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01x05 - Season 1, Episode 5

Posted: 11/10/14 10:28
by bunniefuu
Alison: Previously on The Affair...

There was this girl working here the last time we came.

I'll let her know you stopped by.

Helen and I are trying to raise decent human beings... not just get more, spend more.

As you accept our money for private school tuition?

Mom, stop trying to pick a fight with my husband.

I'm doing some research for my book.

Well, how about a tour of the island?

This island is famous for its old Victorian hotels.

I want to know what it feels like to be underneath you.

I need a room, please.

Will that be cash or credit?

How much do you need?

What are you doing here?

Oh, hey.

Oh, your girl's here.

My girl?

Weren't you looking for Alison earlier?

No, I think you must have misunderstood.

I'm sure I did.

If I were you, I'd be talking to Oscar Hodges.

There are feuds out here that have been going on for almost a century.

Between the Hodges and the Lockharts?

You don't understand this town, Detective.

Who the f*ck died and...

We may fight, we may hurt each other.

But we're like family here.

You care about me, Bailey, because we go way back.

And because you understand that people need to change in order to survive.

Here it is.

That's him.

Your grandfather?

He raised me.

They say this beach is haunted.

Seems like such a pleasant place.

I had a son.

He drowned.


Two years ago.

What was his name?


You don't want this.

I'm a grown man. I know what I want.

♪ I was screaming into the canyon ♪

♪ at the moment of my death ♪

♪ the echo I created ♪

♪ outlasted my last breath ♪

♪ my voice, it made an avalanche ♪

♪ and buried a man I never knew ♪

♪ and when he died ♪

♪ his widowed bride met your daddy ♪

♪ and they made you ♪

♪ I have only one thing to do ♪

♪ and that's be the wave that I am ♪

♪ and then sink back into the ocean ♪

♪ I have only one thing to do ♪

♪ and that's be the wave that I am ♪

♪ and then sink back into the ocean ♪

♪ I have only one thing to do ♪

♪ and that's be the wave that I am ♪

♪ and then sink back into the ocean ♪

♪ sink back into the ocean ♪

♪ sing back into the o ♪

♪ sink back into the ocean ♪

♪ sink back into the o ♪

♪ sink back into the ocean ♪

♪ sink back into the ocean ♪



I'm gonna go surfing. You want to come watch?

I couldn't sleep last night.

How come?

I'm gonna try and get a few more hours.

Okay, stinko.

You're the stinko.

I forgot my wax.

I love that dress on you.

[Car door closes]

[Knocking on door]

Okay. [Chuckles]

Ah, perfect.

[Knocking on door]

[Mellow country rock]

♪ come a little bit closer ♪



♪ well, you got a way of movin' ♪

So what do you think...

No, no, that's the kitchen.



Stop looking at me! [Giggles]


No, stop, stop.

Oh, stop.

Oh, sh... sh... [Laughs]

Who owns this place?

Grateful dead?

My friend, Phoebe.

We grew up together.

She's a folk musician and she tours with different bands all over the world.

Did you ever think about leaving?


When I was younger I wanted to be a doctor.

You did?

I thought about it.

What happened?

It was way too expensive.

We didn't have enough money.

I mean, I tried to get a scholarship, but my boards weren't good enough.

We couldn't afford to pay for all those extra classes, you know, that everyone takes to help prepare?

The system is rigged.


I know it is.

You think I grew up rich, don't you?


That's what you're thinking right now.


My father drove a truck.

My mom was a waitress.

I went to college on a swimming scholarship.

A waitress?


Wow. A lot has changed for you.

Yeah, it has.

[Cell phone chimes]



It's my grandmother's nursing home.

They never call.

Hi, it's Alison Bailey.

Oh, hi, Vera.

Is everything okay?



No, no. Don't change anything.

She's just... no, don't listen to her.

I'll be there as soon as I can.

Thank you so much.

f*cking Athena.

She hasn't been there in years, and now she's trying to change my grandmother's medication.

She's probably broken up with another boyfriend and to make herself feel better she decides to come home and f*ck everything up.

My grandmother has Alzheimer's.

And when she's not on medication she's hysterical because it's terrifying.

But of course Athena doesn't care about that.

Who's Athena?

My mother.

Look, I have to go.

Can I see you later?

I have to work.

Maybe after my shift?


Yeah, I'll take that.

Oh, God, you're so hot.

Which part do you like best?




Okay, bye.

Hey, Shandy.

How are you, sweetie?

I'm good.

You look good, girl.


Hey, James.

I felt you... coming down the hall.

Oh, God.

Well, I had no clue you were coming.

Well, it was an impulse visit.

I sensed that my mother needed me.

And of course I always want to see you.

Oh, God. You look so pretty.


What's going on?

Well, grandma's not doing well at all.

I could feel it all the way in Jaipur.

And then when I got here she was just so out of it.

They overmedicate them so they don't have to deal with them, you know.

No, she's not overmedicated.

Sweetie, she didn't even recognize me.

Well, she was fine when I was here last week.

Do you only come once a week?

Hi, mommy.


Oh, Alison.

I brought you some peaches from Cherry's Orchard.

Ah, thank you, dear.

I love them.

Tell me about this show.

These people are trapped together.

Are they related?


It's garbage, mom.

It's about people wanting to be famous.

Is this woman a friend of yours?

She was here earlier.

It's Athena, your daughter.


I had a daughter, Shelly.

I changed it, mom. Remember?

She was very bright.

She's a nurse now.

I'm your daughter.

My name used to be Shelly.

I changed it many years ago.

I'm not a nurse but I am a healer.

I practice reiki and other forms of energy work.

Don't you make fun of me.

No, I'm not...

It was me who went to nursing school.

You were right, grandma.

Oh, yeah. You studied so hard.

You were always such a good student.

Now, tell me something about yourself, dear.

Well, I'm a senior teacher at the Omega Institute for holistic studies and healing and spiritual development.

And my private practice is flourishing.

And I do workshops and trainings all over the world.

Is Sal here with you?

No, we're no longer traveling together.

Oh, you mean you broke up?

We came to the end of our story.

Hi, Joan.

It's time to take your pills.

Oh, God. Look how much they're giving her.

What is it? What's wrong?

It's too many dr*gs, mom.

No, they're trying to poison me again.

No, no, no one's gonna hurt you.

They love you here.

And I'd never let anyone give you the wrong medicine, okay?


Two of them slow the progression of her cognitive impairment.

One is for anxiety and one is an anti-depressant,

'cause frankly it's depressing to be losing your mind and dying.

Please don't talk to me like I'm an idiot.

I am a highly trained professional.

The A.M.A. is not God.

There are myriad alternative therapies for all those things.

Acupuncture, biofeedback...

Athena, those are bullshit therapies...

Homeopathy... that offer questionable relief to minor conditions.

I wish you would just call me mom.

And grandma seems worse because she is worse.

It gets worse, and she needs medication.

Why are you getting upset?

Because you're upsetting her.

I'm worried this is too much for you being her proxy.

Why don't you let me take over her health decisions, sweetie?

Are you kidding me?

You have to be here.

I'll be here more. I will.

No, you won't.

[Elevator bell dings]

Honey, let me take you to dinner tonight.

Just the two of us.

No, I'm having dinner at the Lockharts tonight.

Oh, well.

Well, you could come but I know how much you love Cherry.

How about a drink, then? After work.

I can't.


I have to check on a house I'm taking care of.

Whose house?

Phoebe's! [Whispers] God, who cares? Jesus.

[Engine turns]

No. Are you going back in?

Yes. I want to be with my mother.

Can you please try not to agitate her?

Oh, shit.

f*ck, come on.

Don't rush.

Couldn't be slower.

Good. Thanks for covering for me.


Guess who showed up like a nasty cold sore?


You got it.

I'm sorry. Was there drama?

Morning, sunshine.

Not so loud, Bailey.

Oh, hey, can I, uh, borrow your phone?

Mine's dead.

Didn't make it home last night?

Just pass me the device.

Why can't you use the house phone?

Because your brother-in-law owes me a delivery and I want to send him a reminder, Bailey.

And I believe you have the number.

I'll do it for you.

What are you saying?

I'm saying you want to see him.



[Music plays in background]

Say, uh... you still watching Phoebe Cutler's house?

Yeah, why?

No reason.

It does. It's like chip all over again.

You guys, you ready to order?

Yeah, um... we'll get...

What are you getting?


Don't know?

Dunno, between the chicken fingers and the salad.

[Low chatter]

Can I maybe get the seafood nachos but without the melted cheddar cheese?

Uh, yeah.

Maybe water. I don't know.

Should I just get the chicken fingers?

I say go for it.

I don't know. Are they, like, really breaded?

Yes, they are.

[Blues plays in background]


Jane, Jane? You're cut.

Go have fun.

What? Is there a problem?

She's still got two tables left. I'm empty.

Yeah, you were late.

She covered for you.

How do you know that?

I didn't say anything.

Took an educated guess, Bailey, and you just confirmed it for me.

Man, it's so lonely being smarter than everyone else.


What? Oh, you got somewhere else you'd rather be?

Yeah, anywhere but here.

Ah, see now, that hurts me.

Have a good one.

Come on...

So, Oscar had a relationship with the victim?

Yeah, they were friends.

And Scotty stopped by that day because...

I honestly don't know, detective.

You asked if I remember seeing them together and...

That's what I remember.

Do you remember being worried at the time?


But I should've been.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Maybe here with you.

That's a terrible idea.


Okay, how about Sonoma?

Where's that?

Northern California.

I've never been.

Oh, you've got to go.

It's God's country over there.

I'll take you there one day.


Why not?

Don't say things that aren't true.

It is true. I'll take you there one day.

There's this little town by the water called Bodega Bay.

It's kind of like here, actually.

We'd drink wine all day on the beach and we'd stay in a cabin at night with a wood burning stove, no electricity.

No Internet.

Do you like teaching?

Yeah, I do. I love it.


I don't know.

There's something pure about it.

I mean, the school politics are bullshit like everywhere else, but when I'm in the classroom I feel like I have something to offer, you know?

Something to give.

I know something. They don't.

If I can teach them, I can help them.

That seem naive to you?


It's wonderful.


You got any kind of protection going on?

You're a little late with that question, but, yes, of course.

Any STDs you want to tell me about?

What do you want... the whole history or just the current ones?

Ha, ha.

[Man and woman, indistinct]

What's going on?

I decided to come to dinner.


I mean, you weren't at the Lobster Roll but that nice man... I forgot his name.

He told me where Phoebe's house was.

His name is Oscar, and he's not a nice man.

Well, he was to me.

And then I arrived to find this tall drink of water on the property.

Athena, this is Noah.

Hi, Noah.

Hi, I'm a friend of Phoebe's.

I'm gonna be staying here while she's away.

Oh, Phoebe. What a voice, right?

And what a spirit.

It's not easy to get off this island to follow a dream.

Noah, this is my mother.


What do you call your mother?


Uh, she's dead actually.

Oh, I'm so sorry.

But you did call her mom, right?

I did. I did.

Well, I should go. It's so nice to meet you.

Oh, you too.

Noah, very nice to meet you.



You know what? You could have called, you know?

Oh, I never carry the phone.

The radiation is a disaster.

And it virtually eliminates spontaneity.

Just because you want spontaneity doesn't mean other people do.

You're having an affair with that man.

What? No, I'm not.

Oh, please, Alison, I'm an energy reader.

And I'm very familiar with lust energy.

It's obvious. You just had sex.

That's insane.

Oh, fine. You don't have to admit it to me.

But I just want you to know I totally approve.

You deserve some joy.

There's been so much pain.

This is the first time I've seen your life force since we lost Gabriel.

You think I'm not with you, but I am.

Energetically I am with you all the time.

And I know that the sorrow was unbearable and so you shut down your heart.

Well, now, it's open.

You are allowing a vital flow of energy to move through you to connect to someone else in a real way.

That's what life is, sweetie.

It's not about following some oppressive set of rules from 2,000 years ago about good wife- daughter-motherness...

Oh, but what the hell do you know about being a good wife, daughter, or mother?

A hell of a lot.

I have to go.

I'm late for dinner.

Are you coming?

I'm sorry to spring her on you.

She just showed up.

It's fine.

You know I always make way too much food.

How long is she staying?

Oh, who knows?


So you can do it remotely? But how?

Sweetie, it's energy. It travels.

Right, but, like, how does it know where to go?

Here, lie down. I'm gonna show you how it works.



This box is soaked, God.

Hope this isn't the one with all Cole's old trophies getting all rusted.

I think that's probably Scotty's old porn.

Hey, that's classic.

Hey, what's going on?

We got a massive leak up in the roof.


There's a little blockage around your sexual energy center.

There is?

It's very common in this culture.

Especially for women.

It's not safe to own our sexual power.



It's releasing.

I can feel it.

Both: Whoo! [Both laughing]

It's good, yeah?

Yeah, wow.


This is nice.

Mm-hmm, yeah, it is.

[Low chatter]

Does that have meat in it?


Oh, that's good. I'll be good.

Mom, I thought you were going to fix the roof last summer.

I was.

But honey, the estimate was $50,000.

Get out the duct tape, boys.

That's like 6,000 jars of jam.

How do you know that?

Mary Kate's really good with math.

Mom got another call from a realtor.


It was a very high offer.

How much?

$30 million.

That's like $6 million each.

My God...

More like 4 something...

Sell it!

After taxes.

Oh, really? Only $4 million?

You could reinvent yourself, Cherry!

It's up to my sons.

It's your ranch.

We're not selling the ranch.

It's their inheritance, dear. Can we at least talk about it?

There's nothing to talk about. The ranch has been in the family for seven generations.

Jesus Christ!

Do you want to be the one that loses it?

You're not our f*cking father. Stop acting like you are!

It's not just about me!

What would you do with that money?

Come with me a minute. I want to give you something.

It's none of your g*dd*mn business, okay?

I guarantee you blow it in five years.

Well, maybe I want to go back to school.
[Music box melody]

It was my wedding band.


I want you to have it.

Oh, Cherry, I can't.

No, you must.

Please, try it on.

Try it on.

I want to thank you for taking care of my son.

He acts like he doesn't need anyone.

And maybe you think he doesn't really need you.

Am I right?

I... I...

He does.

You mean everything to him.

You both work so hard to be strong.

Maybe it's hard to be... soft with one another?

Why, did he say something?

No. Please, he would never.

I just know what it's like to be married.

So, where did you two run off to?

Cherry just needed some help in the kitchen.

Cole, do you recognize this?

Of course I do. That's your ring mom, isn't it?

It is.

You're giving that to Ali?

I'm giving it to both of you.

Oh, my God.

I should give you all my old wedding rings, too.

One couldn't possibly be enough.


Let us remind you how shackled to this family you really are, Alison?

Athena, don't.

How many wedding rings do you have?

I didn't get the monogamy gene, darling.

Not everyone does.

But this culture has brainwashed most women into thinking that's all they really want.

Oh, my God. I'm so sorry.

Do not apologize to her.

She should be apologizing to you.

For what, exactly?


You wouldn't know this because you've been M.I.A. for most of the last two years, but when things got really bad, this is where we came.

To my mother's house.

She's the one that fed your daughter when she couldn't eat. She's the one that held her when she couldn't sleep. She's the one that bathed her when she was still terrified of water. Where the f*ck were you?

You didn't want me here, Cole.

And you made that very clear.

Athena, I...

You can bully everyone at this table but you cannot bully me!

I think it's time to go.

Where are you staying?

Can we go, please?

Now? I'm just having fun.

One day you will regret choosing him over me.

Don't rewrite history, Athena. I didn't choose anything.

You left.

Oh... [laughs]

You have forgotten so much.

I asked you to come with me.

Several times.

To travel the world with me and have adventures.

And you chose to stay with your grandparents.

I was a child.

I wanted to go to school and be with my friends.

And, you know, and just be normal.

Right, and you chose to marry at a very young age, before you could possibly know who you were.

I'm just saying you've always craved security, sweetie.

And maybe now that you realize that there is no such thing, you are starting to become someone else, my love.

Thank you for coming in, Mrs. Bailey.

I hope I haven't kept you too long.

We're done?

We're done.

Now, I'm sorry.

One more thing.

The night of the wedding...


Did you talk to Scotty?

Of course.

Did you notice anything off about him?

No, Detective. He was acting like himself.

Did you see him leave?

No, we left first.

And drove back to the city?

That's right.

Okay, great.

That's all my questions.

Thank you again for coming in.


Helen? Helen?


Whitney's not here.

She slept at Ruby's.

I'm anti-Ruby.

Yes, well, next time listen to us when we ask you a question.

Wait, could you get some bagels?

I'm going running.

Well, you can run with a bag of bagels.

It's good for your biceps.

Where are you going?

I'm running.

With your car keys?

No, I'm driving to get bagels and then I'm running.

Can I come?

No, I'm not just getting bagels. I'm also running.

I can run.

Running is my time to be alone, okay?

Aren't you alone all day long?

Trevor, I said no!

I'm sorry, that came out wrong. I'm sorry.


Let's go.

[Laughs] Whoa!

Whoo, slow down, tiger.

I don't have long.

I'm supposed to be getting bagels.

No, that's a bad cover. It takes ten minutes.

Let's just not talk.

Well, maybe you can say there's a long line.

Do you not want to do this now?

Yes, I want to do this.

But you're really stressed.

No, I just really want to f*ck you.

Yeah, I know. Like slamming a shot.

Never heard of a quickie?

Just text her and say you're waiting for a fresh batch of sesame.

Or the kind she likes.


I wasn't actually asking.


Feel better?

Just take your pants off.

[Cell phone chimes]

Oh, shit.



"Never mind about the bagels just come home. Major crisis."

I'm sure it's nothing.

Boys just playing hockey in the house... something broke.

[Cell phone chimes]

This is your fault.

Check it.


What if it's important?

Alison, you're really k*lling the mood.

I just don't want another text from your wife to interrupt me.

Why can't you just check it and make sure everything's okay?

Oh, f*ck.

Oh, stop, stop, stop.


It's Whitney.

What's wrong? Is she okay?

I don't know.

It doesn't f*cking say.

I gotta go.

I find you later?


[Cell phone chimes]



f*ck. f*ck!

I can't believe this.

Hey buddy.


What, you got a flat?

Unfortunately, yeah.

Need some help?

No, I called AAA.

Oh, yeah. Good for you.

What are you doing out in these parts?

Butlers live over in Hither Hills.

I'm, uh... I'm just... I was doing some research for the book I'm writing.

You're a writer?

That's right.

Well, I'll keep you company while you wait.

That way you won't look like such a douche.


Yeah, they used to be friends of my parents, the Butlers.

They were some of the first investors in the Lobster Roll.

No kidding?

Yeah, used to play over there sometimes when I was a kid.

Knew your wife a bit.

Of course, she was older.

She probably won't remember me.

Oh, I wouldn't count on that.

Helen's got a mind like a steel trap.

You got your AAA card?

Right here.


All right, dude. You're all set.


And here's my number.


Just in case you ever get in trouble out here again.

Thanks so much.

Well, it was nice to see you.

So, what are you up to later?

Want to come fishing with me and some buddies?

They're pure Montauk, these guys.

Great characters for you.

Oh, I'd love to, man.

I can't tonight, but thanks.

Oh, okay.

We should get a beer sometime.

Yeah, great.

Take it easy.


Where's the jack? I had to call AAA.

Martin used it for a science project.

I forgot to put it back, I guess.


So, what's happening with Whitney?

Jody Manko's mother called.

Apparently Whitney is part of a group of kids that have been bullying Jody online.


And yesterday Jody tried to k*ll herself.

Oh, my God.

So, will you let me take Whitney to see a therapist now?


She said you set up a fake Twitter account where you and a lot of other people posted really nasty things about Jody.



Is that what it was called?


Skank ho?

No, I didn't set up that account.

Did you post on it?

No, I didn't.

Let me see your phone.

Mom, no.

Don't say no to me...


Let me see your phone.



Right, you are going to write a letter of apology right now.

And I'm taking you to Jody's house where you will beg her forgiveness...


And you will post an apology...

No! No! No! I'm not!

On your Facebook page!

You can't do that!

Stop, shh.

What the hell is going on out there?

I don't want you writing one word until we talk to Gottlieb.

I left a message.

And you're not going over to this girl's house.

Excuse me. Yes, she is.

If she does that, she's basically conceding guilt.

She is guilty.

We don't know that.

It sounds like this Jody character is unstable, Noah.

And she has no proof of Whitney's culpability.

She doesn't?


Look at what they're doing!

The girl has a tremendous amount to gain by pursuing this legally.

But she has not pursued it legally.

Not yet, sweetheart.

People try to bring lawsuits against me all the time.

They go after the money however they can.

Are you out of your mind?

A child just tried to take her own life because of what our kid did.


All you can think about is your money?

Whitney, go to your room.

The money that pays for your house and the school that your children go to?

Yeah, that illustrious private school teaches such impeccable values.

If that's how you feel, maybe I should stop writing checks.

No, grandpa please don't do that.

I told you to go to your room...

I'm telling you that I wasn't there!

Or I swear to God I am gonna lose it!

Why don't we all take a moment and collect our thoughts?

Things get very heated when the children are involved.

Let us know when the lawyer calls.

You need to calm down.

Wait, what?

She made a mistake. She's going to apologize.

A mistake? Jody tried to k*ll herself.

Look, that girl is troubled, Noah.

Okay, you don't try to k*ll yourself over a few text messages.

With all due respect, what the f*ck do you know about it?

What do you mean, what do I know?

You were a popular girl, Helen.

And you raised our kid to be a popular girl...

I raised her? Where were you?

Yeah, well you have no idea, either of you, what those kids... the ones that don't fit in... what they go through I see it every year.

Oh, get off your f*cking high horse. This has nothing to do with Whitney.

Nothing whatsoever to do with Whitney and I am not going to watch my daughter throw her life away so you can prove a point to my father.

You're my wife.

You're on my side.

I'm on Whitney's side.

Yeah, well did you hear what she said?

No proof.

She sounds like a sociopath.

She sounds like a teenager who needs therapy.

Something I have been saying for years.

She wouldn't need therapy if we didn't spend every f*cking summer with your lotus-eating f*cking parents... ah, f*ck!


You all right?

I'm fine.

We should talk to a lawyer. It doesn't have to be Gottlieb.

She will apologize. Not necessarily in writing.

I have her iPad.

We will not replace the phone.

Ever, as far as I'm concerned.

Then, tomorrow we can go back to Brooklyn.

Wait, what?

She needs immediate consequences.

I'm sure Ruby was behind this.

You were right, we have to get her away from here.

Well, what about Stacey and Trevor?

They love camp. What about Martin?

He loves the ranch.

They'll survive.

Wait, this'll backfire, Helen.

Whitney acts out and then we take her home?

We're just giving her attention.

That's what she needs.

No, she needs discipline.

I really thought that you would love the idea of going home early.

Well, I do, of course, for me.

But I mean, all the therapists are on vacation anyway, aren't they?

Most of them are probably out here.

Okay, so, now you want to spend another month with my parents?

No, I just want to do what's right for our family.

Mr. Noah?

Please, just call me Noah!

There is a visitor for you.


Hey hey, there he is.

You dropped your AAA card.

Oh, thanks man.

Helen, hey.

Nice to see you again. You probably don't recognize me.

I've changed a lot.

I ran into Oscar waiting for the mechanic.

Yeah, I keep telling the town they've got to do something about those potholes out in Ditch Plains and they're, like, do famous people live there?

No? Then who cares?

Ditch Plains?


Thanks for stopping by, man.

That's great. Really appreciate that.

We've got something going on, so...

Oh, hey, are Bruce and Margaret here?

I want to say hey from my mom and dad, and ask why they never come into the restaurant anymore.

Do you know?

No, but they're old and...

Yeah, well old people still have to eat, right?

I mean they always used to... all right, man! Come on!



Hey, Jesus Christ.

Just leave now, please.

Thought we were friends, man.

But you're a douche.

Just like the rest of them.

I'm taking Whitney over to Jody's.

This it?



You're not even sorry about this.

I am. It's horrible what she did.

What you did.

Okay, I know it seems like whatever, but A, I didn't set up that account.

You tell the people at Twitter that.

Okay, Ruby did it.

She just used my old email address cause she'd already used all of hers.

Oh, so you're not just mean, you're also stupid.

Okay, it was just a joke.

Jody calls herself Skank Ho Manko, and she totally is one.

She had sex with Ruby's boyfriend because Ruby wouldn't.

Whitney, she could've died.

I'm frightened by how little you seem to understand this.

Your words and your actions have consequences.

When you do something mean because you're angry or bored it happens to someone else.

It hurts them.

You're not the only person who's real.

So, what? Do you think I'm a bad person?

I think you did a bad thing.

Doing one bad thing doesn't make you a bad person.

But what if I did, like, a lot of bad things?

Would that make me a bad person?

Definitely make you an assh*le.

I don't want to be an assh*le.

Then you don't have to be.

But what do I do?

How do I un-assh*le myself?

Just stop doing bad things.

Just stop.


How'd it go?

Fine, she did great.

I just talked to my therapist.

She's going to help us find someone out here for her to see.

And she also says we should be having as much contact as possible with her.

What does that mean?

Family dinners, weekends.

We need to be more involved.

Of course.

It's our fault.

Kids today can never just be wrong.


I'm trying out this natural deodorant for the store.

It's f*cking useless.

I think one of us should be home after school this year.

I keep reading that teenagers need as much supervision as toddlers.

How would we do that? I mean, how does anyone?

People work.

I guess I could sell the store.

No, come on.

You love the store.

Well, is there any way you could take the semester off?

You could focus on your book and be there for the kids.

First of all, I can't just ask for the fall off in July.

And even if I could, how do we afford that?

My parents. They want to help.

Look, I know you don't want...


To talk about it but what does it matter how much money we accept from them?

If it makes our lives easier and it's all gonna be mine one day, anyway?

Why are you making that horrible face at me?

I have a f*cking headache and I don't want to take more money from your parents.

Fine. That's fine. Fine.

But you're never gonna be successful if you only write one book a decade.

I'm never gonna be successful?

That's not what I said.

I just said, I mean, you... look, you just deserve to have some time...

Sorry, I thought I was doing pretty well.

I guess I'm just a parasite leeching money off your successful father so I can delude myself I'm a f*cking writer...

Stop, stop, stop! I just want you to be happy.

I am happy!

At least I was until I started listening to you.

Where are you going?

For a walk.

A walk, a run, what were you doing in Ditch Plains this morning?

I was running...

Miles from town...

I told you.

Running with the car?

Yeah, well, I had to get the bagels after for you.

Cause God forbid you don't get everything you want exactly when you want it.

Oh, f*ck you!

No, f*ck you.

No, f*ck you!

And you better be here for f*cking family dinner!

And is this really what you want to know? Details on some fight I had with my wife?

[Chuckles] Not really.

I'm getting nasty flashbacks.

You're free to go. Thanks for your help.

Was I helpful?


You got anyone in mind?

I think so.

Can I ask you a question, Detective?

Of course.

What makes you so sure it wasn't an accident?

I don't believe in accidents.

Mr. Solloway, do you know a place called the End?

No, what is it?

It's a club out in Montauk.

I believe Scotty was headed that way when he died.

So, you've never been?


What's wrong?

[Heavy breathing and moaning]

Do you want to run away with me?





Yeah? Yes?