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07x23 - Something Worth Dying For: Part 1

Posted: 01/22/24 10:43
by bunniefuu
MALE DISPATCHER ON RADIO: One-Adam-. One-Adam-, a in progress.

One-Adam-, handle code .




REED: Sparky.

Hi, Reed.

How are things shaking?

How long has it been since you fixed?

Go away. Hey, leave me alone.

Can't do that.

No driving today. Come on. Let's go.

Hey, Malloy.

Come on.

You need any more help with the paperwork, just let me know.

Thanks, Hardwick.

I'll get her transported. Come on, Sparky. Time to go.

Here are the schematics of her arm and the results of the eye test.

You'll need 'em when you go to court.

You ever testify in a case like this one?

Where the arrest was based on nothing but observation?

She was holding.

We know that now, but what was your probable cause for stopping her?

She was on the nod. We've busted her before for burglary.

Was there a warrant for her arrest?

Could you have booked her for disturbing the peace, trespassing, anything?

She looked like she was under the influence.

I don't think you'll make it stick.

I think all you'll get for your trouble is wasted time.

You'd been better off to leave her where she was.

What kind of an attitude is that?

No hard feelings, kid. That's just the way it goes.

One-Adam-, clear.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: One-Adam-, clear.

How long have you known John Hardwick?

Well, he was here when I came aboard.

He says we're wasting our time with Sparky.

He's been known to be wrong. Maybe once.

Hi, Mac.

I take it it didn't go too well in court.

I didn't qualify as an expert.

Sparky walked out clean because I didn't have probable cause to stop her.

Win a few, lose a few.

-Where's Pete? -Lunch. Did you eat yet?


You might as well catch up on your paperwork.

You interested in some special training?

A new deal just came down.

Strictly voluntary

but the brass thinks it would be a good idea.

What is it this time?

Just another wrinkle on the team concept.

They want patrol officers to get boned up

on special procedures, mostly vice and narcotics.

Academy stuff?

No. On the job.

The narc deal will mean a temporary transfer down the hall for days.

Who do I talk to?

John Hardwick.

I'll check it out.

I hate to tell you I told you so.

You sure you want to get into this?

It's going to be a long days. Could make it rough on you at home.

No more regular hours.

I'll take a shot at it.

Okay. I'll tell Mac. Show up here tomorrow morning.

Oh, and don't shave.

But don't expect to go out catching bad guys for about a week.

You've got a lot of reading to do. [CHUCKLES]

Thanks, Sergeant.

Reed, around here, they call me John.

Big, bad John.

Come on in, Jim.

Maybe you're ready to do something besides read.

I'll fill you in.

Junk and what you can do about it.

Pretty tough going.

Catching crooks is easy. Making it stick is something else.

I got a stakeout working on a chicken farm up in the hills.

We'll pull a relief shift or maybe kick in a door or two.

Guy who runs it turns young boys on to speed

then takes a few pictures, if you know what I mean.

The problem was getting a probable cause to spring a search warrant.

Last night we got it. One of our guys made a buy.

Is your stomach up to it?


Okay, let's go.

What about the kids?

They got a problem. But all we've got is a search warrant for

narcotics and dangerous dr*gs. If we complicate it, we could blow it.

You don't care about them, do you?

I didn't write the book. I just follow it.

RANDY: -W- to -W-. The John's leaving.


Tell Mason to stop in and shake him when he gets around the corner.

He'll make a good corroborating witness.

You and move in on the back door.

RANDY: -W- out.

-W- out.

Let's take a walk.

You ready, Randy?


Here we go.

We'll try to be polite.


Police officers. Open up. We have a search warrant.


Reed, check the bedroom.

All right, sit up, mister! Sit up!

Get up!

We're police officers and you're under arrest.

Don't open your mouth until I've read you your rights.

What's your name?

Can you stand up?

Come on.

Stand here.

Did you touch him?


Keep your hands away from your face. He could have a staph infection.

Come on, kid. We'll get you to a hospital.

Don't touch him. Just take him away.

Here's what he was trading. Three caps for a buck.

He had a drawer full of little packages like this.

Mason picked up the John. He was dirty in more ways than one.

What's going to happen to the kids?

Hospital then juvenile. That's the trouble with being innocent.

You don't know how to protect yourself.

Don't use the bathroom here.

There's some alcohol in the car you can use to wash.



Yeah, well, you better learn to laugh, Jim,

or you're going to end up crying a lot.

I just got a word from a friend of mine that a friend of yours

is back to her old tricks already.

-Sparky? -Yeah.

If you're going to work narc, you're going to need some snitches.

She'll do for a start.

You said she's small time.

You can't catch the rat till you find the hole.

Where is she?

On the nod in a bar run by a guy named Benny.

You won't be able to get three coherent words out of her

for four or five hours.

You mind if I take off for awhile?

Sure. Go on home and take a shower.

After one like we had, everybody feels contagious.

You got off early today!

I just came home to change.

For a second there I had hope.

-Where is the boy? -He's at the neighbors.

Will you be home for dinner?

I don't know. Maybe.

I liked it better when you worked patrol.

At least I knew when to set the table.

I'll grab a sandwich somewhere.

I can keep something in the oven.

I don't know when I'll get back.

You won't be too late, will you?

I'll call you if it looks like I'll be very late.

I'll wait up.

It might be a long wait.

I don't mind.

I love you.

I love you, too.

Don't worry, okay?

Hey, I've been waiting for you. Here's the deal.

We got a couple of rip-off artists working this area.

Rudolph Clayton, Jack Dennison.

Better known as Red Rudy and Paranoid Jack.

Those are the guys that have been ripping off dealers, huh?

Been doing your homework.

They claim they've taken more dealers off the streets than we have.

You keeping score?

I just listen.

We get Rudy and Jack in here every month or so.

So far all we've been able to do is shake them up a bit.

I think with Sparky's help we ought to be able to put them away for good.

What's in it for her?

An opportunity that any citizen would eagerly grasp.

A chance to assist in the enforcement of the law.

Use your charm, kid.

Why don't you talk to her?

She hates my guts.


Do I know you?

Yeah. We've met.

Join the crowd.

I'm looking for a favor.

I think I liked you better in the blue suit.

We all go through changes.

I'm clean. I'm loaded but I'm clean.

Listen to me, Sparky. I'm new at this and I want to make good.


I want you to help me make a case.

You're crazy!

I ain't burning my connection.

I'm not asking you to.


maybe we can do business.

My place or yours?

I need a line on a couple of guys named Clayton and Dennison.

Never heard of them.

They're called Red Rudy and Paranoid Jack.

No way, Jose.

Quit shucking me, Sparky.

You are a mean trick, you know that?

I'm learning.

And if I deal?

I'm not giving you a license.

I'll just work with you a day at a time.


I only got a day at a time anyway.

What do you want me to do?

Get into 'em. Shouldn't be too hard.

I'm ahead of you.

They gave me a firm offer and a taste of the payoff.

That's what I've been doing all day.

I'm just sitting here trying to figure out a way to pull it off.

When you get it laid out, let me know, okay?

You know something? You ain't half bad looking.

Hey! No charge.

Why don't you come back here on your own time.

I ain't going nowhere.

I'll be in touch.


What's the matter?


I have to take a shower.

Jim, why don't you go back to patrol duty?


So I told her if she couldn't count to ,

there was no way she was going to be any good at cribbage.

And then what happened?

She put one of those little calculators on the table and said, "Shut up and deal!"

And to top it, I lost!

I was two pegs behind the skunk line.

That's what you get for playing cards with women.

-You talked to Reed lately? -No.

They're keeping him pretty busy.

I saw him at the station yesterday.

Beard doesn't look bad.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: All units in the vicinity and One-Adam-,

a possible there and sh*ts fired.

See the woman North Fairview, One-Adam-, handle code .

One-Adam-, roger.


There they are!

Oh, my, my. There's no need for that.

You reported a robbery, ma'am?

He's inside.

There's nothing to be afraid of.

I have his g*n.

How did you manage that?

He fell. He broke his leg.

I tripped him.

-I'll call for an ambulance. -I did already.

Is there anything we can do for you, ma'am?

You can move him. He's blocking the door to the kitchen.

Is this the sort of stuff you and Reed do?

Only on a good day.


Tell me about it, Sparky.

I went over there last night to make a delivery.

It's at North Eighth.

A house this time. Those guys really keep moving.

Tell me what you got.

They're freaks, like I told you.

They don't call Jack paranoid for nothing.

He's got shotguns in there, right in the front room.

Place looks like a hockshop.

Where do they keep the junk?

I don't know.

What he gave me, he had taped under a payphone on Highland.

He just told me where to get it, was all.


you guys be crazy to go in there.

It's like a fort or something.

That's our problem.

Now tell me about the delivery.

You got to be kidding.

You want to talk to Bad John?

Hey, talk sweet, it works better.

Okay, Sparky, tell me who you ripped off, where and when.

You going to bust me for it.

Come on, Sparky. Now tell me.

A place they told me about.

Metro Jeweler's on Wilshire.

A bunch of rings. Smash and grab.

I even cut myself.

You ought to take better care of yourself.

If I took better care of myself, I would have never left home.

It's not too late.

It's too late.

Believe me.

They're moving everything out tonight, I heard them

say something about a van

going to Chicago.

Someplace like that.

All right. Thanks.

Hang in there, okay?

Do I have a choice?

Mmm-hmm. Yeah, thank you for your efficiency. I appreciate it.

Talk to you. Bye.

All right, we got a warrant.

Now with the description of the jewelry

the burglary investigator sent over

Jack and Rudy are going to have a hard time squeezing out of this one.

If they have the things on them when we take them.

All right, Randy, you and Mason get over there and sit on them.

I'm gonna call Mac, tell him to get some black and whites out there.

If we don't have some blues with us they're gonna claim we tried

to rip 'em off when we take 'em.

All right, go on.

What about the shotguns Sparky talked about?

Do you think she was telling the truth?


You don't have to burn her personally.

You can let Burglary pick her up.

What do you mean? She's working for us.

You didn't tell her to smash that window, did you?

No, but if it wasn't for her we wouldn't have a case.

Burglary will pick her up. Don't worry about it, you're clean.

Clean? How can we walk through this garbage and be clean?

The people write the laws. We just enforce them.

I mean, we stay within the lines they lay down.

But think about this, where does the string go?

You ever have anybody file a complaint because

they got a new color TV set % off, no questions asked?

Come on, man, don't come on to me about morality.

Then why bother?

If everybody's guilty, nobody's guilty.

Then who are you bleeding for?

The future.

I'm going to get a cup of coffee.

Yeah, you do that.

I'll take care of picking up Sparky.

No, I'll do it.

Woods is covering the front. Wells is around the corner.

We'll go in the back when we get the word.

Yeah. We got some guys around front.

You know about the shotguns?


Take care of yourself.

Just doing a job.



Police officers! We have a warrant! Open up!

Dennison. This is the police! You're under arrest!


Randy, they're trying for the bedroom window.

RANDY: Covered. Rudy! Jack! You're wasting your time!

Come on out of there.

[g*n FIRING]


Hang tight. We'll get SWAT.

Sure you will.

Randy, get SWAT. Get an ambulance.

And you hang tight. I got an officer down.


You ain't gonna help by getting yourself shot.


You're going to catch crossfire.

Get him out of here.

Jack! Rudy!

One way or the other we're going to take you.

When you come to visit, don't bring flowers, okay?


We took 'em, kid.

Were they worth it?

Why don't you go home, kid. Take a shower.