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06x02 - Rampart Division: The Senior Citizens

Posted: 01/22/24 10:13
by bunniefuu
FEMALE DISPATCHER ON RADIO: One-Adam-. One-Adam-, a in progress.

One-Adam-, handle code .


-Must've been some party last night. -Huh?

You didn't see that girl with the come-hither smile?

The strawberry fox is getting gray.

That's the trouble with being a bachelor.

Must be tiring. All that pursuit.

Expensive, too. Dinner. A movie.

Couple of drinks. Aspirin.

It was worth it.

What'd you do last night?

Something exciting like balance your check book?

Well? You going to tell me about it?

About what?

The party.

Eat your heart out.



Can you tell us what happened?

He took my purse. I left it in the car, and he took it.

I come every month to trim the grass, make neat.

My husband is here. I am Mrs. Hong Toy.

It was so peaceful. Quiet.

He took ray purse.

No respect for the dead.

You could have gotten yourself k*lled.

My place is waiting for me.

It can wait a while longer.

Is he going to give me a ticket?

No, Ma'am.

MALLOY: Can you tell me what the man looked like?

I did not have my glasses on.

I almost caught him.

How do you feel?

I could use something to eat.

-Too early to go . -Yeah.

It's a shame. To have that happen to her.

You know what else has she got to do?

Go to the cemetery once a month and pull weeds.

It's a heck of a way to end up.


I don't know how they handle it.

They seem to be handling it all right.

How'd you like to play shuffleboard every day?

Right now I'd settle for a long weekend.

What happens when the weekend's permanent?

There's no job to go back to?


You really mean that?

Sure. Why not? Isn't that what it's all about?

You put in your years,

take the gold watch, and head for the rocking chair.

All by yourself?

I plan to be a dirty old man.

Don't say it.

I was just wondering what the odds were.

Of you finding a nice old lady who likes dirty old men.

[SIGHS] Your turn.

Glad I saw you fellows.

What you got, George?

This is a tough place I got here, you know.

Lots of cons fresh out of the joint.

Gotta watch it all the time.

Any trouble?


You know this is a halfway house.

A place to get back into being a useful member of society.

Well, it's not a place you should find any junk, is that right?

That's right.

That'd be stepping off in the wrong direction, wouldn't it?

Well, let me tell you,

I just may be sitting on top of the biggest bust in LA

and that's a fact.

Somebody using or dealing?

I got my eye out.

You contacted Narco?

Sure I have. I know the procedures.

I told them it was a mistake

but they wouldn't believe me.

What kind of mistake?

Not to duke somebody in.

I mean I'm in harness

how am I going to get close to those dudes?

But they won't listen,

they're not like you and Pete, there.

You understand what it means to be on the firing line.

Those dicks, what do they know, huh?


Look, we'll check with you from time to time.

You spot anything, just let us know. Okay?

Sure. I'll do that.

You want some advice?

When you're patrolling, do one round with your hat on.

The next time with your helmet on.

Next time with your hat off.

And take turns driving.

That way you make 'em think there's more cops than there is, see?

You ought to mention that at roll call.

I may just do that.

We used to do it when we were shorthanded.

Seemed we were shorthanded all the time.

Did I ever tell you about the summer,

I was a probationer then,

when d*ck Johnson and me were on a stakeout just south of Boston?

I tell you for a fact that was one for the book.

It was hotter than two Julys rolled up in an August.

We were working Vice and...

Jim, we better back up Adam-.

Gotta go, George.

It'll keep. I'll tell you about it later.

You think there's anything to it?

The biggest bust in LA and that's a fact?


Narcs don't think so.

George just like to talk.

Trouble is he never learned how to talk to civilians.

You may be right.

It comes from being a cop too long,

pretty soon the only people you know are cops.

Pete. The guy by the station wagon.

Well, I'm certainly glad to see you.

Hold it right there. Put your hands on your head.

You see, I lost my keys and I have an important appointment.

May I see your driver's license, please?

This is all a mistake.

Yes, sir. I'm sure it is.

I don't have my driver's license.

It's not your car, is it?


You got any ID?


This your name Harold D. Tanner?


I'll be right back.

You going to put me in jail?


I never done anything like this before but what could I do?

Ain't nobody wants to hire me not even for odd jobs.

And I need to get home.

Where's that?

Missouri. Joplin, you know it?

No, I don't.

If I could just get home my son's got a job for me.

He's got a cabinet shop, does real good work.

He sent me bus fare, but I lost it.

-Sorry to hear that. -Having some trouble, Officer?

He was trying to break into the car.

Doesn't look like he did much damage.

You the owner?

It belongs to the church. I drive it.

I sure am sorry, Reverend.

Like I told him,

I never done anything like this before.

And I wouldn't have, if I wasn't desperate!

I just got to get enough money to get back home to Joplin.

There's no harm done. Can't you let him go?

Cuff him.

He didn't steal anything.

He would have.

I could forgive him. He's an old man.

Who happens to have three warrants out on him for grand theft auto.

Let's go.

One Adam- requesting Code .

Alvarado and Westlake.


One-Adam-. Okay, .


Get out!

Run, lecher! Your sins will catch you!

-Please. Make her stop! -Now just a minute, ma'am.

What seems to be the trouble here?

-Arrest him! -I'm only trying to help.

I don't want to be incarcerated.

Well you should be you dirty old man!

Now just settle down.

You want to tell me what the trouble is, ma'am?

There's no trouble.

We'll hear your side. Go ahead, ma'am.

He made indecent proposals!

Don't go making goo-goo eyes at them!

You're on his side, aren't you?

You're all alike, that's all you think about!

Well, I'm a Christian woman!

And I won't have it!

I'm going to leave this place today!

My son is coming to pick me up.

He has a lovely family and a beautiful home.

With a rose garden.

He's an important man.

We'll just see what he'll do about this.

That's my property, I believe.

There's some nice hot tea in the kitchen, Mrs. Baker.

I won't stay another night

under the same roof with that man.

I'm very sorry, Mr. Morton.

What's this all about?

Mrs. Baker has to leave today.

She's being evicted.

I'm just the manager, Mr. Morton.

I have to follow the rules.

And put her out in the street.

She said her son was coming.

What can I do?

Just follow the rules.

I don't make the rules.

I'm sorry to have caused you gentlemen any inconvenience.

No problem.

She's a proud old woman.

What was that about an "Indecent proposal?"

She has no money, no place to go.

I offered to share my room.

At my age, I'm afraid, that is far from being an indecent proposal.

Let's go eat.

How about a hot pastrami?

Are you kidding?


Cole slaw, Russian dressing, pickle.

You don't know what you're missing.

Yeah, I do. Heartburn.

It's Mrs. Baker, she's out there by our car.


She's breaking out our windshield!

Wait, wait, wait!

What'd you do that for?

That's my business.

It's our business now.

I can't stay there another night.

Wasn't your son coming for you?

I decided not to go.

Yes, Ma'am.

Then where were you going?

Put her in the back.

Well, how's this car handle?

Not much different.

Well, at least Mrs. Baker got what she wanted, a place to stay.


Maybe they won't press charges if her son pays the damages.

If he would have been that responsible this morning.

Let's go check the park.

One-Adam-. Show us Code . Echo Park. Park check.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: One-Adam-, roger.

How many people you figure live in this part of LA?

About ,.

I wonder how many are over .

You taking a survey?

Just thinking.

Must be a lot.

You never see any old people out at night.

They stay inside.

Yeah. Incarcerated.


Break it up! Come on! Break it up!

What's this all about?

He is a thief! Always has been, always will be!

Say what you like, but it is my money!

-Settle down now! -Do not listen to any of his lies!

He is a born liar,

if he was in his grave, he would say he was alive!

You have a big mouth but a very small brain!

All right. Let's go.

Now quietly.

He stole my money. But I took it back.

How much?

$, my blood money.

From the blood bank?

Yes, that's why I didn't beat him to a pulp.

Giving the blood makes you weak, you know?

Once a month, I go. A pint I give, $.

And him! He gets $!

He has negative. They pay more. And how he lords it.

How did he steal your money? You share a room?


It fell from my pocket as I was sitting there on the bench,

in my place where I always sit.

I was going to buy some peanuts to feed the birds

and so I reach in my pocket for a dime and when I take my hand out,

the money fell and he picked it up!

Just like that!

And said it was his!

But it's mine. My blood money.

Did anybody see you drop it?

I asked. But no one saw.

These old people, they can't see anyway.

Except for him! He sees fine!

Good enough to cheat at pinochle

and steal my bloody money.

Okay. Look, you stay here. Let me talk to my partner.

He claims he dropped a $ bill, picked it up

and the other fellow starts yelling about being robbed.

He says he dropped it.

That he sold a pint of his blood for it.

That's what my guy says.

All right, both of you come over here.

Roll up your sleeves.

Roll up your sleeves.

The other one.

Okay, now stay out of trouble and no more fighting.

You understand?

Go on. Separate, move along.

But that is our bench.

It'll be here when you come back.

Let's go or we'll never get lunch.




He's okay. He's not even wet.




How's that?

I'm impressed.

Those Spanish lessons before roll call have paid off.

Yeah. How about that Code we didn't get?

But no pastrami?

How about Japanese?


Thought that was too ritzy for ya.

Clear us.

One-Adam-, clear. Requesting Code ,

intersection of Vermont and Normandie.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: One-Adam-. Code , roger.

You ever tried the sushi? I heard it's pretty good.

MALLOY: That looks like the dude from the cemetery.

It's a cinch he's not looking for a place to pray.

May I help you?

We thought we saw a suspect come in.

Young guy in a red plaid jacket.

Purse snatcher.

It's a major problem here.

At evening services we've had to hire guards, off-duty policemen.

It's a shame, isn't it?

But then when hasn't the devil been at our very gates?

I can't remember. Thank you.

Good luck.


What you wanna do?

Well, how 'bout that?

The strawberry fox can still move pretty good.

All right, let's go.

How ya feeling?


Sure you don't want me to drive?

No. You'll get your chance to drive tomorrow. I've got court.

What ya got?

Remember the model who was speeding

with her hand out the window drying her nails?



MALE DISPATCHER: All units in the vicinity and One-Adam-,

in progress, cocktail lounge West Sixth.

One-Adam- Handle Code .

One-Adam-, roger.


My partner chased him out the back.

Go through the hotel.

One-X-ray- is in foot pursuit of suspect.

Hold it right there.

MALLOY: Drop it.

Trouble with you young fellows is you don't have enough experience.

Always look up. Remember that.

A lot of cops get k*lled because they don't look up and that's a fact.

We'll bring it up at roll call.

You ought to do that.

Any other word on that Narcotics deal?


Man gets lonely, you know? Likes to talk.

I been a cop all my life. Who else can I talk to?

You want to know what's worse than getting old?

Outliving your friends.

See you later.


Don't worry, Pete. You won't end up like him.

You're sure?

Sure. I can see you now.

Some nice old people's home

in a black and white wheelchair, with red lights and siren,

chasing nurses.