Left Behind III: World at w*r (2005)

Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.

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Left Behind III: World at w*r (2005)

Post by bunniefuu »

Everybody has to
get out of here, now!

Watch your back!

Funny thing about a dream:

when you're asleep,
no matter what happens,

no matter how crazy it might be,

it all seems to make sense.

I was there when
millions of people vanished

off the face of the earth.

But I didn't wake up.

I cheered as the
world came together

in the name of peace,

as race, politics

and religion no longer mattered.

I should have known it
was too good to be true.

And maybe it was.

And when one single
man rose to power

to rule the entire world,

I watched it all happen.

I helped him get there.

That's when the dream
turned into a nightmare.

And like that instant in
a dream when you fall,

that's when I should have
sat bolt upright in my bed.

But I didn't.

I can only hope...

that I'm not trapped
here forever...

that I'm not already dead,
spending an eternity in hell...

and I can only pray...

that God decides
to wake me soon.

Fast. Come on.
Let's move it. Now.

Come on. Grab those things. Now.

Where are these Bibles going?

Utah. That truck!

Come on. Move
it out. Back it in.

Keep it moving.

They're here!

Bail! Bail!

Run! Run! Let's go!

Where's Chris?

He's coming.

Call for backup!

You're under arrest!

Bruce, we can't leave him.

We gotta get these
Bibles out of here.

We can't leave him!

Guess you know I can execute
you right now, if I want to.

So who do you work for?

The... Son... of... Man.

Last chance.

Who do you work for?

God Almighty.

Wrong answer.

Those aren't pigeons
you're sh**ting, are they?



I was thinking

about those terror att*cks
on the GC buildings,

those missing weapons,

and those few people
who, for some reason,

can't stand the idea of peace.


And I'm thinking about
the militia's intelligence

that seems to be getting
more and more powerful.

And about that conversation
we had just last week

about how vulnerable we'd be

if we got rid of too
many of our weapons.


What are you saying?

The militia knew exactly
where those missiles were,

and, my guess, they
had the codes as well.

What do you think
about that, John?

Look around you.

They're not even looking
at us. Why would they?

You're my vice president,

my best friend, loyal.

You could sh**t me

before they even
knew what happened.

I'm fighting for
America, not against it.

And you should be too.

America is the
will of its people.

And, just like the
rest of the world,

it's a new way.

They've chosen a single man.

When those people
disappeared, it changed everything.

They looked at
the bigger picture.

Politics, religion,
race, it didn't matter.

That's when Nicolae stepped in.

And America stepped out.

There are 172
countries in this world,

and all 172 voted to
drop their weapons

in the name of peace.

It's a new way,

and I'm happy to be part of it.

Oh, you were a part of it.

Nicolae is planning
to attack America,

and I can prove it.


these transmissions

that you say you intercepted.

What did they say, exactly?

Well, they were coded,
so it's impossible to know

exactly what they said, but...

we did pick up certain

scientific references.

Chemical formulas.


What kind of formulas?


The kind that can wipe out

an entire country
in a matter of days.


What else?

There are about 200 people
with the kind of technical expertise

to pull off

that kind of biological warfare.

Half of them have been
assigned to projects

that don't even exist.

Look, you say we're
close friends, right?


Why did you not come to
me with this in the first place?

I was about to.

Just for argument's sake,

let's just say that the GC

is developing
biological weapons.

What makes you think
that the United States

is one of its prime targets?



Hey, what are you doing?

Hey, where are you going?

Call in air!

John! Come on.

Are you okay, sir?

Who are you?

Mallory was a good man,
a man you could trust.

Know that.

Love is patient. Love is kind.

It's not jealous, or
boastful, arrogant or rude.

It does not insist
on its own way.

Love is not
irritable or resentful.

It does not rejoice at
wrong, but rejoices at right.

Love bears all things,
believes all things,

hopes all things,
endures all things.

Love never ends.

So faith, hope and
love abide, these three.

But the greatest of these...

is love.

Um, Buck? Buck.




From the moment I met you,

I knew I had never
known love before.

Chloe Steele, I love you,

and I choose you to be my wife.

To live with you,
to make you laugh,

to stand by your side...

and to sleep in your arms...

to be joy for your heart...

and, with God's help,
comfort for your soul.

You helped lead me to
the most important truth,

and I'm eternally
grateful to you.

And now...

I'm eternally yours.

Forever one.


Knew I should have gone first.

Cameron Williams... Buck...

I thought you'd never ask.

I was a silly girl

with a big dream...

and a really big crush.

To be yours and yours alone...

to laugh with you in good
times, support you in bad...

to comfort you with my body...

and mirror you with my soul...

to share everything with you.

And now my dream has come true,

and I shall be yours

for as long as
we both shall live.

From now until eternity.

I'm being upstaged
by my own daughter.

I met you at the
beginning of my new life

when I was prepared for...

hardship, sacrifice,

the end of the world, anything.

But not for you.

Amanda Susan
White, I wasn't prepared

for the way that
you make me smile,

the way you make me feel,

the way you make
me a better man.

You are a blessing for a
life that does not deserve it.

And I promise God
that I will love you today,

and for the rest of my life.

Captain Rayford Steele...

you're not the man I
ever thought I'd marry.

Gee, thanks.

Too good-looking.

Too confident, too successful.

Too tall.

But then I saw that you were
determined to be the man

and the father...

the leader that God
had chosen you to be.

And suddenly, I felt chosen
to be your helper, your mate,

your friend...

and your wife.

Rayford, you are
the man I will marry.

God is glorious.

And I promise to
thank him for you

for the rest of my life.

And with that,

it gives me immense
pleasure and joy

to pronounce you...

Buck and Chloe...

Ray and Amanda...

in the name of Jesus Christ,

our Lord and Savior,

man and wife.

You may kiss your brides.

So, Ray, where does
Nicolae have you flying to?

Well, the rumor is New
Babylon, but it changes daily.

A honeymoon in New Babylon.

I hear Iraq's beautiful
this time of year.

And how about you guys?

Oh, I don't know. I'm sure
we'll find something to do.

Oh, boy. RAY: Hey.

And you, our fearless leader?

Go see Chris's family and
go about the Father's business.

I suppose you'll be joining him.

Dad, we've been over this.

We feel called to take back
and share these Bibles, Ray.

I spent most of my life
pretending to serve God.

I'm through pretending.

Yeah, I know, see,

but you're talking to the
father and the husband

of a young girl that
almost got shot yesterday.

Look, I... I know. I... I know.

But some security
guard a GC trooper,

or Nicolae himself
will not choose

when our journey is over.

God will decide.

We'll be safe in the
palm of his hand,

in the center of his will.

Like Chris was?


"Vice President Mallory
has been assassinated.

President Fitzhugh
is hurt, but still alive."

Oh, my...

I've got to get to Washington.

Wait. Let's pray.

All right.

Father, if we do nothing

but admit to knowing
you and loving you...

they send us for reeducation.

If we lift a finger to
spread your word,

they sentence us as t*rrorists.

Even if we make it to court,
it is a dark and fearful world,

yet we are reminded
of your word.

Yea, though we walk through
the valley of the shadow of death,

we will fear no evil,
for you are with us.

Your rod and your
staff will comfort us.

For you've prepared
a table before us

in the presence of our enemies.


Mr. President. Yes.

All intel points to the militia.

You're sure?

What about the bodies?
Nothing, sir. Clean.

We're running their
prints and DNA.

And those two
motorcyclists, anything yet?

Nothing, sir.

What is it?

Nicolae's office called, sir.

He wants to see you.

Mr. President.

You're tough, Gerald.

Thank the gods.

I'm sorry about
the vice president.

I know he was a friend.

Despite all this, we
must stay the course.

The militia think
I'm Big Brother.

The Christians think I'm Satan.

It won't change
any of their minds

by acts of good or kindness.

They'll all think it's
part of the game.

Look at the global
community we formed.

Think of what we've achieved.

It was unthinkable.

Look at the sky, Mr. President.

Tell me something.
What color do you see?


Maybe what I see is
what you'd call green.

There is no real way
of knowing, is there?

I guess not.

It's that little grain
of mustard seed.

That's what
dissenters do, Gerald.

They sow seeds of doubt.

Militia does it out
of a sense of fear,

out of an inability to trust.


Well, they tell you

what kind of faith
they want: blind.

It only takes

a little bit of doubt

to cloud our entire dream.

For the good of all mankind

we must stop this
from happening.

Steve Plank to see you, sir.

Very well. Five minutes.

Have Ms. Miller come in
to show the president out.

Yes, sir.

You're a good man, Gerald.

I am grateful to
call you a friend.

Mr. President, my assistant,

Ms. Miller.

Hello. Hello.

I was so sorry to hear
about Vice President Mallory.

He was a good man,
a man you could trust.

Something wrong, Gerald?

Oh, uh, no, sir.

Actually, Ms. Miller and I

met at a function
a few years ago.

I'm very flattered you
remembered me, Mr. President.

How could I forget?

Hey! Hey!

Have a seat.

Who do you work for?

My guess is you
already know that.

Indulge me.

Global Community Weekly.

And who do you answer to?

Nicolae Carpathia.

That's a Bible. Your
Bible, Mr. Williams.

You know how the GC
frowns on hate literature.

I've been doing research.

I'm sure you have.

You have two options.

Option number one: You
give me all the right answers

to my questions,

and I'll think about not
putting a b*llet into your head.

Option two...

Option one is fine.

Are you one of them? Christians?

I haven't done anything...

I will decide that myself.

Now, do you renounce
the name of Jesus Christ?

Yes or no?


No, I don't.

Heh. Somehow, I
don't think Nicolae

would be thrilled
with that answer.

Mr. President.

Desperate times. It's a
matter of trust, Mr. Williams.

I'm a Christian. What's next?

I was told that somebody
was planning an all-out

biological attack
on this country.

Does that sound familiar?

Then I asked myself,
"If I was a t*rror1st

"and I wanted to
k*ll millions of people

with biological weapons,
what would I do?"

What would a nice Christian
like yourself be doing

stockpiling all the vaccines
you can get your hands on?


Answers now,

prayers later.

The answer is in there.

Matthew, chapter 24, verse 3.

"And as he sat upon
the Mount of Olives,

"the disciples came
to him privately, saying,

'Tell us, when shall
these things be,

And what shall be
the sign of thy coming,

and of the end of the world?'

And Jesus answered
and said unto them..."

Read that.


That it?

Not, uh, tornado, or earthquake?

That's in there too, but
there's no vaccines for those.

Webster defines pestilence
as a serious infectious disease

that spreads rapidly and
kills large groups of people.

So in a word, yes.

And before you write
it off as paranoia,

read the next verse.

"Then shall they deliver
you up to be afflicted,

"and shall k*ll you,

"and you shall be
hated of all nations

for my name's sake."

"You"... "You" meaning
Christians, right?

Fits pretty well, doesn't it?

For his name's sake,

you almost put a
b*llet in my head

about five minutes ago.

All right... what
about the militia?

They have their own reasons

for going after Nicolae.

Has nothing to do with us.

Except you both hate Nicolae.

We know who he is.

The Bible refers to him
as the beast of Revelation.

He's the Antichrist.

Wouldn't you all want him dead?

He's the Antichrist.
You can't k*ll him.

Here in the real world...

what are your
sources telling you?

Nicolae has put together a
powerful group of scientists

from dozens of different fields.

Biologists, chemists...
from all over the world.

We don't know why, or what
he's meeting with them about,

but whatever
they're talking about,

it's happening right
here in the United States.


I don't know.

Is that it?

That's it.

All right, you're free to go.

We'll be in touch with you.

Good luck with
those earthquakes.

Dave, extension 52.

Dave, extension 52.


Hi, Ray.

I heard you were here.

I figured you'd never get
around to introducing me

to your lovely new wife.

So I took it upon myself.

I was just giving Mandy
my congratulations.

And giving her a few
pointers about you.

Hattie. AMANDA: It's okay.

Considering the circumstances,
Hattie has been very gracious.

Women don't heal
as quickly as men do.

That's very sweet, Mandy,

but I think I've healed very
well in the arms of Nicolae.

But I hope we can be
friends, despite Ray's and my...


Of course. I'd like that.

You seem delightful, Mandy.

I hope it works out.


I hope it works out for you too.

Just listen to your heart, okay?

I always do.


Hi, Buck. You got a minute?

Yeah, two minutes.

Yeah, thanks. Yeah, what's up?

Something's going on.

Some sort of outbreak.

A lot of people
are getting sick.

What are the doctors saying?

We've got 18 cases
here in Chicago.

All members of the
underground churches.

Hopefully it's
confined to there.

Except it's happening at a dozen

of our sister churches
across the country.

You think somebody's

carrying it in?

Must be. You know
what that means.

Everyone new face could
be a k*ller sent by Nicolae.

Carrying a pocketful of anthrax.

Yeah, and they know
we'll never close our doors.

We need the vaccines.
Maybe those will work.

Send somebody for them,
and get Chloe out of there.

Can I see some ID?


Thank you.


Ms. Miller.

Please forgive meeting here.

Work never ends.

I could think of a
lot worse places, sir.

Thank you.

I have to tell you,

you look much better
without that MP5.


That day, how'd you know?

We had a tip.

Unfortunately, the tip didn't
come soon enough to save John.


What'd you find?

It turns out that
Buck Williams is right.

Most of the bioscientists
that we're now trying to track

are, in fact, here
in the United States.

It's a big country.

I realize that, and we don't
know exactly where they are yet,

but what we do
know is that the traffic

on the secure lines into
the GC Headquarters

has increased immensely
in the last 48 hours.

Have you been able
to crack any codes,

or intercept any transmissions?

No, not yet, sir,

but we have been able to

track most of the communications

back to a power plant

just a few klicks
outside of Washington.

So, what do you think?

I think that we should
go and look at it.


I know you need proof, sir.

John did try and tell you,

and moments
later, they k*lled him.

Okay. Go ahead.


tell me, Ms. Miller,

are you married?

It's Carolyn.


Yes, I was married.

My husband died a few
days after the vanishings.

I'm sorry.

He was a journalist.

He was working on a big story,

and, apparently,
he stuck a nerve

somewhere along the line.

What happened?

Eric called and told me

that he had
uncovered a huge story,

a front-page story,

and he told me he was scared,

and I didn't ever see him again.

And they told me that he...

That he fell off the
Staten Island Ferry.

So I got in touch
with John for his help.

John never told me.

I think at first he
was just doing a favor

for the widow of an old friend,

but I got him all the e-mails,

all of Eric's notes
that I could find,

and he had trouble
fitting the pieces together

until Nicolae started
confiscating all the weapons.


And that's why he got
you a job on Nicolae's staff.


And into the militia.

I don't like this idea,
and your dad won't either.

You're supposed
to love and obey.


These vaccines weigh a ton.

You know, we should be
packing for our honeymoon

like normal people.

Maybe I should come with you.

No, you need to stay here.

I'm really proud of
you, you know that?


I'm just doing what
I'm called to do.

We all are.

The next person that shakes
your hand could be the...

Don't think like that.

We really need to keep
our faith in times like these.

Sometimes it's all that we have.

Isn't this the point where
you're supposed to tell me

that everything's
going to be okay?

Hey, of course it will.

Remember what Bruce
told us on our wedding?

We can't die until
God says it's time.


That was so romantic.

We'll get in there, sir.

Come on.


Come on.

This way!

Room 21, westbound
corridor, section three.

We got 'em!

That way. We're on our way.

Let's go, move it.

What have I done?

You didn't know.

I helped him become

a global Hitler.

What makes me any different?

You know, my... My father,

he died during the
California primaries.

He never did see
me become president,

but I have no doubt
that he died believing it.

I'm sure he was
very proud of you.

You know the last
thing he told me?

He said, "Gerry, you
will change the world."

He squeezed my
hand, and he smiled...

and he died.


I guess he was right.

I changed the world, all right.

Hey, Ray. Huh?

Ooh, aren't we jumpy.


you married Ms. Goody Two-Shoes.

Did you know she has a Bible

stashed in your suite?

That's okay. I didn't report it.

I mean, we both know
what would happen if I did.

Don't worry.

I can keep a secret...

if I want to.

You know, I've never
even hinted to Nicolae

that you're a Christian.

Never even told him
that you and I almost...

Do you know why I
didn't tell him, Ray?

Because... maybe
I still love you.

And maybe you still love me.

Please, no.

Don't say no.

You loved me once
Ray, at least admit that.

Do you remember
our layover in Rome?

You told me you loved me.

But you were married,

and you hesitated

because your marriage
was too important.

And then she was gone,

and then God was too important.

And now you have a new woman.

Please, Hattie. Come on. Stop.

Why don't you admit it Ray?

Why won't you admit you want me?

You always have, even now.

What about Nicolae?

Nicolae has many lovers.

We have an understanding.


you have made some
bad decisions, okay?

If you would just
see the truth...


Please, come on, Ray.


Ray, just kiss me.

Come on.

Just kiss me once.

Tell me you don't love me.

I don't love you.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry too.

For you and Amanda.

I just need a
minute, just a minute.


I'm so cold and so hot.

Do you want some water?


Just keep your eyes
closed, you'll feel better.

Where'd everyone go?

Where is everyone?

They all left.

They trusted in
God to save them,

but he's no longer here.

No. No, you... You're lying.

Am I?

Look at you.

Did God take your pain away?

Why did he leave you here?

Please... help me.



Drink this.

That's it.

There ya go.

What's wrong?

Just trust me.



You know who I am.

We used to be good friends.



Are you all right?

It's okay, Bruce,
it's okay. It's okay.

Just get some rest.

It's okay, it's okay.

It's okay.

Did John do this?

He knew we'd need it.

Mr. President,
this is Major Kent.


Welcome onboard, sir.

Other than this,

what else you got?

The British, the Egyptians,
Prime Minister Walsh,

President Pasha
have all been briefed.

They're online now, sir.

Is it secure?

Have you ever intercepted
any of our transmissions, sir?

Question is, did Nicolae?

Prime Minister Walsh,
President Pasha,

it's been confirmed that Nicolae
has created biological weapons.

Now, with due
respect Mr. President,

our sources indicate
that Nicolae intends

to hit America... with
the tactical weapons

he was supposed to be
destroying. Take a look.

Where'd you get this?

Global satellite.

We broke the code two hours ago.

Time frame? Days.

Then we'd better act
now, within 24 hours.

Surprise is our only chance.

This way, sir.

What about weapons?

New York, Chicago, Washington.

Yes, sir. Same three cities.


Come on in.

You know where your wife is?

She's where she
wants to be, Ray.

You said you'd look after her.

Ray, I said, I
would support her,

and she took the vaccines
back to the shelter.

That's what she wanted.
You know her, Ray.

By herself?

With the sick and the dying,

is that your idea of
taking care of her?



Chloe is fine, Buck.

How bad is it?

Bruce is sick.

No telling how many more.

The other churches
have reported in,

it's the same thing.

Nothing's stopping it.

Well, we gotta get there.

Just hold on.

Ray, come on,
get out of the way.

Buck, Chloe sent us here.
She knew you'd want to come,

but you can't do anything there.

She's my wife, and
Bruce is my friend.

I'm going.

Maybe you can find
a vaccine or a cure.

They're where they are

because they're
committed to God's will.

What's he asking you to do?

Let's ask him.

Heavenly Father, we
need your guidance.



This is Fitz.

Just called to tell you
that you were right.

Nicolae has infected Bibles
with some new kind of virus.


But there's more.
He's going to attack


And we're going
to try and stop him.

I'd stay out of the
big cities if I were you.

Look, you cannot stop
this guy with weapons.

Now, what about the virus?

I don't know any more.

Good luck, Buck.

It's in the Bibles.

Gotta get back to
the White House.

But to do what?

See if I can smoke him out.

In less than an hour, the
SAS is gonna launch an attack

on that factory.

I'll be by.

I do not want to lose
another good friend.



I think your father
would be very proud.

You may not

have seen through
Nicolae's lies,

but you've done what you
thought was right, all the way along.

I just hope I'm not too late.


I just spoke to Buck.

He found the
source of the virus.

Oh, thank you, Jesus.

You can... You can stop it?

We can stop the spread.

What is it?

What is it you're
not telling me?

Bruce, it was the Bibles.

Nicolae poisoned the Bibles
and then he let us take them.

It was given unto him to
make w*r with the saints

and overcome them.

What are you saying?

That it was my doing.

That it was my doing.



What you did is you
put the word of the Lord

in front of millions of souls,
and what does he promise?

What does he promise?!


That his word will not
return unto him void.

That he will achieve
that which he...

here was... set to accomplish.

And that was your doing.

And ours.

They're already making calls.

We did reach many souls.

It's okay.

♪ When we all... ♪

♪ Get to heaven ♪

♪ What a day of
rejoicing It will be ♪

♪ When we all get to heaven ♪

♪ We'll sing and shout victory ♪

♪ When he takes ♪
♪ Takes ♪

♪ Me by the hand ♪
♪ Me by the hand ♪

♪ And leads me to
The Promised Land ♪

♪ What a day What
a glorious day ♪

♪ What a glorious day ♪

♪ That will be ♪

And thank you Lord
for the guidance,

which we know you will
show our brother, Buck.



Thank you.


Without faith, it's
impossible to please him.

It's okay.

For those who come to God,

you must believe that he is.

And that he is the rewarder of
those who diligently seek him.

I do believe.


The father of faithfulness.


Abra... Abraham.

The Lord asked Abraham

to sacrifice his own son,

and because Abraham
put it all in God's hand,

it was accounted unto
him for righteousness.

What are you saying?



The great heroes of faith,

what do they all have in common?

Did they all get rewards?

No. Thousands were
k*lled, burned at the stake,

crucified as our Lord.

Did they all suffer? No.

Countless received the
greatest miracles imagined

as they crossed
through the Red Sea,

stopped the mouths of lions,

walked through
the fiery furnace.

So, what do they
all have in common?

Stand still.

They gave it all over.

They put their own
ways behind them.

They that wait upon the
Lord will renew their strengths

and mount up with
wings as eagles.

They shall run,
and not be weary.

They shall walk, and not faint.

Stand still.

Stand still.

And wait upon the Lord.
And wait upon the Lord.


I have to stay.

Take care of our girl, Ray.

Janice to the office, please.

Janice, come to
the office, please.

Plane's all set.
We're ready to go.


I didn't know Nicolae had
a flight out this morning.

He doesn't.

No? Then where are you going?

Chicago. Some of my friends
are sick, my daughter needs me.

That's too bad, Ray. You
have responsibilities here.

Listen, I've already
lost one child, I'm not...

We all have problems, Ray.

And I'm tired of listening,
and dealing with yours.

Hattie, please.

Come with us. We
can help each other.

I can't.

You wouldn't understand.

I think I do.

How far along now?

Three months.

You're pregnant.

Does Nicolae know?

I don't think so.

Then you can come with
us. We can take care of you.

Hattie, come with us.

We can protect you.

You can't protect me.
You don't know Nicolae.

He would never let me go.

That is why you
have to come with us.

I can't.

My life is here.

I was gonna turn you in, Ray.

Hattie... Don't say anything.

Just leave before
I change my mind.


This is mine.

You look tired. Rough night?

It was great, thank you.

And Ms. Miller? How is she?

Very well.

Yet in the middle of
your steamy reunion,

you took the time
to order a raid.

Well, I got a tip
about a warehouse

being a militia hideout,

possibly storing weapons
of mass destruction.

And was it?

Oh, not at all.

That's not to say
that it wasn't before,

but, uh, I think
their intelligence

was a little bit more
sophisticated than I thought.

Or yours less.

I understand that the agents

were not the first ones there.

Well, I, uh...

I wanted a small
unit, just in case the tip

was a little, uh, unreliable.

You look different
today, Gerald.

There's something
new in your eyes.

I see things, you know.

President Fitzhugh, excellent.

Mr. President.

The major can
show you our plans.

We can move on
his power structure

in New Babylon from Egypt.

Tactical strikes first,

followed by a quick ground push.

British troops will surround
and launch on Heathrow,

which is the hub
of his airpower.

We're ready to move on
his primary U.S. strongholds.

It's a mistake.

Why? Do we have a choice?

Now, you said yourself
that it was our only chance

to surprise him.

That may be so.

But we've got to
take Nicolae out.

Now, if we k*ll him...
we've avoided world w*r.

If we don't, Nicolae
will take out anyone

and everyone in his path.

Exactly, that's why we can't
afford to take a chance...

We have got to
have a contingency.

Now, if Nicolae isn't
dead by 2200 hours,

then we strike.

What do you have in mind?

I haven't been searched yet.

This is porcelain.

You can't do it.

I'm the only one who can.

This is one of our
newest transponders.

Communicates with
three different satellites.

Once activated, a m*ssile
could be there in under a minute.

Long enough for you to get out?

I hope so.

Mr. President, you're expected.

Should've gone with him.

Helped him.


Right on time.

You played me.

I was your right hand.

Don't flatter yourself.

You'd be surprised who
my right hand really is.

I know about the virus.

You're going to attack America.

Of course you do.

Do you really think I
didn't know about John,

or Carolyn?

Or that little adventure?

So, what now?

Expose me?

Are you going to activate
your little transponder?

Starting to panic yet?

I don't need a
m*ssile to stop you.

Just one thing
before you sh**t me.

World w*r III has begun.

Anti-Global Community forces

have launched
an all-out attack...

In the U.S., heavy
fighting is taking place

across the country, and there
are now unconfirmed reports

of militia nuclear strikes.

New York, Chicago
and Washington,

are all under fire at this time,

as GC forces engage
with militia t*rrorists.

Reports of heavy, widespread
damage and casualties

continue to come in.

GC ground, air, and
marine forces have now

shut down all ways in
and out of every major city.

We have no confirmation
or non-tactical weapons

being deployed,

but from the extensive
damage and casualties,

it appears some weapons of
mass destruction have been used.

Those opposed to world peace

and Nicolae Carpathia's
whole community

have att*cked us all tonight.

God, don't just leave me here.

There are leaders
involved at top levels.

Prime Minister Tom
Walsh of Britain,

President Abbas Pasha of Egypt,

and even U.S.
President Gerald Fitzhugh

have all been identified.
Warrants for their arrest...

Beyond us, who else knew?

Every kingdom divided against
itself is brought to desolation.

Thank you, Gerald.

Thank you for giving the world
every reason to believe in me,

and hate all those
who stand in my way.

What do you think,
Mr. President?

Is it empty?

Why don't you put it
away before you get hurt.

It was nice of you
to drop in for a visit.

Now... time to leave.

Welcome to my
world, Mr. President.

That's not humanly possible.

Is it?

We've been att*cked
on every front!

Before even
firing a single shot!

Either he was broken or turned,

but it had to be him!

It's over. We have to surrender.

No, we can't, sir!

We regroup our forces
for a counterattack.

How? The GC isn't
occupying just one city

or even one country.

It is occupying
the entire world.

Then we strike wherever
we can, guerilla-style.

We cannot let him win.

Strike with what? We have
nothing left to fight with!

What if Fitz got him?

Get it through your head.
Fitzhugh betrayed us.

He didn't.

Mr. President.

Nicolae plays like a puppet.
He wanted w*r and we...

We gave it to him.

How did we do that?

He knew everything about us.

I don't know how he did it all.

The truck was his.
He betrayed us.

We all will be dead soon.

What happened? Did you k*ll him?

No, no, he...

He was expecting me.

He knew all about
the transponder.

His att*cks had already begun.

He just switched on the
news and then smiled.


I... I had him,

I... had him.

I shot him point blank.

He just stood there.

I emptied a full clip,

three feet away.

And he just stood there.

You missed?

I could hardly miss
at this close range.



Oh, baby, are you okay?

How you doin'? How's Bruce?

He's going home, Buck.
It's a matter of minutes now.

Buck, I love you so much.

Oh, baby, I'm so sorry.

I-I-I was wrong, I...

I should be there with you.

No, you're doing God's will.

No, I'm sitting here
in my apartment

watching World w*r
III through a window,

and you're a million miles away.

Buck, it... It's got me too.



Baby, listen to me.

You're gonna be just fine.

I just need to be
there with you.


Don't, Buck.

I love you.


Hey, I got you.





Somebody! Help me!

Oh, this is not the God I know.

Come on, come on.

Three feet away, and
you not only missed,

you also somehow

miraculously managed to escape?

No one tried to stop you after
you unloaded a g*n at Nicolae?

I was thrown out of a window.

Out his office window?

Yes, yes, I know.

This is ridiculous!

If I was there, I'd
sh**t you myself.

Ms. Miller...

if there is such
a thing as God...

may he watch over you.

What? You're not going
to sh**t me, are you?

How...? How could you?

How could you set us all up?

Do you really believe that?

You want me to believe
that Nicolae magically knew

every move we were gonna make.

That he's bulletproof,

and you fell out a
window and walked away?


It was the truth.

Why did you let
this happen, God?

What did I do?

Tell me!

Is this some kind of game?

Is this some kind of test?


Why are you doing this to me?

To Chloe?

What if I just go to
Chicago right now.

What are you gonna do?

k*ll me?

How could you?

How could you set us all up?

How could you set us all up?

How could you?

He was a good man.

How could you betray everybody?

John! Come on.

That's what you
want me to believe?

My God.

Please help me.

The extent of the damage,

but estimates
are in the millions.

Possibly hundreds
of thousands dead...



I'm glad to see you here.

You must be strong, Ray.

I'm here for you, Bruce.

Not me.

Where is she?

Oh, no.

Oh, no.

Oh, no.

I told you to leave.

I told you. Why
didn't you listen?

My brother, I'm so sorry.

She wanted to do God's will.

Just like you.

Just like me.

God understands your pain,


Your faith is stronger
than you think.

You will do...

You will do great
things in his name.


I can only hope that I'm
not trapped here forever,

that I'm not already dead,
spending an eternity in hell...

and I can only pray...

that God decides
to wake me soon.

Mr. President.


Whether it was
you and the militia

or someone else...

this day was coming.

I've failed an entire nation.

What are you doing here?

I told you on the phone.

I-I feel that God wants me here.

Don't you have any
other place to go?

That virus.

It got my best
friend, and my wife.

They're dying.

So why are you here with me?

Chloe and Bruce...

are Christians.

And they are going
to a better place.

But Mr. President, at
the moment, you're not.

Please listen to me.

You've sinned against
God, like I have.

He calls us to love and
obey him in everything we do.

What we do in front of
people, what we do in secret.

Even down to what we think.

And he will hold us accountable.

Mr. President, look.

Time is running out.

And I don't want
you to go to hell.

I've got a feeling

it's a little too late for that.

God loves you.

Two thousand years
ago, he proved that.

God became a man, Jesus Christ,

and he suffered and died
on the cross to save you.

He literally died to
take your punishment,

and my punishment, upon himself

so that we could be
forgiven and set free.

Mr. President.

When Jesus rose from the
dead and he ascended to heaven,

he defeated death and hell,

and he's offering
you and I eternal life.

God can do anything...

And if you're willing,

God can save you.

He led me here.

Confess your sins and
turn away from them,

and put your faith
in Jesus Christ.


Please forgive me.

I know I don't deserve it.

Show me the way.

Please tell me what to do.

And God, please forgive me...

for doubting you.

In Jesus' name...




What is it, Bruce?

My time is near.

Please, Ray.

I'd like Communion,
one last time.

All right.

Your call was an
answer to prayer.

My first.

What are you going to do now?

Well, I know I
can't k*ll Nicolae.

But I might be able
to slow him down.

When I first got
there, he'd just begun.

If I could take out
his command center,

I'd finally be able
to do something.

How can I help?

By getting to as many
people as you can.

Showing them the truth,
the way you did to me.

But, Fitz...

Look, look, look, I
helped build this, huh?

I gave Nicolae
everything he needed

to k*ll thousands,
millions of people.

No, this is my
mission. Mine alone.

But there's one more thing

that I want you to do for me.

Sinless, pure,

and holy.

He suffered for our sins.

His body was broken for us...

so that we could live.

And he said...

whoever repents
and trusts in him

will be forgiven...

and live forever.

Please, take this
now and share it,

and surrender
yourself to his will,

love and care.

Thank you, brother.

Chloe, I'm so proud of you.

A father couldn't ask
for a better daughter.

God, I'm in your hands.

Help me, God. Give me the words.


How did you get in here?

I came in the front door.

This wine...

is to remind you of
the precious blood

Christ shed for you.

Drink it... and live.

He could say the word...

and I would be healed.

O death...

where is thy sting?

O grave...

where is thy victory...?

He wanted us to have Communion.

Yes, Mr. President.

You seem to have changed.

I told you I see things.

Not having a good day,
are you, Mr. President?

Well, actually, I'm
having a great day.

I resigned from the militia...

and I joined your real enemy.

Chloe, what is it?

Drink this wine and live.

It's the wine.

I can breathe.

I can breathe!

Oh, thank you, God.

Do you remember Carolyn Miller?

A lovely little
thing, wasn't she?

Well, she seemed to
think that the only way

to defeat you is with
weapons, with the militia.

When the answer was
right there in front of us.

Jesus Christ.

The only way to beat
you in this life, or the next...

is to accept him.

The last thing you will ever see

is my power

over his.

Sometimes he
doesn't let you see it all.


Mr. President?



we found the antidote.

It's red wine.


It's a miracle.

We had Communion,
and it's the wine.

You're sure?

You're better?

Yeah. I'm gonna live.

And I'm gonna be right
here waiting for you.

Oh! Wha...? Chloe!

What about Bruce?

He's gone home now, Buck.

I'm so sorry.

As God wanted it.

Oh, honey, I love you!

I love you too.

Listen, I'm gonna be
there as soon as I can.

All right? I'm coming.

We need to talk.
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