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02x05 - Latkes Are Lit

Posted: 01/31/24 14:02
by bunniefuu
She's my mom.

I love her, and now I have to protect her.

Passion or power.

Life is a game,
and beauty is a g*dd*mn machine g*n.

Never look backwards, only forward.

Life is a battle. You can't trust anyone.

Sting first.

But how
do you walk away unscathed?

How does it not alter you forever?

How do I live with this?

I feel like I'm drowning
and no one can hear me scream.

I finally understand
why Georgia's always running.

Look at you in spandex.

I went for a run.


And your hair, no more blue.

Yeah. Guess I was over it.
What's all this?

Oh, just a paper trail
of my nervous breakdown.

This pile's wedding.

This pile's my
"welcome to the Neighborhood Club party,"

which still doesn't have a theme
and is gonna be horrible.

What's with you?

Just… stuff.

I can't stop thinking about…

about Kenny.

Ginny, hush.

Kenny's our Voldemort, 'kay?

We don't say his name in this house.
We don't talk about him.

- Hey.
- Well, look at these two stunners.


I don't know how she does it.

Act like everything's normal.


- My favorite.
- Yeah.

I can't help
feeling like it's all wrong.

♪ Let the maggots feast
While you rot in jail ♪

♪ Hey bunny ♪

♪ What the hell is wrong with us ♪

♪ I wanna scratch myself
With infected rust ♪

♪ Hey bunny ♪

- Oh, wow!
- ♪ What if I loose you too ♪

Ah, all is well in the world again.

MANG is back together.

I am grounded, though,
till the end of time, forever,

so, you know, goodbye cruel world.

Take me to the window, Winnie.
I wanna say goodbye.

Yeah, Bev left a boarding-school pamphlet
on the kitchen table today, so…

Ouch. Abigail, what about you?

Oh, I still have broken-home guilt
working for me,

so I'm just grounded for the weekend.

Oh, I'm… I'm not grounded.

Of course not.
A true queen stays unbothered.

I love Georgia.

Yeah. I wish my mom
was just, like, one of my friends.

- You know.
- Yeah.

Ellen is very much a mother.

"Marcus, Maxine."

"How are we ever gonna trust
you again?"

Having your mom as your friend
is not all it's cracked up to be.

Well, hey, at least my party was dope.

Did you guys hear that Maria Fontaine

gave Dan Summer a blow job
in your bathroom?

- My bathroom?
- Your bathroom.

- Ew.
- I thought he doesn't go for blondes.

Isn't that his whole thing?

When I wore a blonde wig on Halloween,
he was like, "You ruined yourself."

- Well…
- Jordan and I can confirm.

- We walked in on them.
- Oh, what were you two doing upstairs?

Yeah, we were definitely not hooking up
in your mom's bed.

Definitely not doing that.

But Georgia does have a duvet
that I'm obsessed with.

Do you know where she got it? No?

- Can't believe Sophie didn't come.
- Oh my God, dude, you gotta stop.

I know. I do.

I will. I can't.

- Hey, you got rid of the blue.
- Yeah. I don't know, I just got over it.

Also, I have news.

It's official, me and Marcus.

I'm really happy for you,

but if I open my mouth even slightly more,
I'm gonna vomit.

- We saw you two disappearing together.
- Mm.

Oh, let's not talk about
my brother's peen.

Ew, every time I see your brother now,
I'm gonna think about his penis.

- Oh.
- Hey.


- Hey, Poo.
- Hi.

Well, this has been fun.

- Are you ready to go?
- Yeah, let's go.

Keep going, kids! You're doing great! Aw!

At 3:30, you've got a meeting
with the Senior Citizens Council

to discuss making the city
more accessible.

Great. Anything else?

Uh, the Ladies of the Fountain
would like to...

I'm sorry. The what?

The Ladies of the Fountain.

They're a group of very rich, very old,
very, very rich old women

who've appointed themselves in charge
of Wellsbury beautification.

What do they want now?

I've signed off on the Plant More Flowers
Grow More Beauty initiative.

This is about the medians in the street.

What would they like to do to the medians?

They don't feel
they're up to Wellsbury standards.

They don't want our children
to drive by ugly medians.

So they'd like
to plant flowers, re-mulch...

- Fine.
- Install an irrigation system?

Absolutely not. I draw the line
at a new irrigation system.

You got it, Captain.


- I just really love this town.
- I got into politics to make a difference.

You're making a difference to the medians.

We have the holiday canned-food drive

for the Boston Women
and Children's Shelter next week.

Yes, Georgia?

Merry Christmas. Here's a can of peas.

We do it every year.

The last thing I would've wanted
at Christmas was a can of peas.

What would you have wanted?

What are you saying?

- You know what I'm saying.
- I don't know what anyone's saying.

Tampons, diapers, presents, money.

A donations drop-off?

An event, so we could charge admission.

A Christmas carnival.

Winter carnival. Inclusivity.

- Mm.
- A winter charity carnival.

I like it. Let's do it.

Is that all?

Um, no, one more thing.

Georgia is now in charge
of all mayoral social media.

Really? You mean it?

I don't advise...

You know how people think,
and you're creative.

- So of course you can do it.
- Good, 'cause I already did.

Excuse me?

@MayorRandolph, you already have
200 followers. Don't worry about it.


Hey, Georgia, just… one second.

Are you sure that you have the bandwidth
for this winter carnival?

You're already planning the wedding,
you've got your Neighborhood Club party.

For the Women and Children's shelter?

I wanna do this.

Mommy, I'm still hungry.

Well, I'm stuffed,
so why don't you help me out?

Ginny, would you mind hanging back?

You've missed a lot of class,

and you still haven't handed in
your Grapes of Wrath essay.

I know. I'll get it in. Is that all?

No. I've been thinking
about our conversation,

and in the spirit of diversity,

I would like you to pick a book
for the class to read,

to add to the syllabus.

A book?

Anything that captures
the Black American experience.

You interested?

Uh, yeah, maybe.

- I'll think about it.
- Good.

I'm just trying to meet you halfway here.

Hey, guys. Max, do you know
which scene we're doing today?

I think the big wedding.

Are we not gonna talk about the waltzing

that was happening
in my kitchen on Friday night?

- That was, like, very flirty, right?
- Mm-hmm. Very flirty.

Okay, how the heck did I not know
you have a cast crush on Bryon?

- That is very cute.
- Keep it down. It's not a crush.

Okay, you're such a smitten little kitten.

Did you fall out of the cute tree
and hit every branch on your way down?

- Oh, I'm excited for rehearsal now.
- I'm not.

I have to sing Josephine's ballad,
and I am freaking out about it.

Well, I could always play Josephine
if you don't want...

No, I'm good. Thanks.


Families look a lot of different ways,

and the leaves on your tree will represent
your beautiful, unique family.

Why do I have to make a family tree?
My dad's dying.

My dad's in prison.

Wanna come over after school
and play Back 4 Blood?

- You've got Back 4 Blood?
- Yeah.

My mom's having a nervous breakdown,
so she buys me any game I want.


You want a massage?


Your skin's really soft.

Uh, yeah, I use a lot of lotion.

If you stay moisturized,
you don't have to get moisturized.

Right? There will be
no ash in this temple.

There you go.

Thanks. That was really nice.

Uh, no prob.

- Want me to give you...
- Can I have one?


Secret Santa.

Thank you.

Bracia and Bryon.
Love an alliterative couple.

Hardly. Loo... Look at him.

Don't actually look at him, Max.

Bracia, that's nothing.
That's just like cast stuff.

Everyone gives everyone massages.
It's really weird.

Guess what?

I got Bryon for Secret Santa.
You wanna switch?

No, Max. That's...
That's too much pressure.

Come on, do it, do it, do it.

Give it to me.

Locally grown lavender bath salts,
Cape Cod chips.

Which are the indisputable best
kettle-cooked-style potato chip.

Don't quote me to me. It's unsettling.

- What's your angle here?
- I know things have been tense.

You embezzled funds
and then threatened me.

- And I apologized for that.
- No, actually, you didn't.

Nick, I'm very sorry.

I swear to you
I'd never do anything to harm Paul.

I love him, I do.

And what's more, I love this job.

And I'm good at it,
and I wanna keep doing it.

I was a different person
when I moved here.

I didn't have a… a future before,

a career, real friends.

I count you as a real friend.


I want you to be my bridesman.

Come again?

Can I get you another round?

- Yes.
- Hey, are you okay?

I feel like
you've been a little off lately.

You don't seem like
your normal chipper little chappy self.

Uh, okay.

Whatever that means.
Yeah, everything's fine.

I'll get ya… your drinks.

Nick, it would mean a lot to me.

I just, um…

- I need to think about it.
- Okay.

♪ It's always ♪

♪ A comedown with you ♪

♪ I know with you ♪

♪ It's hard to believe it's true ♪

♪ And I thought... ♪

That's really sad and pretty. What is it?

Oh God. Is this the heartbreak song
Hunter wrote about me?

Uh, no.

Actually, it's a… song I wrote.

It's really pretty, Padma. I love it.


- What are you writing?
- Oh, just a poem.

Ginny, your mom's table
needs another round.

How out of character.
I'm shocked.

Hey, Joe, I had an idea.

What if Blue Farm
hosted an open mic night?

- No.
- What? Why not?

- Sounds like a lot of work.
- Sounds like extra customers.

Hey, Mark Cuban, go give Mommy wine.

Joe, come on. It'll be fun.
People can perform songs,

they could do poetry, right, Ginny?
They could do comedy.

Comedy? Is this you trying to convince me?

Come on, Joe. It'll make Blue Farm cool.

What, is Blue Farm not cool?

Joe, just say yes.


We tried.

- Hey.
- Hey.

- What's up?
- You have to go.



- What... Padma and I are cool.
- Just go.

She doesn't need to be tormented
while she's working.

Also, I'm having dinner
at my dad's tonight, so come over after?

- Okay, come on. Come on.
- But it's...

And use the front door.

A rustic walnut original with the house.
You can't miss it.

Cynthia. Hi. How's it going?


Are you gonna be
at my Neighborhood Club party?

After all,
I couldn't have gotten in without you.



It might be good for you
to get out of the house.

Come on, it's gonna be so fun.

It's a whodunit,
Clue-themed, m*rder mystery.

- A m*rder-themed party?
- Mm-hmm.

Joe, you can still cater, right?

Oh. Uh, no, sorry.

Yeah, would have loved to,
but that is the night

that Blue Farm is hosting
its very first open mic night.

Wait, really?

Oh my God. Okay, so I can make posters.


Okay, great.

Your mom doesn't cook like this.

Mm, since Paul moved in, it's been less
Hamburger Helper and more gourmet.

Lots of couscous.

- Oh, he's all moved in then?
- Oh, he's all moved in.

Very man of the house.

When I got caught
throwing that party on Friday,

he was all father figure,

"We're not mad at you,
we're disappointed."


Oh. Yeah, I'm sure Mom told you about it.

I'm sorry about lying to you.

Right, okay then.
So how's everything else?

- How's school?
- Mm. My AP English teacher...

- Slam-poem guy?
- Yeah.

He wants me to pick a book that represents
the Black American experience,

you know, to solve racism. Hooray.

At least he's trying.


What book represents
the white American experience?

I don't know, Catcher in the Rye?


You're the only student he asked
to do this assignment?


So this teacher wants to find
the one true Black book,

and he wants you to do it?

So I don't do it?

I didn't say that.
What if he adds the book you pick?

You'd be helping
to make his class more inclusive.

- So I should do it?
- I didn't say that.

It's not your job
to diversify his reading list, okay?

- That's his job. He's the teacher.
- So I shouldn't do it?

When the system isn't built for you,
you're faced with two options.

You can try to change it brick by brick,

or you can say not today

and protect yourself
for the bigger battles to come.

So, what do you think I should do?

Whatever you decide,
I'm sure it'll be the right thing.

Very helpful, very clear.

You could always pick my book.

- Who's that?
- No one.

I know that smile.

That's the "person I like
just texted me" smile.

It's Marcus.

Across the street?

He's my boyfriend now, officially.

- Okay, don't go all Mom on me.
- I'm not gonna tell you what to do.

But you're working through
some stuff right now.

- I want you focused on that.
- Yeah, Dad, I get it.

Mm… "No one" Simone again?

You're doing the smile, Dad.

- No.
- Yeah, you are.

That's not a smile.
It's just a slight grin.

It's all about the sizzle.

- Ginny, crepes.
- Crepes?

- Mm-hmm.
- Oh…

- Ta-da!
- Wow, Mom, you look pretty.

- Thank you.
- I believe you'd lure men to their deaths.

Me too.

Mom, you can't wear that.

- What about Voldemort?
- Don't say his name.


Peach, it's a party, relax.


Can I come in?

Now, I don't want you to panic,
but this big frame right here is a door.

You walk through it.

I know you're not used to that.

You usually just shimmy
right on up the drainpipe.

It's not a secret portal.

It won't teleport you to yesterday,
on loop, on repeat,

until you break the cycle.

It's not magic.
It's not a trap, not a trick.

Just a door.

- You think you're really funny.
- I am quite enjoying this.

Come on.

Hey, buddy, good to see you again. Um…

Do we need a house-rules refresher?

Can we not?

I knew you were gonna shake my hand.
Been trapped in this loop for three years.

Okay, yeah,
let's not encourage them.

She's actually lost her mind.

If you get away with m*rder,
you don't host a m*rder mystery party.

- It's ballsy.
- It's sadistic.


You don't get it. It's my fault.

She did it to protect me,

and if it wasn't for me,
Kenny would still be alive.

- I'm the reason a man is dead.
- Hey, no.

It's not true.

You can't control her or what she does.

I think you and Padma should have
some sort of closure talk or something.

I do not wanna do that.

She deserves it.

I would want it.




Therapy's gonna be fun this week.

I have some news
that you are not going to like.


Austin has requested
a playdate with Zach Fuller.

Cynthia's son?

Austin hates that kid.
He stabbed him with a pencil.

- Apparently, they made up.
- I don't like it.

Your displeasure is on the record.

For the party,

you're gonna be Colonel Mustard.
What do we think?

I think I've been to a million
of these things,

and they're just crab cakes and champagne.

I wanna impress them.

You are already very impressive.

That's why I'm so in love with you.

I'm finally feeling like I belong here.
I'm feeling really good.

Now that is impressive.

Oh yeah.

- Like what you see, huh?
- Mm-hmm.

- I like this too.
- You do?

- Mm-hmm.
- Oh.

Why don't you allow me

to impress you further?


Zion, can I call you later?

Did you have to take that?

- I wanna talk to you.
- Why is he calling?

About what?

Ginny threw a party?

- She did what?
- Who did what?

Is that Paul? Is he there?
Ginny said he moved in.

- Yeah, he moved in.
- What? He didn't know I moved in?

Why didn't you tell me he moved in?

Or that Ginny threw a party?
Or that she has a new boyfriend?

- I wanna be in the loop.
- You're in the loop.

Paul moved in, Ginny threw a party,
she has a new boyfriend.

Yeah, bike boy. I don't like it.

I don't like it.

Yeah, well, none of us like it.

Look, it's not just you and Paul now,
okay? I live here.

We're all in this together.

- Okay, what is Zion saying?
- What's Paul saying?

He's saying you should go for a beer.
Bond. Get to know one another.

- He said that?
- He said that?

I think it's a great idea.
You two need to co-exist.

We're all in this together,
it takes a village, etc.

Zion, here's Paul.

- Oh no.
- Yeah.

- No.
- Take it.

Hey, man.


"Nick Throop, 35, is an integral part
of the mayor's office."

"A Cornell grad,
Nick keeps an eye on our town,

making sure that Wellsbury
is a well-oiled machine."

I thought I'd profile
different people at the office.

Mm-hmm. I see what you're doing.

Appealing to my enormous ego,

which is of course working
because I'm a Leo.

Okay, fine.
I would love to be your bridesman.

Nick! This means we're friends again?

Does this mean you're coming
to my Neighborhood Club party?

Mm. I have a concept for Mrs. White.

- Jesse and I will be there.
- Oh right, Jesse.

Hey, how do you come up with all this?

It's fun. I get to come up with
whatever I want

and make a world out of it.

Like, it's just in your brain,

and it doesn't exist,
so you get to make it real.

So, what do you think?

It's beyond.

I just sort of had this fantasy
that I'd look all hot,

and my ex would see the show
and wanna die.

Sophie Sanchez, right?

Well, personally,

I'd go with this.

- Can I have your arm?
- Yeah.

- I'm not choking you, am I?
- Mm-hmm.

Max, oh my God. That looks so good.


Isn't Silver bananas?

I'm obsessed.

- Yeah, no...
- Bracia!

I wanna take it from the ballad.
You ready to try with piano?

- Yeah.
- Okay.



- I'll take this off.
- Yeah, okay. Yeah.

All right, so this moment

is when Josephine realizes
that she has feelings for the duke.

It's kind of the pivotal song.
Without it, we have nothing.

And go.

♪ I never loved someone
Whose eyes can see right through me ♪

♪ Whose charms aim to confuse me ♪

♪ For you do not amuse me… ♪

How have you been?

Cool, cool, cool. Fun, fun, fun.

You've been on my mind
since our phone call.

I know.

I didn't burn though, so…

I haven't been.

- Have you been writing in your journal?
- Yeah, poems.


It was my dad's idea.

I wrote this poem one time about identity,

and it felt amazing
to actually articulate everything,

until my r*cist teacher
called it unconventional.

And now he's singling me out again,
and I don't know what to do about it.

And no one in the class
ever says anything.

So I'm on my own. So that's annoying.

I know what it's like to grow up
in a predominantly white town.

It's important to have safe spaces
in the people in your life.

What about your mom? Is she safe?

- Is Georgia safe?
- Is she a safe space for you?

Do you feel like you can go to her
with your problems?


How come?

When you're little and the boy pushes you,
and you scrape your knee,

you run to Mommy and want her to hug you
and tell you everything's gonna be okay.

You don't want Mommy
to cut the brakes on the boy's bike.

Frankly, there are some things
Georgia Miller is not qualified to fix.

Have you tried telling her this?

You deserve understanding, Ginny.



There are so many…

ugly, horrible things in my life
that no one knows about,

and I feel like I have to hold
everything back all the time.

What would happen if you didn't?

You look so pretty.

Mom, why didn't you punish me
for the party?

I like seeing you happy.

You've had a hard couple of weeks.
You needed to blow off steam.

I get that.

But I deserve punishment.
I did something wrong.

That's how the world works.


There you go, punished.

That's not what I meant.

Oh, remind me now, we need
to seriously start talking wedding.

Am I edgy or tacky if I want
my bridesmaids and bridesman in white?

What do we think?

And can you ask your friends
to face paint at the winter carnival?

Oh, and do you know what your costume
is yet for the Clue party?

Um, I can't go to that. I'm sorry.


Yeah, Joe needs me to help
at open mic night, so…


That's a bummer. I wanted to show you off.

All right, let's go make latkes.

What is a latke?

- Mm. This is so amazing.
- I go all out.

Thank you so much for hosting this year.

- It's been a tough one.
- Love you, Mama.

I love you too, Mama.

Hey, Mama,
our friend Brodie is having people over.

- I thought...
- No.

Did you girls apologize to Georgia
for disrespecting her house?

- Sorry, Georgia.
- We're so sorry, Georgia.

- Don't let it happen again.
- This is amazing.

- These latkes are lit.
- Oh, Mom, no.

Yes, so lit.
You're so cool, Mom.

- You're still grounded.
- Okay.

Did you ladies hear that
I got into the Neighborhood Club?

- Ooh.
- My God, that's amazing.

- Nice.
- Does anyone want more lemonade?

Do you remember when Max and Abby
and Norah had that lemonade stand?

- Oh yes, it was very creative.
- Wait, do you guys remember our song?

♪ When you're in the desert
And it's really hot ♪

♪ Lemonade will hit the spot ♪

♪ Lemonade will cool you down ♪

♪ So come and get it right now ♪

Hey, Mom, remember our lemonade stand?

Except we didn't have any lemons,
so we used the lemon squeeze bottle,

and then you'd write on the sign,
"Freshly squeezed, organic."

Yeah. Kids are so funny.
I'm so happy to have them.

And then our r*cist trailer park neighbor
told me I was loitering.

Thank you, Ginny, for sharing
that cherished childhood memory.

Oh, speaking of childhood,
did you hear about Mr. Adams?

My seventh grade Spanish teacher
who made me cry?

He got fired.

They found a dirty magazine in his desk.

- Oh, you're joking.
- That's horrible.

How could that happen?

Totally. Who even reads magazines anymore?

Oh, I bet Mr. Gitten
reads dirty magazines.

Ginny, you should recommend that
for your book.

What book?

It's nothing.
Just my English teacher being annoying.

I already talked to Dad about it,
so don't worry.

Mom, I don't want you to do anything.

What would I do?

- I have to go to the bathroom.
- Mm-hmm.

Okay, Mom, Brodie just texted me.
We'd literally be gone an hour.

- Please...
- No.

Please, Mom.
We're young. Just let us live.

Ellen, for what it's worth,

the girls all wrote me
handwritten apology notes after the party.

- They did?
- Mm-hmm.

- It was pretty sweet.
- Aw.

I don't know.
Do I pick a book? Do I not pick a book?

Pick the dictionary

as a metaphor for how racism
permeates every aspect of America.

Let him chew on that.

I don't want to give Gitten
the satisfaction of thinking he's an ally

just because he thumbed through
White Fragility.


I'm here for you.

♪ Set aside your problems with me, baby ♪

♪ Save your conversation ♪

- ♪ For the basement ♪
- ♪ Yeah ♪

♪ I want you… ♪

- Hi.
- Hi.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Is it safe to come in? I don't wanna see
any exchanging of bodily fluids.

We're drinking each other's blood.


So we're no longer grounded
because Georgia told our moms

that we all wrote her
handwritten apology notes.

Oh, a lie.

- We're going to Brodie's.
- No, we're not.

- Well, you're not.
- Okay, out.

- Hi.
- Hi!

Okay, we're going to Brodie's.

- So I...
- So I, um…

- No, you go ahead. No.
- I...

- I could...
- You know what? I...

All right. I'll start.

I know that you and Georgia slept together
right before we got engaged.

Wow, we're doing this. Okay, um...

And I'm assuming
that you moved here to be with her.

So question is,
do I have anything to be worried about?

Look, man,
I just want Georgia to be happy.

Now, I'm not trying to mess with anything.

I wouldn't be here having a beer with you
if I didn't want this to succeed.

But you're gonna be my kids' stepdad,
you're living in the same house.

That's why I'm here.

Ginny's a great kid, by the way.
You did a great job.


Beers would help.
Hey, Joe, two beers, please.

Whatever's on tap. Thanks.

You two make a really nice couple.

You fit.

Well, thanks man.
That, uh, means a lot, actually.

Thanks, Joe.

And, you know, I may have met someone.

You have?

Yeah, she feels special.

Wow, okay. That's great.


Sorry. Oh my God.

Don't be mean to me.


- Sorry.
- That's really rude.

How long do we have to stay here?

Here, baby, have a bong.

- Delivery.
- Ooh.

Jordan, you're out of control.

- No, you're out of control.
- You're out of control.

Who's up?

- Nice.
- Beer me, bro.

Hey, uh, Marcus, you want one?

Is that bro code
for "sorry I punched you in the face"?

Hey, Abs, out of control. A little bit.

- Hey.
- Yeah?

That's mine. Where's my beer?

It's just really hard to do
on the back of a yak.

How you guys doing? Anything else
I can get for you? Maybe your check?

Uh, Joe,
I don't think that you have met Zion.

Zion is Ginny's dad.

- He has climbed the Matterhorn.
- Hi.

And Annapurna.

- It's very impressive.
- It's not.

- But Ginny loves working here.
- We love having her. She's a great kid.

Yeah, she's not that bad.


- Mm. Yeah.
- Thank you, Joe.


What do we think about the new boyfriend?
Hmm? Bad influence? She's partying now.

- Pretty sure she's smoking weed.
- Ginny doesn't smoke.

Never thought I'd be the stepdad.

It's so crazy to watch her grow up,
you know, and become her own person.

- She is going through it right now.
- Really?

- She seems okay.
- She tries to cover it up.

She's stoic like that.

Yeah, Georgia's like that.

Keep an eye on her. Keep me in the loop.

I will.

Thank you.

There's literally nothing worse
than everyone thinking all we wanna do

is sit in a basement
and hear them play music.

- I feel so untalented.
- You are.

She's not untalented.

Uh, Marcus, you… you play, right?

No, not really. No.

Oh, that's actually a huge bold-faced lie.

Uh, he plays everything.
He even has a little harmonica.

- It's very annoying.
- Really?

All right.

- All right. Okay.
- I didn't say do...

- One sec.
- That's what I'm saying.

- Are they bonding?
- Really hope not.



- I get it. Yes.
- No. No, you don't. No, you don't.


Doesn't play.

Okay, well, um,
my manlihood is now threatened, so…

Abs, Abby, Abigail,
get on my back. Come on.

Play like, uh, E minor A7.




Oh my...

How much do you weigh, girl? Jeez.

My God, Marcus,
you are out of control, man.

- Okay.
- Ginny plays piano.

Ginny, quit holding out on us.

- Oh, yeah.
- You go, girl.

What you're playing in your mind.

- That's what your mom said.
- Yeah, sure.

How did you even learn
how to play the piano?

Didn't you grow up, like, super poor?

- What?
- What?

Actually, my dad taught me.

Also, shut up.

Yeah! I love it
when we're mean to Samantha.

Do not start with me, Abigail.

This is fun. Your friends are great.

Oh, he's...

Can we go now?

Honey, I'm home.

You're drunk.

Zion, though? He's the man.

Seriously. Good dude, fascinating life.

I know.
That's why I'm still in love with him.

And now I'm sober.

Holy shit.

- You have a g*n in here?
- Okay...

But before you freak out,
imagine you're me, alone in the kitchen.

A burglar breaks in. I'm vulnerable.

I have made my stance on this
very clear, Georgia.

You have no idea
what it's like to be a single mom.

You're right, I don't.

But I can tell you this.

Defensive g*n ownership is a myth.

Every single
statistic out there will tell you

that you or your children, Georgia,

are more likely to get hurt or die
'cause you have this g*n in the house.

You're more likely
to have it turned on you.

Okay, you wanna play statistics,
we can play statistics.

Statistically, the most dangerous place
for a woman is in her own home.

Is it licensed at least?

Is this even legal?

I passed legislation
banning open carry in Wellsbury.

- How do you think this makes me look?
- Okay, fine.

Fine. I'll get rid of it.

How many more are there?

Just the one, I promise.

I'll get rid of it.

Okay. But if a scary,
violent man breaks in, you'll be sorry.

You look pretty, Mommy.

All right, what do you want
in the doggy bag? Steak? Lobster? Pasta?

Hi, Natalie.


No, no, no, Natalie don't have strep.
My date's gonna be here any minute.

Natalie, I know you don't understand this
'cause you're 13,

but he has a good job.

He wears a suit. He has a 401.


Hey there. You look nice.

Hi. I told you not to come to the door,
I was gonna run out.

Let's run out together.

I actually can't tonight.

- I'm sick.
- You're sick?

Mom, I'm hungry.

And who's in there?

- What's your name?
- Ginny.

- I was gonna tell you I had a daughter.
- Mm-hmm.


After you fell madly in love with me
and it wouldn't matter.

- Where are you going?
- Where is it?

Everybody has a drawer.

We are ordering in.

- We are?
- Ginny, do you like egg rolls?


Ginny. I am obsessed
with your mom's coats, okay?

The one she's wearing today,
the green one, I love it.

Today? She's here?

I just saw her down the hall.

- Mom.
- Get out of here, Ginny.

- What are you doing?
- I called Zion.

He told me about this book.
He doesn't deserve to be a teacher.

You don't think I know that?

What happens if you're caught?
You think they'll go easy on me?

You can't just go around
doing whatever you want all the time.

This is exactly why I didn't tell you.

You have no idea
what things are like for me sometimes.

And I can't tell you anything,

'cause you might do
something insane like this.

I'm not gonna sit back and let someone
treat my daughter this way.

I'm your mother. No one on this Earth
loves you more than I do.

- I know.
- I would do anything for you.


You know that.

That's horrible.

That's a horrible thing to put on me.

- Hello.
- Mr. Gitten. Hi.

This is my mom.

Nice to meet you.

Ginny's told me all about you.

Great, now we've all met,
so we're gonna go

and we're gonna take
all our stuff with us.

- Wow, very cool.
- I know, right? I'm so excited.

- What are you writing? More poems?
- Yeah.

Cool. Can I…

Wow, this is powerful.


I've been doing this
to help process stuff.

This one came easy.

You should read it at the open mic.

- No.
- Why not? You just said it came easy.

How do I look?

Don't be like that.

This is what we've been
kicked out of our whole lives.

But now, we aren't at the party,
we are the party.

We made it.

This is what it was all for.

Hey! Come on in.

Oh my God.


Wow. Wow.

You guys look incredible.

He says our costumes look great.

Oh, those handcuffs are great.
Did they come with the costume?

Did we buy them with the costume?


- Paul, can you get the Ubers?
- Yeah.

Oh my gosh, come in, come in.

- Wow.
- Nick and Jesse.

You guys in the mood
for some murderous fun?

I think it was in the kitchen
with the g*n.

I think it was Miss Scarlet
with the poison.

All right.

Let's not have all the fun
before we get to the Neighborhood Club.

Come on, let's go.

Wait until we arrive. Let's go.

Bye, Peach.
Have fun at your open mic.

♪ It's always ♪

♪ A comedown with you ♪

♪ With you, with you ♪

♪ With you, it's always ♪

♪ A comedown ♪

♪ With you ♪

- ♪ I know… ♪
- Hey, you okay?

I thought this thing would have
some comedy or something.

♪ And maybe she is better for you ♪

♪ Maybe this time you'll stay ♪

♪ For me you'll always be the one ♪

♪ The one who got away ♪

♪ And nothing really matters to you ♪

♪ I wish that I didn't care ♪

That felt really good,
you know, just to get everything out.


Hey, do you.

Ginny, you should do your poem.
Seriously. It feels really good.

Well, that was Blue Farms'
very own Padma Atlurie,

tonight's mastermind.

Uh, have you guys
all been following the news recently?

Uh, a cheese factory blew up
in France, yeah.

There was de-brie everywhere.


That's rude.


Just wanna thank you all
for coming out tonight.

This is painful.

You should do your poem.

Uh, we just got a notice
from the bank, actually,

that our last balance was outstanding.

Uh, okay. Uh, next up is Ginny Miller

doing something great, probably.

I saw you smile.

- So bad.
- You loved it.

Hi, everyone.

Um, I've been trying to use my voice more,
so here goes.


Am I too old to hide under the bed?

I'm stuck in a storm
But the storm's in my head

All I see is lightning
All I hear is thunder

Just one boom coming one after the other

I once was blind, but now I see
The blindfolds folds have unfolded from me

But try as I might to close my eyes
And shut them tight and go back to black

To not knowing, to trust

Because now that I know
I know what I must do for you

What you've made me be

And I'd give anything to wash it away

Scrub and scrub that damn spot out

But you can't wash off a tattoo

Because now, you see, I'm culpable too

I gnash and gnarl and gnaw until I'm raw

My vocal cords vibrating
With vicious and vital truths

That I need to speak
That you need to hear

My tongue undulating
With the undue burden of silence

But the sound chokes back into my throat

A hard swollen lump I swallow down

They say mother knows best

But what if there are things
Mother doesn't know?

Like if she can braid your hair
But still stans Scarlett O'Hara

You always say I am your reflection

But I can't hide behind your smile

And from where I'm standing
We're on opposite sides of mirrored glass

Me and you against the world?

But the world is out to get me
In ways you can never know or feel

So how can you know it's real?

I am sick of suffering in silence

Today, I will stomp and scream and shout

Until every word inside of me is out

Just by knowing, by seeing

That was my agreeing

My hands wet, once clean

Dirty with sins I don't mean

Words I didn't say, dragons I didn't slay

I inherit the sin

And I become the monster
That I was born from

- You still here?
- I don't wanna go home.

I liked your standup.

- No, you didn't.
- You know what I've always wanted to do?


Excuse me.

You're not kicking me out of my own bar.


Oh no. What are you doing?

Jeez, guys, she's going down?

Wait, it gets better.

She's a rower?
This is what you always wanted to do?

That's really beautiful,

but I think it's time for you
to get out from behind the bar now.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean…

♪ And now I'm holding onto you ♪

♪ There's something 'bout you ♪

♪ That keeps picking me up when I'm low ♪

♪ There's something 'bout you ♪

♪ That keeps picking me up when I'm low ♪

♪ I miss the company we had ♪

♪ Back when I was still on track ♪

♪ Now I'm making my own paradise ♪

♪ But now the drink is tasting strange ♪

♪ And the high isn't the same… ♪

Mom, I'm sorry.
I didn't think you were coming tonight.

My party ended.
I thought I'd surprise you.

Sometimes I can't believe
how fast you've grown up.

You're so smart and creative.

I didn't even go to high school, but you…

you're a miracle.

I can't believe someone like you
came from someone like me.


I wish my mom could understand.

I don't know how she does it.

Keep everything bad tightly locked away.

She's a force.

She keeps moving.

Nothing could ever break her.

Hey there. I'm Gil Timmins.
