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07x04 - Mask of Evidence

Posted: 01/22/24 18:55
by bunniefuu
[waves crashing]

[crowd noise]

It seems like monterocracy you.


They really aren't George and Self down there.

Did you see the pictures in the front page of Day's favorite?

No why?

He's never seen such ridiculous costumes.

Oh. Cannibals invents men from Mars.

Waiting for man and his wife were wearing costumes.

Well, that's what monographs for.

To lose one's inhibition and to have a good time.

Speaking of losing inhibitions.



Dr. Paul.

There's a phone call for you and Mrs. Rider.

Here we go.


After you bring me some more tea. Me go see Henry July.

Thank you, ma'am.


I'd like to see a costume before you go.

Yes, ma'am.

I'm afraid I'm going to have to leave you for a while, Katharine.


-Anything serious? -No, I won't be gone long.

That's good.

Just over I know it's clear.

Oh, but be careful.

You know it's nice to know you worry about me.

But it can be very dangerous out there

today you know that as well as I do

I'll be alright.

Look I've got an idea. What?

Why don't you come with me? And then

we'll go to the prey beaches, in canalski.

Our whole crowd will be there.

And I'd love to see you, Captain. It's

been a long time. Over a year now.

No, Paul.

I'd rather stay here.

-Listen to me. -No, I'm not going to listen to you.

Please don't start that again.

Very well.

It's . I'll be back by four.

Alright. Oh, and

worry some more about me. I like it.

Who's here?

Good afternoon Dr. Hammond.

Good afternoon Melanie

-Miss. Katharine? -Above here honey.

Here I am to show you my costume.

Oh it's beautiful turn around.


Oh indeed I do.

Well you're the prettiest little Dutch girl I ever did see.

Thank you.

I know.

I'll come back afterwards and say all things I catch off of alright?

Alright and Melanie be careful to the

stairs Josie just polished in this morning.

I will, see you later.


[door closing]


Here is your sandwich.

Oh, josi I love it.

How is this bunny

I had shoped for you

Is she is going to be alright Ms. Katharine.

-yes -you're here all alone?

Well I won't be for long

Dr. Hammond comes back very soon go on.

-You sure now? -Oh go on it's not fussed in.

Queen shall drink champagne.

I like tea.

- You friend of the Hamilton? - Yeah.

Yes I thought they were still in Atlanta.

I borrowed the key so I could see the sights

from the balcony here I don't like clouds.

They have a lot of fun down there.

Why aren't you down there with them?

Because I can see better from here.


I don't like crowds either.

Yes with all those masks you can't

tell what's or whom you're looking at.

But that's the general idea.

What are you doing alone on a day like today beautiful woman like you.

How do you know I'm beautiful? I'm wearing a mask too.

Yes it could be ugly a fin behind that mask.

What are you doing?

I'm coming over

Oh, don't be careful. Oh.

[laugh] Your majesty.

You shouldn't have done that.

Why you could have k*lled yourself?

The easier way of being k*lled than falling off balcony.

You could step into the street and be hit by a car.

Or you could fall and be trapped to

death by the mob. Donald which happened.

Or suppose someone had a knife. Now you'd

never know who did it with all those masks.

Would you, Your Majesty?

I suppose not.

And now, sir, you may exit by my leave.

I've been watching you for over an hour through the shutters.

You look like a queen sitting there surveying her royal subject.

Tell me,

are you a good queen or a bad one?

I believe you've had too much champagne.

And I'd appreciate if it could go.

Oh, I know. This is Marda Grand. Everyone's

supposed to be extra friendly today. But

I'd rather be alone, if you don't mind.

But I do mind.

And if I left, then I'd be alone. And I don't like being alone.

I'm sure there must be dozens of beautiful girls down there

who just loves the champagne. Why don't you go and find them.

See? Empty.

Besides, I don't want to go down there.

Look at them.

Have you ever stopped to think what it's like behind those masks?

This is the one day of the year they all

wait for so they can hide from themselves.

This is the day they excuse their sins

and fool people behind a ten cent mask.

Since you're aware of the mask.

Maybe I'm trying to hide from myself too.

What are you hiding behind your mask?

At the moment, sir? My impatience. I wish you'd go.

I hate Maddie Bro.

You're not from New Orleans, are you?

-No. -Just visit me?

That's right.

Then I don't understand.

Why would you visit New Orleans this time of

the year when you say you hate monographs.

Listen, there's a band coming.

Shall we?

No, thank you.

But the queen always has the first dance, come.

Oh, no please.


You're cr*pple.



Yes, I am.

Now would you please go outside?

Please excuse me, sir.

Shame, you're being a cr*pple beautiful woman like you.

You may leave by the front door this time.

I don't want you k*lling yourself by trying to jump the balconies again.

Why worry about me being k*lled when we all die a little?

Now, look here, whoever you are. I've asked you very nicely to leave.

You're getting angry.

No, I'm not.

But I don't like being angry.

Then why don't you offer me some wine?

After all, it's Marty Graham. Didn't you say

you're supposed to be extra friendly today?

Yes, I did.

If I do, then will you go?


There's some sherry back there on the sideboard.

They say Mardi Gras is a day of magic.

Black magic they mean.

I beg your pardon?

Once, a long time ago, I met another woman on Mardi Gras.

She was dressed as

like you.

Your costume is exactly what she was wearing.

-Where did you get it? -I ranted it.

You even looked like her? Of course.

That's what made me notice you out on the

balcony. You look like Laura sitting there.

Like the first time I saw her.

The night of the ball.

The orchestra was playing the coronation march, and the

procession came up the aisle and everyone was looking at Laura.

She was the queen.

She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.

Even through her mask, I could tell that.

But it was her face, her beautiful face, that was the real mask,

the mask that hit all the filth and ugliness that was really Laura.

You finished your drink.

-Take off your mask. -No.

You said you go if I gave you a drink.

Let me see what you really look like.

No, please.



Even look more like her without the mask.

I'm asking you for the last time.

Will you please go?

Getting angry again?

Freight will be passing by in a few minutes. I can hear the drums.


He'll be getting chilly out in the balcony in a few minutes.

I wonder if you'll be kind enough to get

me a shawl from my closet in the bedroom.

It's the middle door there.


You shouldn't be out here.

Stamp in this hall. You catch a death.

I just came over to inviting our neighbor

to watch the parade from the balcony.

But she isn't home.

I'm afraid she's gone out for a moment

but she'll be right back I'm sure.


So sorry.

You must have accidentally hit the wheel of your chair.

You know you shouldn't come out here. If you

fell down those steep stairs you could be k*lled.


I wonder if you do me a favor.

With all the noise and excitement I'm

afraid I'm getting an awful headache.

And and I just know I'm out of aspirin.

Would you be kind enough to go down to the

drugstore and get me some? Well, he's only

two blocks away and you could be back here

in time to see the parade from here with me.


Oh, thank you.

Thank you very much.

I better lock the door.

If you hear alone some fool might wander in while I'm gone.

[door closing]


We forgot.

[door closing]

Stores are closed today.

It's Mardi gras.



[door closing]

What are you doing?

[door closing]

Is passing by.

let's go out in the balcony and watch it.


It's going to make your Headache worst, let watch it from here.

Trom prize when they floats.

Maybe we get too the balcony and catch something.

Well, as tring that's adjusted as faults as everything else.

What a beautiful painting you'd make?

If only you

If only what?

Beauty should be a perfect thing. Pure and

uncontaminated by anything sick or evil.

I had a dog once. Magnificent animal.

Her coat was soft and beautiful as a woman's hair. One day she tried

to get out and got caught onto the fence and a nail toward her skin.

Left a four inch scar in that soft beautiful coat.

I had to destroy her.

Just because.

I don't like imperfect things.

I thought Laura's beauty was perfect.

I tried to paint her many times.

There's always something about her I could

never quite capture up her own canvas.

It wasn't until after I was married

to her that I discovered what it was.

She was a tramp. A beautiful tramp. A Whiteheaded. Saffelker.


You're an artist being a painter.


He said I was the most sensitive artist since Van Gogh.

That was before Laura.

I see.

Where is Laura now?

In hell.


My headaches are all gone now.

Couldn't we please go out in the balcony

and see the rest of the parade from there?

How did you become a cr*pple?

I'd rather not talk about it. You don't mind?

No, tell me.

I just don't, that's all.

Why? tell me.

-It was an accident. -What kind of an accident?

-An auto accident. -When?

Almost a year ago.

My husband and I would come home to the country. I was driving a car.

Pouring down rain.

I was driving too fast.

Anyway, wait.

We just went over the levy.

Your husband, what happened to him?

He was k*lled.


Your legs. Were they were they crushed?

-No. -Cut up?

-No. -What happened to them?

They really don't know what's wrong with them.

Anywhere. They're paralyzed. And I just

don't want to talk about it anymore.

It's really tragic.

A beautiful woman like you marred by a deformity.


I just remembered

I'm not wearing my mask anymore.

You still have yours to hunt.

You're quite handsome.

Am I?


That's what Laura said the first time we met.

You are so much like her.

Same shaped face,

sensitive eyes.

What a magnificent portrait I could paint of you.

No, your legs.

Those dead legs would make it a fraud, a sickening deceit.

I'd love to have my portrait painted by you.

No, I couldn't.

Couldn't you just forget about my leg.

That's what she asked me.

Couldn't you just forget what I was.

And think of me only now as I am your wife, who I tried to forget.

Put it ate into my brain like acid.

Every time I looked at her,

I couldn't see her beauty. No, only the filth underneath.

And I tried to paint her. I found myself creating nightmare and green.

With vivid streaks of purple and the sidious

globs of dark brown. It was horrible.

The king slowly be passing pretty soon.

Couldn't we please go out in the balcony

and see her from there? Please. Couldn't we?


Oh, you're rep.

No I don't need it. I won't either.


No, it's not true.

I'm not crazy.

They don't understand.

That old man was blind.

I had to do it. Deformity must be destroyed.

My father taught me that. And he was a great

artist, a great genius. They thought he

was insane because they didn't understand.

You understand, don't you? Yes, I do.

Do don't you see? It's not right for being

like this. It's wrong. It's all wrong.

Come in.


Miss. Katharine.


Look, Miss Catherine. Look at all things. I call the smoke.

You go on, get out of here.

I just can't hear. What a golf I could settle would.

Would look a real ladder with a mask on it.

And it works too. See it? Burn it.

-Here hold it. -Yes, honey.

-Isn't it pretty? -Oh, it's very pretty.

The parade isn't over yet, darling. Why don't you

go on down and watch the kings float coming by

Alright, See you later.

Little girl.

Your foot. What's wrong with your foot?

Come here.

No, Melanie don't.

Don't go forward.


Stay away from here.


Katharine, you're standing up.

Look, Ms. Katharine. You're on your feet


So you tried to deceive me too.

Just like Laura.


[door closing]

Deceit is worse than deformity.

Why did you trick me, Laura?

Why didn't you tell me what you really are?


You deceived me, Laura.

You hid your filth behind your beautiful face.

I'm not Laura. I'm Katharine.

My name is Katharine.

You hurt my Laura.

You hurt me.

They were young.

Stay away from us.



Miss. Katharine.

Go open the door.

The gate is locked.


Over here.

Melanie come on hurry up.

It is in the drawer.


Go open the door.



Miss Katharine

go ahead honey,


-Oh, Dr. Hammond. -Alright Melanie, hold on.


Katharine you are walking.




[breathing fast]

You alright.

You alright.

Katherine, you actually walked.

You realize that? You really walked.

Tell you four things here now. There's nothing wrong with you.

You alright Katharine.

It's all good.

Oh, oh.

Hold me, hold me.
