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07x15 - Pressure Point

Posted: 01/22/24 10:38
by bunniefuu
FEMALE DISPATCHER: One-Adam-. One-Adam-, a in progress.

One-Adam-, handle code .


So Brinkman lost the bet and picked up the dinner check.

Probably wasn't too happy about that.

He brown-bagged it for a week.

Hey, Don.

Don't let Woods sucker you into anything that has to do with food.

Hey, wait a minute, Malloy. I don't want you to educate my pigeon!

One-Adam-, clear.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: One-Adam-, clear.

I bet you before the day's over, Woods will be Allen's pigeon.

He comes on sort of awkward,

but he learns real quick.

How do you think Allen's doing?

Once he gets past being nervous, I think he'll make a fair cop.

You don't go out on a limb, do you?

He did all right when he rode with us. What's your interest?

Just making conversation.

I like him. But he's a hard guy to get to know.

Nothing wrong with being quiet. Sometimes I think it's a virtue.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: One-Adam-, see the man, a .

Business dispute, Stonewood.

One-Adam-, roger.

Another minute and they might have lynched me.

You're a creep, Flint! They ought to lock you up!

You call us?

You bet I did! I should have called the Army!

I don't know why I have to wait, just kick her out of there.

I told you, Mr. Flint. We have to get all the facts first.

You're a bum, Flint! You don't deserve to live!

You need any help?

You might want to talk to the neighbors.

What's got 'em upset?

Landlord-tenant dispute.

Mr. Flint there, came to check his property

and found Mrs. Wellman and her children living inside.

He's got the trust deed showing ownership,

and she claims she made an agreement with the broker, a Mr. Ward, to live here.

We've called the broker and he's on the way.

Did you follow all that?

Don hasn't been on one of these before. Why don't you stick around?

I'll do my calm-down-the-crowd routine, Don.

Go on over and see if you can pick up any pointers from Reed.

If I ever get him to put more than four words together at once

I'll send up a flare.

You talk enough for both of you, Woods.

It's the next door neighbor who's really causing all the grief.

Why don't you leave these people alone, Flint?

Everybody on your way now, please.

C'mon, man. Flint's the worst kind...

You'd be better off not to interfere.

They're going to lock you up, Flint.

Making noise won't help any. Go on home.

Look, do you think I have nothing better to do than wait around here all day?

I've got a business to run.

I can appreciate that, Mr. Flint,

but let's wait for Mr. Ward to arrive and explain the Wellman's side of it.

Look, Officer. I'm a businessman.

I make a living renting, buying, selling property.

I don't need poachers taking advantage of me!

Just hold it down. You're not making any friends here.

I don't care about them or her either! I want them out of here!

If you make us move out, I just don't know what we'll do.

Why don't we cross that bridge when we come to it, Mrs. Wellman?

It's a mistake. It's all a big mistake. We're going to buy the house.

If that's true, ma'am, why haven't you got a key to the front door?

We had to get in somehow and the broker didn't have a key.

The only way to get in was to break the window.

Well, we'll just wait for Mr. Ward, okay?

Just stay right here.

Seems like a nice woman.

Yeah. Or a good liar.

You believe Flint?

After a while you'll learn to wait for all the facts

before you decide who to believe.

Just keep her calm. I'll be back in a minute.

FLINT: This thing is going to take all day?

The only way to get it settled right is to wait for Ward to get here.

I should have fired him a year ago.

Excuse me.

She tells a pretty convincing story.

So does he. The point is, if she doesn't come up with some kind of proof,

it's breaking and entering.

Seems a shame.

What's Allen doing?

I'll find out.

Have you got an escrow document or some kind of receipt

that shows you have an agreement to buy and move in?

I don't know. My husband takes care of things like this.

Mrs. Wellman, I want to help you.

But without proof,

breaking in through the window makes it look bad.

Entry without consent is a misdemeanor. . of the Penal Code.

"Every person other than a public officer or employee

"acting within the course and scope of his employment

"in performance of a duty imposed by law..."

I don't give a hoot if her husband is moving their furniture up here.

I want them arrested for breaking and entering.

"Without consent of the owner, his agent,

"or the person in lawful possession thereof,

"is guilty of a misdemeanor."

Okay, but as soon as Ward gets here, out they go.

When Mr. Ward gets here, it will be okay, won't it?

Henry Ward, Janrick Realty.

I hope you'll be able to untie a few knots for us, Mr. Ward.

Are you the agent acting in behalf of Mr. Flint?

-I am. -Not anymore, Ward.

This is mostly my doing, I'm afraid. I'm sorry, Mr. Flint.

The Wellmans came to me last week because they'd lost their home in Palmdale.

They seemed in desperate need of a temporary roof over their heads,

what with the children and all. I wanted to locate something for them.

And in the meantime, I thought it would be all right to...

To let vagrants onto my property.

Let him talk, Mr. Flint.

Mr. Flint wasn't due back from Montana for at least a week,

so I told the Wellmans to move in.

Through the window?

Yes, until I could get a key. I'm deeply sorry.

I don't think there's much I can do.

Don't brokers usually have keys to their listings?

Unfortunately, it was misplaced.

I didn't mean any harm to him or to anybody.

If anyone's to be arrested, it should be me, not the Wellmans.

Do yourself a favor, Ward. Get them out of here.

I think we can work this out, Mr. Flint.

How? By giving them the key?

Will you listen at least?

Would you be willing to take the responsibility

for anything that might happen to the house?

Yes. Certainly.

While Mr. Ward is finding the Wellmans a home to buy,

would you be willing to rent them this one?

I want two weeks rent in advance and a security deposit.

Very well.

I don't think you'll need us anymore.

Thanks for stopping by.

Where you guys going to lunch?

At the station.

Good. I'll meet you there. I want to talk to you.

Well, what do you think?

For a kid in his ninth week at the Academy, I think he did all right.

I've never seen anybody do that before. Quoting the Penal Code.

First you complain he's too quiet,

then you complain he talks too much.

You don't think he made a mistake?



MALE DISPATCHER: One-Adam-, One-Adam-.

A in progress,

De Soto Street, at the pharmacy. Handle code .

One-Adam-, roger.



Is he gone?


Whatta ya mean who? The guy that tried to rip me off.

You all right?


Could you tell us what he looked like?

Young guy, maybe .

Blonde hair that looked like it hadn't been washed for weeks,

wore a jacket with patches at the elbows,

jeans and sneakers.

Had dark glasses on, so I couldn't see his eyes.

Any scars or unusual identifying marks?

Just a g*n.

What kind of g*n?

I don't know.

I'll put it on the air.

May I have your name, sir?

Samson. Ernie Samson.

I tell you, it works every time. That's three times I've used it.

The third time you've used what?

Let me tell you! This guy comes in,

and wants to buy a bottle of nail polish costing a buck, .

Weird, right?

Then he hands me a -dollar bill.

I could see it coming. Okay.

He pulls this g*n and wants the money in the cash register,

plus some dr*gs.

How much did he take?


The guy that held you up.

Nothing. That's what I'm telling you.

That's when I went into my act.

He panicked, grabbed the nail polish, left the bucks.

I made a fast . profit.

That makes it three-for-three.

Y'know, I've made about , bucks on three transactions like this.

Not bad, huh?

It's easy.

I fake like I'm having a bad heart attack!


I fall to the floor, the guy panics and runs!

Well, it worked this time.

Here you go.

Mind if we sit down?


Tactics and Procedure. The studying never ceases.


Why would you ask a suspect to stamp out his cigarette

while you're waiting for a back-up unit?

Do you know?

It's a possible w*apon.

He could flick it in your face and take off. Or even jump you.


-Nothing's simple, is it? -There's a lot to learn.

Tell me something.

Why is it bad tactics to quote the Penal Code to a possible suspect?

Because she could have been a suspect.

I had assumed she was telling the truth.

I shouldn't have.

I'm sorry, sir.

It's okay. Like you say, there is a lot to learn.

MALLOY: Just relax, Don.

There's nothing wrong with being concerned about the people

you come into contact with.

And sometimes it's hard not to get emotionally involved.

I was a little [CLEARS THROAT] nervous.

I did feel sorry for her, sir.

I have another question.

Wow, let me think of the right word.

Presuming an ADW suspect...

Let's say an ADW suspect

flees with a hostage...

If we locate an ADW suspect with a hostage,

we do all we can to insure the safety of the hostage as well as ourselves.

And play out the situation as it goes down,

sticking with accepted procedures.

But each situation is different.

You're not sure how the suspect will react.

Or how you'll react.

Pete. Jim. You finished, Allen?

Well, thanks.

Good luck.

See you later.

I guess having lunch with the training officer got him uptight.

Yeah. He even called you "sir."

You know, Allen really didn't do that badly this morning.

I'd like to see how he does under pressure.

He'd probably do all right.


MALE DISPATCHER: All units in the vicinity, and One-X-Ray-.

A in progress, Oxnard, at the market.

One-X-Ray-, handle Code .

Let's buy it!

One-Adam-. Will back up One-X-Ray-.

Request One-X-Ray- meet us on Tac .

FEMALE DISPATCHER: One-Adam-, roger. One-X-Ray-.

One-X-Ray-, meet One-Adam- on Tac .

One-Adam- to One-X-Ray-. Go.


One-Adam- to One-X-Ray-. Do you copy?

[ON RADIO]One-A...


One-Adam- to One-X-Ray-. Go ahead. Do you read me?


This is One...


Hold that.

MALLOY: Where's Allen? WOODS: In the car!

You okay, Don?


I'm sorry...


Freeze, drop the g*n!

Drop it, step away from the wall!

Hands on top of your head, face down on the ground.

Put your arm back, the other one.

What happened to Allen?

He could've caught a stray.

Hot shot here was sh**ting at us when we pulled up.

Are you okay, Allen?

You're not hurt?

[SHOUTING] Then what happened?

I told you to have back-up approach from the northeast!


I want to know! You could've gotten us all shot!

Settle down, Woods.

I'd like to drop you like a bad habit, you know that, Allen?

Jim, you and Jerry take the suspect. Allen'll ride with me.

When you're done, we'll meet you at the station, okay?

I'm sorry, sir...

You blew it!

Chalk it up!

All right, before I report to Mac, let's get the story straight.

What happened?

The 's gone down.

The suspect's out the front, firing like it was the front lines.

I told Allen to stay with the unit,

radio for back-up, and order an approach.

I thought you'd been k*lled!

What happened? Did you panic?

I'm a stutterer, sir.

You're a stutterer!

Yes, sir.

But I've learned to control it in any situation.

At least, I thought I had...

I reached a point out here and blocked.

C'mon, man! I'm out there gettin' shot at!

Calm down, Jerry.

Why aren't you stuttering now?

This is a controlled situation. Just like at the Academy!

The situations are simulated, not real.

It's all an act?

Not an act, sir. Role-playing.

You see...

For a stutterer, role-playing can be beneficial

as long as the speech habits he uses are good ones.

But the situation out there was real, not controlled.

That's why I blocked, I guess. I don't know.

How did you ever get into the Academy? Congressional appointment?

Medical waiver.

A qualified speech therapist

stated that

my impediment wouldn't interfere with my duties as a police officer.

I guess he was wrong, wasn't he?

Do you ever have any kind of warning that something like this might happen?

Sometimes. Not always.

I suppose I felt this coming on.

You mean you knew you might choke up, and you didn't say anything?

No, that's not what I mean.

Today, for example,

when I was talking to Officer Malloy and Officer Reed here in the coffee room,

I found myself falling back,

replacing good habits with bad ones. Speech crutches.

Like shifting positions,

acting like you couldn't find the right words?

I talked to the Academy just a few minutes ago,

and they told me your record's excellent.

I've got to make my report to Mac, and most likely to the Lieutenant.

It'll be up to the Academy to make the final decision.

It's up to me.


submit my resignation when I get back to the Academy.

Under the circumstances, Don, that's probably a good idea.

REED: Don.

Something like this goes down pretty hard, with us, too.



Look, I don't know what your plans are now, but I'd like to help.

Excuse me, now...

No offense,

but I can take my lumps like anybody else.

Yeah, I know that. No charity. I just want to help, that's all.


You know what it's like having a handicap?

Some people laugh at you, others turn away because they feel

funny having to look at you.

They make you feel guilty for having a handicap.

So I went to speech therapy and thought I'd learn to handle it.

I haven't, yet...

But I don't feel guilty anymore.

If people feel uncomfortable around me, that's not my problem.

It's theirs.

I know what you mean.

There's a lotta things I can be.

I guess that I just can't be a cop.

See you around.