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08x05 - Endings and Beginnings

Posted: 10/30/14 07:36
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Heartland"...

Bob: Well, at least we saved one of them.

(Wolf pup whines)

Ty: Hey! Where do you get off telling her that you love her!

Ahmed: Of course I love her. All you do is hold her back.

Ty: Ungh!

Ahmed: (Groans)

I think we need a break.

No, Ty, I mean... I love you so much!

(Truck rumbles away)

(Tack jingles lightly, hooves clop on rocks)

(Water splashes)

(Hooves thunder)

(Spartan grunts, hooves thunder)

(Tack jingles lightly, spartan snorts softly)

(Truck rumbles to a halt)

(Spartan grunts and snorts)

(Phone rings)

(Phone beeps on)

Ty: Hey, Caleb. Yeah, I'm here... why?

Caleb: Well, I didn't wanna just barge in, in case you weren't alone.

(Phone beeps off)

Why wouldn't I be?

It's just as easy to make up as it is to break up.

It's not a break up, okay? It's a break. We're... taking a break.

Well, whatever you choose to call it, I respect your decision.

Just, uh, here to check up on ya. See how other things are going.

Well, I appreciate it, but I actually have to get going because... I'm gonna be late for work.

Well, it's good you got so much work.

It helps keep your mind off the decision.

(Sighs) It's all good, Caleb.

Stay, finish your coffee.

(Horse snorts, tack jingles)

Georgie: Ty!

Hey! What're you doing here?

Well, I was on a trail ride and I thought I'd stop by.

Bad timing. I'm just on my way to the reserve for an early shift.

Oh, I can't stop thinking about that poor momma wolf.

I mean, how's the baby doing?

Not good. He needs a lot of care.

Well, maybe I could come with you and help out sometime.

Yeah, sure. Not today, but another time.

Georgie: Ty... I mean... even though you and Amy are...

We're still good, right?

Yeah. Why wouldn't we be?

Nothing's changed.

(Truck door opens)

(Quietly) Everything's changed.

(Birds chirp)

(Spray bottle spritzes)

Jade: Geez, what'd the window ever do to you?

Jade? What are you doing here?

Well, Jack said I should come talk to you.

Oh, yeah, right. He...

He mentioned you might be looking for a job.

Yeah, I just got my license and I'll never be able to afford my own car with my pathetic allowance.

So do you have any experience in the hospitality industry?

Why would I?

Because you're asking me for a job.

Well, do you need my help or not?


Let's see how you do washing windows.

Wait. You want me to start like now?


All four.

Katie: Here.

Jack: Is that for me? Thank you, sweetheart.

Katie: You're welcome, GG.

Well, you know, I would like to send this to Lisa 'cause she's in France right now and feeling real homesick, and I bet this would cheer her up.

(Cell phone rings)

Jack: Where'd you get off to this morning?

Georgie: Uh, nowhere. This is Amy's phone, right?

Well, it doesn't matter 'cause it's not yours to answer.

(Phone continues ringing)

What if it's from Ty?

Well, he'll call back.

But what if it goes to voice-mail and then he thinks she's ignoring him on purpose?

Jack: What if Amy left her phone here on purpose?

(Door creaks open and shut)

Amy: (Sighs) Thank you. (Phone beeps)


Is it Ty?

Amy: Sandra, hold on.

Wait. What's wrong? What is it?

Sandra: That's Flirty and Disco.

I made this video for my website.

Amy: Wow! They are amazing together.

So how long have you been doing liberty work?

Sandra: For a while now.

We even booked the halftime show at the Longview rodeo.

But now that Disco's injured, I might have to cancel.

What did the vet say?

Torn suspensory ligament.

At least six months off work. Maybe longer.

That's rough.

Sandra: You know how long it takes to train a liberty horse.

I've probably spent more time with Disco than I have with my husband.

(Laughs) So? What can I do?

The impossible. That's why I'm here.

Endings and Beginnings

♪ And at the break of day you sank into your dream ♪
♪ You dreamer ♪
♪ oh, oh, oh... ♪
♪ You dreamer ♪
♪ you dreamer ♪

You know, he really is a good looking horse.

Sandra: Hustle? Yeah, I picked him up at an auction last winter.

He's really smart.

Amy: Have you started working with him?

We've tried, but he didn't respond to me too well.

And Longview's in three weeks, so... good luck.

Well, no promises, but I'll do my best.

That's all I'm asking.

Poor Flirty. His heart is broken.

It's as bad as the worst break-up.

Disco and Flirty didn't just perform together, they were inseparable.

Poor boy. It's rough, but life goes on.

(Wolf pup whines)

How's the pup?

Actually, he's not doing too good.

Yeah, orphan pups rarely do.

He'd feed 24/7 if he could.

Yeah. Total time suck.

You know what this guy needs is a surrogate.

Or somebody to look after him, but it's a full-time job.

Well, any chance you can pull some extra hours this week?

Any chance there's a dollar amount attached to that offer?

(Laughs) Just think of the extra experience as money in the bank.

(Pail rattles, pup whines)

Georgie: Jade?

Jade: Hey, kid.

Georgie: What're you doing here?

I'm working for Lou, at the Dude Ranch.

I'm trying to make some money so I can get my own car.

Apparently if you don't have wheels around here, you have no social life.

You have no idea how tough it is being the new kid at school.

Oh, wait. You probably do.

(Sighs) But in high school it's way worse 'cause everybody has their own little cliques already.

Well, maybe you just need to try harder to make new friends?

Like what, throw my own party? Yeah, right.

My mom would be all like, "hey, it's so great to meet some of Jade's new friends, who's up for some pop and chips?"

I'd look like a total loser.

At least people would know who you are.

(Receding footsteps)

Amy: Good boy. Here...

Good boy.

Georgie: He's doing pretty good.

Amy: He seems fine on his own. Whoa...

Let's see how he does with his new partner.

Georgie: All right.

Amy: Okay, Hustle.

Now, you two can learn to be buddies, all right?

(Amy clucks her tongue)

(Flirty snorts softly and grunts)

Georgie: Uh... or not.

Amy: Well, I knew it would take some time.

Georgie: But I thought you said you didn't have time.

Amy: I don't.

Let's try it again.

(Amy clucks her tongue)

Good boy.

Come on, Flirty! No...

You're supposed to work together.

Georgie: You expecting someone?

Amy: That looks like Jesse Stanton's truck.

Just what I need right now. You wanna take him?

Georgie: Here, yeah.

Amy: Thanks.

(Truck rumbles)

(Hustle grunts)

(Gate clanks shut)

Hey there. (Slams door shut)

I was in the area so I thought I'd stop by and say hi to my favourite horse whisperer.

My answer's still no, Jesse.

What do you mean?

I'm not gonna work at Briar Ridge.

Jesse: Oh, yeah. You, uh, you made that quite clear.

So I found myself another trainer and she is amazing.

So you came all the way out here to tell me that?

Well, I thought I owed you fair warning.

You're not the only game in town any more.

Amy: You know, working with horses is not a competition, Jesse.

(Laughs) Everything in life's a competition.

But I prefer to keep it friendly, so... best of luck to you.


Jack: So who is this other horse trainer?

Amy: I don't know, and I don't really care, to be honest.

Lou: You sure sound like you do.

Are you sure you're not having second thoughts about turning down Jesse's offer?

Amy: I just don't like how smug he was about the whole thing.


Lou: Hey! Ty.

Ty: Hey.

Ty: Hey.

Amy: Hey.

Ty: Is, uh, is Georgie around here or...?

Amy: Uh... (Chuckles softly) Yeah, she is.


(Approaching footsteps)

Georgie: Ty!

Ty: Hey.

You said you wanted to help, right?

Georgie: Uh-huh.

Ty: 'Kay.

Georgie: (Gasps)

Lou: Oh, Ty, are you kidding?

Georgie: Oh, but he's adorable.


Oh my goodness, aren't you so cute?!

(Gasps excitedly)

Ty: Lou's right; He needs a lot of care to build up his strength.

We just... we don't have the manpower right now.

Lou: I don't know, Ty.

I mean... he's a big responsibility.

Georgie: Come on, Lou. Look at him.

You can't say no to that face.

Lou: You're right, I can't.

(Laughs) What's the drill, Ty?

Ty: Keep him warm. Feed him as much and as often as he'll take.

Georgie: Okay. I can do that.

Ty: I know you can, Georgie, but here's the hard part.

He's a wolf, all right?

And I know that human contact might seem like a good idea in the short term.

You can't let him imprint on you, all right?

The goal is to return him to the wild.

Georgie: All right. I get it.

Feed him, keep him warm, (babying voice) and don't get too involved.

Ty: I'm serious, okay?

You have any problems, you give me a call.

Georgie: Okay. Will do.

One last thing. He sleeps in his cage.

Georgie: (Whines) Oh...

(Wolf pup whines)

(Hooves clop)

(Truck engine rumbles)

(Truck rumbles away)

(Birds sing)

(Chirping and twittering, foliage crunches underfoot)

(Flies buzz, Ty sighs)

(Flies buzz loudly)

Lou: (Light knock) Wake up, sleepyhead!

Katie: It's a puppy!

Lou: Perfect.

No, Katie, not a puppy.

Georgie: He was in his crate most of the night, but then he started to cry.

Lou: And what about what Ty said about imprinting and reintegration back into the wild?

Katie: Aw-oaf!

Lou: Uh, Katie, don't touch the puppy.


Georgie: I know he said that, but he also said to keep him warm and feed him all the time.

He's so cute!

Come on...

He doesn't even have a real mom. I'm all he's got.

What about not getting too attached?

I'm not! But, Lou, he's just a puppy.

A wolf puppy.

Georgie: No, no, no, no...

Lou: And from now on, this little guy is going to be an outdoor wolf.

Georgie: (Sighs)

Lou: don't look at me like that.

(Wolf pup whines) You either.

Bob: Damn poachers.

This is incredible. It looks like a healthy female, too.

What a waste.

(Flies buzz loudly)

Ty: (Sighs) So what do we do?

Bob: That's the unbelievable part. There's nothing we can do.

Poaching is a sad reality, man.

Well, it may be a reality, but we gotta do something.

Bob: We could call the police.

Like how many times have I tried that before?

But what are they gonna do?

Ty: Investigate.

Look, there's no nock on the arrow. A crossbow k*lled her.

Check this out, there's a cut in her abdomen.

It looks like a surgical incision.

Bob: Well, there's your story right there. They removed her gall bladder.

What for?

Bear bile is worth its weight in gold.

They use it in traditional Chinese medicine.

Wait. How is that legal?

(Laughs) Well, it isn't. But it makes big money through international smuggling.


To them, life's cheap, Ty.

Come on, let's move. We gotta bury her.

(Flies buzz, birds chirp)

Amy: That's it, here we go.

(Flirty and Hustle grunt, Amy clucks her tongue)

Okay, I'm gonna try something simple.

I want them to change direction in the circle.

Keep moving... That's right. Good!

(Blows out her breath)

Settle... Settle. It's okay.

Hey, hey. You're all right.

Hustle! Easy.

Whoa... Come on, boy.

Jack: Well, hello, Sandra! How's it going?

Sandra: Not great. Hustle was game, but now even he's not cooperating.

Jack: Yeah, Amy tells me you're dealing with an injured horse.

Sandra: Yeah. He'll be out of commission for months.

Sorry to hear it.

Looks like that guy might be missing his significant other.

I can relate. Lisa's out of town again.

Sandra: Oh yeah, I heard you got married! Congratulations!

Jack: Why thank you very much.

Grandpa, I'm trying work these horses and you are not helping.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean that.

No, that's all right.

I'll leave you two to get at it.

You know what, Sandra? I...

I think, clearly, I need a break.

Let's just let these guys have a moment.

For sure. Whatever you think is best.

Amy: Actually, what I think is best is just to call it a day.

Don't we wanna end on a positive note?

Yeah, but I also don't wanna push it.

Look. Amy, either they're gonna gel as a pair or they won't.

I'd rather know sooner than later.

They may not be working perfectly together, but they're getting along a lot better than yesterday.

Really? What's this bite on his back?

Amy: (Sighs) Yeah, Flirty nipped at Hustle, but I'm trying, I really am.

(Truck engine rumbles)

I'm sorry, grandpa. Not one of my better days.

There's always tomorrow.

Oh, something to look forward to.

That's why you might wanna tell Sandra what's going on with you.

What's going on with me?


Do you mean with Ty?

Grandpa, Sandra is a client, okay?

I'm not gonna share my personal issues with a cl...

She's also your friend.

Well, you don't have to go into detail, but that gray horse out there, that's not the only one who's got a partner that's suddenly gone missing.

(Receding footsteps)

Bob: Yeah, bear bile's used to treat all kinds of conditions: Fever, diabetes, heart disease.

A single gall bladder can fetch anywhere from three to ten thousand dollars.

Ty: Ten thousand dollars for a gallbladder.

Bob: Yeah. We are definitely in the wrong business.

(Food pours from pail)

(Cell phone rings)

Ty: Hello.

Hey, Georgie.

Well, slow down a second. What? What's wrong with him?

Okay. I'll be right there. Okay.

That was, uh, Georgie.

She's the girl who's looking after the wolf pup.

She's having a little problem with him.

I should just probably go check up on her.

All right. Yeah, you can take off. I can handle this myself.

Ty: You're sure?

Bob: Oh yeah. Absolutely.

Ty: Thanks, man. All right, I'll be back in a bit.

Bob: Yup.

Sandra: I got your message. What's up?

Amy: (Sighs) Just after this morning, I... figured we needed to talk.

Sandra: Okay...

Amy: It's just...

Look, I'm going through some personal issues.

It's no big deal, but I feel like the horses may have picked up on my mood and that's why the work's not going as well as I'd hoped.

Sandra: Okay. Nothing serious, I hope.

Amy: No. I'll pull through, I'm sure.

It's just I might need a little more time than I have and I know you need them right away.

But I hear there's this new trainer at Briar Ridge.

Oh, I know all about her.

You do?

Jesse Stanton's been calling the past couple of days.

I keep telling him I'm sticking with you.

I do appreciate it, but under the circumstances, maybe you should give her a try.

You sure?

Yeah. Yeah, you know what? I'll haul your horses over there and that'll give me a chance to talk with her and let her know how it's going.

All right, if you think that's best.

Amy: Thanks.

(People chatter, horses whinny)

Jesse: So these are my new clients.

Amy: Meet Flirty and Hustle.

I just thought I'd come by and talk to your new trainer and fill them in on my progress.

Jesse: Oh, she is amazing.

She'll take one look and figure them out.

She's known, like, all over the world.

Wow! You were able to get someone that good to work for you?

Well, I uh... I couldn't convince you.

Tate: So... you're saying I was your second choice?

(Laughs) We, uh... We go way back, so I had to give her first cr*ck, as a courtesy.

Allow me to introduce Tate Evans. Tate, this is Amy...

Tate: I know who Amy Fleming is. She's the "Miracle Girl."

(Laughs) Jesse here was explaining that you have quite the background in liberty work.

Yeah, I was a trainer at a travelling horse show "Cheval Fantastique."

Yeah, I know them. They're incredible. They do amazing work with horses!

I just got back from our European tour.

Oh. Amy just got back from Europe as well, on the show-jumping circuit.

Yeah, so anyway, I thought I would come by and show you the progress on these two.

Tate: No need for that. Sandra's coming by soon.

I'd prefer to deal directly with our client.

(Horse whinnies in the distance)

Ty: So... when did he stop drinking his formula?

Georgie: About an hour ago.

Ty: Well, maybe he's just not hungry.

Georgie: Well, you said to call if there was anything wrong.

Ty: Yeah. But maybe he just needs some more time to settle in.

You gotta wait and see.

Georgie: Well, it's just... I know him, Ty, okay?

Ever since Lou banned him from the house, poor fang has been crying nonstop.


That's his name.

Ty: (Sighs heavily)

Well, he's not dehydrated.

Maybe he's ready for some solid food.

Well, what do they eat?

Ty: In the wild, his mom would digest their food and then regurgitate it up into her mouth, and then the pups would lick it up.


Well, that's nature for you.

(Truck rumbles)

Ty: You know, maybe you could liquefy some raw meat in a blender and try feeding it to him.

(Truck idles and shuts off)

Well, not with my mouth, right?

You can use a spoon.

Georgie: You know, Lou is making meatloaf for supper, if you want to stay.

Ty: That sounds good, but I'm gonna have to pass.

(Case thunks)

Amy: Hey! (Truck door shuts)

How's the wolf pup?

So far, so good.

Amy: How's work?

Ty: It's interesting. You?

It's-it's good. Yeah, it's great.

Well, I'll see ya.

(Door bangs shut, engine starts up)

(Truck rumbles away)

Amy: What? It's not like he came to see me.

(Georgie sighs heavily, dog barks in the distance)
(SUV rumbles to a halt)

(Birds chirp and twitter)

(Door bangs shut) Jade?!



(Door opens)

Jade! Jade!


Jade: Dude! You didn't have to yell in my ear.

Lou: Apparently I did. What do you think you're doing?

Jade: I was just resting my eyes.

I mowed the lawn like you said.

Lou: You mowed half the lawn. Badly.

Now get back out there and finish it.

Chill out, Lou.

Geez, I thought you'd be a cool boss.

And I thought you wanted a job.

Nobody wants a job. I need a job.

Okay, well then you better start taking this seriously.

Jade: Yes, ma'am.

Lou: (Annoyed sigh)

Jade, come back here and remake this bed!

Bob: What'd you find here, Sherlock?

Ty: Trail of blood. It ends right here.

See? There's more right there.

So she must've run off to where we found her...

'cause there's more there... and more right there.

So the bear must have been sh*t... right around here.

That camera, that a part of your security?

Nope. Never seen it before.

Well, someone put it there for a reason.

Along with that.

Look, Ty, come on. Leave it, all right? Let's go.

Ty: You said yourself the poaching's been going on for a while.

Bob: (Warily) Yeah.

Ty: Well... that's how they get them here, and that's how they know when they're coming.

I'm gonna take a look at their pictures.

Knock yourself out, but I'm telling you, man, these poachers aren't just a bunch of yahoos sh**ting deer out of season.

Yeah, I get it, man, but don't you want to stop this?

Bob: Yeah, I do, but what I really want is to go home after work in one piece, okay? And so should you.

(Birds chirp)

(Camera rattles and scrapes)

Hold on, Sandra.

Look I wasn't getting anywhere either.

Well, I couldn't connect.

No, I'm sorry, I can't hehelp you.

Bye. (Phone beeps off)

Sandra's not happy with Jesse's new trainer and she wants me to give it another try.

Lou: So why don't you?

Amy: Because I already failed once.

Lou: Amy.

Amy: Thank you.

I can't stand seeing her like this.

Since when has she ever given up on a horse?

Thank you.

It is all about her and Ty, and we have to do something about it.

Jack: We do?

Lou: Yes!

Grandpa, this is important. I mean...

I thought about talking to Ty myself, but what would I say? I...

Jack: Well, what can anybody say about another person's relationship?

Not just anybody. You. You, grandpa.

You have that thing with Ty.

You have that bonding relationship.

You could talk to him and make him understand that whatever happened with Ahmed...

He's overreacting.

They'll sort things out one way or another.

But what if it's the wrong way?

(Crickets chirp)

(Birds chirp)

(Grass crunches underfoot, Lou's cell phone rings)

Lou: Oh, Jade, can you answer that please?

(Bag thuds, phone continues ringing)

Jade: Hello.

Yeah, this is the Heartland Equestrian Connection.

This is Jade.


You do know it's kind of late for that, huh?

I mean, there's no way you're getting your deposit back.

Lou: (Whispers) Jade!

Jade: Well, maybe you should've read the reservation agreement.

Ja-(Phone beeps off) You hung up?

Listen, you cannot talk to customers like that, okay?

We rely on repeat business and word of mouth.

Well, you also rely on people paying you, don't you?

I mean...

Now you just have three cabins sitting there empty.

But at least I get to call it a day, right?

Lou: Yeah, nice try.

With no guests, that makes it the perfect day for a floor to ceiling cleaning.

Jade: (Annoyed sigh)

(Truck rumbles up outside, keyboard key clacks)

(Truck door bangs shut, knocking)

Ty: Hello.

Hey, Jack. What's going on?

Jack: (Chuckles) Well, I was just passing by and I figured that you gotta know how to brew a half-decent cup of coffee by now.

Ty: (Laughs) Come on in. I'll grab you a cup.

Take a seat.

Jack: Well, what do you got going here?

Ty: Just some images off a surveillance camera.

The resolution sucks though.

So... why are you really here?

Jack: Oh, because of you.

Because you're not just a guy who was gonna marry my granddaughter.

Because you're family, and it's been that way from day one.

For me too, Jack.

Jack: Well... I didn't wanna get involved.

But you and Amy, regardless of your issues, I bet you still love her and she's still wearing your ring.

Ty: Of course I still love her. Love is not the problem.

Well, if it's got anything to do with that prince fella...

Ty: No, it has nothing to do with him.


It has something to do with what he said though.

He said, I'm the one who holds her back, who prevents her from having a future.

I don't wanna be that guy, Jack.

He's right; Amy has huge potential, huge.

She could do anything, go anywhere.

She could travel the world if she wants to.

That's her decision to make.

I would rather lose Amy than be the guy who stands in her way.

Sandra: Amy! Sorry, I just need to speak with you one more time.

Amy: Sandra...

Sandra: No, listen.

I've seen you working with my horses, I know what you can do.

But Jesse's trainer, Tate, none of what she's does makes any sense to me.

She started by lunging them on the line separately.

Then she had them stand side by side for ages, smacking them with the whip if they did the slightest aggressive move.

Have you tried talking to her?

I don't find Tate very... approachable.

Well, then, maybe you should be telling this to Jesse?

Jesse Stanton is a businessman whose commodity just happens to be horses.

Look, I don't know what's going on with you, but quitting isn't something that women like us do.

A horse gets injured, we do everything we can to get it back up on its feet.

We lose somebody we love...

Okay, Sandra...

No, you know what I've been through, Amy.

You helped me pull my life back together.

All I'm asking for is an hour or two of your time.

Tate: (Whip slaps) Get! (Clucks her tongue)


(Whip slaps) Get!

(Horses grunt, whip slaps)

Get! (Whip slaps)

Jesse: I'm glad the training is going well...

Sandra: See what she's doing?

Amy: Yeah, she's trying to control them.

So the relationship is horse to trainer, not horse to horse.

You see how she's using the whip as a w*apon?

It-it should just be an extension of your arm to encourage the horse forward.

Tate: Hey-ah!

(Horses snort nervously) Get!

Good to see you, Sandra.

I see you brought your friend.

You know I wasn't convinced about your new trainer, Jesse.

I just wanted a second opinion.

Amy's tried working with these horses and she couldn't get anywhere with them.

But sure, let's hear what the Miracle Girl has to say.

Sandra can't do her act if she's trying to control two horses separately.

Okay, they have to learn to work together, to follow each others' cues, and Tate is not creating that bond, which is what she needs to accomplish.

Okay, so... what would you do differently this time?

Well... I'd turn them out in a field together.

I'd let them bond and get to know each other, and then I'd sit and watch their cues and use that to be their leader, not their trainer, not their boss.

Tate: Canter! Move up!

(Whip slaps, horses whinny nervously)

(Phone rings)

Ty: Hey, Georgie, what's up?

He ate a what?

Those squeaky toys are for dogs, Georgie.

Remember what I told you? The wolf is not a pet.

Okay. I'll come by later. My shift's almost done.

Okay. (Phone snaps shut)

(Wings b*at, eagle squawks)

Bob: Sounds like you should take off now, man.

You know, maybe giving that pup to that kid might not have been the best idea.

Ty: What're you talking about?

Bob: Your judgment. No, I like you, Ty.

You got a good heart.

It's maybe too good to make the compromises you gotta make in this job.

Bob: There's a wolf sanctuary near Waterton.

I'm gonna make some calls.

(Truck engine rumbles)

Amy: Jesse, why are you following me?

Jesse: I realized you were right, so I let Tate go.

Amy: Really?

Jesse: Yeah, and now I have no one to work with Sandra's horses.

Amy: Well, then hire someone else 'cause you're gonna have to anyway.

Hey, I fired Tate on your recommendation.

Obviously, I want you to work with them.

You are unbelievable.

I'm doing you a favour.

Sandra's your friend. You already failed her once.

If you don't finish what you started those horses are gonna end up standing in a field a long way from the Longview Halftime Show.

I'm just telling it like it is. Suit yourself.

Fine. Fine!

Good. But even though she's your friend, she's still my client, Amy.

So you're working on my turf.

See you bright and early at Briar Ridge.


Georgie: Good boy.

Okay, come on.

(Truck door bangs shut)

Ty: So he ate a toy?

Well, he was playing, and... he only ate part of it and then he spat it up.

Georgie, he's a wolf, he's not supposed to be playing with toys.

I know, but...

I love him and... I want him to be happy.

Ty: (Sighs) Look, Georgie, you've done a great job with this little guy so far, but you've gotten too close to him, and I warned you about that, right?

That's why, when he has to leave, it's gonna be harder on the both of you.

What do you mean, when he has to leave?

Jade: Okay, so it's all set for tonight.

I invited a bunch of people.

Seriously, Beth, it's totally empty. No one will know.

Okay, I'll text you when my boss leaves.

And invite everyone you know.

Okay, so you don't know so many people.

Just invite people who do know people.

And by the way, my mom thinks I'm staying at your house tonight, so cover for me, okay? Okay. Yeah.


Are you, um, making personal calls during business hours?

Are you spying on me?

No, but maybe I should be, and...

You dropped this.

So next time just use a linen bag, okay?

Otherwise you're gonna leave a trail of dirty laundry all the way to the car.

Linen bag. Got it.

(Vehicle rumbles, music blasts)

Lou: Who's this?

(Music blasts)

Can I help you?

Vince: What?

Lou: Turn down the music, please.

♪ We know we're getting close, like we're gonna get busy ♪

Can I help you?

Vince: We're looking for the... Uh... highway.

The highway?

Vince: Yeah.

Lou: The highway is back the way you came.

Vince: Right... uh, thanks.

(Car rumbles as it backs up)

Lou: What was that about?

Jade: I dunno.

(Car rumbles away)

Georgie: (Crying) Here you go, buddy.

It's not exactly what your mom would do, but... it's close enough. (Sniffs)

Amy: How's he doing?

Georgie: (Sighs) Okay. He likes the meatloaf.

Amy: And how are you doing? Are you okay?

Georgie: I guess.

It's just... I can't keep the wolf.

Ty thinks I'm making too much of an imprint with him, so he's found a wolf sanctuary that'll take him.

Amy: Maybe that's for the best. I'm sure he was a lot of work.

Well, kinda, but... all those problems, I made them up.


To give Ty... a reason.

A reason to come here?

Yeah, and maybe you guys would...

Oh, Georgie...

Well, what happened, it's all my fault.

No. It is not your fault.

This is my fault, and I'm the only one who can fix it.


Jack: So, Jade, is she working out any better?

Lou: Absolutely, yeah.

You know, other than the fact that she's careless, lazy, unmotivated and frankly, the worst employee I have ever had.

Jack: That good, huh?

Lou: Well, on the bright side, she's learning. Slowly.

Jack: Well, see? It's not all bad.

Lou: No, but I have to keep an eye on her 24/7.

I mean, she's not exactly reliable.

Jack: Well, give her a couple more days.

You never know, she might surprise you.

Lou: Or she might burn down the place.

Jack: Why do you always assume the worst? You can trust people...

Lou: Oh, I do trust people. Just not Jade.

Jack: Well, at least give her a chance to prove you wrong.

(Music blasts, cars rumble, people chatter)

Jade: Awesome! Let's make this fire enormous!

Oh, Vince is here! He almost ruined it earlier!


You and your loser friends almost screwed everything up.

Vince: Whatever. I totally covered.

Jade: You nearly blew the whole thing.

Vince: Relax, all right? We bought a keg.

Jade: Okay, you're forgiven. Guys, they've brought a keg!


Everybody grab a beer!

And somebody do something with this fire, man. It's puny!

Hi. I'm Jade.

Boys: One, two, three!

(Kids cheer, flames crackle)

Jade: All right, who cares?!

Guys, um, beer! Like let's get this started.

(Owl hoots, wind chimes tinkle)

(Page flips)

(Approaching footsteps, knock at the door)


Caleb, is that you?

(Crickets chirp outside)

(Door clicks open) Who is it?

Poacher: (With accent) Ty borden?!

Ty: Hey!

(Hard punch) Oh!

(Grunts, hard thump)

Poacher: (With accent) If you keep sticking your nose where it don't belong, you're a dead man!

(Punching thuds) Ungh! Ungh! Ungh...

Amy: All right, go be free. (Clucks her tongueue)

(Hooves s thunder)

You wanna join him?

All right. (Flirty snorts)


(Cell phone rings)

(Ty grunts and groans in pain)

(Phone rings, Ty exhales sharply)

(Ty exhales sharply, phone rings)

(Phone beeps, Ty clears his throat)

Ty: Hey, Georgie.

Yeah, well, um... how about you take that little guy out to the reserve today?

Yeah, you can ask Jack for a ride.

Well, I'm-I'm just not really feeling up to it.

Yeah, I'd come out to Heartland, but not today.

Okay, thanks.

(Phone beeps off, thumps on table)


The camera.

Amy: Whoa.

(Bridles jingle lightly and thump on the ground)

(Amy clucks her tongue and whistles)

(SUV rumbles)

(Vehicle door closes, engine starts)

(Car speeds off)

Guy: Wait up! (Panting)

(SUV shuts off)

(Door opens and closes)

Lou: What the...?

Girl: Mm. Hmm? Lou: b*at it!

(Girl groans)

Lou: (Shocked gasp, sighs sadly)

(Door creaks open, stumbling thumps)


Jade: Uh, Lou? Um, okay... I know this looks bad-

Lou: This looks more than bad!

Jade: Okay, I'm really sorry.

It was only supposed to be a few friends, but then it got tweeted out to a bunch of people I've never even met!

Lou: (Freaking) Tweeted out?!

Jade! (Shaky, calming breath)

This is a serious breach of trust.

I know. I'm fired.

No, no, no, no. You're not fired.

You are gonna clean up this place until it looks brand new!

And then you're fired.

(Horses grunt, hooves thud)

(Whistles) Whoa.

♪ We've all got our dreams, we've all got our fight ♪

(Hustle grunts) Good boy. Hey.

♪ Caught in between the darkness and light ♪

Amy: (Clucks her tongue)

♪ We've all got our demons, we've all got our fears ♪

Amy: Good boy.

♪ They tried to chase me, but they lead me here ♪

Amy: Good boy.

♪ This feels like ho-o-ome

(laughs and claps)


♪ This feels like ho-o-me (Clapping)

Jack: Come on, now, you knew this day was coming.

Georgie: I guess.

Jack: It's because you did such a good job taking care of this guy that Ty says he's healthy enough to go to a wolf sanctuary at all.

Georgie: I'm gonna miss him so much.

Jack: Well, you can visit.

Georgie: It's just-it's not gonna be the same as seeing him everyday.

Jack: Yeah, I don't think we're talking about the wolf anymore.

The thing is, Georgie, I don't know what's gonna happen in the future, but Ty, he's family and we will always look out for him.

Georgie: On the phone, he said he wasn't coming to Heartland.

What do you think that meant?

I don't know.

He's probably never coming back here.

Why would he, if him and Amy aren't even talking?

(Truck door opens)

Well, I think they're finally ready.

Sandra: Oh, I don't how you did it, but you did.

That was amazing!

Amy: (Laughs)

Sandra: Look, I don't mean to pry, but that personal problem...

Is everything okay?

Amy: Nothing's really changed.

Sandra: Well, if something's bothering you, you'd never know it from what you just did with my horses.

Amy: You know, I have to say, it did feel pretty amazing.

Both: (Laughing)

♪ This road they were on wasn't meant... ♪

Jesse: Amy, can't say I'm surprised, but you really came through.

And I bet working here and seeing what a great place this is, made you see things my way, right?

So that was your plan all along. Get me working on "your turf" so I couldn't possibly say no?


Well, my answer is still "no," Jesse.

Oh, come on, Amy. Don't leave me in the lurch here. I fired my only trainer because of you.

See you around.

(Hooves clop)

♪ I've been searching for that something ♪
♪ Nothing could ever replace
♪ so I will ro-o-oam
♪ until I can say...
♪ This feels like home