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01x07 - Fanatic

Posted: 11/12/14 22:50
by bunniefuu
The Soho house? No, I can't.

I have an early call time tomorrow night, and I've got a ton of a dialogue to learn.

Why don't we do Giorgio's this weekend?

OK. All right. Talk to you later. Bye.


Ohh. Ahh.

Ahh. That's nice.

"Paul, you can't do this. You can't show up here and profess your love and expect me to forget everything you've ever done."

OK. "Paul begs." Blah, blah, blah.

"I'll never trust you, Paul, and once the trust is gone, love is lost."

"Tears flow."

[Music playing]


You still here?

I thought you were taking the night off, babe.




[Door opens]

Where are you?

[Floor creaks]





Ohh! Aah!

Aah! No!



[Pounding on door]


[Alarm blaring]

So how goes it with the child?

Must you t*rture me?

Did I say, "child?"

I meant very young man.

Of legal age, I might add.

What's his name again?



When do I get to meet the young but legal Brody?

Uh, I'm seeing him later today.

You, however, shall see him when hell freezes over with that attitude.

You know I am thrilled.

Seriously, how's it going?

It's hot, no-strings fun like you said.

I follow directions.

Good girl.

And Brody? What's his deal?

Is he fine with it being light and fun?

He's fine. Please. He's a child.

He's not a child. He's just a...

Very, very young legal man.

Go. Get now. I'm done with you.


Morning, belle.

Good morning. Jack is looking for you.

Your mail.


Jack: Hollywood station called in a home invasion on an active case.

Which one?

Actress. Nina Preston. News already broke.

Reporters and paparazzi are all over her house.

Janice and Ben are already on the scene.


You OK? Bad news?


Oh. I'm not being nosy.

It's big letters. I can read it from here.

It's nothing.

Let's go.


[Indistinct chatter]

[Camera shutter clicks]

Hey. Let's step back.

Jack: I didn't know Nina Preston was such a big deal.

Never seen her show. What's it called... "Savage Shore"?

I haven't seen it either, but it's a big hit.

It's made her the target of several stalkers.

She has a huge fan base.

I mean, look at the paparazzi.

They hunt her.


Hey, hey, hey.

Hey, hey!

What do you think you're doing?

Just going for a better shot. You can't see anything from here.

Take your camera and get the hell out of here.


Check this. I'll be outside, OK?

Nina's out back, and she's pretty shaken.

She's with her sister.

Are we looking for Heather Miller?

We're locating her now. Apparently, she was released from the hospital a month ago, downgraded to outpatient.

All right. Well, keep me in the loop. I'm gonna go talk to Nina.

This way.

Who's Heather Miller?

An obsessed fan of Nina's.

Booked on two counts of trespassing last year and was diverted to a court-mandated psychiatric ward.

Delusional, dissociative disorder.



Did Nina get a look at the attacker?


Ben: Neither did the security cameras.

Check it out. She has a nice little setup here.

She has a full-on panic room.

Smart girl.

Nina's had some bad luck when it comes to fans.

The attacker's wearing a burn victim mask.

What's that about?

It's because Paul burned his face.

In "Savage Shore." Paul ran into a burning building because he thought Lily was inside, and that's when he got horribly d*sfigured, but turns out, Lily was never inside the building.

It was all a ploy by Bruce to k*ll Paul.

Only it backfired because Lily ended up falling in love with Paul.

Interesting how you can work side by side with someone and you don't really know them at all.

Let me guess. You watch "The Good Wife"?

You're Nina's sister.

Yeah. Emily.

Where were you last night, Emily?

I was here till around 6:00, and then I had to go run some errands. I'm also Nina's assistant.

Sister and assistant? How does that work?

I offered to help her after that girl started stalking her.

Nina didn't feel comfortable with strangers in the house.

Any other employees?

Nope. Just me. It's safer that way.

Nina's attacker knew personal things about her.

Lasagna was her favorite food, and roses were her favorite flower.

Can you think of anyone who knows Nina like that?

Yep. Anyone on the Internet.

Nina has a lot of fans.

Some of them go a little crazy-town.

Has she thought about hiring private security.

I'm looking into it right now.

Beth: When did you put in the panic room?

After that horrible situation with Sandra Bullock.

You stated that your attacker was a man.

Could it have been a woman?

I guess. Um, I didn't really get a good look because of the mask.

The body was covered, the hands had gloves, a big coat.

You don't think it was that nutty girl you guys put away, do you?

I got a notification that she'd been released.

We're looking into it.

Has she had any contact with you lately?


Where would I see her?

I don't really go out that much.

This is my fourth stalker in 3 years, Lieutenant.

I don't go anywhere to see anyone.

Listen. I get it. You know, I wanted this.

I came to L.A. to be an actress, to be famous.

I'm not crying a river here, but...

I should be safe in my own home.

Jack: Celebrity stalkers write to their targets before approaching.

Janice: Her publicist gave us access to her e-mail, but there are thousands of messages.

It will take us a while to slog through them all.

I scoured the Internet.

There's hundreds of forums and chat rooms about Nina and the show.

She has 3 million Twitter followers and even more on Instagram.

So her life is out there.

Her stalker has too much access to her.

Complete access. The paparazzi chronicle every aspect of her life.

Sometimes, it can get out of control.

I'm running background checks on several paps with arrest records.

What's the show about?

It's your typical teen Gothic romance.

Very addictive. Her TV character is in love with a d*sfigured man.

It's very "Beauty and the Beast" thematically.

The stalker may see himself as Nina's savior and she his.

Dinner, candles, bottle of wine.

I mean, this is like bad textbook romance.

What are you thinking?

This kind of display screams incompetent suitor, someone single and lonely, never been in a real relationship, possibly a virgin, but he's not after sex.

He's looking for a love connection.

He spends every waking minute thinking about Nina and their future together.

Like her previous stalker... Heather Miller.

Where is she?

They're bringing her in now.

Does he have access to send me mail?

That's all I'm asking.

No. There's no return address, but it's postmarked Seattle, so he sent it.

Somebody sent it.

Will you please check again and call me back on this number?

If I don't pick up, leave a message.

Thank you.

[Knock knock]

Heather Miller is here.

Is Nina OK?

Someone hurt her?

Someone's stalking her?

You were stalking her.

I'm not a stalker.

I'm an obsessed and enthusiastic fan, but I pose no danger to Nina or anyone else.

You climbed her wall carrying an 8-inch hunting knife.

It was a ruby-jeweled dagger, an exact replica of the one Lily was forced to pawn in the finale of season 3 to pay for Paul's reconstructive surgery.

She's crazy.

It was a great episode.

They found this one doctor who agreed to reconstruct Paul's face, but it was extremely dangerous because of all the nerve damage, and Paul almost died.

He flat-lined until season 4.

The best cliffhanger ever.

You're crazy.

And you've had no contact with Nina since you were discharged from the hospital?

No. I was told I couldn't contact her.

Something changed?

You're still very active on the fan boards and chat rooms.

Yeah. I was never told I couldn't be a fan of the show.

Where were you last night?

At home, watching the season 5 marathon of "Savage Shore."

Season 6 starts in two weeks.

Are you gonna tell Nina that you talked to me?

Because I really miss her. I'd appreciate if you told her that, or I could write it on a sticky.

She's crazy, but I don't think she did it.

I'm with Jack. She has issues, but she doesn't fit the profile.

I agree. I don't think what Heather's looking for is a love relationship.

I think what she wants is a friend.

Ben, have you found any arrest records concerning Nina Preston?

There's several, but there's one pap, total sleaze.

He's been arrested a bunch of times for trying to take pics of Nina.

Jack: That's the guy I pulled off the wall at Nina's house this morning.

I want to talk to him.

Nina (as Lily): Bruce, what's wrong?

What are you doing?

Man (as Bruce): I'm tired, Lily.

I've done everything I know to make you love me.

I can't compete with a phantom, and if can't have you, well, he's not gonna have you either.

Ha ha ha!

Yeah. I should have known you'd show up.

You're a dead man. Make that a dead freak.


Paul, careful!

Paul! Paul! Be careful!

Paul, Paul! OK.

Stop it, stop!

Stop it, both of you!

Paul! Paul? Paul!

Be careful! Aah!

I'm not the guy you're looking for.

Oh, really? Most paparazzi jump from celebrity to celebrity, but you stick with Nina day and night.

What can I say? I've always had a unique talent for focusing all my energy on one task.

Yeah. Some would call that an obsession.

Your wife divorced you last month right after you started focusing on Nina.

What does that have to do with anything?

It's classic transference.

You get your heart broken, then you turn your attention to someone new.

You spend all your time following Nina.

It's understandable you start to feel like you know her.

It's my job to follow Nina.

Well, maybe it started as a job and turned into a fixation.

Next thing you know, you're breaking into her house just to get close to her.

Look. That wasn't me, OK?

I stick with Nina because my ex-wife left me knee-deep in debt, and Nina's my cash cow.

A shot of her in short shorts at Runyon gets me 500 bucks.

A bad hair day brings in a thou.

Nina's what they call in my world a sure thing.

Why is that you get all the best sh*ts before anyone else?

I got a source, OK?

Someone tells me where Nina's gonna be.

What's his name?

Heh. It's the wild west out there, man.

TMZ's got eye's everywhere.

I need every advantage I can get.

You saying you'd rather go down for something you didn't do?

No. I'm saying I want a lawyer.

You know, you come in and out of my life.

I feel like a booty call.

Really? Oh. That's funny because I feel exactly the same way.

You did call me.

Ha ha! OK. Guilty.

I just wanted to see you.

It's like you're my own private little toy.

Hmm. I don't have a problem with that.

You know, I really like you.

Just as long as you don't take it too seriously.

This is supposed to be light and fun.

Light and fun.

Light and fun it is.

Because I have issues.

You don't want to get too close.

Is this... is this too close?


Is this?


It's perfect.


We all have issues.

I have to go to work.


I'm gonna have a shower.

Care to join me?

Actually, I, uh, I should run, too.

There's a midnight showing of "Chinatown" tomorrow night at the Vista if you're interested.

Yeah. Sounds great.

We close at 11:00. I'll meet you there.

[Door shuts]

[Shower running]

Janice: I subpoenaed Eddie Gaines' bank records.

He's been wiring 10% of every photo fee to an external account.

So he was telling the truth about his source.

Jack: Still don't like him.

Guy's a parasite, a legal stalker.

Janice, can you track this external account?

Give me a minute.

Whoever the source is, he knew about the home invasion at Nina's before anyone else did. Could be our stalker.

Why would Nina's stalker tip off the paparazzi?

Same reason why Nina would... attention, notoriety.

Money. Most celebrity stalkers have a hard time holding on to a steady job.

Well, I'll be damned.

You won't believe who it is.


You're our leak, Emily.

Well, if I hadn't helped him, he would have gotten the photo some other way.

This way, Nina gets the publicity, and I get the cash.

It's win-win.

You put your sister in danger.

Guys like Eddie Gaines will do whatever it takes to get paid.

That's exactly why I chose him.

You resent her, don't you?

You don't know anything about our relationship.

No, but I do know what it's like when sister's don't protect each other.

Well, Nina was always the gifted one.

She was destined for greatness.

That must have been hard to compete with.

Everything comes easy for Nina.

Look. I get it. You do the job of 6 people.

Nina has no idea what you do for her.

I took the job because she needed my help.

I had a life back in Ohio, and I left it all behind for her.

Why not just leave?

Easier said than done.

I can't afford to.

So you make a deal with Eddie Gaines.

I just want my life back.

That money is the only way it's ever gonna happen.

Nina: You put my life in danger for a little bit of extra cash?

What kind of sister does that?

I gave up everything to help you.


I had a good job in Ohio, I had a good life.

You wanted Hollywood, not me.

You need to leave. I can't look at you.

That's great because you know what?

It's all about you... all the time.

Selfish bitch.

I can't stand her.

No, no, no, no!

Need some help?

No. I'm just gonna call AAA.

It will take them over an hour to get here, and I've got a jack.

Really? Thank you.

Thank you again so much.


Were you just coming from Nina Preston's house?

No. I don't think so.

Heh. I get it.

You wouldn't say for privacy reasons, right?

Do you live around here?

I don't think I've seen you before.

I'm just visiting someone.

I wouldn't do that, Emily.

What do you want?

I want you to be nicer to Nina.

You've hurt her. I know what you did.

I can't let you get away with that.


Aah! Aah! No! No!

No! No!

Nina! Nina!


[Tires squeal]


Help! Somebody! Are you OK?

Emily: He said I'd hurt Nina.

That's when I knew he'd been watching us.

Have you ever seen this guy before?


Can you describe him?

Late 20s, early 30s, brown hair, average-looking.

A sketch artist is gonna come in and talk to you. Try to remember as much detail as possible.

I deserve this after what I did to Nina.

Nobody deserves this.

Reed is arranging 24-hour protection.

So you really think this guy could be my stalker?

We're not sure yet.

Emily and I had a really bad fight.

I said some things.

We never used to be this way. We used to be best friends, you know?

Why does your sister work for you?

I needed her. I moved to L.A., I was all alone. Having her here was nice, you know? She's my family. I trusted her.

Yeah, but family can be tough, especially sisters.

People can disappoint you, Nina, but they can also surprise you.

I know she loves you.

[Beeping stops]

[Music playing]

Ben: The sketch artist sent over the drawing of Emily's attacker.

So this is our guy.

I compared it against all the paparazzi mug sh*ts we have on file. Nothing close.

Get this to Nina's people. Tell them to be on the lookout.

I think I found something.

The attack the house, where the stalker made dinner for Nina, was right out of an episode of Savage Shore.

What is this?

An apology.

You shouldn't be here, Paul.

See, I thought it was a coincidence, but then when Emily was att*cked, I knew.

Make that a dead freak.

Bruce! Paul, careful.

Janice: Our stalker used a tire iron. See?

He's reenacting scenes from the show.

From the point of view of the guy with the burned face.

Paul. His name's Paul.

Our stalker identifies with Paul because he's different, an outsider?

Is that right? Probably like our guy.


Nina's character...


Lily is in love with Paul in spite of his deformity?


Our stalker is fixated on Nina because he feels she's the only one who sees past his imperfections.

I made your favorite, breakfast sandwich on wheat toast.

You forgot to cut the crusts off.

Now I don't like you working the late shift.

I hardly ever get to see you.

Well, I'm not sure about that outfit.

It's not appropriate business attire.

I wear an apron. It's fine.

Oh, stay off the 405. There's construction, and call me when you get there.

I will!

Don't take that tone with me, young man.

I'm sorry, mom.

You forgot your pills.

I love you, dear.

I love you, too.

"I've been a fan of your show for a long time.

"The characters really speak to me.

"Paul and I could be the same person.

"Are you my Lily? I think we're meant to be.

Destiny will draw us together."

Is this the only e-mail that fits the search parameters?

There was a guy in Hong Kong and another one in Florida, but this is the only one within a hundred-mile radius of L.A.

Janice: It sounds like to could be our guy.

And he just sent the one e-mail?

It's the only one I found.

Seems weird he would only write to Nina once.

Jack: He's impatient.

When he didn't hear back from her immediately, he decided to show up at her house.

You located the person who sent this yet?

His name is Robert Dalton, 33, lives in El Segundo.

We should check it out.

E-mail us everything you can find on this guy.

I don't believe it.

Robbie is a good boy.

He would never do anything like that.

Your son's lying to you, Mrs. Dalton.

We called the store. He was fired over a month ago.

Well, that can't be. He told me he was working.

Where was he the night before last?

Uh, he went to see a movie.

What movie?


He didn't say?

No. He did not say.

Look at this.

Robbie's been monitoring Nina's Twitter feed.

"Beautiful day for a swim, thank you for all your support. My sister's doing OK. I hope the police catch this creep before he hurts someone else."

She went wrong with "creep."

Impulsive tweeting. Robbie thinks he's helping Nina by attacking Emily.

He could interpret this as rejection.

It could trigger him to go after her.

Um, I think I'm gonna go to the cafeteria.

I need some coffee.


Press is asking for a statement.

I'd really rather not.

[Door slides shut]



I really need to talk to you, Nina.

I'm sorry about what happened with your sister, but she hurt you, and I was just trying to protect you.

Y-you need to back off.

You need to shut up!

Just calm down.

Shut up!


You shut up!

Don't you see?

Those people are no good for you.

They don't love you like I do.

I just want to be with you.

I thought that's what you wanted, too.

OK. Please leave.

I'm Paul. You're my Lily.

I love you.


Aah! Get off me!


Hey! Hey!


I just wanted to talk to her to explain what happened.

You mean about how you tried to k*ll her sister?

Mmm. No. I didn't want to k*ll her.

I just... I wanted to hurt her, hurt her enough so that she would leave Nina alone.

You've been watching them.

Emily's so mean to Nina. It's...

Obvious she resents her because she's so talented.

Nina doesn't need someone like that in her life.

She needs you?

I can protect her, but when I read that tweet, I knew she didn't understand.

I had to make her understand.

You were frustrated.

You wrote to her, and she never wrote back.

No. She wrote to me all the time.

We had long talks about everything, about our future, about how we would be together.

So in your opinion you two were close?

As close as two people could be.

I don't understand.

My son has never been violent.

Someone must have provoked him.

Mrs. Dalton, I know this is difficult to accept.

Robbie is different.

He's a dreamer.

He gets a little moody if he forgets his medication, but he's never acted out like this.

We found his anti-psychotics hidden in the shed.

We believe he stopped taking them a while ago.

Still, that doesn't necessarily...

Robbie was positively I.D.'d by both victims.

Your son suffers from delusional disorder.

At some point, he became fixated on Nina Preston, and he created an elaborate fantasy relationship with her.

What's gonna happen to him?

He'll go to the detention center for processing, and then he'll be housed at the psychiatric ward for assessment and treatment.

And then they'll let him go.

Once his illness is under control, he will be charged for his crimes.

He's going to prison?

Eventually, yes.

I just got off the phone with Nina.

She's relieved that we caught Robbie, and she's decided to hire private security moving forward.

Glad to hear it.

Guys, Robbie was telling the truth.

I went through his computer, and there's dozens of e-mails between him and Nina Preston.

That's not possible. Nina told me she doesn't respond to fans.

Then it's someone posing as Nina.

Can you track where they came from?

The IP address leads to public library, but listen to this.

"Dear Robbie, thank you for your photo.

"You're so handsome. Ever thought of becoming a movie star?"

Sounds like something Robbie would say about himself.

Maybe he did. He is delusional.

Maybe we're confusing hubris with pride.

"You are one of a kind, unique, special.

"In my eyes, you are perfect.

"No matter what anyone tells you, you deserve all the happiness in the world."

That's something a parent says to a child.

You think his mom wrote e-mails pretending to be Nina?

I met her. She was controlling.

Which means Robbie's her world.

Maybe she'd do anything to protect him from being hurt, even writing e-mails.

What library did it come from?

El Segundo. It's a mile from Robbie's house.

Jack: Mom went through his computer, saw the e-mail to Nina, didn't want him to be disappointed, decided to play the part herself.

Wouldn't have been hard for her to set up a fake e-mail and pretend to be Nina.

Only it backfired.

She fed his delusion.

Nancy Dalton's got a prior arrest for as*ault with a deadly w*apon.

According to the police report, she threatened one of Robbie's schoolmates with a knife.

She pled out and got counseling and probation.

What was the dispute?

She said the kid was bullying and hurting her son, and he needed to be punished.

Where is Nina Preston?

She's sh**ting today.

Get a hold of her.

Man: OK, folks. That's a wrap.

All right. Good night, everybody.

Good night, Nina!

Good night!

Randy, I'll be out in a minute.

Very well.

Her cell's going to voice-mail.

Call studio security, have them alert her private detail.

I'm actually on the phone with them right now.

They're saying Nancy Dalton signed up for studio tour earlier today.

She could still be on the lot.

[Cell phone vibrates]


Roger that. I'll keep an eye out.



May I help you?

I'm here for wardrobe.

What happened to Suzie?

Oh, she went home sick after lunch.

I'm Nancy. I'm filling in.

Oh. Well, take whatever you need, Nancy.

All the dresses are hanging in the back.

You're very pretty.

Thank you.

Not as pretty as on the show but pretty enough.

I get why my boy fell for you.

It's my fault. I never should have written those letters.

Um, I'm sorry. What letters?

I didn't know. I didn't know the lengths Robbie would go to to be with you.

What is it that you want?

You hurt my little boy.

He'll be better off with you gone.

Aah! Aah!







Where's Nina's trailer?

Last row. You got to go around.




This way.

He's still alive.

Call an ambulance. Stay with him.

[Door opens and shuts]

Aah! Aah!

Aah! Ohh!



Come on.

He's... he's my only son. He's special.

I know.

He needs special help.

He'll get it. So will you.

Come on.

[Music playing]

Taking off?


I'll walk out with you.

Hey. Uh, listen. You've worked with Beth for a long time.

What do you know about her?

You're not gonna get her in bed, if that's what you're wondering.

No. I didn't mean that.

What's her backstory?

Honestly, I don't know.

You don't know?

I Googled her when I got this job.

You Googled her?

I Googled you.

But when I did a search on Beth Davis, there was nothing outside the LAPD.

Like what? She doesn't exist?

She's a private woman, secretive, doesn't use social media.

You're a good detective.

Think about it.

Something bad happened to her.

She's a walking textbook for someone who's lived through a major trauma.

Do you really need to know the specifics?

Guess not.

OK. You're certain he didn't send it?

OK. Thank you for checking.

[Music continues]

You think Ray sent it?

It's exactly the kind of thing he would do.

But the hospital said it wasn't him.

What if he found me?

What if...

Do you remember what you told me when you put Bob away?

You said he can't hurt me again unless I let him.

I know.

I feel like I'm losing my mind.

This case I was on got me thinking about my sister and how I haven't thought about her or what happened in a really long time...

And I liked that I hadn't thought about it.

It was a relief somehow. Does that make me a terrible person?

It makes you human.

[Cell phone rings]

Oh. Sorry.

We can finish this another time.

Stay. I'll reschedule. Brody will understand.


Hey. What are you wearing?

Picturing something black and sexy.

Tell me you haven't left yet.

I just walked out the door.

You're not coming.

It's a friend thing. I... Beth needs me tonight.

Yeah. Totally get it. Is she OK?

Yeah. Yeah. I'll explain it later. I promise I'll make it up to you.

I'll hold you do that.

[Music continues]