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04x08 - Point Of Origin

Posted: 11/19/14 00:46
by bunniefuu
Finch: We are being watched. The government has a secret system-- a machine that spies on you every hour of every day. I designed the machine to detect acts of terror, but it sees everything... Violent crimes involving ordinary people. The government considers these people irrelevant. We don't. Hunted by the authorities, we work in secret. You will never find us. But victim or perpetrator, if your number's up, we'll find you.


[Both grunt]

[Tense music]






Woman: Academy exercise terminated.

[Indistinct chatter]

Sorry, instructor.

You didn't say I couldn't use the fire escape.

Guess I can't fault you for painting outside the lines.

(Finch) Sounds like you're enjoying your temporary assignment as a weapons and tactics instructor, Mr. Reese.

I'm lucky the academy was a bit shorthanded.

(Finch) And our new number?

She doesn't need much instruction.

She must be a natural then, because Detective Fusco has just sent me her background check, and...

Silva comes from a middle-class family in Rochester.

Bachelor's in Criminal Justice. 3.0 GPA.

Everything suggesting that she's quite average.

I'd call her unconventional.

(Finch) Sounds like someone I know.

Good work, recruits.

Let's clean 'em, rack 'em, and stack 'em.

Hey, Silva. Whose team you on out there?

Excuse me?

You broke ranks and the rules.

You need to check yourself before your antics cost all of us.

Why don't you try pulling your own weight, Dutch boy?

Police are supposed to enforce the rules, not break them.

Well, maybe I'm not done breaking things.

Easy there, Iceman.

No need for jealousy.

NYPD will always need dispatchers.

Next time's real weapons with live rounds.

Be a shame if there was a training accident.

- Yeah, watch your back. - Let's go.

Our recruit has an enemy inside the class.

As if law enforcement wasn't already dangerous enough.

(Reese) Well, if Recruit Kane has his way,

Silva won't make it that far.

Threat looks like a fellow cadet.

Eh, forget that meter maid.

Teach me some of those tactics.

What's in it for me?

I got cleanup.

Sure thing, Ortiz.

Apparently, even an expert marksman like you still has a thing or two to learn about tactics.

Iris, are you stalking me?

Don't be ridiculous.

I just finished teaching a class on the importance of mental health to some new recruits.

Maybe you should sit in sometime.

That reminds me.

Thank you for the endorsement of my instructor position.

Well, given the ongoing IA investigation and your recent firing of a w*apon inside a police precinct, figured it couldn't hurt to get you reacquainted with the rules.

We making progress on the excessive force front?

Yes, we are.

I'll see you tomorrow morning for your appointment?

Bright and early, Doc.

Finch: Do you still have eyes on our number, Mr. Reese?

Yes, and we're about to get ears.

Silva, hey.

Coming out with us for a beer?

Can't tonight. Got a date.

Ortiz: Yeah, no problem. Maybe another time.

Perhaps you should look into Silva's date.

(Reese) I would, Harold, except you're not the only one with homework to grade.

Got to hand off to the night crew.

(Finch) Sounds like Detective Fusco's going to have to pick up an extra shift.

[Dramatic music]

[Door opens]

[Footsteps approaching]

[Door closes]

Samaritan has uncovered evidence that an ISA agent allowed members of a criminal outfit to escape with our virus.

Escape from surveillance?

One of them has proven to be particularly elusive, avoiding cameras and detection.

Makes me wonder if it might be related to our underground friends.

Of course, you want me to track her down.

Perfect task for a former investigator for The Hague, don't you think?

These crews are audacious but predictable.

They hide in plain sight behind everyday 9:00-to-5:00 cover jobs, luring them into a false sense of security.

The thing they always forget?


No matter who they become or where they hide, there will always be the people they meet, the people they love, the people they wrong.

All of whom can be leveraged.

Good old-fashioned human intelligence.

Just need the first thread.

Start pulling.

Meanwhile, Samaritan will continue to do its part.

(Shaw) Our recruit's still waiting on her date.

[Camera shutter snapping]

You know, of all my confidential informants, you got the nicest wheels.

Just feel lucky I'm not making you pay this CI.

The Miss Estee Lauder gig pays like crap.

If it weren't for the perks--


Yeah, the free eyeliner.

Well, the five-finger free.

You wear makeup?


[Indistinct chatter]

Hey, Maybelline. Check this out.

I thought Wonder Boy said that Silva was too busy to join her classmates.

[Indistinct chatter]

(Shaw) Well, apparently, she's not too busy to case them.

[Camera shutter snapping]

(Fusco) Looks like her date just showed up.

[Camera shutter snapping]

These them?

Those are the targets.

You ready to move on this?

Say the word.

Keep it stealth.

Stick to the plan.

Fusco: I don't know who Deep Throat is, but I think our recruit is a little more than antisocial.

(Shaw) Yeah, I'd say.

Sounds more like she's planning on taking out the competition.

(Finch) Any updates on Silva's target, Mr. Reese?

No, but she's applying her lesson on curb searches by going through their trash.

[Cell phone vibrating]

Any clues on Silva's phone?

I've combed through the data.

She's collecting personal information on all of the other recruits.

Phone numbers, email accounts, home addresses, even locker combinations.

A mole inside the academy, just when we flushed out HR.

She may be searching for recruits who can be blackmailed.

Question is, who's she working for?

Hey, going through the trash?

I-- I threw away a receipt.

You missed a good time last night.

Sorry I couldn't make it.

Oh, no worries.

Maybe we can grab a bite to eat after class tonight.

Sorry, I wish I could, but I have an important appointment.

[Locker door closes]

Rain check?


No problem.

Sounds like Silva has an admirer.

I don't think it's mutual.

Anything on Silva's date from last night?

Shaw and Fusco followed him to the suburbs, so we're still working on it.

[Fusco snoring]


Deep Throat's a late riser, huh?

If he takes any longer, I'm gonna ruin this upholstered leather.


Heads up. There's our guy.

Should we follow him?

I put a tracker on that clunker.

Plus, I'm betting there's more secrets inside the house.

Come on.

Hey, hey. Wait for me.

(Man) 1258 coming through.

You got ten minutes.

Where is my regular attorney?

We had a deal.

He got reassigned.

Not to worry though. The drug charge won't stick.

But we need to review a few things.

How did you come to work for Tomas' crew?

Attorney-client privilege, and I checked the observation room just in case.

Rest assured, no one's watching.

You do a few little jobs first, build a reputation.

Then, when you're good, you get recommended.

At the end of the day, it's all about relationships.

You are trusting people with your life.

So, who recommended you?

No names, not even to lawyers.

And what does any of this have to do with my drug case?

Unless you want to risk doing time, we need to be thorough.

So I'll ask you again.

Who recommended you to Tomas' crew, and who recommended your replacement?

You're fired.

We weren't done talking.

Like you said, Katya, at the end of the day... it's all about relationships.

There's a guy.

His name's Romeo.

Thanks for those tips on tactics.

You're starting to catch on.

[Siren chirps]


See you later, Ortiz.

Take it easy.

Wait. Not so fast, Detective.

You missed your appointment this morning.

You're being evasive.

Sorry about that. How about we--

Continue building on our progress?

Great idea.

Unfortunately, it's not a good time.

Would you rather I pull my endorsement of your instructor position?

How about a walk and talk?


Uh, sure.


We can start where we left off, your hero complex, which men often develop in response to being bullied as a child.

Iris, my school didn't have bullies.

I kept them in line.

Uh, bullying bullies is kind of the very definition of a hero complex.

(Shaw) Reese, we got a problem.

Silva isn't a recruit.

She's already a cop.

She's hunting a mole inside the academy.

And according to her last entry, she already knows who it is.

You seem distracted.

[Engine starts]

There something else on your mind?

You could say that.

Look, I'm not sure what you're running from, but--

I'm not running from anything.

I'm trying to save someone. [Whistles]

[Tires squeal]

Get down.




It's all right. Come on.

What just happened?

You were saying about my hero complex?

(Shaw) Boys, we got this wrong.

Silva isn't the perpetrator. She's the victim.

And our undercover cop's just been outed.

What the hell was that all about?

Why were they sh**ting at us?

I'll explain it all later.

You were following me.

You first.

Why are you casing your classmates?

I don't have time for this.

I know you're a cop.

The tactical course, the way you just handled yourself-- this isn't your first rodeo.

You've been through the academy before.

Yes, I'm a cop.

Internal Affairs?

I've said enough.

Why is IA interested in the academy?

Is there a mole?

Look, right now, I need to get to my handler.

If I'm compromised, it means he is too.

So we'll call him.

No. Nothing digital.

Look, I can explain more later, but right this second, I need to warn him in person.

Well, I'm coming as your backup.

Just don't get kneecapped like you did in training.

(Finch) Careful, John.

If Silva's Internal Affairs, she's not just our number.

She's a threat to your cover.

Fusco: The RTCC tracked the sh**t's SUV to this neighborhood.

Shaw: Tally ho.

He's headed into that community center.

[Indistinct chatter]

This place used to be a dump.

Someone gave it a fresh coat.

[Indistinct chatter]

(Fusco) Heads up.

That guy matches the description of our sh**t.


_ Secure texting.


You kids listen up.

You tell your mother to catch up on your tuition, you hear?

And you keep your head on a swivel.

Them city coveralls be coming to fix them cameras real soon.

Yo, hold up.

Get a new ball.

That one look like the nutsack on a water buffalo.

All right, Meech. He'll see you now.

You got it? Good.

Meet in an hour.


You know that guy?

Dominic's muscle.

We have history.


So it's The Brotherhood trying to k*ll an IA cop?

Why would they do that?

To protect their mole.

You getting all this, Finch?

g*ng money winning the local hearts and minds.

Yeah, but knowing Dominic, it's the Pablo Escobar version.

If he can't win the former, he'll just put two in the latter.

How's it going out there?

Boys seeing the light.

Coming over from all them other gangs, just like them Trinitarios.

They all take a knee when shown the green.

Dominoes are tumbling.

Except one.


Still some ranks protecting their old lion.

Somehow he keeps his pride intact.

He's got to have someone, somewhere, helping him hold it all together.

Gonna take some time before we get some dirt on them Italian boys.

That Omerta and all, you know.

Who says we have to do the digging?

This here's a strategic w*r.

We got to play smarter.

Mini's talking one hell of a good game for a g*n toter.

What do you got?

Silva gave us the slip.

Had help from some damn cop in a suit.

You just jeopardized six months of hard work.

Seeing as how you can't do your job...


[g*n cocks]

I'll make it right.

Promise, man. Please.


Like I told all of you, we all die in the end.

You're finished, have the janitor mop up.

Man owes me.

Finch, I think we underestimated Mini.

He just ordered an execution.

Oh. Oh, no.

Miss Shaw, we had it all wrong.

Mini isn't the guy taking orders.

He's the one giving them.

(Meech) I'm begging you!

Please, Dominic!


That's Dominic?

Son of a--

[g*n cocks]

We have unfinished business.

Let's go!


[Children laughing, shouting]

Bring him. We'll mop up elsewhere.

Come on, please!

Wait. Wait, wait, wait. You can't do this here.

One of these kids will catch a stray b*llet.

Dominic, it's me, Meech!

Finch: Save it, miss Shaw.

Something tells me we haven't seen the last of Dominic.


All mopped up.

But what if that tall cop keeps showing his head?

There'll always be cops, just like there'll always be gangsters.

And then there are the pawns-- chumps caught in the middle.

[Car door opens]

Here you go.

Mission complete.

How's that?

Like we agreed.

You help my uncle with the drug charges and some work, and I steal you the files.

One-time job.

Yeah, one-time job, all right.

What about this undercover that's onto me?

Let me worry about her.

If she's still out there, I can't go back to the academy.

You just need to lay low until she's out of the picture. Got the perfect place for you to hide. Trinitarios have them a fort up in Spanish Harlem.

No one will look for him up there.

Time you called in sick for a few days.

You got it.

Pleasure doing business with you.

[Car door closes]

All that just to steal some files off a computer?

Boy right there's my Snowden.

[Laughs] Snowden?

Edward Snowden cleaned the NSA's clock.

Yeah, now he's got to live in Russia.

Thing is, Snowden didn't work at the NSA. He worked at the satellite office.

That's bureaucracies for you. Grow so big they lose track of things.

I gotcha.

The academy's like a satellite for the NYPD.

Gave you direct access to their computers.

You want to take down Elias, the man who took down the Five Dons, you got to play smarter.

Why do all that digging when the police already did it for us?

So what did you steal?

This right here is the keys to the castle.
[Still Alive by Will Hanson playing]

We're closed.

Martine: Girl can't get a whiskey after hours?

♪ listen for the Sandman's creep ♪
♪ deserving all the luck ♪

Thought this was the city that never sleeps.

Suppose I could make an exception.

Boss doesn't have to know.

I don't see any cameras.

I am the boss.


♪ listen for the Sandman's creep ♪
♪ deserving all the luck ♪

That your bike out back?

Little something I picked up.

You ride?

They say the first rule of any job is not to spend the money.

[Tense music]

Your friends out shopping?


You are too pretty to be local.

What are you? A fed?

[Chuckles softly]

I don't know how you found me, but if you think I'm giving up any of my boys--

Don't care about your nickel-and-dime pals, except one.

Your former driver.

I see.

So you got a job that requires a wheelman.

Something like that.

Bad news, sweetheart.

Don't know where she is.

So then tell me, Romeo, who are you trying to alert?


Cell phone jammer. _

And your pal, Elvis, standing behind me?

He forgot to load the shotgun, so the King of Rock is not gonna make a bit of difference in how this goes down.






Huh. Buckshot. Go figure.

[Romeo groaning]

Sorry to get all d*ck Cheney on you.

Had they been slugs, you would've lost an arm.

You crazy bitch!

Let's just get to the point.

You recommended a wheelman-- or should I say a wheelwoman-- to a smash and grab crew a week ago.

Where is she?

I don't know where she is.

We keep things compartmentalized for a reason.

It's hard enough to pour a drink with one arm.

You want to lose the other?

Where is the wheelman?

There's a dating app called Angler.

That's how I contacted her.

An app? For relationships?

How apropos.


Your handler's drawn some attention.


No, stay here. I'll check it out.

But this is my safe house. I have to--

You have to maintain your cover.

I'll be back.

Riley, Homicide.

One of our own.

Deceased is Detective Howard, Internal Affairs.

Took two to the back from this baby.

Found it out back.

Just like an academy training w*apon, you know?

Looks familiar.

You got a motive?

Theft, maybe.

Guessing our victim met his CIs here but no sign of break-in.

So you think one turned on him.

Looks like it.

[Police radio chatter]

Reese: Come on.

What the hell is going on?

Keep walking and don't look back.

Why? Where are we going?

If Howard is dead, then the hard copy file in the safe inside that house is the only proof I'm a cop.

Those files are gone.


Then I have to go back in and explain who I am.

You can't.

Why not?

Because Howard was shot with your training w*apon.

Not only is your only connection to the NYPD gone, but you've been framed.

Reese: No one else knows you're Internal Affairs?

Howard's the only one who knew about me and my background.

Your background?

In high school, I was a runner for a g*ng.

Where I'm from, it's not a choice.

Once you're in, it's either knocked up or locked up.

But you got out.

I got arrested.

The judge said if I attended a community college, he'll seal my record.

Got to like judges who give second chances.

I earned my master's in Criminal Justice and got into the academy, and one week before graduation, Howard plucked me out.

Fixed it like if I had quit.

He saw my juvie record and knew I had the perfect background for the next time someone tried to infiltrate the academy.

Like Laskey, the Russian mole who worked for HR.


Then Howard got a tip from the CI that a g*ng was gonna put a recruit on the inside.

And who better to spot a gangster than...

One of their former runners.

Why no electronic record?

Howard thought it made our covers look vulnerable.

Everything's networked nowadays.

Given the HR scandal and hackers, he didn't even trust the IT techs.

[Door closes]

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

Who are you?

Detective Fusco from the Eighth.

Fusco? Your name sounds familiar.

He's my partner. You can trust him.

There was an anonymous cash deposit into your savings account yesterday.

10 grand?

It gets worse.

w*apon found at the crime scene traces back to you.

You're wanted for m*rder.

Of course.

They're framing me like their lackey.

Frustrating thing is, I had him.


Ortiz, my classmate.

He's the mole.

You sure it's Ortiz?

My g*n at the crime scene?

It's not a coincidence. He offered to clean it for me.

And then I found this-- a receipt from the bodega across the street from where The Brotherhood recruits.

Ortiz used his ATM card.

I'm gonna find Ortiz, and I'm gonna bring his ass in 'cause that's the only way that I can prove my innocence.

Hang on a second.

I'll check with RTCC, see if they can find him.


I suppose I am an RTCC of sorts.

But with less attitude.

I've retrieved Ortiz's number from Silva's phone contacts.

According to his geo-data, he returned to the academy last night after class.

To get Silva's g*n.

(Finch) Not exactly.

I was able to pinpoint his movements to the Commandant's office.

During the time that Ortiz was in that office, someone logged on to the Commandant's computer using a brute force password cr*cker.

I suspect that Mr. Ortiz has stolen some files.

Why would Dominic enlist a mole to steal files from the police academy?

(Finch) I'm not sure.

Where's Ortiz now?

He's at an abandoned schoolhouse in Spanish Harlem. - We'll get him.

I'll look into the stolen files.

It may shine a light on Dominic's plans.

But first, I have an errand to run.

The RTCC tracked Ortiz to an abandoned school in Spanish Harlem.

The RTCC worked fast.

Well, they're good with computers.

Spanish Harlem? That's Trinitarios territory.

The abandoned school is their headquarters.

They keep it under heavy guard. The place is a fortress.

Should make retrieving Ortiz fun.

I'll head back to the Eighth and check for updates.

Wait, Riley. I'm coming.

You're safer staying put.

Let's not forget who shot who in training.

She's got a point.

Plus, I still have a mission to finish.

Find the mole.

[Door opens and closes]

Being undercover, the days turn into months.

Tell me about it.

Takes self-reliance.

No man's an island.

Howard was my confidant.

He taught me everything I knew.

Well, you got a new friend on the force.


But why are you helping me?

I knew a cop like you once.

She stood up to corruption.

Gave her life to do what was right.

Yeah, I heard about that.

Were you a part of the HR takedown?

I worked undercover with Narcotics when all that went down.

I saw that in your IA file.

So you've seen my file.


There's one thing that puzzles me though.

There's nothing in there about a military background.

And I'd swear by the tactics you teach you were in the service.

First tactics instructor was a Gulf w*r veteran.

Must be where I learned it.

Well, we're gonna need military tactics where we're going.

It's going to be 2 against 2,000.

Ever heard of a covert infil/exfil?

Sounds like some Special Ops stuff.

It is, which is why I brought modifications.

And just in case...

[Bear whines]

[Bear barking]

What the-- [Grunts]

The shirt from Ortiz's locker.

Find our mole, boy.

[Bear barking]

Garcia: Welcome to mi casa.

You police?

Still in the academy.

So Dominic's got one on the inside, huh?

It was just the one-time job.

We're square after this.

Garcia: I never finished high school myself.

Could have used this in the joint.

So you finished your one job with The Brotherhood, huh?

Hey, man, look.

I got no beef with the Trinitarios.

Yeah, but the thing is, we're a part of The Brotherhood now.

And we have no use for you no more.


[Bear barks, growls]





Don't do it, Ortiz.

[Bear growls]


Easy, kid.

It's been you all along-- pretending to be my friend while planning my m*rder.


I don't know nothing about no m*rder.

I was just trying to steal some files.

I had no choice.

(Finch) I'm afraid that's correct, Mr. Reese.

Ortiz's uncle works for the community center that Dominic runs.

An elite defense attorney got him exonerated for a recent drug charge.

The uncle was Dominic's leverage.

Dominic forced you to steal the files.

You don't understand.

Where I'm from, you only got two bad choices.

Well, you still have two bad choices, but only one ends with you bleeding out.

It was only supposed to be one job.

With The Brotherhood, it's never just one job.


[Bell ringing]

That's their alarm.

Man: Vamonos. Come on.

Let's go.

Every Trinitario within a ten-block radius is gonna come running.

How much a*mo you got?

Not nearly enough.

[All speaking Spanish]

We need to move now.

You're coming with.

Got your back.


[Both grunt]

Finch, need a way out.

There's a door in front of you. Use that.

Let's go.

[Bear barks]

Let's move this.

Grab it.

Go, go, go, go, go.

[Tense music]

The door's blocked.

We're trapped.



Options, Finch.

There's a pedestrian access tunnel beneath the pool, but unless you have a jackhammer, I'm out of ideas.

I got one.

Give me the belt.

[Men shouting]

Take cover.


[Tense music]

Well, that looks dangerous.

You first.

[Grunts] Whoa!

[All shouting]

What about the dog?


He's scuba certified. [Whistles]

[Bear barks]

Let's go.

Let's go, kid.

Well, that's one way to bathe the dog.

Lucky you.

When you get downtown, you can skip the first shower.

[Engine starts]

Your mole won't be too hard to break.

Want to teach me some interrogation tricks?

Something tells me you're a natural at that too.

Speaking of, I still have a few questions for you.

But I'll save 'em.

You're gonna do all right, kid.

I know.

I had a good instructor.

Tell your friends at IA.

Will do.

And call me if you need a little tactical refresher.

I thought I told you to get rid of Ortiz.

You weren't here, man. You didn't see what went down.

Guy in a suit, a chica, and a crazy-ass dog came storming in here like SWAT.

The thing about a battle plan is, it only works if soldiers follow orders.

Who died and made you general?

You ain't nothing but a street banger like the rest of us.

[Tense music]

You know anything about circles?


What's that got to do with this?

Got everything to do with it.

I had a math teacher once, said, "All the world's infinite possibilities rest within this one simple circle."

Including the possibility that the big, quiet kid in the back of the class, the one that everyone always underestimated, could one day run the streets of New York.

So what's stopping you?

What's stopping me is this Detective Riley.

Our circles keep overlapping.

Why are you worried about a stupid cop when you got us Trinitarios on board now?

This ain't about numbers or corner boys or turf.

This here is about cutting down the old lion and ruling his kingdom.

But that can't happen if guys don't follow orders.

Guys like that... don't have a place.

[g*n clicks]

You might want to rethink that.

Not like you walked in here with numbers.

I just told you, this ain't about numbers.

You the number two?

Don't you think about it, Punk.

Don't you think about it.

We all die in the end.

Better to go out on top.

(Garcia) Hey, I'm talking to you.

Hey! No!

You don't-- No!


Heard you helped Internal Affairs uncover a mole in the academy.

The mole confessed, cleared Silva's name, and fingered Howard's k*ller, but no one can find him.

About the other day, we need to talk.

What do you mean?

When the b*ll*ts started flying and you swooped in and played superhero?

Right place at the right time, I guess.

(Iris) I suppose.

So either v*olence follows you around, or you just have the most impeccable timing.

Either way, I'm glad you were there.

This mean you're gonna recommend closing my IA case?


Let's just say I'm looking forward to our next session.

Are these the files that Dominic stole?

Oh, that's just a small portion.

Looks like NYPD intelligence on a criminal network.

Information that it took the police years to collect, and yet Dominic steals it in less than 48 hours.

And I finally figured out the common denominator.

Which is?

Our new number.

Any insider tips on eyeliner?


You might try dialing it back a bit, sister.

Sorry, you just look like you buy a lot of makeup.

You know what? How about some free samples?

You keep samples in your purse?

I won't tell if you won't.

[Cell phone vibrates]

You've got to be kidding me. _

[Cell phone vibrates]


More like ex-pain in the ass.

[Tense music]

Is target present?


Visual update on target.

No worries. I found her.