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06x03 - Foothill Division

Posted: 01/22/24 10:13
by bunniefuu
FEMALE DISPATCHER ON RADIO: One-Adam-. One-Adam-, a in progress.

One-Adam-, handle code .


MACDONALD: ...was a blue steel revolver, unknown caliber.

Vehicle was a Ford two-door, white over blue.

California plate,

first three letters, Ocean, Adam, King. Unknown numbers.

The suspect got away with approximately $ in currency,

small bills.


Um, had a from a camper last night.

Vehicle was parked in victim's driveway.

The thief ripped off three fishing rods, a tackle box,

and a pair of custom-made western boots.

The boots are described as brown, rough out leather bottoms,

calf leather tops with a green cactus design.

You've got a pair of boots like that, haven't you, Mac?

Yeah, I did. Until last night.


Shouldn't be too hard to find a pair of size boondockers

with pretty little cactuses on 'em.

-[ALL CHUCKLING] -The size is .

We'll make a note of that, Mac. Was the camper locked?

Of course it was.

And before you comics go too far,

I'm offering a pair of steak dinners to whoever turns up the thief,

with my boots. Okay?

That's it, hit the streets.

The smog. It's not as bad out here as it is downtown.

Some guy has come up with the theory that in time,

people are gonna build up a tolerance to hydrocarbon.

Of course, it might take a couple of generations.

That's something nice to look forward to.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: One-Adam-. One-Adam-, a report.

Komac Ranch, one half mile past the Kayo Canyon turnoff.

PR will meet you at the stables.

One-Adam-, roger.

You fellas got here quick.

Henry Komac's the name. I own the place.

I'm Officer Malloy, this is my partner, Officer Reed. What happened, Mr. Komac?

They broke into the tack room,

ripped the lock and hasp right off the door

and got away with my silver-mounted parade saddle.

-Anything else? -Yeah.

Went in through the window of my hand's quarters.

Just about cleaned Johnny out.

They got a radio, some cash and his gold rodeo buckle.

What's Johnny's last name, Mr. Komac?

Johnny Bearkiller. He's a Blackfoot Indian, full-blood.

Been working for me close to years.

Last night, he went to San Berdoo to visit his folks.

Got back a little while ago and found the place cleaned out.

That danged saddle cost me $, back in the 's.

Be three times that now.

Can you describe the saddle?

Oh, sure. Brown leather with solid silver trim.

It had a $ gold piece mounted in the saddle horn.

Minted the same year I was born, .

There was a time when folks could leave their doors open and not worry about it.

Not anymore.

Where's Mr. Bearkiller now?

We found some dirt bike tracks leading back into the hills.

Johnny saddled up to trail 'em.

Dirt bikes are usually pretty noisy, Mr. Komac.

Did you hear anything last night?

I don't sleep wearing my hearing aid, young fella.

Without it, I couldn't hear a feisty bull in the next room.


Here comes Johnny. He must've found something.

I pegged 'em, Mr. Komac.

Tracks lead straight up to the abandoned mine shaft on Canyon Flats.

Good boy, Johnny.

Are you sure? Those hills must be full of bike tracks.

Officer, I know how to follow a trail.

I'll fill Mac in.

MALLOY: Did you get a good look at the location?

Didn't want to get too close, afraid I might spook 'em.

But I saw the bikes, one was orange and the other was green.

-Did you see anyone up there? -No, but they're there all right.

They had a radio going full blast.

Probably my radio, it's one of them transistors.

They came down from the hill, parked right over there by that tree

and went back the some way.

Mr. Komac, Mr. Bearkiller, this is Sergeant MacDonald.

From what Reed tells me, the suspects may be in a mine shaft

-up on the hill. -Right.

-How close can we get with a car? -No way.

You gotta walk, ride a horse, or do what they did. Use bikes.

KOMAC: Do you fellas do any horseback riding?

Not if we can help it.

How about Air- or the jeep?

I just checked. Air- is on another case in West Valley

and the jeep won't be available for three-quarters of an hour.

They'll be gone by then, and so will my rodeo buckle.

And my silver-mounted parade saddle.

You mean the police department is just gonna stand here

and let those fellas ride off into the sunset

with our goods and you can't do anything?

All right, let's go.

Saddle up some mounts for the officers, Johnny.

Uh, pick gentle ones.

Horse has to have spirit, ain't worth nothin' without it.

Only place for a horse without some mettle to him

is on one of them merry-go-rounds, I always say.

I'd like to go with you fellas, but I haven't been able to ride for a year now.

Doc's orders. But I can still saddle 'em, though.

We'll need a CC unit, and a shotgun

and flashlights for the mine shaft.

MALLOY: Wait a minute, Mac.

We didn't call you. What got you out here?

-What do you mean? -You don't really think

the same guy who ripped off the saddles is the one who took your boots?

No, I just dropped by to supervise.

REED: For a report?

Come on, Mac, you wouldn't try to do us out of two steak dinners, would you?

Of course not.

Hey! Take it easy, will you, horse?

MALLOY: Ease up on your reins, Mac, you're holding him too tight.

MACDONALD: Yeah, okay?

All right, I got the idea. Hey, that's easy.

Easy, horse, I wasn't talking to you.


The bikes are gone.

You just go back feet.

They could've hidden the bikes anywhere.


MALLOY: This trail the only way down from here?

Yep, I've scouted these hills for years.

They want out, they gotta come this way.

Mac, suppose you and Johnny stay here. Jim and I will check the shaft.

-If they get by us, you can stop 'em. -Right.


She's not talking.

MACDONALD: Well, she didn't shout, so they're probably gone.

You stay here. Malloy and I will check out the mine.

-That's my buckle. -I saw it, Johnny.

We'll have to hold it for evidence. You'll get it back later.


Anything else left in there?

Oh, yeah. This wasn't their first job.

The place is about half full of all kinds of riding equipment.

Yeah, everything but your cowboy boots.

MAN ON RADIO: Air- to One-L-. Air- to One-L-.

One-L- to Air-. Go.

MAN:We're available now and en route to your location.

Are there any dirt bikes involved in your deal?

Roger, Air-. Two, one orange and one green.

Possibly still in the vicinity of our location.

MAN:Roger. We've spotted probable suspects

two miles away from your location, heading for Foothill Boulevard.

We'll stick with them and have 'em checked out.

Roger, Air-. And thanks. KMA .

Guess that about wraps it up.

Not quite. We've still got to get all that stuff down the hill.

Well, put some of them in the jeep and the rest will get down on the horses.

I'll tell you one thing that's not going down the hill on a horse.


-You get a DR number yet? -Yeah.

You owe me cents.

For what?

The coffee. You said you'd buy.

Oh, yeah.

-All I have is a . -Wait a minute.


, and .


Hey, Tex.

I hear you and your partner made a good bust today.

Yeah. Bet you thought the Old West was dead.

Hope you remembered to leave a silver b*llet behind.

Hey, I'm taking up a collection.

It's for a good cause.

Everybody's kicking in. MacDonald and I put in a five spot. Each.

Oh, must be a good cause if you gave five bucks, Ed.

What's the pitch, Wells?

No pitch, Malloy, it's on the level.

This guy walked into the station. Had his wife and baby with him.

Kid's got a brain tumor

and they're trying to get him to a hospital in San Francisco.

You ought to see 'em, Pete.

Right out of The Grapes of Wrath.

Why'd he come here?

Poor guy's tapped out.

Had car trouble in Barstow, took everything he had to get it fixed.

And a couple of gallons of gas.

Where're they from?

Little town in New Mexico, Tucumcari.

I called the paper, they sent a reporter over.

He's talking to 'em in the Sergeant's office.

How about it, fellas? Anything at all will help.

Five. That's great, Malloy.

Twenty bucks? Fantastic!

Not , Wells. Five.



Well, there you go.

Thanks, fellas, these people will really appreciate it.

MALLOY: I'll get the reports approved.

The Bay Bridge Hospital in San Francisco.

HOBBS: Yes, sir.

Doc Caldwell called from Tucumcari

and made the arrangements for the operating.

All we gotta do is get little R.J. there by tomorrow.

When did you leave Tucumcari, Mr. Hobbs?

Day before yesterday.

We didn't figure on the car breaking down.

We never knew little R.J. had one of them brain tumor things.

We just reckoned he was naturally poorly.

Doc Caldwell says if he didn't have an operation,

he just wasn't gonna make it.

Me and Wilburta here sold everything we had to make the trip.

Just wasn't enough.

REPORTER: That type of operation can be very expensive, Mr. Hobbs.

I reckon so, but Doc Caldwell told us not to worry about that,

just get little R.J. there quick as we could.

He said that they got a doctor up there

that's real good at that kind of operating.

-How much did you get? -Ninety-six bucks.

REPORTER: Don't you have anyone in New Mexico...

Ought to get him to San Francisco okay.

If that heap doesn't break down again.

Wilburta here, she's got a...

She's got a brother in Clovis.

What's his name? Maybe we could put in a call to him.

Buck Flemming, but he ain't no better off than we are.

Mr. Hobbs?

We took up a little collection, Mr. Hobbs, hope it's enough.

No, Officer, I...

I don't like to be beholden to folks, Officer, it ain't my nature.

You're not beholden, Mr. Hobbs.

Take it. For the baby.

Well, if you could just consider it a loan...


Thank you.

Thank you, thank you kindly.

And don't you worry none. I'm gonna... I'm gonna pay you back.

Yes, I'm gonna pay you back.

Okay, fellas, time to get back on the streets.

-Hi. -Hi, you got trouble?

Got a loose vacuum line somewhere. Darn thing keeps whistling.

-You live around here? -Yeah.

Lake View Terrace. I'm Walt Jeffries.

That's a good-looking pair of boots, Mr. Jeffries. Where'd you get them?

Had 'em made in a little place in Tijuana.

Interesting design.

Yeah, the guy said it was the only pair like them with this design.

They wouldn't happen to be size , would they?

Yeah, they would. Why all this interest in my boots?

Do you have any identification?

Sure. What's this all about?

I had him make this for me when he made the boots, same design.

I work Malibu station, morning watch. Now do you mind telling me what's up?

Looks like your little old boot-maker romanced you, Jeffries.

There's more than one pair of boots around with that design.

Last night somebody ripped off an identical pair from our Sergeant's camper.

He had his made in Mexico, too, probably by the same boot-maker.

Same size, .

[CHUCKLES] How about that?

I've had these for over a year now, thought I had something special.

So did we.

Pete Malloy, my partner, Jim Reed.

Hi. How are you?

Funny coincidence though, isn't it? I mean, same design, same color and size?

Yeah. I thought we had us a couple of steak dinners for sure.

-Take it easy, Jeffries. -Yeah, you do the same.

I could use something to eat. How about you?


FEMALE DISPATCHER: All units on Frequency One, meet One-L- on Tac Two.

One-Adam- to One-L-, go.

MACDONALD: One-L- to all units.

The station is under sn*per fire.

Unknown at this time how many suspects are involved.

SWAT has been notified.

One-Adam-, set up a command post at Evans and Fillmore.

Deploy perimeter units and stand by for One-L-.

Handle code .

-One-Adam-, roger. -[SIREN WAILING]

One-Adam- to all available units, identify yourselves.

OFFICER ON RADIO: One-X-Ray- available.

One-X-Ray-, roger. All units stand by.

-What do we have? -Eight units.

Seven black and white and one plainclothes car.

We'll need five units to set up a perimeter.

Good. Have the plainclothes car meet us at the command post.

One-X-Ray-, block traffic.

This is One-Adam-. All remaining units

meet this unit at the command post, Evans and Fillmore.

MAN ON RADIO: Air- to One-Adam-, come in.

One-Adam-, go.

MAN:Air-. We made a low pass over the station.

The best we can tell, there is one sn*per located west of the station.

Roger, Air-. What's the description?

MAN:Suspect is a male Caucasian, wearing gray pants and a maroon plaid shirt.

Suspect is armed with a high-powered r*fle.

One-Adam-, roger. Maintain surveillance.

Let's make our move.

We'll use the vice unit to get us close and X-Ray- as backup.

-I'll clear it with L-. -Right.

One-Adam- to L-.


Mac, we're moving in. L- has the command post.

Advise holding fire.

One-L-, roger. We still haven't seen the suspect.

-One-Adam-, to Air-. -[HELICOPTER WHIRRING]

MAN:Roger, One-Adam-. Vic copied.

The suspect is now behind a green pickup on the north side of the station,

mid block.

Roger, Air-. Keep us posted.

That alley on the next block is about as close as we can get.

MAN:One-Adam-, be advised,

the suspect is attempting to get between the houses north of the station.

-[g*nshots] -He's firing at us.

We are going higher, out of range.

Take off!

Let's go.

MAN:Air- to Adam-, suspect is moving.

Heading for the alley between the houses.

Adam-, roger.

Freeze, mister!

Adam- to L-. We have the suspect in custody.

Request an ambulance. sh*ts fired.

If you guys think it was rough outside,

you should've been in the coffee room, where we were.

He had a clear shot at us through the window.

I was trying to put out the lights.

Do you know how hard it is to hit a light fixture with a broom handle?

Uh-huh. And it's even harder when you're hiding under a table.

-Wells! -Oh, hi, Mac.

We're still looking for your boots.

Sorry to hear about your boots not being originals.

You know, Mac, you've got to be leery of those people in gift shops.

I suppose you can spot a phony a mile off, that right?

Sure. What's buggin' you, Mac?

I just got a call from that reporter about your friend, Mr. Hobbs.

There is no Doctor Caldwell in Tucumcari, New Mexico.

The Bay Bridge Hospital never heard of your Mr. Hobbs,

and a check with the Clovis Police

hasn't turned up anybody by the name of Buck Flemming.

Must be some kind of mistake.

Hobbs was on the level, I'd swear to it.

After I got the call from the reporter, I checked out Hobbs with NCIC.

He's got a rap sheet on bunco in half the states west of the Mississippi.

Look at it.


Wait a minute, guys.

I mean, the guy said it was only a loan. He'll pay it back.

Look, he even gave me his phone number in Tucumcari.