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06x23 - The Prettiest Girl in Town

Posted: 01/22/24 18:53
by bunniefuu
[waves crashing]


See you're still the prettiest girl in town.


You flatter. Are you?

-Well, you are. -Yeah.

You can give their old hometown a fashion show.

Sure they expressing her.

Jackie. It's changed, though. Driving in from

the airport, I hardly recognize anything.

years, friend Barrington's. Come a

long way since our high school days.

Hmm, hmm.

Still, I don't think we're quite ready for this.

Yeah, that's crazy, isn't it?

It's marvelous.

Do you just love New York, honey?

Oh, I'm afraid I do.

Any kind of a rat race?

Hmm, hmm.

I'm right out in front leading the pack.

I think it's just great.

All the way you've done just exactly what you set out to do.

We must seem like awful sticks to you.


Mrs. Arnold Crump.

That's exactly what I mean. I had all the

imagination get up and go to marry Arney Crump.

The boy who sat across the aisle from me in geometry class.

Don't tell me that you're not happy.

Of course I'm happy.

Do you ever think about getting married, Connie?

No. You're brave.

I couldn't make it alone.

Oh, I need that man around, I really do.

I can't stand alone and I know it.

Then you always were above the crowd.

Now, wait a minute. I don't know if I like that.

Oh, I don't mean as a snarl. Oh, God. He know what? Look at you.

You were never anything but the little princess.

Hey, wait a minute.

I got out the high school scratchbook. Come on over here.

There you really.

I see that man for ever.

Look at me. [laugh]

Isn't that Roger Higgins?

I saw Boy the King.

Well, for heaven's sake. He's so skimming.

I thought he was Superman.

What do we have here? Roger?

Oh, he went on. Played football for San Francisco. Not it, I

guess. Worked around town for a while and he just went away.

You mean that's all?

No, there you are at the senior prom with Earl Luke.

Earl Wasn't he funny looking?


What were you used to call him?

Ah, Luke the spoon.


Look at that. I was solid than he was.

Well, not anymore. He shot up.

He was a doctor right here in town.

Oh, I suppose he'll be at the reunion.

Mh-hm. Suppose so.

Who did he marry?

-A girl from Oregon. -Oh.

She was drowned several years ago in Lake Tahoe.

-Oh, no. -It's a terrible tragedy.

-He's got the cutest little boy. -Listen Jackie.

Why don't I ask Earl to be my date tonight?

Well, then he's not seeing anyone in particular. Or is he?

-Not that I know. -Then come on, let's call him.

Oh, he will just die.

-Remember me? -Remember you? The whole town's been

buzzing for weeks about your triumphant return.

Honey, look at you there. Why did I ever marry.

Yeah, well, you look you were very grateful.

Oh. [laugh]

Here she comes. Up me and up sedaks it off of Queen.


I'm sorry.

About what?

Well, for being so late.


Yeah, Hi connie.


My goodness, Jackie was right. You, sir. They did sh**t up, didn't you?

No, they did. Come on, look at the pictures of the early spook.

There's some Billies in here.


And take a look at business of Arnold with his braces on his feet.

That about the hight school.

I never noticed that arnie.

You never know. [laugh]

She never looked much at anybody.

Oh, she looked plenty at her own

reflection in the glass on the hall b*llet.

And now I never did any such thing.

I'll bet you don't even remember the time that I asked you to marry me.

I beg your pardon?

I could see my proposals make a lasting impression.

Wow, that's more.

Yes, what did I answer?

I asked you the night before you went to New

York. You were going to call me in the morning.

Call, I forgot.

Oh, Connie, how could you?

I don't know.

See, she could have been Mrs. Herald Luke

instead of the nation's number one sweetheart.

I'm sorry

Come on, everybody. It's time to face our path.

Oh, I'm going to need this.

We'll get the car out. Right, dear. We'll meet you in front.

You'd be glad to know that my dancing's improved.

-Oh. -He even leads now.

You know, there never was anything wrong with your dancing, girl.

You really don't remember much, do you? [laugh]

I thought I had a pretty good recall of my salad base, but

maybe it says that I don't, seeing I was such a monster.

You were the Queen class of . Would

have been pretty dull without you.


Earl, you always had nice manners.

-Thank you, ma'am. -You're welcome, sir.


It's a nice town, Earl.

What's he best?


Yes, a little. But I've loved walking home.

It's so warm. Would you like to stay out here for a minute?


We can only make it a half a minute.

We'll get the hospital early in the morning.


-Cigarettes? -No thank you.

Tell me, what did you think of your class reunion?

-It was wonderful. -No, really.

-What did you think? -Really, it was wonderful.

I wouldn't have recognized Roger Higgins.

No, neither would I.

He hasn't been around town for years.


The King football hero turned into quite a lush, didn't he?

Well, maybe we all did too much for him.

What do you mean?

Well, they always stood head and shoulders above the rest of us.

We worshipped him.

But he never had to give anything.

When he got into the outside world, he

still stood head and shoulders above the

crowd. But they just looked up at him

and said, okay, big boy, what can you do?

Not how fast can you run?

The average man has telephones for speed.

-Sad. -Sure it is.

Someone should have taken our hero aside

and prepared him for the nine to six world.

Who prepared you, Luke?


Nobody had to tell me to get in the average line.

I was never distracted by any cheering section.

But then, the cheering never really hurt you when he did it connie.

What do you mean?

Well, you and Roger are sort of alike.

But you're stronger. You've never joined the crowd.

Of course, it's easier for a woman.

But a beautiful woman is always catered to.

Never think I like that.

Being catered to? This line of conversation.

Oh, I'm sorry.

It's alright.

Well, I will have to be going.


See you tomorrow.

-Yes, -They have lunch.

I'll drive you out and we'll look at the old school.

-Yes, I'd like that. -And dinner?

Well, I'll have to check with Jackie and see what her plans are.


I didn't offend you, did I?


No, it's not that. It's just

I seem to have missed the beat somewhere.

I feel sort of

Left out.

Left out?

You are an absolute sensation.

I don't mean tonight.

You're still the prettiest girl in town.

That's it.


And I'm a woman now.

Good night, Earl.

Good night, Connie.


That's you, Connie?

Yes, honey.

Switch off lights will you?

By the stairs.

That's alright.

We're already just in.

Night darling.

Good night.

Yakov, good night.

Good night Arnie.


[door knocking]

Come in.

Heartman our queen.

Hi, sweetie. [laugh]

Where in Farrington is Earl taking you tonight?

-Oh, too much? -For the average man.

Well, I figured since it was my last evening,

I might as well just give him the best.

But I better change.

Earl is pretty close to the norm. What do you think?

He is? And you're nowhere near it, thank heaven.

-Yeah. -I am not doing it.

Oh, Connie, I hate to see you go. Don't leave tomorrow.


My week is upward and I have to.

I love having you here.

Even though you did spend every night carousing with a Luke.


Well, I've had a wonderful time.

Well, I've had a wonderful time. And Luke the Spook is quite a guy.

Listen, get him to take you to the hungry Eye in

the city. I hear they've got the funniest show.


I just assume not go dancing tonight.

Why don't we all just sort of sit around here and talk huh?

Will you stop that?

Earl can sit around with us any day in the year.

Honey, you're a celebrity. He wants to show you off.

Some claim to fame.

I can stand still while they take my picture.

There something the matter of Connie?

-No. -Well, as you know hope not.

[car horn]

Your date.


My date.


[door knocking] Connie.

Come in.

You know what time it is, young lady?


Well, what kind of a date is that loo boy keeping you out till ?


what is it?

I don't want to go.

Oh, well, for heaven say stay, then.

My staying here a few more days won't change anything.

Change anything? What do you want changed?


Just everything.

You've lost me.

It's funny.

I thought it was written all over me.


But I want Earl to ask me to stay on.

Stay on? Why?

Because I want to stay here.

But I want to stay because he wants me to stay.

Good heaven. Jackie, I like you.

How wonderful.

There's nothing wonderful about it.

He's as dense about the way I feel as you are.

Well, it's just that I never thought.

I'm sure he didn't either.

You ought to say something.

You float around here being the gosh

darn glamorous. Now, who'd ever think it?

Why don't you say something to him?

like, let's get married?


There, you see? His reaction will probably be exactly like yours.

But just the other day you said you didn't want to get married.

Oh, honey, that's talk.

The talk is very cheap. Especially

that kind of talk coming from a woman.

Not a flesh and blood woman. And I wish

somebody began to treat me like one.

Do you really want to marry him?

Yes, I do.

Well, are you in love with him?

I don't know very much about love, Jackie.

In my day, many people have told me that they're in love with me.

But when you hear the word over and over and over again and you

don't feel anything, you begin to wonder what they're talking about.

Well, I feel something with Earl and

I feel differently when I'm with him. And I

want him to know that I feel differently and I

I guess that must be love.

For heaven's sake, tell him so.

I don't know how.

And anyway, he he doesn't even think of me as a person, Jackie.

He considers me a date.

I'm years old, and I'm still a date.

Oh, Connie, you're being ridiculous.

No, I'm not being ridiculous.

If he said no to me I

I'd probably panic in my pride and scare him off forever.

Connie, you got to make a move. You got to do something.

Yes, sure.

But what?

Take a chance of making a fool of myself?

By telling that the only thing I want is to make him a good one?

Or is it not kind of. Don't get mad at me, but

Is it really?

I don't know.

I think so. At least I want a chance of it.

Oh, therein lies the rub.

Earl isn't the kind of guy who's

willing to take a chance on marriage.

Jackie you have everything.

I want what you got.

Help me. Should I stay?

I mean, is there a chance for me with Earl?

I could cook dinner for him.

Oh, now I've heard everything.


Oh, no don't laugh Jackie please don't.

I'm a good cook. Honestly, I am.

Look, just because I dress up like

after pet horses, no reason I am one.

Although he probably thinks I can't even boil water.

You're lonely, is that it, Connie?

Oh, I've always been lonely. That's nothing new.

No, Jackie, it's not that.

Well, you said it.

You told me that I always knew exactly what

I wanted and I went right out and got it

And you're right, I did. I got it.

And it's not enough.

It's not enough by a long shot.

I want to settle down with Earl Luke, now,

it's just as mundane as that. Isn't that silly?

You really do, don't you?

Yes, I really do.

I love being with him.

I respect him.

It would make me happy. Jackie, it just didn't make him happy.

I see, you going around making everybody happy. Arnie, Sally, me.

And Earl does that, too. He's always giving.

to his patients, to me and to everybody, really.

I want to give.

But I never learned how?

I never learned how to put myself out one iota.

rather, people


never funny.

I guess it's because I never had to huh.


I'm going to need an awfuly good teacher.

I think maybe Earl's the one.

Now, how can I tell him all that?

Stay, you see it? I see it. Rick. Oh, no, I see it, honey.

You see it. He just got to opt in a car. Swimming car,

WHat do you mean car?

honey. That's the show.

Good night, honey. You stay here.

Oh, dear god help me.


You're all over this magazine.

Oh, am I?

-Sure you don't want to go out? -Oh, no.

I'm very content here.

So am I

Sure it was nice of you to stay home here last night and cook for me.

[putting the jug down]

Well, I had proved you I could cook a

dinner without igniting the house, didn't I?

Well, the dinner was great.

Thank you.

I'll bet you don't cook much in New York.

Well, the majority of people in New York

live like the majority of people everywhere.

But you're hardly the majority.

I cook a great deal in New York.

It's too bad that Jackie and Arnie had to go up last night.


You know I.

I don't really want to go tomorrow.

But I

I shouldn't put it off any longer.

I hate to see you go, Connie.

It's been wonderful being with you. You make everything so exciting.

Earl, have I changed? I mean

Really changed?

Not at all.

You mean I have always been impossible, is that right?

Not impossible. Just haughty.

I am not haughty.

It is this long neck of mine. It makes me seem haughty.

is that it?

It makes me seem sophisticated.

You are sophisticated.


Well, it's that bad. I mean, it's better than stealing.

It is that.


I like it when you smile, Earl.

You have a wonderful face.


you used to think I was funny looking.


I also used to play jacks and make mud pies.

I've grown up.

Please note.

Will believe me I have.

No, you haven't.

Not really.

Some things that matter?

What is it Connie?

I just hate to leave tomorrow, that's all.

After you're back in New York, you'll to. Have

you ever lasted the two weeks in this town?

I was thinking of moving back to this town.

You're kidding.

Well now, what kind of a reaction is that?

-Well, surprise. Great surprise. -Why?

Well, after New York, I think farrington have little appeal.

Oh, on the contrary. After to New York it has a great appeal to me.

That would be wonderful. But what would you do?

Oh, I don't know.

Open and dress shop maybe.

Well, if you're really serious, I check

with the Chamber of Commerce first.

You know, there's an awful lot of small shops in town already.

Well, it was just a thought.

And a good one too.

Would you like some more coffee?

Oh, connie it's late. I've got to go. I'm stuck by the hospital.

Oh, yes, well of course.


Earl, why don't you come back after you're finished? There's more cake.

Fine. And it's not too late.


Connie, do you really think you might be coming back home?

Yes, I'm going to think about it.

That would be wonderful.

If I don't see you later, would you

call me in the morning before you leave?

-Of course. -You promise?

The last time you forgot.

No, I won't forget. I promise I'll call you in the morning.


Good night, Connie.

Good night.



No kiss?

Suppose when I called you tomorrow I answered

that question you asked me years ago?


What? Heavens

your proposals don't make a very lasting impression on you.

Well, don't look so scared. I was only joking. Honestly.

I'm not scared.

Are you joking?

Are you connie?


Some reason that I don't quite understand,

I seem to be getting a second chance.

Ask me to stay, please.

That is, of course, you want me to stay.

Of course I want you to.


Ask me.

Will you?

Yes, I will.

And don't worry, I won't count this as a proposal.

Please do.


What do you know?

Luke Spook ends up with the prettiest girl in town.

Well, that's America for you.


Now here's Miss Young.

thank you John.

There's an old English proverb which says

the hearts that gives gathers.

Well, good night.

And we'll see you next week.