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07x06 - Point of View

Posted: 01/22/24 10:33
by bunniefuu
FEMALE DISPATCHER ON RADIO: One-Adam-. One-Adam-, a in progress.

One-Adam-, handle code .


One-Adam-, clear.

Wait a minute, Pete. I didn't get an acknowledgment.

One-Adam-, clear.

Check the antenna, will you?

Looks all right to me.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: One-Adam-, One-Adam-.

See the man, a E, Dalton.

We're receiving okay.


REED: It's got to be the mike key or the cable.

Is the locking ring tight?


No, almost ready to fall out.

One-Adam- requesting a radio check.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: One-Adam-, read you loud and clear.

Roger, One-Adam-, clear.

One-Adam-, roger.

What are you guys doing here?

We had a problem with the radio, Mac.

But it's all right now?

Yeah, cable locking ring was loose.

That's one I haven't heard before.

I'll be sure to put that in your next rating reports,

under the heading of flimsy excuses.

Hold on a minute, Mac, the cable was loose.

Okay. Just get the unit on the street.

You're the boss!

Right. Move it out.

What's bugging him, anyway?

For the past week he's done nothing but climb all over people.

I don't know.

Brinkman said he even had a fight with the lieutenant the other day.

Brinkman likes to exaggerate.

He heard them in the coffee room.

He said when he walked in, they cooled it.

But he could tell they were on about something.

Everybody has problems once in a while.

Isn't he the guy who always said,

"When you come to the station door, you leave your personal problems outside"?

Yeah, nice trick, if you can do it.

MALE DISPATCHER:All units in the vicinity and One-Adam-,

a in progress.

South Florence, the market.

One-Adam-, handle code .

One-Adam-, roger.


Thirteen thousand block.


MALLOY: Cover the front and stay on Tac-.

They have my head cashier.

[g*n FIRES]

-Anybody else in the store? -No.

-You all right? -Yeah.

How many were there?

Two. They came in just before we were ready to open up.

Can you tell me what they looked like?

I can try.

What happened back there, Brinkman?

BRINKMAN: Two of them, with a girl.

One of 'em fired at us with a shotgun and ducked back into the store.

The girl's a hostage. Hang in there.

I contacted Mac. ETA, two minutes.

[g*n FIRES]

MALLOY: They went up to the roof! Get the manager out!

Right. Come on.

Roger, Brinkman.

Additional back-up is on the way.

They went up a ladder to the roof.

-Any other way down? -Pete's covering the door.

One-L-. Request a SWAT team meet me,

South Florence, the shopping center.

sh*ts fired.

Two male suspects with hostage.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: Roger, One-L-, stand by.

I tried to stop them.

I thought they were going to k*ll me.

You did what you could.

What's going to happen to her?

FEMALE DISPATCHER:One-L-, be advised ETA SWAT team, minutes.

One-L-, roger.

Request any available air unit to meet me on Tac .

One-L-, roger.

Any available air unit meet One-L- on Tac .

Are you fellows going to go up and try to get Julie away from them?

We'll do the best we can.

PILOT: Air- to One-L-, go.

Two suspects and a woman hostage, on the roof,

South Florence, the supermarket.

Roger. ETA your location, two minutes.

One-L-, roger.

Seems to me you guys are wasting a lot of time just standing around.

God only knows what they're doing to her up there.

Get with Malloy and secure that door.

We'll nail down the perimeter and wait for SWAT.

Hop in the back and stay low.

MACDONALD: [OVER P.A.] You on the roof, this is the police.

We have the area sealed off.

There is no possible way out.

MAN: Clear out of here! I'm giving you two minutes.

MACDONALD: Throw down your weapons,

and stand up with your hands over your head!

MAN: I warned you, pig!

You got two minutes to clear out of here!


-SWAT's on the way. -What's the ETA?

Twenty, twenty-five minutes.

It's going to be a sweat.

PILOT:Air- to Command Post.


PILOT:Your suspects are at the southeast corner of the roof.

Two men and a woman.

MACDONALD: The woman is a hostage. Any further?

PILOT:Suspects appear to be male, Caucs,

wearing Army-type field jackets.

One suspect armed with a handgun.

Suspect two has a shotgun. He's eyeballing us.

We're going to climb and widen our orbit. KMA.

I'll check the door.

MACDONALD: One-X-Ray-, come in.

WOODS:One-X-Ray-, roger.

MACDONALD:Move your unit to the rear of the sporting goods store,

east of the market.

There's a fire escape back there.


MACDONALD:One-X-Ray-, approach from the west,

deploy at the southwest corner of the market.

PILOT:Air- to Command Post.


PILOT:Suspects are moving toward service entrance,

northeast corner of the building.

Hostage is with them.

It's a fire door. Has to be opened from the inside.

Mac, it's a fire door. They'll need a key to open it.


Unit approaching from the south,

deploy to southwest corner of sporting goods store,

adjacent to the market.

Unit approaching from north, meet me at the command post,

northeast corner, Saticoy and Lumet.


MAN: We're locked out!

[g*n FIRES]

MAN: It's made out of some kind of metal!

At least, I can get me a piece of the chopper.

[g*n FIRING]

MACDONALD: All units, perimeter is secure.

Just settle down.

ETA on SWAT is minutes.

Twenty minutes.

It's going to feel like a lot longer up there.




PILOT:Air- to Command Post.


PILOT: Your suspects have moved to the east side of the roof.

Looks like they're going to jump over to the adjacent building.

There they go!

MACDONALD: X-Ray-, do you copy?

WOODS:Roger, Mac.

PILOT: The woman didn't make it!

She's hanging off the edge of the roof.

Suspects are running toward northeast corner of the second roof.

MACDONALD:Reed! Malloy! Get that girl out of there!

Roger, Mac.


We're on the roof, Mac.


Help! Help me, please!

PILOT:Suspects are on the fire escape,

northeast corner of the roof.

-Stay down! -We've got her, Mac.

MACDONALD:Roger, Pete.

Come on. Stay low.

[g*n FIRING]

MACDONALD:Reed, Malloy, what's your status?

Okay, Mac. The suspects are behind some ducting on the southeast corner.

Roger, Pete.

One-L- to Air-.

PILOT:Air-, go.

MACDONALD:Are the suspects in line-of-sight with the fire escape?


MACDONALD:Roger, Air-.

Woods, secure the fire escape at the roof line.

WOODS:Roger, Mac.

-You all right, miss? -I think so.

Let's go!

MALLOY: Air-, do you read?


If our suspects move, give us the word.







Air-. I was out of contact. Have the suspects moved?


Hold on.

They look like they're about to move toward you.

Changed their mind. Moving away from you.

-Freeze! -Holt it!

Drop the g*ns!

Face down on the ground, hands out to your sides!

It's a , Mac. Suspects are in custody.

One-Adam- to Air-. Thanks for the assist.


Mary? It's me.

Listen, I won't be able to pick up the kids today.

You'll have to do it yourself.


I'll be lucky to get out of here by six.

I've got a team meeting and a supervisor's meeting.

You know what that means.

I don't care who's coming at :.

She can come back tomorrow.

Well, I think you're the one that's being selfish.

Listen, I can't do my job and yours too.


One of us has got to give, but why does it have to be me?

Mary, I know I promised I'd pick them up.

But I can't help it, nothing I can do about it.

Yes, you can talk!


That'll be a dime.

You want to finish that later?

When Mac gets that look on his face,

I'd hate to be where he is.

Hey, Pete.

Can Reed finish that for you? I'd like to talk to you for a minute.


You heard me on the phone with Mary.

Did I sound unreasonable?

Mac, you always sound reasonable to me.

Mary doesn't think so.

You guys still on ?

On our way, Mac. Right now.

She's driving me right up the wall, Pete.

She's down at that antique shop

six days a week, hours a day.

And when she does come home, it's all she talks about.

The kids come home from school and there's nobody there.

I mean, couple of teenagers, bouncing around, no supervision.

Maybe she figures they're old enough to look after themselves.

That's not the point.

I mean, she should be there, that's her job.

I don't know, Pete.

You live with a woman years.

You think you know her pretty well.

Then one day,

I don't know. She just seems changed. Different.

See first I thought the shop was a good idea,

because Mary was always nuts about antiques.

She knows everything about 'em.

But lately,

it's like that's the only thing she lives for.

It's like the kids and I don't matter anymore.

Now, you take today.

Billy and Elizabeth stayed after school to work on some class project.

I was supposed to pick them up at :.

Well, I can't.

What does Mary say?

She says, "You know I had this important appointment

"You promised and I can't close up the shop."

I'll pick them up and take them home, Mac.

They're not your kids, Pete.

Why should you or anybody else take over their mother's responsibility?


Yeah, I know.

It's my problem.

Hey, look, I'm keeping you off the street anyway.

You agree with Mac?

I don't know.

Did he give you a Mary's side of it?

According to him, Mary doesn't have a side.

She wants him to be father and mother to the kids

while she spends all her time at the shop.

And it bothers him.

Wouldn't it bother you?


How would you feel if Jean went off and got a job

and you were stuck with little Jimmy all the time?

Right now, I wouldn't like it but as soon as Jimmy's a little bit older,

I expect her to go out and do something that she wants.

As a matter of fact, we've already discussed it.

She's going back to school and get her teaching credentials.

By then you'll be pulling down sergeant's pay,

she won't have to take a job teaching.

You really are a chauvinist pig.

You're missing the whole point, Pete.

It isn't something she has to do, it's something she wants to do.

The old idea of keeping a woman barefoot

and in the kitchen is long done, my friend.

I think I'll stay a bachelor.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: One-Adam-, One-Adam-.

See the man, a missing adult,

Gladview Senior Citizen Home, South Maplemoor.

One-Adam-, roger.

Do you have any idea where your wife went?

Of course! That danged pizza place over on Jessica Drive.

She keeps telling me it's the pizza she likes,

but I got me a hunch,

that piano player down there has been sweet-talking her.

If he is, me and him is going to fist city, that's for sure.

We'll look into it, Mr. Ferguson.


Sounds pretty good.

Mrs. Ferguson.

Hey, hold it there, will you, pal?

That old fuddy-duddy called you boys, didn't he?

Yes, ma'am.

You're five blocks away from home, across two major intersections in that.

He's got a right to be concerned.

It's a free country, isn't it?

MALLOY: Yes, ma'am.

Have I broken any laws?

That's not a question, Mrs. Ferguson.

Then you go on about your business and leave me be.

Charlie, play me my favorite again.


What are we going to do?

I don't know.

She seems to have all her faculties.

She knows what she's doing,

we have no legal right to make her leave.

What if we go back and get Mr. Ferguson down here?

And have him go to fist city with Charlie?

Yeah, you're right.

We can call for re-enforcements.

Hey, Pete. Does your offer still hold?

The kids? Sure, I'll pick them up.

All right. Thanks.

They'll be in front of the main building.

-You know where that is. -No problem.

I'll call and tell them you're coming.

Excuse me. Are you officers looking for Mrs. Ferguson?

Well, Mrs. Ferguson is inside,

and from the looks of things she's going to stay there a while.

I know what you mean. She's quite an old girl.

Sorry you fellas had to waste your time.

We keep telling Mr. Ferguson not to bother the police when she goes off like this.

She always goes to the same place.

I guess he just likes a little excitement.

She do this very often?

About once or twice a month.

They've been married almost years.

Mr. Ferguson still can't understand

the old girl likes to get away from him now and then.

You know, do things on her own.

He thinks she can't do anything without him.

And the funny part is she takes better care of herself than he does.

Even if she is in a wheelchair.


Well, thanks for coming, I hope it wasn't too much trouble.

No trouble at all.

Don't worry about the kids, Mac. I'll pick them up.

Oh, yeah, thanks, Pete. I really appreciate it.