01x09 - Rogue Element

Episode transcripts for the TV show "</SCORPION>". Aired: September 2014 to April 2018.*
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An eccentric genius forms an international network of super-geniuses to act as the last line of defense against the complicated threats of the modern world.
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01x09 - Rogue Element

Post by bunniefuu »

Walter: My name is Walter O'Brien. I have the fourth highest IQ ever recorded: 197. Einstein's was 160.

When I was 11, the FBI arrested me for hacking NASA to get their blueprints for my bedroom wall. Now I run a team of geniuses, tackling worldwide threats only we can solve. Toby's our behaviorist. Sylvester's a human calculator. Happy, a mechanical prodigy. Agent Cabe Gallo's our government handler. And Paige? Well, Paige isn't like us. She's normal and translates the world for us while we help her understand her genius son.

Together, we are Scorpion.

(ship horn blows)

Remind me what we're doing here in this heat.

Taking a day off.

It's good for you, clear your head.

Passing H.R. B6A would clear my head.

You ruin my day of sunshine, and I will fire you.

Aye aye, Congressman.

Go ahead, cast off.

(engine starts)

The rope.

♪ ♪

I can see the appeal of this place.

You're missing the point.

It's about getting away from it all.

You know, now that we have some time, I've been meaning to ask you...

All right. A little to the left.

Keep her coming back. Careful. This is precious cargo.

Sylvester: Happy, just slow down. Just take your time.

You know how fragile and important this is, okay?

Toby: Keep it coming back.

Straight through.

Hey. Is that it?

Walter: Now, we've all been working very hard.

So, for our reward...

Oh... Oh!

Sylvester: An authentic original Proton Arnold cabinet?

Walter, it's beautiful.

Happy: It's all original hardware.

It still takes quarters.

You can fix that, right?

Do not insult me.

Drew: Cool.

I loved that game.



Your dad's gonna take you to school.

Walter: Hey.

It's okay. When you get back from school, you'll have first game.

Okay? Go.

Before we go, I just want to have a quick word with Walter.


Yeah, sure.

I used to crush that game. What was your high score?

Oh, I don't know.

At a certain point, the counter resets.


So, look, I wanted to thank you for the pitching seminar we gave Ralph last week.

The kinetic diagnostic analysis.

Yeah. It's really helped us.

I mean, we do these game scenarios now.

Like, what's the best opening pitch with three on, two out, facing a .280 hitter with a .330 on-base percentage?

That's interesting.

Yeah, look, also... you really helped my delivery.

That early release--

I picked up three miles an hour on my fastball.

I called my agent.

He got me a tryout with the Portland Sea Dogs.

It's Double-A, but still.



Does, uh, does Paige know about this?

Drew: Not yet. Not until it's real.

The only reason I'm telling you is because you probably know Ralph's mind better than anyone.

You're asking what it will do to him if you leave.

Or bring them with me.

And, look, we're a long way away from that, and Ralph is my priority, but...

Well, I don't have a ready answer for you, so...

Well, it's hypothetical, you know.

I still have to try out.

But, um, just think about it.


All right?

And keep it between us.


Ralph, ready?


Come on.


(door closes)

Ride with me to Kovelsky's.

Let's grab some bagels for the team.

I had my eye on you and Drew.

Looks like you're getting along well.


Real convincing, 197.

I'm preoccupied with a greater good scenario.

Complicated by personal involvement?

I know the challenges of mentoring a child genius, remember?

(phone rings)

What's that say?

It's from "R." It says "Gumbo."

Text back: "Confirm."

"Gumbo confirmed."

Whatever I tell you to do, you just do it for your own safety.

Cabe, what is this?

"Gum" is an emergency code word.

From who? Who's "R"?

Questions will be answered soon enough.

(tires screeching)

Walter: You just did 18 evasive driving maneuvers.

Are you gonna tell me what's going on?

Stay here.

Curb your curiosity.


(three knocks, one knock)


I probably shouldn't have reached out like this... out of the blue, after so much time.

15 years.

Your family--

I know you remarried-- are they safe?

My husband took our daughter back east to look at colleges.

I just...

I didn't want to scare them unnecessarily.

With what? Tell me what's happening, Rebecca.

I'm in-house counsel at a big lobbying firm.

I think I stumbled on something very illegal, and now I'm in trouble.

You know I would never call you unless I had to.

You can always call me.

(footsteps outside)



It's okay. He's with me.

Damn it, Walter.

What are you...?

What is going on here?

Wait, is this...

Walter O'Brien?

Yes, it is.

And you are?

This is Rebecca. Burns.

My ex-wife.

Someone's trying to k*ll her.

Part of my job at The Barnwright Group is to review our clients' PAC contributions.

This morning, I came across a wire transfer made two weeks ago labeled: "CA 78 SE"


I had no clue what that meant, so I opened the file.

There were a number of contributions but no names, which is a huge red flag.

So I copied the file onto a flash drive to run it by our co-counsel.

But when I went to print it, the file was gone.

Money laundering?

That's my guess.

I guarantee Barnwright monitors their whole system.

As soon as you opened the file, they knew you were looking at it.

They had an override word macro triggered to delete it.

They certainly knew something.

When I packed up to leave, a security officer in a suit stopped me in the hall.

I'd never seen him before, but he had a g*n.

He wanted to frisk me, but a couple of staffers walked by before he had a chance.

While he was rifling through my bag, I dropped the flash drive in the nearest planter.

That's impressive.

Then when I got home, I saw a man walk out of my bedroom wearing a mask.

He ran at me.

I barely got to my car.

I didn't know who else to turn to.

We established the emergency code word for a reason.

I'm glad you reached out to me.

After all this time, I'm...

I'm just glad you remembered it.

May I see your phone?

Cabe: Okay.

He's uncouth but effective.

We're gonna have to get rid of any trace of you.

We're gonna leave your car.

You're gonna ride with us.

♪ Scorpion 1x09 ♪
Rogue Element
Original Air Date on November 17, 2014

(talking quietly)

Here they come.

Toby: Intelligent eyes.

Clearly has a wit about her.

Same carriage as Cabe.

They actually make a good match.

Toby, Happy, Sylvester, Paige.

My ex-wife Rebecca.

Happy: Wow, Gallo, you were punching way above your weight class.

Hello. I'm Sylvester.

I apologize if I am inordinately anxious.

The pleasure's mine.

(video game beeping)

What's that?

That is Proton Arnold.

Unplug it.


Rebecca: I think what Cabe means to say is, "I've told my ex-wife what a great team I work with-- smartest I'll ever meet."

You're a Cabe whisperer.

I do the same for them.

All right, now that the meet and greet's over.

"CA 78 SE"

Decoding that is the key to the file Rebecca found and whoever came after her.

"CA" is most likely California.

Happy: 78-- a year, a longitude, a state highway or exit on any interstate.

And "SE" could be southeast, Southern England.

Or "something else."

California, 78, something else.

You literally called us on this three minutes ago.

All Barnwright clients are multi-billion dollar outfits.

Agricultural companies, airline unions, 50 others.

Hard to know which one has their values up their ass.

Boy, you're tough as nails.

Guess you'd have to be to be married to Cabe.

Moving on.

So, you said when you returned to your computer seconds later, the suspicious file was deleted.

That means whoever set it up programmed a Trojan horse to destroy all data viewed by unauthorized personnel.

Toby: The only copy left might be that one you left in the planter at Barnwright.

Cabe: Might be, maybe, could be.

Cabe, you got to be patient.

Guys, look at this.

(over TV): Investigators have concluded that the expl*si*n was the result of an equipment malfunction aboard the vessel.

Congressman Gostin was a firebrand champion of working people, making him a nationally recognized figure, as well as a local hero to the constituents in the 78th District.

"CA" stands for California; "78" stands for 78th District.

What does "SE" stand for?

"Special election."

Isn't that what happens when a congressman dies in office?

That's what I saw in that file-- contributions for a special election.

But a special election is only held when an incumbent dies or is removed from office.

They removed him from office.

Whoever created that account was raising money to replace Congressman Gostin before today's accident.

So, either they are clairvoyant, or...

This was an assassination.

But why start transferring funds before knocking him off?

You're just putting yourself in a position to be caught; that's not too smart.

A congressman is dead.

Cabe, would now be the time to call in reinforcements?

We're dealing with one of the largest lobbying firms in the country.

They have tentacles everywhere-- they pull in big government money.

Big enough to want to k*ll a congressman.

We need to be completely off the grid on this one.

We have to get ahold of that drive you left at Barnwright.

That's probably the only way of tracing whoever wanted Gostin dead.

You still have your I.D.?

I'm sure they deactivated it.

Oh, that's right-- you just met us.

Speaking of badges, Cabe, I'm gonna need yours.

To look at that exploded boat for proof of foul play.

There'll be security at the marina.

Since when do you loan your shield so people can impersonate federal agents?

Since someone came after you.

I want you by my side; it's the only place that's safe.

(scanner beeps)

(scanner beeps)

I'm in.


Making my way to the fifth floor.

Get in and get out, Walter.

No unnecessary risk.

Assume everyone you meet in that building is a threat.

These the kind of jobs you guys normally do?

Mm, yeah, we break and enter a lot.

He was always very gutsy.

So, Rebecca said that there was a third plant from the elevator, huh?

Cabe: That's right.

Make it fast.

Is that your daughter?


She's beautiful?


When I picture that man tearing through my house this morning, more than anything, I'm so happy that she wasn't home.

She was such a cute baby.

Look at those cheeks.

No, that-that's Amanda.

That's our daughter who passed away.

Oh, I-I'm so sorry for your loss.

You're very sweet.

So, Cabe, there's nothing in that planter. Is she sure?

I thought so, but I was so nervous.

He needs to be careful, Cabe.

These are not good people.

(quietly): Well, is she sure?

I mean, this is...

Who are you?

Cabe: Tell him you're looking for Human Resources and get out of there now, Walter.

Hi, I'm Dave from UCLA botany department.

Operations called about a-a fungus in the, uh, plants.

That's not what I told you to say, Walter, damn it!

Well, Dave from UCLA, you're gonna need to come with me.

I'm almost done with the samples.

Just, uh, one left actually.

You're done now. Let's go.

Walter, if that's the guy that tried to frisk Rebecca, he could be very dangerous.

I-I can't do what you're asking me to do now.

I've... it's almost finished.

Get out of there now, Walter!


Security breach on five!

Man, blue shirt, gray pants!

Walter, what's happening?

I'm in a bit of a bind here.

But I'm buying some time by jamming some coins into the door frame.

That's not gonna hold for long.

That's why I told you to get out when I did.

Open up!


Open the door!

I have an idea.

You move your car to the side alley off Fourth Street.

Keep the car running and stand by.

(tires screeching)

Okay, we're here.

Where the hell's Walter?


Paige: Oh, my God, Walter, what are you doing?

Son of a bitch!

You got to kick it into high gear, son!

Cut the power to the rig!

Let's get down there.

I'll be down in 20 seconds.

Ah! They k*lled the motor.

Cabe: There's no guarantee.

You get arrested, you're gonna have an accident before you get to the police station!

You got to get out!

You know what, I'm 30 feet above concrete!

Give me time to think!

You don't have any time!

Quiet! I'm doing my calculations.

Pull your car up two-and-a-half feet.

Create a freefall, 9.8 meters per seconds squared.


What is he doing?

4,000 newtons of energy to break a leg.

I should be okay...

But I'm not paying for the damage to your car!

Okay, we can go now.

(tires screeching)

Cabe... What happened in there?!

We needed this drive.

When I tell you to get out, you get out.

You risked Rebecca's life, you risked your life, and now they've seen your face, Walter!

They've got it on surveillance!

We don't know what the repercussions are from that!

Cabe... Hey, it's okay.

(engine starts)

(tires screeching)

Man (over radio): It's 102 in the Southland today.

Hope you brought your sunblock.

That's a good idea.

Did you guys remember to apply your sunblock?

Yeah, right after we took our vitamins.

Happy: Guys, focus.

Right, sorry.

You're the shrink. I need you on point, Doc.

I'm on it. Based on posture alone, this guy's an easy mark.

How you doing today?

Good. How you doing?

I'm in a marina in triple-digit heat.

How do you think I'm doing?

Agent Gallo, Homeland Security.

What kind of name is "Cabe"?

It's "Kah-beh."

My mother's Korean.

Oh, sorry. I-I didn't mean anything by it.

No one ever does.

This is perfect.

Now he's feeling guilty and self-conscious.

Drop a little civics lesson.

I'm here to do the DHS inspection.

Inspectors were already here.

Local PD was.

Not us.

A congressman died.

Homeland's involved.

This is perfect. Now he's feeling stupid. You got him right where you want him. Now make him insecure.

I have work to do, so should I call your supervisor or mine?

And shoulders will be slouching in three, two, one.

This is like fish in a barrel.

Good talk.

It's clean.

Walter: Hey, Happy.

Hey, Walt. How'd you guys do?

Oh, we got the drive, but we need more evidence.

So how is the marina?


I think I have what you're looking for.

So, small crafts like Gostin's have gas engines, right?

Their fumes have to be cleaned out by a motorized fan to avoid an expl*si*n.

Now, if someone were to cut the hose between the motor and the fan...

Fan would still be making noise, but it wouldn't actually be blowing any fumes out.

Precisely. And if the fumes aren't being vented, boom.

So, you found a cut fan hose?


Whoever cut the hose on the congressman's boat was smart enough to replace it.

They charred the outside of the hose so authorities wouldn't notice it had been tampered with.

Trouble is, there should've been fume residue inside.

But the hose is clean. It's never been used.

It was clearly installed after the boat exploded.

And a brand-new part would mean a recent purchase.

So, we just need to link whoever bought that part to someone on the client roster of Rebecca's firm.

Happy, we'll meet you back at the garage.

Race you there.

Appreciate the loan.
What the hell happened in here?

Toby: I can't believe this.

Sylvester: No. Proton Arnold.

They're onto us.

It's like a tornado came through.

A tornado that hates computers.

And arcade games.

They took everything-- laptops, hard drives.

Surge protectors.

Who steals surge protectors?!

It's a good thing our standard operating procedure is to heavily encrypt all data.

My house, your garage-- they're hitting everything today.

Okay, so the question is: why do all this?

Why not lay in wait and then take the hard drive?

They know we have it they'll be back for it.

We need to move.

Oh, God.

I know someplace.

Grab everything you think you need.

We're heading out in 30 seconds.

Hold on, guys. Cell phones. On the desk now. So they can't be tracked.

Now, we're going off-grid, but we still need phones. Happy?

I'm on it.

I want to pull Ralph out of school.

Drew can take him someplace safe.

That's smart.

It's better to be safe than sorry.

Untraceable burners.


All right, let's move out.

This is Harriman Road.

We're going to Jimmy's house.

Who's Jimmy?

No one for you to worry about.

Uninhabited. What's the story?

We needed off the grid. That's the story.

Safe house? It's more like a haunted house.

You see what I did there, right? That's a joke.


My kind of key.

Ms. Quinn, would you do the honors?

With pleasure.

There you go.

Oh, dear Lord, thank you for this gift.

Paige, Sylvester, there's a fuse box and a generator in the cellar, down the hall to the right.

Sure thing.

Oh, '97-- a fine vintage for Dinty Moore.

Put that down!

You do understand that we're hiding?

These people have technology and connections.

If they want to find us, they will.

We want to wrap this up fast.

Happy, set up an untraceable Internet connection.

Walter, what's our plan of attack?

Well, we've got evidence of the suspicious wire transfer on the flash drive, but we need to link it to whoever bought that hose.

Now, we'll dig into records of every boat supply store in southern California and the top ten online retailers.

Toby: Then, once we have a list, we can pull the name of every Barnwright client from that flash drive and compare it with the hose purchasers, see if anyone overlaps.

(sighs, chuckles)

Simple human error-- always is.

What is?

Walter: The transfer Rebecca saw for "CA 78 SE" was made on 11/12.

Safe money's on a simple digit inversion.

Whoever entered that meant to do it on 12/11.

After the congressman was dead, once that special election had been set.

This whole thing is very All the President's Men.

I feel like I'm giving off a real Robert Redford vibe right now.

You're more of a Dustin Hoffman.

I will take that.

Cabe: We got an old saying in law enforcement about the criminal element: "Thank God they're stupid."

Um, start working on this now.

There is no Jimmy, is there?

This is your house, yours and Cabe.

How'd you know?

Coffee mug upside down on a neatly folded paper towel near the sink.

He does the same thing every day at the garage.

And your hand was just shaking.

It hasn't done once all day, but it was just then.

He always said you were the most observant person he'd ever met.

Now, he lied about the house because he didn't want us prying.

This is where... things fell apart.

You don't want to be here.

We'll work fast.

Walter... You do understand how important you are to him.

That's what that was all about, in the car earlier, when he yelled at you.

He had the same look in his eyes as he did when we were told there was nothing more we could do for Amanda.

He's not just worried about me today.

He doesn't want to lose you.

Happy: Walter!

List of Californians who purchased that exact model hose in the last three months.

12 people total.

Now, 11 of those buyers paid with credit or debit cards.

But none of those 11 names have any direct ties to Barnwright or any of their clients.

So we're focusing on the one cash transaction.

Okay, so that's got to be our guy. What store?

Lake and Ocean Boat Supplies in Marina Del Rey, two weeks ago at 3:15.

Sylvester, can you access their security archive footage?

On it.

This is her personal drive.

There's a lot more on here than just the Barnwright file.

There's a folder full of letters to you.

Multiple drafts, going back almost 15 years.

I only read the first sentence, when I realized what it was.

I thought you should read it for yourself.

(door closes)

(door opens)

Checked up on your family.

But they made all their appointments.

They're at their hotel now.

Thank you.

I appreciate it.

When we split up, you let me have everything.

All you asked for was this house.

Don't forget about the '73 Le Mans.

I always assumed you'd sell the place.

No, I'll never sell it.


This is where she took her first steps.

This is where she died.

It's k*lling me to be here.

Right now, this is the safest place.

I was so impressed with you today.

I thought, there's the man I married, there's that swagger.

I feel safe.

But then... this.

It brought up all these old feelings.

From when I couldn't count on you.

Cabe. We got... something.


I'm fine.

I just need to get some air.

Belongs to you.

Here's the archived footage from the boat supply store.

Scanning the date and time of when the pipe was purchased...

Cabe: Stop.

What's that?

There's our man.

Got him.

Does he pop up in DMV records?

No, but he pops up somewhere else.

Meet our buyer, one Anthony Cole.

That name showed up in the clients I pulled from Rebecca's flash drive.

Barnwright represents a big agribusiness venture called SunDorna Farms.

There's a Cole high up in that company.

Happy: You are correct.

Ben Cole, VP of Operations at SunDorna Farms.

Brother of the man who purchased that hose.

But Anthony doesn't work for the family business.

No, he's been working on quite the record.

Theft, aggravated as*ault...

Hang on a second. You just said "farm."

What... this is about farms?

No, this is about water.

It seems like the congressman was a fierce defender of small farmer water rights.

Defending them from what?

Big agribusiness, like SunDorna.

They need the water, and Gostin was trying to push through a water redistribution bill.

He was gonna turn off the tap.

Sylvester: And at stake for SunDorna?

More than $5 billion in lost venue.

Less water, fewer crops.

Fewer crops, less money-- simple math.

Gostin was taking cash out of their pockets, so the company and their lobbyists just took matters into their own hands.

And with Gostin dead, and a more agreeable party taking over after a special election, that water redistribution bill will not pass.

SunDorna and Barnwright make billions.

We've got our smoking g*n.

We've I.D.'d the K*llers, we've got the evidence to back 'em up.

We're going to the FBI.

Rebecca: Cabe!

(muffled scream)

No. No!

Yeah, they slashed all eight tires.


Catching up's gonna be a challenge.

Maybe not.

Happy, come with me.

You got three minutes to get her running!

All I need is a wrench.


You three, go inside.

Track the vehicle.

Red sedan, four-door.

There's a strip of rust on the trunk, roughly four feet across.

We'll access the CalTrans cameras and find the car.

Cabe: How the hell did they find us?

We were so careful. We were.

Who knows what kind of access they have?

Hey. Cabe.

Look at me.

We will find her.

(engine revving, horns honking)

Guys, what do you got?

Happy: Picture's up, Walt!

We've got a visual on a ten-mile radius around this house.

Toby: We're scanning for that red car now.

Cabe: We're about a mile from half a dozen freeway exchanges; they could either be going to the coast or the desert.

You got 45 seconds to tell us if we're heading north or south.

It's a whole mess of cars out there.

It's really tough to spot the red ones.

Try this: lay a color filter over the video feeds.

Good idea.

Then we can highlight the red cars, make the kidnappers' car easier to spot.


Red station wagon. Red V6 pickup.

Oh, come on, rusty four-door, where are you?

Ooh, we got a live one!


Red car, rust patch on the trunk! That's the one!

They're headed south on the I-5. South!

Hang on.

(horns honking)

They're passing the Sylmar exit.

That's about five and a half miles from here.

They're going faster than I anticipated.

But just over the speed limit.

They don't want to attract attention.

Just haul ass, and you can catch up.

They'll k*ll her and bury her where no one can find the body.

Cabe, that's not gonna happen.

(car horns honking)

(muffled scream)

We got 'em.

Think they see us?



(tires screeching)

Cabe, they're turning off.

Cabe: Hold tight, Walter!

(steam hissing)


Cabe? Cabe?

Cabe, wake up. Cabe!


Toby: Walter, are you guys okay?

Yeah. We're alive.

You still have eyes on that car?

Happy: We lost visual when they turned off on Araiza Boulevard, eastbound.

Go get us a car.

(horns honking)

What the hell?!

Homeland Security!


Sorry, it's a national emergency.

Need to commandeer your vehicle.

Come on. Sorry.

Let's go. Let's go.

(tires screeching)

Guys, can you slow them down?

Sylvester: Already done. Happy dropped a railroad crossing arm up ahead.

Traffic snarled to a dead stop.

They'll want to keep on moving, and the only other option is the service road.

But it's green all day, so guaranteed they're burning rubber.

Drive fast!

(horns blaring)

There they are.

Got to do something to make them stop.

Rebecca in the car, I can't risk taking a shot.

I'm thinking PIT maneuver.

You're thinking right.

Sylvester: Walter, do you know how to do a PIT maneuver?

Pit: Precision Immobilization Technique.

It's how the Highway Patrol stops a fleeing car.

I've read about them extensively.

Oh, my God!

You got this?

With a little help.

Happy, based on the make and model, how do I make their tires lose their bead?

Just strike the bumper at a 32-degree angle.

Ideal impact point?

15 inches from the back bumper, while traveling at approximately...

Sylvester: Oh, God.

68 miles an hour!

You ready?


You can do this.

Here we go.

(engine revving)

(tires screeching)


Let me see your hands!

Get rid of that w*apon!

Out of the car! Get over here!

On your knees!

(sirens approaching)



How'd it go?

I'm a lawyer. I know my way around a deposition.

What about the men who took me?

Singing like the Beach Boys, trying to cut a deal.

I can't wait to watch that whole company go down.

Where's Walter?

Cleaning up.

He's a good young man.

The best.

You were tough on him today.

Yeah, well.

You were tough on all of them.

Yeah, well.

I'm sorry for how I spoke to you earlier.

You have every right to live, to grieve, however you like.

I abandoned you after she died.

All those assignments overseas that I said were mandatory, I lied.

It's an ugly thing that I live with.

Today I couldn't bear the thought of letting you down again.

Becca, I know you've moved on, but I have to ask you... do you ever think about us?

You're the love of my life.

I've thought about you for 15 years.

Tried to write you a hundred letters.

But I think everything happens for a reason.

I have to, or I can't make sense of what happened to Amanda.

Besides, I have a family now.

So do you.

Sell the house.

Maybe someday.

You were always really badass.

(whispers): Take care of him for me.


You did right by her.

She's safe.

I always put my job before her.

The real shame of it is: the only thing I was ever really better at than being a Fed was being a father.

For what it's worth, when I was young, you were like a father to me.

Sometimes you still are.

Toby: Cabe!

Happy: It is a good thing those jerks didn't steal my blowtorch, or they'd have a real problem.

Hey, Cabe, I'm completing an inventory of all purloined equipment; and I expect the government to compensate us in full.

Homeland will foot the cost.

Okay, I'm gonna pad this bill a little.

Ralph. Hey.


Thank you, pal.

They really messed up the garage.

Yeah, they sure did.

You know, I'm gonna have to rebuild this game.

Do you want to help me?

Yeah. Okay.

Sit down.

Here, hold that.

Drew: Another time, Ralph.

Your mom says time to start packing up.

How's it going?

What happened in here?

It was a high-stress day.

But that's behind us now.

Got it.

Then I'm not gonna bother you about that thing we talked about before.

I don't have an answer for you.

No, it's okay.

Yeah, I mean... Ralph is my priority. I'm just trying to do right by the kid.

You and me both.

All right.

We, um... are gonna get some food.

Do you want to join us?

Oh, um... I'm-I'm not hungry, thanks.




Bye, Ralph.


(door closes)

I don't know about you, but I could go for a burger.

Oh, I'm starving.

Sorry about your Le Mans.

Happy said she'd fix it.

So what if there was a scenario where, um...

Drew takes Ralph?

Takes him where?

Just a hypothetical. To another city.

I wouldn't jump off the bridge just yet.

There was a time when I wasn't sure if I'd see you again.

Different circumstances, of course, but... I had faith that we'd meet another day.

Appreciate what you said earlier about me being a father to you, even if it was said in the heat of the battle.

Well, you know me. When have I ever said anything I didn't mean?

♪ ♪

Good Burger.
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