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07x02 - One Beautiful Moment

Posted: 01/22/24 18:54
by bunniefuu
[waves crashing]

Here you are.

Oh, thank you.

Oh, my.

-Well. -How was the weather?

Oh, wonderful.

Just Wonderful.

Ah, especially the night.

Oh, wooh.

I hear those tropical nights. You really got it.

Ah, yes, they certainly have.

The sandwiches still really has it, too.

Oh, I just love this city.

Well, I hope you enjoy your stay.

Oh, thank you. I intend to.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Just a minute.

I wonder if that native girl speaks English.

Wll, it's George Mayfield.

But I don't believe it.



I'm sorry, here you are.

Thank you. Thank you very much.

What in heaven's name are you doing in San Francisco?

Looking for you.

For me?

There's nothing wrong with mommy, is there?

Oh no

Oh, thanks heaven. You scared me to death.

As matter of fact, I saw her yesterday.


That's how I found out where you'd be staying.


Oh, come in come in. [laugh]

Don't have to ask if you had a good time.

You look wonderful.

Oh, well I certainly feel it.

Thank you.


Certainly is a surprise.

How about you, george?

Healthy as you look, I hope.

Oh, yes I think so.

Good. And Mary?

Oh fine, fine.

-Where is she, anyway? -She couldn't come.


Yes. It seems that Mrs. Bell took ill, so Mary has to

manage the church blizard again this year.

Well that's like you know.

[putting down purse]

Tell me really, what are you doing here?

I'm at the teachers convention in Berkeley.


I forgot all about it.

My head is still so full ukulele.


I don't like to interrupt your vacation,

but how would you like to go back to college?

I'd love to.

You see,

every principle was asked to, uh,

take one of his family members with him to the convention,

so I thought that

Say no more.

You thought Ms. Audrey Dickerson

may not be the best social science teacher you have, but

she'd be the least expensive to take to the convention

because she'd already be there Hmm?


-[Laugh] I accept. -It should be fun.

And we have lovely accommodations right on the campus.


Well, but I--I, uh...

I already had this room. I mean I just booked and paid for it on

-the tour you know. -Hmm.


Well, you see, I, uh, I lived on campus before,

but I've never lived on nob hill and...

well, If you think it'd be all right.

-Oh, I'm sure it would be. -Oh.

We can arrange to have you commute

with one of the San Francisco teachers.

-Fine. -I'll phone you will give you the

-details. -All right.

I've uh, got to be there now, so bye.

Bye...I mean aloha!

Aloha! [Laugh]

Oh, Aloha! [Laugh]


Have you, uh, have you spent any time in Hong Kong, Mr. Granger?

Yes, ahh.

There are a number of things to see here in town.

Have you ever been to Peking, Ms. Fuller?

No, but I've always wanted to.

Excuse me.

Everyone said about your fabulous trip except your boss.

Oh. [Laugh]

Better get a moment with you before you're bored telling about it."], index ,…}

Oh, I'm afraid my trip to Hawaii

isn't considered very fabulous around here

Do you know I discovered we're in a room full of well traveled teachers.

-Is that a fact? -Hmm.

I've never been off the mainlands, you can tell me about it.


Oh, really George. It is,

it is just wonderful.

you and Mary ought to take a trip there someday.

Isn't it, umm,

isn't it terribly commercial?

Oh, of course. There are lots of ugly neon signs

and billboards and big modern buildings you know but,

but there's also this marvelous mixture of

ginger and jasmine on the soft night air.

Ms. Dickerson

-are you still here? -Yeah.

Why? Shouldn't I be?

Well, I didn't mean that

but I thought she was riding with Miss Coney.

I am.

Ms. Coney left half an hour ago.

W- Without me? Oh, but she couldn't have.

I I'm supposed to go back to the city with it.

Don't panic.

Don't panic.

I'll take you back.


George, I hate to have you do that. It's such a long way.

No, Ms. Dickerson

I don't mind at all.

It's a nice night, and I like to ride.

Besides, you can tell me about the trip.

I warning you

it's not much of a gift. It is just a little remembrance

from Hawaii.

Have a feeling Mary's going to like it better than you.


Come in, won't you?

Thank you.

Oh, I hope they don't lecture us all day tomorrow.

I've just got to get at my hair.

It's a wreck with all that sun and sand.

I don't know. I was thinking

you looked rather nice with some streaked and healthy.

[laugh] Sit down.

Thank you.

I think that native living agrees with you.

Oh, I'm sure it does, but I don't think it agrees with my pocketbook.

There were so many beautiful things that I wanted to buy George.

Didn't bring back a hula skirt, did you?

-Yes, as a matter of fact I did! -Oh?

Yes, I even took a few lessons on the boat coming over.

There were several others just as the old and foolish as I was so,

-It was fun! -[laugh]

You got to give us a show.


Good heavens, no, I'm terrible at it.

But I am going to teach one of the girls in the class

what little I did pick up.

You know a record comes with the skirt?

-Oh? -Mhm.

I can't think of any better way of

livening up a geography lesson, can you?

I'm all for it.


Oh, your present. Here, I bring you all the

way up here, and I forget to give it to you.

There you are.


That's certainly looks interesting.

[unwrapping gift]

Well, now,

isn't that interesting?


You're right.

Mary will love it.

Thank you Audrey.

Oh, you're welcome.

You know, that's lovely.

What is it?

What do you mean, what is it? It's a shell.

What's it for?

Oh, didn't for anything really.

Just beautiful I thought.

Oh, that it is.

Beauty is reason enough for being.



I just love shells.

-Did you bring back any others? -A few.

I like to see them.



You know, I didn't know you collected shells.

Oh, I don't really.

But it just seems to be the thing to bring back from an island.

Wait a minute. That's not a shell.

Oh, no, no. That's a papaya. A very ripe papaya.

Have you ever tasted them?

They're Delicious.

Looks too pretty to eat.

Oh did not, look, I got a plate and a spoon

and a piece of lemon.

I was going to have it for breakfast but you ought to taste it.

No, no. Not if it's for your breakfast.

Oh, I'll save my half.



I'll bet you even tried your hand at surfboarding.

My bones are pretty old, you know.

And if they get broken they're going to stay broken for a long time.

So I left the surfboarding to the kids.

I bet you could have done it.

Well, I must admit, by the time I left,

I was almost tempted to try it.

Ah,that is pretty, ripe, I can tell just by looking at it.


Isn't it fun to suddenly find yourself

an authority on something foreign, hmm?

You're kidding me again.

Put some lemon on it.

No, I mean it.


You've been someplace different.

And you've actually seen how different it is.

You felt it, you've tasted it.

You even brought some of it back with you.

I call that really traveling.


I brought the Eback for Mama but

I'm afraid they're not going to last very long.

-Beautiful. -Hmm.

-Mmm! -Hmm?

-That's good. -Mmm.

It, it's kind of like a

tangerine or an apricot taste I can't decide which?

Can't either.


It's good.

Oh there's something else that I want to show you.


Tapper cloth.

Isn't that pagan looking?

It's all made of wood fibers.

Feel that.

You know, this is what they could slay the shells on in the store.

Like that. See?

Oh my goodness.

-That's mother and Pearl. -You know,

I think this change has been good for you.


Change is good for everybody.


I wonder if I usually were so afraid of it.

-Hmm. -Hmm.

You're different.

Did you know that?

-Am I? -Um-hmm.

That's impossible.

Then may I am.


maybe I do feel differently about certain things.

Such as?


Such as, you know, all my life, before moving to the coast, I, uh,

I lived inland in small towns, you know, where you know everybody.

You know what they do every day and

you know how they think.

And one day, you get on a boat

And it stops at a beautiful island.

And you get off.

And then you start thinking about

how many beautiful island there must be

and how many wonderful people there must be in the world for you to meet

and learn from.

and then all of sudden I,

I wanted to go everywhere and meet everybody.

But you have to come home.

You don't want to leave.

You love it there,

but you leave.

And you know that it's all going to go on without you.

It was there before you, and it's going to be there after you.

And well, you're being there,

it really didn't matter at all.

Except you.

It would help

if you could have shared it with somebody.

I-- I don't think people should travel alone.

I never thought of you as a lonely person Audrey.


Neither did I, George.

But you know, on this trip,

I, I, I, I felt alone.

You shouldn't be alone.

You have so much to give so much.

Warmness, sweetness.



Thank you for the show, Audrey.

We both enjoy it very much.

And you know,


you're the only person who think of bringing back

something that is just pure beauty.

Well, I better go now.


Oh, yes.

Why it's getting too much for me? [laugh]

-Getting old, I guess. -Yes.


What's the matter?



What is it?

What's wrong?

Get me,

Get me a glass of water.


[dramatic music]




Operator, get me the house doctor immediately.

Yes, I'm, I


And hurry please. I...I think it's a heart attack!


His name?

George-- George Mayfield.

You're his wife?


No, I...

I'm a teacher and I work in the east side school

where Mr. Mayfield is the principal.

I see.

Was he married?

Has the wife been notified?

No, I-- I don't think so.

Will you do it or would you rather we call her?

Whatever you say.

The hotel will get the number. We'll call her.

Oh, Mr. Mayfield was a guest at the hotel?


Oh, no.

-I see. -Mr. Mayfield is, uh,

I mean he was staying at the university of California.

There's a teacher's convention there.

That's where he was staying.

He drove me home.

I had a gift for him.

Well, you see, I just come back from this trip

and I, I had a gift for him, Mr. and Mrs. Mayfield.

And he came up to my room here to get it and

But he was on his way home and suddenly,

it, it, it just happened without any warning at all. [cries]

Thank you, Ms. Dickerson. Good night.

-Uh, Lieutenant. -This is hardly news.

Let's try to keep it out of the newspapers.

These things are very embarrassing for the hotel.


Hi, it's only me Mrs. Dickerson, Davey.

Hello Davey.

Put the ginger ale in the ice box, will you?

Sure thing.

The eggs too?


Too bad you missed the funeral

Oh, I just couldn't manage all those stairs.


Boy, did your daughter cry?

She must have really liked him.

They were very dear friends.

Have fun.


Yeah, I guess he likes you best of all the teachers.

She's the one he took to San Francisco.

Oh, Mr. Mayfield didn't take Audrey to San Francisco.

Goodness, no. She was stopping there on her way back from Honolulu.

Yeah I know that,

but they probably had it arranged.

Boy, did she cry.

-Mind if I use front door? -No.

Good bye.

Good bye, Davey.


-Oh, there you are. -Hi, there you are Ms Dickerson.


For these last weeks of vacation, there's so much to be done.

This color story what you had in mind?

Oh, yes.

That's perfect.

Thank you.

-Anything for you, Miss Dickerson. -Yes,

well, I may take you up on that.

Think you can paint my supply room also?

Oh, I'll make the paint stretch.

Thank you again.

It's always a pleasure to do anything for you ma'am.

-We get along fine. -Oh that we do.

Oh, excuse me Mr. Riley.


We should see more of one another.

How about dinner some night?


Uh, dinner. I like to take you out some night.

How about it?


Oh, I couldn't do that Mr. Riley.

You couldn't? Why not?

Well, you're married.

Aren't you?


So is George Mayfield.

Well, what's that got you to do it?

Oh, come on now Ms. Dickerson,

I'm not saying anything I shouldn't.

The whole town knows about you two.

Then whole town knows more than I do.

Please tell me.

Well, I just hear the teachers talk.


I think they've got a point.

If all the others are staying on the campus,

how come you two got a room in San Francisco?

It was my room.

Booked by the tour.

He was there.

Come on now Miss Dickerson,

let's not fight.

All I want to do is take you out for dinner.

-Now, if... - If you don't stop this,

and right now Mr. Riley, I'm going to take this up with school board.

Oh, good. Fine.

Go right ahead.

With your reputation, I'll make them

believe it was you chasing me for a date.





Yes, three tomorrow, Mr. Bailey.

Yes, I'll be there.


What's wrong?

What did he want?

Oh, nothing.

The school boards having a meeting tomorrow they,

they'd like to talk to me.

Oh, dear.

About Mr. Mayfield?

Mr. Bailey just said they'd like to talk to me.

Audrey, call Mary.

Mary's away, mother. I got a card from her yesterday.

She took the boy's Tahoe.

And even if she were here,

I wouldn't upset her with this.

If the school board wants to hear the story

I'll just tell them what happened, that's all.

Something did happen.

Didn't it, Audrey?

I'm your mother and I can see it.

I hope the others can't.

Oh mother, don't worry. Please don't.

It's, it's going to be all right.

Oh, I can't help but worry.

Audrey, you're such a good girl.

-I know you are such a good girl... -Mother.

Mother please.


Yeah, something happened.

But nothing wrong.

It was,

just so personal that only concern George and me,

And he's gone now.

It left with me.

It, it can only matter to me.

No one else.

But what?

George kissed me.

Audrey. [sobbing]

It wasn't wrong.

One beautiful moment.

Someone looked at me with love in his eyes.

I was beautiful to him for just that moment.

And he kissed me.

And now I,

I don't want to talk about it anymore, mother.

Because it was just a moment.

And it could be destroyed so easily.

It's all I have.

I don't want to give it.


An allied four powered working group met in London today

to iron out details of the western position on Germany

and European security at the month's end

east-west foreign ministers conference.

Delegates from the United States,

Britain, France and West Germany [door knocking]

-Audrey? -And the first working session

-secrecy of this afternoon. -Wait a minute.

At forgien office.

[door opening]

Hi, hello, stranger.

May I come in for a minute?

[news continue] Of course.

Come on.

I just got retired yesterday.

What was the idea of sneaking out like that huh?

Due to the boys going to be away?


Sit down.

You want some milk? I am just having some.

No, thanks.

Turn this thing off.

When did you get back?

Couple of days ago.

Couple of a days ago?

Well, we're having sleeper.

But why didn't you call me?

Mr Bailey came to see me tonight.

They're going to ask you all sorts of questions tomorrow.

Mary I, I'm not afraid of their questions.

What are you going to say?

What do you mean, what am I going to say?

Oh, we surely don't believe those stories.

Did you and George plan that trip to be together?

How can you think that?

But you, you've never denied it.

Well, I never thought it was necessary to deny it.

I never thought anyone truly concerned would,

would take such gossip seriously.

You really do need an explanation, don't you?

[dramatic music]

Yes, I do.

I want you to tell me what happened that night?

Well, it,

it was just all so silly.

You know,

I just got back from that trip,

from Honolulu, you know that and

and I was just still so full of the excitement

of it and everything, that

in a moment of

excess romanticism I,

I kissed George.


And George?

George was

like he always is,

Kind and considerate.

And did his best not to embarrass me.

He simply said.

Good night, Audrey.

And that was all.

Oh, Mary.

Take a look at me.

Take a good look.

Do you really think George, or any man, could see anything in me?

Good night, dear.

I'm-- I'm awfully sorry that I didn't straighten this thing out

before Mary, but I just thought it was so ridiculous.

My heaven's, men have been resisting me for years,

and they're going to go on for another . [laugh]

Meeting tomorrow will be at three.

Oh, what if I pick you up at quarter two?

You're not going to that meeting, are you?

There'll be fewer questions if I'm there.

And I think you've done enough explaining.

-Night. -Wait a minute.

I've got something for you, Mary.

I brought it to you from Honolulu.

-It's for you. -Oh, it's lovely.

I knew you'd like.

But, Mary, that's coral growing on it and it's sharp, so be careful!

I will, good night!

Good night!

[door closing]


[door closing]

Friendships are fragile things

and should be handled as other fragile things.