American Fiction (2023)

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American Fiction (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

Okay, let's begin.

Who wants to start?

Yes, Brittany, kick it off.

I don't have a thought

on the reading,

I just think that that word

on the board is wrong.

Well, I think it still has

two G's in it last I checked.

It's not funny.

We shouldn't have to stare

at the N-word all day.

Uh, listen,

this is a class

on the literature

of the American south.

You're going to encounter

some archaic thoughts,

coarse language,

but we're all adults here

and I think

we can understand it

within the context

in which it's written.

Well, I just find

that word really offensive.

With all due respect, Brittany,

I got over it,

I'm pretty sure you can too.

Well, I don't see why.


Now, does anyone else have any


on the reading?

Well, it made some of

your students uncomfortable.

When did they all become

so g*dd*mn delicate?

This wasn't

an isolated incident.


Last month

you asked a student

if his family had been Nazis.

Yeah, I did, he's German,

we were reading

The Plot Against America

and trust me, by the way

he was squirming, they were.

Oh, my God.

Um, Monk, you are

a very talented writer,

we're fortunate

to have you here.

What? He hasn't

published in years.

I have written three novels

since the last time

you published.

Yeah, this is true,

and the speed

with which you write

only proves

that good things take time.

- Oh, go to hell, Monk.

- Relax, Mandy.

Yeah, relax, Mandy.

And anyway, my new book

is with Echo

and my agent says

they're very excited about it.

Oh, that's great to hear.

-What's it about?

-Can we stop stalling, Leo?


Listen, Monk,

we'd like to

give you a break.

What do you mean, break?

Just some time off.

Mandatory time off.

It's just, you're already

going to Boston

for the festival, right?

Why don't you

just stay there for--

Because I hate Boston,

my family's there.

Well, you need

some time to relax.

You're on edge, man.

You're under the impression

that time spent

with my family

will take the edge off.

- I'm fine.

- You're not fine.

I saw you crying

in your car last week.

He punched

the steering wheel.

Oh, wow.

You know, if you spent

less time spying on me,

you could

probably write

a dozen more novels

that people buy

at airports

with their neck pillows

and Cheez-Its.

Oh, here we go. Okay.

You want to go, dirty doggy?

Okay, well, enjoy Boston.

You can... you can get my book

at the airport.

Oh, and, good luck with Echo.


Welcome back.

How's it feel to be home?


Already had a guy

in a Bruins jersey

ask me if I think

I'm better than him.

That's good luck here.

That's Boston's version

of a ladybug landing on you.

Any news?

Patrick at Echo is passing.

But who f*cking cares?

He's an old alcoholic.

- What is that? Nine now?

- He says,

"This book is finely crafted

with fully developed

characters and rich language,

but one is lost to understand

what this reworking of

Aeschylus' The Persians

has to do

with the African-American


There it is.

There it is.

They want

a Black book.

They have a Black book.

I'm Black, and it's my book.

You know what I mean.

You mean they want me

to write about

a cop k*lling some teenager

or a single mom in Dorchester

raising five kids.

Dorchester is pretty white now.

But yes.

Jesus Christ. You know,

I don't even really believe

in race.

Yeah. The problem

is that everyone else does.

Anyway, have fun

at the book festival.

And just don't insult

anyone important. Please.

Writing from

a historical perspective

doesn't mean that you can't

make work

that doesn't resonate

with today's audiences.

Yeah, I think of things like

Game of Thrones as proof that

nerds like us

can still find great success.

Unfortunately, we're going

to have to end it there.

Thank you to our authors

and thanks to all of you

for attending.


Is it just me,

or was this small

even for a book festival?

Yeah, it's because

we're up against Sintara.


Sintara Golden.

You haven't read her?

No, what's her book called?

Raves everywhere.

The Post, Bookforum.

The London Review

of Books said,

"We's Lives in Da Ghetto

is a heartbreaking

and visceral debut."

Plus a little birdie told me

that perhaps

there's a TV adaptation

in the works?

No comment.

Okay, it was worth a shot.

Tell us, what was

your life like

before you were an author?

Well, I did undergrad

at Oberlin

and moved to New York

the day after graduation

and a couple months later,

I was an assistant

at a publisher.

And did

that assistant experience

shape your writing?

Absolutely. Yeah,

I was a first reader meaning

I would read

all the manuscripts

in the slush pile

and send them up the ladder

if they were any good.

Some of them were great,

most were not.

But the feeling

I couldn't shake was that

no matter how good

the books were,

most every submission

was from some white dude

from New York

going through a divorce,

and too few of them

were about my people.

And so I think,

"Where are our stories?"

You know,

"Where's our representation?"

And it was from that lack

that my book was born.

Would you give us the pleasure

of reading an excerpt?

Thank you.

"'Yo, Cheranda,

where you be goin'

in a hurry likes that?'

Donna aks me when she see me

comin' out the house.

'Ain't none ya business,

but if'n you gots to know,

I's goin' to the pharmacy.'

I looks back at the door

to see if Mama comin' out.

'The pharmacy?

What for?' she aks.

'You know', I says.

'Nah', she say.

'Hell, nah!

Girl, you be pregnant again?'

'Might's be', I tells her.

'And if I is,

Ray-Ray's gonna be a real

father this time around.'"

Thank you.


- Hi...

- Hi.

I'm here

to see Lisa Ellison.

Uh, do you have

an appointment?

We're about to close.

No, I'm her brother.


There she is.

Hello, Monk.

Hi, Lisa.

Okay, you're in a boat,

the motor cuts out,

but you're in shallow water,

but you're wearing

$600 shoes, but...

your ride to the airport

is just pulling away

from the beach,

why, oh, why

is this a legal issue?

I don't know.

It's a matter

of row versus wade.

Oh, my God.

I think that's one of my best.



- When did you start smoking again?

- -Mm...

Right after the divorce.

I always hated Larry.

Oh, I know.

You told me

right when we started dating.

Do you remember

how mad I got?

"It's not

your business who I f*ck!

Who I fellate."

I definitely

did not say "fellate."

I thought you did.

That's how I heard it anyway.

It's good to see you.

Yeah, it's good

to see you too.

How's work?

It's not very glamorous.

I go through

a metal detector every day.

Well, what you do

is important.


Meanwhile, all I do is

invent little people

in my head,

then make them have imaginary

conversations with each other.

Books change people's lives.

Did something I've written

ever change your life?



My dining room table

was wobbly as hell

before your last book

came out.

-Oh, my God. All right.

-It was, like, perfect.

-Yeah. Oh, God.

-I'm telling you and--

Take me back to Logan, please.

Logan cannot help you, Monk.

Oh, my God!

Welcome home, baby!



- Mr. Monk!

- Lorraine!


You know how

that makes me feel.

It's just Monk.

Oh, don't do that to me,

you know I'm too old

to learn new names.

-How you doing, Miss Lisa?

-I'm good.

-You look good, Mr. Monk.

-Oh, I look fat.

Oh, that's

the California talking.

I took you

to Arkansas right now,

-you'd be a beauty queen.


- Is that my Monkie?

- That's frightening.

- Hi, Mother.

- Oh.

-You look fat.

-Ah, I know.

You ready

to go to dinner, Mrs. Ellison?

Uh, I just need my purse

and my black cardigan.

All right,

I'll get it.

-Are you all right?


You overeat

when you're depressed.

I'm not depressed,

I've just been

not sleeping well lately

and so,

fell off my exercise routine.

- Mm.

- Here.

So you're

not depressed.

You just wear

all the hallmarks

of depression.

I missed you.

Is Larry coming?

No, Mother.

Larry and I are separated,


-Of course, I remember.


I just thought

he might join us.

To see your brother.


I mean, is it really

such a big deal?

Everyone forgets things.

Doesn't mean

she's sick necessarily.

People forget

dentists' appointments.

She forgets

I'm not married anymore.

That's weird.

What do you suggest we do?

Why do I have to decide?

- Because you're a doctor.

- So are you.

I'm not that kind.

Okay, my point is,

you are an intelligent adult.

And I'm tired

of being the only person

that takes care of her.

Well, I don't recall anyone

assigning you

that responsibility.

No, you and Cliff just fled

west as soon as you could

and left me

as caretaker by default.

My work's there.

-"My work's there." Yeah.

-Apologies that it prevents me

from keeping up

with the family melodrama.

If you lived up the block,

you wouldn't know

what was going on.

I'm stuck here taking care

of that old house and finding

love letters

from Dad's affairs.

- His what?

- His affairs.

You didn't know

he was having affairs?

No. How did you?

Well, he was an OBGYN

that was

traveling constantly,

but his patients were

in Boston.

He said he was going

to conferences.

He was making

house calls.

Do you know that I saw him

kiss a white woman

in the park in high school?

How white?

What do you mean, "How white?"

Like Brahmin white

or Southie white.

I don't know.

She had thin lips.

She looked like a bad kisser.

Did you tell Mother?

No. I wasn't going

to blow up our lives.

She's coming back. Mom. Mom.

Mom. Mom.


How you doing?

Our waitress

isn't wearing a bra.


I didn't notice.

See this shit?

This gonna take us out

of the ghetto.

But there are rules

in the house.

Number one, never leave

this product in the house.

And number two,

get your own crew.

Number three, got to have

discipline in your crew.

Number four,

don't praise a n*gga too much.

Otherwise he's gonna

think you're soft.

Rule number five,

don't show no love.

Love will get you k*lled.

See this, it's like a bitch.

You f*ck a bitch,

don't let a bitch f*ck you.

You're a man

who don't need nothing.

No one will get you through.

This bitch? This bitch

will take your soul.

You n*gg*s ain't got no fam...

Excuse me, uh, Ned.

Do you have any books

by the writer

Thelonious Ellison?

Yeah, this way.

-Here you go.



Wait a minute,

why are these books here?

I'm not sure.

I would imagine

that this author

Ellison is... Black.

That's me. Ellison. Yeah.

He is me,

and he and I are Black.

Oh, bingo.

No bingo, Ned, these books

have nothing to do

with African-American studies,

they're just literature.

The blackest thing

about this one is the ink.

I don't decide what sections

the books go in.

No one here does.

That's how chain stores work.

Right, Ned.

You don't make the rules.


I'm just going to put them

back after you leave.

Don't you dare, Ned.

Do not you dare.


Monk, what are you doing?

Mom's only going

to get worse.

They say mental exercise

is good,

that's why I got her

that gardening book.

Does growing cucumbers

count as mental exercise?

I hate when you do that.


You share your condescending

opinion as a question

trying to disguise

the condescension.

Why don't you just say

that you think

that gardening is idiotic?

Uh, because that's not

what I was doing.


Bullshit. Bullshit.

Maybe we can hire a nurse

a few times a week.

Who's going to pay for that?

You... you can't afford it?

Not after the divorce,

I cannot.

Well, it will hurt,

but we'll probably have

to sell the beach house.

Yeah, we definitely need

to sell the beach house,

but that money is going to go

to pay back

the reverse mortgage

that our mother took out

on the other house.


Look, I can send

some money home,

but it's not going to be much.

Can't Cliff chip in?

Cliff's not in

a good place, okay?

Who is? Okay?

Monk, Becca took everything.

And the kids are getting

teased at school.

- I didn't know.

- Well...

Maybe you should call him.

I'm sorry I've always been

so distant.

You couldn't help that.

You were always

Dad's favorite.

And that made Cliff

and I bond,

and you resented us

for having that bond,

and then...

I don't know, you just

became self-sufficient.

You never talked about this.

We never talked

about anything.

Is that surprising?

Look at our parents.


The only emotions

I remember from Dad...

were boredom and rage.

Is boredom an emotion?


It's Detective Dictionary.


You haven't called me that

in forever.

Oh, God!

- What? Oh, come on!

- Oh, God!

Lisa? You okay? Hey.

Hey, help! Help!

"If you are reading this

it's because I,

Lisa Magical Ellison...

have died.

Obviously, this is not ideal...

but I guess it had

to happen at some point.

Hopefully, I...

Hopefully, I expired

under the heaving thrusts

of a sweaty Idris Elba

or perhaps in a less

dignified manner,

under the heaving thrusts

of a sweaty Russell Crowe."

"Irrespective of how I went,

I ask that

those closest to me...

not mourn all that much.

I lived a life

that made me proud.


I was loved...

and I loved in return.

I found work

that aroused my passions.

I believe I gave more

than I took.

And I did my damnedest

to help people in need.

And on top of all that,

many a friend wrongly

accused me of having Botox

because of how tight my skin

stayed well into my 50's.

What more could someone

ask of a life?

I love you all.

Thank you

for being here today.




Are those human remains?

You guys have

a permit for that?

Just shut the f*ck up,


Cliff, you don't talk

to me like that.

f*ck you. I just did.

- What?

- You want me to beat your ass?

-I'm just--

-Get the f*ck out of here.

I will eat your sweater vest

for dinner.

- No-- Yep.

- Bitch. Go. One.

Get the f*ck

out of here, Phillip.

- I'm just--

- Two.

- Three.

- -Always been a f*cking douche.

Where is everybody?

They're exhausted.

I gave Lorraine something

to help her sleep.

Mother's taking a bath.

Then I'm going

to dose her too.

You think maybe I can get

some of that later tonight?

Yeah. What,

you're not sleeping well?


Normally, I sleep fine,

but just lately.


Does seeing a dead body

ever become normal?

I don't know.

I haven't seen many.


I'm a plastic surgeon.

If I'm looking at a corpse,

then something went very awry.


Yeah. Made me feel for Mother.

Can't imagine what

she must've gone through

finding Dad...

you know, like that.

I know.

So much death.

When was the last time

we were here together?


Maybe ten years.


The kids were still little.


How is your family,

by the way?

You actually care?

Of course. Why would I ask?

Why would you ask me that?

I don't know, Monk.

You never really called.

-I get busy.

-Yeah, everybody gets busy.

You drift away.

You want to know

how my family is?

My wife left me

'cause she caught me

in bed with a man.

She took my house,

half my practice.

My kids f*cking hate me.

And I still live

in f*cking Tucson.

What was wrong with Tucson?

Oh, my God.

There's one gay bar

and it's full of college kids.

One of them asked me

if I was Tyler Perry.

That's terrible.

I mean, Tyler Perry

lives in Atlanta, right?

f*ck you, man.

Shut up.

Nowhere near Tucson.

Oh, boy.

Did you know

Dad had affairs?

Oh, for sure.


You could just tell.

Lisa told me she saw him

kissing a white woman once.

Why did I have no idea?

Why am I the last to know?

Because you loved him

too much.

Enemies see each other

better than friends.

What the hell

did you give her?

It's oxycodone.

But knocks them right out.

You gave her opioids to sleep?

Yeah. You ever seen

a heroin addict?

Those guys take naps

standing up.

It's dangerous.

Look, I'm keeping

an eye on her.

I'm a doctor.

- So am I.

- Right.

Maybe if we need

to revive a sentence.

Well, why do you have

synthetic smack anyway?

What is that?


Oh, shit.




Hey. What are you doing? Hey.



Come on.

Come on.

Well, I'm not sure,

to be honest with you.

It's going to depend

on what the doctors say.

Yeah, I'll touch base

when I know more.

Thanks so much

for being understanding.

Hey, um, Leo, one more thing.

I was wondering

if maybe we could treat this

as a sabbatical as opposed

to a leave of absence?

Whatever happens

with my mother,

it's going to cost some money.

No, I understand.

No, it's not your fault.

I'll figure something out.


Thanks for your help.

Okay. Bye-bye.




You don't have to do that.

Oh, no. I do.

It's tomato season.

You can't let them go to waste.


-A crime around here.

Thank you.

That's what neighbors

are for, right?

Welcome to the neighborhood.

I thought the place

was vacant.

Uh, it has been for a while.

We just got here last night.

Oh. Figured the place

was haunted.

They said some old man

blew his brains out there

a while back.


Oh, my God. I...

I'm a f*cking idiot.

Please forgive me.


Oh, I'm very sorry

to hear that.

What'd she do for a living?

She was a doctor. Um...

Most of my family, doctors.

Basically, I'm the outcast.

Um, what do you do for work?

I'm a lawyer.

Public defense. Quincy.

Very honorable.

Yeah. It's very hard,

but can be rewarding.

May I ask you something

that I'm sure a lot

of people ask you?

How do I feel about defending

guilty people?


-I love it.


I have to.

And they're all guilty.


-Yes. But that's okay.

People are more

than their worst deed.

I guess I agree with that.

Mm. Sure you do.

You're a writer.

I don't follow.

Well, writers have

to be non-judgmental.

You can't write

interesting characters

and be critical of every

bad decision they make.


Maybe you should

be the writer.

I don't feel

like much of one lately.

You blocked?

It's just...

I don't think anybody

wants to buy what I write.

That's not true.

I didn't want to say anything,

but, um, I actually read

one of your books.

Hm. Which?

The Frogs.

Oh, so you were the one.

I liked it.

You're talented.

You're expecting company?





-Jelani, uh, this is Monk.

He and his family own

the house across the street.

Nice to meet you.

Yeah, it's a pleasure.

Are you staying for dinner?


No, I need to go check in

on my mother.


Thank you, uh...

For the wine, and...

good night.

Good night, Monk.

What time's your flight?


You think, uh, maybe

you could change it?

Think it would be useful

to have you

at Mother's doctor's

appointment today.

I can't. I got to get home.

Fine, but you think

you can chip in

for her care

once we find out what's what?

It's probably going

to be pretty expensive.

Things are tight

right now, so...

You thought

about firing Lorraine?

Lorraine is family.

Well, shit, Monk.

I don't know

what to tell you, all right?

So you can't do anything?

I will check

with my accountant

when I get back, all right?

It's 8:00 in the morning.

I'm not flying

the f*cking plane, Monk.

Well, do you think

you could be so kind

as to go inside and see

if Mother is ready

to head out?

All right. Hey.


-Don't yell, man.

Be civilized.

You're just like our dad, man.

So you do right by me, Monk.

I swear to f*cking God.


You want

to see civilized?



Hey. Morning.


-about last night, uh--


It's okay.

You don't have to explain.

I had a good time.

No, I...

Jelani, he's my ex.

Well, he's going to be.

We're in the middle

of breaking up and...

it's hard.

I get it.

I'd like to see you again.

Do you think that you'll be

around town

next couple of days?

You know, grab a drink?

Yeah, I'd like that.

Yeah, me too.

Drive safe.


Mr. Ellison?

We're ready.

Her MRI shows

early signs

of neurodegeneration.

There's a slight decrease

in the size

of the temporal lobe

which suggest Alzheimer's.

I'm very sorry, Mr. Ellison.

But at some point,

she'll probably require

around-the-clock care

for her own safety.

-Hey, young n*gga.


Hey, whoa, whoa.

Don't sh**t me, partner.

Come on now.

Van Go.

That you?

Yeah, me, n*gga.

Shit. What, you drunk,


Where you running to?

Just leave me alone, man.

How your mama?

What you say?

I said, how your mama?

Oh, shit.

They ain't tell you, huh?

What you talking about, punk?

Hey, what you talking about?

Think about it, Van Go.

Look at my face.

Look at my midnight

black complex...

No, that's not right.

What did you want to say?

You can say it

better than that, right?

Come on. What do you want?

Think about it, Van Go.

Look at my face.

Look at my coal black skin.

And then look at your own.

Look at my black eyes.

Now look at your own.

Look at my big black lips.

Now look at your own.

I's your daddy

whether you like it or not.

Shut up, okay?

Shut up, man! You lying!

No, no,

that's the truth, n*gga.

So, where you been, huh?

Where you been?

I've been where I always be.


You ain't worth a piss.

Your mama ain't worth a piss.

So here I am.

What do I say now?

I think now will come

some sort of, you know,

dumb, melodramatic

sob story

where you, uh, highlight

your broken interiority.

Something... something

like, um, I don't know...

I hates this man.

I hates my mama.

And I hates myself.

I've seen my face in his.

I see the ape

that all them stupid girls

were afraid of, yeah.

I can see my long arms

hanging down.

And I see eyes that don't care

what happens tomorrow.

I see myself

rocking back on my heels,

just like this, baby.

Just waiting.

And waiting, and waiting,

and waiting,

and waiting for something

that I'm not even going

to recognize when it comes!

Death is my only cure.

I heard that before.

I've been hearing it,

and I'm hearing it now.

I see...

I see my mama crying.

I see her screaming

in my dreams.

I see my babies.

I see my...

I see my daddy.

I see myself.

What the f*ck?

What the f*ck you do that for?

Because you ain't shit,


And you made me.

So because you ain't shit,

I ain't shit.

Because you ain't shit,

I ain't shit.

I gots to bounce.

Peace, m*therf*cker.


What the f*ck was that for?

You're watching

Black Stories Month on WHN.

Celebrating the diversity

of the African-American


Join us for more

riveting cinema,

heartbreak, and drama.



"I be standing outside

in the night,

a police chopper go by

and shine some lights

in some backyards

and I think, 'Shine that

light on me, m*therf*cker,

shine me some f*cking light

so I can see

where the f*ck I be at.'"

Are you serious?

You notice I didn't put

my name on it.

Yes, Stagg R. Leigh,

I did notice that. Well done.

But I still can't

send this out.

You said you wanted

Black stuff.

What's Blacker than that?

It's got deadbeat dads,

rappers, crack,

and he gets k*lled

by a cop in the end.

I mean, that's... that's...

that's Black, right?

I see what you're doing.


because it's not subtle.

I mean, how's that book

so different

than some of the other garbage

they put out?

That's not the point.

Well, it's my point.

Look at what they publish.

Look at what

they expect us to write.

I'm sick of it.

And that's an expression

of how sick I am.


I'm trying to sell books,

not be a part of some crusade.

Who do you expect

to publish this?

No one.

I just want to rub their noses

in the horseshit they solicit.


What do you want me to do?

I want you

to send it out.

Can I say

it's performance art?

No. Send it straight.

If they can't take the joke,

then f*ck them.

All right,

but I'm only sending it

to a couple of places.

This thing scares me.

Scares you? Why?

Because white people think

they want the truth,

but they don't.

They just want

to feel absolved.

Well, fortunately,

that's not my problem.

- Okay.


I'm surprised you reached out.

I thought you were

just being nice.

Oh, I'm never just being nice.

I'm too old for that.

You know, I like you

so much, in fact,

that I went out and got

another one of your books.

Really? Which one?

The Haas Conundrum.

What'd you think?

I liked it.

Susan has

really great dialogue.

And I love the aunt.

Wow. I mean,

you write women well.

Oh, you think so?

Yeah. They're not

hothouse flowers.

Thank you.

- I appreciate that.

- Mm.

I could've done

with less footnotes though.

I, uh...

I got to run.

Well, how's your mom?

In and out.

I'm afraid to be away

for too long.


-But, uh...

I'll, uh...

I'll call you.

Hold on a minute.

Sign my book.

What's your name again?


Mr. Monk?

What's going on

with the lights?

Miss Lisa used

to pay the bill.

Did you?

How much?

Well, I can handle

the electrical bills,

but these care facilities

are expensive.

The best one nearby

is $5,600 a month,

and that's for a shared room.

It goes up to $6,900 a month

for a private room.

Well, why you looking

at the best one?

She wasn't the best mother.

Look, I'm not here

to re-litigate our childhoods.

Of course not,

because yours was great.

g*dd*mn it!

Are you going to help me or not?

Won't Medicaid cover it

or something?

That's not how it works.

You don't know this?

Oh. Hello.

Who's that?

What are you doing?

I've taken a lover.

You've taken a lover?

You got a problem

with that, h*m*?

Listen, I'm not offended that

you've taken a lover, Cliff.

I'm offended, Cliff,

that you call it

taking a lover.

Mm, you can eat shit, n*gga.

I'll take my lover right now.

Hey, where you going?

There you are.

Traffic was insane. What's up?

Sit down.

Have a seat.

We sold your book.

Holy shit!

-I thought it was DOA.

-Not The Persians.


Get out!

Paula Betaman

from Thompson-Watt.

She always passes.

Not this time. They want

to preempt for $750,000.

No one's ever offered

that much to me.

-This is you.

-No, it's not, Arthur.

- You wrote it.

- As a joke.

Well, now it's the most

lucrative joke

you've ever told.

- And I'm not selling.

- Why not?

Because it's trash, Arthur.

You didn't even want

to send it out the other day.

Oh, but look who's suddenly

overcome his fears.

I know, I broke

the first rule of sales.

Never underestimate

how stupid everyone is.

Well, I'm not participating

in making them any stupider.

Well, you haven't thus far,

which is admirable, but...

you also haven't

made any money.

Doesn't your mom

need help these days?

Check this out.

I don't care how drunk we get,

I'm not selling it.

That's not

what I'm doing.

Johnnie Walker Red, 24 bucks.

Johnnie Walker Black,

50 bucks.

Johnnie Walker Blue...


You see the metaphor?


These are all made

by the same company.

The Red is shit,

the Black is less shit,

the Blue is good.

But fewer people buy the blue

because it's expensive.

And at the end of the day,

most people

just want to get drunk.

For most of your career,

your books have been Blue.

They're good, complex.

But they're not popular

because most people

want something easy.

Now, for the first time ever,

you've written a Red book.

It's simple, prurient.

It's not great

literature, but...

satisfies an urge.

And that's valuable.

What I'm trying

to illustrate is that,

just because you do Red

doesn't mean

you can't also do Blue.

You can do it all.

Like Johnnie Walker.

In fact, you got Johnnie

Walker beat, because...

you don't even have

to put your real name on it.


Do we drink now?


Hello, Paula.

Arthur! So wonderful

to hear from you.

Um, I hope that you are

with the man of the hour.

I am, indeed.

He's right here next to me.

Mr. Leigh?

Uh, yeah, this is he.

Oh, really?


Yeah, g*dd*mn it.

- Right. Right. Okay.

- m*therf*cker.

Yeah, I was a little confused

at first, but...

We're both very excited to

discuss Thompson-Watt's offer.

Yes, well, first of all,

let me just say

that all of us here

at Thompson-Watt

are thrilled with My Pafology.

It is about as perfect a book

as I have seen

in a long, long while.

Just... just raw and real.

And, Mr. Leigh,

is this based

on your actual life?

Yeah, you think some

bitch-ass college boy

can come up with that shit?

No, no. No, I don't.

No. You know, that kind of

visceral energy

cannot be taught, right?

Stagg... May I call you--

Now, is Stagg a pseudonym?

Yes, uh, it is.

Mr. Leigh can't use

his real name

because he's a...

Well, he's a wanted fugitive.

Oh, my God. Wow.

That's why this couldn't

be a video conference.

Are you crazy?

What if they fact check this?

I checked. There's barely

money to pay editors anymore.

Just go with it.

Yeah, I did a 12-year bid,

but no going back.

Know what I mean?

Yeah. Yeah, you know, um...

I've been reading a lot

about the prison abolition


- Oh, God!

- I've...

Sorry to rush, Paula,

but can we talk business?

Mr. Leigh values

his time outside of a cell.

Of course.

I'm sure you're both

very, very busy

so I will get right to it.

Um, you'll notice

that our offer is...

unusually large

and that is because we believe

Mr. Leigh has

written a bestseller.

We think it is going to be

the read of the summer.

Yeah, I'm sure

white people on the Hamptons

will delight in it.

Yes, we will.

They-- We-- It's going

to be huge. Huge.

I love it.

Is that little

Thelonious Ellison?

My God! Maynard!

Everyone still call you Monk?


everyone but you.


it's a beautiful name.

It seems simple

not to use it whole.

Well, I'm glad someone

appreciates it.

I heard about your sister.

My condolences.

Thank you.

I don't think

I've seen you since

before your father passed?

Yeah, it's been a while.

I live in LA now.

Oh! Hollywood.

Hey, do you write

for that NCIS?

Just books.

Well, you should try to write

for NCIS. It's popular.

Well, maybe I will.

Hey, so, how you been?

Oh, I'm good. And you?


-Mr. Monk.

What would you like

for dinner?


Hi, Lorraine.

It's been a dog's age.

Well, I guess it has.

You look well.

You too.

Well, I best be getting back.

It's good to see you,


You too.


Mm, mm, mm.

Ain't nothing to smile at.

Oh! There she is.

Behave yourself.

Hey. Hi.

- Got this for you.

- Oh, thank you.

-Lorraine, this is Coraline.




-Yeah, hello.


Mother, perfect timing.

This is Coraline.

Hello, dear, I'm Agnes.

Such a pleasure to meet you.

I brought you these.


are my favorite.

There's a whole world

inside them.

- Lorraine?

- Yes.

Mother, you sit here.

All right.

And, Coraline, why don't you

sit across from Mother?

Oh, sure, sure.


I'm happy you're not white.

Me too.


it was pretty funny.

Well, I think you...

I think you remind her

of my sister.


Well, do you think

we look alike?

No, but...

you're both self-assured...

and funny...

and you're both...

fantastic kissers.

Oh. Ooh.

Mrs. Ellison?

Mrs. Ellison?

Mr. Monk!

Mr. Monk!

-I just... I just...

-What's wrong?

I just stepped outside

for a moment.

What's wrong?

Having a cup of coffee

with Maynard,

I was right in front.

Where's Mother?

-I don't know!


The backdoor was open.

-She gone.


We should split up. Here.

I got more in the car.








Mother! Hey!

Mother! Mother!

Hey! Hey, stop!

Hey! Where are you going?

Lisa's out there

roughhousing with the cousins.

Somebody's going to get hurt.

Stop. Um...

I will go tell her. Okay?

-Yeah, but then--

-I'll take you back

to the house

and then I will go tell her.

But they're out there.

I know, I know.

-Okay, you sure?

-I will tell her.


-Now, come on.

It's too cold out here.

- You should...

- Okay.

Lisa doesn't swim

very well.

I know. I know.

Okay. Almost there.

All right.

Oh, good.


-Here we go.

All right.

Okay, Monkie.

All right.

And this is our library.

It's full of all the classics.

And we try to get some

new releases too.

Do you like to read,

Mrs. Ellison?


That's not true.

She loves to read.

She taught me to love reading.

Perhaps we can get

some of your son's books

in here.

And you can lead a book club.



It's fine. It's hard for a lot

of the residents at first.

But she'll settle in.


I appreciate all your help,

but how soon do you think

we can get her in?

Uh, in about a month.

You can start the paperwork

today if you'd like.

Great. I'd like that.

I'll go check

on your mom, okay?

Thank you.

- Hello?

- Hey, Thelonious.

How you doing?

My name is Carl Brunt.

I am the director

of the New England

Book Association.

Hi, Carl. I know who you are.

Oh, good.

Then perhaps you'll also know

that each year

my organization bestows

the somewhat pretentiously

named Literary Award.

Every writer knows

the Literary Award, Carl.

Especially those of us

who haven't won it.

Yeah. Yeah.

Well, that's sort of related

to why I'm calling.

Like many

American institutions,

mine was recently rattled

by the notion

that our lack of diversity

had led to a blind spot

in our work.

So, you know, we're kind

of trying to remedy that.

And to that end,

I was wondering

how you might feel

about being a judge

in this year's award ceremony?

Um, let me say first,

Carl, that I'm honored

you choose me

out of all the Black writers

you could go to out of fear

of being called r*cist.

Yeah, you're very welcome.

But I think this sounds

like a lot of work.

Yeah, I can't deny that.

I mean, you're going to have

to read dozens of books.

We could offer you

a modest stipend.

Even so, I'm not sure.


One of the crass perk

I reference

when people are kind of

on the fence like this

is that this will allow you

the opportunity

to literally judge

these other writers for once,

rather than just figuratively.

All right, I'm in.

Well, fantastic. Okay.

Great. So you're going

to be one of five judges.

Uh, the only one

we have confirmed so far

is Sintara Golden.

Are you familiar

with Sintara Golden's work?


Oh, she's great.

You're going to love her, man.

I brought you lunch,

Mr. Monk.

Oh, wow.

To what do I owe the pleasure?


I have a favor to ask.

I was wondering

if I might be able

to take the afternoon off.

Maynard just came in

from the beach.

And we thought

it might be nice

to visit a museum.

Yes, of course.

I'm free today,

so I can look after Mother.



You really like him, huh?

He's a fine man.


Page seven.

It's got like 12.

The guests of honor.

Hello, Mrs. Ellison.

Looking beautiful as ever.

Hello, Arthur.

Layne, would you

take Mrs. Ellison

to the kitchen,

and set her up with some tea?

Right this way, ma'am.

Mother, I won't be long.

Take your time.

- Thank you.

- Mm-hm.

Not the pods.

The good tea, for guests.

What is this?

I told you to dress street.

-I did.

-f*cking Sesame Street.

What's this guy's name?


-Wiley. Wiley Valdespino.

He specializes

in Oscar-baity "issue" movies.

He did the Middle Passage

one last year.


I didn't see that.

Of course, not.

You're not lobotomized.

But if he adapts your book,

you stand to make

a lot of money.

Why can't we just do

a phone call?

Well, he said if he's going

to cut a check this large,

then he needs

to meet in person.

All right.

What do I need to do?

Just make him like you.

When I talked to him,

he seemed thrilled

that you're a fugitive.

Just, you know, play that up.

But what if he recognizes me?

- You?

- Yeah, the real me.

Monk, you're not that famous.

And nobody in Hollywood reads.

They got their assistants

to read things,

and then summarize them.

The whole town runs

on book reports.

You sure you can look

after my mother?

She won't leave my sight.

You'll just be

across the street, anyway.

Across the street.

You should go. You'll be late.

He's waiting for you.


if he, uh,

wants the stereotype,

maybe it's better I'm late.

Stagg, I presume?

That's me.

Hey, I'm Wiley.

Nice to meet you, brother.

Sorry about

the bougie restaurant.

My assistant picked it.

We can go somewhere else

if you're uncomfortable.

-This is fine.


What are you drinking?

I'll have a Chenin Blanc.

All right.

Of your driest.

Well, what's funny?

Ah, it's just a strange order

for a guy like you.

Why is that?

Well, you don't see many

convicts drinking white wine.

You know many convicts?

You'd be surprised.

I spent a month

in the joint myself.

It was some interstate

commerce shit.

It was a short stay,

but I'll tell you what,

that experience grounded me.

The people I met in there

allowed me to see

a whole world

of underrepresented stories

from underrepresented


Can I ask

what you were in for?

I don't like to talk

about that.

You feel me?

Was it m*rder?

You said that, not me.

You know,

I got to tell you,

before you showed up,

I was a little worried

you might be a phony.

A lot of fakes in Hollywood.

Well, I'm not from Hollywood.

Yeah, yeah, no.

That's obvious.

That's obvious.

Clearly, you're cut

from a different cloth

than your average...


Let me ask you...

I know they sent you

some of my stuff.

Did you have a chance

to see any of my movies?


what did you say?

Have you seen

any of my movies?

Uh, no.


Well, look, what I like to do

is I like to pair genre

with real-world pathos.

It kind of elevates things.

You might be interested

in this one

we're about to sh**t actually.

It's about this white couple.

They get married on an old

plantation in Louisiana.

Then all the sl*ve ghosts

come back,

and they m*rder everyone.

- Dear God.

- I know. I know.

It's great, right?

It's called

Plantation Annihilation.

Ryan Reynolds is going

to get decapitated

with an afro pick

in the opening scene.

He's a friend.

Got to go.

Mother. Mother.

Mother. Mother!

Some ad exec

on the third floor

had an aneurysm.


-I know.

Imagine exploding your brain

trying to think

of a toilet paper commercial.

I assume Wiley

isn't interested.

I sprinted out of there

like a complete maniac.

Actually, he's offering

$4 million for the rights.

- What?

- Yeah, man.

He called you the real deal.

Said you took off the moment

you heard police sirens.

The dumber I behave,

the richer I get.

Now you know why my parents

moved here from Puerto Rico.

I mean,

we can't be expected to read

every novel

all the way through, right?

No, people have worked hard

on these books.

And we have to respect that.

Well, hard work

doesn't demand respect.

I mean, you know,

people worked hard

on the Third Reich .

Yeah, well, I feel

that we owe it to them

to read every page.

That is such horseshit.

I mean,

most of it's going to be

that Knausgard

auto-fiction crap, anyhow.

I tell you something

right now,

I'm not reading 600 pages

about some pretentious


discovering masturbation.


Okay, look, I think

we're all experienced enough

to assess the general quality

of something within 100 pages.

If you want

to read beyond that,

that's your prerogative.


how do you feel, Monk?

Um, I agree

with Sintara, actually.

I think 100 pages

is sufficient.

You know, this is

all a crock, anyway.

I mean, pitting art

against other art for awards,

like, it's not subjective.

It's absurd.

Then why did you agree to be

a judge if you feel that way?

Well, because it's either me

or some other Brooklyn hack

who doesn't think

there's a world

beyond the Hudson River,


It's the East River

if you're in Brooklyn, Daniel.

You know what,

art is subjective.

But I think

this is an opportunity

to highlight books that may

otherwise be undervalued.

Book sales are plummeting

right now.

So, perhaps this award

can give someone

a real chance at a career

in this industry.

Hear, hear.


Where do you want this,


Thought it might

look nice here

with this natural light.

I don't care.

I never liked

that painting, anyway.


Uh, well, I'll bring

some more art

from home next week.

And you just tell me

the pieces you like,

and I'll bring them.

We've got your lunch

ready for you, Mrs. Ellison.

Oh, it looks great.

What is it?

It's roasted turkey

and Havarti on 12-grain.

Sounds delicious.

Mrs. Ellison prefers

white bread.

And she doesn't like

the crust.

As much as this place costs,

y'all should get

the sandwiches right.

I'll make sure

that we take care of that

from now on, okay?

And enjoy your lunch,

Mrs. Ellison.

I'm getting married.

-Shut up.


I didn't say nothing earlier.

I was just so sad.

But Maynard

asked me yesterday.

Lorraine, that's amazing.

- I mean, let's celebrate.

- Mm-mm!

Just too much excitement.

I don't like being

the center of attention.

Well, you deserve it,


And Maynard is a lucky man.

Do you think you'd be willing

to walk me

down the aisle, Mr. Monk?

I'd be honored.

Wow. Wow.

We are wildly excited

to help you get

My Pafology out.

The marketing team

has all kinds

of great ideas

to help you sell it.

Great. We're excited to hear.

John Bosco is the head

of the department.

I will let him tell you more.

Hi, Stagg.


Nice to finally meet you,

my man.

Listen, I love the book.

And we are going

to sell many, many copies.

There's already so much buzz

because of the movie deal.

And we just want to keep

that momentum going.

I spoke to Wiley yesterday.

He says Michael B. Jordan

is circling.

We heard.

We think he would

be absolutely perfect.

You know, this book,

it's awards-bait

with a capital B.

And we're thinking

that if Michael does sign on,

we want to put him

on the cover

in one of those, um, scarves,

I guess you would call them,

tied round his head.

A durag?

Durag. That's it.

Durag and a t*nk top

with the muscles showing.

Ooh, somebody call

the fire department.


Shit. Sorry. Your dad. Sorry.

So listen,

for a release date,

we're thinking of rushing it,

so that we can get it out

in time

-for Juneteenth.



We're thinking of making

a big holiday push.

Black people

will be celebrating,

white people will be feeling,

let's be honest,

a little conscious-stricken.

We think it's going to be

a huge moment for your book.

So, Stagg,

are you so, so happy?

We think it's great,

John, really. Amazing.

Yeah, it's, uh...

It's great.

And, you know,

I've got an idea

I want to share with you two.

Oh, well,

I mean, we always love

to hear great ideas.

- Oh, yeah, cool.

- Yeah.

I want to change the title.


-I don't...


Um, well, just to be clear,

we really do love

-My Pafology.

-Love it.

It's got that whole

Irvine Welsh

-proletarian vernacular thing.



and that's why I think

you're going to love

this new title even more.

Well, okay, you know what,

we're always happy

to hear new ideas.

What did you have in mind?


I'm sorry. Pardon me.


I want to call it f*ck.

-What are you doing?

-Screw these idiots.

-Stop it.


So, Stagg, what about,

uh, like, Damn?

- Mm-hm.

- Damn? Or Hell?

Nah. f*ck.

Okay, that's cool. Uh...

But maybe we could do that

with a PH instead

because that would

be more palatable...

-Yes. Yes. our sellers.

I don't care about all that.

And if you don't change

the title, the deal is off.

-Oh, yeah. No.

-Whoa, whoa, whoa.

-There's no need to be hasty.

-No, no, no.

You know what?

Why don't we--

Juts give us a second

and, um, a moment

and we will get right back

to you, okay?

What are you doing?

What are you doing?

This is ridiculous.

Do you know how much money

we're talking about?

I don't care,

I'm shutting it down.

-Shutting it-- Come on.

-Shutting it down.

- Are you there?

- Please, just...

We're here.

Let's do it.



Yeah. We discussed it,

and we think it is very

in your face

in the best way possible.

It is very, uh...


- Black?

- That's it.

Yes, that's it.

I'm happy you said it,

and not me.

Oh, f*ck.

-It's f*cking great, Stagg.

-I love it.

- Yes.

- Oh, my...

You know,

it's so brave actually.

I'm exhausted.

Yeah, me too.

I got to stay up

a few more hours

reading these books for...



Hey. Hey!

Bro. Oh, shit.

What are you doing here?

What am I doing here?

-What are you doing here?

-What do you mean,

what am I doing?

Why are you in town?

I came to see our mother.

Ain't that what you been

calling me about

for weeks now?

What happened to your eye?

-I got into a fight.


Well, get out of the pool.

-You're making a mess.

-I don't want

to get out of the pool.

I'm a grown-ass man.

This your girlfriend?

Yeah, you scared

the shit out of her.

I'm Coraline.

Hi, Coraline.

At least she's not

white again.

Your wife was white.

My wife was a beard.

Beards don't count.

Well, get out.

You f*cking menace.

You'll wake the neighbors.

You know,

f*ck your neighbors!

And f*ck your clean pool!

It's all just a part of your

superiority complex, anyway.

f*cking assh*le.

You are a g*dd*mn child!

It's probably a bad time

to tell you,

but I did piss down there.


Oh, funny, huh?

I'm sorry, Monk.

Don't get mad.

Get out of here.

You want a piece of me?

It's funny, huh?

So I'm lying

in bed with him,

butt-ass naked

and in walks Claude

carrying the frozen yogurt.


-Yeah, I forgot I'd shown him

where I keep the spare key.

So he just throws

the yogurt at us

and then he wallops me

right in the eye.

What was the other guy doing?

He couldn't stop laughing.

He said that's what he does

when he gets nervous.


You really going for it

these days.

I only been gay for,

like, five minutes,

I got to make up

for lost time.

Yeah. Well, good for you.

I mean, the whole world's

falling apart.

Might as well have some fun.

-I appreciate that.


You know,

you're quite beautiful.

Thank you.

What do you see in my brother?

- He's funny.

- Mm.

-He's not funny. No.

-No, not ha-ha funny.

- Like, sad funny.

- Okay.


a three-legged dog.

I see it now. Like somebody

dying on a toilet.




- you go too far.

- You think?

I don't think I go far enough.

It's becoming hurtful.

- Aw.

- See?

- See?

- "You know,

- invariably..."

- Oh.

" go too far."


You got a kiss, man.

Look at you.

Just by being pathetic.

-God bless you.


That is like

- a three-legged dog.

- Hey.

Oh, this is nice.

Yeah, it's not bad.

What do you got there,


No, that's a gazebo.

Same difference.

- All right?

- To the left.

Oh. Excuse me.


Hey, Monk?

How the hell

can you afford this place?

I, um...

Well, there was some money

Lisa left for Mother.

Thought the divorce

cleaned her out.

Well, I'm not familiar with

what her finances were like,

but if you're so interested

in the bills,

perhaps I can start

sending them to you?

Ah, it's fine. Where we going?

Right here. 44.


We've had a difficult morning.

We had to sedate her

after she tried

to strike a nurse.

-Has she done that before?


She has a different

demeanor every day.

Sometimes every hour.

But maybe

she'll feel better tomorrow.

I'm sorry, I need to go.

Yes, of course. Thank you.

The gardener cut these

right off the bush

for your mom.

-Sweet, right?

-Yeah, that's great.

How can you afford this place?

I mean, you're not

a drug dealer

or something, are you?

No, I'm a writer.

And you're my girlfriend,

not my bookkeeper.

I always knew

you weren't a q*eer.

She doesn't know

what she's saying.

I'm going to wait outside.

You sure you don't

want to stay

for Lorraine's wedding?

It's better if I go.

It was nice

to meet you, Cliff.

This family will break

your heart.

Welcome back.

I'm Kenya Dunston

and today,

we're going to discuss

a new novel that just debuted

at number one

on The New York Times

bestseller list.

It is just a remarkable,

special book,

and it's called...

Cover your kids' eyes

and ears...

We are lucky enough

to have the author

with us today.

And for those of you

who are just joining us,

please know

that Mr. Stagg R. Leigh

is coming to us

from an undisclosed location

as he is still on the run

from authorities.

Oh, Stagg, tell us,

is this novel a true story?

Not factually,

but it's the true story

of what it's like

to be a Black man

in America like me.

And it ain't pretty.

Amen to that.

During my time

in prison,

I learned that words belong

to everybody.

So this book

is my contribution

to this wonderful country

of ours

where a Black ex-con

can become rich

simply by telling the story

of his unfortunate people.


Yes. Yes.

- Yeah.

- Get this.

The FBI called

Thompson Watt today

to try to get

Stagg R. Leigh's identity.

- What?

- Don't worry.

They're not going

to give him up.

Give who up? It's me,

I haven't done anything.

They don't know that.

- Look, this has gone too far.

- Relax.

The fugitive stuff's

getting us

mountains of free press.

Plus, as you said,

you haven't done anything.

It's not like

they can arrest you.

I wish I could go back

to not selling books.

I don't.


Is everything all right?


I'm just a little

stressed out. This, uh.

book award stuff is a bit

more work than I expected.




It's no biggie.

Got more forks in the kitchen.

What's this?

Mm. My friend got it for me.

Have you read it?

Of course not, have you?


And what did you think of it?

-I liked it.

-What did you like about it?

- Um...

- It didn't offend you?

You just said

you didn't read it.

What's your problem?

No, you answer my question.

You answer mine.

My problem is that

books like this aren't real.

They flatten our lives.

What do you mean?

I mean, that...

you know,

my life is a disaster,

but not in the way you'd think

reading this shit.

These things reduce us

and they do it

over and over again because

too many white people,

and people apparently like you

devour this slop

like pigs at a dumpster

to stay current

at f*cking cocktail parties

-or whatever.

-Okay, um...

You got a lot of opinions

for someone

who hasn't published anything

for years.

And you've published

what exactly?

Okay, what is wrong with you?

Why are you acting like this?

I'm not acting like anything.

You've been acting

like a weirdo for weeks.

You've been obfuscating,

sneaking around.

You're f*cking unknowable.

Maybe you think being

an enigma is chic and artsy.

I just think it makes you

an assh*le.

Well, um,

you don't understand my life,

and you can't,

so just leave it at that.

One day, maybe you'll learn

that not being able

to relate to other people

isn't a badge of honor.

I think you should leave.

Well, you know what I think?

You should leave, Monk.


You guys need

any help with that?

Nah, we're good.

I thought you could use

a little brawn.

- We got it.

- Mr. Monk.

You mind I keep

the soda maker?

You don't like the bubbly

water anyhow, right?

- It's all yours.

- Thank you.

Um... Hey, what about this?

No. I always hated that color.

It's just the one

your father bought.


this just came for you.

Okay, thanks.

This is

the last of it.

Goodbye, Mr. Monk.

Bye, Lorraine.

Drive safe.

Guess I'll see you

at the wedding.

All right.

I'll take that there.

Thompson Watt apparently raced

to publish it.

Yeah, I heard that they ran

300,000 copies already

and they're reprinting

more soon.

I mean, it's going

like gangbusters .

Christ on a crutch!

It better be good.

Hey, I heard

the writer's a fugitive.

Well, that would

explain the title.

He didn't go to charm school.

No, I think that

that background is a plus.

I am thrilled

to read a BIPOC man

harmed by our carceral state.

Are you one of those

defund the police nuts?

Yes, and I wouldn't expect you

to understand.

Well, I hope someone you love

doesn't get r*ped or m*rder*d.

Can we not talk

about this now, please?

Look, look, look.

Criminal or not,

I don't think

we should add it.

We're already weeks

into the process,

and I don't know

about any of you,

but I've got more

than a dozen books

I haven't even opened yet.

It was published

before the submission date,

I think we have to accept it.


it's just one more.

And from the looks of it,

it should be a quick read.

A quick f*ck.

I've had a couple of those.

Bye, guys. Bye.

Hi, Monkie.

You look beautiful.

Oh, hello.

Monkie, do we know these men?

No, Mother,

this isn't the Alzheimer's,

these are actual strangers.

Who are you people?

We're Cliff's friends.

Of course, you are.

We met him a few days ago.

I'm Kenny, this is Alvin.

Are you Monk?

I am. How did you know?

Oh. Well, Cliff said

Monk's a real tight-ass.

Did he?


Mother, you sit here.


Do you like

scrambled eggs?

I love scrambled eggs.

What the hell

are you doing here?

You first.

Oh, shit, the wedding.

- Ah.

- Oh, f*ck!

I didn't go to the airport.

That day I left,

I needed some time to myself.

Time to oneself implies

by definition, time alone.

Oh, Christ, here we go.

- Detective Dictionary.

- Ah!

Mr. Cliff.

I'm sorry, guys,

I'll handle it.

You need to leave.

Don't bother to clean up,

just go.

Oh, no,

it's all right, just...

Please stay.

It's a celebration.

It's good to see you, Cliff.

It's good to see you too,


I, um...

I... I don't want to impose.

You can't impose.

You're family.


I'll, uh...

I'll go clean up a bit, yeah?

Congratulations, you guys.

Can we make

y'all some breakfast?

I can whip up

a k*ller smoothie

and Alvin used to work

the omelet station

on a cruise ship.

That sounds lovely.

Thank you.

It's very kind of you

to let them stay.


It's always easier dealing

with other people's families

than your own.

I regret to inform you

that in a couple hours,

this will be your family.

Piss her off?


-Shut her out?


Dad shut everyone out too.

He lied all the time.

Look how that turned out.

I find myself

getting very angry

these days like Dad.

These days?

I've been thinking a lot

lately about

how Dad died

not knowing I'm gay.

-I think he suspected it.


He may have.

But he didn't know for sure.

He never knew

the entirety of me.

And now he never will.

And that makes me...

It makes me real sad.

Well, what if he had known

and rejected you?

At least he'd be rejecting

the real me.

I know that sounds crazy,

but there'd be some relief

in that.

It doesn't sound so crazy.

People want

to love you, Monk.

I personally don't know

what they see in you, but...

they want to love you.

You should let them love

all of you.

It was dogshit.

I mean,

some mollycoddled chump

faffing on

about his dead mom...

Who cares?

Okay, so that means that

Bury Me Standing is fourth.

Let's talk about f*ck.

Could we not?


I adored it.

It was like gazing

into an open wound.

I agree.

I think it's the strongest

African-American novel

I've read in a long time.

I mean, since yours.

-Of course, Sintara.

-Thank you.

You know, I actually liked it

much more

than I was expecting.

I mean,

this is a gutsy piece of work.

And necessary for the times.

What did you think, Sintara?

I found it to be

pretty pandering, actually.

You did?

Yes. Did you not?

I very much did.

I thought it was simplistic

and meaningless.

Well, of course,

it was simplistic.

I mean, it's the language

of the gutter.

You know, not some

prissy graduate thesis.

"Language of the gutter."

Jesus Christ.

I think our blood sugar's low.

How about we take a break

for lunch, huh?

- Fine by me.

- Okay.

- Okay.

- Really?


Oh, I'm sorry.

Oh, no, you're fine.


I'm not interrupting?



Do you mind

if I ask you something?



What about f*ck

did you find pandering?

Oh, uh...

I can't really put my finger

on it, but...

it's not different from

some of what's out there,

but it just felt...


is the word

that I'm going to use.

You said you agreed, right?

Yeah, I do.

I think it seems written

to satisfy the tastes

of guilt-ridden white people.

Yeah, the kind of book

critics call important

and necessary,

but not well-written.


Okay, so... And please

don't take offense at this,

but how is f*ck

so very different

from your book?

Is that what this is about?

- You think my book's trash?

- No.

To be honest,

I haven't read your book.

I've read excerpts

and it didn't seem

so dissimilar.

I did a lot of research

for my book.

Some of it was actually taken

from real interviews.

Maybe you've been up

in your ivory tower

of academia for so long

you've forgotten that some

people's lives are hard.

Your life?

You went to an exclusive

bohemian college.

You had a job at a fancy

publishing house in New York.

So what? I don't need

to write about my life.

I write about

what interests people.

You write what interests

white publishers

fiending Black trauma porn.

They're the one buying

the manuscripts.

Is it bad to cater

to their tastes?

If you're okay feeding

people's base desires

for profit--

I'm okay with giving

the market what it wants.

That's how drug dealers

excuse themselves.

And I think dr*gs

should be legal.

But you're not fed up with it?

You know, Black people

in poverty?

Black people rapping?

Black people as slaves?

Black people m*rder*d

by the police?

Old soaring narratives



Black folks

in dire circumstances

who still managed to maintain

their dignity before they die?

I mean, I'm not saying

these things aren't real,

but we're also more than this.

And it's like so many writers

like you can't envision us

without some white boot

on our necks.

Do you get angry

at Bret Easton Ellis

or Charles Bukowski

for writing

about the downtrodden?

Or is your ire strictly

reserved for Black women?

Nobody reads Bukowski thinking

his is the definitive

white experience.

But people, white people,

read your book

and confine us to it.

They think

that we're all like that.

Then it sounds like your issue

is with white people, Monk,

not me.

Well, maybe, but I also think

that I see

the unrealized potential

of Black people

in this country.

Potential is what people see

when they think

what's in front of them

isn't good enough.

So, what are we talking about?

We're starting again.

I'll be right there.

Hey, can I speak to Arthur?

Yeah, it's Monk.


I'm fine.

Listen, you think

you can set up

another meeting with Wiley?

I've got a new idea for him.

Different kind of movie.


I think it's f*ck for me.

-Yeah, me too.

-Yeah, I agree.

I disagree. I'm sorry.

I think it would be a mistake

to award this book anything.

Well, it's two

versus three, so...

f*ck's the winner.

f*ck is the winner.

You know, it's not just

that it's so affecting,

I just think it's essential

to listen to Black voices

right now.


Did you...

Did you know that Dad

was cheating on you?

He was bad at keeping secrets.

Why didn't you leave him?

He would've been

even more lonely without me.

You thought he was lonely?

You father was a genius.

Geniuses are lonely...

because they can't connect

with the rest of us.

You're a genius, son.

Well, I certainly don't

feel like one half the time.

That's because

you've always been

so hard on yourself, Cliffy.

And now for the final

award for the evening.

I promise to leave you alone,

let you eat after this.

But before

I announce the winner,

I would like to acknowledge

our judges,

our incredibly

diverse group of judges

who've sacrificed

valuable time,

so we could all

celebrate here tonight.

So if you put

your hands together,

they did a fantastic job.


Without further ado,

this year's Literary Award

goes to...

Oh, I knew it.

By Stagg R. Leigh, f*ck.

Well, I'm not sure

if Mr. Leigh

is going to grace us

with his presence here


He's notoriously cagey

about attention.

Oh, hold on.

Oh, okay. I see some business.

Someone's coming.

Oh, Thelonious Ellison.

One of our esteemed judges.

Weirdly walking

toward the stage.

No idea why.


What's going on?

Excuse me.

Excuse me.

I have a confession to make.

Wait, wait, wait.

Smash to black?

No f*cking way, dude.

What's wrong with that?

There's no resolution here.

What's he going to say?

I don't know.

I think that's what's

interesting about it.

No, he should say something.

What did you say?

Nothing. I walked out

of the ceremony.

The next day

I called you to say

I wanted to write this movie.

Well, Monk,

the character

should say something.

Well, I don't want him

to make some

grandiose speech

spoon-feeding everyone

the moral of the story.

There is no moral.

That's the idea.

I like the ambiguity.

Okay, look.

You're a good writer,

and this is almost there.

But novels

aren't movies, okay?

Nuance doesn't put asses

in theater seats.

We need a big finish.

What is this?

It's the seltzer

you asked for.

Why is it all wet?


Condensation. Okay.

You're a f*cking

weatherman now.

You want anything?

Uh, no, I'm fine. Thank you.

All right. This is Monk.

We're going to make

a movie with him

-if he can get

the third act right.

-Nice meeting you.

-You as well.

-Get me a flat white.

And, hey, never again.

All right.

What other endings you got

in that big brain of yours?

How about if...

This year's Literary Award

goes to...

by Stagg R. Leigh, f*ck.

I'd like to apologize.

I haven't been myself lately.

What about that?

Will she forgive him?

I don't know.

The real Coraline

won't return my phone calls.

Maybe the movie Coraline

is more forgiving.

No. It's too pat.

Makes the whole thing

feel like a romantic comedy.

We don't want

to make a romantic comedy.

We want

to make something real.

Give me something real.

I mean, we could just...

Hey, what's going on?

Excuse me.

Beat it.

I have a confession to make.

- Stagg Leigh,

on the ground now!

There he is!

No, no.

I'm not Stagg Leigh.

He doesn't exist.

I'm Monk. Thelonious Ellison.

You're a fugitive!

On the ground now!

No, no, no.

That was all

a marketing gimmick.

- It was all a lie.

- He's got a g*n!

No, no! No, no!

He's dead?

They smoke him?

It's perfect.

Yes! That is...

That is perfect.

Time to pick out your tux,

my brother.

We're going to the big show.

Hey, come transcribe this.

We got it.




They going to make

your movie or what?

Unfortunately, yes.

Hey! You know what?

Good luck finding someone

handsome enough to play me.

I think they have.

Who they got?

Tyler Perry.

You got me. That's good.

All right.
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