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01x01 - Boy Smells Rat

Posted: 01/24/24 06:30
by bunniefuu
[bird chirps]

[tense music plays]


[man 1] This is your last chance

to stop something very unpleasant

from happening.

Wanna tell us

where you hid the extra, Lyle?

[Lyle] Eli, I'm sorry, mate.

[man 1] Talk to me, Lyle!

I'm sorry, Frankie.

[Eli whimpers]

[tense music continues]

[man 1] Get him outta here.

- [Lyle wails]

- [Frankie shouts] Lyle! Lyle! Lyle! Lyle!

[man 2] Little sh*t.

[Lyle] No, no, no! Stop hitting me!

- Call the police, somebody!

- [man 2] Come on!

Somebody call the cops!

Don't put me in the f*cking trunk!

- Shut up!

- Put me in the back seat!

Get in! sh*t.

I love you, Frankie!

Shut up!

[dogs barking]

[tense music continues]

[brakes squeak]

[inhales sharply]

[door opens, closes]

No, no, no, no

- [gasps]

- [pounding]

[man 2] Don't f*ck with Ivan Kroll,

ya f*ckin' idiot.

[drill whirs]

[Lyle] What the f*ck?

[tense music continues]


[drilling continues]


[grunts] Hm?

[tense music continues]



f*ck off!



[tense music continues]

[Lyle grunts]

[tense music crescendoes]

[Eli] You know, life is really different

when you grow up in a family of outlaws.

[Lyle] Uh

["The Unguarded Moment"

by The Church plays]

[Eli] But even in a town like Darra,

you still have school,

homework, and doing what grown-ups say.

Although I reckon grown-ups

can get confused,

to make the kind of bad decisions

that land them in jail.

Boys, wake up.

Slim'll be here soon.

Wake up.

Tell those friends

♪ With cameras for eyes ♪

[Eli] So I need to help my mum and stepdad

avoid making those mistakes again,

and stay on the straight and narrow.

- Mum, mum! Guess what!

- What?

[Eli] Slim's gonna let me go down

the main road this time.

- [Frankie] Well, I trust you.

- [Eli chuckles]

And he reckons

I'm a much better driver than Lyle.


["The Unguarded Moment"

continues in background]

[Eli] What you makin'?

You know, I'm not entirely sure yet.

Maybe ask me later.

Looks good though.


[Eli] Our mum really is

the best in the world.

She's always tryin' to do

what's best for me and my brother Gus,

and we're tryin' to get the best for her.

Her only fault is being

too trusting of people,

but I'm not sure that's a fault.

♪ An unguarded moment ♪

Reckon the little fella

wants to drive, eh?

♪ In an unguarded moment ♪

[Eli] The idea of writing this letter

actually came from Slim Halliday,

who you'd know from when he was

in Boggo Road Gaol for m*rder.

In an unguarded moment ♪

Our step-dad Lyle

met Slim in prison as well,

and these days,

we call Slim our babysitter.

["The Unguarded Moment" fades out]

Come on, budge up, then.

[Slim grunts]

You all right? What's Gus writin'?

[light music plays]

[Eli] A lot of what my brother writes

comes true eventually.

He's probably the smartest person

in the whole of Australia.

But he hasn't actually spoken

since he was seven years old.

"Your end is a dead blue wren."

[Slim] Your what?

I dunno. None of it makes sense

till after it's happened.

Okay, let's get goin'.

Remember what I told ya.

Clutch in, ignition on.

[whimsical music plays]

Okay. Okay. Up into first.

- [grinding]

- And then stead'ly on the peddly.

[whimsical music continues]

[engine revs]

Like that.

[whimsical music continues]


[Slim] Hey, come on.

- Let's get on the road.

- Hey!

[car horn blaring]

- You're doing well, eh.

- Oh!

That's it, hold it.

[woman 1] Jesus Christ!

[Slim] Whoa.

[whimsical music continues]

Yep. Now you're drivin'.

[Eli] So I started writing

to Alex Bermuda.

Like you said,

he's only got four more years

in prison if he keeps out of trouble.

[Slim] Yeah, well, that's a big "if."

[Eli] Is it really boring in prison?

'Cause I was wondering

how you lasted 25 years.

[woman 2] Learn to f*cking drive!

One thing you learn is how to master time.

Slow it all down

by focusing on the details

or you can speed it up by being so busy,

not enough hours in the day.

Busy with what?

[Slim] Collecting cockroach sh*t,

so you can sign your name with it.

Make your bed,

read some chapters of your book,

play yourself at chess,

then play the winner.

[whimsical music continues]

Go fishin' in your mind,

down off Redcliffe Jetty.

Catch a big bloody flathead, cook it,

watch the sun go down.

- Brake.

- Do what?


[tires squeal]

[truck horn blaring]

Now you know what "give way" means.

Okay. Gear stick into neutral.

Ignition on.

Stead'ly on the peddly.

[gears grinding]

[Eli] According to Slim,

staying on the right side of the law

is just like driving.

[imitates Slim] "Stead'ly on the peddly."


Lyle, did you see me driving?

I was full-on driving!

Yeah, mate. Hey. You'll make

a bloody good driver one day, you will.

- [Slim] Better driver than you, mate.

- [Lyle] Right-o, Slim.


[Slim grunts]

Hey, mate, what you got on tonight?

Frankie, she's doing her Jane Fonda class,

and I got a few things

I gotta take care of.

Wondering if you could, uh,

keep an eye on the rugrats.

Make sure they do

their homework, you know?

Yeah, anytime.

[Lyle] Good on you, mate.

Hey, bugalugs.

Did you thank him?

- [Eli] Oh! Cheers, Slim!

- Yeah, bit bloody late now.

[Eli] Mum, I drove all the way down

to the cement factory.

And I learned to give way.

[Frankie] Hey, slow down.

Wipe your feet. Stop running.

[wondrous music plays]

Closer to home,

the Brisbane drug wars take a grisly turn.

Caitlyn Spies from the Courier Mail

has been following the story.

All we know so far is that the body

of an unidentified man was found

Ah, Eli, turn that off.

[Caitlyn] on a patch of waste ground

near Stapleton,

missing his right arm.

Police have linked the k*lling

to the ongoing conflict

between rival Asian drug gangs,

and are asking anyone with any information

to please come forward.

- [Eli] Mum!

- It's just the news, Eli.

That was Caitlyn Spies.

I don't care if it was Mikhail Gorbachev.

Do your homework.

[light music plays]

Oh, shut up.

Boys, stop!

[chuckling] Eli, stop!

Lyle and I are going out later.

Slim's babysitting.

Out where?

To the cinema.

[light music continues]

[inhales uneasily]


Hey, Slim, you're in the paper.

[Slim] Yeah, I saw that.

- [Eli] Is that the guy who put you away?

- [Slim] Corrupt psycho that he was.

So, did you actually k*ll

that taxi driver, or didn't you?

[Slim] What do you think?

I dunno.

I don't think you're a violent person.

[Slim] Never underestimate

what any man is capable of.

So do you think Lyle's gone back

to dealing smack?

I dunno. Why don't you ask him?

I didn't wanna put him on the spot.

He's doing his best, I suppose.

You're a good kid.

You reckon?

You just, you know, keep your nose clean,

stay out of trouble.

And you let Lyle deal with his own sh*t.

[whimsical music plays]

[Eli] Dear Alex.

There's a lot that goes unsaid

in our kind of family,

either from trying to protect each other

or just normal

head-in-the-sand kind of stuff.

I'd be interested to see where you stand

between saying too much

or saying too little.

Strikes me that both can end really badly.

Dear Eli, greetings

from your pal Alex Bermuda

and the boys in B16.

Still can't get over

you knowing Slim Halliday.

What a legend that man is.

In regards to getting involved

in things outside of your control,

I've had a fair while

to consider this myself.

We're all social beings, it's natural

to wanna pitch in for your mates.

But then, a lot of bad decisions are made

emotionally in the heat of the moment.

Case in point, the screws took our TV

the other day for some minor misdemeanor,

and the result was pretty untidy.

[whimsical music continues]

[cartoonish punching and yelling sounds]

[TV announcer]

Like sands in the hourglass,

so are the days of our lives.

[Alex] You can take a con's freedom,

take his rights, take his humanity,

but for God's sake,

don't take his Days of Our Lives.

[sighs pleasantly]

- [dog barks]

- [crickets chirp]

[Frankie] Goodbye, Ruby Tuesday ♪


- [Frankie laughs]

- Oh

[Frankie] I have to check on the kids.

[Lyle] They're fine. Shh.

- [Lyle groans]

- [Frankie laughs]

[door opens]

[pleasant music plays]

[door closes]

[humming softly]

[door opens]

[music grows more tense]

[objects clack and rattle]

[birds chirping, warbling]

[Kn*fe scraping on toast]

So, what was the movie?

The one you were at last night.

Oh yeah, it was good.

Terms of Endearment.

So, what's it about?

It's a love story.

- Does it have a happy ending?

- Mm, happy and sad.

Eat your breakfast.

Hey, so my boss says it's all right

to bring your kids to work, you know,

for the show and tell at school.

Good news, eh?

Only problem is we're not your kids.

Yeah, well, it's also "bring an annoying

little squirt to work" day,

so I reckon you both qualify. Hm

So, what did you think

of the film last night?

[Lyle] Oh

- What'd we

- Terms of Endearment.

Terms of Endearment.

Yeah, it was a real good one.

Real chick flick.

- Mm-hmm.

- Ask your mum about it.

- Hey?

- [Frankie] Mm-hmm?

Where's my bloody, um Oh, thank you.

And me

You're the best. Mwah!

All right, I'm offski.

Have a good day at school, boys.

You do know

that's not physically possible, right?

Yeah, well, that is why

it's the best preparation for life, mate.


Do you think he's dealing again?

'Cause I think he's dealing again.

[wondrous music plays]

Yeah, well, not if she ends up

on smack again.

[wondrous music continues]

[Eli] Wanna take the shortcut?

- [wondrous music continues]

- [spray can hissing]

Rack off, Astro Boy! This is our spot.

Come on, Gus. Just leave it.

Yeah, go on, then.

[school bell ringing]

Gus, is it? We haven't met before.

I'm Poppy Birkbeck,

the guidance counselor. Take a seat.

I have to say,

you've certainly given my predecessors

plenty to think about.

I mean, everyone's agreed,

there's nothing wrong with you physically.

Hearing's perfect,

and obviously nothing wrong

with your brain,

judging by your academic record.

[breathes deeply] So it's just

the speaking we have a problem with.

Wonder if your artworks tell us something.


[Poppy] This was your still life.

And this was your still life with flowers.

And a lot of these pictures have

this car in there.

Family group, Last Wave.

Those kids in the back.

Is that you and your brother?

Heading where?


If you can't say it, write it.

Or draw it.

[opening drawer] I know

it may seem pointless, Gus,

but I believe you and your brother

have enormous potential,

were it not for some past trauma.

It could be your mother's addiction,

her leaving your father,

or something else

you've decided to keep quiet about,

in belief that silence will protect you.

Or someone.

And I'm here to say

that silence rarely does that.

Usually makes it worse.

Draw me what you're hiding, Gus.

[Gus drawing]

[contemplative music plays]



[school bell ringing]

[contemplative music continues]

Hey, Tinker Bell.

Darren wants you

at the back of the science lab.

Everything all right, Gus?

[door closes ominously]

Hey. What's happening?

Hold out your hands and close your eyes.

[tense music plays]

He said hold out your hands.

You brain-damaged or something?


Oh, f*ckin' hell!

- [Darren] I need you to hold him.

- [boy] Do what you're told, bellend.

[tense music continues]

You need to stretch him out more.

One hand on his neck, one on his tail.

On the bin.

Tighter on his tail.

You need to wrap your fist around it.

What are you gonna Jesus, f*ck!

It's my grandfather's. Samurai steel.

You're from Vietnam, Darren.

There is no way you're descended

from a samurai.

[Darren] Well, my friend,

that's what we're about to find out.

Oh, for Christ's sake.

Don't piss your pants,

I've practiced this.

Stay really still,

and nothing bad will happen.

Darren, this is nuts.

The mind's eye sees everything.

You'll hit my head

or cut off one of my hands.

- The true warrior does not waver.

- They'll put you in juvie! [shouts]

[Eli grunts]

[man] Oi! What are you students doing?

What the bloody hell is going on here?

Those lab rats are school property.

Come with me, pal.

[Eli groans]

So answer me this, Eli Bell.

In a country such as ours,

blessed as it is with natural advantages,

why our young folks should be so drawn

to crime and petty misdemeanors?

Uh, I don't know, sir, but I

I personally blame a lack

of physical exercise.

What were your friends doing behind

the science block in the first place?


Playing with yourselves?

Oh, they're not my friends, sir. I was

Don't lie to me, Eli.

You're really not very good at it.

Who else was with you?

Oh, uh, they could've been

from outside the school, actually.

One was big and fat and

the other was a little Vietnamese guy.

Yes, well, that's a fair description

of half of my PE class.

[inhales sharply]

I'm gonna need names.

Drop your strides.

Uh, my my what, sir?

Your shorts, off.


All right, now bend over.

Come on! Bend over.

I'm not gonna tell you it won't hurt,

'cause hurting is the point.

Punishment will cease when you tell me

the name of your co-conspirators.

Mm, my what, sir?

Why does no one speak English?

Your partners in crime.

- Your associates!

- Ah! Jesus.

Jesus, I'm quite convinced,

- was neither fat nor Vietnamese.

- [groaning]

[dramatic music plays]

Do we have a name yet?


[Alex] Regarding on

how to deal with bullies,

you really only have two options.

Either keep out of their way

or take matters into your own hands.

[dramatic music continues]


[Alex] Problem with option two being

you never know

how that's all going to end.

So the closer I get to being released,

the more I adhere to the prisoner's code.

Stay out of it,

don't rat on mates,

keep your trap shut.

[dramatic music continues]

Your silence is admirable,

but it's misguided.

I already know the answer,

I just wanna hear you say it.

Very well.

[Eli groans]

[dramatic music crescendoes]

Mum, Lyle?


[pleasant music plays]

Gus, we shouldn't.

Lyle'll k*ll us if he finds us in here.

[pleasant music continues]

Gus, we can't!

No one's been here

since the thing with Mum.


[Eli] Come back.

- What are we supposed to do with Mum?

- [Lyle] Sorry, mate.

- Lyle!

- I'll be back, I I promise.


[Lyle] I gotta get myself

straightened out.

I'll be back, I promise, mate.

[echoes] I'm sorry, mate!



Gus, Lyle's back!

- Lyle!

- Hey!

Hello, mate! [laughs]

Let me look at you.


How's Frankie?

Still pretty bad.

All right, let's go get her sorted.


[Frankie] Boys, boys, boys, boys



Boys! Boys! [screaming]

[screaming] You f*cking arsehole! f*ck!

You're a f*cking pig! f*ck!

I f*cking hate you!

- [screams louder]

- [Lyle groans]

[Frankie sobbing] Boys, help me! Boys!

Don't do this to me. Don't do this to me.

- Please.

- [Lyle] Boys, it's gonna be all right.

Boys. Boys.


I know you can f*cking hear me!


f*ck you! f*ck you all!

f*ck! f*ck you! [echoes]

How did you know about this?

[mysterious music plays]

[mysterious music intensifies]

This is insane.

For what? What are we waiting for?


[ringing continues]

[Eli] Don't answer it!

[ringing continues]

[man] Eli.

[mysterious music continues]

- Eli?

- Who is this?

I'll give you three guesses.

No idea. Is this Alex?

There's a million Alexes.

He's my pen friend,

doing time in Boggo Road Gaol.

Slim introduced us.

I guess any friend

of the taxi driver k*ller

He didn't k*ll that guy!

If Slim's your babysitter,

he'd have to say that.

My mum said he didn't,

and my mum's not capable of lying.

Everybody lies,

the saints and the sinners.

The trick is knowing which one

you're talking to. Good luck, Eli.

[dial tone]

[Lyle] You two better not be down there.

[whimsical music plays]

[Eli] Oh, no! Come on, Gus.

[Lyle] Oi! You little mongrels,

get back up here right now!

- Go, Gus!

- Don't you do that, Gus! Gus!

- Eli!

- [Eli] Go, Gus, move!

[Lyle] Get up here right now,

you two little mongrels!

What's happening?

The f*cking kids

are in the emergency tunnel!

Right, boys, this is it.

You're in big sh*t.

What are you gonna do?

Ugh. If they don't bury themselves alive,

I'll f*ckin' m*rder 'em.

Lyle, go easy on them.

Gus, wait for me!


Gus! Gus!

Gus, I'm stuck! Gus, come back.

- [groans]

- [whimsical music continues]

[Frankie] Uh, just make sure they're safe,

will ya?

- [groans]

- [whimsical music continues]

[Eli] Something It smells like poo!

Where are we?

You're right where you belong,

you little wankers.

You're very lucky

you both weren't buried alive.

Now come on out.

- Rack off. You'll give us a floggin'.

- Dead f*ckin' right, I am, mate.

- Well, f*ck that, then.

- Don't swear!

- You just did.

- Yeah, well, I'm an adult, aren't I?

You tell me, Lyle.

I thought adults were supposed to

learn from their mistakes.

You and Mum are dealing again.

It's the truth, innit?

- [sputters]

- [flies buzz]

Just announce it to the whole

bloody neighborhood, won't you?


Here. Now, get a hold of that

before you both get

bloody polio or hepatitis.

f*ck you, Lyle.

We spoke to that bloke on the phone.

- How come he knows my name?

- What bloke?

There's no bloke on the phone.

It's not even connected!

Me and Gus deserve some answers!

You know what?

You deserve to stay down there

until you, little man,

learn some bloody manners.


[light music plays]

Has Lyle got Mum using again?

f*cking Lyle.

[groans softly]

[Frankie wailing]



[Lyle] Just let her rant and rage,

okay, boys?

I know it's difficult,

but we just gotta wait around, okay?

[Frankie] He's tryin' to k*ll me, Eli.

Call the cops! He's tryin' to k*ll me.

Call them and tell he's gonna m*rder me.


[light music continues]

[Frankie coughing, retching]

[Frankie wailing]



[Lyle] You can't help her, mate.

[Frankie cries]

["Ruby Tuesday"

by The Rolling Stones plays]

♪ Yesterday don't matter if it's gone ♪

[Frankie whimpers]

♪ While the sun is bright ♪

♪ Or in the darkest night ♪

♪ No one knows ♪

♪ She comes and goes ♪

♪ Goodbye, Ruby Tuesday ♪

♪ Who could hang a name on you? ♪

♪ When you change with every new day ♪

♪ Still I'm gonna miss you ♪

["Ruby Tuesday" fades out]

[light music plays]

[keys jingle]

[mutters tearfully]


[grunts] Hey.

[breathes heavily]

[light music continues]


Group hug.

[light music crescendoes]


[Frankie chuckling]

[laughing, muttering echoes]

You think he's gone out yet?

I'm sorry, Frankie.

Pretty crappy at this dad stuff.


You're great, Lyle.

[Lyle] Hm?

[contemplative music plays]

We'd have been up sh*t creek

without a paddle

if you hadn't given us a home.


- Not much of a home though, is it?

- Yes, it is.

[contemplative music continues]

The boys worship you.

And I kinda like you too.

[Eli] Come on, give me a leg up.

Come on, Gus

[Eli grunts]

Don't, Gus! I'm falling!

Gus! [grunts]

- [straining]

- [hopeful music plays]

[Eli] Come on, Gus, push!

[both coughing]

Ah, where are the bloody buttons

on this thing?

[hopeful music continues]


[hopeful music fades out]


You boys learned your lesson?

Is Lyle still mad at us?

Yeah, no, he's settled.

He's watching the footy.

So he's not gonna flog us?

Not if you say you're sorry.

"Act of having it off," ten letters.

Something, something, "P," something, "T."

[knocks on table]


- [Eli] Mum.

- [Frankie] Mm?

Just promise you and Lyle

aren't using again.

I promise.

"Family embrace," five and three.

Excuse me.

- [kisses]

- Good night.

Why did you run away from our dad?

[Frankie] Eli, it's late.

I don't wanna talk about Robert right now.

He did bad things, didn't he?

We all do bad things sometimes.

Alcoholism is a disease.

He wasn't a well man.

Was he a good man?

He was a good dancer.

- Was he more like me or more like Gus?

- I don't know, Eli.

He was like both of you.

Was he scary sometimes?

Like Gus is scary.

Gus isn't scary.

Yes, he is.

Yeah? In what way?

I dunno. It's the stuff he writes

in the air with his magic finger.

It's like he can hop forwards through time

and send back messages from the future.

Maybe he can.

You ever considered that possibility?

All I know is that boy loves you

more than he can say.

When you were born, he guarded your crib

like all human life depended on it.

He's the best friend you'll ever have.

And you're the best mum.


Probably a bit below average,

but that's very kind of you to say.

No, really, you're too good

for this shitty place.

You were too good for Dad,

and now you're too good for Lyle.

[Frankie] Don't.

[Eli] You could've been a teacher

or a school counselor,

not living

with some drop-kick heroin pusher.

That's enough. Go to bed.

- [pleasant music plays]

- [sighs]

- [car creaking]

- [ethereal music playing]

- [music crescendoes]

- [fireworks whistle]

[fireworks whistling, bursting]

[door opens]

[whispering] I'm going after him.

Check where he goes. You coming?

- [cloth rips]

- [Eli winces]

[mysterious music plays]




[inhales sharply]

[Darren] Don't move.

[Eli exhales]

Tink, if you're gonna be a ninja,

last thing you wanna wear

is blue pajamas

with half your arse hangin' out.

I can see your Aussie white bum

flashing on and off

like a f*ckin' lighthouse.

[sighs] Hi, Darren.

You know, if I chopped your head off,

your brain'd stay alive for three minutes.

You could carry on talking

till you lost all consciousness.

I don't think that's true.

Only one way to find out.

[Darren cackles]

Did you sh*t yourself?


What's Lyle doing here?


I reckon he's collecting heroin

from your mum.


Very good, bellend.

Who else knows what he's up to?

[mysterious music continues]

The guy on the phone, maybe.

What guy on the phone?

There was a guy on the phone.

I spoke to him by accident.

He seemed to know what was going on.

Could've been Ivan Kroll.

- Who's Ivan Kroll?

- Just an arsehole with a motorbike.

You see on the news

about that bloke who lost an arm?

That was probably Ivan's work.

Wanna eat something?

- I'll be all right.

- You better come in.

Be rude not to.

[chuckles softly]

Shoes off, d*ck wad.

[intriguing music plays]

Check this out.

Go on, have a look.

[intriguing music crescendoes]

[woman]so much money. It's the best.

[Eli] So when did Lyle go back

to dealing smack?

[Darren] What makes you think

he ever stopped?

He just moved up the ladder.

Sucks, doesn't it?

Thinking you're with the good guys

and discovering you're the bad guys.

[woman] Darren!

[intriguing music continues]

- Come, she'd like to meet you.

- Oi!

Found this one spying in the yard.

- The one who didn't rat about the rat.

- Eli, what are you doin' here?

Darren invited me.

It's 1:00 in the morning. Go home!

- 'Kay, I'm going.

- You always give up that easy?

Why did you come here?

Because he's an idiot.

- Just followed Lyle.

- [Lyle] Mm.


You have question for him.

- Okay, that's enough, guys.

- I say when it's enough.


Come here, boy.


Why don't you ask Lyle

your most important question?

I'll make sure that he answer truthfully.

[gentle music playing faintly]

Why are you dealing dr*gs again?

- For the money, mate.

- So why are we still poor?

I said one question.

Now it's my turn.

Why didn't you rat on my son?

It's the prisoner's code.

Stay out of it, keep your trap shut.


[woman] You taught him well.

You can both leave now.


Bring him back another time.

Maybe we talk about work opportunity.

Okay, thank you.

[woman] Eli?

When he say it just for the money,

the money is for your family.

He's doing this because he loves you.

[chuckles softly]

[in Vietnamese] Off to bed.

[in English] Lyle.

Lyle, come back.

Please, Lyle!

Don't you ever follow me again, you hear?

- [Eli] Lyle! Lyle!

- [Lyle] That was really embarrassing.

[crying] You're embarrassed?

Lyle, you're a f*cking drug dealer!

I mean, what the f*ck is it

with you and Mum?

"Do your homework!

Eat your broccoli! Tidy the kitchen!"

I mean, like, Mum's an addict,

and you're the idiot who got her hooked!

Righto, come on, let's go, mate.

[Eli groans]

Oh, what Get up, Eli.

What are you doing? Get up.

[Eli cries]

- Get up!

- I can't.

You're just gonna push me down again.

Don't cry, you great big p*ssy.

What are you crying for?

I don't know.

I just got a whole lot of tears inside me.

I can't help it.

[Eli continues crying]

Here, clean yourself up.

Take it.

[Eli sniffles]

[blows nose]

Now, I know dealin' smack

is a shitty way to make a livin',

but no one gets rich

doing an honest job anymore.

- That's kinda what Darren said.

- Oh, did he, now?


Pretty soon, mate,

we're gonna be away from this place.

Things are gonna get good, I promise.

Things are gonna get so good

you'll forget they were ever bad.

[Eli sniffles]

You ever wondered why you cry so easily?

'Cause I'm a p*ssy.

No, because you're a good kid,

and don't you ever be ashamed of crying.

You cry because you give a sh*t.

People that don't cry,

they don't give a sh*t,

and God knows there's enough

of them fuckwits at large in the world.

[gentle music plays]

You good?

You done crying?


All right, let's go home.

[gentle music continues]

[whispering] Right, mate,

straight to bed, okay?

[gentle music continues]


Mum isn't using,

but Lyle's dealing like we thought.

And Bich Dang offered me a job.

I reckon we can help him.

You know, go into business together,

make a shitload of money,

finally get the cash

to move Mum away from here.

[gentle music continues]

What do you reckon?


I'm gonna be dead tomorrow.

[motorcycle revs]

[menacing music plays]

[menacing music crescendoes]

[phone ringing]

[ringing continues]

[ringing stops]

[Slim] This is a test.

No test is worth anything

unless it's difficult to pass.

And this is yours.

["I Send a Message" by INXS plays]

[Eli] Bobby!

You look how happy your mum is.

Why would you want anyone to risk that?

Robert's your father.

Are you all right, Dad? Whoa!

[Lyle] It's gonna get better, Frankie.

It's gonna get so good

you'll forget it was ever bad.

[Darren] Ivan Kroll is a bogeyman

to keep everyone in line.

["I Send a Message" continues]

[Slim] Any word of Lyle?

[Eli] No, but I'll find him

before anything bad happens to him.

["I Send a Message" continues]

[Slim] Sometimes bad things happen

to get good things.

I promise you that our sacred mission

has only just begun.

[Eli] Where's my mum?

[Slim] Your mum is in prison.

I wanna see my boys!

- Are you real?

- [Eli] It's not a dream, Mum.

It's just you and me, Gus.

No one's going to help us.

- [shouts]

- [grunts]

Caitlyn Spies? I'm Eli Bell.

You and me, we're the daylight.

[Frankie] Sending our boys

out into the world,

it's something to be proud of.

[Slim] Pain and pleasure's all part

of being human.

And if it doesn't hurt,

not real life, mate.

♪ Hey, in the silence ♪

- [tires squeal]

♪ I think of you ♪

All you have to do is believe.

♪ I send a message ♪

♪ Hope it gets through ♪

["I Send a Message" ends]

[light music plays]