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Coven (2023)

Posted: 02/03/24 07:26
by bunniefuu
(eerie vocalizing)


A long, long time ago,

There was a meteor shower in

the balkan peninsula.

When the people saw the stars

falling from the sky,

They believed them to be

dragon spirits,

Come to grace their land

with strength and vitality.

Wherever they fell,

on a mountain, a forest,

A river, an animal or a human,

Those beings became inhabited

with the dragon's blood

And the dragon's spirit.

Vlad the impaler, more famously

known as dracula,

Was said to carry

the dragon's blood.

When the dragon men had children

with human women,

The female babies were said

to be witches.

(crows squawking)


The term "witch"

Has really gone through a


Whereas before, it could be

a death sentence

If you were called that,

there has been a movement

To reclaim it as something

to be proud of.

Leilani: Giving women power is

a thing where it's just, like,

Cultures don't want to do it.

Praying, for me, is a spell.

Burning candles in the church

is a spell.

They just don't call it that.

And it's men at the helm.

So it's okay,

because they're doing it.

But if it was a woman, it would

be a completely different thing.

Andra: Patriarchy has robbed

women of their voices,

Of their power, of autonomy over

our bodies, of confidence.

Anne marie: Young women are

waking up and saying,

"hang on a second.

I can be powerful.

"I can play with the dark side.

I'll show you.

"I'll exercise my power."

Leilani: I think also

it's become a trend.

It's cool.

Okay, but this is real.

This is real.

This is called a spirit rattle.

They are said to rattle

and shake

When there are spirits around.

And if there's no wind,

that is how you know.

And people hang them around

their houses for warning.

That is so cool.

(woodpecker sound)

Andra: You know, like, the whole

used to be animistic,

And people would look around

them and they'd see everything

As being alive and all of us as

being deeply interlinked

And deeply sacred.

I always was raised with a lot

of those beliefs

And I grew into them,

and they always just felt true,

And right and natural

to me.

As a kid, I was really just

drawn to nature,

'cause we lived in the country,

so I'd just go out in the woods

And I'd just be collecting rocks

and sticks,

And finding trees and making

these, like, little altars,

And I don't know what I was

doing with it

Or who I was, you know, thinking

of when I was doing it,

But it just felt, like, kind of

something I was called to do.

You know, when I was getting

more drawn to witchcraft

Or wicca, I was like,

"hey, okay, I was doing that."

I was really kinda doing it

without thinking about it.

For me and this journey so far,

It's been very isolated.

You know, I've been doing my own

kind of practice

In the way that I feel

comfortable, which is by myself.

And I feel like there is more

that I can learn

And more that I can experience.

I was hoping to find, like,

Someone like you to talk to

about it,

To learn from, to, like...

Maybe know what next steps are,

Because, yeah, I feel like I can

only do and practice

So much by myself.

I would really love for you to

come and meet

Some of my teachers and some

people that have held space

And, like, taught me things,

And see if you resonate

with any of them.


I would love that.

Witchcraft helps us to reclaim

our own narratives,

Especially when it comes to

women's knowledge.

A lot of women's traditions are

rooted in intuition

And in emotions and in empathy

And care for our communities

and care for our families.

And women have traditionally and

historically always understood

Power as "power with."

If you share your gift with me,

and I share my gift with you,

We have a better, stronger


And we all get to thrive.

(singing in kenyan dialect)

As a kid, there was two things

That I really was, like...

"I'm going to do this."

Like, "I'm either going to

become a singer

"or I'm going to become a monk."

(singing continues)

(audience applauding)

The idea of me being a singer

became solid,

Became real.

But there is another path

connecting to

The something else,

the other.

I personally believe there is a

string of truth that connects

All religions and all stories.

And then surrounding that string

of truth is bullshit.

It's such a small thread,

But it does connect and

it is there,

But you've really got to swim

through all the rest of it

To find it.

All my life I've had really


Really vivid dreams.

Always flying, always having

lucid dreams,

Prophetic dreams.

The dreamscape is, like, a very

interesting place

Where I'm still trying to learn

about it more.

I have nobody to talk to about

that kind of stuff.

Because back home in kenya,

there are those people,

There are witches,

there are shamans.

They just aren't called that,

because most of the country

Is very religious.

You don't share that.

It's a private thing.

(birds squawking)

(door creaking)

- So, you want to be a witch?

- Laura: Yes.

Wicca is not a democracy.

It's a benevolent dictatorship.

The words of the high priestess

are law.

They're non-debatable.

The rules of the coven is

You have to study diligently and

do what you're told.

You have to ask to be taught.

You have to show up on time.

You don't complain.

What do you think a witch is?

I don't want to change the

outside world.

I want to find ways to, like,

more understand and connect

With myself and nature.

So that's kind of

what I understand as a witch,

Is somebody who is very


Being a witch is also being--

becoming a priestess.

- Laura: Okay.

- So this is what we teach you.

Because everything behind that

for us,

Is about the goddess.

Everything was given birth to

by the goddess.

The earth is alive.

She breathes.

She has hot flashes.

She has eruptions.

She gets angry. She gets calm.

And-- and we have to live in

harmony with that.

So by our magical actions,

we are giving energy

To that process.

That's what witches do.

There are different paths to

create the different head spaces

That we work with.

Mushrooms, especially,

Create an incomparable state

In your mind.

- Mm-hmm.

- How do you feel about dr*gs?

- Mm-hmm. Me?

- Yeah, you!

Oh, I-- I don't judge them.

I've done them, and I...

How do you feel about being

naked, in ritual?

With boys and girls,

in the moonlight.

If I felt safe with the people

that were around,

I would be very open to it.

Okay. Well, that's really

important, right?

- Yeah.

- Because witches like

Being naked and dancing


- (laughing)

- amazing.


(eerie warbling music)

(warbling continues)

I always knew I was a witch.

I just always was fascinated

with magic,

Fascinated with witchcraft,

Fascinated with all of the

spooky things.

My family was a very religious

family in kenya.

Very tight knit.

We're also refugees during

the eritrean ethiopian w*r.

So everything was about family,

read the bible,

Go to Sunday school,

do the right things.

Knowing that, I was like,



"I'm a witch!"

Andra: There was never moment

I had to come out to my family

As a witch.

I was raised with my

grandmother's stories.

We knew ourselves to be

surrounded by spirits

At all times.

We knew the land to be alive.

My mama is romanian

And my dad is romani.

I moved to canada with

my parents

When I was less than

a year old.

They were fleeing

The corruption

and political instability

And poverty that was left

behind there,

After the fall of communism

in 1989.

Leilani: When we moved

to toronto in the '80s,

It was still family first,

church first,

Until I became a teenager.

I started taking a bus

to a new school.

Just, like, a couple steps up

from the bus stop

Was an occult shop.

And so every morning,

I'd be standing there

And turning around and seeing

that occult shop there

And I'm like, "what is that?"

And then I started going into

the store.

I saw books on astral


Candle magic.

And the first thing that really

caught my eye,

Because I am a dreamer,

is "understanding your dreams."

And so that was sort of like

my gateway drug

Into the world of spirituality.

I did a love spell for my

friend, which was a big mistake.

We were, like, in grade nine

or something.

Somehow he found out about it

and was--

The next day, was furious.

He was jamaican.

It was the first time I've ever

had somebody say, "you're obeah.

"don't put obeah on me."

And I was like, "what?"

I didn't know what that is,

But I knew that it was negative.

And I knew that it

was a thing of like "witch".

They did end up dating,

for like two years, so...

Andra: Definitely there were

people who made fun of me,

And it wasn't just on the

grounds of witchcraft.

It was, you know, for being

different overall and generally.

Laura: When I was in grade 10,

I was bullied

And it got to the point

Where I couldn't go to school


And I eventually had to

change schools.

The rumors that were made-up

about me

Was that I was a lesbian

and a witch.

It's kind of poetic in the fact

that I did come out,

And I am a lesbian,

and I am a witch.

So I hate that the bullies

were right.

I don't know if they saw

something in me

That I wasn't yet ready to see.


Leilani: Being a witch did help

me open up to my queerness

Because the personal spells

I was doing on myself

Was about opening myself up,

loving myself more,

Being more truthful,

being more honest,

And for people to accept

my honesty of who I was.

So, honing in on

my witchiness

Made me stronger and prouder.

Oh, hi!

Hello, beautiful witchy friend.

- Hello. How are you?

- I'm good. I'm really good.

It's so nice to see you,

my witchy friend.

I know. I miss you so much!

I kinda have some things

to talk about.

Ooh, I'm excited. Okay.

I recently went to go visit

A high priestess,

And she runs a coven,

and she was just asking me like,

What am I looking for and what

am I comfortable with?

And it got intense.

She was like,

"how do you feel about being

naked around men and women?"

And I was like, "well,

I'd have to be comfortable

"with those people

to be able to do it."

And then she's like,

"how do you feel

"about hallucinogenic dr*gs?"

And, like, you know how I feel

about that.

I was like, "oh, I'm scared."

I think in the moment,

I just tried to be like,

"oh, yeah, that's fine."

but in my head, I was like,

"oh, I don't know if that's me.

"I don't know if that's for me."

Anne marie: Besom, besom,

witches broom,

Sweep out darkness,

sweep out doom,

Pretty ladies,

hallowed ground

Of demons, imps,

and hell's red hounds.

Who seeks to enter this circle?


Laura, enter not the circle

unless you take your first step

Without looking before

or behind, without caution

And with nothing held

in reserve.

Go ahead.

Spirits of air, hear my call.

Bring to us the strength

and wisdom

That is yours alone to give.

Blessed be.


Blessed be.

I do bless and consecrate

this circle,

This place and all those

gathered here in.

Very seldom

do you come upon a space,

A time like this,

Between an act and an act,

When you may stop and simply be,

Or wonder who you are after all.

Do you pledge yourself

to the goddess

And the horned one

to love and honor them?


What does the goddess stand for?


And family, community.

And togetherness.

Anne marie:

What does the god stand for?

Strength and unity.

What do you stand for?

(rooster crowing)

Leilani: I read all those books

of these women going on journeys

And finding their teachers,

And I begged and wished and

prayed for it.

And when I met francesca,

or sun-sun, my wife,

I talked a lot about it

with her.

And when we went to jamaica

the first time,

She told me, like, "you should

meet my friend, abbcca.

"he's a really magical person."

Whenever I talk to him, I'd

always ask about my past life.

I know there's something about

my past life and I need to know.

And he would always laugh,

and be like,

"you ask too many questions."

but I guess I wore him down.

So, like, me and francesca

were told

To do a certain spell, I guess,

Where we would read a certain

psalm from the bible,

Fast for a few days, say these


And so I asked,

"I want to know my past life,"

And me and francesca

both fell asleep

And I had the craziest,

wildest dream.

And then abbcca, had called us

later that evening.

And when I told him my dream,

he just started laughing

And he was like,

"what did you ask?"

And I was like, "I know you said

not to ask about past lives,

"but I asked about

my past life."

What I dreamt was that

I was in a hotel,

In France, with these two men.


The older brother held up this

round gold plate

And was showing it,

and yelling at me.

"tell me how to use it!

Tell me how to use it!

"I know your grandfather told

you how to use it."

And I said,

"I don't know how to use it.

"he didn't tell me how to use

this one. I'm not sure."

And the man yelled back and was

like, "you do! You do!"

And I went and grabbed it.

And as soon as I grabbed it,

I teleported somewhere else.

So I woke up and told him

this dream.

And then he was like, "okay, I'm

going to tell you the name.

"I'm going to spell it out

for you."

And I was like,

"helena blavatsky?"

I have no idea who helena

blavatsky was.

Russian occultists were never

in my mind whatsoever.

Like, never. I didn't know about

anything that she had ever done.

Further looking into it,

Her grandfather was

a master mason.

And she actually had gone in

And learned a bunch of stuff


But it was just so interesting

that it connected with my dream,

That I was like, "am I helena--

am I helena blavatsky?"

And then I became obsessed.

It took over me,

The idea of helena blavatsky,

the idea of reincarnation.

I decided I am no longer


I am now witch prophet.

(autotuned sample playing)

w-w-witch prophet

Are you a witch?

Leilani singing:

I'm a good witch


I am witch prophet.

And let me stand in this power

for real.

If helena blavatsky was, like,

this ultimate witch,

This ultimate spiritual person

who believed in reincarnation

And had unlocked something,

Then why did the pick this life?

This life must be important.

bow down to the queen

call me empress makeda

queen of sheba

bow down to the queen

I'm the keeper of history

you negus can't sit

with me, no

tried to control me

but your tricks cannot

hold me down

never hold me down

you thought you would

mould me

forgot I'm the one wearing

the crown

I'm the one, I'm the one

yeah, bow down

Andra: I believe that time

isn't linear.

The past and the present

and the future

Are always overlapping.

Definitely, I carry all of

my ancestors,

And I carry my mother, too,

But, um, my dad was

the one who...

...Really passed on his deep

connection with the land,

His deep connection with

the other worlds.

My family on my dad's side,

we are zlatar,

Which is the goldsmithing clan.

So that's why I wear these


I feel like I'm at a crossroads

in my life with my practice.

And I think that definitely

has to do with

My ancestors

and with my bloodline

And getting to be on the land

that I was born on.

So I would really love to

be able to go home to romania.

I would really love to be able

to sing to that land,

To sing to those spirits.

I believe that I am here

right now,

In this human skin,

To sing to the land

and her dying.

Monica: It's important to

connect with our past.

We held a lot of these pagan

practices and animus practices

Pre-organized religion.

And I think in connecting

to our ancestry,

We can understand earth-based

practices now,

And put them in a contemporary


So I think it's a reconnection

that's really vital

Because that's where paganism

comes from,

And a deep connection

to the earth.

Laura: So yeah, you mentioned

that you run a coven.

I was wondering,

if it's okay, like,

- Can I ask a bit about that?

- Oh, absolutely.

I wanted to be a coven of

solitary practitioners

Within a group and have

everybody find their own roots,

Their own ancestry.

Unless you're indigenous,

You're a settler culture,

and it's important to understand

Where you originated, what time,

what year they left,

Will give you an indication of

what was going on at that time.

- Okay.

- So, uh,

If an ancestor left in, say,

1750 from ireland,

You can find out, do a little

research on 1750 ireland,

And look at folk magic practices

that were going on at that time.

And there's a good chance that

you've retained

Some of those vestiges of

the practice.

And you might start to look at,

say, throwing salt

Over your shoulder differently,


- Laura: Right, yes.

- And you might stop

Seeing things as superstition

and just folk tales,

But actually anecdotal histories

and practices.

Just hearing how you're

describing that,

It's, kind of... I feel like

there's more there.

Monica: There is.

(distant siren wailing)

- Oh!

- That's mommy!

Mom! So I know that your second

cousin, kathy, is kind of, like,

The keeper of the information

of our family,

- Like genealogically, right?

- Keeper of the secrets!

There's always one person in

every family that seems

To get ancestry-interested.

And so, because I told her,

I said that laura identifies

as a witch.

And she went, "oh, really?

Does she, sort of, feel it?

"does she have any sense of

something or...?"

And I said, "well, I don't know.

I have to ask her.

"but I think she seems


"she reads tarot cards,

"and I think she has a sense

of something."

And she said,

"oh, very interesting."

- And I said, "okay."

- well, what do you think?

Do you think she'd be open to me

coming to see her,

To talk to her about all this?

I mean, you can reach out to her

and find out.

Kathleen: It's so nice to

finally see you in person.

I've only seen you guys in


- And always great sh*ts.

- Oh, thank you!

But you, in particular,

look so much like your mom

When she was younger.

When we were teenagers,

we had some fun together.

- Yeah?

- Yeah.

So, you have stuff to tell me.

I do have stuff to tell you!

Stuff to talk about.

I identify as a witch, and I

wanted to just talk to you

About that and see if we can

trace back our family history

And see if there might be

anything in there

That might answer some questions

for me.

In scotland, william,

That's your great-grandfather,

Was born in a place called

crook of devon.

Mm-hm, okay.

And there is a castle there

called castle tullibole.

- Mmm.

- And, I believe,

There is a...

Loch leven is nearby.

But christina's side, anyway,

her family goes way back,

To pilgrims.

There's so many different lines,

and, you know,

I did not print

the whole thing out,

But your ninth great-grandmother

Was mary towne easty.

And she was hung with one of

her sisters in salem,

Laura wow.

On the 22nd of September, 1692.


I don't know why, I just feel,

like, really emotional,

- Like I might cry.

- Kathleen: I did, I cried.

- Yeah.

- It's heartbreaking.

To think that, maybe,

witchcraft, it is a real thing.

But to blame people who...

Yeah. Exactly,

and that's the thing, like,

The women that were hung

at that time, you know,

Maybe they spoke out,

or they were, you know,

Stronger-willed women,

or they weren't conforming

To what was expected of them

at the time,

And that's why they were really

targeted, and so,

Just finding this out

Is so wild to me.

That's mary.

Does it look like anybody

you know?

- Isn't that something?

- Yeah.

- It looks like you.

- Do you think?

- Yeah

- I do.


Yeah. That's crazy.

Andra: It's really hard being

back here.

It's hard being back home.

It's hard looking for that sense

of home and that sense of family

And coming into this space,

which is my ancestral home,

You know, and finding it empty,

When the last time my grandma

was alive and living here.

And before that,

my dad was here.

So it's that strange


Of tradition...

And things that feel really

lasting and eternal

And time passing, too.

I want to learn and embody

The various traditions,

The different ancestries that

all live in my body,

And to learn how to honor

all of them.

Whether they're histories

of v*olence,

Or, like, being oppressed,

Or being on the other

end of that.

Because I think when we honor

our ancestors,

It's really important we honor

all of our ancestors,

Not just...


Not just the wholesome ones.

(speaking romanian)


Laura: So, I...

Well, mary and I met kathleen

for the first time.

- We've never met her before!

- I know.

- And she lives so close!

- I know.

And she had a pretty significant


- While we were there.

- Oh?

She told us that we can trace

our heritage

Back to the salem witch trials.

Who? Whose heritage?

Our heritage,

like your dad's side.

- No, but my dad or mom or...

- Your dad's side.

- Okay.

- Yeah.

- To salem witch trials?

- Yeah, like seven generations.

Your sixth great-grandmother

was k*lled,

She and her sister.

- Were hung?

- Yeah.

- As witches?

- Yeah.

And just finding this out about

our connection to salem

Unlocked a memory that I had

from when I was a kid.

And I don't know if you remember

it and I really hope you do,

But do you remember when we

would talk about, like,

Who we think we were

in a past life?


Oh, yeah.

And I feel like

I always was like,

"I think I was k*lled in the

salem witch trials."

You did, you always said,

"I was a witch

"in the salem witch trials."

yeah, but I don't know...

I didn't take it to the

next level

That you had a past life


- Of course.

- If that's what you mean.

- Yeah.

- Like, I didn't take it

- To that level.

- Right.

It just was,

"I think I was a witch,"

And it didn't surprise me that

you'd think you were a witch.


why wouldn't it surprise you?

Because you always loved

witchy things.


I am scared

for what lies ahead

unknown mysteries

in my mind I see

where do I go

when I close

my eyes



You're only interested in

the sound of my voice

Because the sound of my voice

always makes you feel

Very comfortable, relaxed,

and secure.

You're going to feel a very

powerful pull

Taking you back in time,

Regressing back to a previous


Look up for the door with the

white light above it.

Move towards that door.

I'd like for you to reach out,

turn the knob,

Open the door

and step right through.

What are you noticing?

I don't want to move.

My back's against the door.

Vivian: Okay.

Why is your back against

the door?

I don't know.

I don't know.


I'm scared, I think.


Okay. It's okay.


I don't know why.


Vivian: Take a moment,

take a breath.

- Why is she scared?

- I don't know.



Just watch and observe.

I don't know.


It's okay.

I keep seeing a man

In a black hat.

He's tall.

He wants to take me somewhere.

Vivian: Are you walking

with him now?

Yes. I'm walking down a path,

the clearing,

My house is behind me.

I see people standing up

on a platform.

I want to say their hands

are bound, but I don't know.

What else do you notice?

My throat hurts.

Why does your throat hurt?

It feels tight. I'm scared.

It feels tight. I'm standing

on the platform now.



By myself.

They don't believe me.

They don't-- it's too much now.

How does it feel?

Laura: My throat and neck

are tight.

This rope, it's tight.


Are you still alive?

Laura: I don't know.

I'm somewhere else now.





What are you experiencing now?

Just in a green field.

There's stones,

Like a... Like a tower.

Vivian: So it feels like

a different life

From what you were

experiencing before?


What do you notice?

What are you wearing?

A green dress.

Maybe she went up the tower.

She's in a room.

Candles burning,

writing down on paper.

Vivian: Now, I'd like for you

to relay a message

From your past life self to

your present life self.


They both want me to...

...Believe in myself

And trust myself.

Let go of fear and be stronger

It was almost, like, in between

a dream and a memory.

A memory that I didn't know

that I had.

This is exactly what

I was wearing

In my past life regression.

It's called a witch's gown.

It was probably worn

when individuals

Were examined and questioned.

This is a full account of the

salem witch trials

Based on the records that they

kept at the time.

And there's a whole section

on mary easty.

"so, after midnight,

she was aroused from sleep

"by the unfeeling marshal,

"torn from her husband

and children,

"carried back to prison,

loaded with chains,

"and finally consigned to

a dreadful, most cruel death.

"her husband, referring to

the transaction

"nearly 20 years later,

"justly expressed what

all must feel,

"that it was 'a hellish


So researching her and being

able to trace it back that far,

It's made me want to go back

even further.

I know, kathleen had found

Some ancestry that leads back

to scotland.

So I'm wanting to do more

research about that

And dive into that part of

my family as well.

(birds chirping)

Leilani: And I was like, so,

I wonder if that...

When we talk about past lives,

And when we did the whole thing

with abbcca,

I realized that francesca

has been with me in many lives.

And in the most recent life was,

or the most recent one

That we can remember is the one

with helena blavatsky

And her partner, henry olcott,

Who wasn't necessarily her

romantic partner,

But they were always together.

And they always worked together

as a partnership.

I'm 50/50.

I'm not sure if I feel connected

with his image or something.


Leilani: It's because you see

a man with a long beard.

- Beard, yeah.

- And so you're not connecting.

But, I mean, she doesn't

look like me.

Yeah, I know, but there is

something about her vibe

That I can see, where there's

parallels, you know?

Yeah. So I had found out at one

point in her life,

She had gone to paris

to play concert piano.

But I think my sole issue

in past lives has been

Picking between the music

or the magic.

So with helena,

She picked the magic and

the spirituality,

Whereas in this life, I've

picked the music,

But I'm also incorporating the

magic through my music.

So I'm still connected,

in a way,

But I think this is

a better way,

In this age now,

to connect to more people.

It's probably easier through

music than it is

Through 7,000 pages of a book.

With abbcca, he was great,

But we haven't spoken to him

in five years.

He's disappeared.

The last time we spoke to him,

He said he's going away, and

when he comes back,

He'll be a lot younger and we

will not recognize him.

So anytime I meet anybody young,

who I think is magic,

I'm always like...


"are you?"

I do that to my dog, too.

I'm like, "are you?"


(chanting in romanian)

(chanting continues)

Laura: Scotland, to me,

Holds a lot of history

In witchcraft,

And there's a lot of mysticism

that I associate with this area.

And I want to connect to an area

that is so steeped

In that history to see

if that can somehow awaken

Something else in me.

Another big reason that I wanted

to come here

Was because of

what I experienced

During that past life


Part of me felt like

The second part of that memory

Was connected to scotland.

I think I just have to see it

for myself

And see what it feels like.

So, being here at loch leven,

I'm already kinda feeling a bit


(gulls squawking)

So, what I saw

In my second

past life regression

Was a single tower

Behind me,

and rocks and water.

Like, this is... It is what...

It is where I was.

I believe it is where I was.

I think how I'm feeling

is validated...

...In what I've experienced

In my journey so far.

And just feeling like

I want to...

...Learn more.

That I have this connection here

And it runs deeper than

I expected.

Finding out kathleen was able to

place our family here,

I have been in contact with

this gentleman

Named lord moncrieff.

He's edited a few books about

the history of the area,

So I'm hoping that he might help

me trace back my heritage

Even further.

His family was involved in

a witch trial that took place

In the area, but his family

were the accusers.

Moncrieff: It all started when

over at that farm,

A lady had an argument

with the farmer

Over the how

to fertilize the land.

And it got very heated.

But unfortunately,

During the argument,

The farmer had a stroke,

and of course,

Everybody in the area

thought the lady

Had actually cursed the farmer.

And when they then accused her

of being a witch,

They thought,

"well, we found one witch,

"there must be a coven."

And in the parish of

crook of devon,

They then searched far and wide

To find 13 witches,

Because a coven of witches

is 13.

And unfortunately,

11 of them were strangled

And then their bodies burnt.


And what year was this?


This was 1662,

Which is actually the worst year

For witch hunting in scotland.

Laura: But what he's done is

he's created this maze

To honor the victims of that

witch trial,

And just to raise awareness

about what happened.

And, in a way, to make


For what his family did

in the past.

This seems to be going

pretty good.

Moncrieff: Yep, I'm afraid

you've chosen a dead end.

(laura laughing)

- So, we're at a dead end.

- Yeah.

- There's a word here, bigotry.

- Yes.

Laura: I have been, kind of,

on this search

To trace back my family


And through my grandfather

on my mother's side,

His last name is beverage,

and his father is from scotland

And the relatives were from

this area,

Like kinross, crook of devon,

loch leven.

And so I just wanted to come

here and just talk to you

About this area and see if you

might be able to help me,

Kind of, maybe fill in some of

the missing pieces

In that family tree that

I've started.

Uh, I have done some research,

and I can tell you

That an agnes beverage

was mentioned

By one warlock and four witches

As being part of their coven

Who met the devil twice.


Yeah, and I can also tell you,

The devil wore a spanish cape.


The fact that one of my

relatives would have been named,

Not necessarily tried,

but named...

- In those court hearings...

- Yes.

Where people could just,

kind of, accuse anyone.

And a lot of the people accused

were women.

Actually, the very lowest people

in society

With no property

were very seldom accused.

It was the people

in the middle of society

Who may have also had property,

And the land probably would have

gone to the person

- Who actually accused her.

- Wow.

But I was also able to link

a family member

To a churchyard at fossoway.

Moncrieff: That's about

two miles away from here.

- Okay.

- By the river devon.


Wow, you really wouldn't

know it's here

- Unless you already knew.

- Mm-hmm.

It's so hidden in these trees.

It's so cool looking.

Moncrieff: Yeah, well,

let's see what we're gonna find.


Oh, I'm so excited!

Oh, this is so cool!

What does this one say?




Yes! E-r-a-g-e!

17... What's this?


So, 1710.

Wow, so this is...


The beverage stone.

The beverage stone?

Moncrieff: The gravestone of

several of the beverage family.

Laura: Wow.

Now we have a grave in a

particular parish,

I can now look at the owners of

the farms around here

And find out who the first

owners of the farms were.

Wow. Now, knowing that I can go

even further back in this area,

That would be amazing.

- Okay.

- Okay!

Andra: I hope that you fly

and I hope that you run

over fields, over mountains

and valleys and then

I hope that you find the place

you call home

under your feet

wherever you roam

she sings like a song

and she swims like a seal

her fox blood is hot

so her heart you will steal

then when you fly

where the tracks meet the sky

where the rocks

meet the earth

and no time passes by

I hope that you fly

and I hope you don't fall

when I throw you, your wings

will catch the storm's winds

and I hope that you find

the place you call home

under your feet,

wherever you roam

This is hoia baciu.

It's considered the world's most

haunted forest,

And it's known for these

beautiful trees

That all spiral up.

And nobody knows why

they do that.

There are many portals

in these woods.

I grew up hearing stories about

how a deer would jump

In behind one tree and disappear

and not come out the other side.

Or there's a story of a little

girl coming here in the '70s

And disappearing.

And five years later,

Reappearing in the same

white dress, untouched,

The same age that she was

when she first walked in.

Being here now, I can feel

the energy of the woods

All around me.

The spirits and the life

all around me.

(peacocks calling)

Now, laura, because we found

the oldest beverage gravestone,

It gave me some hints as to

where to look

- For more information.

- Okay.

Now, what I've done is I've

looked in the transcripts

Of the kinross house vaults.

Now, the owners of kinross house

were the big land owners

Who recorded everything and all

what was going on in the area.

The oldest recorded beverage

Was mentioned in a document

in 1510.

Oh my god!


And another amusing thing is

I've actually discovered

That one of your ancestors

is related to a person

Who created a ghost.

One of your ancestors was

married to a person called kelty

And he had a drinking


With one of the soldiers

of king james,

And they both got totally


And they both went unconscious,

But only your relation, kelty,

woke up.

The trooper d*ed,

and he was buried in a place

Called trooper's dub,

and he is now the local ghost.


Moncrieff: Now, I've also

discovered the farm

That's most associated with your

side of the family.

It's called pittendreich,

And I would like to take you


Because I think it will give you

some closure.

I would love that.

Queen erzulie: The way that we

form black witch university

Is we knew there was a need.

Because as black witches


Growing up in basically

non-black spaces,

Access to information has always

been eurocentric,

The spiritual teachers,

the books, all of the things

That you have mainstream access

to are created

By and for, you know,

white people.

So then that's how black witch

university was born.

It was born out of a need for

that personal space,

For that love,

for that mentor who knows

What you're going through,

who knows where you've been.

Are you looking?

Are you searching for something?

There's something is ready to

open and receive you.

Yes. I've always been looking

for a teacher

Because everybody has been white

that I've dealt with,

Except for my first teacher,

who is jamaican,

But he's disappeared.

I have no idea where he is.

I-- I actually, I don't think,

and I say this all the time,

I don't think he's actually

human, I think he's an angel

- And comes in and out.

- Mm-hmm.

So he's disappeared for right

now, but... Yeah.

Let's see what we've got

going on here.

You are holding onto something

That needs to be let go of.

There's something,

it is a very heavy weight, okay.


- Sorry.

- Don't apologize.

You're doing the work.

And that's what is important.

I'm like, swallowing my tears,

like, get back down in there!

Sorry. Ah!

Sorry. I use humor to...

- I do the same thing.

- ...Shift out of my...

That's okay.

You're in control.

You're looking for teachers

and gurus,

But the truth is,

you are your best teacher.

You are your best guru.

You are the one that you can

trust above any and all others.

And when you receive that,

when you accept that,

Then the people who are

supportive of you

And your journey

and your priestesshood,

They're going to appear.

And you're going to feel that

because you accepted,

"I am the queen of this realm.

I am the queen of my reality.

"I'm the empress of this place."

So then you meet like-minded


They come in, they support you,

uplift you,

And help you move onto

the next level.

(footsteps approaching)

(bird trilling)

(crow squawking)

Now, laura,

this is pittendreich.

It's a very old scottish town.

And one of the owners was

thomas beverage,

Second son of the late

john beverage,

Sometime tenant in dalkeith,

By christian grieve.

Now, christian grieve was

the last witch

To be ex*cuted

at crook of devon.


And actually, she was brought to

trial earlier in that year,

But found not guilty by the

whole size.

And then probably because they

realized they had only ex...

Uh, they found 12 witches.

They brought her back,

To get the 13th witch,

and ex*cuted her.

Oh my god.

There has been this pull in me

to come here

To find out more information.

And I just never expected to

have this much of a connection

To the trials

that happened here.

And just through just taking a

chance in coming

And meeting you, I would have

never known this.


You know, and this is sad

to say,

But when you can contextualize

something like these trials

And link it to your own family,

It does hit differently.


And it is just really putting

into perspective this...

What these witch trials truly

stood for.

I think it was these middle

class women.

These women that possibly

had something

That other people wanted.

And the way in which people

could take something

From these women

and disempower them

Was through accusing them

of witchcraft.

Andra: I'm hoping to find

something that feels like home.

I'm hoping to find a path and a

tradition that feels like home.

And I'm coming to realize


That's not necessarily something

That anyone can give to me,

But something that is already

in myself

And that I already carry.

This is my favorite place

in the whole world.

My mom and my grandfather

got this house

When she was very, very little.

And there was no electricity

back then.

I don't even think there was

An outhouse here of any kind.

This room actually is

where my dad,

Because he gives me way too much


Um, said that I was conceived.

And he said that on midsummer,

When my mother was pregnant

with me,

He heard bells in the night.

And he went out into the yard,

And found a giant ring

of trampled grass.

And he said there were


And it looked like people had

been dancing there.

This land has always been

a part of me.

Its magic has always been

a part of me.

My grandmother used to walk all

the way to the back

Of this fence here every evening

when I was little.

And it was the only time she

wouldn't let me come with her.

And I asked her what

she was doing.

And she said she was praying.

And for a long time,

I assumed, you know,

that meant...

Very christian prayer.

And much later I told her, "oh,

I really can't stand priests.

"I can't stand churches.

I can't stand dogma."

And she said, "me neither,

because I feel closest

"to creation when I'm outside,

"and this is where

I talk to god."

So this was her boundary.

Beyond this fence

is the carpathian mountains,

And it's wild and it's free.

Leilani, welcome to new orleans.

And, of course,

Our first stop today

is actually here,

At st. Louis cemetery

number one.

Now, a lot of people will tell

you that this place is famous

Because of one woman, her name

is mademoiselle marie laveau.

It is said that she is the most

powerful voodoo priestess

In new orleans, and it's also

said that she is buried here,

But as a high priest in not one

but two forms of voodoo,

I promise you,

she's not buried here.

You need to know that being a

black woman in this city,

Where the authenticity lies and

where it doesn't lie.

And here's an example of that.

What do you know about voodoo?

I don't know anything about it

other than-- like, uh,

One of my past lives came

to new orleans

And was taught by a voodoo


I'm excited to see and

to learn again.

Robi: Everything you've heard

as far as voodoo on tv

- Is 95% false.

- Yeah.

We don't go around k*lling

babies. We don't drink blood.

We don't take the chicken and

blood and rub it

All over our bodies and worship

the devil.

Yeah, which is what they say the

opposite of what it is

To stop people from learning.

That's what this is all about.

How do you keep people to

continue to serve you?

- How do you do it?


You make them scared of anything

outside of their norm.


So you make your people scared

of this new thing

By making up lies,

like devil worshiping...

k*lling cats and drinking their

blood and using their bones

- To do divination.

- Yeah

Create the doll that they s*ab

pins in,

Even though that's european


- Yeah

- that originated in England.

They applied it to us to make

people scared of us.

So we don't even really s*ab

pins in dolls to hurt people.

- Yeah.

- It's all a power dynamic,

It's all a marketing ploy.

It's all control.

I don't want to carry

a thought of something,

A negative thought about a

religion or a practice

Just because I don't

understand it,

And because I never learned

about it,

Or what I learned was a skewed

idea of it.

So I'm really glad that

first of all,

That you're so well versed in

everything that you're saying,

But that you're so open to

sharing with me, so thank you.

Of course, it's your birthright.

No matter where you come from.

If you're a person of color, no

matter what color that may be,

Irish, indian, african, chinese,


This is all your birthright


If you are a part of a people

that were discriminated against,

- This is your birthright.

- Yeah, yeah.

I love it.

Laura: I'm here now at

witch's hill,

In the peirce farms.

It's now a wedding venue,

But it's where mary's son,

where his home used to be.

After mary was accused,

She was found not guilty

And was released for two days.

And this is where she came,

thinking that she was safe.

And then within two days,

she's back in jail.

She was there for, like,

over five months,

And the conditions,

I can only imagine,

were terrible.

And this is where mary

And her husband lived.

This is their property, so...

This tree would have existed

when she lived here.

Retracing her steps,

It makes it more upsetting.

Because you think about

the person

As not just a name on

a plaque now.

It just hits home more, I think.

There's been a lot of

connections that I'm making

In this journey for myself.

I have just recently

been looking into my history

And I've already found two

documented examples

Of women in my family

that had lost their power,

Lost their autonomy,

and were put to death for it.

More or less, I feel like

I'm a witch, politically,

And for a feminist reason,

more so than anything else.

But at the same time,

I feel like I'm a very

spiritual person.

I feel very connected to

my family and now my ancestors,

And I do feel like...

There's some healing

that I can do through that.

But I don't think it can be

in a very...

In a box of a prescribed


And so I think if I'm going to

keep going forward

With this journey, I'd have to

start my own coven, in a sense,

Where it can be equal and it can

be balanced and it can be people

With the right intentions.

I kind of want to start, like,

a q*eer coven.


So I found this out about

my heritage,

And I've always felt this draw

to witchcraft

And to here specifically,

But I don't know how to bridge

those two pieces,

If you know what I mean.

I feel like, okay,

So I've got this historical


This ancestral information.

And I also have this draw

to the craft itself.

And how do I link those two?

So, taking into consideration

your connection...

- Mm-hmm.

- Your...

Very biological connection,

um, to mary easty,

They've actually discovered

the location

Where the people were hanged.

So I think it's going to be

really important for you

To make a connection there,

do a little ritual,

And, you know, do a remembrance.

I feel like that will be

a good way for us

To make that connection for you.

- I appreciate that.

- So, yeah.

I just saw a butterfly,

and I'm trying to avoid it.

- What color was it?

- It's a monarch.

- Yeah.

- That's oshun.

Leilani: I'm actually terrified

of butterflies.

They are sacred to

a river's spirit

Because the mississippi river

is right there.

Her name is oshun and she's the

spirit of love,

Drumming, and dance.

You're standing on a congo

pattern right now

- That represents that dance.

- Yeah.

So there's going to be

butterflies everywhere.

- Please don't run from them.

- Yeah, I won't.

- (robi laughing)

- I won't.

I love everything except for


I can pick up a snake. I can

whatever, that's not a problem.

It's the butterfly,

and I feel like it's connected

- To something.

- It is.

It's connected to the river

spirit, oshun,

Which you embody without

realizing it.

Oshun is a spirit of love

and beauty.

You're a very beautiful woman.

You're running away

From the one thing that can

actually save you.

- Yeah.

- Embrace it.

- Yeah.

- You're here.

And we gonna do a blessing for

that today, by the way,

Just so you know.

So you might as well

Get out your feelings and

get ready for it.

Yeah. Oh, I'm ready.

I'm ready.

So the tree that we're about to

do the blessing for you here

Is known as the egungun tree,

Which translates to

"the ancestor tree."

Now, our families have been

praying at this tree

Since sl*very.

It's just that old.

This is sacred land, and that

makes it the sacred tree.

- So it's very important.

- Yeah.

Just realize how important

this tree is.

A lot of our ancestors prayed

at this tree

To earn their freedom

from sl*very.

- Ashay.

- All: Ashay.

- Robi: Ashay.

- All: Ashay.

- Robi: Ashay.

(shaking rattle)

(rhythmic drum b*at)

(shaking rattle)


There's your blessing.

- Finis la!

- (drumming stops)

- There's your blessing.

- Thank you.

Now the blessing was done for

prosperity, for love,

For money, for happiness,

maximum health.

That's like a cure-all for

any problems that you may have.

We pour the liquor to represent

all the spirits that take it.

The fruit is left to many

spirits, but most importantly,

Papa shango, who is the spirit

of prosperity.

- Ashay.

- All: Ashay.

- Robi: Ashay.

- All: Ashay.

- Ashay.

- All: Ashay.

When we say ashay, it's

acknowledging all the children

Of the spirits.

You are ethiopian, right?

This is just as much yours

as it is ours.

So we did this for you

to continue with your journey,

Continue to spread the truth,

Continue to be a beacon

of light,

Especially for people of color

Who are trying to find

their way.

- Ashay.

- That was so nice.

Robi: So if you actually look

at the tree,

You'll notice that there's a lot

of money sticking out of it.

You see, it goes all the way

around the tree?

- Yeah.

- Each one of the pennies

That you see inside that tree

is a prayer

That someone has prayed

to their ancestors.

Remember, you can never reach

the elevated spirit,

The lwa and the orisha,

Without going through your

ancestors first.

- Ashay.

- Ashay.

All right, so each one of these

pennies you see inside the tree

Is a prayer that someone has,

prayed. And the tradition is

You say the prayer that you want

in the penny

Of everything you want,

Then you leave the penny in the

trunk of the tree

And the ancestors take the

prayer up to god for you

So that god can answer

your prayers.

So go ahead and say your prayer

in the penny.

Once you're done,

go ahead and come up here

And reach and put it

inside the tree.

And that will end and finalize


- That we've been doing.

- Okay.


- (crying)

- it's okay.



- Sorry.

- Don't apologize.

This is your birthright.

Receive it.

- Ashay.

- All: Ashay.

So you take your time and do

what you need to do.

- Ashay.

- All: Ashay.

- Robi: Ashay.

- All: Ashay.

- Ashayo.

- All: Ashayo.

- (groaning)

- robi: It's okay if it falls.

- It's okay.

- Just leave it?

- Robi: It's supposed to fall.

- Okay.

Let it fall.

Most times it means the

ancestors hear you.

- Ashay.

- All: Ashay.

- Robi: Ashay.

- All: Ashay.

- Ashay.

- All: Ashay.

Robi: C'est fini.

Bon travail.

One of the things I talked to

you about that I noticed

Within you is that you not

receiving what's meant for you.

You start running away from

butterflies. That's oshun.

That's the spirit that's trying

to get in contact with you.

You are african,

and this is your birthright.

So this is something for you to

be emotional about,

Be upset about, and be proud of.

Embrace it. Own it. It's yours.

It's your birthright.

- That's right.



- Robi: I am proud of you.

- Thank you.

Very proud of you.

You've been running from this

for a long time,

And now you are here

to receive it.

Sandra: So this is

the actual location.

Proctor's ledge is the actual


Where they were hanged.

Laura: This is where

she drew her last breath.

So, frankincense and myrrh

To cleanse and bless the space.

Now, we want to use this oil

to anoint the candle.

I anoint and consecrate

this candle.

I anoint and consecrate this


To draw in the spirit

of mary easty.

...To draw in the spirit

of mary easty.


Okay. Now, what we want to do

is take some of these herbs

That we're using as the offering

and place them

On the outside

of the candle as well.

- Laura: Okay.

- To connect.

Yep. That's great.

Okay. Wonderful.

And the lights are coming on

too, because we've reached dusk.

Mary, laura is your descendant.

She is a part of your legacy.


I have felt you, and I didn't

know that it was you

That I was feeling until

I found out.

I've been on this journey to

connect with you.

And I'm hoping that...

I can do that,

And I can call to you

And honor you,

Today here

and in the future.

Being here and giving this


I just want to...

Like, I know she's already

at peace,

But I just want to let myself

know that that person

That I felt in that regression

is at peace.


Her legacy is that...

There are other strong women

Rising up and claiming

their power.

And may this never happen again.


(birds chirping)

(eerie female vocalization)

(birds chirping)

bow down to the queen

bow down to the queen

call me empress makeda

queen of sheba

bow down to the queen

I'm the keeper of history

you can't sit with me,


tried to control me

but your tricks could not

hold me down

never hold me down

you thought you

would mold me

forgot I'm the one wearing

the crown

I'm the one, I'm the one,


bow down to the queen

call me empress makda

queen of sheba

bow down to the queen

I'm the daughter of mystery

you can't sit with me,


I am black, yeah,

black as the sun

obsidian, obsidian, yeah

bow down to the queen

call me empress makeda

queen of sheba,

bow down to the queen

I'm the keeper of history

Hail and farewell.


Coven: Hail and farewell.