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06x06 - Hot Shot

Posted: 01/22/24 10:15
by bunniefuu

a in progress.

One-Adam-, handle code .




Well, if it isn't my old buddy.

Why don't we step up on the side walk.

Still pulling for the Rams, Malloy?

When'd you hit the streets Reno?

Six weeks ago.

Carrying a tail?

No way, Malloy, I did it all,

four years, months and days.

I walked out with a full receipt.

See you got yourself a new partner.

Your license. Run the car, Jim.

You know me better than that, Malloy,

I've never had a hot set of wheels in my life.

-Temporary, huh? -Yeah.

You see, my old one expired exactly three years and two months ago.

I'm citing you for failure to yield to on-coming traffic.

You're a real sport, Malloy.

Do you ever give anybody a break?

Only when they deserve it.

Registered and legal owner is a Reynold M. Wesson, West Fulton.

Looks like you're doing pretty good for yourself.

Six weeks out of the joint and driving around in a new set of paid-for wheels.

So I don't like making payments. That a crime?

Plan on sticking around, Reno? Or you gonna leave us?

I might leave soon as I get pumped up a little.

Prices have sure gone up in the past five years,

and I'm not holding too heavy.

Unless you've changed your act, Reno, we might arrange things

where you won't have to worry about inflation.

What do you mean, "Changed my act," Malloy?

I always have been straight.

Sign here.

See you in court Malloy. Don't be late.

Be my guest, Reno.

What was that all about?

Reynold Miles Wesson aka Reno West.

Reno's one of the better burglars around, and a real hot dog.

Rips off big pads and has the stuff sold

before he steals it.

Sharp dresser, never looks out of place.

That's a good looking set of wheels he was driving.

Yeah but Reno never capers in his own car,

always a rental, always expensive.

Sounds like he puts a lot of thought into making trouble.

He'd only take one or two items,

the biggest ring the most expensive watch.

Stuff he could put in his pocket.

Half the time the owner wouldn't even miss it till weeks later.

Pretty tough M.O.

Doesn't sound like there's any love lost between you guys.

I'm the guy who sent him up.

I got lucky one night and nailed him in a pad in Bel Air

with $, in rare coins in his pockets.


One-Adam-, we have a in progress at the market

, Glenview. Request back up.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: One-Adam-. Roger. One-X-Ray . One-X-Ray .

[g*nsh*t FIRING]

He went for the back! Don't think I hit him!

One-Adam-, sh*ts fired at our location.

Request an ambulance.

My partner in foot pursuit of a suspect.

MALE DISPATCHER: One-Adam-, your location.

One-Adam-, now west bound on Glenview.


MALLOY: I'll cover the other side.

MALE DISPATCHER:One-Adam-, One-Adam-, your location?

One-Adam-, we're at Montana and Grant.

We have the suspect pinned down in a pedestrian tunnel.

DISPATCHER: All units One-Adam- has the suspect pinned down

in the pedestrian underpass, Montana and Grant.

One-Adam-, meet One L- on Tac-.

Adam- to L- go.

MACDONALD: What's your situation, Adam-?

It's a standoff Mac, we can't go in he can't come out.

Suspect is aimed with a shotgun.

Request tear gas and an ambulance, suspect is wounded.

MACDONALD:That's a roger. Anyone else been wounded?

He shot a man in the liquor store and fired sh*ts at both of us.

Looks like we're going to have to do it the hard way.

X-Ray- just rolled up, they're covering the other side.

Okay, hang tight, my ETA is about five minutes.

Roger, KMA.

Pretty sure you hit him, Pete?

Yeah, but I don't know how bad he's hurt.

MACDONALD: He could be playing possum down there.

He's k*lled once. The liquor store manager died.

He has nothing more to lose by blowing up one of us.

The kid's got a b*llet in him. And he's scared.

A bad combination any way you look at it.

Let's try to talk him out one more time.

This is the police.

The tunnel is covered from both sides.

We know you're injured.

There's an ambulance out here.

Put your shotgun down and come out with your hands up.

Can't be more than .

Every year they get younger.

One-Adam-, clear.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: One-Adam-, clear.

When is Hicks gonna learn to clean out this car when he goes off watch?

I thought I smelled something. What is it this time?

Piece of dill pickle and a banana peel.

Where does this guy have Code Seven? At a Street Fair?

He is improving. It's been a couple

of days since he left the steering wheel sticky.

Every time we get in this car, it smells like two weeks' worth of dirty laundry.

Well, you gotta say this for Hicks, he doesn't throw litter in the streets.

What do they pay for those things now?

I don't know, half a cent a piece.

Well, if we sold all the cans that Hicks leaves in the car,

we'd probably have enough money to have a cleaning lady come in once a week.

Must have been sitting there at least a week.

One-Adam- requesting wants and DMV and on Cal, .

Ocean, Charles, Ida.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: One-Adam-, stand by.

One-Adam-, Ocean, Charles, Ida, is a Hollywood stolen,

hold for prints, wanted for .

DR --.

Roger, request tow service at Laurelwood Street.

Roger, One-Adam-.

Fat chance they'll get anything out of that heap,

it's got to be a hundred and ten inside.

If there were any prints they'd be oily blobs by now.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: One-Adam-, One-Adam-,

a at the public library.

Mark Kent street.

The P.R. will meet you at the check-out desk.

One-Adam-, roger.

I'm afraid you're too late officers,

she's been gone minutes.

I'm Officer Malloy and this is Officer Reed, can we have your name please?

Oh, I'm Iris Kelly.

I'm the head day librarian.

What happened, Miss Kelly?

A girl stole a book.

I don't know which one, or if it were more than one.

She must have had it in that big purse of hers,

one of those shoulder kind, you know.

Then you didn't see the book, the book?

Of course not, I told you she had them in this big purse over her shoulder.

Miss Kelly, if you didn't see any books how do you know any were taken?

Oh! Oh, you...

All of our books have a sensitized metal strip in the binding.

When a person checks a book out, the machine desensitizes the strip,

so it won't sound the buzzer when they go through the door.

It's a new system, we just had it put in.

Like they're using in department stores these days, huh?

That's right Officer.

The only difference is that when a book is returned

the metal strip is re-sensitized.

You have no idea how many thousands of valuable books

used to be stolen before.

Can you describe the woman, Miss?

Oh, well, let me see.

She could be or .

It's so hard to tell these days.

They all look the same and dress the same.

It was um, blue pants, floppy jackets and long straight hair.

Did you try to stop her, Miss Kelly?

Of course I did, soon as I heard the buzzer,

but she started screaming at me to let her go, and she ran out.

The girl, was she short, tall? Blonde, brunette?

Oh, sort of blonde.

And one of those tall skinny types, more like a boy than a girl.

It isn't much to go on but we'll do what we can.

If you'd been here quicker she wouldn't have gotten away.

We'll try to do better next time.


That's Mr. West, a real gentleman.

Does he come here often?

Just about every other day for the past few weeks.

Good morning, Malloy.

Officer Reed. Nice day, isn't it?

How do ya like the way the Rams are shaping up?

-Not bad. -Good.

Thank you again for your help, Miss Kelly.

I didn't know you knew Mr. West, officers.

We've met on occasion.

Do you happen to know what book he had back there?

I helped him find it, it was a book on philately.

Mr. West's a stamp collector, eh?

He has a wide variety of interests.

The other day he wanted a volume on

jade figurines and antique ivories.

He even reads the society columns.

I'm sure he does.

Would you sign this, please?

If anything develops on those stolen books, we'll be in touch.

Thank you.


One-Adam-, clear.


Stamps, rare jade and ivories. Probably has a buyer lined up already.

We better advise burglary.

One-Adam-, One-Adam-, family dispute,


P.R. at Costello.

Use caution, possible g*n involved. Code .

One-Adam-, Roger.

One-Adam-, One-Adam-, your call is now Code , sh*ts fired.

One-Adam-, Roger.

One-Xray-, One-Xray-, back up One-Adam-.

sh*ts fired call. Costello. Code .

I'm Bill Porter, the one who called you,

officer, when Helen came over to use our phone

I tried to talk to George, he shot through the window.

Slow down, Mister. The lady that's crying, is that his wife?

Yeah. She's half out of her mind worrying about little Donna,

I tried to tell her, George loves the girl,

wouldn't hurt her for the world.

The girl still in the house?


How old is she?

Eight, nine, I'm not sure.

You'd better go back inside your home, Mr. Porter, take the women with you.

Huh. You're not going to hurt George, are you?

He's really a good man, officers.

We don't want to hurt anyone, please go on in the house.

Put in a call for a Sergeant. I'm going in to see what I can get out of the wife.

What have you got?

We have a barricaded suspect holding a juvenile hostage.

Try and get around the back f you can.


One-Adam- requesting field supervisor to meet us on Tac-.


One-L- meet One-Adam- on Tac-.

MACDONALD:One-L-, go One-Adam-.

Mac, we got a guy barricaded in a house, he's holding his daughter hostage

at , Costello. sh*ts fired.

We need back up units to seal off the area.

Roger, One-Adam-.

Folks get back down the street.

[g*nsh*t FIRING]

He just popped another round. I sent a man to cover the back.

Ambulance and a SWAT team is on the way. Where's Malloy?

Mr. Porter's house. He's trying to get some information from the suspect's wife.

One-L-, Code at Costello.

DISPATCHER:Roger, One L-. All units Code at Costello.

Get any more units here and we'll be sh**ting at each other.

Seal off the east intersection.

The suspect's name is George Dixon.

He's been out of work almost a year, up to his neck in bills.

This morning they re-poed the television set.

Seems Dixon just sat staring at the floor for a couple of hours.

Then suddenly flipped his lid, started to smash up what was left of the furniture.

She ran over to get help from the Porters.

They put in the call.

What about the kid?

Last thing Mrs. Dixon knew, she was in her room, afraid to come out.

Here's a layout of the house.

Two bedrooms, kitchen, living room, and one bath.


Just one in the living room.

Don't want to use gas if we can avoid it, not with the kid in there.

We might be able to get around the left side and get her out a window.

It's worth a try.

I'll talk Dixon to the front of the house while you make your move.

Hold your position.

Trying to help your daughter Mister.


I'm all right, Mommy.

Please don't cry, Mommy.

He had me cold, Mac. He could have blown me up.

He was probably more worried about hitting the girl than you.

But there's no need to rush anything now.

Time is on our side.

Do you know the Dixon's phone number, Mr. Porter?

Yes sir, it's -.

You take it, Reed. He's seen what you did for his daughter.

Mrs. Dixon, I'm going to take her inside with me for a minute okay?

Come on.

This is Officer Reed, Mr. Dixon.

I'm the one who got your little girl out the window.

I just want you to know your daughter's all right.

Yes, sir, she's right here.

Your father wants to talk to you.

I'm all right, honest, but Mom feels awful bad,

she keeps on crying and crying.

We want you, Dad, Mom and me need you.

Please don't make something bad happen to you.

I don't care about the television, Dad, all I want is you

and Momma.

Please, Dad. Please.



He's gonna come out.

You won't hurt him will you?

He's a good dad.

You'll help him won't you?

Mommy says you policemen are our friends.

Yes, we'll help him.