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06x20 - Sunburn

Posted: 01/22/24 10:24
by bunniefuu
FEMALE DISPATCHER ON RADIO: One-Adam-. One-Adam-, a in progress.

One-Adam-, handle code .


Suspect number three was wearing a brown coat,

no further description of the suspects.

The vehicle is described as a blue convertible.

No license.

And that's the last of teletypes.

Reed, Malloy can fill you in.

Okay, let's hit it.

For a while there I thought you were trying to stretch two days off into three.

You know, I had a little trouble getting my act together.

Your shoes are untied.

Yeah, I know.

What happened?

I was laying out in the backyard, Monday,

enjoying the great weather and I fell asleep.


So I burnt my body.

Oh, you're feet too, huh?

Yeah, I was laying on my back and I burnt the tops of them.

Oh, you poor baby.

How's the rest of your body?

Well, it's a little bit tender, but better than yesterday

I think it all settled in my feet.

Why don't you ask Mac to give you the desk, that way you'll be out of the sun?

Oh, it's so boring, Pete.

Besides, the hard part's already over with.

What was that? Getting your shoes on?

-Actually, yes. -I can imagine.

One-Adam-, day watch, clear.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: One-Adam-, clear.

That's a good idea, if we have to move quick you might lose 'em.

No chance, Pete. Needed a shoehorn to get 'em on.

Kinda like wearing four pairs of socks.

MALLOY: Get an ambulance and a fire truck.

One-Adam-. We have a TA with injuries at Curson and Hauser.

There was nothing I could do.

You've got to get her out of there.

Get back up on the curb. Ambulance is on the way.

-Pulse is strong. -[TIRES SCREECHING]

Clear these cars and set some flares.

You folks stay away from that car.

MALLOY: Don't move around. You'll be all right.

My brakes failed.

Is she gonna be okay?

I think so. Are you hurt?

Except for this bump on my head I think I'm okay.


Just be a minute now.

There was nothing much I could do, I was just driving along behind her

and suddenly she stopped.

Jammed on my brakes and they went right to the floor.

What's your name?

Bill Johnson.

Get a report at the hospital.


She the other driver?

Why don't you take him in the ambulance?

Hey, did you pull the lady's license?

No, we can get it at the hospital.

-How are your feet? -Oh, swell.

Actually, I don't think directing traffic and setting flares

is prescribed treatment for sunburned feet.

But, I'll bite a b*llet.

Maybe you can get something for it in a hospital.

Yeah, I think it'll be okay though.

-Hi. -Hi, fellas.

Your TA patients are gonna be okay.

Mr. Johnson's been treated. He's called his wife and he is in the waiting room.

What about Mrs. Gardener?

We're gonna keep her for observation,

she has a slight concussion and a cracked rib.

We'll finish the report on Johnson.

Take your time.

-You got a second? -Sure, what's the problem?

Is there anything you can do for sunburned feet?

Are they blistered?

No, they're just kind of swollen.

Well, we could coat them with salve and wrap them with gauze.

Or you could stop off and buy a spray can of topical anesthetic.

If you do that, you shouldn't be wearing shoes.

What about soaking them in water?

Can't hurt, that's for sure.

You're lucky you're not working the foot beat or directing traffic today.

-Well, thanks. -You're welcome.

Why don't we take at the station? You can soak your feet.

Yeah, fine.

-What are you doing? -Soaking my feet.

I can see that, what's with the sandwich?

I'm eating my lunch.

In a locker room?


Hope you don't mind eating alone. I'm going to the coffee room.

-Hey Pete, do me a favor, will you? -Yeah.

When you get there, bring me back a milk, will you?


Did that help any?

Oh, yeah, I can wiggle my toes around a little bit now.

I'll take it. Save your feet.

That's okay, it's my turn. I'll do it.

Yes, sir, something I can do for you?

Step up on the sidewalk, please.

-Thank you. -Nice day, isn't it?

-You driver's license, please? -Yeah.

Why don't we stand over here in the shade, Mr. Hayes?

But what did I do?

You failed to yield for a pedestrian in a crosswalk back there.

Well, I'm sorry. I didn't even see anyone.

Well, there was a lady there.

Look, I don't do this as a habit and I'd feel terrible if I hit someone.

-You, you wanna wait here for a minute? -Okay.

Fantastic weather, huh? It's like August in the middle of winter.

Yes, sir.

One-Adam-, roger.

-Any warrants? -Both he and the car are clean.

It's your ticket, what are you gonna do?

Well, he says he didn't see her. I'm not gonna write him.

Here's your driver's license, Mr. Hayes.

I'm not gonna give you a ticket

but you be more careful about these crosswalks.

Oh, I sure will, Officer. Thank you very much.

-All right, sir. Have a nice day. -Thank you.

Oh, I will. I'm going to the beach.

Too bad you guys have to work.

Yes, sir.

Hey, how about heading west for awhile?


Because then it'll be shady on my side of the car.


Charlie's got the mirror turned around. Let's see what he wants.

What's going on, Charlie?

I'll tell you what's going on.

My vending machine got ripped off again last night.

Some crook put in one dime, took out all the papers and...

That's the second time it happened in the last two weeks.

Is that why you gave us the signal?

Oh, come on, you guys know me better than that.

I just said that because that guy was standing here.

What do you got?

Well, I hear there's a lot of action

in those old abandoned houses on DeWitt Street.

The block?

-That's it. -MALLOY: What kind of action?

Dope fiends, sh**ting up.

Must be a dealer in the neighborhood.

Well, that's what I figured.

Well, I'll keep my ears open. If I hear anything more, I'll let you guys know.

Great, Charlie, we'll check it out.

How you doing?

Okay, but this shirt's not helping. It scratches like a burlap sack.

Let's go see what he's up to.

He's not gonna tell us anything now.

One-Adam-, clear.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: One-Adam-, clear.

All that waiting for one little fish.

One-Adam-, One-Adam-, meet One-L- on Tac .

One-Adam-, roger.

One-Adam- to One-L-, go.

MACDONALD: One-L- to One-Adam-, your man called

and advised you check the location at Union and Catalina.

One-Adam-, roger, and switching back to frequency .

Sounds like Charlie kept his ears open, all right.

Yeah. One-Adam-, clear.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: One-Adam-, clear.

One-Adam- requesting One-L- meet us on Tac .

FEMALE DISPATCHER: One-Adam-, roger.

One-L-, One-L-, meet One-Adam- on Tac .

MACDONALD: One-L- to One-Adam-, go.

Mac, would you check with narcotics on a William C. Roberts?

About years of age, possible present address is on East Vine.

One-L- to One-Adam-, roger.

Give me a call on the landline in about minutes.

One-Adam-, roger. Switching back to frequency .

The guy's a live one all right.

We got one warrant out for dealing heroin and one for parole violation.

Mac knows the guy. He busted him before.

-Narcotics gonna handle it? -No, they gave us the go-ahead.

They're tied up on something else.


One-Adam-, code in the vacant lot at Oxford, north of Vine.

Request One-L- to meet us at this location and approach from the east.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: One-Adam-, roger.

One-Adam- request's you broadcast a code at our location.

One-Adam-, roger. Go ahead, it's code , Oxford, north of Vine.

One-L-, One-L-, meet One-Adam-, Oxford, north of Vine.

Approach from the east.

See anything?

It's the left-hand apartment, down in the Spanish duplex.

I saw two guys go in and one came out.

Both times, the same guy answered the door.

"', brown hair, maybe years old.

That's him.

I got Woods and Nelson covering the back of the building.

They're on Tac .

One-Adam- show us on Tac .

FEMALE DISPATCHER: One-Adam-, roger.

He's cones a hype if I ever saw one.

Wanna go on this one?


One-Adam- to X-Ray-. We're moving in about seconds.


Caught this guy in the alley.


-Did you guys get the stuff? -A whole bag full of jelly beans.

Well, Charlie's information was right on.

MALE DISPATCHER:All units, a just occurred at the jewelry store,

, Fillmore.

Suspect is described as a male Caucasian to , used a blue steel a*t*matic,

last seen in a brown station wagon, unknown make or year.

MALLOY: Brown wagon.


This is One-Adam-, requesting wants, warrants and short DMV

on Ocean, Zebra, King.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: One-Adam-, roger. Stand by.

One-Adam-, Ocean, Zebra, King, no want or warrants

Volkswagen, Diane V. Gunderson, East Hill Street.

One-Adam-, roger.

That's a long way from a ' Volkswagen.

This is One-Adam-.

We're stopping a brown station wagon,

possible suspect, block of Garland.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: One-Adam-, roger.

Throw your keys out the window!


Now come on out and keep your hands where I can see 'em!


Get up on the sidewalk, face down, hands straight, eyes to the side.

Let's go!


Okay, you can get up.

Let's see your driver's license.

This is an Indiana license.

It's valid.

The car is registered to a Volkswagen

owned by a Miss Diane V. Gunderson.

It's my wife's car. We just moved here from Indiana.

Oh, I know what I did.

I received the California license plates for both cars at the same time.

I must have put the wrong plates on the wrong cars.

One-Adam-, roger.

MALE DISPATCHER: All units, be advised,

the vehicle used in the in the jewelry store

has extensive TA damage to the right rear.

They just put out a supplemental on the .

The vehicle used had extensive damage to the right rear.

This one was registered to a Theodore Gunderson.

License is supposed to be Ocean, Zebra, King.

See, I told you.

That's only one number away from this one.

I switched plates all right.

Sorry this had to happen, Mr. Gunderson.

But both you and your car match the description of a man

who robbed a jewelry store.

If the plates didn't match, it'd make you a prime suspect.

Yeah? I guess I better change my plates right away.

You know, I've heard of how fast them computers work.

But I never realized it till it happened to me.

Thanks for your cooperation.

Where are you going?

Jim, we've driven as far west as we can go.

One more block and we'll be in the county. We've gotta turn around.

Get in, I'll drive.

I've got a better idea. Let's go through the park, it's nice and shady.

If there's nobody around, you can hang your feet out the window.

The lake. Two boys tipped over in a boat. I think they're drowning.

One-Adam- requesting ambulance meet this unit on Arlington Street

at the north end of Echo Park Lake. Possible drowning.

The other one! Where's the other one?

Oh. I hope we're not too late.

I wanted to do something but I can't swim.

I just ran out to the street and yelled until you came along.

It seemed like ages.



Are you okay, son?

Is he going to be all right?

I feel so bad.

If only I could swim, I'd have gone in myself.

They were lucky you were here at all, lady.


Thank goodness. Thank goodness.


Thought we'd head back to the station, you can get out of that wet uniform.

Take your time, Pete. This is the coolest I've felt all day.