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07x01 - Camp: Part 1

Posted: 01/22/24 10:27
by bunniefuu
FEMALE DISPATCHER ON RADIO: One-Adam-. One-Adam-, a in progress.

One-Adam-, handle code .


One-Adam-, clear.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: One-Adam-, a call silent, code .

Richford, Bennett Machine Tool Company.

One-Adam-, roger.

Looks like that's it.


One-Adam-. A possible . There now at Richford.

Request a back-up unit.

Advise to approach from the southwest, through the alley.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: One Adam-, roger.

Any unit in the vicinity back-up One-Adam-. , Richford.

Approach from the southeast, through the alley.


Hold it right there!

Down on the pavement. Arms straight out at your sides.

Anybody else in there?

Put him in the car.

-Are there more inside? -We don't know.

Will you call the owner and get him down here to secure the place?

Your mom will be here in a few minutes.

I hope you can explain it all to her.

Greg, have you ever been in this kind of trouble before?

I wouldn't be in any trouble now if it wasn't for Walt.

You had a choice.



He told me the man who owned the place was his uncle.

I thought we were just going to play a joke.

He didn't say anything about stealing anything.

You sure about that?

Are you gonna put me in jail?

We'll see what your mother has to say.

It's the fourth time down for the other boy.

-Anything on him? -Not yet.

His mother's here. Mac's bringing her in.

What do you think?


How long have you known the other boy? What's his name?


I just met him today at the bowling alley.

I go there a lot on Saturdays.

I guess I should have stayed there.

Mrs. Whitney.


They told me what you did, Son.

He ever been in trouble before, ma'am?

He's the man of the family.

I'm sure he didn't mean any harm. He's only years old.

Can't you let him go?

I don't know.

He's a good boy. Really he is.

You been listening to this?

-Part of it. -What do you think?

What's the word from the Juvenile Coordinator?

Far as he knows, this is the kid's first arrest.

He said he'd check with Juvenile Division. They may turn something but...

But what?

I don't think they will. Strikes me as a pretty scared kid.

Looks like you've made up your mind.

Counsel and Release. Okay?

You going to give your mother any more problems, Greg?

No, sir.

Get the forms for me, will you?

Can he come home?

Yes, ma'am, after we've talked for awhile. Why don't you sit down?

Next time, Greg, pick your friends a little more carefully.

-When are you leaving? -Saturday morning.

Sounds like it should be a lot of fun.

Well, I don't know how much fun it'll be with a hundred kids running around.

-You volunteered. -Yeah, you know.

I'll get some fresh air.

Put some in a bottle and bring it back, will you?


One-Adam-. We're in pursuit. A possible in a Rapid Cab.

License Union-.

Southbound on Dale Avenue, crossing Hunter Boulevard.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: All units on all frequencies stand-by.

One-Adam- is in pursuit.

MALE DISPATCHER: All units, One-Adam- is in pursuit

of a possible in a Rapid Cab.

REED: Crossing Willamette.

MALE DISPATCHER: One-Adam- is crossing Willamette.

MALLOY: Hold it right there!

He's got a g*n!

Throw the g*n out the window and come out with your hands on your head.

Throw your g*n out. Now!

Step away from the cab!

Now on the ground, legs apart. Arms out to your side!

He said it was a g*n. I believed him.

If you felt that thing against your neck, you'd believe him, too.

You did the right thing.

Let's go.

I tried to pick a good spot.

Don't think I even put a dent in it.

We'll need that for evidence.

There's $. on the meter.

Do you think you could speak to him?

-You've got to be kidding. -Won't hurt to ask.

Wait here.

Pete! Jim!

Wait a second.

I thought you might like to know about that kid.

Juvenile R & I didn't have anything on Greg Whitney.

But I just found out they're running a file on a kid named Gary Wilkins.

You might want to look at his picture.

The kid's been using two IDs with a total of three contacts.

How'd he pull that off?

He cried a lot.

Plus he had a library card with the name Gary Wilkins on it.

And a male adult who signed him out.

Claimed he was his father.

Mrs. Whitney is a widow.

I know.

Any idea who the father is?


Maybe we ought to pick up Greg and find out.

An investigator will handle it.


They're working on it.


Hey, Pete.

We all make mistakes.

Even the strawberry fox.

Let's go back to work.

Hey, the kid fooled me, too.

It doesn't bother you?


But I'd rather make that kind of mistake than the other way around.

Yeah, I know. He's just a kid.

A pretty bright kid.

You want me to whistle Hearts and Flowers?

No. But kids do get into scrapes.

Why are you so upset about this?

He lied to me. And I believed him.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: One-Adam-, One-Adam-. Ambulance. Traffic.

Blantree and Seventh. At the shopping center parking lot. Code .

One-Adam-, roger.

Look, if you'd watch where you're going this wouldn't have happened!

Look, mister. I'm sorry it happened.

-But it wasn't my fault. -Sure, sure.

He ran my father down, ran right over him.

-That's not what happened! -And you stand over there.

Now we'll find out what happened.

-You first. What's your name? -Hofstead. Jack Hofstead.

That's my father over there. You can see for yourself what happened.

An old man got in the way and this freak just ran him down.

-That's not what happened. -You'll get your turn.


-Old man is unconscious. -You want to talk to him?

Okay, sir. Now what happened?

Well, my dad and I were shopping in that store.

My father decided that he'd rather walk home.

He likes the exercise. So he left.

-Alone? -Yeah.

And then I heard the commotion and ran out here.

That's when I saw the freak

and my father on the ground.

You didn't actually see the accident?

It's obvious, isn't it?

What happened was I was looking for a parking place.

I couldn't have been going more than five, miles an hour.

And suddenly, from behind that van, the old man steps out.

And that's it.

But who's going to believe me?

Just a second, okay?


I didn't have to see it to know what happened.

Did anybody here actually witness this accident?

Old man's okay. He wants to talk to his son.

-Son? -Yes, Dad.

I'm sorry I got in your way.

That's okay.

I guess I just wasn't looking where I was going.

You're going to be all right. You need anything, you just holler.


Look, I'm...

I'm really sorry.

Can I go to the hospital with him?


Here you go.

You guys need me anymore?

No. You're not hurt are you?

You know something? You're the only one who bothered to ask.


One-Adam-, clear.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: One-Adam-, clear.

Did you get a chance to read last Sunday's paper?

Parts of it. Why?

There was an article about backpacking,

how to avoid poisonous plants, snakes, stuff like that.


You should have read it.

You trying to tell me something?

Just thought you'd like to know what you can expect.

Sure. I'm supposed to go out in the country and keep off the grass.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: One-Adam-, One-Adam-,

see the woman, missing juvenile.

Holt Avenue.

One-Adam-, roger.

Mrs. Whitney.

I'm glad they sent you. You know him. You can find him, can't you?

I came home as soon as the man told me and he's not here.

Investigators talk to you?


I had no idea Greg was mixed up in anything like that.

I don't know who would do such a thing.

Pretending to be his father.

Using an alias,

like a criminal.

I was at work when they came to talk to me.

You can imagine how I felt?

My son, a juvenile delinquent.

So I came home to talk to him about it and he's not here.

Do you have any idea where he might be?

I don't know. I just don't know.

He's such a little thing.

And he tries so hard.

He wants to take care of me.

He's just a baby.

He stopped being a baby a long time ago, ma'am.

He wants to grow up so fast.

What's wrong with just being a boy?

We'll take a report and put out a broadcast on him.

Is that all you can do?

For now.

You've heard anything from investigators yet on Greg's father?

Yeah, didn't take them long.

They punched his name at the NCIC and San Quentin popped up.

He's doing two to five on a that's stuck.

Where's Reed?

Making some phone calls.

Do you have any idea what you're gonna be doing

while I'm basking in the clean mountain air?

Mac didn't say.

I'll think about you.

Sure you will.


MALE DISPATCHER: All units in the vicinity,

One-X-Ray-, a in progress.

Bruce Avenue, at the liquor store. One-X-Ray-, handle code .

Let's back him up.

One-Adam-, partner in foot pursuit of possible suspect.

Southbound in , block, Bruce Avenue.

Hey, what do you think you're doing? You think I'm a crook or something.

Save it, kid.

Let's go.

I didn't do anything!

Just settle down, Greg.

We caught him in the alley behind the store. Owner ID'd him.

Was there a kid working with him?

He was all by himself. What you got?

A missing child.

Why were you running?

No law against it.

Don't be cute, Greg. You could have gotten k*lled.

For running?

For running away from the scene of an armed robbery.

You think I did it?

It looked that way.

Why did you run?

Because you were chasing me.

And you wouldn't have caught me if it hadn't been for him.

I had you beat by a mile.

You guys think you're really something, don't you?


But it took two of you to catch me.

But we did catch you.

For a while.

MALLOY: For longer than that.

We know about Gary Wilkins.

Who else knows?

Your mom.

You going to take me to jail?

No. We're going to take you home.

My baby.


Thank you for finding him.

You going to be able to handle things, ma'am?

I don't know.

REED: The Juvenile investigators will be over to talk to you later.

You be sure that Greg is here, okay?

All right. Thank you.


That lady's got her problems.

I wouldn't put up with a kid like that for five minutes.

You're just bugged because the kid out-ran you.

All I need is a little rest. And I'm about to get a week of that.

Can you give me a lift downtown tomorrow morning?

I don't want to leave the car in the parking lot for a week.

I'm booked solid, Pete. Why don't you ask Woods if he could take you?

You kids could start getting on the bus.

Get it up here. Let's get the show on the road.



What's he doing here?

Going to camp like the rest of the kids.

Can't hurt. Might do him some good.


Send me a postcard, will you? I'll give you a hand.