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07x03 - Team Work

Posted: 01/22/24 10:31
by bunniefuu
FEMALE DISPATCHER ON RADIO: One Adam-. One-Adam-, a in progress.

One-Adam-, handle code .


That's about it.

It was awfully nice of you to come.

I really didn't understand how simple a home security check was

when you told everybody about it at the neighborhood meeting.

Nothing much to it, except that it might keep you from getting burglarized.

It's also nice to get to know you officers.

Kind of makes me feel like I was back home in Iowa.

Everybody knew everybody back in Warrenton.

It's a good feeling to know that somebody cares.

If you'll take care of those things that Officer Reed has checked off,

you'll feel a lot better.

Here you go.

Yes, um...

"Replace front door lock with deadbolt,

"secure the sliding glass door with broomstick."

Trim the hedge? Do I have to do that?

It protects the house from the street and I do like my privacy.

Yes, ma'am. But it also protects burglars, gives them a place to hide.

I'd be foolish to ask for your advice and then not take it, wouldn't I?

-Anything wrong, Mom? -No...

These gentlemen are Officers Reed and Malloy.

They're part of the new Team Policing.

Oh! Team-? Yeah, I heard about it at school.

You the guys assigned to this neighborhood?

My son, Gary.

-How you doing? -Hi.

I read the notice you sent out

about the burglar that's been ripping off people around here.

That's one of the reasons we're here.

The guy ripped off my buddy's stereo. Just down the street.

We forgot to look at Gary's room!

It's all right, Mom. I checked it myself.

Ah, come on Mom. It's a mess, you know.

It shouldn't be. I'd feel better if you'd take a look.

That was the last security check scheduled today.

That poor kid wanted to crawl into a hole.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: One-Adam-. Ambulance Traffic.

Clark and Newberry. Handle code .

One-Adam-, roger.

-Thank you for waiting, ma'am. -That's all right.

If it was the other way around, I'd like somebody to help me.

You saw the accident? Do you have any identification?

I was right behind the fellow in the Ford,

the other guy made a left turn right in front of me.

That's the trouble with people.

Always rushing around, not looking where they're going.

The Chevy roared out right out there.

It's his fault if he got hurt.

You say the man in the Chevy

failed to yield the right of way to the man in the Ford?

Yes, sir. That's right.

Thank you, sir.

You guys about finished? I'd like to get my show on the road.

If you got some time, you might want to help.

No, thanks. I just want to get out of your way,

let you investigators do your thing.

I'm a motor officer.

Everybody's supposed to be part of the team.

Yeah. But when I volunteered for this gig,

I thought team meant me getting a chance

to do a number like ShaftorSuper Fly.

But all it comes down to is putting in more time

and doing a lot more paperwork.

Man, I'd rather be on my motor.

-You really like those wheels, don't you? -You know it.

Why don't you try these.

-Is that all, Ma'am? -Yes. Will I have to go to court?

I really don't know. Thank you for your help.

That's all right.

I saw you talking to that woman over there.

She tell you what happened?

Yes, sir. I just wanted to tell you...

She saw the whole thing.

That guy turned right in front of me.

-She told you that, didn't she? -Yes, sir.

I'm glad you talked to her.

If it wasn't for her, I could be in big trouble.

This is a company car.

You know what would happen to me if this thing was my fault?

I'd be looking for a job, I can tell you that.

Yes, sir. Copies of this report will be sent to...

She told you I was in the right, didn't she?

Yes, sir.

Then I guess I won't have to see the lawyer then, will I?

She gave me his card.

Told me to contact him if I had any problems.

I don't have any problems, do I?

-May I see the card? -Oh, yeah.

She said he was a personal friend.

Do you think I'll have to go to court?

Copies of this report will be filed with DMV.

You can get a copy after hours, if you come by the station.

That's it? I can go?

Just a couple more minutes, okay?

For a guy who got broadsided, he wasn't too badly hurt.

I'm not all that sure that's the way it happened.

One-Adam-, clear.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: One-Adam-, roger and see the man,

a complaint, Rimpau, at the hotdog stand.

One-Adam-, roger.

Grant may be right, team policing is really exciting.

A security check, a traffic investigation, and now a parking violation.

You two took your time getting here.

What can we do for you, Fred?

Same problem I had at the other place. Just look.

They're not my customers.

I can't sell hotdogs if there's no place for people to park.

I sold the other place because of that.

But you just can't get away from people.

I want you to put a ticket on everyone of them.

This is private property.

Not much we can do about it.

What do you mean? This is my property.

You don't have any signs posted.

Didn't the other owner have them up?

I threw them away. Had his name on them. Hank's Franks.

Then you better put new ones up. When you do, call us.

In case you've forgotten, this is how they should read.

Okay. But I think you guys got relatives in the sign business.

Sorry, Fred. We don't make the laws. We just enforce them.

-You'll be hearin' from me. -We know it.

Seems to fit the same pattern they're having over in Wilshire Division.

Yeah. Too many times the witness services are welcome.

Helps insurance claims and court actions.

Witness gets a rake-off from the attorney?

Or a pay-off from the guy who's really guilty.

Probably tied in with the tow truck. He had a police radio.

That's how it generally goes down.

I'll get this information out to the rest of the Division.

If we can put your witness at other scenes,

we might be able to bust her for making a fraudulent statement.

I'll hold on to this for a while. We'll see what happens.

Hey, Chief! There's a kid out in the lobby.

He wants to talk to you guys. Name's Gary Rogers.

-Hi. -Hi.

I've never been in a police station before.

There's a tour scheduled on Saturday, if you want to come back.

Really? I could see the whole place, everything?

But that's not why I came over here.

It's about the poster.

I wanted you to know, I didn't mean anything by it, you know?

I mean... Well, I meant it as kind of a joke.

It doesn't bother us, Gary.

Gee, I'm glad to hear that. It really had me worried.

I mean, I want to help you guys.

I'm really doing a number in our neighborhood.

I'm a member of Neighborhood Watch and everything.

When I see any suspicious characters,

spot anything that doesn't look right,

I check it out and call in. Right now!

I want you guys to know that you can count on me. Okay?

We appreciate your help.

How tall do you have to be to be a policeman?

' ".

I'm short for my age.

You'll probably hit a spurt later on. I did.

Well, thanks.


Melrose and Riverside, southeast corner.

One-Adam-, roger.

GRANT: You guys still making like investigators?

Sure. I'm d*ck Tracy and this is Casey, Crime Photographer.

And I'm the Lone Ranger.

I just left a TA back there. It was Code when I arrived.

Woods is handling it. But guess who I saw?


The same little lady you were talking to this morning.

She was doing a similar number.

The tow truck was driven by the same efficient gentleman

who removed the debris from the earlier scene.

Just thought you investigators would like to know.

It was at the intersection of Moorpark and Ventura.


Don't tell 'em who told you. I don't want to get involved.

See you later.

You ever have a whiplash?


The guy in the accident. He could be screwed up for life.

Not much we can do about it.

Unless the witness was a phony and we've caught her at it.

MALLOY: Just a minute, please.

I really am in a hurry, Officer.

I've already spoken to the other policeman.

Would you mind waiting just a few minutes, please?

I am late for an appointment.

Just two minutes, okay?

-What's happening? -You tell him, Mr. Porter.

I don't know. She just came out of nowhere

and told me she'd back me up

if I said I stopped at the stop sign.

Did you?

I guess not.

-You want to step over here? -Thank you.

I really got to be going.

Here, lady, I want no part of this.

Your lawyer probably wouldn't do me much good anyway.

I don't know what you're talking about.

You try to do somebody a good turn and see what it gets you? Nothing!

Did you witness this accident, too, Miss Bingham?

I was just passing by, is all.

You're dumb, you know that?

You took her statement, Woods?

Every word.

You want to take custody of your prisoner?

What are you talking about? I haven't done anything.

You explain it to her.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: One-Adam-, see the man,

, West Rimpau, at the hot dog stand.

One-Adam-, roger.

When Culligan moved, I wish he had moved out of our district.

-I've got the signs up. -That was fast.

Paid extra, but it's worth it.

Prominently displayed, just like it says in the book.

How's that?


All right. Now, none of these cars were here when the signs went up.

So, start writing.

I'll get the book.

Hey, that's my car!

He's not going to give me a ticket, is he?

I had no place to park on my own property.

I'll talk to him, Fred.

When you want a cop, where is one?

You don't want them, they come out of the woodwork.

We're here now.

You should have been here before they took all my space.

So what are you grinning about? Start writing.

Do me a favor, Pete.

Remind me never to have lunch here.

You can get writer's cramp doing that.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: One-Adam-, report to the station, code .

One-Adam-, roger.

Strickland will be here in a minute. Where's Grant?

It takes him longer to change clothes.

What's the deal, Mac?

Strickland will fill you in.

He thinks he's got a fix on the burglar that's been working the east side.

I guess they meant it when they said that

in team policing you do a little of everything.

Where's Grant?

Right behind you, J.J.

You're supposed to be in plain clothes.

This is the plainest I got.

We're going to use the team on this.

Two uniform units, Woods and Brinkman,

will be on parallel patrol along here.

I'll be cruising as Command Post along here.

You need any back up, you'll get it fast.


We got word from a snitch that

our burglar is going to make a hit this afternoon.

The apartment complex on Mark H. Street.

You know his MO. He's a ringer.

Only description we have is loose.

Male, Caucasian, mid s.

Might be driving a late model Mercury.

Pete, you draw a CC unit and take a position here.

You'll be on foot.

On foot?

You can handle it, big fellow.

Grant. Grant.

You'll cover the front, here. And stay out of sight.

Jim, you'll be here.

Stay on Tac-.

If you spot him, sing out.

Mac'll copy. So will the patrol units.

Any questions?

You mean all I got to do is sit in the car?

I didn't have to get dressed for that.

Okay. That's it. Let's move it out.

This is Malloy. I'm in position.

STRICKLAND:Roger, Pete. Jim, do you copy?

Loud and clear, J.J.

STRICKLAND:Roger, Jim. Grant, you in position?

GRANT:I'm hiding out if that's what you mean.

STRICKLAND: How about maintaining a little radio discipline?

GRANT:Excuse me, sir. I'm just a motor officer who doesn't know any better.

STRICKLAND:Now you do.

Malloy, anything happening?

Negative. Nothing is moving.

Got a slow roller coming from the East.

A four-door Mercury, Ocean Sam Union.

He just turned left on Bakman.

WOODS:I see him.

MACDONALD:Team- units.

Investigators just got a line on possible suspect vehicle.

California license , Ida Charles Zebra.

A Mercury just turned into the alley.

I got him.

He's stopped behind the end building. License plate checks out.

Don't move in yet.

We should catch him with his hand in the cookie jar.

You want some backup?

MALLOY:I'll let you know.

GRANT: What do you want me to do?

STRICKLAND: Nothing. Till I tell you to.



STRICKLAND: Talk to me, Pete. What's happening?

MALLOY:Hold it.

STRICKLAND:Okay. We'll hang tight.

He's inside apartment number two.

Ground floor, northeast corner.

STRICKLAND:All units. Move in!

Police officer! Freeze!

-Hey! You got him! -Get out of the way!

You stay put. Right here!

We're in foot pursuit. Northbound, between the buildings.

-Police officer! Freeze! -Climb down the wall.

Hands above your head and turn around.

Let me take him. I want to give him his rights.

I saw you guys nail him. That was fantastic!

I told you to stay put.

I just wanted to watch.

You could have gotten yourself k*lled. What were you doing back there?

I was visiting a friend down the street.

And I saw a suspicious character.

I didn't know it was you, at first.

But you were talking into a brown paper bag.

Did you have a radio in there?

So instead of going home, you put yourself in the middle of a stake-out.

-Yeah. -Wrong.

What are you supposed to do when you see a suspicious character?

-Call the police. -Did you?

The whole idea of Neighborhood Watch

is for you to do the watching, and for us to handle the crooks.

I just wanted to help.

You're lucky you didn't get hurt.

You going to arrest me for a ?


Isn't that interfering with an officer in the performance of his duty?

No. That's indecent exposure. But you may have a point.

Come on.

Did you read the kid the riot act?


And from the look on his dad's face when we took him home,

I'd say the worst is yet to come.

I haven't had that much fun since I got out of the Academy.

Change your mind?

I don't know, man. I'm the Lone Ranger. I like it out there.

But team policing ain't all that bad.

Grant? If you got any plans for Saturday, cancel 'em.

Cancel 'em?

You're due at the Academy at : a.m. Fingerprint course.

I'm a Motor Officer.

The Lone Ranger just joined the team.