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2025: The World Enslaved by a Virus (2021)

Posted: 01/28/24 23:14
by bunniefuu
You know what that is sure I do those
are mine. That's a felony no even worse

it's high treason to own those books, those
books include the worst forms conspiracies

they're like a plague and virus
to take over the body reading it

where are these books from? Wouldn't the
better question be when are those books

from? That doesn't matter to me. I think it does
they are from a time when life was different

From a time when we could meet
our friends go to restaurants

celebrate whatever and
whenever we wanted to.

The time when life was worth living a world full of
peace love and ice cream do you remember the best

ice cream in the World. We had hope and we had
freedom a place we could proudly call our home

and those two books secured what
we wanted to live a combination of

through state and believe regulated self-regulation
and freedom. Life is different now

we can't change that I might
as well just adapt to it

I don't want to live a life like that where I
can't do the most important thing of my life

to believe. I want to fight I don't just
want to give up I want to make a difference

and if everyone would start thinking like
that we could really achieve something big

we can shift something around. This
book was the legal code of germany

before the global state developed
an english got our world language

I received this book at university during my time
in 2020 the year when everything broke apart

the state leaders came up with new regulations
to repress the people and secure their power

the excuse was virus something they sold us

as a super deadly k*ller virus, the state leaders
started to take away our rights and our freedom

for the sake of the good the good for everyone. You
know every time they took a ride from us and gave

us a law I crossed out the law in our legale Code
of Germany see and I wrote the date next to it

for example they deleted the
right on the 25th of october 21.

Or another one down here

Do you see, how many they took from us?

Our this one

they took that right

Guys, guys it's Jack

This can't be true, arrested tortured and
k*lled, guys he was a friend our brother

Friends hey I think we have to stop this
this is taking way too many casualties

No we were hiding for the
last five years we just met

I think instead of hiding we should do something
to end all that. I don't want to start something

that can lead us to more death, you know i'm
not I would much rather hide I want to live

I don't want to give up my life I don't
want to lose it. What kind of life is that

I agree with Roy we have to do something
we cannot hide it here forever because we

know the truth. Guys don't we all believe in a
loving and protective God who has a plan for us

I don't know what to
believe in anymore what

Yeah what does that mean, I mean what
what's your point what's your plan?

I don't know. See I when I sleep I can't sleep
anymore, I got these anxiety att*cks when I walk

on the street it feels like somebody's watching me
the whole time it's k*lling me it tears me apart

I thought maybe, like I want this to end you know
guys I want I want this to end I love you guys

you're my family. Yeah we are I mean. And I cannot
see another family member die, I wanted to stop

Guys I'm sorry but I'm out I gotta quit. No
but, we're all in the same situation I mean

stop. So what now. I won't give up the fight,
neither will I. I want to make a difference

I want to change the world we're living in
and I want to make jesus be glorified again

how can we achieve that, I don't know I kept
thinking about I mean the things that luke said

are true and I see police officers I always like
get almost paranoid that they could catch me or

yeah chase me if they find out who we are. You know
five years ago we watched those films about the

countries in the middle east where christianity
was illegal those movies seemed so far away

true and and now five years later we are exactly
in the same situation. Have you expected that

Roy, I feel like we're the only christians left
in the world but I mean this can't be true right?

No we had thousands maybe hundred
thousands of pastors, church leaders

I don't know where they are, we had
so many. It's like they remain silent

I like, like they have
have nothing to say anymore

it would be so important
for them to stand up for us

you know what comes to my mind right now is
christianity when we got born 2 000 years ago

christianity was illegal.
True, the story repeats itself

It's ridiculous, you know those
christians they did not give up

they somehow survived and it was
illegal and they met secretly

and they did not give up and now we're those
thankful for, that they did not give up

I'm pretty sure it was hard for them too.
Yeah and they used the fish symbol to find

allies. T hat's right remember they they
drew that one line and then the other person

yes and then you got the fish
yeah because we're just us two

but if we find more christians and we will
find found a lot of underground churches

I think we could really change something. We can't
use the internet you know they are watching it

they're monitoring it all the time.
We need to find different ways

You know what, maybe we just give it into
god's hands we go out, we maybe do those fish

and maybe god will do
something with it yeah

let's try it I as I said, I won't give up this
fight and also this is not our fight god will

fight for us and I'm sure that we find people who
will fight with us. God is in control and you know

what I think I got some graffiti back there
maybe we can just spray fish and maybe find

some more people and they think the same as we do.
Right let's do it, let's not wait let's just do it

Hey, what are you guys doing?

It's gonna hurt okay?
What's your name? Hannah

Where were you born Hannah?

This is gonna stop the blood flow okay, we
need to get you out of here you ready stand up

Put her here You got the Chair

all right let me see your wound

The bleeding stop you have water

How do you feel are you busy yeah a little bit.
So do you actually know why we drew those fish

yeah it's like it's like the old christian
symbol back in the day isn't it. Yeah so are you

Am I a christian yeah. Okay. I'm definitely uh
definitely displeased with the things going

on in the world today. Yeah I agree. That's why we
did that because we're trying to find like-minded

people and um we also want to encourage
christians other christians are still out there

we don't know and um we want to encourage
them we really want to change something

Yeah what what did you actually do before that?
Uh well I was a Marine for two years and then

you know the virus and everything kicked
in and so it's pretty much yeah got out

Well that's why you knew how to do that. Yeah yeah
of course that's something they teach us and in

training it's like take care of wounds and stuff.
Mm-hmm yeah I actually, I'm a nurse. Oh really? Yeah

but I, yeah i had to quit my job and my brother
he almost got his master's degree in the economy

yeah but you know how things happen. Yeah
now our plan is we just spray fish may find

better plan but that's a plan for now, finding
like-minded people encouraging christians yeah

of course um if they see the symbol of
christianity maybe they get encouraged

yeah we're trying to change something. Yeah
well I'm in that sounds awesome let's go

spread some more fish. That's amazing. Let's
do it. Thanks, I'm looking for some new sprays

because I think we forgot them where we went
but I'm gonna take a look at that all right


So why did you actually leave the marines?
Well a few a few reasons really uh

The first one was that I had a girlfriend in
the army but, it got some points where she was

like siding with the government really and these
new ideas that you know you and me both don't like

and so I just really couldn't bear that anymore
really live with that. Oh oh i'm sorry, that must be

hard. Yeah we were together like four years but
I mean, I'm pretty much over it i'm pretty much

over it now yeah anyway like the second reason uh
which uh what is like super horrible my opinion is

that my leadership actually came down and they're
going to make me make all of us actually recite

like the new constitution and like say it
out loud and pretty much like swear into it

which like I don't I swear it to nobody
other than God you know yeah so yeah that's

Yeah I mean I also had to quit my job and
my brother and I live here from just

what we saved but as you can imagine
it's not gonna last for a long time

yeah and our parents they were christians as
well and we used to go to church every sunday

we used to have worship times we used to pray.
Back in the good days. Yeah back in the good days

yeah but they once this whole
situation got worse and worse

they yeah they decided to end their lives
because they couldn't find the strength

to work on you know. I'm so sorry to hear
that. Yeah I know I know exactly how it feels

to lose parents because like my parents are

like they're not actually living, they
you know they all I hear like every time I

every time I call them and stuff they're
always talking about like the government

the news and it's like how great is this and
it's just like I can't bear it like I try to

open their eyes, I've tried to like you know
bring light to the situation but it's like

the more and more they're listening like it
should it's just hopeless I don't think I can

I don't think there's anything I can do
anymore you know. Yeah I'm sorry for that

and um do you live around here or where
do you live. I live actually like 20

minutes, I don't even know where this place is
I'd say about like 20 minutes away from here

but yeah like to be honest, I don't even feel safe
with coming back like coming back at all because

it seems like they're monitoring everything
and I'm pretty sure there's a good chance

that they saw what just happened so yeah.
I know that was also thing that I was

thinking about I mean you see cameras
everywhere and police officers and yeah the

whole monitoring system they actually created over
the years and so I think they must see everything

yeah, even our spraying and our gatherings
are walking arounds and sometimes I think

why don't they do anything because sometimes they
yeah they just don't show up and is this because

there are some co-workers or employees that are
actually on our side and try to protect us or is

it just because they have a bad monitoring system
but I don't know. I don't know but I know what

you mean though it seems like we're being watched
like all the time, yeah all the time, but so yeah

do you think I could actually stay with you like
here? Yeah sure I mean um Roy would be super happy

and okay awesome! We love you being part of us now.
Yeah of course. Cool welcome, oh appreciate it

Sorry I've been looking at this guitar for
forever, do you play? Actually sometimes I try to

I'm not very good. It
just takes practice really

I used to play in the
band at my church actually

Oh that's pretty cool, yeah that's
kind of like where I learned to play

I miss those days. Yeah me too

those are the latest cases. Okay I will
bring it to the master Sergeant. Okay cool

Are those latest cases. Yes everything in there.
Excellent I'll give them to sergeant lucinda

my daughter, she'll take care of it

You guys wanna hear a joke? Do you have a good
one? yeah I got one, all right what did Corona

do to Jesus?

Nothing! Okay all right I've been alone
for too long, okay anyway just keep going

We should start spraying
there. Yeah okay let's do it

Do you hava another Corona joke, or
something? Please funny this time. I got you.

What do you call a fish without an eye

Fish without an eye?

Common Roy


All right let's let's do the fish here.
Okay. Come on show me what you got me yes

You should spray on the floor

Now do the eye

let's go


Yeah even at christian movies in 2020


Who's that? I don't know. Are you
a traitor? Did you sell us out?

I didn't sell you out, what do you
mean I don't know who's at the door.

Nobody knew that we were here. Well then
why don't we open the door? Open the door.

Who are you? What do you want here? I am holly
and I want to help. How did you find us here?

Nobody knows this place. That wasn't hard I am what
you might call a hacker. And what do you want here?

So as I said, I want to help. And
why should we trust you maybe

you're the sergeant's best friend. Yeah
are you wearing a mic? You mean Lucinda?

She's an animal cr*cker, I know her files the
things she does, nobody wants to be her friend.

I saw your signs, I researched and
you reminded me of how the world was

the people could do whatever they wanted, I don't
know your Jesus but I believe in freedom of choice

So what kind of stuff can you hack? More or less
everything. Even the police? Might take an hour or

two but yes. Wow the police have everyone
on its radar. Yeah so how could that help?

So I found you like that, I don't
know if we need that but I could

find all the christians that are still
out there. Really as possible? Yes it is.

Wow that's an amazing chance for us! Hannah you
remember when luke left our group we thought

about bringing christians together so we can
build small churches and we spread those fish

But no one really reached out to us, okay
Hunter did, but like you know you got my point.

So what you're telling me is you want to build
a bunch of small churches? Yeah exactly. Well

then we gotta find these christians and and
build an underground army right? Absolutely. So

I can do that, I can get all the phone numbers
of the christians if I hack the police

Wow that's a game changer. That's great so we can
directly send invitations to the christians? Yes

il have an idea what if we
had a bunch of these events

in different locations, different cities and
times that way we reach a lot of different

people but also we're staying under the
radar with the police. I love that idea,

but holly can the police find those
invitations that we understand

so if I do it right they won't notice.

Then we got a plan. Yeah we absolutely do, but
we have to plan so we need different locations

different cities and material because as you
know, all the christians they don't have

their bibles anymore and they're christian books
so we need all that stuff. I could plan the cities

I can do the dvds with all the material on it so
they are offline and the government won't notice.

That is a good point, well I can help you
finding new locations too yeah. That's

good. Yeah so it's important that we gain trust
because I think at the first events they're not

going to show up a lot of people but as we keep
on going they're going to show even more people

Right let's kick that thing off.
Let's do it!

The new list should be IT in
about 30 minutes go check it out


So, I'm so tired chief
has been working all week

I'm gonna go grab a snack. I know
it's very stressful right now

What are you doing here? I, I just wanted to check
if the IT is done, don't we all want efficiency?

Of course

The world has changed we live once more under a
dictatorship in communism, we did not learn from

our past. We are ruled by fear, anxiety, pain and
rulers not worthy to rule. Our lives turned to just

live without emotions, without happiness, without
sadness, without celebrations, without funerals.

Our colors got dark, our whites became grey mixed
by the government. They decide when your children

get born, what job you get and when you should die.
But the freedom that was taken from us and what do

we do? We hide, we follow, we obey and even if that
means that our children are getting taken from us.

We just say yes always, remember we used to fight
for other countries, we freed countries from

dictators, gave the power back to the people. We
organized food and medication why did we do that?

Because the dignity of man is holy and nobody
has the right to take that right from us!

We watched it for too long we were quiet for too
long and they enslaved us for too long! let's stand

up, let's fight for our freedom for the children of
our children. They may take our lives but they will

never take is our freedom. We are humans, created in
the image of God, freed by Jesus Christ and filled

by the Holy Spirit. We don't need a fear anymore we
are children of the most high and we are created

from the God that created heaven and earth. God
gave us community and from now on we're not

gonna give that right away anymore. We're gonna
meet, we're gonna sing and guess what we're gonna

get back our country we're gonna get back our
freedom and we're gonna get back our lives!

Who's that? Actually i don't know

So tell me Dylan why are you here? You know
last night yesterday night we were gathering my

sister and my mom two, three others and like in
my basement and we were praying we're worshiping

yeah and then we heard
like knocking on the door

they came in and arrested my sister
my mom, two of those three friends

but I don't know why but they didn't arrest
me nor that other friend now they're

at the police waiting for their
appointment at the court of justice

because of high treason

gonna be k*lled. I can't do anything
about it there's nothing I can do

oh man I'm so sorry

So first of all your mom and your sister and those
that got arrested they're gonna go to heaven and

they're gonna reach their goal and they're gonna
have a way better life than we do here on earth

but losing people have to wait till
you finally see them happen again

that's a horrible feeling but they're
gonna they're gonna go to a better place

but our wounds we have no hearts

just it sounds simple but
just Jesus can heal them

and we have to forgive, we have to
learn to forgive and second

you can't keep on doing what you did you have to
change because we don't know why the police let

you alive and let you there but I'm pretty sure
they had a good reason for that and maybe they're

they're monitoring they're spying I don't know
stuff like that and that's also the reason

why you should be going out of here as fast as
possible because maybe they're watching you here

but maybe you can mix some small groups
in munich and meet in different places

I know god is going to protect us and he has a
perfect plan and we need to be wise as well

and we need to fight on and we need to
actually be happy for the people that are now

gonna go to heaven they made it they
reached a goal and we have to fight on here

and you know um we actually
got some new stuff here

I think you got the Bible DVDs and the Bible
study DVDs but we got some worship night DVDs

with material actually from worship
nights back in the days and you got that

and we got Bible verses encouraging Bible
verses and that's pretty new I think you

will you're one of the first guys getting that
we got a Bible quiz because it's so important

that we build relationships down
here on earth with our fellows and

we need to have like those smiling moments again
although our friends are getting arrested

and when you leave Hannah and I we're going to
pray for you and I think we're going to pray

for all the christians we need that but he has
to go yeah no it's dangerous I bring you the


Can I get your attention please thank you the
reason why I talked to you is a fundamental

importance after the virus first appeared
chaos was leasing our society our whole way

of living and this almost destroyed our world.
To avoid that disaster from happening again

our great leaders created a system of security
a system that if every individual obeyed

would create wealth and prosperity for each
one, efficiency and above all a united nation.

United thoughts, unite currency, language and values
so our job is to maintain this peace and security

with all our strength of power
even in eliminating measures

there is a new rebellion for me
christians from different cities

that we thought were our control but are not.
These revolutionaries thr*aten our system

what we fought so hard for they want to destroy
our system they want they want to bring back

the deadly structures and the diseases of the
past they want to k*ll every human on earth

so what I expect from you is a lay aside every
case and put all your efforts eliminating

these riots. So that the values of
our system stand firm and moreover

no more people join that constantly growing group.
Team, I need you to go let's get this work done

since this is a real thr*at do not hold
back any methods to eliminate this problem

There are some lights, what if that is the
police? And if it is the police we're not

gonna stop singing because of the
government. We're gonna trust god. But Roy

if that is the police you need to leave
we need you here the christians need you!

I will still trust our got
first, okay i got another song

it's called how great though art, it's
a really old song that is so powerful.

You need to leave!

Everybody get on your knees, right now
What are you guys doing out here?


What are you doing?

They are christians.
You are under arrest, let's go, let's go

You are under arrest for
treason against the state

Good job. Sir it's getting worse every day random
christians meeting at random times and at random

places random? They have to have leaders. We
have no clue no indication whatsoever on who

the heck would be. Tell me exactly how you came
about this data? So we have a system where we

can track the phones of specific groups of people
including christians and what I've been noticing

is in about 15 different cities christians
have been gathering in groups of about 10

to 15 that i've seen here are the
cases that I have on them right now

Give me 10 minutes I'm going to talk to some
friends, but tell me again how we don't have

the head already? I'm I'm not sure it looks
like they kind of know what they're doing

I'd guess they have like a specialist
or something like that. Let's do this.

Lucinda come here

Do you see these? Aren't they beautiful? Yes
they are but why was I supposed to come?

Danger is often hidden in beauty

And these are dangerous. I don't understand you see
these are antiques, these are the things that are

made of history, these are what
holds people's dreams and these

these represent the
christians that I k*lled

worst thing is that there's a sort of
spark starting in their heads if that

spark gains attention then they're going
to realize the people are heavily oppressed

and it's seriously for their good and health but
they will long for freedom and their rights

we have to keep the people obedient I have an
idea the people have to swear every day unto

the constitution so they have to say that there
is nothing better and glorious than our state

that's good

go talk to the minister of propaganda let's
work out a plan I think this will work. I will.

Hey how are you? I'm good but I just heard
something that might be really interesting.

Oh okay what's up? So they know that there
is a group they know there's your group.

Do they know our names? I don't think so, but
they know that there is a group organizing

and bringing people to god and they plan to do
something, they want a type of confession to swear

onto the constitution that must be said every
morning. Really, that's crazy. It really is so better

be not in public around these times. You're totally
right, we are never gonna say something like that.

This is a great decision trust me it will
change your life radically this cannot

That felt so good, like all the
pressure is gone. Yeah because it is

let me give you my favorite Bible verse,
yes, it's in galatians chapter 2 verse 20.

I have been crucified with christ it is no longer
I who live, but christ lives in me and the life I

know live in the flesh I live by faith in the son
of God who loved me and gave himself up for me.

Ah come here, welcome to the family.
Oh thank you!

Hey Hunter, can you come real quick?
All right one second hold on

Hey what's up Hannah? We've reached
the 100 000 people goal in asia one

hundred thousand people? Today yeah. Oh my
gosh, it's not yesterday we just started

I know. That's insane but now we need to bring
all the DVDs to those people. Holly without you

we would have never reached that. That's a lot of
people, oh yeah reminds me of uh we're running

out of DVDs though, so we need new ones, those are
the ones that we should bring to asia so can you

give those to Tim because he knows our contact
down in asia. Yeah i'll do that right now

perfect thank you. I'll see you guys, try to not make
so much noise. Who are you? I'm Luc but who are you?

Luc? Oh man come in, let him in. Roy,
wait you know. Yeah let's open the door

Hey man good to see you. Good to see you too. Man
how are you, I'm good Who is this, who's that?

So this is Hunter and this is Holly they're really
good friends, so but man why are you here? I want to

warn you guys, it's not about you personally I mean
you know I like you, um but the world has changed

significantly and it will never be the same. But
we can fight back, we can win our nation back and

our values and you know what we actually got a
really good chance, that's holly she's a hacker

and she's really good and she's able to delete
every track so we really can't win our nation and

our values back. You don't have values anymore!
The leaders have created a beautiful system

and they dictate the values now, we just have to
accept that. Even if we have to deny our faith

for that is that really worth it? Sometimes we have
to do things, we're not technically proud of what

we don't want to do but it is good for the sake of
peace stability and health. So so so what do you

what do you want man like like what what what's
your purpose like what do you want from us? I want

to warn you as I said and I want to highly
encourage you to stop what you're doing like

right now immediately because, I think actually
because of you guys we now have to say the

world's confession every morning and since I was a
part of your group not if not that long time ago

it could be that they will think I'm still a part
of it you can backfire to me and I don't want that.

Yeah do you think do you honestly think like this
like life is just worth living right now, like I

I'm just asking a question because right now I
don't have any freedoms i have to ask permission

we ought to ask permission to do anything
around here I, I lost my girlfriend, I lost

my job with the marines, I can't do anything
anymore so. Yeah but you can't do what you

used to do the old things are passed all this
is bad do. You're okay with that like like

the future doesn't matter, like you're just gonna
just sit here and just take it that's literally

what you're gonna do. So luc, you're still one
of our best friends but maybe you just leave.

All right come on i'm going let's go see you
but i warned you don't say it anymore you guys

And Leila could you maybe organize some
more DVDs and CDs, we actually ran out of

them. Really? That's incredible but um I have to
talk with you about something. About what? You know

I really didn't have a lot of friends
actually just my sister and Luc but left and

I don't know how to interact with people like
doing speeches that's really my thing but

like interacting with people
and especially with girls

I know, I have my sister but you know girls
and especially with you. What's about me? So

you know I don't know if that's the right time
to say but we're living in really strange times

I have some feelings that I haven't felt for years
and they feel so fresh and new and encouraging and

you know I actually think that

I fell in love, with you

I think, I feel the same

I know it will be hard but it's Jesus in
the center of our relationship it can last.

It will last if we put him first.
But I have to go, I have to go to work.

All right take care and when you're back
I will have a little surprise for you.

Can you come for a second I got something really
beautiful I think that would fit Holly perfectly

Oh she will love that

Holly could you come please?

Hey look at this, we
think you might like this.

Wow that's beautiful! Right isn't it? Do
you want me to put it on for you? Oh yes


What are you doing? Follow me come on!

What did you do in there?

I was, I was looking through, I was looking
through the papers, I was looking for, I mean

I'm sorry. Did you want to destroy files?
Are you a supporter of the Traitors?

That is high treason, you know that you
can die for that and you will die for that.

Yes I'm ready to die if necessary,

because because I don't fight for my own sake
I'm fighting for something bigger than us

You know what, I appreciate
what you did. You do?

You know when I was a kid my dad
tried to make a machine out of me

he trained me to be brutal, fearless and
hateful and loyal towards his mindset and

now also to the constitution the more effort he
put into it, the more I started to hate my life

and the things he stands for. The problem
is his brutality, he often mentioned that

he would execute everyone who's not loyal
to the constitution even me and my mom.

I'm so sorry to hear that. It's okay I hate what
I do every time I walk into that building I try

to put a poker face on. The more I gain my dad's
trust the more lives I could save. What do you mean?

I'm a m*rder*r but after time I was able to
secretly warn or make the targets escape.

My father trusts me that's why it
became possible after much bloodshed.

Do you want to change your life because we
have something big coming up. I think I can't

when others are around, there's so much pressure
on me and then I'm just following my orders

Okay Holly is everything set up do we have a safe
connection? Yes I created an online room for us

all that is safe and I will constantly check the
connection. Guys i'm so excited that so many

people are actually showing up and taking part
in our communion. This really reminds me of the

good times right. Yeah, where we get you know
every week we have Bible studies hanging out

with friends going to church, yeah absolutely.
All right let's start a stream three two one

Okay, so first of all I want to thank you all so
much for joining this communion this shows how

bold you are and that gives hope that we will
start a new time, a time of faith, love and joy

and even if it will be hard for us in this
world but you know Jesus didn't say that

following him will be easy, and let us
encourage each other that through him

through Jesus we will get through this hard
time and then you know at the end we will

be lifted up and will be given our reward for
what we've done here. So as soon as you're ready

we're going to start the communion. You can
go to your Bibles on first corinthians 11.24

On the night in which Jesus was betrayed he took
the bread when he had given thanks he broke it

and said, take and eat this is my body which
is broken for you do this in remembrance of me

He also took the cup after his supper.

And he said, this cup is a new covenant in
my blood, do this as often as you drink it

in remembrance of me let's drink

Hunter would you maybe pray for us

Dear heavenly father, lord thank you for
this day that you've given us to be able to

broadcast your your love
and and your word lord

well it's not every day we have this chance to do
this to come together lord whether it be in person

or online but lord we appreciate every time we
have together in fellowship and lord we want

to expand your kingdom lord, so give us the tools
to do so lord our times are hard now harder than

ever but there's no doubt that you're still by our
side, every day lord you're with us you guide us

you're the light at our
feet lord lent to our path

thank you for everything you give us
every single day lord little or small

or we may not know everything and you may not
show us everything but it's for a reason

lord just protect us and let your will be
done lord on earth as it is in heaven amen

amen. Thanks hunter, what encouraging words of
course. So I want to thank you all for taking

part of this communion today it shows me that even
if the world is against us, our God is for us and

if our god is for us, who can be against us. They
may take our house our job maybe even our lives

but what they cannot take from us is a
joy and a love and a faith in God. Remember

when the world is against us, God
has already overcome the world.

Hope you all have a good evening, thanks for
joining! Bye. Oh man that was so great I enjoyed

that so many people people right. That was so big!
Incredible the whole world was watching wow yes

No sir we don't have
anything, I have no evidence

No, this group is tight they
have no weaknesses. I know

look at that

Sir please come, wait
I'll call you right back

Who do we have here

So it's good to see you sir, my name is luc and
I got some interesting information for you.

Go ahead let me hear it. So I
heard you're looking for the

christian group, underground group, that is kind
of dancing on your noses. I was one of them but

But if you give me something in reverse I got
some information for you. I'm listening. I want

immunity. I can grant it. Nice, so here's the
cool thing they are like only three people

and this whole thing is just growing out of itself.
It is weird but they got one hacker that is

deleting all their tracks in your system so
they can coordinate everything over the phones

but you cannot find it. I can show you where they
have their headquarters. It's an abandoned house

nobody sees that there's anything. How far from
here? 25 kilometers. I can show you. Let's go


They're running up there

You see how many they took from
us, or this one

They took that right

Execute him, dispose him discreetly

He's finished