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07x17 - Citizen with g*n

Posted: 01/22/24 10:39
by bunniefuu
FEMALE DISPATCHER: One-Adam-. One-Adam-, a in progress.

One-Adam-, handle code .


I kind of like the p.m. watch.

I hate getting up in the morning anyway.

Same here.

I'm going up to the Academy to qualify tomorrow. You want to go along?

Fine with me. Like to get to the range an hour or so early, though.

I could use the practice.

Doesn't take long to get rusty.


Davis Avenue.

One-Adam-, roger.

-Hi, Wells. Brady. -Well, look at all this muscle.

Just a family dispute.

Those people going to look out and think it's a raid.

What are you guys doing here?

Can I help it if we move faster than you guys?

We were here the other day on the same call.

Wife tried to throw him out. He threw her out.

Just a couple of crazy, mixed-up kids. And a mother-in-law.

And nobody is willing to press any charges.

Officers! Help! My husband! He's trying to k*ll me!

Now slow down, Brady.

He hit me!

Did that happen just now? I mean when you called us?

Just now? No. He hit me here now.

He hit you? Like this?

He don't slap like that. It was like this!

Now you remember we were here

on the same complaint last week, Mrs. Boyer.

-And you said you weren't willing to... -[GLASS BREAKING]

Mama! My mother's in there! And my husband's got a g*n!

WELLS: Brady! Wait a minute!

MALLOY: We'll get the back.

REED: Freeze! Drop it!

Hey, it isn't even loaded!

Step out here. On the ground!

What is this? I'm no criminal!

Hands at your side.

Good, you got him.

He's clean.

The g*n's empty. Everything okay in there?

-No problem. -No thanks to you.

He took off soon as he saw me coming.

I got scared, that's all.

What right you got busting into my house?

My right, that's who's right, Mr. Big Shot! It's my house, too!

-This your g*n, sir? -Yeah.

No law against having one on your own property, is there?

Depends on what you do with it.

I was gonna show my wife how to use it. I bought it for her.

You're a liar! I wouldn't touch that thing.

-Sarah, you say one more word and I'll... -Now hold it.

Let's just back off for a minute.

Look, Officer, there's been a lot of burglaries in this area.

I felt we should have a g*n in the house, that's all.

You tried to k*ll me!

Without any b*ll*ts?

You want to file a complaint, Mrs. Boyer?

I... I don't know.

Do you think I should?

We can't make that decision for you.

Reed, why don't you take these folks inside and talk it over with them.

See what they want to do.


That was a pretty dumb move, Brady.

I was trying to get the job done, that's all.

And get yourself k*lled?

You tell him, Pete. He won't listen to me.

You should have waited until we were all deployed.

Yeah, you're right, Pete.

But there was an old woman in there. The guy could have k*lled her.

Or you.

WELLS: Trying to teach you how to be a police officer is a lost cause.

You don't have that much seniority on me, Wells.

Your trouble, Brady, is that you got no smarts at all.

Hey come on, cool it. What's happening?

Just having a hard time teaching Lone Ranger here, to be a police officer.

To hear you tell it, you're the original Lone Ranger.

Has he been snowing you with his w*r stories?

He's a one-man army to hear him tell it.

Your problem, Brady, is that you believe all that stuff.

No. My problem is that I've been riding with you too long.

Brady, why don't you go call in a ?

Maybe we have been riding together too long.

-How long is long? -Three months now.

You should be working together by now.

He thinks he knows everything.

So did you. Till you got yourself shot.

How is it?

They're getting along. For now.

Wish I could say the same about Wells and Brady.

They could be a good team. If they'd give it a chance.

One-Adam-, clear.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: One-Adam-, roger.

Brady did make a bad move.

Yeah. The problem is they're competing with each other.

Should be cooperating.

-Did you tell them? -No.

I'm going to give them a chance to work it out.

What did Boyer say when you took the g*n away from him?

I told them we had to book it.

And he said he would go out and buy another one.

I hope they keep it locked up.

She said they would.

They'd be a lot better off without it.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: One-Adam-. A possible dead body.

Via Cortez. Code .

One-Adam-, roger.


You make a nice couple.

Where are you taking Mrs. Juniper?

Hello. What's your name?

Melissa. What's yours?

I'm Jim and this is my partner, Pete.

Is this your doll, Melissa?

She's my friend. We play together.

-REED: Where did you get her? -I found her.

Where do you live, honey?

Over there.

Mrs. Juniper. That's a pretty name.

Is that your mommy's name?

No, silly. My mommy's name is the same as mine.

Right, I forgot. What's your last name, Melissa?

Denman. Are you going to take Mrs. Juniper away?

No. But we'd like to walk you home, if that's okay.

Be careful. She isn't feeling very good.

I will.

We tell each other things.

And we play dress-up and we eat dinner together.

REED: How come you had Mrs. Juniper down there?

Because. 'Cause it's a secret place.

My mommy's not home.

Do you know where she is?

At work.

Where's your daddy?

He doesn't live here anymore.

Is it all right if I look at that?

We're going to have meat loaf tonight, Mrs. Juniper.

But first, we're going to have some tea.

Would you like to have some tea with us?

-Please? -Sure.

I'll call Juvenile.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: All units in the vicinity and One-Adam-.

A in progress, Vanowen, at the pawn shop.

One-Adam-, handle code .

One-Adam-, roger.


Out back!

-How many? -One, by himself. He's long gone.

Need any help?

He's gone. Call an ambulance. Put out a .

REED: I'll run a check for prints.

MALLOY: Get the report book too.

I don't know. He had on one of those motorcycle helmets and goggles.

They all look like spacemen to me.

Ambulance is on the way, Mr. Grey.

No hospital. Don't like them.

He gave you a pretty good whack.

Wouldn't hurt to let them examine you.

All right.

How'd he manage to get a hold of your g*n, Mr. Grey?

He must have known that's where I'd keep one, under the cash register.

He had a knife.

I reached down and pulled out the g*n. He took it away from me.

I thought I could scare him with it.

Doesn't work that way. Do you have a serial number on it?

Sure, inside. But why bother.

He's probably got it filed off already. Dime a dozen on the street.

You never know.


You going back to the station?

Yeah, soon as Reed gets through in there.

Okay. See you later.

Hey, I meant to tell you.

You ought to have a talk with Wells and Brady.


I saw them back at the station. They were on each other pretty bad.

Wells says Brady can't even write a ticket.

And what does Brady say?

That Wells couldn't be trusted to find his hat with both hands.

Maybe you ought to talk to them before some sergeant does.

Look, it's a partner problem, Jerry.

Give them some time, they'll work it out.

Well, I hope it doesn't get to the point where they don't trust each other.

One of them could end up dead.

MAN ON P.A.:Cease firing.

Practice session is now closed.

How'd you do?

Should've brought my bow and arrow.

Hey, I didn't hit a thing.

That's 'cause you're waiting too long.

You've got to get set,

align the front and rear sight until it fills the black,

then squeeze the trigger.

Sounds easy enough.

But every time my arms extend like that, my hand gets so shaky.

So does mine. Even old Buffalo Bill there gets a twitch now and then.

REED: Not a chance.

Like you to meet my wife's cousin, Virginia Mayer.

Pete Malloy and Jim Reed.

Nice to meet you.

She just bought a g*n. I'm trying to teach her how to use it.

How about some pointers? Tips from the top.

Sounds to me like you're doing fine.

He certainly is. He's so patient.

Yeah, he's known around the station for that.

Actually, I never even held a g*n before.

Guess I've just always been afraid.

What changed your mind?

I thought about it a long time.

I guess I'm just frightened of being alone in the house.

MAN ON P.A.: We will now commence firing

for monthly qualification.

Why don't you wait outside for me?

It was nice meeting you, gentlemen.

Hey, don't forget this.

-I'll meet you out at the car. -Okay.

Well, what ya say, Reed? A chance to show the old-timers something.

You couldn't show us anything, junior.

What are you going to do with that cannon, Wells?

You know it only helps if you use your duty w*apon.

Not him. He'd load that thing with buckshot if he could.

Don't sweat it, okay. I'm going to use the -incher.

Just saving this baby for some real practice sh**ting.

The idea is to practice with the w*apon you use on duty.

You just worry about holding up your end, junior.

I talked to Brady.

He's thinking about putting in for a new partner.

You were right about the competition.

He says Wells doesn't think he can do anything right.

Then it might be a good idea for Brady to make a change.

Yeah. But he doesn't want to put any heat on Wells.

You know how many partners have split in the last three years?


Brady doesn't want to make it five.

MAN ON P.A.:On the line,

load four rounds in the w*apon.

Six in your pouch.

This will be your first string of silhouette fire.

Ten rounds, seconds.

g*ns on the bench. Feet together.

Hands at your sides.


They have any idea when your car will be ready?

Next week. Maybe.

-What's wrong with it? -Who knows?

Mechanic's got more miles on it than I do.

Well, give you a chance to spend

that bonus money they pay you distinguished experts.

That should just about cover the cost of a new door handle.

What's he want?

There's a guy breaking into a building.

I saw him. Right around the corner.

-Which building? -You can't miss it.

The south side of the street. Guy's got all kinds of stuff.

Looks like a human fly or something.

Okay, thanks.


REED: There he is!

One-Adam-, code , at North Ventura.

MALLOY: Hey! Come on down from there!

Hi, how you going?

What were you doing up there?

I wasn't trying to break into that place, if that's what you mean.

I could walk in. And what's to steal?

Well, then what were you doing?

I was just practicing some mountain-climbing techniques.

On a building?

It's a hobby of mine.

But why practice on a building?


Because it's there.

Do you have some identification, sir?

Sure, sure, right here.

There's my driver's license.

Look, I even belong to a climbing club.

Okay, Mr. Peters. You'll have to get the owner's permission.

Ah, give me a break.

I know what the law says but,

what's the law got to do with a building they're going to tear down anyway?

Law is the law. We've got to enforce it.

-Why? -Because it's there.


Those prints you lifted at the pawn shop must have been pretty good.

At least they got us a name and an address.

But I'll make odds he's long gone.

No bet.


Ma'am? Does a Bob Anderson live here?

-Who's that? -[LAWNMOWER STOPS]

Does Bob Anderson live here?

Mr. Anderson? Why, yes, yes, he does.

And I couldn't ask for a nicer tenant.

No wild parties, keeps his room clean,

and pays his rent on time every month.

-Is he at home now? -No, he's at work, I suppose.

Do you know where he works?

At the car wash down at Henderson and Third.

He's really a very nice young man.

He hasn't done anything wrong, has he?

We don't know, ma'am. We just want to ask him some questions.

If we should happen to miss him and he comes home,

we'd appreciate it if you'd give us a call.

And if you don't mind, ma'am, don't tell him we were here.

Well, all right.

But I think you're wrong about Mr. Anderson.

He's been a godsend.

Since Mr. Wilkie died, I've had to live alone.

And in these times,

it's good to know there's a man around.

Thank you.


That's as far as you go.

I checked the g*n Anderson took from the pawn shop.

It's a good thing for Mr. Grey, he didn't fire it.

It would've blown up in his face.

I don't think it's been cleaned in years.

Hard to get through to people.

You get a g*n, you got to treat it with respect.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: Any unit in the vicinity and One-Adam-,

a , there now. Eaton Drive,

One-Adam-, handle code .

Let's back 'em up!

Neighbor called. Thinks he saw somebody prowling around.

Where's Brady?

Covering the back, I hope.

How about the people who live here?

No answer.

House was dark when we got here.

How do you want to handle it?

You move down that side. You want to take the other side?

-Wells! Duck! -[g*n FIRES]

Freeze! Drop it!

Hey, it's okay! I live here!

-I'm the one who called... -Slow down.

Step on out here.

-I think I might have got him! -That was my partner!

-I was only trying to help. -On the ground!

-You all right! -Yeah.


Police! Come on out!

Okay. On the ground.

Face down. Hands out to your sides.

So why hassle me? I got a right to defend myself, don't I?

Yes you do, Mr. Dubow.

But there's a lot of "ifs" that go along with that right.

Well, he was on my property.

That's only part of it.

Even if he was on your property,

you have to prove he threatened you.

What am I suppose to do? Ask him if he's armed?

What if he was in my house?

He wasn't.

It could have just been a kid cutting through the yard.

You got him with the goods!

That's not good enough. He didn't thr*aten you.

And if you'd of shot him, we'd have to arrest you.

Now that's terrific. Where'd you dig up that law?

Section of the Penal Code.

I'll read it first chance I get.

MALLOY: I'd recommend that.

If you're going to keep a g*n in the house,

you should know the limitations of your legal rights.

It's a game, right?

Next time I catch some crook,

I should drag him into the house before I sh**t him.

That make it nice and legal.

-Only if he tries to drag you in first. -Huh.

They sure take care of the punks, don't they?

I can't even protect my own property.

Is it worth k*lling somebody for a power saw?


He's upset? He could have k*lled me.

If it hadn't been for Brady he would have.


By next week, he'll be telling it as a w*r story'

But it'll be the other way around.

There will have been bad guys with machine g*ns,

and he will have saved me by swinging in on a vine.

You got to admit it'll sound better than the way it happened.

And don't worry, I'll make you the hero.

The way it happened was hairy enough.

For you, maybe. Listen, Brady,

let me handle this and I'll have Malloy turn in a commendation for you.

You're impossible, Wells, you know that?

Sure. Doesn't everybody?

You know what my problem is? [CHUCKLES]

I've been taking you seriously.

I told you I'd shape him up.


Come on, partner.

Brady deserves a commendation just for riding with Wells.

I think he'd settle for earplugs.