day, when you asked me about my biggest secret, uh, what I told you, uh, that wasn't it.

You know, when I was in, uh, Vietnam and I was just a few weeks into my tour, uh, my platoon was out on patrol at night and we ran into an ambush.

And I found myself alone...

Scared as hell.

And as the fight raged on, I, uh...

I just laid there on the ground, terrified, 'til it was over.

I never told anyone.

But afterwards, I found out that three of our guys were k*lled.

As long as I live, I'll always wonder if they might be alive if I had joined that fight.

Abe, you can't blame yourself for that.

Sure I can.

Henry: But don't you see, Abigail? I chose myself over him.

I might have been able to save the man, but I chose not to risk being exposed.

Henry, darling, please.

You're being too hard on yourself.

[Breathing heavily]

I can no longer be a doctor if I know that, if pressed, I'll break my oath.

[Door opens] Henry, please.

You could no sooner not be a doctor than I can...

Mom, dad, I'm home.

Wash up for dinner, Abe.

You did what you did not for yourself, but for us.

For your family.

You'll get past this. You must.

Just give it time.

Henry: There are things for all of us that even all the time in the world wouldn't be able to erase.

Hey. Don't let it get cold.

Oh, uh, fair warning, it's a little spicy.


Oh, this is fantastic. What's in it?

That's a secret.

[Both chuckling]