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07x04 - Roll Call

Posted: 01/22/24 10:32
by bunniefuu
FEMALE DISPATCHER ON RADIO: One-Adam-. One-Adam-, a in progress.

One-Adam-, handle code .


Giorgio's is next on the list.

I wouldn't mind going back to the last place for lunch.

That one or the one after this.

I didn't realize there were this many pizza places around here.

Chances are whoever he is, he'll ruin his stomach before we get him.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: All units on frequency one.

Stand by. Unit requesting help, sh*ts fired. Identify.

Unit requesting help, identify.

Unit requesting help. sh*ts fired. Come in.


MALE DISPATCHER: All units on frequency one.

A unit is missing.

Stand by for division roll call.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: One-Adam-, come in.

One-Adam-, roger. One-XL-, come in.

One-XL-, roger. One-Adam-, come in.

One-Adam-, roger.

Show us code Zebra at South Florence.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: One-Adam-, roger. One-X-Ray-, come in.

One-X-Ray-, roger.


One-Adam-, roger. One-Adam-, come in.

Woods hasn't responded yet.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: One-Adam-, come in.

One-Adam-, roger. One-X-Ray-, come in.

One-X-Ray-, roger. One-X-Ray-, come in.


One-X-Ray-, roger.

Giorgio had any problems?

Not so far. But he'll give us a call.

But he's not too worried about it.

Can't change a , never mind a .

FEMALE DISPATCHER: One-Adam-, come in.

One-Adam-, roger. One-Adam-, come in.

One-Adam-, roger. One-X-Ray-, come in.

One-X-Ray-, come in.

One-X-Ray-, One-X-Ray-, come in.

Any unit in the vicinity of Elk Avenue,

check that location for One-X-Ray-.

Unit is code on a .

It's only a couple of blocks.

This is One-Adam-, we'll handle.

Elk Avenue.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: One-Adam-, roger.

One-Adam-, come in.

Hi! I couldn't see you there.

Are there some police officers inside, ma'am?

There sure are. But this makes four of you.

I really didn't think we'd need this much help.

-Would you ask them to come out, please? -I suppose so.

Hey, Officer, some of your buddies are out here looking for you.

I got some coffee on, if you'd like.

No, thanks, ma'am.

Hi! What's going on?

-You okay? -Sure.

Nothing but a family dispute.

You know, she says that he said.

He said that she said and there you go.

What are you guys doing here?

We got an officer who needs help. sh*ts fired.

We don't know who he is, where he is.

We got a check on you when you didn't answer roll call.

Show X-Ray-, code at Elk.

One-Adam-, clear.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: One-Adam-, thank you.

One-TL-, come in.

One-TL-, roger. One-TL-, come in.

One-TL-, come in.

One-TL-, roger. One-Zebra-, come in.

Always seems to take forever.

She's going as fast as she can.

She's probably feeling the tension, too.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: One-Zebra-, roger. One-ZL-, come in.

One-ZL-, roger. One-U-, come in.

One-U-, come in.

One-U-, roger. One-L-, come in.

He probably got a frequency override when he reported.

Didn't take time to confirm.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: One-L-, roger. One-L-, come in.

One-L-, roger.

One-TL-, refrain from using the frequency until roll call is complete.

One-L-, come in.

Okay, who's next on our list?

Mario's place. The Leaning Tower of Pizza.


MALLOY: It's not a new scam,

but he's worked it on three different places this month with no problem.

Calls in, places his food order,

and tells the restaurant all he's got is a -dollar bill.

So, make sure, the delivery boy has enough change.

Boy gets to the address with the pizza

and usually gets hit right in front of the house.

So, what do you expect me to do?

Tell my customer I can't handle it?

I got some regulars who got nothing but big bills.

Mario, if it's a regular, you won't have any problem.

Mario, do you mind?

[CHUCKLES] Oh, excuse me.

You know, I'm just practicing some new stuff.

People come here, they expect to be entertained.

So, I do this.

You ought to stop by some night and catch my act, Malloy.

You'll like it. Everybody does.

Mario, you're a legend in your own time.

Hey, what's the matter with you today, anyway?

Nothing. Just one of those days.

Yeah, I know how you feel.

I get times like that, too.

Couple of nights ago, I was stuck here by myself.

It was a madhouse, you know.

Mario! Some other time, okay?

Now, if you hear from the guy, call this number.

They've been alerted.

Whatever you do, don't send the delivery boy out.

-Let us handle it. -All right.

But you get here on time.

I got a reputation for getting the pizza there

while the cheese is still bubbling.

Don't worry about it, okay?

All right.

MAN: Hey, Police!

Hey, Officer! Over here!

Officer! I think there's a robbery going on at that bar on the corner.

At least there's a guy with a g*n in there.

This is One-Adam-, we have a possible in progress.

-How many people inside? -Well, I'm not sure. At least three or four.

After I looked in the door, I just kept walking.

Thank you.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: One-Adam-, roger.

Any units in the vicinity back-up One-Adam-.

A possible in progress.

Corner of Beechmont and Kelly, at the bar.


Police! Freeze! Nobody move!

Everybody bring your hands out very slowly.

And place them on top of your head.

Move away from the g*n.

Who's the manager?

BOTH: I am.

You two come out from behind the bar.

Keep your hands on your head.

Said he was in here with his wife.

He's not. He's not my husband. That's my husband!

Stay where you are.

Now we figure out who's who.

Everybody on the floor, hands out to your sides, spread you legs.

MAN: Thank you very much, Officer.

I appreciate it, vey kind of you.

It's a good thing I had my business license posted,

or you might have believed the other guy.

I come in here once a week to do the books. It had to be today.

When he dragged me in the back room to open the safe,

I thought I was gonna die.

Then he heard you in front,

he said he'd k*ll me if I said anything.

I don't know how to thank you.

That's twice this month.

Maybe we just ought to call it quits.

Thanks for being here.

Every time it happens, he wants to quit.

But you know how it is, fellas.

You get used to it.

Thanks a lot. Appreciate it.

-You guys finished? -Yeah.

They got an ID on the roll call.

It's Grant. He's still missing.


All units on frequency one.

Command Post for division search is set up at Third and Seacord.

One-Adam-, meet One-L- on Tac .

One-Adam-, roger.

One-Adam- to One-L-, go.

MACDONALD: One-Adam-, meet me at the Command Post.

You are assigned to the search team. Monitor Tac .

One-Adam-, roger.

WOODS:One-X-Ray-, go.

MACDONALD: Swing down around Four Corners.

Check if they've seen Grant today.

WOODS:One-X-Ray-, roger.

Don't let it get to you. We'll find him.

Yeah. Chances are he'll...

MALE OFFICER: One-X-Ray- to One-L-.

MACDONALD: One-X-Ray-, go.

MALE OFFICER:We are leaving the shopping center at State and Allison.

No sign of Grant.

MACDONALD: One-X-Ray-, roger.

Proceed north, search the area bounded by Whitman and Griffin.

Pico and Brand.

MALE OFFICER: One-X-Ray-, roger.

That's the trouble with those motorcycles.

They could be any place.

Black-and-white's a lot easier to find.

MACDONALD: One-L- to Air-.

PILOT:Roger, this is Air-.

We have searched the southwest interchange, and north to Pico.

Negative results.


Will try the wash north to Olympic and check with you later.

MACDONALD:Roger, Air-.

Monitor all those calls and get a hold of Griffin.

Have him move into the north end of Grant's beat.

-Nothing so far. -How many you got out?

Everybody and his brother, except for the SAM units.

Last location we had on him was right across the street.

Ran a check on some speed jockey.


How long ago was that?

Half an hour ago before we called in for help.

He should have made sure they got all of it.


We've just checked Four Corners drive-in. Negative.

We're heading south on Hudson.

Where you want us to head?

Go over to Ventura and cover the area

between Olympic and Washington, west to Melrose.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: Any available unit,

see the man, possible information,

Beechmont. The Leaning Tower of Pizza.

That's your scam, isn't it? Those $ take-out orders?


You better handle it and check back with me.

-Keep us posted, will you, Mac? -I will.

One-Adam-. We will handle the call at Beechmont.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: One-Adam-, roger.

-Anything on Grant? -No.

Brinkman will be covering the back.

Just give me enough head start to circle down around Euclid.

I'll come in by foot from across the street.

-How do you think I look? -Terrific.

All you need are bells on your toes.

It's not too late to switch.

Here we are! The Mario Special.

Here's your change for the $.

Here's your receipt.

Thank you.

If it turns out to be a false alarm, you can keep the tip.


Just a minute.

Be careful, huh? It's only money.


Okay. Hold it right there.


Hey, two bucks an hour, you get anything you want.

Right on.

You don't get paid enough for no heroics.

Hand it over.

Not that. The bucks.

Hey, I don't carry that much on me.

I got maybe or and you're welcome to it.

Don't con me. You're carrying . Let's have it.

It ain't worth it.

It ain't even your dough.


You can keep that pizza for yourself.

I don't like anchovies.

Tough. Now just stay here and have a nice quiet picnic.

Turn around. Count to .

If I'm not gone, and you're done, you're in trouble.

Police officer! Freeze. Drop the g*n!

You heard him. Drop it.

Put your hands on top of your head.

MACDONALD: Okay, One-X-Ray-,

swing back and retrace your route.

MALE OFFICER: One-X-Ray-, roger.


Well, we've covered this whole area at least twice by now.

Grant's been in some tough spots before. He's always come out okay.

As long as he comes out.

Hold it!

Back up!

It's gotta be Grant.

One-Adam- to One-L-.

MACDONALD: One-Adam-, go.

Mac, I think we found him!

There's a downed police bike in the garage at , Amherst.


-Grant? -Get down! Way down!

Now, stay there. He's got a woman hostage over by the elevator.

Stall number .

One-Adam- to One-L-.


We found him, Mac.

He's got a barricaded suspect with a woman hostage.

sh*ts fired. Pete's backing him up.

What's your ETA?

Less than a minute, meet me in front.

One-Adam-, roger.


You make one move and she is no more!

I'm still back here, so it must be, I still believe you.

Only difference is now there's more of us, pal.

And a whole lot more on the way.

I don't see how numbers make much difference!

I still got her!

And we still got you, don't we?

Now you ought to know by now, we're not in any hurry.

If you want to drag this out for a week, it's okay with us.

Just means I'm in for a lot of overtime pay.


You okay?

Got some leg cramps from stooping

and a few bruises when I got bucked off.

That's about it.

I've followed this guy into every corner in here.

He's trying to get to the elevator.

I thought somebody would have heard before now.

What took you guys so long?

They only got part of your call.

No location or identification.

Had to go through a roll call before we knew it was you,

then we had to find you.

Didn't have time.

I heard her scream, saw him grab her as she got out of her car.

Couldn't wait to confirm.

He got my front tire as I came down the ramp.

Knocked out my radio. It's been a stand-off since.

Hey! You listening?

Seems like that's all I've been doing.

Well, I'm telling you for the last time!

MALLOY: You're telling us nothing.

You got two choices.

Drop the g*n and let the lady go and come on with your hands up.

Or wait for us to get to you.

You forgot just one thing.

I could k*ll her.

I sure hope you don't do that,

'cause if you do, there's nothing between you and us.

Stay there!

The next one's for her!

Why don't we all just back off and think about this a little?

There ain't nothing to think about!

I'm going out!

And she's staying in front.

It doesn't make much sense where you're gonna go.

Fast enough to run through fire in a gasoline sport coat

and live to tell about it?

That's how fast you gotta be to get out of here.

I couldn't have said it any better.

Like I said!

We both got the same target!

-Freeze! -Drop the g*n.

Right now!

Drop it!

Put your hands on top of your head.

Step away from the wall.

Get down on your knees.

And I call it hot-dogging!

Plain and simple hot-dogging!

Hey, now, just believe me, Mac.

If I'd have had the time, I'd have waited for her okay.

I enjoyed that stand-off with that dude a whole lot less than you did.

And you're going to enjoy talking to the Lieutenant a whole lot less.

He goes by the same rules I do.

You confirm your location before you go anywhere.

All I can tell him is what I told you.

I'm sorry it happened that way but that's the way it happened.

Hey, hotshot. There's a three-wheeler back at the station

you can use till your bike gets fixed.

That's about your speed.

No way, man!

No way you're gonna get me on one of those things.

See, I was born to ride nothing but a H.O.G.

You know?

I was going to put you in a traffic unit but I can switch it to foot beat.

But, Sergeant, I'm a motor officer!

You can handle that.

You can stand around and go...



Yeah, put, put, put.

You guys are crazy!