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02x08 - Heartless

Posted: 11/11/14 00:45
by bunniefuu
Love is born out of mutual acceptance. It is commitment and it is sacrifice. Without utter resolve and hard-won purpose, there can be no love.

How can you speak thusly?

Love is neither a duty nor a burden. Love is a gift.

Can you deny that given what we are witnessing?

Courtney... will you accept this heart?


Don't you see? Marco has clearly chosen Courtney as his favorite.

Their romance is meant to be.

Roma... This is not romance. This is shameless groundling Kabuki. These people would not know true love if the Bard himself wrote them a sonnet. And clearly Amber's his favorite.

For too long, I thought we would never find a moment's peace.

Can this truly be?

Nearly losing you to Moloch was... very real. And now our reunion is a reality of such exquisite beauty.

Ichabod, you said that the secrets I've kept from you are bygones. But I know trust can be hard to rebuild once it's broken.

In truth... it pained me to think you were not who I knew.

Who I was never changed. The things that I kept from you were things that I had done. As a witch. As a spy. Roles I undertook during the w*r...

Nevertheless, they are part of who you are. And secrecy is a hard habit to break. As I learned to my regret.

I am sorry and I pray that you can learn to trust me again.

We need each other... as husband and wife... and to win this w*r.

(door opens)

Abbie: Crane!


So I put a trace on Henry's computer activity, since it's been almost a week and we haven't heard from him.

Turns out...

This a bad time?

No, not at all.

In fact, your arrival is a blessed relief from this mawkish display.

Oh, don't listen to him. Tell me, Miss Mills, is there more television of reality than this one program?

Uh, as much as I would love to introduce you to the joys of Housewives and, uh, Duck Dynasties, we got work to do.

Henry's still out there.

And now that we've bloodied his nose, he'll be more dangerous than ever.

(hinges creaking)

(heartbeat thumping)

Licentia mihi vox, quod operor meus bidding huic vultus.

Quid me nutrit me destruit... me destruit.

Welcome, my dear.

We have much to do.

(pulsating dance music playing)

Man: All right, all right, all right. Let's go.

sh*ts up, shot up. Uno, dos, tres.

♪ I'm falling to pieces ♪

♪ But I need this, yeah, I need this ♪

Oh, my gosh, I love this song.

Who is this again?

♪ You're my fault, my weakness ♪

♪ When did you turn so cold? ♪

Just talk to her, man.

What's the worst that can happen?

♪ Now you're dancing all... ♪

(music fades, heart beating)

(music resumes)

You mind?

Mmm. (short laugh)

I needed that.

You ever get that feeling?

Like you need something but you just can't have it?

And it's not even a need.

It's more like... like a... a hunger.

And if you don't satisfy it, you'll die.

Want to dance?

(muffled breathing)

I don't even know your name.



(siren wails, then stops; indistinct radio communication)

Local nightclub... can be a bit of a meat market.

For the most part, it's on the up-and-up.

Let me start over. A nightclub is pretty self-explanatory...

Oh, please, Lieutenant, private dancing societies... provocative though they were... were abundant in my era.

Truth be told, Katrina and I were known fixtures at a local establishment.

Crane, you like to dance?

Wouldn't you like to see?



Even the Viennese waltz.

Thank you.

This is supernatural.

I'll put my money on Henry being behind it.

A wager I would not bet against.

And you still think there's some good left in him?

Maybe, somewhere deep down, there is.

But at what point do you say that that no longer matters?

You, of all people, should know that faith can be rewarded.

I thought it impossible that Katrina would ever be returned to me, and she was.

And so were you.

I must give my son the same chance.

Calm yourself.

She was promised to me.

Her place is here, by my side.

Only if it suits our master's purpose.

Katrina's affections were turning... she was starting to see the truth.

You're not to go after her.

It's Moloch's command.

We have a new plan.



You've done well.

But our lord needs more sustenance.

There are dozens of creatures who leave behind their victims in such a state.

Abbie: Nothing is showing up in recent incident reports from surrounding areas.

Crane, can you check the thing in the...

Indeed, I'm doing so.

What are these?

Abbie: Uh... might be a tattoo. Or a piercing.

Except that these marks align precisely with a vitae vis point.

- Vitae...

Katrina: Vitae vis.

A life force.

There are certain points in the body through which a person's life force flows.

This is a major artery.

There are certain creatures that can be identified by the vitae vis point they target.

Perhaps that would help you narrow your search.


(baby crying)

Crane: Katrina?

I am fine.

It-it's nothing.

Oh, no...

Oh, what a fool I've been.

Pushing you before you're fully recovered.

It's nothing.

Uh, can I get you something? An aspirin?


The modern world has many remarkable tonics and restoratives, some of which are chewable.

Katrina: No, thank you.

Would you, perchance, have some quince tea?

Um... that hasn't caught on yet.

It's just... well, Abraham brought me some when I was ailing. It soothed my nerves.

Truly, I... I am fine.

Hey. I can pick up some tea, after I get some take-out.

I'm getting hungry; we got a lot of work to do.

So, uh, Crane, Szechuan chicken?

It's your favorite.

Uh, no, thank you, Lieutenant.

I shall escort Katrina back to the cabin so she may rest.

Okay. I'll go through these leads.

In the morning, we can, uh, check them... check them out.

(indistinct chatter)

Hey, babe, get me some fries with...

With melted cheese. I know.

For a vegan, she eats a lot of crap.

(chuckles) Well, as long as no animals were harmed in the making of that cheese-like topping.

(both chuckle)

Hey, um, I wanted to talk to you about something, 'cause I don't want there to be any mixed signals or anything, but...

What are you talking about?

You hang out with me all the time.

And, well, I'm with Melissa.

You've got it all wrong.

I've got to go.


(breathless sigh, heart beating)

Guys always think everything's about them.


Who-who are you?

It makes them blind.

It makes them think they're the ones we want.

But it's not him you want, is it?

But women?

Women always know.

(heart beating)

They know what's in your heart, what you really want.

So... beautiful.


Becky, you out here? Becky.


(phone line ringing)

Abbie: Crane.


Got another victim.

A diner downtown, an hour ago.

Whatever's doing this is working overtime.

Katrina suggested that, as well as creatures, we consider mystical artifacts.

(over phone): I've been reviewing those catalogued in Benjamin Franklin's sketchbook, and several of them seem to be quite lethal and unaccounted for.

We need to consult an expert.


Mmm. I started without you.

What's your poison?

This isn't a date.

Well, late night call from a girl plus drinks at bar equals date.

Sorry you got your signals crossed, but I'm sure you've misread women before.



Two unnatural corpses popped up in town in a span of hours. You have any idea what could have caused this?

No. No, thanks.

Last time I donated my services, I nearly got mauled by a wendigo.


Okay, maybe not mauled but... claws and teeth were involved.

Hawley, just take a look.

The sheriff's department would consider it a favor.

So you asking me as a cop or... is this a personal request?

(sighs) Which one will get me to yes?


Never seen anything like this.

Definitely nothing that's ever been in my inventory.

I'm sorry.

Now, about that drink.

Um... mm, sorry to disappoint you.

Kind of getting used to it.


Mills, if you'll excuse me, I may be able to salvage this night after all.

Hey, there.

I'm Hawley.

What are you guys doing later on?

Abbie: Hawley was a dead end.

Not surprising.

After all, Mr. Hawley's allegiance seems only to be to himself.

And the occasional meaningless bar hookup.

He found some, uh, distractions of the female variety.

I see.

A Banbury story.

A vow made in the heat of the moment that one never intends to keep.

Guys will be guys.



The first victim was found in the back seat of his own car.

Who gets in the back seat of their own car?

Someone who thinks they're gonna get lucky.

Um... get lucky, score, get... get some.

Ah. Macking.

He was macking on a lady.

Amber said the same thing about Marco.

So he was with a woman.

Katrina: Of course. Why did I not see it sooner?

The signs are classic.


Those poor souls were targeted for their vitae vis.

As you determined, they were att*cked by a woman or something that looked like a woman.

A succubus.

It's a creature that, uh, seduces its victims and then feeds off of its life force.

Listed in the library.

Katrina: Well, they can see into your heart.

They are drawn to desire the way moths are drawn to a flame.

The more secret the desire, the stronger the pull of the succubus.

Secret desires burn brightest.

From the lady in the black jacket.

(quiet, wry laugh)

Yeah, tell her thanks, but I don't think I'd be very good company.

Abbie: I'll be the judge of that.

Katrina: A succubus can look into your heart and mimic the objects of desire they find there.

Geez, first time a girl's bought you a drink?


Then again, maybe I shouldn't be surprised.

Katrina: And now that I know the type of demon we seek, I might be able to track its mystical energy.

Do you have a map?


Uh, yes.

(whispering incantation indistinctly)

Crane: That is the harbor.

There's nothing there but water.

Abbie: No.

I know that location.

My boat's just, uh, down at the end.

Hope you're a better sailor than a drinker.

(Hawley chuckles)

(tires screeching)


(Hawley groaning, in distance)


(Hawley coughing loudly)

(Hawley grunting, groaning)






What the hell was that?

A succubus.

She k*lled those other people.

You are fortunate to have survived that attack.

Fortunate, my ass.

(Hawley grunts)

Maelstrom crystal.

Distilled from the blood of an Arabian ifrit.

Gives off a nasty mystical jolt.


Succubus, huh?

(phone dialing)

Well, that settles it.

I'm definitely not buying her breakfast.

I'm gonna see if Katrina can give us a bearing on Miss Love-Em- and-Eat-Em.






Just can't seem to get rid of the crazy ones.

The creature is drawn to those who hide desire in their heart.

Hey, I, no, I'm...

I'm grateful, you know?

She saved my life.

As you did hers.

And now she is no longer in your debt.

Look, not everything's about a balance sheet, okay?

I know you think that's all I care about, but...

Katrina's having trouble tracking it.

It must have gone somewhere, shielded from her magic.

You okay?


Oh, and, Hawley... might be a good idea to stay in tonight.

Read a book.

Henry's moves are very calculated. First the Jincan, the Wendigo... He had a purpose for all of them.

Why would he release a succubus?

I see no pattern yet, either. Then again, I have been somewhat distracted of late.


So much has transpired for us both. We're not the people we once were.

Crane, people change, especially during a w*r. They grow and evolve.

It's just that your relationship has to evolve, as well.

As must, I suspect, my opinion of Mr. Hawley.

He is a brigand and a mercenary, but not without his charms.

The hell are you talking about?

All I'm saying is if he were to explore a social relationship with... someone, I... I would certainly not be...

Oh. (laughs) Uh, let's say you're onto something.

You, of all people, know that there's no room in our lives for complications.

And since when has opening our hearts to new possibilities been a complication?

Since always.
(baby crying)

(thunder rumbling)

(baby crying)


It's all right. It's all right. It's all right. You were having a nightmare.


Just a nightmare.

Are you still unwell?

I don't know. I keep having these visions of a baby.

Of course.

Your mind is grappling with what you lost. An unholy creature of purgatory. Re-Regardless, it was still living within you. Connected to you.

I know what you speak of. It's been said mothers can feel an absence after having a baby. A sense of intense loss. I know...

But this is different.

It defies logic, but it is as if a part of me is elsewhere, and it won't let go.

(door opens)

Abbie: So, according to everything that I have been able to find, succubi usually attack at monthly intervals.

The life force that they drain from the victims last them for weeks.

But she k*lled twice and att*cked a third in one night.

Abbie: Right.

Why is it feeding so much?

(baby crying)

Crane: Katrina.

Katrina, are you all right?

I saw the child again.

It was with Henry and a... and a woman, at Fredericks Manor.

Though it does not look like I remember it.

How do you mean?

Oh, there were... vines everywhere.

That's not a memory. That's how it is now.

Somehow you're seeing inside there.

Katrina, do you think you can focus these visions?


(thunder rumbling)

(gasps loudly)

No, it cannot be.

But what? What is it?

The succubus... she's not feeding herself.

The energy she's collecting... she's using it to nurture this... this creature.

What creature?

The creature that was inside of me.


(heart beating rapidly)



Crane: Moloch is alive.

And here in our world.

How can this be?

We thought we stopped him with the Aurora Prism.


He must have just shunted his energy somewhere.

Katrina: I am still psychically linked.

I can see what it sees.

Henry must have summoned the succubus to complete the process that began inside Katrina.

Abbie: I told you he wasn't done yet.

And he won't be done until everyone is dead, and the world is in flames.

Henry is under Moloch's sway.

Uh. This again.

Katrina: If we can sever Henry's ties to the demon, we will see that the soul of my son is still alive inside of him.

But how are we supposed to do that? Besides, who knows if there's a soul still in there?

It is what I believe, and it is what matters, because he is our son.

And he is my problem, because I am a Witness, and he is one of the Horseman of the Apocalypse, something we have been fighting long before you got here.

What do you know about how long I've been fight...?

Stop this! Now! Both of you!

Do you not you see, we are what the enemy fears the most?

The two Witnesses united, and allied with a powerful witch.

Working together, we are more formidable than we have ever been.

And we cannot jeopardize that, not with this much at stake.

Not with everything that still must be done. Please.

Well... there are some mystical texts I can consult.

Some files I can go through.

Hang on. I got a hit.

Here is the creature we encountered.

They call it the Incordata.

The Heartless.

Feels no desire of its own, so it hunts and consumes the desires of others.



Ah, there is another reason for its name.

It literally has no heart.

The organ is stored apart from its body. Ah.

"To destroy the creature, one must first find and extinguish its heart. Only then can the body be k*lled. In the third century, a Roman priest defeated the first of the Heartless. Afterwards, he gave the remains of the succubus's heart to the Emperor Claudius, who immortalized the priest as... Saint Valentine."

Hence the custom of giving hearts on Valentine's Day.

Now single people everywhere have to drown their sorrows in tubs of Rocky Road.

So, we must find a succubus' heart.

It would have to be on consecrated ground.

Like a church or...

Or a cemetery.

Remember the trace I put on Henry's online activity?

A few days ago, he applied for a permit.

Gives him access to the grounds at Shady Hills Cemetery.

It's a pretty good place for hiding stuff, especially the vital organ of a demon.

Once we find the heart, an immolation spell will destroy it.

Leaving the body vulnerable.

Lieutenant, you must go with Katrina and protect her.

In the meanwhile, I will track a succubus and be prepared to strike.

Except you have no idea what she looks like in human form.

But we know someone who does.

(dance music throbbing)

So, I help you find this thing, I get a lock of her hair.


Once we locate her, we must keep our distance until my wife and the lieutenant tell us that they have destroyed her heart.

We do not engage until then, is that clear?

As vodka.

You think she's gonna be here at Club Twerk?

According to our research, the succubus' feeding pattern is circular.

She will likely return to the location of a successful k*ll.

Makes sense if she's drawn by desire.

This is what we call a target-rich environment.

God, is this music or attacking the walls of Jericho?

Mr. Hawley, what are your intentions towards Lieutenant Mills?

Excuse me?

The one thing you have in your favor is you are a man of your word.

So, it would mean something if you were to tell me that your intentions are honorable.

I don't know what you're talking about, but, whatever it is, I'm pretty damn certain it's none of your business.

Hey, j-just to be clear...

...she ask about me, or...?


(music fades)

(eerie rumbling)

(music resumes)

What are we looking for?

Katrina: Henry would have cast an obscuring spell to prevent the heart from being detected.

Could be in the form of hex symbols, or possibly some kind of mystical shrine.

Abigail, I know you think I've been irrational.

Willfully blind even.


It's just that so much of what I thought I knew is slipping away.

And so I hold on to that in my heart I feel to be true.

Is that so wrong?

Being able to call someone "family" isn't just biology.

It has to be earned.

You don't think Henry has earned my love?

I think that there are things that even a mother's love can't overcome.

My mother loved me and Jenny, but... in the end it wasn't enough.


Check that out.

Katrina: A protective hex.

Let's see what it's protecting.

(dance music blaring)

Are the incessantly flashing lights why no one seems able to find their dance partner?

It would help if you could describe her appearance.

She's about, I don't know, this tall, with dark hair...

I think...

God, it's like she's not really in my memory.

I don't know, she's... All I recall is this feeling. A feeling...



We must not lose sight of her.

Okay, I'll check the front, you circle around back.

Enchanted Nordic blade.

Supposedly good against all manner of demons.

Then again, never been tested.

Mills, we got a sighting of our demon babe.

You find the heart?

Yeah, I think we're closing in.

I can sense the heart, it is close.

Call you when we're done.

(door closes)


(clears throat)


It's okay, it's cool.

Just tip it over, empty the contents.

Tip it over, they-they'll run everywhere.

What? Maggots can't run.


Are they beneath the rats?


We're seeing different things.

Which means it's not real.

Perception spell.

Designed to prey upon individual fears.

So, really there's nothing in there.

Most likely not.

This is nasty.

I'll start the spell.

You were at the docks.

You denied me my satisfaction.

But not this time.

I can sense your desire.

It burns strong, even though you try so hard to hide it.

And yet... the emotion in your heart has soured, hasn't it?

I know that taste.

It's the taste of doubt.

(reading Romani Greek, heart beating)


You ready?

I lost Crane.


He's got to be in the back.

(reading Romani Greek)

You don't have to be strong any more.

You don't have to pretend you're not scared of losing all you love.

Let me take your doubt away.







(haltingly reads Romani Greek)

(cries out)

(reads Romani Greek smoothly)




(screeching scream)



You're injured.

(groaning): Yeah.

I'll live.

(groans, sighs)

Well... you give me a blade and keep the g*n for yourself.

Didn't think you could handle the firepower, Crane.

Just as well, I could.

You need all the assistance you can get.


Oh, man.

(door opens)

Abbie: Easy, easy, easy.

You took a pretty big spill.

It's my own fault.

I should have recognized the protection hex.

Thank you. I'll be fine.

You sure?

Fortunately my head is almost as hard as Ichabod's.

Crane is right.

We're a lot stronger with you on the team.

It took me a little while to get used to the idea, but I can see it now.

We may have destroyed the succubus, but Henry will devise a new plan.

So you agree Henry must be stopped.

I agree that this evil has to come to an end.

And for that to happen, I must destroy Moloch.


I can sense his growing power.

But he's still vulnerable. For now.

The Horsemen are guarding him.

I can get close.

Abraham is still in love with me.

I can convince him to take me back.

I will tell him how Ichabod has moved on.

And how he's found his life here, with you by his side.

And once Abraham takes me back, I will gain access to Moloch.

And I will strike him dead.

There is no way Crane is going to agree to this.

Which is why I need you to tell him for me.

I cannot bear to leave him once again.

And he'll understand that coming from you.

You're betting an awful lot on Abraham's love for you.

And Crane's.


But I've learned that love can be a very dangerous w*apon.

You should get a doctor to check that out.

What, and put myself in the system?

No thanks. I'll stay off the grid.

Here, let me do it.

Where's Crane?

He's inside.

Looking for balms and salves.

Think there was even some talk of a poultice.

I heard there wasn't much left of the Incordata.


Woman who almost stole your heart.

Figured you might use this.

Oh, you shouldn't have.


It's what's left of the succubus's heart.

Figured you might know people who'd pay for something like that.

Yeah. Yeah.



It's not every day a girl just gives me her heart.

Yeah. I have to punch you in the throat now.

Crane: Although there was a veritable apothecary in the mirrored cabinet, I could not locate... Oh.



Where's Katrina?

Crane, we have to talk.

She thought you would understand.

It is a bold move. With significant risk.

But if it succeeds, we will have struck a decisive blow.

So you're cool with Katrina making this call?

You were right, Lieutenant, when you said we must allow relationships to evolve. We must allow them to follow their natural course, wherever that may lead. Katrina is the love of my life. But she is also a highly skilled operative, a fact I tend to overlook.

Katrina's heart has always been deep and mysterious. A fact she has used to her advantage.

Katrina has returned. She knows her place now. As I told you she would. I know you think she's playing on my affections, but I truly believe...

Bring her in.

I'm glad she's finally come around.

Is she still wearing her necklace?

She is.


It's good to see you, Mother.

Crane: I must trust in her skill and her experience. But more than that... I must... trust... her.

(gasps emotionally)