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02x07 - Deliverance

Posted: 11/04/14 09:19
by bunniefuu
Previously on Sleepy Hollow:

Is it true we have a son?

I would have told you when you first awoke.

Katrina withheld too much from me.

It's hard to believe in her as I have.

(groans) I was trying to please you.

Abbie: Henry stole the Jincan. I don't know what he's planning, but he has to be stopped.

Crane: There is some good inside him.

What are you saying, Crane?

I must fight for my son.

(gasps, screams)

(bell tolling, hooves clopping)

Is it time already?

I have a few hours left before I report for duty.

Let's use them wisely.

These last few days have been an unexpected gift.

I don't mean to sound ungrateful.

I know General Washington requires you in New York.

This w*r will end.

A story we tell our children when we're old.

And what will our children be like?

Our boys will be strapping young lads.

And our girls will be enchantresses.

Like their mother.




Crane: I may lack the proper identification to vote, but what excuse do our fellow countrymen have?

A voter turnout rate of only 40% nationwide.

This is a disgrace.

It's a midterm, Crane.

I fought through lines of British regulars for the right to vote, yet our modern countrymen can barely form a line.

Oh, but, of course, they're more than passionate to vote for American Idolatry.

American Idol.

I know its name.

I'm telling you what it should be called.

So, Colonial America was a golden age because everybody voted in the States?

Oh, wait, black people couldn't vote.

Neither could women. So I would have been turned away at the door twice over.

Actually, you don't own significant tracts of property, so... thrice over.

(laughs) Well, maybe I could afford property if I weren't paying all of your bills.

It is true.

Our nation's historical lack of universal suffrage is among its greatest disgraces.

But we have come a long way since.


It took 180 years and two constitutional amendments for me to win this freedom.

Woman: Next.

What do you think you're doing?

I thought I might observe you vote.

It's illegal for two people to step into the booth.

Oh. Well, at least take my recommendations.

Proposition 3, on zoning laws, is a travesty.

Woman: Shh.

Democracy in action.

(Katrina coughing)

Abraham: This should help you feel better.

You must at least try to drink.

This illness is unnatural.

I can feel it.

It's like poison inside of me.


You think I did this to you?

I swear... this is not my doing.

Sorry to arrive unannounced. Proceed.

Katrina is not well.

What is the meaning of this?

A house call, if you will.

These men are here to care for her.

No... unhand me.

Abraham: Tell me... what is wrong with her?

I'm sorry, old friend.

I'm here at Moloch's command.

(muffled heartbeat)

Everything is as expected.

Now Moloch has a new purpose for her.

There must be another way.

Time to go.


(Katrina grunts)

I beg you... stay this madness.

Let me speak to Lord Moloch myself.

There is no time.

We are his servants.

And he does not tolerate disobedience lightly.

No! Abraham, please.

Help me.

Abraham! Abraham!




Katrina! (yells)


Aah! (grunts)

Get her!



Miss, are you okay?

"No campaigning at polling place." It's absurd.

General Washington gave each voter a pint of beer at the ballot box.

Feel better?

Yes, oddly.

(indistinct conversation)

Your exclusion from Sheriff Reyes' inner circle must sting.

I can't fault her for wanting to clean up the town.

Even if she doesn't know what she's really up against.

Morning, Sheriff Reyes.

Officer Mills.

Hey, Mills.

Oh. Got a call on the way here that sounded up your alley.

State trooper picked up a Jane Doe, brought her over to Westchester General.

A redhead... in full Colonial getup.

(officer laughs)


Who else could it be?

It was her idea to stay with the Horseman.

Why would she have left?

She wouldn't.

Unless something had gone terribly awry.


I need you to step away from my patient.

She isn't a Jane Doe.

This is my wife.

Her name is Katrina Crane.

Abbie: Do you know what's wrong with her?

Doctor: She has a fever of 105 and an infection in her abdominal wall.

Is there a diagnosis?

Not yet.

Once we get the culture results back from the lab, we'll have a better idea.

Abbie: Thank you.

Let us know when you hear.



You're safe now, my love, you hear?

What happened?

It was Henry.

He came with some men, and they... and they wanted to take me away.

I had no choice but to run.



(muffled heartbeat)

Ichabod, what's happening to me?

I have tried various healing incantations.

But this is unlike any sickness I've ever seen.

Henry expected this illness.

He said that Moloch has a new purpose for me.

Purpo... What sort of purpose?

He did not share the details. He...

He only wanted to take me away.

All right.

We will find a cure.

Abbie: Well, we won't find one here.

The Horseman may be benched because the sun's out, but Henry's gonna come looking for you, so we got to get going.

Let's get you some medicine.

Get you cleaned up before we go.

Well, the nurses... they took my clothes.

I don't think we have time for a shopping spree.

I had no idea fashion changed so drastically since my era.

Well, it isn't exactly everyday wear.

Some drunk goth chick's clothes ended up in the lost and found.

Perhaps these garments should have remained lost.

You don't like them?


Well, yes, they... simply a shade form-fitting.

Those men... they came with Henry to take me.

You two get lost. I'll trail 'em.

Alone? No, it's too dangerous.

We need to find out what's wrong with Katrina.

These guys know. I'll be fine.

Your mission right now is to take care of her.

Very well. We shall rendezvous at the archives.

Be careful.

You, too.

Signaculum deprenhesio.

Signaculum deprenhesio.


Is it not too much in your present state?

The sickness ebbs and flows.

The hex will warn us if Henry's men approach.



(hisses in pain)

Tell me, what else do you remember about them?

The doctor had a notebook with a... symbol on it.

A goat with the Rod of Asclepius jutting from its head.

Oh, no. No, no.


Did it look like this?


This is the symbol of a bygone secret organization, the Hellfire Club.

The British society of scientists?

They fought for evil to prevail in the w*r for Independence.

Franklin infiltrated their ranks.

It's how he obtained the key that allowed Lieutenant Mills to escape purgatory.

What would they want with me?

Franklin references an experiment.

A woman was infected with a mysterious illness with symptoms like yours.

What worries me is Franklin leaves no further notes on the woman's ailment.

Or even whether she survived.

This is my doing.

I should never have left you with the Horseman.

Moloch would have found a way to... bring this sickness upon me whether I was under your roof or Abraham's.

Abraham said he knew nothing of Moloch's plans, either.

I don't understand.

How can a headless horseman say anything?

A-An enchantment on this bauble.

It allows me to see the human spirit within him, converse with him, and I...

Converse? I...

And what do you and...

Abraham converse about?

Whatever I must.

To gather information to further our cause.

You think I enjoy it?

No, that's not what I meant.

These secrets that have come between us, they break my heart, but they do not reflect our love.

I understand.

But now you wonder what else I must be keeping from you.

There is nothing. I swear it.

One day this w*r will end, and when it does, we will build a life together.

The life we deserve.

Crane, I've tracked Henry's buddies to a warehouse off the Taconic.

I'll call you when I've got more.

Man: We lost the witch.

I don't know how, but she got away.

We will continue our search.

I just checked the translation.

I understand that.

The tablet says within the setting of one sun.

I'm looking at it now.

There is no other translation.

We will continue our search.

I'll let you know if anything develops.


♪ ♪

Man: I guess it was nothing. Let's get back to work.

Crane: Do you think they intended to bring Katrina to this place?

The pattern of veins on the cadaver matched yours exactly.

The doctor's notebook.

"Vessel... experiencing high fever, blood pressure and increased heart rate. Speed of infection consistent with... successful inception."

Abbie: "Inception."

That can't be good.

Keep reading, Ichabod.

"Delivery and expiration of vessel: ten to 12 hours."

Katrina, you're not ill.

I'm... pregnant.

I'm pregnant.

I don't understand. How is... how is this even possible?

You two haven't been alone together for a while.


Ichabod, I would never...

So if it isn't his or Crane's...

This thing growing inside of me is not born of any man.

How did it happen?

Was it a potion?

A fertility spell?

Wait, wait, wait, wait.

This section... refers to inception.

"The vessel will be implanted with... a birthing seed of Eastern origin, derived from a substance called Jincan."

As in Jincan venom?

Crane: A poison made from the deadliest creatures.

Henry obtained it from us.

We thought as a w*apon.

Jincan is no ordinary poison.

It's been used for centuries by dark covens to grow demons.

Henry is growing a demon inside of you.


My hex.

Someone is coming for us.

Take the tunnels. Go.

Go! Find her!

(birds chirping)

This is where I left Jeremy.

And where he took his new name.

You sure we'll be safe here?

Churches are consecrated ground.

You don't think Henry can get around that?

The termites did.

This place holds great meaning to him.

I can only hope he will not attack us here.

I don't think we can base our strategy on hope.

Henry's not gonna stop until he finds you. He's the one that did this.

Which means he can undo it.

I'm not sure we understand each other.

Henry is a Sin Eater.

He can remove this demon growing inside of me.

We must concentrate on facts.

Now, Lieutenant Mills is right.

Henry possesses great power, but he uses it for evil.

Yet... he continues to struggle against that side of himself.

He has shown us nothing but contempt.

Because somewhere beneath that broken exterior, he still cares.

He doesn't want us dead out of apathy.

There is still a part of him that remains human.

Perhaps if we could reach it, he could be made whole.

Katrina... he's trying to k*ll you.

Moloch is trying to k*ll me.

Henry follows Moloch because he had no family to grab onto, but now we are here.

We have never lost faith in each other.

Have you really lost all faith in our son?

I have not.


Do you hear yourselves?

Henry is the Horseman of w*r.

He told us, point blank, he means to help Moloch raise hell on Earth.

How does anyone come back from that?

He is my child.

And I cannot believe he's a lost cause.

I pray you feel the same.

Abbie: Do not let your feelings for him affect our mission.

And I have not.

You're right about Henry.

The odds and the evidence are stacked against us.

But Katrina is ill.

The doctor's notebook said the vessel would expire at sundown.

We're running out of time.

The only option we have... is to beseech Henry.

My mind is made.

Should we put it to a vote?

I can do the math.

Democracy in action.
I had an urgent call from your psychiatrist.

Said it was an emergency.

What do you want?

It's not what I want.

Thank you, Captain.

It is time we talked.

(Katrina groaning)

I know you're unhappy with Ichabod's plan.

Crane sees it as a test.

I think he's going to lose.


What is it?

I think that the... demon that's inside of you is called "The Horrid King."

(yelling in pain)





It's moving.


Quite a trick you pulled, getting me here.


Is Abigail around the corner?

Are you afraid?

Katrina slipped through your fingertips.

You must be feeling vulnerable.

Oh, you have worked it out.

We know there's a demon growing inside her.


A demon?

How pedestrian to expend all that effort on a mere demon.

I don't understand.

Who is the Horrid King?

"And were they known to men by various names, and various idols through the heathen world. Say, Muse, their names, then known, who first, who last..."

You cannot mean...

Would I lie to my own father?

That's impossible.

" made with the blood of human sacrifice and parents' tears. First came the Horrid King... Moloch."


Don't say, "No." Say, "Rise."

"Rise, My Horrid King. Rise, Moloch."

The demon inside of me...

Is Moloch.


The demon of the Apocalypse... is growing inside of me.

There must be something in your arsenal that can slow this, at least until Crane gets back.

My power is nothing against his.

Then we'll find a different way to save you.

There is one way we can stop this.

Moloch cannot rise if his vessel dies first.


That's not an option.

When Crane first fell on that b*ttlefield all those years ago, and all of the voices of Heaven and hell were shouting in your ear,

"Let him die," you found another way to save him.


We will find another way to save you.

Parish: "How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child."

King Lear.

Act one, scene four.

Our mutual love of words is no coincidence.

Perhaps I should thank you for the twinkle in my eye.

Do you really think I cannot see through this chicanery?

You live in Fredericks Manor, the very place you were brought into this world.

It is a nexus of dark magic.

And, coincidentally, where your mother first held you, first taught you feelings of love.

What did you tell yourself when you poisoned her?

That you were not really responsible?

The blood was on Moloch's hands?

I intended to paint my hands with both your blood.

Then flick your wrist.

Make it so.

Fate is fickle, Father.

Best not to tempt it.

If you let her die, it will plague you for an eternity.

Like the eternity I spent in that box?

She is not the reason bad things happen.

Your mother's love banished her to purgatory.

Her love for you.

Her decision to save you.

Then read my sin, see for yourself.

Tell me you're unmoved.


You will not touch me.

Because you fear you will witness the depth of my suffering.

You are sick with Moloch's evil, but you can fight it.

You can spare her...


You have a choice.

Yes, I do.

And I choose Moloch.

I choose his leadership, and I choose his might.

I choose his fire that will burn the world.

No matter what you do, no matter where you hide her, your wife will die, and Moloch will be born!




That was you.

Oh. You better sit down for this.

Oh, I know.

Katrina is bearing Moloch himself.

Henry took great pride in that.

I'm so sorry.

I tried.

You must know I tried.

If I should pass...

No, don't say such things.

If I should pass, you cannot give up on Henry.

You'll be all he has left.

Evidence of good in him... is not proof that he will change.

Every day in purgatory, I woke up without any proof I could ever save you.

What kept me going was faith.

I clung onto it for 231 years.

Had I done so for 230, we would not be here today.

Remember your own words, my love.

"We must have faith."


What are we searching for?

The Hellfire Club had this stone tablet in their lab.

I know it has some significance, but the photo didn't turn out right.

This distortion... this is curious.

This resembles the aurora borealis.

Northern lights?



Benjamin Franklin was obsessed with the phenomenon.

He theorized the aurora could banish demons from Earth.

He wrote a paper.

I must Internet immediately.

(beeping and static)

Oh, my God, it sounds like a swine being strangled.

Does this not go faster?

You know, dial-up was a pretty impressive invention at the time.

And so was the wheel, I'm sure.

Abbie: Oh.

"Aurora Borealis:

"Suppositions and Conjectures Towards Forming a Hypothesis for Its Explanation."

By Benjamin Franklin.

Franklin always wrote in code.

Though his handwriting is so abysmal, that could be considered an encryption on its own.

Actually, it is. Look.

Some of the letters are written in print, others in cursive.

The printed letters spell out a message.



"The Hellfire Club has acquired a tablet... bearing instructions on... the birth of Moloch. The only tool with the power to stop him is... the aurora borealis. Knowing this, Franklin... built... an aurora prism and hid it inside of the tablet. If the prism... is ever exposed to sunlight, it projects an aurora banishing Moloch before he is born."

If we get that tablet and find the prism...

And shine sunlight through it onto Katrina, we can save her life.

That lab is heavily guarded... and that was before I broke in.

It's the one thing I miss about modernity... an army to assist me.

(sighs): An army.

I know where we can get one of those.

Katrina. Katrina.

We've found a way to stop Moloch.

But I must leave you for a very short while.


This device is called a "radio."

Push this button and speak, and wherever I am, I will respond.

Like magic.

(exhales, inhales)

(quiet groan)

♪ ♪

Mills, I told you to keep your walking historical society out of my precinct.

There is something we need to tell you.

What's that?

The truth about what's going on in Sleepy Hollow.

A doomsday cult?

That's right.

In a warehouse out on Spangler Road?

The Manson Family out in sunny California sounded crazy once, too.


That body showed signs of t*rture.

Couldn't have been more than a few weeks old.

What's he doing here?

The club has Colonial origin.

I went to Crane earlier on.

It was his research that cracked the case wide open.

The Hellfire Club, founded in 1718 by the Duke of Wharton, has a long history of horrific experimentation on human subjects.

It's lunacy, of course... but their possession of illegal arms and their horrific experiments are very real.

We need a tactical team.

If we jump on this, we can bring them in.

In the short time that I've be here, you haven't given me much reason to trust you, Mills.

You said you wanted to clean up Sleepy Hollow... return it to the peaceful town you used to know.

Well, here's your chance in a very big way.

Sheriff! Search warrant!

sh*ts fired. Officer needs help.

(g*nf*re continues)

The tablet's in here.

Abbie: There. That case.

Think you can crack it?

(g*nf*re continues)

It's a three-digit pass code.

A cult such as this would use a number of significance. I can decipher it.

Come on, Crane.

Just give me a moment.

(b*ll*ts ricocheting)

We don't have a moment.

589 Wharton Street was the address of the London clubhouse.


1718, the year the club was founded.



They're a freaking evil club... try 666.


What a lack of imagination.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Let's go.

Reyes: Mills.

(indistinct radio transmission)

I can see why Corbin always spoke so highly of you.

Thank you.

But I was only half the team.

What did you say you did again?

I'm a criminal profiler, with an emphasis on acts of historical imitation.

Let's be in touch.

(groaning, gasping)

(groaning, gasping continue)

(loud grunt)

(radio beeps)

Katrina (over radio): Ichabod, please hurry.

(Katrina gasps)


Katrina, we're coming back.

(Katrina screams)

It's coming now!

(Katrina sobbing)

(amplified heartbeat)




Katrina, can you hear me?

(amplified heartbeat)


(Katrina grunting loudly)

(yelling, crying)


We end this now!

Stay with me, Katrina.

Stay with me. We're almost there.

(Katrina grunting loudly)

(amplified heartbeat)


(wind whistling)

(screaming, amplified heartbeat continue)

Hold on, Katrina!

♪ ♪

(Katrina gasping)


(high-pitched whirring)


(deep growl)


Oh, my God!

♪ ♪


(amplified heartbeat)

(deep growling)


(gasping breaths)

(gasping breaths stop)

(panting): She isn't breathing.

Katrina, please! Please don't...

(whispers): please don't leave me.

Oh, God...


Breathe, Ka...

Please, Katrina!

Don't you... don't...


(inhales sharply, coughs)

Abbie: Oh!

Oh, thank... oh, thank God.

Oh, thank God.

(panting slows)

We did it.

♪ ♪

I thought we'd lost you.

You're here.

Where I belong.

(chuckles): Whereas...

I belong somewhere else.

♪ ♪

She's fallen asleep.


Holding her just now... is a joy I've not felt in an age.

And yet...

Today was a bit close for comfort?

I agree.

Moloch nearly rose to our world.

You're wondering how long we can keep up this dance.

How long before Abraham comes looking for Katrina?

He will stop at nothing to get her back.

Well... at least we got clarity.

We know where Henry stands.

You can't possibly still think you can reach him.

When I touched Henry today, somehow... I saw him. Experienced a memory he did not mean for me to see.


A lost boy, alone in the woods, crying for help.

I know it's hard to see... but I believe, inside, he is still that small boy.

Henry would love for you to believe that.

No. I do not think he would. But it is a question of faith.

We stopped Moloch.

Today was a win.

(thunder rolling)

♪ ♪

(thunder crashing)


(amplified heartbeat)