Hacksaw Ridge (2016)

Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.

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Hacksaw Ridge (2016)

Post by bunniefuu »






[MAN] Have you not heard?

The Lord is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the Earth.

He will not grow tired or weary,

and His understanding no one can fathom.

He gives strength to the weary
and increases the power of the weak.

Even youths grow tired and weary,
and young men stumble and fall.

But those who hope in the Lord
will renew their strength.

They will soar on wings like eagles.

They will run and not grow weary.

They will walk and not be faint.

[ECHOING] Desmond, hang on!

Hang on, Desmond!

We're going to get you out of here!

[BOY] Desmond. Desmond!


- Wait up.
- Catch up.

Wait up, I've got something to tell you.


What, Hal?

Race you to the top.

[DESMOND] Hey! Cheater!


- See you later, slowpoke.
- Hey!


- Want a hand?
- [PANTING] I got it.

- Sit down!
- Ah, you dope!

- Quit it.
- You quit it.



[WOMAN] For Pete's sake.

[MAN] Hey! Get away from that
ledge, you damn fool kids!

- You're going to break your necks!


It's them Doss kids.
Crazy as their old man.

They dug up the corner
of Jackson and Main... [CLICKS TONGUE]

Putting in a sidewalk...

You boys wouldn't recognize it now.

Mind you, I doubt they'd recognize you.

They hardly know me when I walk by 'em.

It's like I died with you.

It's like we boys never existed.

Well, that's all I got for you today.



Block him with your right, Desmond.

Stop it! Do you hear me?

- What are they fighting about?
- When'd they ever need a reason?

Tom! Ugh!

Why stop 'em?
Saves me whipping them both.

This way, I just whip the one that wins.




[SHRIEKS] Oh, God.

Tom! Wake up, can you hear me?

What the hell have you done?

[BERTHA] He can't hear me.

- I'll get some ice.

- You shift that basket.
- I got it.

Is he breathing?

Hal? Hal, can you hear me?

Hal, can you hear me?


Hal... Come on.

[BERTHA] He's dilated.

[TOM] Hal...



What do you think you're doin'?

I'm gonna have to beat you now,
you know the rules.

You hear me, Desmond?

- Desmond!
- Tom, stop.

What's that gonna teach the boy?

He's violent enough already.

Okay, fine,
you go smother him in kisses.

You tell him the world's
a soft and gentle place.


Hal's gonna be okay.


- I could have k*lled him.
- Yes, you could have.

m*rder, it's the worst sin of all.

And to take another man's life,

that is the most egregious sin
in the Lord's sight.

Nothing hurts his heart so much.

Don't you understand English?


- Do I have to tell you again?

You move, woman,
or I will wallop you good and hard!

[MAN] What the hell's going on?
You okay, Bertha?

[TOM] You mind
your own damned business!

- [BERTHA] Go sleep it off, Tom.

I hate him.





Why does he hate us so much?

Oh, he don't hate us.

He hates himself sometimes.

Your daddy tonight,
that ain't the real him.

I wish you knew him
like I did, before the w*r.

Praise the Lord

Praise the Lord

Let the people rejoice!

Oh, come

To the Father
Through Jesus the Son

- ♪And give him the glory

Great things he has done

How'd we sound, Desmond?

Like a heavenly host of angels, Mom.

Now, you know it's a sin to tell a lie,
especially in this place.

Well, I ain't never said
they were singing angels.




What's going on out there? Desmond!

- [MAN 2] Get it up, get it up!

[MAN 2]
Drag him out. Just the tarp.


[MAN 3] I'll phone an ambulance.

No, no time. Joshua's pickup.

- Quick!
- Okay.


[DESMOND] You're going to be fine now.
You're going to be fine.

You're in good hands.

What have we got here?

It's a severed artery.
Get some sutures.

[NURSE] Yes, doctor.

Put some pressure on it.
Did you apply this tourniquet?

- Yes, sir.
- Nice work.

You might have saved this boy's life.

You staying with us?
You're going to be okay.

What's your name, son?

[MAN 1] Gilbert.

- [NURSE] Surgery?
- [DOCTOR] Yeah, surgery.

Stay with us, you're gonna be okay.

You feel pain?

Stay with us, okay?

Army physicals that way.
This is for giving blood.

Are you all right?

Oh, no, that's not mine. I'm fine.
Thank you for asking though, ma'am.

What do you need?

My belt.

I lent it to the boy
who had the accident.

My pants don't hold up
so good without it.

Well, uh, I don't have your belt.

No, I know that, ma'am.
It's out there.

It's right out there
with the boy still.

Okay. I'm just here to take blood.

I'll give mine.

Okay, go to that room over there
and wait with the others.

I'll call you.

That room.

You ever given blood before, Mr...


But my friends call me Desmond.
No, ma'am, this is my first time.

I always dreamed about being a doctor.
But, uh, I didn't get much school.

You may be a little dizzy
when we're done.

Is somebody picking you up?

No, ma'am. Walking back.

Where do you live?

Fort Hill, ma'am.

That's a ways.

No. Just five or six miles,
but I cut through the woods.

It's seven that way!

You must really like the woods.

Yes, ma'am. I sure do.

Okay, put some pressure here.

- You okay?
- Yeah.


Where you going
looking all spruced and nice?

Met someone yesterday.
A nurse over at the hospital.

Her name's Dorothy Schutte.
I'm gonna marry her.

Goodness. Does she know that?

- Well, not yet. She's about to.

You ever even spoken to a woman?
I mean, one that's not family.

Spoke to her.

Well, in that case,
come give your brother a big hug.

- Hal!
- Come here.

Keep your greasy paws off of me.

Wish me luck, Momma.

Good luck.





Grab a seat.
You ever given blood before?

Yes, ma'am. I have.

You're the belt man.

Desmond, yes, ma'am.

Well, Desmond, we can't
take your blood two days in a row.

Well, that's good.
I came to get mine back.

- You what?
- My blood. I need it back.


Well, it don't work like that,
we can't just give it back to you.

Well, you got to.

Ever since you stuck me
with that needle,

my heart's been beating real fast.

Every time I think about you,
it beats faster still.

I never heard that one before.
It's pretty corny.

- [CHUCKLING] It is?

That's a shame,
I done practiced that all night.

No good?

I didn't say that.

What's the difference
between an artery and a vein?

- What are you talking about?
- The boy's accident.

Arteries spurt blood.

And veins?


I think you need to practice

your boy/girl dating talk
at home before you come out.

- Yeah, I probably do.

I'll give you a book
if you're that interested.

On dating?

[CHUCKLES] On blood.


Another medical question perhaps?

No. I just think you're the
prettiest thing I ever seen.

That's because I'm sitting in the dark.

No, you're just beautiful.


[MAN] Out of the way!


You need to watch where you're going.


I'm sorry.
I didn't think you'd mind.

You didn't ask.

- I thought you might have liked it.
- Well, I might have if you'd asked.

You coming?

- [MAN] Watch where you're walking!


Why didn't you say nothing to us?

'Cause you would have tried
and talked me out of it,

- and I know what I'm doing is right.
- And what about His Commandment?

It's not k*lling in a w*r.
It's protecting.

Loads of boys
from our church are going.

- Yeah.
- There is a w*r and they need men.

And working in a paper mill
ain't going to save this country.

Looks like a movie star, our boy.

Nice uniform, good hat.

Reminds me of how Artie Giddens looked
in his uniform when we went to France.

- Remember him, Bertha?
- Don't, Tom.


I'm just saying how snappy
Artie looked in his uniform.

All you girls
certainly seemed to think so.

He had them flocking to him.
He was most proud.

I just hope that
when our Hal gets shot,

it's through the front of his jacket.

Like a simple entry wound,
not much mess.

Artie got hit in the back,

it blew most of his guts and intestines
out his front, offal everywhere.

Wrecked his uniform entirely.


It was lucky he was dead,

so he never knew
how awful his uniform looked.

Get outta of my sight.

What are you, part mountain goat?

Are you going to help me, Desmond Doss,

or are you just going
to leave me stranded?

I'll help you, but it's gonna cost you.


A kiss.


- That is pure blackmail.
- Well, yes, ma'am, it is.

But that is still my condition.

That's the deal.
And I'm going to hold you to it.

Well, hold on now.

You ain't gonna slap me, are you?

'Cause I fall off,
I'm going to take you with me.

Kiss me and find out.



I have to enlist.

I can't stay here while
all of them go fight for me.

- Yes, you can. You can stay here.
- Dorothy, I have to.

I want to be a medic.

I figure I'll be saving people,
not k*lling them.

I have to go to work.
I'm going to be late.

Dorothy. Dorothy, darling.
Dorothy. Dorothy!

So are you going to ask me
to marry you or what?

Well, I don't know.
You still going to have me?

Well, I wouldn't know,
you haven't asked.

Well, I'm asking you,
with all my heart and then some.

- Will you marry me?
- Then, yes. Yes, I will.


Soon as you get your first leave.

But I still don't like you
at this moment.

- Yeah.
- Okay.

Okay. Well, I love you.

- Shh!

Momma said come see you here.


These three were my best friends.

I grew up with 'em,

I got into trouble with 'em,
chased girls with 'em.

And I enlisted with 'em.

Now my friends are there,

covered in dirt and grass
and eaten by worms.

I don't want to have
to visit my sons here.

Daddy, I signed up already.

I couldn't do otherwise, Pop.
Everybody else is doing...

You ain't everybody else!

Everybody else jumps in
and does things quick, without thinking!

Like the damn idiot fools we were.

And soldiers who live,
they live because they can do that!

You can't!

Look, you gotta sit
and think and pray about everything.

I mean, look at you,
you're doing it right now.

You won't be able
to live with yourself if you go.

No, I won't be able
to live with myself if I don't.

I'm going to be a medic.
That's going to be my way to serve.

See, there you go, thinking it all out.

What, you figure this w*r is just
going to fit in with you, your ideas?

Well, I don't doubt
it's going to be hard.

It won't be hard, it'll be impossible.

You know, whatever beliefs you have
in your crazy head now,

they won't ever play out.
It don't work that way.

And if by some, I don't know,
miracle chance you survive,

you won't be giving no thanks to God.

- [OFFICER] Ready?
- [MAN] Ready.

Y'all need some air.

Come on, fellas, shake a leg.
Uncle Sam's got you now.

Say goodbye to Momma. Come on.

Ladies, please, step away from the bus.

- I almost forgot. Here.
- [OFFICER] Do I need a crowbar?

I want you to have this.
It's mine.

You keep it right here, where I'll be.

- [WOMAN] Bye.
- [MAN] Bye.

I love you.



[MAN 1]
Hey, don't say that about my girl.

- What else...
- Hey. Oh.

Hey. Sorry, pal.

...means you're the person.

- [MAN 2] They got me a bum steer.
- [MAN 3] Nah, it's just a bum.

Do I have to gaze at your deformity
every time I walk to my bed?

Gaze upon it in envy, my friend.


You okay there?
You look lost. Vacancy right here.

Wise choice. It's got views of
the mountains down to the lake.

Randall Fuller.

Desmond Doss.

Call him "Teach." No one
understands a word he says.

That's because
no one else here can read.

The testicles there belong to a man
calling himself "Hollywood."

They look like they belong
to a smaller guy.

- [MAN] You know testicles.

Oh! Hey, I just got these shoes.

Hey, uh, Grease Nolan, outta Red Hook.
Where you from?

- Virginia.
- Ooh, hillbilly, huh?

You marry your first cousin?
[LAUGHS] I'm just joking.


That's Smitty over there,
whipping Kirzinski's ass.

Like you were doing
any better, chowder head.

Hey, I didn't want to embarrass you.

Wal Kirzinski, nice to meet you.

Hey, beanpole,
what did you say your name was?

Desmond Doss.

That's Tex Lewis over there,
he thinks he's some kind of cowboy.

And, uh, Vito Rinnelli.
He may be small, but he is a bulldog.

- Hey.
- How you doing?

- Desmond.
- Yeah.

This handsome guy
right here is Lucky Ford.


That's Walker and Pinnick over there
pretending they're card sharks.

Pipe down, Grease, all right?

Unless you want to
put your money where your mouth is.


Oh, hey, the old good book, right?

I think Lucky's got a good book.

- Right, Lucky?
- It's a good read.



Line up! Move it!

- Let's go, move it. Move it.



You are a very
strange-looking individual

if you don't mind me
saying so, Private.

- Name?
- Andy Walker.

How long have you been dead, son?

- Sir?
- I am not "Sir"!

I am Sergeant Howell or Sarge.
"Sir" you save for useless people.

- The name is "Ghoul," you say?
- Walker, Sergeant!

- Ghoul it is.
- Yes, Sergeant!



There's something off
in your presentation, Private.

Can't place it.

Is it your hair?

Is it the wrinkle in your trousers?

I have a knife in my foot, Sergeant.

Oh, yes, of course, that's it.
The knife.

- What is your name, soldier?
- Smitty Ryker.

No, your name is Private Idiot.
Do you know why?

- Because I have a knife in my foot.
- Who placed the knife there, Private?

It was an accident, Sarge.
We was playing Stretch.

I am heartened by the knowledge you
did not place it there with intention.

Who threw the knife?

I did, Sergeant. Private Kirzinski.

You look part Indian.
To what tribe do you belong, son?

No, I'm Polish.

Wrong. I believe you must have
Cherokee or Shawnee blood in you.

- No, Sergeant.
- Are you contradicting me,

- you wagon-burning son of a bitch?
- No, Sergeant!

Let me see your Indian w*r cry, son.

- I don't...


- Louder! Let me see it.

What is your animal spirit?
Are you a garter snake?

- No, Sergeant!
- Are you a chipmunk?

- No, Sergeant!
- Are you a dancing reindeer?

- No, Sergeant!
- Are you contradicting me, Private?

- No, Sergeant!
- Good.

Then I shall henceforth call you "Chief"

as a sign of great respect
to your people.

Thank you, Sergeant!


Are you grinning at me, boy,
or is that your natural state?

No, Sergeant.

- Name, Private?
- Desmond Doss.

I have seen st*lks of corn
with better physiques.

Makes me want to pull
an ear off, Private.

- Can you carry your weight?
- Yes, Sergeant!

Should be easy for you, then.

- Corporal.
- Sergeant.

Make sure you keep this man
away from strong winds.

Yes, Sergeant.

- Private Idiot.
- [STRAINING] Yes, Sergeant.

Raise your foot. Higher.


Everyone outside. Now! Move it.

I said move it.

All right.
Just getting in my uniform, Sarge.

- Did I ask him to, Corporal?
- No memory of it, Sarge.

I believe any man who takes
such pride in his natural naked state

will surely enjoy
the brisk of the outdoors.

Now move your privates, Private Parts!

Move it! You son of an exhibitionist!

I am going to teach you
how to tie a bowline knot,

so you can get your sorry asses
down from a height,

so I may then kick them!

Create a loop.
This is the rabbit hole.

The rabbit comes out of his hole,
runs around the tree,

goes back into the hole.
All right, let's go!

Very good, Tex.

Keep struggling, Teach.

Have you ever roped a goat, Hollywood?

No, Sarge.

Have you ever looked into a goat's eyes?

- No, Sarge.
- Good, that would be unnatural.

You know if you don't breathe,
you'll die.

- Mmm-hmm.
- Good, Private Idiot.

Congratulations, Greaseball, you just
fell 50 feet and broke your neck!

Brilliant, Private Vito Rinnelli.

You strangled yourself, numb nuts!

- Are you a fan of Benito?
- No, Sergeant.

A bit taller.
If you were American, you'd be taller.

What've we got here, Doss,
one for each titty?

You were tying a bowline, boy,
not building a bra!


- What is so funny, Corporal?
- Couldn't tell you, Sergeant.

Come on! Come on, ladies,
pick it up! Move it! Move it!

I want to see some fire here.
A little hustle.

- Show me something!

- Run like you mean it!

- Down, down, down! Faster, faster!
- [CORPORAL] Come on. Move it! Move it!

[HOWELL] Let's go, it's bath time, boys!
It's bath time!

- Move! Move! Move!

I want to see you work. Let's go!

Dig, dig, dig!

Don't forget behind your ears.
Let's go. Move!

I bet you're enjoying this,
you naked degenerate.

Let's go! Hustle.
Hustle. Hustle. Move!


Let's go! What are we waiting on?
Let's go! Move your ass!

Get the wood! Get the wall!
Don't get splinters!

- Drive!

- Drive!

Jeez, are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

- [HOWELL] Some spirit here, boys. Move!
- [CORPORAL] Come on, move!

[HOWELL] What the hell is wrong
with you? No one said take a rest!

Move your asses to the finish line!
Move! Move!

Hustle! Hustle!

Get your asses across that line!


Time! Nice work, Doss!


This is a personal gift
from the United States government

to each and every one of you.

A standard issue U.S. r*fle,
caliber .30, M1,

a clip-fed, shoulder-fired,
semi-a*t*matic w*apon

designed to bring death
and destruction to the enemy.

This is to be your lover,
your mistress, your concubine.

Perhaps the only thing in life
you will ever truly love.

Fellas, let's dance. Grab a girl.

Don't point your g*n forward.

I do not want to be shot today.

No matter how much you are tempted.

Place the w*apon by your side.

Pay attention.

Problem, Private Corn Stalk?

Is there not one in your size,
or is it the color that is the issue?

No, Sarge.

I was... I was told
I don't have to carry a w*apon.

Come again? Step forward, Private.
I can't be hearing this right.

Well, I'm sorry, Sergeant.

I can't touch a g*n.

What exactly is the problem?

No problem, just a mistake, sir.

I told the Army when I joined up.

That's not possible.

Do you know why
it's not possible, Private?

No, sir.

Because the United States Army
does not make mistakes.

So if there's a problem,
you must be that problem.

I was just never supposed to be sent
to a r*fle company.

He's a C.O., sir.

You're a conscientious objector,
and you joined the Army?

Well, no, sir,
I'm a conscientious cooperator.

- Are you screwing with me, Doss?
- No. No, sir. I volunteered.

I ain't got no problem
with wearing my uniform,

or saluting the flag and doing my duty.

It's just carrying a g*n
and the taking of human life.

- You don't k*ll? That's all.
- Yes, sir, that's all.

You know quite a bit
of k*lling does occur in a w*r?

Yes, sir.

I mean,
that is the essential nature of w*r.

- Yes, sir.
- All right.

Do you have any other requirements
of the United States Army?

Is there anything else
that we can do to ensure

that you have
a comfortable stay here with us?

He doesn't want to work
on Saturdays, sir.

Well, Saturdays...
I'm a Seventh-day Adventist.

So, Saturday is my Sabbath,
so I'm not allowed to work then.

I don't think that poses a problem,
do you, Sergeant?

We shall simply ask the enemy
not to invade on the Sabbath,

'cause Private Doss here is at prayer.

All right. Now we got that clear.

Now let me tell you my requirements.

They're not as complicated as yours.
They're very simple.

As long as you're in this company,
under my command,

you will obey my orders. Period.

If you can't do it here,
I can't trust you to do it in battle.

[CHUCKLES] I'm putting you in for
a Section 8, psychiatric discharge.


[HOWELL] Gentlemen!

I want you to meet
Private Desmond Doss.

Apparently, Private Doss
does not believe in v*olence.

He does not practice v*olence.

He will not even deign
to touch a w*apon.

You see, Private Doss
is a conscientious objector.

So I plead with you, do not look to him
to save you on the b*ttlefield,

because he will undoubtedly be too busy
wrestling with his conscience to assist.

- Sarge, that's not true.
- Private, as you were.

Now, I realize some of you
might have strong feelings about this.

It is what we men fight for.

To defend our rights,
and to protect our women and children.

Even if Private Doss' beliefs
might cause women and children to die.

So I will expect everyone
in this company

to give Private Doss
the full measure of respect he is due

for the short time he will be with us.

Am I clear?

[ALL] Yes, Sergeant.


What'cha got there, Dessie?

You know what that is.

It just seems kind of small.

It's half the Bible for half the man.

For Pete's sake, Smitty,
give him back his Bible.

I don't remember speaking to you.

So, how come you don't fight?
You think you're better than us?


What if you was att*cked?

- [MAN 1] Whoa!

Say, like that.

The Bible says to turn
the other cheek, don't it?

See, I don't think this is a question
of religion, fellas.

I think this is cowardice,
plain and simple.

Is that right, Doss?
Are you chickenshit, that it?

Go on, take a poke.

Tell you what, I'm going to
give you a free shot.

Right there.

Hit me, Doss. Go on.

- [MAN 2] Let him have it.
- [MAN 3] Go ahead.


[MAN 4] Chickenshit.


Hold on here. What is this?

- Give me that.

- This is a fine-looking broad.
- Nice.

Hey, pass it around.

Now, this would be the kind of
broad that deserves a real man.

Give me that back.



"Please give it back, Smitty."

Please give it back, Smitty.

Do you hear voices, Desmond?

No, sir.

But I understand that God
talks to you. Is that right?

Sir, I'm not a crazy person.

Is that how you feel most people
regard you, a crazy person?

I'm different. I know that, but...

I'm not going to pretend
to be something I'm not.

- I am what I am.
- Sounds lonely.

You lonely?

- So, you don't hear voices.
- No, sir.

I pray to God and I like to think He
hears me, but it ain't a conversation,

like the one we're pretending
to have right now. [CHUCKLES]

- Pretending, Private?
- Well, yes, sir.

I know all you really want to do is give
me a Section 8, drum me out of the Army,

but I'm not off up above.
I just simply believe what I believe.

Well, I'm trying to
understand, all right?

Was it God who told you
not to pick up a r*fle?

God says not to k*ll.

That's one of His
most important Commandments.

Most people take that to mean,
"Don't commit m*rder."

w*r is a completely different
set of circumstances.

Jesus said,
"A new Commandment I give unto you,

that you love one another,
just as I have loved you."

This is Satan himself we're fighting.

Surely, as a good Christian,
you can see that.

I can see that, sir,
and that is why I joined up.

But I'm sorry,
I will not bear arms.

His religious views
are certainly unique,

but they do not constitute grounds
for a Section 8 discharge.

How am I supposed to maintain discipline
with a man like that in my unit?

I don't know.

But he is a legitimate
conscientious objector,

and he must be allowed
to work as a combat medic,

provided he qualifies
in all other areas of his training.

Perhaps we could help
make believe in his idea.

Yeah, you restrict him
to barracks and KP.

If he throws God at you,
you throw hell right at him.

I want him gone.


Doss, your area is a disgrace.
It's a pig sty!

- Something funny, Ryker?
- No, Sarge!

- You got some shit on your mind?
- No, Sarge!

What you men fail to recognize

is a unit is no better
than its weakest member!

Now, to help you learn that lesson,
there will be no passes this weekend.

You will all be on KP!

Right now, everybody in full gear
for a 20-mile hike.

Let's go! Let's go.

Get your heads right.

Don't start feeling sorry for yourself.

Makes me sick
see you feel sorry for yourself.

You dogs don't know what tired is.

We're going to keep going till I drop.


Hey, knock it off.
Trying to sleep here.

- Get off me. Get off me.
- Okay. All right.



Why the hell are you still here?



[HOWELL] As you were.

Where's Doss?

This isn't good for anybody.

Sure ain't what I joined up for.

It's not about what you joined up for.

It's about the lives
of every man in here.

And yours, son.
It's time to quit this.

Finish getting dressed
and I'll walk you down.

It's okay, Doss.

There's no shame in this.


Let's go.

I got extra guard duty today,
and I'm on KP this morning, so...


All right, Doss.

Private Doss, can you identify
the men that beat you?

No, Sarge.

Are you saying that you
don't know who att*cked you?

I never said I was att*cked, Sarge.

Well, what the hell
are you saying, Doss?

You bruised half your body sleeping?

I... I sleep pretty hard.



If you plan on getting wet this weekend,
make sure you put on a hat.


Don't want anyone
coming back pissing cream.

What, you don't want none
for your coffee, Sarge?

- How about a shot right now, Smitty?

- You speaking from experience, Sarge?
- Next.

[HOWELL] You'd have to ask
your mom about that, Greaseball.


At ease.

Private Doss, I'm afraid
I can't authorize your pass.

This is a furlough for men
who have passed the basic training.

Well, sir, respectfully, sir, I have.

I put in for this furlough
three weeks ago.

I'm getting married this afternoon.

It says you're not r*fle qualified.

Well, I'm not required to carry
a r*fle, sir. Colonel Stelzer, he...

Colonel Stelzer's determination was...

"Doss must be allowed to
work as a combat medic,

provided he qualifies
in all other areas of his training."

And you have not qualified
on the r*fle range, Private.

Pretty clear.

Show me you know how to handle a r*fle
and I'll sign your furlough.

- Corporal Cannon.
- Sir!

Hand Private Doss your firearm.

- I won't touch a r*fle, sir.
- I'm not asking you, Private!

That is a direct order
from a company commander.

For God's sake, Doss,
you stop this nonsense and quit.

Refuse, and I will have no
recourse but to court-martial you,

and you will spend the duration
of the w*r in a military prison.

I can't, sir.


How much longer would you
like to wait, Dorothy?

I think it's been long enough.

I'm so very sorry.

Sometimes men just get cold feet.

Some men might. Not my Desmond.


You probably think
I'm a real son of a bitch

who cares only about regulations
and not his men.

May I?

I believe in this book
as much as any man.

And just like any man,
I wrestle with my conscience,

but what do you do when everything
you value in this world is under attack?

I don't know, sir.

I ain't got answers
to questions that big,

but I also feel like
my values are under attack,

and I don't know why.

I don't give a rat's ass about your
principles because the Japs don't.

If one of them att*cks you
and some wounded soldier,

what are you gonna do?

Hit him with your Bible?

I'm prepared to give my life for my men.

You don't win wars
by giving up your life.

Look, I'm only here because I don't want
to see you rotting in a prison cell.

Plead guilty, throw yourself
at the mercy of the court.

Maybe they'll let you go home and pray.

Let the brave men out there
go and win this w*r.


If I can't convince you, maybe she can.

They wouldn't let me call you.

I knew it wasn't your making.


What have they done to you?


It's okay, I'm all right.

I just went a couple of
rounds with the wall and lost.

They're saying you could
go to prison, Desmond.


There must be some other way.

I don't know what that could be.

I've done everything they asked me,
except this one thing,

and I'm being treated like
a criminal just 'cause I won't k*ll.

You tried.
Nobody can say you didn't.

But who are you going to save in prison?

Probably nobody.

Then why can't you just pick up
the stupid g*n and wave it around?

You don't have to use it,
just meet them halfway.

- I can't do that.
- Yes, you can. It's just pride.

Pride and stubbornness.
Don't confuse your will with the Lord's.


Have I been prideful?

Maybe I am prideful.

But I don't know how
I'm going to live with myself

if I don't stay true
to what I believe.

Much less how you could live with me.

I'd never be the man
that I want to be in your eyes.

I fell in love with you
because you weren't like anyone else

and you didn't try to be.

Do not think for one moment
that you will disappoint me.

I will love you no matter what.

I don't know what he's gonna do.
He loses no matter what.

They want him to plead guilty,

but then he'll get
a dishonorable discharge.

Otherwise he fights them,
and he for sure goes to prison.

Either way, they'll call him a coward

and I don't see how
he can live with that.

Well, thank you, Dorothy.

If you get to talk to him,

tell him that we love him
and that we're praying for him.

We're praying for both of you.

I will. Bye-bye.


[BERTHA] Tom, you're out of your mind,
you're delirious.

Of course, I'm out of my mind.

What do you think I am?
I'm out of my mind.

You leave this room.

No, Tom! Put it down!

- Get away from me, woman!
- Hey!


- [g*nsh*t]



I got that, sir.


May I help you, sir?

I wish to speak to
Brigadier General Musgrove.

Not without an appointment you can't.
That would be quite impossible.

Uh, if you would kindly tell him

Corporal Thomas Doss
would appreciate a brief word.

He's in a very important meeting.

I fought with him in France
at Belleau Wood. He was my captain.

Please, ma'am, it's most vital.

Thank you, ma'am.

There's a man out there, Tom Doss.


Be over in a minute.

You'll be home safe and sound,
like nothing ever happened.


I love you.



[JUDGE] This is a hearing into
the matter of Private Desmond Doss.

The charge is disobeying
a series of direct orders

from his commanding officer.

How says the defendant?

Private Doss wishes to enter
a "not guilty" plea.

Is that so, Private?
I thought this was agreed.

You wanted to enter
some sort of plea bargain.

- Yes, sir, but I changed my mind.
- Just like that?

You wish to proceed to a court-martial?

- Yes, sir.
- Ah.

Well, on your head, then, Private.

Your Honor, Private Doss
waves his morality at us

like it's some kind of badge of honor.

He flaunts his contempt by directly
disobeying a series of direct orders

from his commanding officer.

When the very best of our young men
are sacrificing their lives against...

- You okay?
- Yes.

Are they still deliberating?

Yes, sir.

Okay, now you go take this in there.

I can't.
It's strictly military personnel.

Well, then you get
one of them to take it in.

They ain't out to help.
They're fixing to bury him.

There is only one question that any
military court need ask of the accused.

Do you deny disobeying
Colonel Sangston's direct orders?

Well, do you, Private?

- No, sir. I don't.
- Why are you contesting it, then?

Why is it so important to you, given
your refusal to even touch a w*apon,

to serve in a combat unit?

Because when the Japanese att*cked
Pearl Harbor, I took it personal.

Everyone I knew
was on fire to join up, including me.

There were two men in my home town...
declared 4-F unfit.

They k*lled themselves
because they couldn't serve.

I had a job in a defense plant
and I could've taken a deferment,

but that ain't right.

It isn't right that other men
should fight and die,

that I would just be
sitting at home safe.

I need to serve.

I got the energy
and the passion to serve as a medic.

Right in the middle with the other guys.
No less danger, just...

While everybody else is taking life,
I'm going to be saving it.

With the world so set
on tearing itself apart,

it doesn't seem like
such a bad thing to me

to want to put a little bit
of it back together.

- Hmm.
- Sorry, sir, nobody's allowed to go...

No, you don't understand.
My son is the defendant.

I understand, sir,
but nobody's allowed...

- I have information that's important.
- Sir, you are not allowed...

While the sentiments
expressed are laudable,

the facts of the charge
seem incontestable, so...


What the hell is going on out there?

Let him go.

- That's a Great w*r uniform.
- [TOM] It is, sir.

Sir, I need to show you this.

With respect, sir, you are no longer
a member of the military.

You are unable to attend this hearing.
I'm sorry.

Is that truly the way it works, sir?

You fight for your country,
you lose so much that was dear to you,

and then you're done with?

The uniform is forgotten.
You have no voice.

You were at Lys?

I was, sir. And at Belleau Wood.

[JUDGE] Twice decorated, I see.

Yes, sir.

I take it you are the Private's father.

I am, sir. Thomas Doss.

Then, as a former military man,
you know there are laws here...

Sir, I know the law and I know
my son is protected by those laws.

They are framed in our constitution.

And I believe in them, as he does.

They are why I went
and fought to protect them.

At least, that is what
I thought I was doing.

Because if it wasn't for that,

then I have no idea what the hell
I was doing there, sir.

Thank you, Corporal Doss.

Let me have the letter.

You must go.


"The defendant's rights
as a conscientious objector

are protected by an Act of Congress

and he cannot be compelled
to waive those rights.

That includes, in this case,
his disobeying orders to bear arms."

Signed, Brigadier General Musgrove,
w*r Services Commander, Washington, D.C.


- I withdraw the charges, sir.
- Then this case is dismissed.

Private Doss, you are free
to run into the hellfire of battle

without a single w*apon
to protect yourself.

You may resume your duties
and begin training as a combat medic.



- Where is he?
- Gone. Straight after.

I begged him to stay.
I told him you'd want to see him.

No, I understand.

When you get home,
you tell him I love him.

Okay. Okay.


You better come home to me.

Uncle Sam is mild

He's peaceful as a child

But never get him
riled or you'll be whipped

Hollywood, shut up.

Come on, pipe down.

- [SOLDIER 3] Shut up, man.
- [SOLDIER 4] Shut up!

[SOLDIER 5] I swear to God,
Hollywood, I will sh**t you.

Put a sock in it, will you?
Save the crowing for when we get there.

Killjoy was here.

Give him room.

Clear! Clear! Move aside!

The 96th... or what's left of them.

These are the guys we're replacing.


- Seems good to me.
- Clear.

- As gold.
- Clear.

All clear, Sarge!


Captain Glover.

Lieutenant Manville, 96th.

We've been assigned to you, sir.


- Let's get these men some chow.
- [KIRZINSKI] Yes, sir.

This is, uh, Sergeant Howell.

- Good to meet you, sir.
- Sit down.

Who's Doss?

Over there.

You Doss?

Irv Schecter.


You, and me and Page here are about the
only medics we got left in this area.

So, I guess we're gonna be
working together.

You just come off the line?

What's it like?


I said, What's it like?


We climbed up six times.
Six times, they threw us off.

Last time, there wasn't
anything left of the 96th.

They're animals.

Stinking animals.

Nips don't care if they live or die.

They want to die.
They keep coming at you.

And they ain't never going to give up.


Here. Hey, buddy.


deliberately target the wounded.

Lose all your Red Cross markings.

Nips put a premium on sh**ting medics.

The white is a bull's-eye.

Here, I got you a new helmet.

One size fits all.

That's our objective. Hacksaw Ridge.

We take it, maybe we get Okinawa.

We get Okinawa, we take Japan.

Take a breather. Our pals in the Navy
are going to soften them up for us.



Nobody can survive that shit.

Oh, but they can.

Lieutenant, these bunkers here,
here and here, is that accurate?

Yeah, there's three...

Yes, sir, maybe a little further back,
but it's all...

It's all different up there.

All clear, Captain.

Gents, move out.


It's blood.

No shit.

We're not in Kansas anymore, Dorothy.

Keep climbing.

Here, come on.



[MEDIC] Coming through, make way.
Out of the way.

- Brown.
- What?

Give this to Jessop.








[SOLDIER 1] Incoming!

[SOLDIER 2] Get down!

Get down!

Where the hell are they?
I can't see nothing.

- Beats me, pal.
- Where the...


- [SOLDIER 4] We're over here!


Put your hand right here.
Put your hand on there, Jack.

Come on, come on.

Come on, we're going to get you
under cover. Come on, come with me.

Come with me, Jack.


Keep moving forward! Move!


[GREASE] I can't see anything.

- Is that one?
- I don't know. Just sh**t!

All right, let's go.




Oh, shit.


- Medic! Vito's down!
- I'm coming!

Okay. I'm here.

Get out of the way!



You hurt?

I'm fine.


Come on, I got you, Ralph.
Just breathe.


Just breathe. Just breathe, Ralph.
It's okay. It's okay.

Just breathe, Ralph, just breathe.

I got you, I got you.
I got you. Come on.

Hey! Hey! Give him a shot
of morphine and move on.

He's not going to last a day.

[RALPH] Please. Please, Doss, no.
No. Don't leave me.

Don't leave me.
God, please don't leave me.

I've got kids!

Please. Please, don't.
Please, don't leave me.

I ain't going anywhere.
I'm going to get you home.

I got you, Ralph. Okay?
I'm going to get you home.

Here comes the morphine.
Here comes the morphine.

It's going to kick in real quick, Ralph.

We're going to get you shifted.

Stretcher! Stretcher!

- Get up. Keep moving, son.
- I can't, I'm wounded.

There's nothing wrong with you.

Shit! Hang on, kid.

Move. A sitting duck's a dead one.

Move. Go, go, go!

This guy's a priority.

We got him, we got him. Here.

A priority? You ever heard of triage?
He'll be dead before we get him down.

You don't know that!

Get him down. All right? Huh?

- Okay. Okay. Go.
- Okay. Okay.

It's all right, buddy.
We're going to get you home.

[g*ns FIRING]

[FRANK] Medic! Help! Help.

I figure if we can't see them,
then they can't see us neither.

[FRANK] Help!

I got you, Frank. Where you hit?

- I think they can see us, smart ass!
- Doss, come on, come on.

[DESMOND] Give me a hand here.

[g*n FIRING]

Get down, sir.

Over there! The bunkers.

I see them. Better stay down, sir.

- I got 'em, dead ahead.
- Yeah, I see 'em, too.

Push in as close as you can.
Give them everything you've got.

I'll send in the
weapons team to flank them.

You keep that tight, you're going to be
right as rain. All right?

I got him, Doss. I got him.

Here you go, come on now.
Come sit over here.


You doing okay?




And, fire!


Son of a bitch.

- You, get on it.
- Yes, sir!

Take 'em. Go. Fire!



Go, go. Go, Ghoul.
Get in the hole. Stay there.

Go! Go, Smitty,
we'll cover you. Leapfrog.



- Ghoul!
- Clear.

Come on, stick it. Stick it, Ghoul.

Cover! Cover!

Son of a bitch.

Cover his ass.

Medic! Medic! Help me.



[SOLDIER] Medic!

I'm here. Put your hand on it.
Put your hand on it!




[SOLDIER] Go, go, go!

Ghoul. Ghoul.


You're okay. Where you hit?


You got a bump on the head, that's okay.

What's your name?

- Andy.
- Andy what?

Andy Walker.

Also known as?


Ghoul. Ghoul, you're okay, you're okay.

Good job, men. Good work.

Dig in for the night.
We hold this spot,

we mop up the rest
of the ridge tomorrow.

Okay, boys. Find yourself a nice
safe hole in or near the bunker.

Rotate watch every two hours.

We don't know what's out there.
Heads down, asses lower.

And sh**t anything
that don't speak English.

- Does that include Grease, Sarge?
- Particularly him.

I don't care if you need to
take a piss or a dump,

it ain't safe to go out there alone.

[SOLDIER] Over here, now!

Where the hell are you going, Doss?

Still more wounded out there, Sarge.

I'll go with him.

Be smart. Keep your ears down.

All right, let's find a spot.

[TEACH] Rinnelli and Henry dead in
the first 15 minutes, just straight off.

Straight off.

Peterson, Popeye. Standford and Murphy.

Page and Unger.


"In peace, sons bury their fathers,
in w*r, fathers bury their sons."

You wanna stop spouting that crap, huh?

- It don't help none.

Yeah, you got that right. Not here.

Hey, give me that.


Hey, we've got an abdominal wound.

This man is going to need some plasma.

- You got it.
- Leave him with us.

Okay. You're okay now. They got you.



Should we find a hole and dig in?

Sounds good to me.

Put your helmet on.

You ain't going to eat them?

I don't eat meat. Help yourself.

Of course you don't.

That's one heck of a dame.

You know you're fighting out of your
weight class with her, don't you?


Yes, I do.

Don't tell her that.

She'd be much happier
with a man like me anyway.

Yeah, until she got to know you.


I'm an assh*le sometimes.



Yeah, all right. All right.




These Japs are sneaky.

I'll take first watch, all right?
You get some shut-eye.






Hell of a dream.




Dreamed I got myself skewered.
I couldn't do nothing.

r*fle's just there.

It won't bite.

Yeah, it will.

Look around you.

After what we've just been through,

any sane man would be
screaming for a w*apon.

I never claimed to be sane.

My daddy's a drunk.

He fought it for years,
but it kind of got a hold of him hard.

Made him mean.

Least you knew him.

Mine could have been any one of 10 guys,
and none of them worth a damn, so...

So, your momma raised you?

I knew her, but she gave me
to an orphanage when I was five.

Never saw her again.

I learned how to hate quick.

I learned how to judge people quicker,
and I got you very wrong.

My daddy used to beat me and my brother
just because the sun rose,

and then whip us just because it set.


I could take that...

...but when he would
do it to our momma...

- Get away from me, woman!


- [g*nsh*t]


That's enough. No more. Do you hear me?

Pull the damn trigger.

Stop it! Stop! [SOBBING]

But you didn't k*ll him?

In my heart, I did.



So that's why I made my promise to God,

I ain't never going to
touch a g*n again.

Well, I ain't giving you mine,
'cause you're crazy.




[GRUNTS] Son of a...


Son of a bitch.


Move, move! Get your asses over here.

Let's go!


Fall back, fall back! Go!

- [g*nshots CONTINUE]

They're coming from underground.

Searchlight, this is Baker Six.
Request immediate support.

Target is

Yes! Yes, I know
that's where the hell we are,

but I don't expect to
be here much longer!

- [g*nsh*t]

I called an a*tillery strike.

Fall back. Move. Move!

- [g*nshots]


[HOWELL] Fall back! Incoming!



Hey, buddy. I'm right here. Right here.

- [g*nsh*t]


Cover me.

Go, go!



- Get out of here, kid!

- Come here, son.

- [expl*si*n]

You know what to do.
Keep pressure on it.


No! Don't need plasma. Give it to him.

Over there. I'll be okay. Go. Go.

- Grease! Get Irv's back.
- What?

- You got it, okay.
- See you soon.


Come on. Come on.


We gotta move right now.
Come on, come on.





[HOWELL] Go! Go! Go!



There's too many,
get the hell out of here!

Move! Move!





- I'm scared. I'm scared.
- It's going to help the pain.


No, don't. Don't you do that. Come on.

Come on, Smitty, you stay with me.
Let's go. We gotta move.


- Hey!
- Yeah.

Help me get him down.
Help me get him down.


Come on, let's move. Come on.

Can't help him, buddy, he's gone.

- No.
- Come on! We gotta get outta here!

Let's go!

[SOLDIER] Come on, let's go.


[SOLDIER] Come on. Everyone.

Off the ridge!


What is it you want of me?


I don't understand.

I can't hear you.

Medic, help me! Help me!

Help me!




Help me, Lord.

All right.


You're in good hands.
Easy does it. Easy.

...six... eight...


Get these men secured immediately.

[SOLDIER] Yes, sir.

- Private Ford, how many?
- Thirty-two only came down, sir.

- Good Lord.
- [SOLDIER 2] Let's go!

- Let's load 'em up.
- Yes, sir.






- Harry. It's Desmond.

We going to fix you up.
You just got to keep breathing. Okay?

- Colonel wants to see you, sir.
- I need your jeep.

You two stay here, keep watch,
keep your eyes peeled for Japs.

- No, but...
- Stay here! Keep watch.

- [HANK] Yes, sir.
- [SOLDIER] Yes, sir.


Help. Help me.

Watch out. I got you.



Put your hand on it.
Keep pressure on it.

- I'm comin' back. Okay?
- Okay.



Easy, fellas, easy.

Here we go.

Okay, guys, let's go.
On the count of three. One, two, three.


Help, medic over here!


It's okay, buddy, hold it together.

We're at the edge, Eric.

You just sit tight, okay?

You're okay, Eric.
You're okay, buddy.

- Son of a g*n, this is going to work.

One for each leg, Eric.

We're going to get you dressed up
in a jiffy and get you down.

- I got you.

I got you now, Eric.

You have to trust me now, Eric.
You're gonna have to trust me.



Hold on, one of ours.
Hold on! Let's go, let's go!

[GASPING], grunting]

I got you. I got you. I got you.

Come on, I got you.
You're okay. You're okay.


Hank, another one.


Colonel, call off the a*tillery
attack on Hacksaw.

Couldn't call it in. There's still
over 100 men left up there.

Tell them to call off
the a*tillery on Hacksaw.


Sit down, Jack.
I'll get you a drink.



We just lost our cover.


They're stirrin',
we got to move. Come on.


About time.
They just keep coming by the...

- OK, OK. Pick it up.
- I got this.








- [g*nshots]



[BOB] Doss. Doss.

[GROANING] Help. Help me.



You're gonna have to trust me.
Take a breath.





Let's go, buddy. Let's go.


Jack, you don't know
if your men up there are dead or alive.

You can't go back up there
without reinforcements.

You'll end up k*lling the rest of them.

Then give me the reinforcements.

I don't have any fresh men, okay?
I don't have any troops.

Three battalions got wiped out today.

It'll take more than a day
to get men in here.

I need them faster than that.



- [g*nf*re]










- It's okay, it's okay.

It's all right.
It's all right.

Everything's okay.

Morphine. It's good.

- Shh.

- [g*nshots]

[g*nshots IN DISTANCE]

- Pinnick, Pinnick. Pinnick. It's Doss.

It's Doss. Be quiet.
Be quiet. I got you.

- Are you hit?
- Yeah. I can't see.

Be quiet. Just be quiet.

Hold still now. I got you. Hold tight.

There you go. Try now. Try now.

I thought I was blind!

Shh... Keep it down. Can you walk?

I don't know.

We got to get out of here, okay?
Come on.


Good. Okay, we got you.

We got you.

- Hey, Ted.

It's me, it's Desmond.
I'm gonna fix you up.

- You ready to get out of here?
- Sure am. [GRUNTING]


Please, Lord, help me get one more.

Help me get one more.


Please, help me get one more.



One more. Help me get one more.

One more. Help me get one more.


One more.

Coming through.


Where the hell
are these guys coming from?

From Hacksaw.

- I thought they pulled out.
- Not all of them.

Some nut's up there
dragging wounded from the top.

Even lowered a couple of Japs.

They didn't make it.
Back with you directly.

Easy, easy. All set, move out.








[HOWELL] Get in here.
There's Nips everywhere.

[GRUNTS] Son of a bitch.
Private Corn Stalk.

You are nothing
if not full of surprises.

- You want some morphine?

- Hell, yes. That or a b*llet.
- Okay.

There. There you go.

- All right, let me see. Let me see.

How's this doing?
Okay, not bad.

Let me see.

It looks much worse than it is.

- Girls will still want to kiss you.

Sarge, you okay here for a while?

Yeah, fine. Get out of here.

I'm coming back.

You ready? Let's go.
You and me, come on.




There's something you gotta see.

Our guys have been
coming down in droves all night.

And Hollywood's here.
I never thought I'd see that guy again.

Come on, follow me.
He's right here.


What the hell is this?

How you doing, sir?

Hey, Cap.

[SOLDIER 2] Captain.

- It's good to see you, kid.
- Captain Glover, sir.

How'd you get down, son?

Doss. Howell's still up there.

What, Howell and Doss did this?

Mostly just Doss.

- Just Doss?
- Just Doss.

Yeah, Doss, the coward.



- [g*nsh*t]





- You're like gum on a shoe, ain't you?
- Give me this.

It's a bit late for target
practice now, don't you think?


- Jump on it.
- You're kidding.

No, I'm going to drag you.


Let's do it.


- Ready?
- Yeah.

Let's go.

- [g*nshots]

We got company.

- [g*nshots]
- Come on.




- Arms up.

You gotta be kidding me, Corn Stalk.

"You're tying a bowline, boy,
not building a bra."


- Come on.

- [DESMOND] Ready?
- Uh-huh.

- [DESMOND] Get on.


- [g*nshots]





- [HOWELL] Put me down!
- Yes, Sarge.

- [GLOVER] Sergeant Howell.
- Doss is still up there.

- [g*nshots CONTINUE]

- [GLOVER] What the hell?
- He's got Japs on his tail.









[SOLDIER] We got him.

That's good. That's good.

[HOWELL] It's okay, we got him.


- Whoa, whoa...

- It's okay, Doss.
- Come on, Doss, come on.

- You're safe.
- Come on, Doss.


Desmond, it's all right, it's all right.


Easy, easy. Here, come on.

Are you wounded?



No. No.

Let's get this soldier
to a hospital tent, right now.

- Come on, easy now.
- [SOLDIER] Easy, easy.

Make some space.




[SOLDIER] We need someone
to come and clean up in here.

Where's Irv?

- Irv? You mean, Schecter the medic?
- [DESMOND] Yeah.

He didn't make it.
He died of shock. No plasma.



All I saw was a skinny kid.
I didn't know who you were.

You've done more than
any other man could have done

in the service of his country.

And I have never been more wrong
about someone in my life.

I hope one day you can forgive me.

We have to go back up tomorrow.

I realize that tomorrow is your Sabbath.

Most of these men
don't believe the same way you do.

But they believe so much
in how much you believe.

And what you did on that ridge,
it's nothing short of a miracle,

and they want a piece of it.

And they're not going
to go up there without you.


What the hell is your delay, Captain?

You were supposed to begin
that as*ault 10 minutes ago!

- We're waiting, sir.
- Waiting for what?

For Private Doss
to finish praying for us, sir.

Private Doss is praying for you?

Who the hell is Private Doss?


Let's go to work.





[SOLDIER] Down. Get down!

Get on the ground.
On the ground. Now!








Lay down, lay down.
I got the morphine.


Let's go, let's get
these men out of here.


My Bible... My Bible. My Bible...

Stop. Stop, stop, stop. Stop!

My Bible, my Bible, my Bible.









You're going home, Desmond.
We've taken Hacksaw.

Hold up, hold up! Desmond!





I was praying the whole time.

I just kept praying,
"Lord, please help me get one more."

When I got this, I said,
"Lord, please help me get one more."

I would say anyone is wrong

to try to compromise
somebody's conviction.

I don't care whether
it's army or what it is.

When you own a conviction,
that is not a joke.

That's what you are.

Even though I said those things to him

in regard to carrying a r*fle,

then he would never be by my
damn side at all unless he had a r*fle.

But then, in the long run,

finding out that he was one
of the bravest persons alive.

And then to have him
end up saving my life

was the irony of the whole thing.

Blood had run down
into the fella's face and eyes.

He was laying there just
groaning and calling for a medic.

I took water from my canteen,
got some bandage, and I washed his face.

And when I... was washing his eyes,
his eyes came open.

Man, he just lit up.

He says, "I thought I was blind."

And if I hadn't got anything
more out of the w*r

than that smile he gave me,
I'd have been well repaid.
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