01x10 - Talismans

Episode transcripts for the TV show "</SCORPION>". Aired: September 2014 to April 2018.*
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An eccentric genius forms an international network of super-geniuses to act as the last line of defense against the complicated threats of the modern world.
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01x10 - Talismans

Post by bunniefuu »

Walter: My name is Walter O'Brien. I have the fourth highest IQ ever recorded: 197. Einstein's was 160.

When I was 11, the FBI arrested me for hacking NASA to get their blueprints for my bedroom wall. Now I run a team of geniuses, tackling worldwide threats only we can solve. Toby's our behaviorist. Sylvester's a human calculator. Happy, a mechanical prodigy. Agent Cabe Gallo's our government handler. And Paige? Well, Paige isn't like us. She's normal and translates the world for us while we help her understand her genius son.

Together, we are Scorpion.

Officer: You should have seen the handful we were dealing with at the scene, like open container violation, drunk and disorderly, resisting arrest.

Resisting arrest?

Yep. We're not pressing charges because of the unique circumstances, but next time, we don't go easy.

Okay. Thank you.

What up, little bro?

Resisting arrest, huh?

I'm half crippled-- I fell into the cop as he was lifting me out of the sand.

That's resisting gravity.

Oh, that's not funny.

No, what's not funny is that I have to spend every last minute of my very short life span in a hospital-- hospital smell, hospital people, hospital food-- so... I bailed, and... I got a six-pack.

Alcohol. That's, uh, wonderful.

Can we...?

What? Don't take me back yet.

I barely get to see you.

Megan, I visit every Friday.

Walter, the docs said in less than a year I won't be able to walk.

My respiratory system will soon follow.

Nothing is certain. MS is fickle.

Life is fickle.

But I want to live while I still can.

Come on, let me spend the day with you.

No. No. Okay, get in the car.

See your work, meet your coworkers.

Come on.

(frustrated groan)

It's not a good idea.

One day, and then I'll go back to my PT and tests.

(sighs) : Besides... if you take me to the hospital, you're just gonna have to bail me out again.

Are you guys ready?

Hold your horses.

Toby: All right, Sly, we're done.


All right, that mug had 23 clothespins on it, which means you took two.

These erasers aren't level, which means you broke a pencil tip.

Come on, guys, not cool. And... you moved that notebook one-sixteenth of an inch.

Damn it.

Have fun writing my case studies... "suckas."

Get your homework in on time.

Oh, Happy.

You know, I would expect this kind of behavior from Toby, but...

Walter: Hey.

So, um, (clears throat) this is my sister Megan.


Thought you guys were geniuses.

Someone say something smart.

Hi, Megan. I'm so sorry.

I'm Paige.

They were just... playing a spirited game of...

"Move Sylvester's Stuff Around."

Yeah... so they're a little out of it.


Guys, this is when you introduce yourself.

Yes, okay.

Hello, Megan. Nice to meet you. Walter has told me so much about you.

No, he hasn't.

No, he hasn't.


Dr. Tobias M. Curtis.

It's a pleasure.

Hey, I'm Happy.

And I'm dying, but you don't see me telling everyone.

Toby: Yes!

Inappropriate self-deprecating humor to put others at ease.

I like your approach.

I like your hat.

Can I sit?

Yeah, yeah.

Yeah, um...

Big step for you.

Bringing your sister here.

Mm. You want titanium. These are aluminum. The docs gave you garbage.

Well, I sure wouldn't want to have MS.

(phone ringing)

Oh, gosh.

Did I let my inside voice get out again?

Walter: Yeah, Cabe?

Yeah, we're all on our way.

Uh, Sylvester, you got my bag?


Are you gonna be okay here? Because we have to go ASAP. I don't have time to take you back to the hospital.

I'll manage.

General. Is this your team?

It is, sir.

Toby: Perspiration, pupil dilation. Fight-or-flight responses. Something is certainly up.

All right, what you're about to hear is classified.

If shared outside these walls, it's capital treason.

Now, 60 minutes ago, an F-120 Hawkwing carrying classified radar cloaking technology went down in Bosnia.

Bosnia, is that still a thing?

Yes, it's a thing.

They're also facing a violent rebel faction that wants to overthrow a legitimately elected government.

Uh, violent rebels?

The fear is they find the plane before we do, sell its cloaking software to the highest bidder.

If the buyers can get past the encryption code, U.S. security would be immediately threatened.

General: Now, separatist clashes and rebels have been isolated to the southern part of the country.

It's nowhere near the crash site.

So you should be safe.

Go in, get the software, get out.

Why us?

We need a team with the acumen to extract technology from hardware that may be damaged beyond repair.

So it's a straightforward mission.

If it's so straightforward, why do we need GI Joe here?

It's Lieutenant... James Corbett.

My mistake, GI Jim.

Corbett: The Hawkwing was piloted by Captain Javier Barrios.

We're here to escort your team to the crash site, oversee the software extraction, and bring Captain Barrios's remains home to his next of kin.

Just so we're clear, for our safety, you'll do exactly what my team says, when we say it.

Actually, we're a team, too, and a pretty smart one, and we don't work well when told to follow blindly.

Then get better at it.

What is this guy's problem?

All right, everyone take it easy.

Okay, um, a moment, please...

Take a step back instead of forward on this.

Well, he's hostile and condescending, so...

Well, maybe because a fellow member of the military is dead, and they have to go find the corpse.

So, before you say something you can't take back, think...

"What would Paige say?"



I'm sorry, uh... we're ready to help, however we can.

You need me on this one, 'cause you're going to either be defending our team from the SEALs or trying to k*ll them yourself.

I can calm the waters.

You're okay with going to another country for 36 hours, leaving your kid behind?

I'll call Drew; he'll watch Ralph.

I can handle this. I'm part of the team.

Part of it?

You're the glue, kid.

Sylvester: Walter, you know, the military's only gonna get you a 20 square mile radius on the location of that jet, but if I have all the specs, I can get you a location for that plane in your phone by the time you land within 300 yards.

Great. I need to do it from the garage.

I want to make some phone calls, I want to get into some old theorem binders.

I want to get this right.

That's a good idea, yeah.


Um, you know, can you do me a favor?

Can you keep a close eye on Megan for me?

She, uh, she won't let you take her back to the hospital.

She's stubborn.

Sure, yeah.

I'll do that.

Okay. Thank you.

Are you the people who are going to bring my husband's body back?

Uh, Th...

This team will do all it can.

When you find him, please remove his necklace and keep it safe.

He wanted to pass it down to his son.

And put this in his pocket... so we can help guide him home.



(gasps) Your brother found that in a junkyard and he restored it.

I don't think he'd appreciate the extra flair.

And you should probably come down.

Hey, speaking of Walter...


He called and filled me in.


That's pretty crazy.

Yes, it is.

And do you guys always handle such heavy-duty stuff?

Unfortunately. Look, Megan, I'd love to speak to you, but I need to locate a 70-foot-long plane in 300 square miles of wilderness.



You can play solitaire.

Odds of winning are 13%.

Good luck.

Have fun.

♪ ♪
♪ ♪

Walter: What's with the armament?

I thought this wasn't hostile territory.

We're breaching an area with confirmed unfriendlies.

We go prepared.

Toby: You said "we," but we don't have weapons.

You don't.

(ramp whirring shut)

Not good.

(crickets chirping)

I know we have to be covert, but maybe we don't hit every pothole, if you gave the lights a soft tap.

We navigate by moonlight.

It's safer.

Walter: Now, according to Sylvester's SMS, we head another three miles, veer northwest, and the plane will be seven miles ahead.

(bang, then air hissing)

Blown tire.

No spares.

Nice road your guy sent us on.

I hope this doesn't slow us down.

I recognize the emotions involved, but, uh, tokens, talismans, there's no logic to it.

It's a sign of weakness.

No, it's a sign of humanity.

Yeah, exactly.

Happy: This is stupid.

I'm sure I can temp-patch this thing.

Hey, what the hell do you think you're doing? Extinguish that...

(g*nf*re, clamoring)

Fall back!

Take cover! Go, go, go, go, go!

(Toby whimpering)

Stay down, stay down, stay down, stay down!

♪ Scorpion 1x10 ♪
Talismans Original Air Date on November 24, 2014

(intense g*nf*re)

Corbett: Stay down! Stay down!


We'll run between fire gaps, deep into the woods, there's more coverage.

I'd prefer not to.

(g*nf*re, b*ll*ts ricocheting)



I'm gonna die! I'm gonna die!

Look at me, look at me.

We will get out of this.


Rebels got us pinned. Any ideas?

Yeah. When it gets bright, run.

Go, go, go, go, go! Let's go, let's go!

This just got serious! Don't look, just run!

(both yelling)



Oh. My pancreas.

(groans quietly)

You okay?

I'm peachy.

All right, hey, stop here. Stop.

Where's Happy and Toby?

You are not lighting up that phone's display out here.

Two of my team are missing--

I'm calling them.


Happy, where are you?

I have no idea.

Toby and I fell down the side of a ravine.

Looking up at a 300-foot cliff.

We also lost our food and water during the fall.

And my hat.

Hey, check your map. We need to locate them.

The map's in the truck. Along with our rapelling gear.

There's no way we can risk going back, so... their only option's to hold tight until conditions change.

We need to move. Those rebels are gonna regroup and be on us in no time.

Wait, wait, wait, wait. Wait, wait.


Cabe, I'm gonna call him.

That nervous kid?

We can count on him.

He's a professional.

Megan: Ooh, and chopped nuts!

(whispering) : You're chopping my nuts.

(gasps) Oh, my God!

You're the best.


This is so good!

(phone ringing)


Hello? Sylvester?


We got a problem. Uh... we lost Happy and Toby.

They're lost.

Are you sure?!

Yeah, no, I'm pretty sure I would notice them if they were here, so we gonna need high-def sat images of the area to pinpoint their location at around a 10-mile radius with a latitude of 44 and a longitude of 18.


Walter, is everything okay?

Yeah, just a... a little hiccup. Um... you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Forget about me.

You're lost in Bosnia.

Okay. Walter, I got it! There should be a cliff or a ravine they fell down.

Sylvester: Yes. I see it.

Okay, in about six miles, the plateau you're on and the ravine will converge. After that, it's just woods, it's desolate. But you can meet up there.

You guys hear that?

Yeah, and we don't like it.

We get lost out here, we're dead in three days without water.

Cabe: You listen up.

You have no options.

Now, tough it up and be smart.

Keep your head down, and stay out of open spaces when you can.

And don't use your phone unless it's absolutely necessary.

It might give you away.

Roger that.

And Toby...


Happy's in charge.


We better get going.


I should look at that.

Who's in charge?

You are.

Got an issue over here.

You were hit?

Yeah, didn't realize it till the adrenaline started to wear off.

Clean it, dress it.

Then we're Oscar Mike.

We got to get to the plane before the rebels get to us.

Roger that.

This is you... Hey! and your team's fault.

Hey, give me that phone.

Hey, hey, hey, hey!

Stand down.

I know you're hot. Take a breath.

No. You'll get this back when we're on our way home.

It was your truck from your contact that broke down.

The only protocol that's worked so far on this mission are the sat phones-- technology designed by someone who's a lot more like me than you!

Guys, we all have people we're worried about.

Including... this woman and child.

This is why we're here.

This is what's worth fighting for.

Copy that.


Sylvester, you look like you're gonna have a heart attack.

I'm trying to hack Bosnia's Ministry of the Interior to see if they have any Intel on rebel positions.

But it's gonna take me a while.

Especially if this decryption software won't download.

Ten minutes? Come on!

Ten minutes? Okay.

You need a break.

I thought you can tell me about this.

I found it in Walter's room.

When I was 12, I lost this.

I looked everywhere for it.

Walter even helped.

Any idea why he has it?

No. Walter's a private person.

Well, how about this?

The Coronet Room?

That's the sleazy casino Toby used to hustle in.

That's where Walter met him.

My brother doesn't gamble.

No, but when he was raising capital to start Scorpion, he'd get staked by high rollers and he'd clean out poker rooms for a cut.

That's where he met Toby about to get his butt kicked by a pit boss.

So Walter intervened and worked off all of Toby's debt.



How about this motel key?

I don't want to talk about that.

I have to get back to work.

Cabe: There's the plane.

My God, burnt to a crisp.

Where's the pilot's body?

He was trapped in a metal box at 1,400 degrees.

He was incinerated.

Paige, what are you doing?

I'm finding the necklace.

I'm bringing it back to his son.

It's just jewelry.

It's more than that.

Walter: Paige... it's melted. It's gone.

I'm sorry.


Just recover the cloaking software we came for.

We'll hump it back to the plane.

He had a son.

I just want to finish the job and go home, Cabe.

Walter: Hold on, hold on!

This hardware's three years old.

There's no way it would be in a state-of-the-art aircraft.

What are you saying-- they swapped it?

It was planted.

It was made to look like it was destroyed in the fire, which was deliberately set.

The software's already been stolen.

That's not the only thing taken.

There's blood here, a good 12 feet from the plane.

There's no way that body leaves that plane unless he survived the crash.

Corbett: He's right.

Barrios is alive.

Rebels saw the plane fall, tracked it, took our pilot.

God knows what they're doing to him to get the encryption code for that software.

Okay, we have to track down that software.

I think you mean Captain Barrios?

They're both together.

You know what I mean.

Cabe: All right, listen up.

Here on in, we work together.

This is no longer a simple extraction.

Our recovery mission is now a rescue offensive.

Now, get your game face on... because we're not leaving this country without our pilot.

(groaning, gasping)

Let us try again.

What is encryption code?


Captain Javier Barrios.

Service Number...


Hey, hey, hey.

I know your name. I know your rank. I know your service number. I also know date in which you die if you do not cooperate.

Little baton, huh?

(electrical crackling)

(Javier screaming)

He's got people shot, people missing, and he can still focus on his work.

It worries me I no longer find this abnormal.

With Walter, abnormal is normal.

Walter: Okay, so according to the black box data, this plane thought it was over Sarajevo when it crashed.

Meaning what?

Meaning mechanical failure didn't bring this plane down. It was hacked. The navigation coordinates were corrupted. And that's why the black box couldn't send its ping signal.

Corbett: The rebels were aware of the routine recon flights. They just waited for a plane to pass over and made their move.


To hack the plane's defenses, they'd need to be at an elevated altitude, sending a powerful, uninterrupted signal.

Could be done with a well-positioned satellite dish.

So, according to the topography, the signal would've most likely come from somewhere west.

Cabe: Well, let's get to high ground. See if we can't find the source of that signal. And maybe who took our pilot.

Hey. You figuring all that out?

You're what SEALs call a professor.

I'll take that as a compliment.

It is.

I am so hungry I would eat my hat if I still had it. I loved that hat.


Look, you're injured. Swallow that pride, let me take a look.

I'm a doctor.

You're a psychiatrist.

I went to medical school.

Fine. Just make it quick.

You have a foot fetish or something? Hurry it up.

You got a sprain and I'm concerned about that cut. Since we don't have any ointment, I'll do my best to stabilize it.

Why aren't you a real doctor?

I am a real doctor.

You know what I mean.

Why a shrink?

If you must know, my mother was nuts. She was clinically bipolar. And I watched my dad struggle to manage her illness, so I became a shrink to try to help them both. That didn't work.

Geez, Happy, you know that there are whole sections of the Internet that would pay top dollar for a peek at these toes.

Why do you do that? As soon as you become human, you switch to wise-ass.

It's a textbook defense mechanism to hide how I feel. Especially around you. You're so smart and capable and fun... and that personality happens to be wrapped in a nice little package. So I say stupid things to hide feelings that you already know that I have. And we got no food, water or idea where we are, so if we're gonna die, I might as well say some stuff, so there.

Are you done?

Do you see that?

You are doing exactly what you said I do.

When things get real, I make wisecracks.

You put on your armor.

Look. Maybe there's supplies up there.

Oh, that's a good idea, Gretel. Let's go to the creepy cottage on the hill.

Oh, grow a pair.

(Paige gasping)

Everyone stand fast, right where you are.

We're in a minefield.

Russian made. Circa World w*r II. Leftovers from the '95 w*r. The Soviets sold 'em at a fire sale.

Can we double back?

You 100% positive of every step you took to get here?

No way the rebels didn't hear that.

ATV, 40 miles per hour, 10 clicks back... they'll be on us in...

Nine minutes and 18 seconds.

We gotta move out of here.

The question is where?

What about to the flowers?

If I'm gonna blow up, I'd rather die in a purple patch of lilies than die in the dirt.

No one's blowing up.

We're gonna figure this out. Right, Walt? Walt?

No, Paige. You're wrong. We're not gonna die in the flowers. That's where it's safe.


All the flowers are in bunches, right? Everywhere else is dead field. Why?

The mines.

Walter: Yeah.

The mines are leaking corrosive chemicals that will k*ll any plant that grows above.

So there's no mines under the flowers, but what about in-between?

Well, no plan's perfect.

Yeah, well... looks like we're safe up to here.

Come on.

All right, all right, everybody.

Step exactly where the person in front of you steps.

Travel single-file, and do it fast.

In a few minutes, we're getting shot at again.

For the record, if we get hacked up right now, I'm gonna be very upset.

Happy: Lights on.

But no one's inside.

(comedy show playing on TV)

(on TV) : Oh, hey, your hand's dirty.

You better go have it steam-cleaned or something.

Girl 2: Why, you little...

Woman: I'm Mrs. Garrett, the school dietician.

You must be... Jo, the new student.

Hi, how's it going?

Did we enter a cabin or a wormhole?

Someone was just here.

We gotta hurry.

Grab any food that's not tied down.

We need water, we need protein.


(speaking Croatian)

Listen, man, we don't want any trouble.

We're just lost hikers.


Igor loves USA!

Okay, you go through the last bunch of flowers, get on this hill, and we're fine.

Thank you.




No, back away.

I just tripped a mine.

Okay, okay.

Hold still, hold still.

No, no-- get out-- get out of here!

Don't move.

Listen to me.

You got me out of a firefight; I can get you out of this.

Igor: Is nice to have visitors.

I live here for six months out of the year.

Manage satellite for, uh, government.

It's not, uh, best job, but I get all the U.S. shows.

Blair! Tootie!

Uh, learn Facts of Life.

Hey, Igor, you mind if we use your computer?

We're lost and really need to find our friends.

It's a matter of survival.


Walter: Maybe I can deactivate the detonator.

Go easy.

Okay, this is bad.

If the pressure shift doesn't detonate this, there's a back-up timer.

What are we looking at?

About 30 seconds, tops.


Walter: You need to get out of here.

I do not want you here if this does not work.

Cabe: Get her out of here.

Just need to cut the right cord.

No. Cabe... get him out of here.

Son, you gotta move!

I can do this.

Jim: It's speeding up!

Take off, O'Brien!

I've almost got it!

Hold on... hold on...

No, there's no time!

Walter: One second, one second...

Jim: It's going off!

(sudden clank, crackling)

What happened?

We're alive.

Uh... must've corroded so much over time... it's become a dud.

I know Green Berets... but you're crazy.

Toby: This is delicious.

It's tongue. You're eating tongue.

Look what he had minimized-- a massive transmission that was sent by satellite.

What kind of transmission?


False GPS coordinates.

Sent roughly 24 hours ago.

Well, that's just about the time our plane went down.

Happy: Not so fast, comrade!

Why the hell did you crash that plane?

Now I see why Cabe put you in charge.

I know nothing of a plane.

Just manage satellite for government.

Okay, okay! Don't sh**t.

Bad men come.

They pay me money to use satellite.

They send pornography-- it's illegal, but I have no choice.

Even timbre, level eye-white exposure; he's telling the truth.

They weren't sending porn.

They were rebels taking down a jet.

Igor hates rebels.

You know where the rebels are right now?

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

Slow down.

Slow down.

You're where?

At a hilltop sat station.

We think you're walking right into the rebel base.

I'm texting you the coordinates now.

Walter: Rebel base?

That's exactly what we're looking for.

Isn't the idea to avoid the rebels?

Yeah, well, it's a long story, but they have our software and the pilot.

Oh. The base isn't that far from here.

The odds are that's where they brought our man.

We're going in to find him.

Suddenly I am glad we fell down that ravine.

Walt, that doesn't sound safe.

Okay, listen to me.

You hike a mile east of the main road outside the rebel compound.

We'll rendezvous there.

Now, if we don't show by nightfall, then... find your way back home.

Hey, Walter, weren't we guys who just fixed computers, like, yesterday?

Yeah, looks like we're more than that now.

Okay, we need radio silence from here on out.


I hope to see you guys soon.

Before we jump into this mess, I want to thank you for what you did back there at the minefield.

It was no big deal.

Had a problem, saw a solution.

You know, it was pretty impressive, what you did with that, uh, rocket launcher.

Ah, no big deal.

Had a problem, saw a solution.


I thought you could use this.

Spilled half of it on the way here, but... what do you expect from a girl whose nerve endings are slowly deteriorating?

That's a terrible thing to say.

What are you afraid of, Sylvester?



I mean the motel key.

Hey, you can trust me.

What's bothering you?


The way I am... frustrated my parents.

So, when I was 16, I hacked a bank and I stole $2,500 and I ran away.

Soon, I was broke and alone and... scared... in a crappy motel room.

I was in a bad place, considering... bad things.

Until a forensic analyst from the bank tracked me down.


To this day, the bank still thinks I was never apprehended.

Walter's the only person on Earth who knows this story.

He was there for me.

And now I'm not there for him.

You... you have worked really hard...


You found the satellite photos...

No, no. I told him I had to work from here and that was a lie.

I was afraid to go.

And he knew.

And he let me stay.

That's how good a friend he is and that's how lousy I am.

Luke: Looks like a run-down farmhouse.

Hold on.


Those farmers are armed to the teeth.

I don't remember Old MacDonald having a g*n in that song.

My pilot, your software; they're both in that barn.

You ready to go get what's ours?

That's what we came for.

Okay, it'll be dark soon.

Walter and I will have cover to breach the compound, retrieve Barrios, recover the tech.

Cabe, Luke... you steal the van and sneak around back and pick us up.

Paige, Simon's out of commission.

Get him down to the service road.

We'll pick you up, then we're Oscar Mike.



All right.

Paige: Hey.


I'd off you a good-luck charm, but I know you don't believe in that, so... just get back safe, okay?


Ooh! Oh, that's gonna hurt.

All right.

As soon as I open this door, it's gonna get hot.

Stay back until the sh**ting's over.

That seems logical.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.


Three, two, one.

(Javier screaming in distance)

(Javier groans)

(electricity crackles, Javier screams)

(electricity crackles, Javier screams)

(electricity crackles, Javier screams)

Rebel: What is encryption code?

(electricity crackles, Javier groans)

Give us the code!

(electricity buzzing, Javier screaming)


There's a fuel vat right next to him.

(electricity buzzes, Javier groans)

You miss, you blow him up.

(electricity buzzing, Javier groaning)

Rebel: Yes...

(speaks native language)

Who are you?

Lieutenant Jim Corbett, U.S. Navy SEALs.

I'm bringing you home.

I'm the tech guy.

I'm helping.

(engine turns, then stops)

You gotta be kidding me.

Fan belt's gone.

The fan belt?

Uh, why are you calling me?

Happy is the expert.

Cabe: Because we're not in Burbank, we're in Bosnia, and we got shoddy reception.

Now, we're storming a rebel base, so I need you to man up, son.

Our life depends on it.

Okay, we need something strong yet pliable that can withstand the coefficient of friction.

Something like... pantyhose.

Now, why the hell would I have pantyhose?

I got a multi-tool, 12 mags of a*mo, first aid kit, toilet paper.

The toilet paper!

Okay, pull it into long strips, and braid it in a hexagonal pattern.

This makes the paper increase its strength exponentially.

Hooke's law of elasticity.

How'd you know that?

Who's my brother?

I'm bound to pick up something.

I got him.

Grab the tech, let's go.


(g*n cocks)


You think you can come here, take what you want?

From me?

From my country?!

Walter: Stop!

Beat him all you like, it's useless.

He can't help you.

I can.


I don't even know what you are.

All right?

I'll tell you what I'm not, I'm not a soldier.

I'm a tech specialist sent in to get that software, and I will get it for you, but you have to let us go.

You-you really think they're gonna let us go?

You tried your way.

Do we have a deal?

You decode it, you leave.


We're done.

Now we go?

No, you not leave till software's fully downloaded.

(engine turns, then stops)

(engine turns, then stops)

You erased it?!


Drop it.

My bosses be upset I not bring them software.

So, instead, I bring them your head.

(shouts, gasps)

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey-- we gotta go.

Oscar Mike.

Oh, so you're speaking the lingo now?

Okay, hold on...

Walter: Where the hell is he?

Come on, Cabe.

Welcome to the Charmin Express.

Go, go, go, go, go, go...!

I was nervous you wouldn't show.

Wasn't without its drama.

Your wife wanted you to have this.

Thank you.

Thanks to all of you.

Actually, we're not all here.

I thought we would have seen them by now.

When we get to the plane, we'll call the embassy and form a search party.

Don't know if that's necessary.

None of you saw this.

♪ ♪

How you feeling, pal?

Such a liar.

(sighs) It's good to be home.

You see him?

Go give him a hug.

Not bad for two days' work.

Not at all.

But I really want to see my son now.

Copy that.

Glad to give you a lift.

You know the sad thing-- that was my first time outside the U.S.



I want you to have this.

It's our unit's challenge coin... for exemplary service on a mission.


Hey, okay, um... hold on a second.

Take this.

It's an override code for your DVR.

Free w*r movies for life.

Come on.


♪ ♪

If I was any more exhausted, I'd melt into a puddle.

Sylvester: You guys are back! Walter!


How you doing?


Next time, Walter, I will be with you on the mission, I promise.

You were, pal, you were right there.

No. b*ll*ts weren't flying in here.

I'll be there.

Hey, Toby.

For the record, you took good care of me, and I appreciate it.

Thank you.

I could take better care of you.

You never give up.


Quite a life you're leading.

Well, we've both probably had enough excitement for a while.

You ready to go?


Oh, um...

Do you know how this box got here?


Thank you for the last couple of days.

I'll never forget it.

New car?

No, no.

It's, uh, Paige's.

Cabe's dropping her off from the airport.

Mine keeps on breaking down.

You know, I'm pretty low on funds, what do you say to no more bailouts for a while?

I'll behave, if, uh... if you explain this.

Mmm, I don't know what that is.

You kept this. All those years?

No, I didn't.

Tokens, talismans, they're a sign of weakness.


I found it in that box. Okay, uh, when you were 12, you had a fever. And there was no hope. And I just... I wanted to have something to remember you.


It bothers me that I keep that stupid trinket.

It's superstition...

No, it's normal. But, you know, you're gonna have to accept that I'm gonna leave you someday. And that day is coming soon.

No, I refuse accept that premise.

We've got to enjoy every moment we can right now.

You know what? Hey. We don't need it. Come on. I don't want you to keep memories from when I was sick. Let's make new ones while we still can, okay?


Good, now, take me back to the hospital.

Not yet. It's beautiful. Our first new memory.
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