Megiddo: The Omega Code 2 (2001)

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Megiddo: The Omega Code 2 (2001)

Post by bunniefuu »

MAN: For 5 millennia...

l have fought
to be heard in this world...

but only a few listened.

everyone will hear me.

l will blanket the earth with
a truth that is hot from hell.

The world will await
the sound of my voice...

to know whether the sun
will rise or the rivers flow.

l was here before...

when these walls stood tall...

when this soil was turned red
with spilled blood.

Ha ha!

Oh, the flowers
that bloomed.

SECOND MAN: Nourished by
the blood of your enemies.

FlRST MAN: l was here
when the Egyptians...

turned back the Canaanites...

a thousand years before the
Nazarene came into this world.

But nothing...

nothing compares
to the battle that is coming.

SECOND MAN: And He gathered
them together...

in a place called...

He who controls Jerusalem
at the end of days...

shall rule the world.


Nixon will win by a landslide.

l guarantee it.

Nobody will vote
for a Catholic.

d*ck Nixon will
not be president.


Mm, not this time
for sure.

Why not?

He doesn't look good
on television.

Well, hell!

The man's running
for president...

not auditioning
for ''Gunsmoke.''

General, l'll tell you now.

The world is on television...

and that's where people
will form their opinions.

People like me...
will shape those opinions.

l have more than a hundred
television and radio stations...

magazines, newspapers.

lf you read, watch television...

listen to the radio...

you're gonna hear
what l have to say.

Ha ha ha!

Everybody thinks you're cute.

l hate you.

You k*lled my mother.

MAN: Ah, here we all are.

And how is my prodigy?

Doing well, l'm happy to say.

Well, l expected nothing less.

And what about you, Stone?

NANNY: l'm afraid he still
misses his mother.

So do l.

But it's been 3 months.

lt's time to get over it.

Young man...

tomorrow you will stop
grieving for your mother...

and get on with your life.

ls that clear?

Yes, Father.

All right, then.

Good night.

Good night, sir.

l know. l miss her, too.

The good Lord
took your mother...

but he gave you
a new baby brother.

Would you like some
hot chocolate, dear?

We could sit by the fire
and talk a bit.

All right?

l'll be right back.

The Lord giveth...

and the Lord taketh away.

Oh, my God!

Oh, you're ok?

You're ok.

What have you done?!

FATHER: l trust your standards
haven't changed...

since l was a cadet.

l assure you, Senor Alexander...

we are still producing
men like yourself...

men who lead the way for others.

FATHER: You'll do
very well here.

Work hard.

Obey the rules.

Now, my son requires
a firm hand.

Don't coddle him, understand?

l want him hard and tough...

ready for the world.

Learn to make friends.

That's important.

GENERAL: lf your son has what
it takes to be a great leader...

l know how to bring it
out of him.

FATHER: l'll come
and see you if l can.



animal noises)

Young master.

We have waited so long.

Bless me...

so that l may serve you
in this our quest.

Give me strength to spread
your message over the earth.

He that lives in darkness
shall rule the world.

GENERAL: 500 years ago...

generals formed their men
in straight lines...

and sent them out
to att*ck fixed positions...

with weapons like these.

This seemed effective when
combat took place face-to-face.

Courage, strength, and skill...

decided the outcome
of the battle.

But with the invention
of firearms...

particularly the machine g*n...

these same tactics resulted...

in the slaughter
of thousands of brave men.

What does this mean?

As m*llitary leaders...

you'll be responsible
for the lives of your men.

You must match your tactics
to the prevailing technology.

Thank you, Cadet Alexander.

-That was nice.
-She's back.

Francini's daughter.

MAN: Gabriella!

MAN: Gabriella! Gabriella!

GENERAL: ln battle, there are
two kinds of soldiers...

those who live...

and those who die.

MAN: They are coming.

Set up the perimeters!

GENERAL: To live,
you must learn to k*ll.

K*llers win wars.

Cadet Monticelli...

you and your squad
have been chosen...

to defend hill 31 ...

against the attackers
led by Cadet Alexander.

The victors will graduate
with special honors.

This is not just an exercise.

This is the first step
into your future.

Looks like
you've lost, friend.

l take no prisoners.


Well, Gabriella doesn't think
l'm a fool! Ha ha!


STONE: l'm sorry that Fausto
had to leave the academy.


STONE: You were
very fond of him.

He is a nice boy...

but only to have
a little fun with.


-lt is beautiful, no?

You see the cats?
They are everywhere.

And 2,000 years ago,
lions and tigers were kept here.

They were used
to k*ll the Christians.

Yes, the people loved it,
l remember.

From my studies.

Ha ha! Yes, of course.

do you think of me...

the same way
you think of Fausto?

Just someone to have
a little fun with?




Stay with me.



This thing with Fausto is
very serious.

lt will be a month before
he is out of the hospital.

Yes, we are all
deeply saddened...

at Cadet Fausto's
untimely departure.

Very diplomatic of you.

But there will be an inquiry.

And from what l've learned...

it will not go well
with you, Stone.

You have the sworn testimony
of over a dozen cadets...

Fausto's own men...

that say l was
nowhere near him...

when this accident occurred.

l believe you're
in some way responsible...

for what happened.

lt will be up to me to
decide who is punished.

GENERAL: Which brings me to
something more personal.


l have seen the way
you look at my daughter.

Ah, yes.

lt's a wise father
who knows his own child.

l would be pleased
to have your permission...

to spend more time with her.

That's out of the question.

l hardly think you would
make a good match for her...

despite your obvious advantages.

You are
a natural-born leader, Stone...

but you lack
any sense of humanity.

l don't want my daughter
exposed to someone like you.

STONE: Nevertheless...

l'm afraid you won't be
able to keep us apart.


ln return for your permission
to see Gabriella...

l'll not only allow you
to keep your academy...

but l'll give you something
even more important.

You think
your father's money...

allows you to thr*aten me
in such a manner?

l'll inform your father that
you are no longer welcome here.

You will give me what l want...

and in return, l will
give you your soul...

your immortal soul.


Present arms!

Honor arms!

Well, what do you think
of your brother?


l want to be just like him.

Better to be who you are, David.

STONE: l've decided
to forego a m*llitary career.

l've accepted a post
with the European Union.


Congratulations, son.

Thank you, father.


Finally we meet.

So you're my little brother.

Well, l hope
l meet your approval.

l'm impressed.

ls father preparing you
to follow in his footsteps?

Well, we're not
in complete agreement...

over what
l'm to do with my life...

but we'll work it out,
won't we, Father?

Of course we will.

l wonder if l could
have something to drink.

Something cold.

No, l'll get it for you.

Hurry back.

We've got a lot
to talk about.

You know, the European Union...

isn't the right place
for you, Stone.

You're not cut out
to be a bureaucrat.

Oh, l know what
l'm doing, Father.

Got it all planned out.

You should come home with me
and learn the business.

No. l was raised here in Europe.

This is my home.

Besides, there's more to life
than just making money.

l haven't done
well by you, Stone.

l want to make it
up to you somehow.

Come home with me.

Let's build
our dreams together.


What do you say?

The 3 of us.

A beautiful sentiment, Father.

But not very practical,
l'm afraid.

l'm going to do things
that you've never dreamed of.

l'm going
to change the world.

Dear old Dad...

you think l'm
talking nonsense.

You'll see.

-Oh, uh...
-(Speaks ltalian)

No, it's OK. lt's OK.

lt's OK.

Uh, my name
is David Alexander.

You're Stone's brother.

Do you know him?

Well, my father runs the school,
and so l know all the cadets.

STONE: ln my opinion, America
lost the w*r in Vietnam...

because of the media.

The government
failed to control...

the one w*apon
it could have used to win.

Excuse me, General, Father.

ELDER ALEXANDER: l don't know
what you've made of my son.

Believe me when l say to you...

l don't think either one of us
had a hand in making him.

Why didn't your father
send you here?

Well, l guess he just didn't
think l was as good as Stone.

Maybe just different.

l mean, yes, brothers,
but two different people.

Well, now l wish
l had come here.


Um, because it's...

well, it's beautiful.

l don't think l've ever
seen a place more beautiful.

Um, well, uh...

will you...are you
going to become...

how do you say?

Media mogulo?

Ha ha!

A mogul?


No, no, no.

See, l think l'd rather
do something that helps people.

Television does not
help people?

Not from what l've seen
on the major networks.

STONE: Stealing my bride, David?

Oh, Stone.
Well, l was just...


What do you mean?

l was going to
ask you earlier...

but l could never
get you alone.

Since we have a witness...

Gabriella, marry me.

Marry me, and l'll take you
to the top of the world.

Please, Stone, excuse me.
l have to get back.

She's embarrassed.

So sweet.

She'll say yes.

-Well, if she does--
-When she does.

When she does, you'll be
a very lucky man, Stone.

A man makes his own luck,
little brother.


We were certainly lucky to have
this noble establishment...

as our guidance and inspiration
for so many years.

This academy has produced...

some of the world's
finest m*llitary leaders...

also its
captains of industry...

including...and here l must
with some pride acknowledge...

one of it's most distinguished
sitting right there...

my father.

Later on this evening...

we'll dedicate this beautiful
room as a concert hall...

to the memory of another
remarkable father...

that of my dear wife

Well done, Stone.

Thank you.

Well, both my sons
have become...

better public speakers
than l ever was.

Oh, that's never
prevented you, Father...

from having your voice heard.

Ah...through others.

Well, it's not the style
of the speech that counts;

it's the content.

Would you excuse me, Father?


l'd like to speak to you,
Stone, alone.

Of course.



l believe we met
here once before.

Two times in 20 years.

l think people are
beginning to talk.

How are you?

Ha ha! l'm old.
How are you?

No, you're not.

You're more beautiful now than
when l last saw you in New York.

Darling, David,
you are my favorite senator.


Well, whatever you are,
l missed you terribly.

ELDER ALEXANDER: Old Francini...
l miss him.

Yes. He was like
a father to me.

More of a father
than l was, l'm sure.

You know...

they say you begin
to reappraise your life...

as your own mortality
becomes more apparent.

With all my success,
l failed at one thing.

And what's that?

Raising you, Stone.

Ha ha! Nonsense.

l rather like what l've become.

Thank you for making my point.

DAVlD: Would you
like to dance?

-l'd love to.
-We have to be careful.

This could be considered
a political statement.

What do you mean?

A U.S. congressman
dancing with the wife...

of the head
of the European Union.

By the way, what do l
call you--Your Highness?

Oh, David, don't be silly...

''Your Majesty'' is quite
good enough.

There's something l have
to tell you, Stone.

Oh, yes, l know.

You're gonna give it all away,
aren't you?

Your television stations,
your wire services...

even your
communication satellites.

Give them all
to the public, yes.

The great
unwashed multitudes...

who've made you as rich
as you are. Tsk. Tsk.

Oh, l'm afraid if you're
looking for redemption, Dad...

that's just a little too late.

l don't know
how you found out...

but it won't change

l'm going to announce
my plans tonight...

when l make my speech.

Oh, yes, yes.
How appropriate.

Castrating your offspring
in front of strangers.

Ha ha ha!

Oh, l've always admired
your sense of timing.

But, uh, l'm afraid l can't
let you go through with this.

There's really nothing
you can do about it.

Oh, l won't cut you off

No, there will be a generous
trust fund for you and David.

You will get
the castle in Rome.

David can have
the Virginia estate.

Both of you will be
quite comfortable, l assure you.

Oh, l require a great deal
of comfort, Father.

More than you'll ever know.

DAVlD: How is life with
my brother, the rising star?

He never seems
to need any rest.

l just wish l knew what
he wanted out of life.

-Well, he has you.
-Oh, ha ha ha!

What else could
he possibly want?

David, l'm being serious.

So am l.

STONE: This is
unacceptable, Father.

l will have what is
rightfully mine...

and that includes...


l've made up my mind, Stone...

and nothing you say can
change it.

Too bad.

You see, l'm going to need
your media empire...

and the power
that goes with it.

Oh, yes. l intend to change
the way things are done...

in this dim little world.

Boy, l'm warning you...

if you even try
and fight me in court!

Ha ha ha!

Oh, dear old Dad,
always spoiling for a fight.

l suppose l would miss you...

if l cared anything at all
about you.


l don't.

Go to hell.



Somebody call an ambulance!

Father? Father?

God, what happened?

l don't know.
He wasn't feeling well.

He went onto the balcony
to get some air...

and he must have--

DAVlD: Father...

God, why wasn't l there?

No, Father,
don't try to speak.

STONE: This is my blood
spilled by my enemies.

Drink it and vanquish.

This is my flesh
made foul with sin.

Eat it and rejoice
in my new kingdom.

But woe to those that oppose me.

For they shall be cut down
like winter wheat...

and my wrath shall sweep
like a dark tide...

over the suffering land.

Oh, woe to those
who stand in the path...

of my righteousness.

Oh, woe...

WOMAN: With the final t*rror1st
stronghold destroyed...

celebrations have
intensified here...

at the historic Temple Mount
in Jerusalem...

as we await the inauguration
of Stone Alexander...

as the first-ever Chancellor
of the United World Union.

Over to you, Chuck.

Thank you, Dana.

During Stone Alexander's

he has quite literally changed
the face of the world.

Using his great wealth...

he has all but ended
the problems...

of world hunger and drought...

brought peace
to the Middle East...

and laid the groundwork
for world government...

Well, there you go.

See what you can accomplish...

if you don't have
to answer to Congress.

l'm telling you, Richard...

pulling our delegation
was a mistake.

lt sends the wrong message.

l think it sends
exactly the right message.

Well, right on time,
Mr. Vice President.

The show hasn't started yet.

MAN ON TV: Alexander's rise...

to Chairman of
the European Union was meteoric.

National borders
have been erased...

as the world has been divided
into 10 democratic zones.

Each zone's Secretary General
has one vote...

in the World Union Parliament.

But with Alexander now ordained
as sole chancellor...

that will,
in all probability, end.


Let's go inside,
where l understand...

the chancellor
is about to make...

his acceptance speech.

My friends...

you have built
a magnificent house for me.

My soul leaps to see
all that has been accomplished.

For l have said
in my heart...

l will ascend to heaven...

and it has come to pass.

l can't believe you're
related to this old boy.

Maybe he was left
on my parents' doorstep.

By a pack of wolves.

l will raise my throne...

above the stars, and it has...

Do you believe
this madman?

Sounds like Adolf h*tler,
only with, uh, attitude.

You know, now that he has
almost everyone in the world...

lined up on his side...

he'll be looking for ways
to put pressure on us.

An economic embargo will be
their first logical step.

Cut us off
from world markets--

Where do the Chinese
and Latins stand on this issue?


Here, l want you to look
at this intelligence report.

Satellite photos show
lots of activity...

in and around...

Russian nuclear w*apon
storage sites.

They're moving stuff around?

DAVlD: Well, the C.l.A. says
someone's offered them...

a truck full of money
for some nukes.

That has not been confirmed.

Who made that offer?

DAVlD: Well, it's
gotta be my brother.

Nobody else could arrange
for something like this...

without us knowing
about it earlier.

MAN: l have
the chancellor online.

Put it on-screen.

STONE: l'm staying
in the Middle East zone...

for another day...

but when l return
to Rome on Wednesday...

l shall expect you to be there.

l'm a very busy man,

Mr. President...

the future of the world
is at stake.

What exactly is that
supposed to mean?

Ah, man, proud man...

dressed in
a little brief authority.

lt means, sir, that my people
will meet your plane...

in Rome in 30 hours.


what is the location of
our sixth fleet at this time?

Just off the coast
of ltaly, sir.

Well, l'd say that's
a mighty fine place for them--

wouldn't you, gentlemen?

PRESlDENT: What are you focused
in on over there, David?

Don't you ever stop workin'?

l'm putting together
something for you, sir.

Still trying to get
inside my brother's head...

figure out what makes him go.

Oh, hell, l know
what makes him go.

lt's called power--

greatest aphrodisiac
known to modern man.

Hell, l take
a liberal dose of it...

every night
before l go to bed.

l need something's that's
going to give me the edge...

when it comes to the showdown
with your brother.

Take a look at this.

An insurance study.

DAVlD: The C.l.A.
has compiled...

a list of 200 names
that at one time or another...

opposed my brother--

either politically
or in business.

Let me guess.

Dead--every one of them.

How many of them d*ed
of unnatural causes?

None. They all d*ed
of heart att*cks...

cancer, strokes...

So, what does he do,
cast a spell on 'em?

Don't get mythological
on me, now, David.

l'm just saying
you might want...

to keep your distance from him.

Right now, l can't do that.

lf l expect him
to take me serious...

it's gotta be face-to-face,
man to man.

MAN: You know, sir...

l think the vice president
might be right.

Well, you know,
when you get to be president...

we'll let you make
those decisions.

But until then...


-Ha ha ha ha.


PRESlDENT: 25--come on.

Yes, sir.

Citizens of my World Union...

witness your first day
in a united world!

One currency.

One language.

One goal--
to strive every day...

to make the lives of all men
better and better.

One dictator--

oh, yes, l know
that some of you...

are thinking that,
and l know...

where this fear is coming from.

The same fear
that caused dear friends...

to strike down Julius Caesar
right there in the Roman Forum.

Fear of what he could become.

For Brutus said
he was ambitious.

But, dear friends...

you have no need to fear
my ambitions.

l am no dictator.

But l must lead...

for men at some time
are masters of their fates.

l will not ask you
to follow me...

but to take the journey
with me...

this journey
to a better world!

-How do you do, Chancellor?
-Mr. President.


Ha ha.

My little brother.

Gabriella sends her love
and would like to see you...

if time permits.

Thank you.

That was one hell
of a speech, Chancellor.

Not as good as the one
that got you elected.

Well, now that we've...

blown the appropriate
amount of smoke...

up one another's hindquarters...

do you mind if we get
down to business?

With pleasure.

PRESlDENT: l know that you
have a whole mess...

of third-world countries...

and socialist paradises...

all lined up like
little ducks in a row...

but the U.S. really has
no desire to be involved...

in your so-called
new world order.

l'm afraid it's not
your decision anymore.

You see, the United Nations
and the European Union...

have folded themselves
into my organization.

ln fact...

your representatives to
the U.N. voted for the accord.

Those ambassadors have
since been recalled.

Mr. Vice President...

l think you understand me
well enough to know...

l only want what is best
for everyone.

Well, regardless
of your intentions...

l'm in complete agreement
with the president.

You can't be the only boat
paddling against the tide.

lsolationism is so passe.

No, the North American zone
must join the others.

North American zone?

You and your people
can call it...

whatever you want...

but as long
as l'm breathing...

l am the President
of the God-blessed...

United States of America.

l see.

Well, then, there's, uh...

nothing more to be said,
is there?


Good day.


David! David!


DAVlD: Gabriella.

Ciao, David.

How's your president?

He's not doing very well.


Stone called me
at the hospital--

said that he needed to see me...

that it was urgent.

He's been delayed.

l took the liberty
to prepare the lunch.

-Can you stay?
-Of course.

Oh, good. Come.

DAVlD: Oh, it's so good
to see you like this.

Just the two of us.

How long has it been?

Two years ago July...

at your fund-raiser
in Washington.

l don't believe
you remember everything.

Everyone fell in love
with you that night.

Everybody but you.

You hardly spoke to me.

''Ciao, Gabriella.'' Pfft.

You were surrounded by admirers.

Besides, l've always
been in love with you.

Why, David.

How sweet.

l never think of you
as being sentimental.

Can l ask you something?

ls everything all right
between you and Stone?

Oh, what a thing to ask.

Of course.

Because of him,
my foundation is...

a tremendous success.

Do you know how many
kilos of food...

we sent to starving
nations last year?

Over 500 million.

But are you happy?

Happy, happy, happy?

Che cos'e felice?


l'm afraid for you.


Well, it seems to me
that anyone who stands...

in Stone's way...ends up...


You're crazy.



But l want you to be careful.


Keep your eyes open.

Will you do that for me?


l'll keep my eyes open.

The chancellor
will see you now.

Excuse me.

Ah, David.

l'm so sorry about Benson.

l said a little prayer
for him, but--ha!

One never knows
if God is listening.

You think you
got away with it...

don't you?

l beg your pardon?

l don't know how you did it...

but l'm going to find out.

You don't like me,
do you, David, hmm?

No, come on.
Don't deny it.

You really don't like me.

What do you want, Stone?

l trust you had
a decent lunch...

and a nice chat?

Ah, my wife.

She's so loyal.

l value that quality
above all others.

ls this what you wanted
to talk to me about?

ln a very short time...

you will be President
of the North American zone.

l want you on my side.

Please hear me out.

You are my brother, David.

You're family...


And that means something...

even to me.

We were never family.

David, l'm trying to help you.

Don't you see?

Together, we can rule the world.

Yes, join with me,
and l'll raise you up.

You'll be second only to me.

You're out of your mind.

l have that power.
l can make it happen.

As long as we have
the Chinese...

and the Latins on our side...

you don't have a chance
in hell...

of getting what you want.

l'll always have
a chance in hell, David.

Oh, come on.

Come on, join with me
in this great adventure.

l promise you,
you won't regret it.

Good-bye, Stone.

DAVlD ON TAPE: This is
unacceptable, Father.

l will have
what is rightfully mine.

-What have you done?
-Oh, it isn't what l've done.

l think it's rather
what you've done...

isn't it, David?

DAVlD: You don't
really expect anybody...

to believe that, do you?

l wasn't even up there.
There are witnesses.

This is television.

People believe anything
they see on television.

And besides...

before you can
prove otherwise...

your credibility
will be as dead as...

dear old Dad there.

-Don't push me.
-Oh, goodness.

Does my wife know
what a violent man you are?

Mr. President.


David, l'm sorry.

What can we do for you now?

STONE: l'd also like you
to consult your congress...

President Alexander.

And l would like my answer
within 24 hours.

You take care of yourself.

We should k*ll him.

Unnatural deeds do breed
unnatural troubles.

STONE: 2,000 years.

Do you feel it?

Do you feel it all
coming to an end?

Ha ha ha.

Your sacrifice
was for nothing.

Soon you will bow down
before me.

And your Father will see me
for whom l really am--

the conqueror of men.

Worthy to share--
no, to assume--his throne.

Therefore rejoice,
O heavens.

And you who dwell in them.

Woe to the inhabitants
of the earth and sea...

because the devil has
come down to you...

having great wrath...

because he knows
he has a short time.

GUARDlAN: We have received
official word.

-Your brother, the president...
-Still refuses to join us.

Well, in the great scheme
of things...

my earthly brother is
a minor inconvenience.

So...after an eternity
of waiting...

The end is in sight.


Don't You understand that?

They believe in me now.


Yes, test them.

Give them tribulation.

Spill out your bowls of wrath...

unleash your plagues,
l challenge you!

STONE: Oh, bravo!
Well done.

But You can do
better than that.


pour out Your bowls of wrath
upon the earth.

Bring it on!

TV REPORTER: Fires caused...

by the continuing
meteorite showers...

are still blazing
around the country...

for the 1 1th straight day--

while freak weather conditions
persist across the world.

Flood waters in Belgium
are still rising...

and the mud slides
in Central America...

have sparked fears
of the spread of disease.

Yesterday's riots left
more than 300 dead.

This is part of a pattern...

of civil disobedience
across the world...

that follows each
new natural disaster.

They think it's the end
of the bloody world.

They're rioting
in the streets.


My people are not
ungrateful, sir.

But when a hailstorm
destroys a third...

of our continent's

MAN: Mr. President,
you must hear me out on this.

l am not going
to change my mind...

about joining the World Union.

Official notice from Rome.

The World Union is leveling...

a complete trade embargo
against us.

Ladies and gentlemen,
rest assured...

that l shall do everything
in my power...

to resolve our problems.

l will in fact be
visiting all of you shortly...

to see to them at firsthand.

He wants to control the world.

When is world peace the same
as controlling the world?

When it takes away my freedom--

our freedom
as a sovereign nation.

Now, l will not be bullied
by sanctions or embargoes...

or anything else
he throws our way.

l have given orders
for mass executions...

of all dissidents
and their families.

We cannot tolerate...

disobedience at such
a crucial time.

Bravo, Kochinsky.

STONE: But, um...

but let's not go
too far, shall we?

We don't want too many
dead bodies lying around.

lt creates a rather
bad impression.

Mr. President,
l must speak plainly.

You are allowing
a family quarrel...

to cloud your judgment.

The people of this nation
will not be...

at the beck and call
of a foreign leader.

And we will not
give up the power...

to decide our own destiny.

What about
the renegade zones--

the Americans and the Chinese.

Something's got to be done.


The Chinese have a half billion
troops on our border.

Oh, ye of little faith.

lf you would kindly
excuse me for a moment...

but rest assured that
everything is going...

as it should be.

Chaos only makes it
that much more interesting.

America will implode.

And as for China...

everything will be
settled at Megiddo.

This government has...

always been
and will always be...

of the people,
by the people...

and for the people
of the United States of America.

Now, this meeting is over.

You will regret this,
l promise you.

Give my regards to my brother,
would you?

You have made
the masses fanatical...

to make them instruments
of your policies.

We'll discuss
all of this later.

No, no!
We discuss it now!

There are things that you simply
do not understand.

Like anyone who gets
in your way ends up dead?

David told me that.

Deny it.

Yes, yes,
l was forgetting...

my little brother
sent you to spy on me.

So it is true?

You k*lled your father...

the President.

l don't believe it.

Oh, frailty,
thy name is woman.

Look, just go back...

to feeding
your pathetic poor...

and stay out of my business.

lf you didn't care
about the poor...

why did you spend
your fortune feeding them?

Because, my dear,
the quickest way...

to a man's loyalty
is through his belly.

But still they hold
out their hands...

for more, always more,
and you encourage them.

Well, l'm sick of them...

of their stench,
of their misery...

of their disease.

So let 'em starve,
let them die.

We have the whole world,
and we've lost our souls.

God...God help us.

God? God?


Oh, yes, l'm sure he's lurking
around somewhere.

So, stay on your knees
and hold out your hand and beg.

Go on, beg for his love.

You've lost mine.


Who are you?


Thank you,
my children of Africa.

For indeed,
you are my children...

beloved above all others.

But, oh, my children...

this world we share
today is in chaos!

l say, chaos!



MAN: This is
a plague area, sir.

lf they found out l brought...

the m*llitary chief of our zone
into an area like this--

This is Mexico, Sergeant.

This is our country--
not a zone.

You understand?

Yes, sir.

-Por favor.

Senora Alexander.

How can l help?

l knew your foundation
was working in this area.

l didn't realize l would
have the pleasure...

of running
into you myself.


Gracias, senor.

How many people have
they lost in this village?

l don't know.

A hundred?

Maybe more.

Tomorrow, it'll be
twice as many.

GABRlELLA: Oh, God, help.

STONE: You have seen
a storm of fire...

that sweeps through your fields.

You see a sky
as black as night...

in the fullness of day.

And you have seen...

your loved ones dying
from a pestilence that rips...

into your cities,
into your villages.

You have seen this world
we all love...

threatening to tear itself
apart at the seams...

and that is why
you have come here today.

You have come here for my help!

l cannot help you.

Gracias, senor.

MAN: What kind of god looks at
what's happening here...

and does nothing?

Even God won't
force us to do good.

We must choose the good...
for others.

l cannot help you because you
have turned your backs on me!

On me!

l, who have fed
your starving masses.

l, who have given you peace
the world over.

And for this,
what do you do to me?

You deny me!

You deny me!

You deny me!

Your God!

Not true!
You're not God!

And for this
you will be punished!


Pray to me.

Pray to your God.

My will be done.

Now she is standing
before the face of God.

With all the dignity and respect
that she was created for.

And she won't forget...

the general who
risked his life today...

to come here to this village
to care just for her.

Ah, God's little helper.

l trust your trip was as
successful as mine...

but l told you,
let them die.

Old ladies die every day.

You really shouldn't get
yourself so upset about it.

As earthquakes...

and other catastrophes continue
across the globe...

California today declared
a state of emergency...

bringing the total number of
states seeking federal aid...

to 25.

Food and gas shortages
across the nation...

lt's almost biblical, sir.

l hope l'm making
the right decision.

Today congressmen
from both sides...

called upon the President...

to accept the World Union's
offer of membership...

which would result
in immediate relief.

Well, at least the networks
will be happy.

Oh, yes.

All this will send
their ratings through the roof.

Ha ha ha.

Wonderful invention,

Does most of my work for me.

There are 3 zones
who still oppose you.

Your own brother.

Oh, yes, after all
that's happened...

he still resists.

You must strike at him.

l've been warning you before.

Never, ever presume
to instruct me.


My brother, the President,
will come...

when it is time.

We gave the President our trust.

We rallied behind him
because we believed...

in his integrity.

But his career has been
based on lies.

The justice department
has obtained the following...

security camera video.

lt reveals that
Daniel Alexander's death...

was no accident.

Clearly, our president
secured his inheritance...

through the abominable crime
of patricide.

Now, in our nation's
darkest hour...

his true nature is revealed.

David Alexander is a man
who will do anything...

say anything...

When did this press
conference take place?

About 10 minutes ago, sir.

lt's repeating
on every network.

Get him on the phone.

BRECKENRlDGE: lt is time that
David Alexander be replaced...

by someone who can lead us...

Let me guess.


He's on the screen, sir.

Breckenridge, you are
a liar and a coward.

You won't get away
with this.

David, can't we just talk like
two men who love their country?

Spare me the hypocrisy.

Do you realize
what you've done?

F.B.l. We have a warrant for
the arrest of David Alexander.

Call the President.

Open the gate.

Do it!

Because of you...

we will end up getting
in a sh**ting w*r...

with the other members
of the World Union.

Are you prepared for that?

lf they come after us...

they'd better be ready for
all hell to break loose.

The Justice Department
has issued a warrant...

for your arrest.

This is treason.

Mr. President,
you leave me no choice.

We've got company, sir.

Get that chopper down here.


Go condition red.

So how'd you know
this was going down?

l've been in politics
long enough to know...

that you always prepare
for the worst.

Mind if l ask
where we're going?

The chopper will hook us
up with the Navy brass.

They'll get us over...

to the Sixth Fleet
in the Mediterranean.

Take them up.

Come on.

That's far enough.

We're here to arrest
the President.

Not on my watch.

Sir, we have to go.
We have to go.

Seal off the rear!

GUARD: Keep going, sir.

MAN: Go! Go! Go!

Go! Go!

America is mine.

The President has fled
his office...

and his government votes
even now to join my World Union.

So when we all gather
in the Middle East...

l trust that
you will be there, too.

The Chinese people will
never bow before you.

STONE: Mr. Premier...

l know what the famine
has cost you.

Tens of millions.

We could lose half a billion
and still remain strong.

You would sacrifice so many?

Wouldn't you?

l already have.

There is a prophecy.

''The kings of the East
will gather their armies...

on the plains of Megiddo.''

And so you shall.

lf all 10 zones
are not with you--

Oh, they will be.

STONE: We summon you.






Aah! Aah!


Renounce God
and you shall live.


Mr. President.


Secretary of State

has declared himself
President pro tem...

and will join
the World Union.

And we've received reports
that the Chinese...

are sending troops
to join Stone Alexander.

This is the equivalent
of a coup d'etat.

l need to know...

Where do you stand?

GUARD: Scared, sir?

A little.

You'll be all right.

Trust your instincts
to keep moving.

You freeze up, sir,
you're dead meat.

Makes me feel a lot better.




Go! Move!



MAN: Move!

Ah, brother Dav--

Hold your fire.

STONE: Would you mind
turning out the lights...

when you're finished,
and please...

get those filthy boots
off my aubusson carpet.

He's not here.

Better come with me, sir.

Oh, Papa!

l'm so ashamed.

DAVlD: Gabriella?

DAVlD: lt's OK.

lt's all right.
l got you.

l got you.
l got you.

We're going to get you
out of here.

He said you would come.

Get a medic down here.

l'm going to get you
out of here.

You and me.


You must fight...

the beast.

You will be led to a man
who has eyes...

but he cannot see.

Follow him.


Don't talk.
Don't talk.

GABRlELLA: Don't be afraid.

God has already
prepared the way.

You just walk in it.

Trust him.

After all...

it is finished.

DAVlD: Gabriella.



Sir, l thought
you should know...

that the Chinese are rolling
into the Middle East.

Breckenridge has sent
U.S. armor to follow along.

Good news in all this
is tonight's operations...

have gone completely

Breckenridge has no idea
what we're up to.


Get out of the way.

No. Wait.



MAN: l saw heaven open...

and behold...

a white horse.

And he who sat on him
was called faithful and true.

And in righteousness,
he judges and makes w*r.

And on his thigh is written...

''King of kings...

and Lord of lords.''

And l saw the beast.

The kings of this earth
and their armies...

gathered together
to make w*r...

against him
who sat on the horse.

l saw new heaven.

And new earth.

Not pain.

Not pain.

When evil is brought
into the light...

it loses its power.

Save us.

Save us.

Save us. Save us.

Save us.

PRlEST: For the Lord will
consume the lawless one...

with the breath of his mouth...

and the brightness
of his return.

''l am the alpha and the omega.

The beginning and the end.''

Save us.

-What just happened in there?
-l received a message.

What are you going to do?

l need to speak to
the Chinese Premier.

You mind filling me in?

We're going to do battle.

With the beast.

DAVlD: Thank you, Mr. Premier.

Please understand
we're counting on you.

KlNCAlD: Plain of Megiddo.

The fabled crossroads
of the Middle East.

When the Chinese premier arrives
a little later today...

with his army...

the heads of all 10 zones
of the World Union...

will have assembled
their troops...

to witness the most historic
of agreements.

The new leader of
the United States...

has just arrived.

Ah, congratulations,
Mr. President.

Prime Minister.
How are you?

As you can see...

interim President

is there in Megiddo...

representing the United States

while the worldwide manhunt for
David Alexander continues.

Gentlemen, if we can use
a special ops team...

to initiate
the diversionary att*ck...

toward the center of his
headquarters position...

and then move in force to
secure the left flank...

l believe we can roll up
his entire line of defense.

lt's workable.

But the way l see it...

Stone's armies are here
for a celebration.

They're not expecting

lf we can wait
for the Chinese...

we'll be able to launch...

a full-scale
surprise att*ck.

Either way, a lot of people
are going to die.

Carry on.



My troops...

you have taken
the first step...

on the journey to Jerusalem,

the journey to a new world.

All hail Lord Alexander.

TROOPS: All hail
Lord Alexander.

All hail Lord Alexander.

All hail Lord Alexander.

All hail Lord Alexander.

ANNOUNCER: As you know...

the master wishes to reach out
to all his subjects.

To that end...

Lord Alexander has selected
European zone camp number 3...

for an informal visit at 22:00.

Over the next 10 days...

the troops of each zone
will have an opportunity...

to meet the man who has created
the new world order.


why me?

There must be someone else.


l'm scared.

l don't want to die.

But l know deep down...

that if l don't
walk up that hill...

l'm already dead.

l'm in your hands.


l'm going with you.

No. No.

l'm going alone.

You're not planning on
coming back, are you?

This is something
only l can do.

Thank you.

Lord, give him strength.

He's on your watch now.

DAVlD, VOlCE-OVER: l don't know
if l have the strength...

to go through with this...

so l'm asking for your guidance
and protection.

And most of all...

for your forgiveness...

for always
doing things my way...

instead of yours.

Take my life...

and make it count
for something tonight.

The Lord giveth...

and the Lord taketh away.

Evening, gentlemen.



STONE: Touche.

Ladies and gentlemen...

l would ask you all
to raise a glass...

to salute the arrival
of my brother at Megiddo...

and to acknowledge
that from this moment...

l am indeed
my brother's keeper.

Ah, David.

Trust you've had
a comfortable night.

Beautiful day, isn't it?

Sun's out,
birds are singing...

and all's well in my world.

Your world is
a sick, dark place.

l know what you did
to Gabriella.

Oh, so that's
why you're here.

Oh, so when all's
said and done...

it's, um...

it's really about
love, isn't it?

Ha ha ha ha!
Oh, l must say...

watching the two of you
all these years...

seeing how
difficult it was...

and how noble you both were...

never giving in
to temptation. Ha ha!

lt really was exquisite...

seeing the both of you being
tormented in this way.

Oh. Oh.

Did l touch a nerve?


l know who you are.

You only think you do.

Oh, it's a pity
the way things...

have ended up for you,
isn't it, huh?

lt's not over yet.

All but the shouting.

Come on, you.

STONE: Dear, brother...

l'm prepared to offer you
a last gasp.

Join me, and l'll
raise you up...

from your present
miserable state--

make you a king among men.

You overrate yourself.

You always have.

Your people can't fight me.

No one can, really.

All you can do is die.

Not that l mind that,
but who will l rule over...

if you're all dead?

Who will l punish, eh?

STONE: Come, David.
Take a look.

lsn't it magnificent?

The Chinese
are arriving at last.

Yes, an industrious people.

Oh, l'll put them to good use.

Where is your God now?

He'll be here.

Oh, really?

Then perhaps l'll
introduce you to him...

when he arrives.

You've heard his heralds,
haven't you...

announcing his
triumphant return?

No? Hmm. Funny enough.

Neither have l.

Well, maybe this time
he has met his match.

All your armies,
all your weapons...

none if it will be
of any use against God.

Uh...oh, you still
don't understand, do you?

This battle between me and God
is for the souls of men.

These...these bodies
out there...

they're--they're not
my armies.

They're my trophies.

Oh, but you see, don't you?

Yes, you understand.

Your greatest creation,
and they've abandoned you.

Now they follow me, hmm?

l've won.

Now, l shall
transform this planet...

into a paradise for my kind.

My fallen angels
will rise again.

Oh, you've heard of
the term ''hell on earth?''

Well, this is day one
of the new millennium.

Starting tomorrow, it's going
to get a whole lot worse.

You won't be here

l gave no order to att*ck.

What's going on?





The Chinese have
turned against us.



They're attacking
on this flank.

And the Latins on the other!




Free will, Stone.

That's the part of
the human equation...

you forgot about.

We counterattack immediately.

AMERlCAN MAN: Get down. Now!

Go! Go! Go! Go!

-Where are you going?
-To fight!

All units,
target the enemy headquarters!

Listen, all of you,
fight to the death!



So you think you know me.


think again.

Satan. Lucifer...


l have walked through
history under many names.

And for this time, even yours.

Oh...your brother was
a mere vessel l chose...

a puppet...

nurtured from spawning
to do my handiwork.



l summon the powers
of darkness.

Rise up forces of evil!

Rise up and destroy
all who stand against you.

Arise! lt is l, your Lord,
who commands you.


Move out!


Aah! Ugh!




You see!

The tide has turned.

No one can defeat me.

l am the power.

l am Lord!







You have failed us.

We have lost.

We have lost!




lt's over.

You're finished.








Ah, ah, aaah!




Oh. Chained?

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