01x08 - Cousin Carl

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Corner Gas". Aired: January 22, 2004 – April 13, 2009.*
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Show focuses on the lifestyle of small-town folk; though set in a small town in Saskatchewan, its stories are not chiefly about Saskatchewan or Canada, but rather the day-to-day interactions of the residents of Dog River.
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01x08 - Cousin Carl

Post by bunniefuu »

It's unjust, it's unfair, and I demand restitution Mrs.

Jensen, I can't be giving you your money back Every time you rent a bad movie.

Do you know how many bad movies are out there? Well, this store has certainly gone downhill.

You're aware that we don't produce the movies, right? Your father always kept the customer in mind.

What ever happened to customer service? Have you ever, personally, heard the phrase, "The customer is always right"? This place is just going to hell in a handbasket.

Is this my happy place? Yes.

I'm the angel of good times and no hassles.

And i'm the angel of readily available food and refreshments.


What have I done to deserve this? don't talk silly.

Your pudding bath is ready.

The customer was always number one.

Oscar always treated people with great respect.

hey, jackass, stop talking to this old wing nut And pump my gas.

Well, he's a people person.

♪ you can tell me that your dog ran away

♪ then tell me that it took three days

♪ i've heard every joke i've heard every one you say

♪ you think there's not a lot goin' on

♪ look closer baby you're so wrong

♪ and that's why you can stay so long

♪ where there's not a lot goin' on

♪ hey, Lacey, Mind if I put this up in your window? Talent show? What's that about? How can I describe it? It's a thing where, uh, people show their, what do you call it, talent.

I have a handle on the concept.

Let me know if there's anything else I can do.


You can be the judge.

Oh, no.

I couldn't do that.

I'm not decisive enough.

Sure ya are.

Yeah? Yeah.


Maybe I am.

I'll do it, i I think.

Now I just need to finish the set design.

I'm thinking something shiny, Bright colours, red, green, Flashing lights.

So, old christmas decorations? Yeah.


You deck the halls, but i'm not donning any gay apparel.


Can I get the check, If you're not mentally exhausted From wrestling with the tv times crossword puzzle? I love this.

It makes me feel brilliant.

Blank dream of jeannie, one letter.

Wish me luck.

A dream of jeannie, you dream of jeannie.

Hello, Dog River.

I'm back.

Who's that? Hi, everybody.

I'm a big, loud
-Mouthed jerk.

That's my cousin Carl.

i'm going to get plant food.

Do you need anything? Why are you getting plant food? Because my tomatoes are pathetic and wrinkling.

And when things are pathetic and wrinkly, They need food.

Eat your sandwich.

Why waste money on a whole new box? We got plant food in the basement.

I'll get it.

You can't find anything down there.

Just watch me.

There, told ya.

What's that? Empties.

Where's my plant food? Go buy some.

I'm gonna take these back and get my deposit.

Could you pick me up some plant Food? Anyway, i'm lovin' england.

You'll never guess who I met last week.

King arthur? Pitt the elder? Sting, sting.

He was in my laundry room in my condo.

Huh? Sting, he does his own laundry.

Carl's lucky enough to rub shoulders with the rich and famous.

But we're I must have left my manners on british airways.

I'm Carl vawn.

Lacey Burrows.

So what brings you back to Dog River? British airways, apparently.

Oh, i'm headin' to vancouver.

My company opened a branch office, So i'm on a scouting mission.

Good for them.

It's no big deal.

No, good they sent you away.

Hank! Hey! Come here, ya daffy mope! Brent, what's with all the insults? What? Every time he opens his mouth, you shut him down.

You put "jerk" into the phrase "Being a jerk to Brent's cousin Carl.

" Oh, I don't know.

He's one of those guys who pushes my buttons, You know, walking around in that suit like he's Who's that guy in the suit? The man from glad? Sure.

He grinds my gears, is all.

Try and be civil.

I haven't had a fight in here for three days.

I'll try.

Watch me be nice.

There you go.

It's Carl.

Carl, i'm gonna do my magic act in the talent show.

You gonna stick around? please stay, Carl, If you can tear yourself away from sting.

Not that sting's gonna be at the talent show.

It's good to see ya, Carl.

Nice niceness.

Yeah, i'll be there.

All right.

Take a look at this.

Huh? Ooh, hey, snazzy watch.

You want me to get that fixed for ya or somethin'? Nah.

It's yours, pal.

Aw, thanks.

Come on, hanky, come on.

Who wants the watch? Hey, doggy, doggy, doggy, doggy! Good boy.

Now Kiss me.


that's a nice gift, hey, Brent? Oh, wow, a trinket.

A quality trinket.

What? It's nice.

Excuse me, I have gas Stuff.

Look here, buddy.

Hey? It tells the time anywhere in the world.

You want to know the time in england? It's seven hours ahead, so you Look at that, it's 10:00 in england.

-Ho! Amazing, isn't it? How cool is that? Hey, a round of coffees on me, huh? I'll see ya later.

See ya.

Wait a minute.

You can turn any watch ahead seven hours.

What's up, Brent, hey? You took off like a scalded cat.

Nice image.

Still workin' for the old man, huh? No.

In fact, I own the place now.

Well, yay.

Look, Brent, I know I haven't kept in touch.

Well, don't sweat it.

Things change.

This is Dog River.

Things stay the same.

The peanuts in the vending machine have been around Since I was in high school.

Brent, I can't help but feel that there's some jealousy here, That, you know, somehow my success has, well, Made you feel emasculated.

That's not it at all.

Emasculated means? Like you're not a man.

That's not it at all.

Look, the feelings you're having, they're normal.

Jung once said that we all had a nemesis, an opposite, a surrogate Angels? Hello? Hey, how are the chilI dogs comin'? sorry, buddy, We finished 'em off.

We like him, because he knows what emasculated means.

Oh, Carl, that suit makes you look As sexy as the man from glad.


Let's laugh at Brent.

Brent? Brent? Hey, pay attention, huh? Don't make fun of my peanuts.

Brent, do you have any plant food? Oh, Carl! Aunt Emma.

I heard you were in town.

Give us a hug.

You here long? I think i'm leaving sooner than I thought.


You're coming for dinner.

Roast pork, mashed potatoes.

Brent, you be there too.

And ask Lacey to join us.

And don't forget the plant food.

You think we can have one pleasant meal with your mom Without you getting all weird and defensive? I'm not weird and defensive.


See ya at 5:00.

What's that supposed to mean? hey, Oscar.

What can I do you for, liquor or insurance? Neither.

I'm droppin' off.

What's this? A birthday cake! What's it look like? It's a case of empties.

A buck twenty.

Stubby heidelbergs? Stubby who? I can't take these.

They don't use these anymore.

I bought 'em here, i'll return 'em here.

They don't use them anymore.

They're no good.

Well, maybe my business is no good to ya.

Maybe you could sell them on ebay.

They're not gonna take them at the bay! Sorry, Oscar, there's nothing I can do.

Listen, if you want to ruin a That's your business.

My business is to Your business My business I'll never set foot in this dive again! What if you need insurance? the guy says i'm not a man.

I'm not emasculated, I just don't like Carl.

Why on earth not? I just don't like the guy.

There's no reason.

It's just like everything he does drives me crazy, okay? Do I have to be friends with everybody? Well, Carl jung says we all have a shadow figure, A A kind of nemesis.

In fact, I actually found mine.

What did you do? I married him.


He tries to be folksy And then talks about british airways.

Real folksy, your highness.

It's just an airline, Brent.

Although one you could never afford to fly on.


I'm not emasculated.

He's emasculated.

A big, soft city wimp now.

I'm more of a man than he is.

Here's your tapioca.

How's your headache? Real bad.

Come on, be in the talent show.

I'll be the ventriloquist and you can be my puppet.

It'll be fun.

Why don't you want to do this? Because it's not dignified.

Police officers need to be respected by the community.

Who told you that? hey! Got your g*n? Uh, I think so.


I need you to arrest somebody.

What happened? Wes humbolt won't give me a buck twenty for empties.

Says they're no good just because they're old.

A really nice way to treat a senior.

We can't arrest him for that.

You can't or you won't? I bought those bottles in good faith.

I just want a buck twenty.

Wes won't take them.

I'm a senior! Oh, hey! I was just talkin' to Wes And, uh, he asked me to give you this money.

And he said he was sorry.

It'll take more than this to get back my business.

A formal apology is in order! Nice police work.

Will you be my puppet in the talent show? No.


I'll get a sock.

Those potatoes were dynamite, aunt Emma, Just like I remember.

What? They don't have potatoes in england? What are those, Emma, some pictures? yeah.

Brent and Carl when they were in school.

Oh, ma, don't.

That's humiliating.

I've got feathered hair, I look like a fat sean cassidy.

Were you guys on the gong show? No, that's sheckle and jekyll, our comedy routine.

Remember that, Brent? You two were so funny.

As a matter of fact Ma, we don't want to do the act now.

I wasn't going to say that.

I think you should do it At the talent show on saturday night.



Well, that's much worse.

Oh, don't be such a baby.

What are ya, emasculated? I'm not.

I just It wouldn't be fair to the other performers, is all.

Well, i'm game.

Come on, stop being such a no fun freddy.

Fine, then.

We'll do the act.


No fun freddy? here it is, The maiden batch of Oscar

This is a pilsner.

I followed the instructions and let it sit all afternoon.

I left Toronto to get away from the pollution.

Geez, dad, did ya mix this in a skidoo boot Or a crow's nest? Ah, ya sissy.

It's like a belgian beer.

Not the belgium i've been to.

I suppose you've been to the Brent.

I can't.

I'm driving.

It tastes like you beat a skunk to death with a salmon.

I know it's a little different, but I got no choice.

Wes won't give me my deposit.

Too stubby.

Bottles are bottles.

I only want a buck twenty.

I'm a senior! That reminds me, dad.

I was talking to Wes earlier and, uh, He's changed his mind.

What? He wants bygones to be bygones.


There, Oscar, you got your way.

Now you can dump that swill.

I got my pride.

Until I get a formal apology, The Oscar
-Brau factory is in full operation.

So, bottoms up.

Bottoms up.

Ugh! Aw, did you have to use the scary santa? That thing gives me the heebie jojeebies.

What? It's festive.

Yeah, the same way human sacrifice Is considered festive in some cultures.

Hey, what's goin' on? This doesn't look like pottery class.

It's the talent show.

Talent show? But it It's That That's not till the 12th.


And today's only the 12th.

No, that watch Carl gave me, It says It says it's the 11th? Huh? Hmm.

Well, maybe it's the 11th in england.

I say to Wes, bottles are bottles.

What kind of a place are you runnin'? I'm a senior.

That reminds me.

Wes wanted me to give you the buck twenty.

He wants to forget about the whole thing.

Thank you.

Hello and welcome, everyone, To the 17th annual Dog River talent show.

Brought to you by chuck dragner's Pre
-Owned farm equipment.

Stand up, chuck.

If you can't trust the chuck you're talking to, You're talking to the wrong guy named chuck.

Geez, chuck, you've got to come out with a better slogan.

Anyways, First up.

Hey, constable blondie.

What do you call a blonde police officer Sitting in a volkswagen? uh, far from thinking? Far from thinking.

How many blonde rookies does it take to screw in a light bulb? I don't know.

I'm stupid.

boo! I think he's making fun of you.

Could I get a type of animal, please? Any type of animal.

Dog! All right, a dog.

Voila! hello, i'm sergeant Davis.

I like to eat We're sheckle and jekyll.

I'm murray sheckle.

And i'm dr.


I'm a catskills comedian.

And i'm a brilliant scientist with an evil demon lurking within.

All right, you name any element from the periodic table.


How about boron? Boron.



No, no, jekyll.

You know how you get when you drink that stuff.

♪ now it's time to go we hope you liked our show

♪ if the london cops get me, i'll be put on death row

♪ we're sheckle and jekyll and hyde!
♪ yes! Pretty slick, Emma.

What? You knew if you got them to do their act, They'd patch things up.

That or they'd have duked it out.

Either way it would have been entertaining.

So he wouldn't give me the money for the empties.

Thank you.

ladies and gentlemen, Get ready for the magical, mystical magic Of the great Hank
-Olio! Thank you.

Uh, before I start, I just wanted to say that, well, I got the day wrong, so i'm I'm not I'm not quite ready.

But the show must go on.

Now these rings are steel, Or Or chrome Or, uh, you know, any kinda shiny metal.

Sir, can you verify that these rings Are indeed unbreakable, If If they were here? Hey, look, everybody.

It's the great describo.

Now, there is nothing up my sleeves.

You don't have any sleeves, Hank.

Carl, give the guy a break.

Come on, this guy's worse than Davis.

I thought Davis was hilarious.

Thanks, Emma.

Not you, Davis, the puppet Davis.

You kinda sucked.

It would have looked like, uh, the rings were together And And then I pulled them apart.

And it And it It would have looked really, uh, Really cool.

Tah dah! thank you.

And, now, here to announce tonight's winner is our judge.

Lacey Burrows, everyone! Hi.

Well, it was really close, So hard for me to pick one winner.

They were all so, uh Well, let's just get right to it.

The winner of the 17th annual Dog River talent competition is The mystifying Hank

Hank Yarbo, everybody! Hank? What do ya mean, Hank?! He didn't even have an act! I shoulda won! You yokels wouldn't know a good thing if you saw it! Ooh! Hick town! I never shoulda come here.

That was uncalled for.

Oh, I don't know.

Hank? What the hell ya talkin' about? I'm a big loud
-Mouthed jerk.

Brent's really funny.

He should have won.

He carried me.

Brent's a great guy! He does make a point.

I don't know how we all missed it, But Carl is kind of a Dink.

Well, i've always had a very sensitive dink meter.

I wish I hadn't heard that.

You wish? It was nice of you, Lacey, letting Hank win.

Letting him win? I didn't let him win.

Hank was legitimately the most entertaining act here.

you guys were lame.

I had you behind the balloon guy.

Well, that's it for tonight's show, everybody.

But, before we go, if anybody has $1.

20 For Oscar to shut up about the bottle thing, He's in the corner.

I'm a senior! Well, What the? what is this? The last action hero.

How can you rent this when you don't even carry The first action hero? More dogs, boys? Yes, please.

You? Mmm, don't mind if I do, thank you.

You know, Brent, I really thought you deserved To win that talent show.

Well, thanks for saying that, man from glad.

But it's better that Hank won.

That suit makes you look really good, by the way.

The suit doesn't make me look good.

I make the suit look good.

♪ I don't know the same things you don't know

♪ I don't know I just don't know

♪ it's a great big place

♪ full of nothin' but space

♪ and it's my happy place

♪ I don't know yes you do

♪ you just won't admit it

♪ I don't know the same things you don't know
♪ We're on the interweb at cornergas.
♪ I don't know

♪ I just don't know

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