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07x07 - Lady Beware

Posted: 01/22/24 10:33
by bunniefuu
FEMALE DISPATCHER ON RADIO: One Adam-. One-Adam-, a in progress.

One-Adam-, handle code .



-It's all right. -[CRYING] Leave me alone.

-Leave me alone. -It's all right.

-No. Let me go. Let me go. -It's okay.

-Please. Please. Let me go. -It's okay. It's okay.


That'll cost you a dime.

-Hi. -Hi.

I'm Gloria Tyler, from Juvenile.

-Pete Malloy. -Hi, Pete.

-Jim Reed. -Hi, Jim.

-Sit down. -Thanks.

About that girl you found in the park yesterday,

it might tie in with a series of incidents they've had in Team Eight's area.

-Same guy? -Could be.

All the victims were dark-haired and fairly young.

All of them beaten up pretty badly.

And all of the att*cks took place within a few blocks of a school.

Anything else?

You don't usually get much to go on,

especially when the victims are kids,

but your girl seems confident that she can identify the guy.

We're sending an artist over to see if we can get a sketch.

One thing all the victims mentioned, though.

The attacker had a beard.

That's not much help.

Oh, Mac said you could give me a hand.


I'm on my way out to Laurel High School

for a Lady Beware meeting.

Mac says you've handled these programs before.

I find that teenage girls pay closer attention

when there are men in uniform around.

Why, shucks, ma'am, we'd be downright pleased.

Terrific. I'll meet you in the parking lot

and I'll lay out the program for you on the way.


There goes just about the best-looking cop I've ever seen.

Present company excepted, of course.

Let's go.



Now that's much better.

Always from the diaphragm, you'll get much greater volume.

And remember, a good loud scream

is a woman's first and most reliable line of defense.

Oh, and, Cindy, in answer to your question,

"What does a r*pist look like?"

He looks like that.

He looks like a man.

That's as accurate a description as anyone can give you.

In this case, however, I think we're safe.

This is Officer Reed and Officer Malloy.


Thank you, Sergeant Tyler, for that wonderful introduction.

I want to congratulate you young ladies on your screaming.

While we're on that subject, one further word of advice.

Don't be afraid to sound a false alarm.

As soon as you feel threatened,

and we all have our own alarm system,

either in the pit of the stomach or the back of the neck.

As soon as you feel danger, sound off.

That doesn't mean you scream every time some guy is walking behind you.

If you did that, you'd be screaming all the time.

Learn to follow your instinct,

and not to let your imagination run away with you.

If the r*pist persists,

in spite of all the commotion you can make, and some will,

there are other methods of self-defense

that don't require two years of karate class to master.

For instance, a woman's purse is a veritable arsenal.

Naturally he's much stronger than I.

It would be useless to struggle with him.

But my hands are free,

especially if he wants to stop me from screaming,


An ordinary, rattail comb,

I'm sure many of you carry them.

A ball point pen serves the same purpose.

A pocket mirror is a most effective w*apon,

more so if you break it

to get a sharp, jagged edge.

Always aim for the eyes.

GLORIA: And that brings up a very important point.

If you're going to be squeamish,

if you're not prepared to gouge an eye,

or scar a man for life,

then it would probably be better not to resist at all.

And that is a decision that each one of you must make for herself.

No one can tell you how to react.

But try to make that decision now, up front, before something happens

so that you will be prepared mentally in case of emergency.

And remember, a lot of these guys are out after the v*olence.

If you should be att*cked, whether you resist or not,

please report the incident to the police.

Help us protect your sisters and friends.

If you are a victim, you have nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed about.

Don't be afraid to talk to the police.

Now, we'll answer some more questions.

MALLOY: Come on, girls. Don't be shy.

As the Sergeant just said, don't be afraid to talk to the police.

Can we give you a lift?

No thanks, I got to stick around for other meetings.

But I could use a ride back to the station after that

if you could swing it.

-If we're clear. -About :?

-We'll try to make it. -Thanks.

Things like that embarrass you?

Things like what?

Talking about r*pe to a bunch of high school girls.

-A little maybe. Why? -Curious.

You talk to Jean about it?

-Yeah. -What did you tell her?

I told her about the same thing we told the class.

That v*olence is what some of those weirdoes are after.

You've talked to Judy about it, haven't you?

No. But I will.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: One Adam-. One Adam-.

A there now. South Rodeo. Code .

One Adam-, roger.

Don't we have a couple places on South Rodeo on the vacation list?



Here it is, .

FRANKY: So long! Donny, we got to catch our bus.

DONNY: Okay, so long!


Hold it right there!

What is it, Officer?

We got to catch a bus.

Oh, no, Franky, not you again.

Me and the boy was just visiting some friends.

Come off it, Franky. You were pulling that same dodge

when we grabbed you two weeks ago.

Oh... Are you sure?

MALLOY: Positive.

What goes on in that head of yours?

Your trial next week and you're out working.

The judge'll put you away for good.

Who's the boy?

This is my nephew, Donny, from El Paso.

Say hello to the officers, Donny.

They're good people.


Look, fellas,

you got to do me a favor. Let the boy go.

He didn't do anything.

What do you mean he didn't do anything?

He helped you burglarize a house.

It's all my fault.

I was just showing him the ropes.

Wait a minute, Franky, we'll read you your rights.

You think I don't know 'em by now?

That's just it.

I know I'm going away for a good while.

The boy's got to be able to look out for himself.

I'm the only family he's got.

So you're teaching him the fine art of burglary?

I'd sooner of taught him brain surgery,

but this is all I know.

Look, uh, Pete, is it?

I never asked for a break before. Now I'm begging you.

[VOICE BREAKING] Don't put the boy in jail.

That's up to the investigators, Franky.

They'll want to make sure your lessons don't take.

But you can't just put him away like that! You can't!

I promised my brother. You can't... [GROANING]

Looks like his heart. You better get an ambulance.

Is he going to be all right?

Come on, son.

Is he going to be all right?

Depends on how bad it is.

We'll know better once we get him to the hospital.

Is he going to jail?

He's still under arrest.

You don't care, do ya?

Dead or alive as long as he's locked up.

That's not true. Franky is a nice old guy.

What's gonna happen to me?

This is your first offense so,

they'll probably contact your mother and send you home.

Oh, no, I'm not going back to El Paso. Forget it.

You'll do what the court tells you to do.

Not if it means living with my mother, I won't.

You might as well put me in jail and leave me there.

That kind of attitude is only going to make things worse for you.

You don't know what you're talking about.

My mother is a drunk and...


Sooner or later, she's either going to booze herself to death,

or one of her boyfriends is going to k*ll her.

Either way, I'm not going to be there to watch.

Just tell your story like it is to the juvenile investigator.

I'll talk to him for you.

He's serious, but not critical.

Can I go to the hospital with him?

Can't do it, Donny.

When will I see Uncle Frank?

Let's face it, Donny,

you're probably not going to see your uncle for a long time.

But he's my family. He's all I've got.

Come on, Donny.

I wonder what's going to happen with Donny.

Nothing worse than what was happening to him.

We did him a favor.

I sure hope so.

Is it time yet?

For what?

To roll by the school and pick up Gloria?


You've been checking your watch every seconds for the last hour.

You're some kinda detective, you know that?


What's the matter?

I am so mad I could spit.

What happened?

I just had it out with some man who calls himself a teacher.

If you ask me he's nothing but a male chauvinist...


-Right. -[CHUCKLES]

"There's no such thing as r*pe.

"The way girls dress nowadays, they're just asking for trouble."

Don't tell me you got to be a sergeant without ever hearing

that kind of garbage before.

Oh, I guess I should be used to it, but I am not!

You're working too hard, Sarge.

Come on, get in.

We're going to get a call any second now.

How do you figure?

It's just about lunch time and I'm starving.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: One Adam-. One Adam-.

See the clerk, holding a suspect at the supermarket.

Sixth Street and Hudson. One Adam-, handle code .

Every time.

One Adam-, roger.

I'm sorry, boys. I had him.

Caught him dead to rights,

but when I turned to call your people, he run off.

And of course, I don't hop along so good as I used to.

What'd he look like?

You can't miss him. Mid-s, about your height.

Kind of gray hair, and wearing a big rain coat.

He come in skinny, and was going out fat.

When I grabbed him, he must have had $

worth of meat under that coat.

-Which way did he run? -Heading towards Fifth.

I'll put it on the air.

I'll look around.

Hey, you can't miss that coat.


Guy's no amateur. Take a look at this coat.

-Quite a haul. -Yeah.

He might be nearby, figuring to come back for it.

COMIC: I feel awful today.

I went to the doctor's office.

As soon as I walked in the door, the nurse said...

-Buy you a drink? -No, thanks.

I hope my wife didn't send you. [LAUGHS]

I said, this is ridiculous. I come here to talk...

Anybody just come in here?

Him. He just came in.

He said, "What are you kicking about? I'm the doctor."

-REED: Does he work here? -I come in everyday,

and first time I ever saw him.

"You've only got a matter of hours to live."

"Is there someone you'd like to see?"

I said, "Yeah, another doctor."

But then, he really put me back on my feet.

When he gave me his bill,

I had to go out and sell my car.

He figures a doctor isn't a success

until he makes enough money

to tell a patient there's nothing wrong with him.

He once treated me for a year for varicose veins

before he found out my fountain pen leaked.

Well, I hate to call this to your attention, folks,

but my act is over.

But I leave you with this happy thought,

"A healthy home is a happy home."

So, send your house to the doctor twice a year.


May we see you for a moment?

Uh... Yeah.

Come with us. We're going to visit the market next door.

Hey, so I swiped a few groceries.

What's it come to? I'll make good for it.

Hey, give me a break.

I'm an... I'm not a work actor.

So I hit a store for a few bucks worth.

What's the big deal? They can afford it.

Maybe they can.

Whatever the stores lose by way of theft,

they add to the cost of food.

The people who have to pay for their food feel the pinch.

Hey, how'd you figure

I was the guy you were looking for?

We were pretty sure you weren't a comedian.

I'll be in the mobile command post right here.

Phillips and Waller will cover the east perimeter.

Connery and Doyle, the west.

Reed and Malloy, concentrate on the park.

Adams will be on the roof here.

Davidson, to the north.

Woods and Brinkman, along the south.

Sergeant Tyler will decoy through the park.

She'll be walking diagonally,

from the south-west to the north-east.

Keep her in visual contact at all times.

I'll go for that.

Okay, that's it. Let's roll.

This is Malloy, heading west on Magnolia.

Tyler is in the park.

She is about to enter the northern freeway underpass.

I'll pick her up on the other side.



The other tunnel.


What are you guys jumping on me for?

I didn't do nothing. [GROANS]


I'm tellin' ya, I didn't...


Get that crazy broad away from me.

She tried to k*ll me.

You're crazy, you know that? They're gonna put you away.

Be cool, honey. You did the right thing.

You're gonna believe a crazy person?

You guys want to stop by at Leroy's for a beer?

-Sure. -It depends.


-Hi. -Hi.

The girl in the hospital made a positive ID from the photos.

What about the other victims?

Two of them are coming in to see the pictures,

but if women's intuition means anything,

it's the same creep.

Team Eight owes you one.

Hey, this calls for some kind of a celebration.

These guys are going home,

but why don't you go punch the clock,

then the two of us can...

Is it that late already?

And here I am, hanging you guys up.

I got a million things to do.

-See you later. -See ya.

I thought she fielded that pass very nicely.

You know what her problem is?

She's a sergeant.