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02x07 - Let Us Serenade the Sh*t Out of You

Posted: 01/31/24 14:03
by bunniefuu
["Raw Thoughts" by Baby Queen playing]

♪ I live in my mind… ♪

[Georgia] Virginia, life's not fair.

It's hard,
and so you gotta be hard right back.

Never let 'em see you cry.
Strong face, strong front.

What they don't know,
they can't use against you.

♪ They say I'm unhinged
And I didn't care a bit ♪

- ♪ They'll never get it… ♪
- [Ginny chuckles]

Just two comfies on a couch.

We haven't left this couch in days.

- We are the couch. The couch is us.
- [chuckles]

You don't have to go back to school
tomorrow if it's too much.

We could play hooky, watch movies all day.

If I watch one more rom-com,
I will light myself on fire.

- That is not funny.
- It's a little funny.

What? What are you... [grunts]

[laughing] Stop!

[phone buzzes]

[Georgia exhales]

[Georgia inhales]

- Marcus is back from his grandparents'.
- Aw.

[Georgia exhales]

- [Georgia sighs]
- Couch. Where are you going?

You wanna see lover boy.

It's okay.
I've got errands to run. Returns.

But I love you.

[Ginny sniffles]

[Georgia inhales]

- You gonna be okay while I'm gone?
- I'm not gonna break, Mom.

- All right.
- [chuckles]

[Ginny] My mom's had to be hard.

She hasn't had the luxury of soft.

She sees vulnerability as a weakness.

[opening theme plays, stops]

Zion Miller, you better put
some heavy furniture between us.

Georgia, come in. Happy New Year.

- Oh, I'm not happy.
- I didn't think so.

How could you keep that from me?

I'm her mother. How could you not tell me
Ginny was hurting herself?

I didn't know what to do.

So you secretly put her into therapy?

Yes, I did. Our daughter is struggling
with some deep shit.

So, what, you move into town,
live in a trendy toaster,

and you suddenly get to
unilaterally decide what's best for her?

Like the time you took off
in the middle of the night

and I didn't see her for a year?

I was 16, you're 34.

- [sighs]
- We don't keep secrets.

Georgia, I don't even wanna know some of
the secrets I'm sure you're keeping.


You should've told me.

You're right, I'm sorry.

[Georgia] Why didn't you?

Look, she begged me not to.
She didn't want you to know.

She said she needed me.

[distant siren wailing]

- She manipulated you.
- You don't have to sound proud of that.


Zion, I don't know how to fix this.

Look, that's why she's in therapy,
to get the help she needs.

[door closes]

[whimsical music plays]

Simone? Hi.

Hi, Georgia.

[whispers] Coulda said something.


[upbeat music plays]


- Ah.
- [squeals]

- [Marcus] All right.
- Pick me up. Yeah.

[both laugh]

- How was your Christmas?
- Very merry.

My mom found out about my burning.

- What?
- [Ginny] Yeah.

She read my therapy journal
and had a complete meltdown.

Ah. That's festive.

- What'd she do?
- Nothing.

Actually, it's been kind of nice,
she's all mom-activated.


- How was your grandparents'?
- Yeah, it was fine.

A lot of Uno. Lot of cheer.

[footsteps approaching]

- [Marcus] Austin.
- Marcus, wanna see a magic trick?

I demand to see it.

- You get that watch for Christmas?
- No, Mom just gave it to me.

[Ginny] Mm.

I'm not too good at shuffling yet.

Yeah, well,
it's a fine line for magicians.

[mellow music plays]

- What? He's magic, drown him.
- [Ginny and Austin laugh]

- My dad taught it to me.
- [Ginny chuckles]


Oh yeah, yeah.

Georgia found out about my burning,
Gil got out of prison…

It's just another holiday at the Millers.

[upbeat music plays]

♪ Time is making us shine ♪

♪ I know I shouldn't… ♪

I spent the entire Christmas break
listening to my bubbe and zayde

say again and again
how they don't like my father

and they never have.
It was a very merry hellscape.

Well, I was PMS-ing the entire time,
so I didn't even get to go skiing.

- I feel like you're always on your period.
- Facts.

Oh my God, how was Nanny and Pappy?

Oh, I love Pappy.

Pappy was his very Pappy self.

I did find Ellen crying in the bathroom

after Nana told her
she didn't do the minced pies right,

so, you know, Christmas.

Marcus said there was a lot of Uno.

Really? He did?


- That's weird.
- What?

Well, he didn't really
come out of his room.

Oh my God, you know who had
an amazing break, though?

Sophie, because she's in love.

- Stop. Stop.
- No, please don't...

- It's embarrassing.
- [Maxine] Stop.

This is really unhealthy.

Yeah. Don't you think I know
it's really unhealthy?

Of course it's unhealthy.

I'm feeling it,
and it feels very much really unhealthy.

- Okay, so just stop.
- I'm trying.

But then, saw this photo,
and I just wanna let you know, I'm dead.

I died. Goodbye.

Maybe you should fake it
until you make it.

[yells] No. Okay, demon, k*ll it, no...

All right, well, I'm gonna go
check on my boyfriend, so…

Ginny's dating my bro, and I love it.

[Norah exhales]

[mellow music plays]

- [Ginny] Hey, Silver.
- Hey, Ginny.

Hey. Hi. Uh,
have you seen Marcus anywhere?

No, sorry.

Okay. Thanks.

G, I've changed.

- So you said.
- You don't believe people can change?

Sure they can, just not for the better.

[chuckles] Austin's never been
to a hockey game, he'll love it.

- It's too late on a school night.
- I'll have him back before 10.


No is a complete sentence.

You know, to be honest, G,
I'm a little bit confused here,

because I'm getting the feeling
that you don't trust me.

And I kind of think if one of us
shouldn't trust the other one, it's me.

What do you think? [clicks tongue]

[Georgia sighs]

I missed you.

A lot.

And the sexual tension, it's, um…

it's still there between us.

- Can you feel it?
- [Georgia] Oh yeah.

We're living my fantasy.

My greasy baby daddy shows up
and wanting to crap on my life.

The tingles.


[laughing] Okay.

[Gil inhales]

No hockey game, I can respect that,

but it has been a long time
since I've seen him, G.

I just want to see my son. Simple.

[door opens]

[Ellen] Morning.

I found an amazing dress.

We have to talk about dresses.
I'm assuming I'm a bridesmaid.

- Oh, hello.
- Hello.

Gil Timmins, Austin's dad.

This is my friend, Ellen.

- Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.

So let us see this dress.

- Oh no, I can come back.
- Oh no, I heard it's amazing.

Well… [inhales]

[Gil] Oh wow.

G, you gotta let her wear this.

G? I've never heard that before.
I like it, it's cute.

Gil was just leaving.

Oh yes, I will leave you gals to it.

Very nice to meet you, Ellen.

[footsteps departing]

Seriously, where do you find
all these men? It's like a life skill.

Oh, I'm a magnet.

Well… [chuckles]

So, what are you thinking
for the bridesmaids' dresses?

- [sighs] This isn't my first wedding.
- It's your second.

Right, it's my second.

I don't want the done-to-death
rinse-and-repeat stuff everybody does.

The matching bridesmaids' dresses,

the bachelorette parties
with the lame sash and a penis straw.

So you're telling me
that you don't want a bachelorette?

There's just been so much going on lately.

Last thing on my priority list
is bachelorette.

Mine too. [chuckles]

Bryon invited her to a Patriots game.
Isn't that heteronormative and adorable?

Hey, he didn't invite her.
He casually suggested that they go.

Big diff.

But after she gave him the hat.

Okay, we don't know
that it's because of the hat.

We don't know that it wasn't. Team Hat.

- [Alexandra] You were Team Tickets.
- Yeah, okay, well now I'm Team Hat.

- Y'all need to have several seats.
- [Stacy] You have to watch football.

I only go to games
because you cheer, Jackie.

Well, I am the best part.

[chanting] G-O-O, everybody say let's go.

- That's right, unite. Everybody...
- [laughing] Okay, okay, okay.


What's bothering gumdrop?

I have English next
and I have to present my book to Gitten.

- No, I cannot. It is too early.
- Thanks, I hate it.

What were you thinking?

Ann Petry, The Street,

Audre Lorde's Sister Outsider,

or, um, Nikole Hannah-Jones,
The 1619 Project.

- Great books.
- Irrelevant.

You need to let this teacher know
this is shit.

- Gitten won't listen.
- Yeah, he's trash.

- Just don't do it.
- I'm doing it. I've already decided.

- It's just what book?
- Sister Outsider.

- [Bracia] Oh.
- [Ginny] Mm.

Hey, kids.

- Bracia, I just saw Bryon wearing the hat.
- [chuckles]

- Team Hat?
- Fully Team Hat.

Bummer. My mom just texted me.
I got my SAT time.

It's March 11th.

Oh my God, what is Mercury doing then?
Is it retrograding?

I don't know,
but I need the moons to rise,

I need Pluto to enter the chat,
I need full-on cosmic help.

You're gonna get, like, a 1600.

College pressure is real.

My mom keeps telling me I need to take
more APs, and I physically cannot.

You guys are so lucky you're not juniors.
Hell year is no joke.

Ugh. This feels like hell year.

Speaking of APs, come on, we got English.


Oh, I hope the book you chose
has a good audiobook option.

[Ginny sighs]

[Ginny clears throat]

Sister Outsider.

Um, this an incredible collection
of essays and speeches by Audre Lorde,

where she digs into

the different elements of her identity
as a Black q*eer woman,

and discusses that change
in an oppressive society

has to start within oneself.

Thank you, Ginny.

[student applauds]

Everyone will read three chapters
of Sister Outsider.

Let's say Friday?

And Ginny will be leading
the class discussion.

I'm what?

[Gitten] Thank you, Ginny.


Hi, Cynthia. Beth, Bhanu.
Our stragglers taking their time?

[Bev chuckles]

- [Austin] Hi, Mom.
- Hey, bud. Good day?

- Yeah.
- [Georgia] Aw.

[Georgia chuckles]

[country music plays]

Dad, what are you doing here?

- [Gil] Mm-hmm.
- Yeah, Dad, what are you doing here?

Hey, buddy. Look what I got.

- You wanna go to the hockey game tonight?
- [Austin] Yeah.

Mom, can I go? Please, can I?

[Bhanu] That's so sweet.

Yeah, I love to see an involved dad.


Uh, well… [chuckles]

I gue... Yeah. Yeah, I guess that's okay.

- Yes! Thank you.
- [whispers] Um…


Can we have money for snacks?

[Georgia] Sure.

Why not?

- [Austin] Thank you.
- Let's go.

[Georgia] Home before 10:00. I mean it.

- [Gil] I just like buying you things.
- [Georgia] Well, we have that in common.

You're so pretty
and you don't even know it.

Yes, I do.

I'm very pretty.

- [young Gil] Mm.
- Comes in handy.

[country music continues]

How do you afford
all these nice things for me?

I know you have this fancy job
doing whatever fancy thing you do.

Accounts receivable?

I've seen your car.

You know, it's a really nice car.

Thanks. I like it.

When we went out to dinner
with your coworkers,

they didn't…
they didn't drive cars like that.

Oh… what are you saying?

Ah. [chuckles]

Uh-uh-uh. Okay.

I'm in charge of invoices,

so my job is tracking cash flow.
It's company cash for services rendered.

And maybe some of those services
are a little bit...


So you make up fake services
for the company to pay.

- Don't they notice?
- [chuckles]

You hide it in plain sight.

You write a check, and you cash it.

They're making so much, they don't
investigate anything under 10 grand.

Can't take too much at once,

but as long as
you don't try to pull big sums…

Holy shit.

Here I thought you were, like,
this stand-up 401(k) guy.

You're a full-blown criminal.

I can't escape it.

As hard as I try, I always end up
right back where I started.

Is… that a bad thing?

Why did you tell me?

Weren't you afraid I wouldn't approve?


I could tell a little darkness
wouldn't scare you, Georgia Miller.


See, being pretty comes in handy.

You just told me all your secrets.

[country music ends]

[Paul clears throat]

You know, you're the one
that wanted to watch this movie.

Sorry, I'm just tracking Gil.

Come again?

I gave Austin a watch
that has a location tracker.

Yeah, try something, you piece of shit.
I'm on you like a bad rash.

[chuckles] Um…

If you're that concerned

that you have to track Austin
when he's with Gil,

maybe they shouldn't be
unsupervised together.

Well, he's his father.
He has rights, unfortunately.

Mm. Well, maybe it's time we have
my lawyer finalize a visitation agreement.

- No, no lawyers. Gil wouldn't like that.
- [Paul] Mm.

Well, I don't particularly care
what Gil likes.

I got it covered, 'kay?

By tracking them?


[clicks tongue, inhales]

[man talking indistinctly on TV]

[both sigh]

No, I still think that we got him off

because they fumbled
the exculpatory evidence.

I love when they do our job for us.

Do you ever feel bad for defending
someone you know is guilty?

It's a good question.
To that, I have two points.

I mean, first of all, people get off
from committing crimes all the time.

I believe that everyone,
no matter what, deserves a defense.

Pretty much everything
that we consider a crime,

there are circumstances that would say
they're not a crime. Thanks, babe.

Like, um…

Well, we can all agree
that stealing is wrong, right?

What if the person's
actually starving though?

That makes sense.

I mean,
I'm not allowed to judge my clients.

If I did that, then I wouldn't be
doing my job, you know?

My job is to find reasons
people do bad things.

Humanize their choices.

Feel me?

You have no idea.

[Zion] Makes my job seem tame.

[scoffs] What?

This man has climbed every mountain,
been to every continent.

- It's amazing.
- [Zion chuckles]

You're not gonna pull that whole
self-effacing crap with us, right?

[Simone laughs]

See? She gets it.

So, Dad, did Mom lay into you?

What are you talking about?

Come on, I'm guessing she came over here.

- Okay, go easy on your mom.
- [Ginny] What?

She's actually been kind of nice lately.

[Zion] Mm.

[Ginny] Um… [clears throat]

I have to go, I'm sorry.

I have a ton of homework,
and apparently, I'm a teacher now, so…

- Come again?
- [Ginny] Yeah.

Remember that book I had to pick?

Well, fun new development,
my teacher wants me to lead the class.

Okay. How do you feel about that?

Do you want me to call the school, or…

No. No, don't call the school.


- You told me to pick a book.
- I did not say that.

I said there were benefits
to working within the system.

- But this is a little...
- Okay, don't… don't do anything.

Don't call the school. Just trust me,
I can handle it by myself.


I'll take you home.

We had so much fun tonight.

Oh, and a fight broke out
that cleared the benches.

And when they finally stopped it,
there was blood all over the ice.

- Real blood.
- Wow.


Hey, Paul, you grew up here.
Um, you ever get out on the ice?

Uh, no. No, it was
mostly soccer and skiing for me.

Well, now that Austin's a New Englander,
maybe we can get him out on the slopes.

Yeah, that's a good idea, bud.
What do you think?

That would be fun.

But right now, it's time for bed, so…

Come on.

'Night. Let's go.

- [Gil] All right.
- [Georgia] Bye.

[Zion and Ginny laughing]

- [Paul grunts]
- Zion?



- Hey, Paul.
- Zion.

Georgia, Ginny. [chuckles]

- Austin!
- This is fun.

Gil, I didn't know you were out.
Welcome back.

Thank you.

All right, let's leave these three

to whatever Western they're suddenly
starring in. Come on, bedtime.

Wait for me, please.

[Zion] Yeah. [clears throat]

[Gil] Hey, um…

- Excuse me. Good night, guys.
- [Zion chuckles]

[door opens]

- You too.
- [door closes]

- We don't like him, do we?
- No, we don't.

[door opens]

[exhales] Hey.

So remember when two of my exes
and my fiancé were in the hall together?

- That was fun.
- Felt like a Survivor theme.

Like, Jeff Probst could just pop up
and start doing intro packages.

[chuckles] How's your dad doing?

You think things are
getting serious with Simone?

I'm not playing this game.

You want me to give you the dirt,
and I'm not gonna do it.

Boo, no fun.

It's weird though, right?

How could he be serious with someone else?
He just wanted to move in with me.

You're getting married
to someone else in two months.

Yeah, but no one's allowed to get over me.

That's the rule.

Okay. Yeah, we're done
with this topic of conversation.

I will not be put
in the middle of you and Dad.

Please be in the middle.
You're so cute in the middle.


How are things with Marcus?

Good. I think we might get married too.

Okay. Funny.

- [Ginny laughs]
- Very funny.

- [inhales] Pile it on.
- [laughs]

[mellow music plays]

But are you all right, Peach?

Like, are you feeling all right?

And be honest, don't bullshit.

Yeah, I'm good.

Thanks for asking.


[phone buzzes]

["In The Afternoon" by Josef Salvat plays]

♪ You like your coffee black
And your drinks strong ♪

♪ And I like you, yeah ♪

- ♪ Yeah, I like you ♪
- [chuckles]

♪ You like your hair pulled back
And your nights long ♪

[phone buzzing]

♪ And I like you, yeah… ♪

Were you at school today?

I skipped.

I hate Mondays after a big vacation.

Doesn't Tuesday just become that Monday?

You wanna come over?

I'm kinda wiped. I'm gonna crash.

Love you, Poo.

I will not answer to Poo.

Well, you just did.

- [laughs]
- ♪ Just let me know ♪

♪ What you want to do ♪

♪ What you want to do… ♪


[clears throat]


We're going to watch a movie
if you wanna join?


No, thank you.

How was school today?

It was good.



["Fight For Me" by Bukola plays]

♪ I wake up every morning ♪

♪ Thinking it will be okay… ♪

- Hey.
- Hey.

Where's Marcus?

I don't know. He wasn't in chem today.

Hi. I'm sleepy.

- Need a coffee.
- [Ginny] Mm.

You're so good.
Your voice blows me away every rehearsal.

- [chuckles] Aw. Thank you.
- I am so excited to see the show.


Oh my God, Silver, your necklace.
Oh my God, it's incredible.

- [Silver chuckles]
- I'm obsessed.

Thanks, it's vintage.

[gasps] Love that.

Um, I really have to get to rehearsal,
so see you guys later.

Bye, Max.

Bye, Silver.


[both mimic Maxine] "Bye, Silver."

- [Bracia] "It's vintage."
- [Ginny laughs]

- What in the vag*na is going on?
- Nothing.

[scoffs] No. You guys are
dirty flirty in rehearsals.

I see you giggling in a corner.

- [gasps]
- [Ginny] Mm. The sexual energy is real.

Okay, that doesn't mean anything,
'cause I just exude sexual energy.

I'm like a cheetah.

[mimics Maxine]
"Silver, can you untie me?"

[Bracia and Maxine chuckle]

Do you really think we're flirty?

Yes, dude, she likes you.

[Bracia] Dude, yes, she does.

I'll see you in rehearsal.

- Bye, Bracia.
- [Bracia] Peace.


You really think she likes me?

[Marcus sniffles]

[mellow music plays]

Are you drunk?

Oh my God, he's wasted.

[Marcus sighs]


- [Ginny] What is that?
- Stop it.

Give me the flask. Give me...

Are you insane?

Marcus, you can't be drunk at school.

What if you get caught?
You'll get in a lot of trouble.

[Georgia] Ginny?

[upbeat music plays]


[Maxine] Get up, Brother.
Get up. Up we go. Up.

- [Georgia] Tell me...
- What are you doing here?

Okay. Where do you think we are,
Euphoria? Let's go.

[Georgia] I'm giving you a ride.



I should've known. It was too easy.

- Therapy? Yeah, sure.
- [upbeat music ends]

Very impressive.

So, what, you just sit here
and talk about how I ruined your life?

- Yes.
- Okay, let's calm down.

Just wanna see what it's all about.

We don't do this in the South.
We sh**t things and eat butter.

[door opens]

[Dr. Lily] Hi.

Dr. Lily. This is…

Uh, Georgia, right?

- I didn't ruin her life.
- [Ginny] Mom.


- Are you planning to wait outside?
- I'd like to stay.

Mom, what are you doing?

I'm concerned about you.

I find out that you're self-harming
and going to therapy,

and this very qualified woman
with fancy degrees

is protecting you and helping you,
and I just wanna see what it's all about.

It doesn't really work like that.
This is Ginny's time.

She can stay.

Are you sure?


[Georgia chuckles]


[Dr. Lily] Mm.

Georgia, how did finding out
about Ginny's self-harm make you feel?

This is just like The Sopranos.

Mom, if you're gonna stay,
you have to do the thing, okay?

Okay, sorry. Mm-hmm.

Is this hard for you, the idea of therapy?

Yeah, stay out of my head, please.

- Mom!
- Sorry. I'm sorry.

[breathes deeply]

Yeah. Yeah, this is hard.

How does it feel?


I'd do anything to protect her,

so to know that
she's feeling enough pain to…

to do that to herself
in secret for so long, I...

It sounds like it bothered you
that Ginny kept this from you.

Course it bothers me. [scoffs]

Ginny and I aren't normal mother-daughter.
We're close. We're friends.

But you're not friends.
You're mother and daughter.

Do you feel that you respect
Ginny's boundaries?

Is that what she says?
I don't respect her boundaries?


You don't respect my boundaries.

I don't like this.

I think that this might be
very productive.

For both of you.

Okay, I know I'm not perfect, all right?

I mean… you think I knew how to be a mom?

I was 15. Mary-Kate and Ashley
never talked about this.

And I just had to continuously bounce back
from all this crap

again and again, smile and be happy,
and shield you from all of it.

I never had a childhood. [chuckles]

At least she had a childhood.

I know you did a lot for me,
and I know it was hard,

but until now, I've never lived in a town
long enough to have a friend.

I've always been the new girl,

always alone.

And that's all I knew, and it was hard.

And I have the right to be upset by that.

I have my own experience too, Mom.

[Ginny inhales]

- Please get in here. Please.
- What?

- [door closes]
- [Maxine] Okay.

Mom's downstairs. No.

- What?
- We're not doing that.

♪ I'm gonna take this away ♪

- [Marcus] Party pooper.
- [scoffs] Shoes.

- Those are my shoes.
- Yep, they sure are.

- Okay.
- [grunts] Where did my flask go?

- [shoe thumping]
- Dude, why would you come to school drunk?

- Like, what a truly weird thing to do.
- I'm not drunk.

Are you kidding me right now?

You are, like,
Housewives of New York drunk.

[Ellen] Hey, you two wanna go out
for Chinese tonight?

Oh, scallion pancakes, Mom.

- You know what? We're actually...
- Scallion pancakes.

We're studying a lot, so if we could
do delivery, that'd be cool. [chuckles]

- [Ellen] Roger that. School first.
- [muffled] Scallion pancakes.

Can we get scallion pancakes?

[Ellen] You got it.

[Maxine] Okay.

- Great.
- Okay.

♪ Now we go to sleep ♪

- Good night.
- [groans]

Why aren't you at rehearsal
with Silver? [laughs]

She likes you.

Why does everyone keep saying that?

[Maxine sighs]

Hey, do you think Ginny likes me?

Well, you two are grossly obsessed
with each other.

Frankly, I don't see the appeal.
Between you and Pete Davidson,

straight women really confuse me.

Of course she likes you,
you big old dummy.

I don't think she should.

[sad music plays]

'Kay, I'm gonna get you some water.
Do not leave this room.

Stay here, stay in this bed. I mean it.

Advertise your product or brand here
contact today

[Dr. Lily] I have here
two people who love each other,

but have great capacity
to hurt one another.

Ginny, what do you need from your mom?

I need you to try and understand
where I'm coming from.

But why? What don't I understand?

That I'm Black, for one.


So because I'm white,
I can never understand my daughter.

Kind of, yeah.

You dressed as Scarlett O'Hara
for Halloween.

Oh my God. It was a costume. [chuckles]

But clearly it stuck with me enough
to bother me.

And you didn't even stop and think about
how it might make me feel.

Georgia, you love your daughter… [inhales]

…but as a white mother,

do you think there are things
that may be hard for you to understand

about her lived experience?

Of course I can't understand.

- I'll burn the damn costume, 'kay? Sorry.
- [Ginny hesitates]

Sorry. [inhales]

But it's… it's the other stuff too.

You… you screw my window shut,

you avoid talking about conflict,

you tell lies, you keep secrets,

you invade my space,

you smoke with my boyfriend…

No, I...

The credit cards.

You read my therapy journal.



That's what I need from you, Mom.
I need you to listen to me

and know that what you do impacts me.

Okay. Okay, I get the point.

But I want you
to appreciate what I've done,

instead of making me feel like
I keep messing up left and right.

I'm trying.

You both want to be understood.

But this is about Ginny.

And, Georgia,
you keep talking about how you feel.

Well, I thought
that was the point of therapy.

[Dr. Lily] The point of therapy for Ginny

is to get her the help she needs
to stop self-harming.


You're such a force.

You take up a lot of space.

[inhales] And sometimes, I feel like

there's not always room for me.

[Georgia clicks tongue]

I'm sorry.

[Georgia clicks tongue]

You know I...

I mean, I...

I know I made mistakes.

I'm sorry.

[clicks tongue] Uh…

I don't want you to hurt so much.

I don't wanna hurt so much either.

[car engine revving]

["Seventeen" by Ruru plays]

♪ You made into ♪

♪ An excuse to be drying
Like laundry in the sun ♪

♪ And all the cold-wash cycle… ♪

So that was fun.

- You wanted to go to therapy.
- Yeah.

I need a drink.

[metal clatters]

♪ And you're alone again ♪

- ♪ Maybe this time it'll be different ♪
- Mm. [sighs]

♪ Baby, sometimes
I don't think about you… ♪

Don't tell Dr. Lily about this.

Ugh. Deal.

You know how
I always taught you to be strong,

and that… vulnerability was a weakness?

Well, I think maybe
I was wrong about that.

I think your vulnerability
might just be your superpower.

I really love you, Mom.


All right, go on,
talk to me about anything.

This is me, listening.

[sighs] Okay.


[breathes deeply]

I have to give a lesson plan
in Gitten's class tomorrow.

I'm listening. [sniffles]

It sucks,

it's unfair,

it's super shitty, and I'm doing it.


Want me to k*ll him?

- That's not funny.
- It's a little bit funny.

- [exhales]
- [laughs]

[Ginny scoffs]

[sniffles] Hey,

I may not have raised you perfect,
but I didn't raise you to take any shit.

["Seventeen" continues playing]

[phone buzzes]

[song ends]

My dad has a girlfriend.

- Oh shit.
- I know.

Where's Max and Norah?

They don't come from a broken home,
and it shows.

I remember the first time
I met one of my dad's girlfriends.

- Yeah?
- [Ginny] Yeah. I was 11.

- Georgia and I, we egged her house.
- You egged her house?

- Yeah.
- [Abby] Dude.

See, I wish my mom
would get angry like that, you know?

Like, show a little bit of emotion.

But she doesn't,
she just says that she's fine,

and then she'll down a bottle of wine
and then watch Love Island.

And she'll say, "Hey, Abby, look, Abby,
they found love, Abby."

"Love is real."

Can I get you guys anything?

I could totally
go for something sweet right now.

Mm. Joe, you know how
at the end of every night

you take all the scones
and put them into the day-old basket?


Can I have that basket?

Come on. Come on,
I've been such a good employee recently.

- How? By doing your job?
- Yeah.

- Which you are paid for.
- Yes.

- Without being on dr*gs.
- Exactly.

You're becoming more and more
like your mother.

Joe, look what I figured out I can do.

[Joe] Oh my gosh.

[coin clinking]

Is that my tip?

[scoffs] God, it's so boring
waiting for you to finish work.

Well, I'm worth the wait.

- You're welcome.
- Thank you.

[Abby inhales]

Anyways, he wants me to meet her.

Ah, that's hard,
especially if you like them.

I don't know. It'll get better, just,
you know, not for a long, long time.

You know what the worst part is?
Her name is Anna.

It's literally Anna. It's like
the most basic thing in the world.

And she looks like an Anna too.

Wanna go egg her house?


No. Actually, I'm gonna go
to the bathroom really quickly.

- Want me to come?
- No, no, no.

I'll just be two seconds anyways.

- [Ginny] Gil. Hey.
- Hey.

- Hey, what are you doing here?
- Just grabbing some dinner.

My Airbnb's just got a hot plate, so…

Oh. You should try the turkey
club sandwich, it's really good.

Ask for the Ginny version.
It'll piss Joe off, but it's the best.

Thank you. [chuckles]

- Good evening. Can I get you anything?
- Can I get the turkey club, please?


The Ginny version?

[scoffs] Would you like fries
or a salad with that?

You look like a man
with excellent taste. Surprise me.

You're Austin's dad, right?

I'm Cynthia, Zach's mom.
I saw you at school pickup.

- Gil Timmins, nice to meet you.
- Likewise.

[inhales] So, Georgia says
you were in prison.


- You a friend of hers?
- [chuckles] I'm not her friend.

I hate her.

- [chuckles]
- [Cynthia] You in town for long?

I'd like to be, but I, um,
need to find an apartment first.

Oh! Well, maybe I can help.
I'm in real estate.

Well, you are full of surprises,
Cynthia from pickup.

- Mm.
- Georgia doesn't like you.

[clicks tongue]

Yeah, well, Georgia
embezzled money from my company,

framed me, got me fired,
and sent me to prison,

so… I'm not overly fond of her myself.

I believe you.

She stole from the mayor's office.

- She had these...
- [Joe clears throat]

Here you go.
You can settle up at the front.


- Welcome to Wellsbury.
- [Gil] Great to be here.

Nice guy.


[Abby sniffles]

You know, I think you're right.
It did piss him off.

[laughs] See you, Gil.

- [moans]
- [knocking on door]


[Marcus exhales]

- Hi.
- What was that today?

- What?
- At school.

It was nothing, I just...

- Ah…
- [both chuckle]


- Oh, she's grumpy.
- Mm.

[upbeat music plays]

- No.
- [Ginny] Why?

No, I don't like frowns.

- [chuckles]
- There we go. Hey.

♪ Everyone has their thoughts ♪

♪ Let them say what they want ♪

♪ Nobody else is as you and me ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Let them say what they want ♪

- ♪ Nobody else is as you and me… ♪
- Hmm.

Have to work on that.


[church bell tolling]




I'm sorry?

No, this sucks.

And I have the lesson plan,
like, I did the damn thing.

Some of you may think
I'm causing drama or making trouble,

but no one else was asked to do this.

So what, I'm either erased
from the curriculum,

or I have to do more work
than everyone else? No.

Ginny, I am trying to find a way for you...

You know what? I'm…
I'm dropping this damn class.

[Maxine scoffs]

Yeah-yo! [chuckles]

[Gitten] I will not have
another dramatic outburst in this class.

- This is bullshit.
- Hunter, you got something to say?

Yeah, this is bullshit.

[Maxine squealing]

- Holy shit, bro, that was amazing.
- I just walked out.

I know. He had this face, he was like…

[mimics Gitten] "Ah." [pants]

No, I'm not happy about that.
English is my favorite subject.

So, what do we do? We… We can go back in.

Well, I don't know.
I don't have any answers.

I just... I knew that that was wrong,

and I knew that I had to leave,
and beyond that I don't know anything.

I just... I can't be in his class anymore.

It's too much.
It's just thing after thing.

Why didn't you tell me?

I don't know, Max,
you're in the class. You see it.

Why do I have to be the one
to say something?

[sighs] You're right. I let you down.

I'm sorry.

And I hate Gitten.

Honestly, I don't even like English,
so let's just learn French

and we can run away together.


I'm gonna go, okay?
I'll see you later tonight.

[mellow music plays]

Hey, Frownie. [chuckles]

You're not your usual Care Bear self.

Oh no.

I have a hammer.
Who do I need to hit with it?

Me, in the head.

I'm a shitty friend.

Marcus once told me
that I make everything about me

and that I don't really see
what's going on with other people,

and… I think he might be right.

You're also a person
who's very generous with their heart.

My heart's charred remains at this point.

I like your charred remains.

You do?

Do you want a hug?


No, thank you. Thanks though.

Okay. [scoffs]

- [mellow music ends]
- [door opens]

[Georgia] Ginny?

You texted you needed a ride?

And I was being "couch,"
so I must really love you to come.



Did y'all lose power or something?

["I Will Survive" by Gloria Gaynor plays]

♪ At first I was afraid, I was petrified ♪

♪ Kept thinking I could never live
Without you by my side ♪

♪ But then I spent so many nights… ♪

Oh, are those my sunglasses?

I thought I lost those. Oh no, not a sash.

Ginny, what is this?

Okay. All right. Wow. Wow.

Whoo! We're getting married!

♪ That sad look upon your face ♪

♪ I should have changed that stupid lock ♪

♪ I should have made you leave your key… ♪

Shut up, sit down,
and let us serenade the shit out of you.

[Georgia] Wh... What?

[lip-syncing] ♪ Walk out the door ♪

♪ Just turn around now ♪

♪ 'Cause you're not welcome anymore… ♪

Georgia Miller,
welcome to your surprise bachelorette.

And who are you supposed to be?

Well, isn't it obvious?

I'm Miss Georgia Peach,

the sassiest mayoress
to ever wet a whistle on a willy.


[Georgia gasps]

- [Ginny laughs]
- [lip-syncing] ♪ I will survive ♪

[Georgia] Oh my God.

I can't. I'm dying.

[Georgia laughs]

- Whoo! Let's go, girls!
- No, listen, I just… I just own the place.

- Shh!
- [Georgia laughs]

["I Will Survive" continues playing]

[Georgia laughing] Joe!


[gasps] Joe. Oh my God!

♪ And I spent oh so many nights
Just feeling sorry for myself ♪

♪ I used to cry ♪

♪ But now I hold my head up high ♪

- [Georgia] Whoo!
- ♪ And you see me ♪


[Georgia] Look what I got.


[Zion laughs]

All right, ready?

[all] One, two, three.

["Fireflies" by Owl City plays]



[Ginny giggles]

♪ I'd like to make myself believe ♪

- ♪ That planet Earth turns slowly… ♪
- [giggles]

Ginny, are you gonna say thank you
to Gil for your present?

Thank you.

♪ I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep ♪

♪ 'Cause everything is never as it… ♪

[dance music plays]

[Ginny] Whoo! Yeah!

[Ginny and Georgia] Whoo!

Yes! Hey, hey.

[Ginny] Go, Mom! Whoo!

[Maxine] Hey.

I'm really sorry for not seeing
what was going on,

and for having my head in my ass.

From now on, I promise,

not everything's gonna be
about me when it should be about you,

'cause I wanna be there for you,

and I want you to be able
to talk to me about these things.

- How long did it take you to work on that?
- I'm being serious.

- I know. Is there more?
- [Georgia cheers]

I think you're right, I think Silver
likes me, but we're gonna table that.

We'll table that for another day

because not everything
needs to be about me.

- How are you?
- Um…

I'm okay, actually, I think. [chuckles]

- That makes me so happy. I love you.
- Right?

- Now serenade me, bitch.
- You got it. Anything for you.

[Nick] Oh!

- You came!
- Wow.

- Hey.
- Do you like my accent?

I love it. You could lead
a double life as a spy.

I do not know how Merrill does it.
Keeping up a fake accent is exhausting.


- [Ellen] Come back here!
- Okay.

- Hi.
- Hey, hey. [chuckles]

[Georgia] Yeah.

Hey there.

So here's the deal.

You have a headache,
and you went home to go to bed.

Because I worked
really, really hard on tonight,

and if you don't turn around and leave
right now, I'm gonna scream.

That's all. Just scream
at the top of my lungs. Forever.

- [Nick screams] Georgia!
- Whatever.

[dance music continues]

I'm gonna dance.

[Ellen and Georgia] Whoo!

[upbeat music slows down]

[nostalgic music playing]

- Joe.
- Hey.

[Georgia] I'm getting married.

- Yeah?
- [Georgia] Mm-hmm.

You're drunk, too, so I'm cutting you off.

[Joe] Mm.

You having fun?

[laughs] So much fun.
Thank you for doing this.

Oh, it wasn't me. It was Ginny.

Yeah. She's hard to say no to.
Like mother, like daughter.

- Oh.
- I take that as a compliment.

[dance music ends]

[door opens]

[Georgia] Okay, but this bachelorette
was way more fun than my first one.

Austin, I'm home!

Oh yeah, Gil took him.

- What?
- What?


Mom, what's going on?
Why are you so upset?

[Gil] Yeah, why are you so upset?

- Austin, are you okay?
- I got a double scoop.

Why, what did you think happened?

[Georgia sighs]

["Retrograde" by Dhruv plays]

♪ Meet me at our corner after dark ♪

♪ I swear this city's never seen
A light as bright as ours ♪

♪ It's taking every fiber of our beings
To fend it off ♪

♪ But how long can this go on? ♪

[g*n clicks]

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Rode the early thrills of secrecy ♪

♪ When you're with your friends ♪

♪ I'm just a passing stranger
On the street ♪

♪ These pent-up feelings brim inside
Until I'm shoulder-deep ♪

♪ And calling for a lifeboat ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Wish I didn't know this pain ♪

- ♪ Know this pain ♪
- ♪ Oh ♪

♪ Lovers caught in retrograde ♪

- ♪ Retrograde ♪
- ♪ Oh ♪

♪ The more we go against the grain ♪

♪ The more it hurts ♪

♪ All in retrograde ♪

["Retrograde" by Dhruv ends]

[upbeat music plays]

[upbeat music ends]

[whimsical music plays]

[whimsical music ends]