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07x02 - Camp: Part 2

Posted: 01/22/24 10:28
by bunniefuu
FEMALE DISPATCHER ON RADIO: One-Adam-. One-Adam-, a in progress.

One-Adam-, handle code .


You kids can start getting on the bus.

Get it up here. Let's get this show on the road.



What's he doing here?

He's going to camp with the rest of the guys.

It can't hurt, Pete, might even do him some good.

-Thanks. -Sent me a postcard, will you?

I'll give you a hand.


All happy faces but one. How did the sour apple get in there?

Jim's idea. He's the kid we busted on the .

How did Reed manage to ring him in for a week at camp?

You look like you've got a case of heartburn.

It's a pain, all right. But it's not in the heart.


I wonder if the mama-bird cries when she pushes her baby out of the nest?

He'll have a good time.

I guess so. But he's just a baby.

Or at least I like to think he is.

He's been pretty much on his own for a long time.

I know. I'm a classic example.

Ignore him or smother him.

But I don't want to push him out of the nest.

The problem is, I need him.

He's all I have.

What can I do?

You've already taken the first step and so has he.


So it's going to be a pretty busy week.

And in case you fellows haven't recognized him,

I'd like to introduce a fellow

who's volunteered to work with you guys as a coach this week.

Olympic pole-vaulter, Bob Seagren.


I didn't see any pole vaulting facilities around

but I don't think that'll keep us from having a good time.

There are a lot of other things scheduled,

soft-ball, basketball, wrestling,

hiking, track and field.

A lot of things.

I look forward to meeting and working with all of you.

It's gonna be a great week.

Thanks, Bob.

Okay, fellows. If you have any problems talk to your counselor.

There's two assigned to every dormitory.

That's Group One, the older kids.

Pick up your stuff and follow Mr. Malloy and Mr. Woods.


Hey, I think you'd better hang in here with the younger kids.

I'm .

Don't you think it'd be better if you teamed up with guys more your own size?

Maybe he'd be better off with kids his own age.


Who appointed you my guardian?

I would have settled for "thank you."

What's on the schedule this afternoon?

Open time. I thought I'd see

if our bunch wants to knock a softball around for a while.

I was hoping maybe for some cribbage.

How about after chow tonight, if you think you're up to it.

TIM: Now let's see what you can do with somebody your own size!

ROD: You don't scare me!

-GREG: I can take him, Tim. -You don't have to.

GREG: Come on! Let me alone!

ROD: You hear him. TIM: Yeah, but I'm talking to you!

ROD: I hardly even touched him.

TIM: And I'm hardly even going to touch you.

All right, all right. Break it up!

What's this all about?

Will you find out what this is all about?

Everybody just settle down.

Now who's going to tell me who did what with which to who?

It was my fault. It always is.

You want to tell me about it?

Nothing to tell. It just happened.


Things just happen all the time. But usually there's a reason.

Why don't you just send me home?

Is that what you want? To quit?

There ain't nothing here for me.

And there is back in L.A.?

Big deal! I get picked up for a curfew violation

and for riding in a car that I didn't know was stolen.

That doesn't make me a criminal.

You did more than that.

What was that beef about?

Nothing I can't handle.

Maybe it would be a better idea to shift you over.

Put you in with kids more your own size.

Are you going to start in, too?

Everybody is short about something, Greg.

But you're lucky.

If you give it time, you're going to out-grow your problem.

What do you know about my problem?

Believe it or not I was a kid once.

And I grew up. So will you.

But there's nothing you can do to rush it.

Sure. And I'm going to be taller than Bill Walton.

Just standing there and dunking 'em in.

Could be.

-Can I go now? -Sure.

You know what your problem is, Malloy?

You sound like my mother.


Since you're not paying for it, why not hand out bigger scoops?


I understand you picked him up on a burglary.

Keep it to yourself.

It doesn't help anybody if it gets around.

Just hope he keeps his nose clean.

TIM: Did you steal it?

GREG: Let's just say I saved it.

Maybe we didn't win the ball game

but that's no reason we shouldn't celebrate.

I don't know, Greg. It was supposed to be for everybody.

We're everybody, aren't we?

I don't know.

Look, what's wrong with taking care of your friends?

Come on, dig in.


You took a chance, you know that?

It was easy.

Taking the ice cream yesterday was stupid.

I'll be finished in an hour or so.

It was worth it.

Was it?

What did you think you were buying with that stunt?

Just taking care of my friends, is all.

The kind of friends you can buy aren't worth having, Greg.

That's easy for you to say.

I don't see anybody helping you.

When you're finished, come on down to the gym.

We'll be there most of the afternoon.


There's a guy in there that needs to be put in jail.

They should all be put in jail.

The only ones that should be allowed on the street

are priests and police officers.

And sometimes I wonder about the cops.

What you looking at?

What about the guy who needs to be put in jail?

A pervert tried to grab me in broad daylight!

Lucky for me, I had Lucy with me.

If it wasn't for her, I guess it would have been all over,

you know what I mean?

What about the guy?

He's probably still there.

What are we standing here for?

The guy could be in Atascadero by now.

You don't have to hurry. He's not going anywhere.

He's out cold, right where he should be in the garbage.

You must be in pretty good shape.


But that had nothing to do with it.

Like I said, I owe it all to Lucy.

She with the man?

She's right here.

The guy just took one look at her and passed out.

You're lucky I came by Reed. You might have been bit.

Let me know if you need any help.

Lucy hasn't had dinner yet and we always dine before we dance.

Okay. The thing to remember is to keep your head low, looking down the track.

For the first three steps you've got to keep your shoulders down.

Anticipate the start and come out driving.

Knees high, ready?

On your mark, get set, go!

Could I speak to you, Mr. Malloy?

Sure. Go ahead.

It's Tim's watch. It's missing.

When did you have it last?

This morning.

I think I put it inside my wall locker before I went to wash up.

When I came out it was gone.

It was stolen.

What makes you think so?

Because Whitney was in the dorm when the watch disappeared.

[SIGHING] What does that prove?

We know all about him, Mr. Malloy. About his being a burglar.

And we know he's been stealing up here, too.

Did you see him take the watch?


But you're accusing him anyway.

He stole the ice cream, didn't he?

Were there any other kids around when you were washing up?

Most of the guys were there.

Do you think I took it? Is that why I'm here?

You were in the area at the time the watch showed up missing.

So were the others.

Do you think I took your watch?

All I know is my watch is missing.

Nobody else here has a record.

Nobody says you took it.

All right everybody outside.

Blues versus the Reds in minutes.

Come on, let's go play some ball.

Nobody's accusing you of anything, Greg.


You can stay in here and feel sorry for yourself if you like.

But if what other people think about you is more important

than what you know about yourself then you're in trouble

whether you took the watch or not.

You think I took it, don't you?

I'll wait for all the facts to come in.

I'll expect you out there in a few minutes.

There's a growing suspicion

that you didn't have anything on the ball at all this morning.

Just wait until this afternoon I'm just getting warmed up.

You guys seen Tim Richardson?

Just went inside.

I found his watch.

It was looped over the shower nozzle down at the gym.

Right where he probably left it last night.

I guess somebody owes an apology to Greg.

You seen him?

Not since the ball game.

Might be a good idea if we look around.

I checked administration.

He's not there. What do you think?

I think we found Tim's watch too late.




WOODS:Pete, you read me?


We got him. About a quarter of a mile east of the fire road.

He fell down a ravine. We're getting him out now.

Is he hurt?

Doesn't seem to be.

On my way.

You all right?


You think you can find your way back?

Do I have to go back?

Be glad you can.

Come on.

-How'd you fall? -Tripped.

Can you believe something that dumb?

I just can't do anything right.

I come up short on a lot of things, don't I?

If you say so.

What was really dumb is a tenderfoot like you coming out here by yourself.

Didn't the idea of the snakes bother you?

Not as much as being accused of being a thief.

You acted like one. You ran away.

I don't need them. I got friends back in L.A.

Sure you do.

And you have a chance here to make new friends.

Even Tim thinks I took it.

No, he doesn't.

If you hadn't split he would have told you himself.

We found it. Nobody stole it.



You haven't given yourself much of a chance.

You haven't given anybody else much of a chance either.

Like Rod?


Who knows?

Maybe he's as uptight about being fat as you are about being short.

You don't talk much, do you?

You know what the problem is with being ?

The problem is you think it's going to last forever.

It doesn't.

I bet you were never .


Okay, you guys should be in Olympic shape by now.

Today's the last day and your last chance to get even with a counselor.

We gave you guys a hard time all week.

Now it's your chance to make us look bad.


Okay, cross-country.

The name of the game is endurance as well as speed.

So pace yourselves.

Don't let this big guy out-fox you. He's crafty.

So let's go, come on.

You think you can take him?

I can. I beat him once before.

Sure, you did.

Okay, don't believe me. Just watch.

Maybe, but this is cross-country.

It takes more than speed. It takes brains.

And guts.

[CHUCKLES] A joke, okay?

You'd have a chance if it was a short race.

Both you guys talk a good game.

All right, the course is marked.

Just stick to the trail. No short-cuts.

Everybody, on your mark.

Get set, go!



-Hey, tiger, you almost let him win! -[PANTING]

The kids are pretty good.

I'm getting too old for this kind of thing.

Hey, man, you're fast! You really hang in there!

And we got to go home tomorrow!

You know something? I'm afraid.

It's just hard to know how to react.

I went to the counselor you told me about.


He said to be honest.

He made it sound very easy.

But how can you love and protect somebody and be honest?

Just because you love him doesn't mean you have to like him all the time.

Sometimes I hate him.

-You ever let him know it? -No.

Then how does he know when he's done something wrong?




Oh, hi, Mom.

Okay if I go with Tim and Rod? We want to play some ball.

No. I think everybody should go home,

get cleaned up and put their things away.

There'll be time for a ball game later.

Why not?

I'm sure your parents will feel the same way.

Get your bag, Greg.

Last week I would have said yes.

Well, how'd it go? Any problems with Greg?

None that we couldn't handle.

He set fire to the mess hall and threw a stink b*mb in the dorm.

He short-sheeted my bed and put a frog in the soup.

I told you he was a good kid.