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02x04 - The Funeral

Posted: 01/21/24 19:53
by bunniefuu
Previously on "The Traitors,"

four faithfuls now have fallen,
two to m*rder...

By order the traitors,
you have been m*rder*d.

They got me.

It's just the nature
of the beast.

...and two to banishment.

- Peppermint.
- Peppermint.

- My vote is for Maks.
- Pushin' it to the Maks.

Of course you are.

Are you a faithful
or a traitor?

I am...

- I'm a faithful.
- ...a faithful.

[ All exclaiming ]

With the prize fund
standing at $65,500,

can Dan, Phaedra, and Parvati
continue to stay undetected?

Or will a bold move
turn the game on its head?

"You must decide
with your fellow traitors

which faithful to m*rder
with a poisoned chalice."

This is, like,
a right up my alley.

I'm a full-on poisonous spider

crawling up to get you
when you least expect it.

The pressure's on.

It has to happen now.

There's no room for error.

Does anyone else need more wine?

- I'll do the red one.
- Red? White?

I'm looking at this group
and I'm like,

"Who in the world
can I hand this cup to

and they're gonna
drink out of it?"

And then I finally
find my target.


- Cheers.
- Cheers.

Oh, my God. Whatever.

I've done the dirty deed.

The m*rder has been done.

[ Laughs ]

And I'm so not okay
with murdering her in this way.

I adore her.


Sweet Ekin, I love you.

But you had to die.

♪ This is the end ♪

♪ The end ♪
[ Clock chimes ]

- Ooh.
- Oh, God.

♪ Yeah ♪

Should we go upstairs?

Dan was directly
right next to me,

but I don't even know
if Dan saw it and registered it.

Guys, if I'm gone tonight,
I love you all.

Good night.
- Good night, Ekin-Su.

I have no clue who got m*rder*d.

I don't know
if anyone's taken the cup.

Parvati hasn't told me anything.

The ideal victim would be
someone like Larsa or M.J.,

who is really starting to
question me a lot in this game.

Good night guys.
- Later, brother.


- Good night, guys.
- Good night.

♪ This is the end ♪

It has been yet another
fateful night in my castle.

After the day's events,
Deontay has left the game

while poor Ekin-Su has been targeted

by the traitors' poison.

But when will that
terrible poison do its work?

Come, now.

That would be telling,
wouldn't it?

[ Wolf howls ]

- Oh, it's just us.
- Oh, gosh.

All right. Hey, we gotta talk.

Here. Come on. We gotta talk.

Do you know,
did we m*rder anyone?

Honey, I don't know.

Did you see? Did Parvati--
Did you see?

- I don't know.
- I don't know either.


Would anybody in this castle

drink from Parvati's
poisoned cup?

I don't know, because
she's not the most liked.

But, you know, the girls do like
to have a strong drink,

so maybe they were
gullible enough

to drink from her chalice.

[ Knock on door ]

Let's get ourselves together.

- Hi!
- Oh!

- Hey.

We have no clue.
We have no idea.

- Oh, my gosh.
- Wait. Neither of you know?

- No!
- Oh.

We don't even know
if we got anyone.

Well, I had to throw
a Hail Mary

because no one was gonna
drink out of that rusty old cup.

Did you get anyone?
Did anyone touch it?


[ Gasps ]
Oh, my Lord, sweet baby Jesus.

Not Ekin-Su.
Lord, not Ekin-Su.

I was-- she's the only
person that I...

- Lord, not Ekin-Su.
- ...could think of...

- Sweet Jesus.
- ...that would actually do it.

Fan me, honey.

Not Ekin-Su.

We had not talked
about murdering Ekin-Su.

She was not on
any of our lists to k*ll,

so it was a big surprise.

That is gonna put a target
on me like crazy because--

I don't think so.

'Cause I voted for her
last night,

so they'll think I k*lled her.
Oh, my God.

I think the fact that Phaedra
voted to banish Ekin-Su

could actually be a really good
thing for me long-term.

I may need to use that
somewhere later in this game

to my advantage.
- I didn't know what else to do,

I really didn't.
- As long as we got one.

That's-- I mean, and I think--
[ Knock on door ]


- What's up?
- Aaah!

- Yeah, we all made it!
- Yes!

Oh, my God.

I'm absolutely delighted
to see the people sitting there

because I love
all of them so much.

How did you sleep?

I didn't sleep,
and I had a shield.

If Phaedra leaves,
I would be 100% not okay.

But, like, if any
other Housewives left,

I can move on with my life.
I just really wouldn't care.

[ Pounding on door ]

- Oh.
- Aah! Who is it? Come in!

- Aah!
- Oh, my God!

- Yay!
- Trishelle and C.T.!

Hi, guys. We did it.

- Yay!
- We did it.

Okay. Yes.

Who do you guys think
got m*rder*d tonight?

I've been worried about M.J.

- Mm-hm.
- I don't know. Like...

- 'Cause she's so--
- So fake.

- She's so fake.
- She's voting for people

that no one else votes for.
- Yeah.

It is now the time to vote. Bergie.

- Maks, I had to vote for you.
- Maks.

- Maks.
- Uh, Maks.

- Maks.
- Maks.

M.J., who do you think
is a traitor?

Dan. Sorry.

Maybe that's pissing people
off, I don't know.

Maybe that's making
the traitors mad.

- We lost five faithfuls so far.
- Oh, my God.

- Five, y'all. That's crazy.
- Oh, my God.

We're losing it 6-1

So many guys.

You know, so who do you think?
A woman this time?

Gonna switch it up?

There's only, what,
five, six guys left.

And everybody from Bravo
is still here.

I mean, I'm sensing
a little pattern here.

Would be nice if a Bravo
Housewife was m*rder*d for once.

[ Pounding on door ]
- Oh!

Aah! Who could it be?

- Hi!
- Hey!

- Sandra!
- Sandra!

Good to see you all.
Good morning.

[ Knock on door ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

- Hey!
- Good morning, guys.

Tamra, you look so adorable.

- Oh, thank you.
- Oh, my God.

I was tired of looking
like a boy.

- You're k*lling it.
- Was not looking like a boy.

The Bravo people are definitely
working together, obviously.

They are the cliquiest
of cliques, but it's fine.

And then the gamers clique is
C.T., Dan, Sandra, and Parvati.

And then it's the faithful
clique people

that I think are faithful,

so Bergie, Trishelle,
Peter, and John.

Also, Kevin's a faithful,

but he's a really dumb faithful.
[ Laughs ]

[ Knock on door ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

Felt good not stressing.
Good morning.

You look all tanned and rosy.

- Do I?
- You do.

That's what a good night's
sleep will do

when you got a shield.
- Oh, yeah.

- So who are we missing?
- M.J.

- Three people.
- Ekin-Su and John.

- John.
- Everyone that's been m*rder*d

has been my circle.

- Oh, my God.
- That's the only link.

I was really close with Johnny.
I was really close with Maks.

It's my inner circle.

If somebody murders M.J.,
my inner circle's all gone.

Like, literally.

Ekin-Su is the only one
that had multiple votes

that's not in here yet.

- It wouldn't be her.
- It won't be her.

It won't be her.

By no means did I want
Ekin-Su to die.

I hope this does not
make me look suspicious.

Oh, gosh.
What are you doing, Parvati?

[ Knock on door ]

Okay, Lord Jesus, let it be M.J.

That was John's knock.

[ Cheers and laughter ]

- Hi!
- Oh, my God!

[ Cheers and applause ]

Oh, my God.
What is Ekin-Su doing

walking into breakfast
right now?

She's supposed to be dead.

Did she give her
the wrong chalice?

Like, what is going on here?

- Morning!
- Hi!

Either it didn't work,

or Ekin-Su is the second coming
of Jesus Christ.

Oh, Lord Jesus.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Uh, okay.

- Morning!
- Hi!

I thought she k*lled Ekin-Su,

but I guess maybe
there's been a resurrection

cause Ekin-Su
just walked through the door.

Oh, my God.

[ Cheers and applause ]

- Damn!
- John?!

- Oh, my God!
- John?

- Why would it be John?
- That doesn't make sense.

Why would they m*rder John?
He's not working with anyone.

He's kind of like a lone wolf.
I'm starting to think,

are the traitors really not
that good at this game?

Are they stupid?

[ Knock on door ]

- [ Gasps ]
- What?!

- Wait, what?
- No!

- Oh, my God.
- Oh, my God. Wait.

[ Cheers and applause ]


There was no m*rder.

- Everyone lives!
- What happened? Do you know?

- I don't know.
- You don't know.

Greetings, players.

As you may have noticed,
no one died last night.

If you prick us,
do we not bleed?


If you tickle us,
do we not laugh?

If you poison us...

- [ Gasps and coughs ]
- we not die?

Well, today one of you will die.


Because yesterday one of you
was poisoned by the traitor.

- No!
- What?

- Oh, my God.
- The traitors committed

their m*rder in plain sight
under your very noses.

- What?
- What?

Whilst the poisoned player is
still with us at this table,

by the end of today's mission,

they will be dead.

- Oh.
- Dress appropriately

to pay your final respects...

- Wow.
- ...with deepest sympathy.

What the [bleep]?

This game just got insane.

Oh, my God.
No, I don't like this.

Something happened
in front of all of us yesterday

that no one noticed.

Was anyone given a drink?

I had a moment with Ekin
that was so obvious

in plain view
of multiple people,

and I'm realizing, oh, my God.

The person that I've poisoned,
who I love,

is now gonna die
in front of my face.

And I have to pretend like I
don't know anything about this.

Once we see what happens,
breadcrumbs may follow there.

I think, Tamra, you poisoned me

'cause you don't want
to see me eat.

Do your kids eat
with their mouth open?

- No.
- No. I'd smack them

in the back of the head.

If I was a traitor,
I would definitely poison Kevin!

[ Smacking ]

He's so annoying.

I'm very good
at sussing people out.

I'm very, very good
at catching people that lie.

So when we find out who's gone,
I shall.

And I will catch them out.

Where should we go?
- I don't know.

Let's go to the billiard room,
you guys.

- Yeah.
- Anybody gonna go outside?

Oh, I didn't bring my jacket.

Can I tell you guys something?

Kind of feel like
it's someone really strong...

- Oh, absolutely.
- ...and alpha.

- Mm-hmm.
- And that's who's leading

the traitors.
- Mm-hmm.

The people that are
all being m*rder*d

are, like, strong people.

And so I think it's someone
that's, like, very alpha.

I'm in this game
looking for allies.

I feel like I'm better
as Destiny's Child

than I am as Beyoncé.

And I'm trusting
my other Housewives.

We are in an industry
where people are fake.

And so I feel like the
Housewives are good at, like,

sniffing those people out.
That's kind of what we do.

Kevin's on my radar for sure.

- He acts so goofy.
- Just annoying as hell.

The guy is annoying,
and I'm trying to think, like,

is that what is making me think
that he could

possibly be a traitor,
just because he's annoying?

[ Slurps ]

You want to try and, like,
figure it-- figure this out?

Like, did anyone--
- Okay.

What did-- so did anyone,
like, be like,

"Here's, like, a chocolate"?

You know, not, like--
was there anything weird?

I think it was in here.
It was right here.

Y'all, I'm not kidding you.

Someone offered me wine
when I walked in.


And I cannot remember
who it was.

[ Whispering ] Ekin's a
black widow spider, you guys.

Last night, she was like,
"We need to get the traitors."

- It's fake. Yeah.
-"Eff the traitors."

It's a tell
when someone gets loud.

"We gotta get the traitors,
you guys."

It's, like, really bad acting.
- It's over-acting.

It's over-acting.
- It's bad acting.

I've never trusted Ekin-Su.

She seems really like
an odd duck.

She always seems so giddy
and excited.

Ekin-Su sucks. She really does.

Who do you guys think
will be poisoned?

Anybody drinking alcohol
probably got poisoned.

- I did.
- We all drank alcohol.

- We all drank wine.
- Except me.

Well, you ate
all the food, Kevin.

[ Laughter ]
- Yeah.

I ate way too much yesterday.

I had so many hors d'oeuvres.

Then I tried the little
cheese-puff things,

and then I tried
the shrimp thing.

And then I had all of dinner.

Just no way I didn't get
poisoned last night.

Well, if I get poisoned today,
I love you all.

I'm down to play croquet.

So what do we do?
Try to get to that one?

- I don't know.
- It's like mini golf?

What are we doing?

What do you guys think about
Ekin-Su? Real suspicious?

- I think she's sneaky as [bleep]
- Yeah, I guess she is.

Sneaky, sneaky, sneaky.
She's phony-baloney.

Us faithfuls are thirsty
for traitor blood.

I'm a gamer,
so what I do is usually observe.

I'm paying attention to detail.

I'm trying to figure out
who's talking with who,

who's cliquing with who,
who's protecting who.

Girl, I was so scared
for you this morning.

When you didn't show up, I said,
"M.J.? What for?"

- I know.
- It's hard to find evidence.

They're not messing up.

They're not slipping up.

We're running out of days.

I don't think I can win
this game as a traitor alone.

It's a little scary to trust
the black widow in Parvati,

but I think that's my choice.

I don't think I can
win this game

with Phaedra
in the traitors' conclave.

What I'm working on
is a great plan to use Parvati

to fake a shot at Phaedra
when the time presents itself.

[ Bell tolling ]

Ooh. Horses.

Today's mission
will be like no other.

Unbeknownst to the faithfuls,
it is Ekin-Su

who has fallen victim
to the traitors' poison.

But can they discover
her identity to win the mission?

[ Horse neighs ]

Dearly beloved players,

we are gathered here today

to win money for the prize fund,

oh, and also to say goodbye
to one of you.

Today's mission is a test
of your detective skills.

The task is so simple.

Along the way,
if you can correctly identify

who has been poisoned
before they are buried,

then $20,000 will be added
to the prize fund.

En route, there will be
a series of questions

that will help you narrow down
the possible victims.

If you answer
the question correctly,

it will reveal a player,
or players,

who can then leave the march
and take a seat

on this glorious
ceremonial carriage.

[ Horse snorts ]

Remember, the more players
you get on the carriage

before reaching our burial site,

the better chance you have
of identifying

who has been poisoned.

All clear?

Janelle, Peter, and Tamra,

you all won a shield yesterday,
protecting you from m*rder.

Take your seats safely
in the carriage.

Everyone says
I'm selfish in this game,

but right now I'm like,
"Okay, great,

but you're down
there sweating b*ll*ts

and I'm up here watching you,
so whatever."

Let me remind you,

the traitors among you will know
who has been poisoned.

So look out for some
Emmy Award-worthy acting,

and, no, not by me.

[ Scattered chuckles ]

Let's get a move on.

Death waits for no player.

This is the way I want to die.

I want black horses
and a carriage

and creepy people
dressed all in black.

The atmosphere is creepy
as shit, but I like it.

Let the procession begin.

Next stop-- death.

[ Horse neighs ]

Oh, my God.

I know I'm the one responsible
for poisoning Ekin.

And now I have to walk
in a funeral procession

and pretend like
maybe I'm gonna die?

Death is the final
destination for us all, players.

I'm always gonna be
thinking strategic

to keep the suspicion off me.

But as a funeral directress,
I'm feeling right at home

because this is my expertise.

I love a good funeral.

[ Horse neighs ]

[ Bell tolls ]

Players, this is the first
of three questions.

Correct answers will help you
identify the players

who have not been poisoned
by the traitors.

Remember, the more players
you get on the carriage,

the better chance you have
of correctly identifying

who has been m*rder*d
and winning $20,000.

Will one person step forward
to read the message

within the flowers?

Thank you, Sandra.

"The players who are safe
are the ones born

in the same year
as another player."

[ Laughter ]

I don't like this question.

I mean, I don't even think
my doctor knows my age.

My husband definitely
doesn't know.

- 1980 people? Put your hand up.
- 1980.

Oh, no. Sorry. 1983.

- No?
- I'm '83.

- I'm '83.
- '79.

- I'm '74.
- I'm '74.

I didn't think Larsa and I
were born in the same age,

'cause she looks like at least

Then the two and two.

Kevin, Dan.

Sandra and Larsa.

That is...


- Yay!
- Good job. Good job, guys.

All right, guys.

You live to see another day.

Please take a seat
on the carriage.

We all know we're walking
into somebody being m*rder*d.

So such a huge relief to know
I wasn't poisoned today.

Let us march on, players.

I was just so relieved
that I was removed

back to the carriage
as quickly as possible.

I'm hoping Parvati and Phaedra
keep doing a great job acting.

It's kind of creepy
thinking about somebody here

is walking to their death.

You can't help but think, like,
am I dead right now?

[ Singing in distance ]

I hear the distant sounds
of a heavenly choir, players.

[ Choir vocalizing
Chopin's "Funeral March" ]

Please sing out your clue, choir.

♪ Who still in
the funeral march ♪

♪ Did Johnny Bananas
trust the most? ♪

♪ Who still in
the funeral march ♪

♪ Did Johnny Bananas
trust the most? ♪

Players, this applies
to two of you.

It's-- they asked Johnny,

so I think he'd say you, C.T.

You guys have the history.

Me and Trishelle
are not the right answer.

He deserved to die.

End of story.

That is...


- All right.
- Yay.

No longer a dead man walking.

It's honestly the first time
Bananas ever saved me.

[ Laughing ]
First time he's ever saved you?

Seriously, it's the first time
he's ever done anything for me.

I don't know whether
to be happy or not...

- I know.
- ...'cause we're gonna die.

- Yeah.
- I'm feeling less confident

the more people
are going on the carriage.

It's a bit of a downer,
but you know what?

On the plus side, at least
I look good in red lipstick.

[ Bell tolls ]
- The death toll strikes stronger

for one of you, players.

I took a huge risk poisoning
Ekin in the first place.

And now here I am, just putting
myself in the zone,

method acting as best
as I possibly can.

I'm really hoping
they're buying it.

[ Bell tolling ]

Can someone please
step forward

and read a passage
from the condolence book?

- John.
- John.

Remember, the more people
you get on the carriage,

the more chance
you have of guessing

who is the poisoned victim
and banking the $20,000.

"Your march to the grave
is nearly through.

But first you must solve
this final clue.

Those that are safe
and are not dead

ran through the scarecrows
dressed in red."

- I was yellow.
- I was blue.

- I was red.
- All four of us.

You were red.

It's me.
They've poisoned me, innit?

We don't know that.

Thanks for poisoning me, guys.

I feel like Ekin-Su
is being way over the top,

almost like overacting.

It just seems a little odd.

Could Ekin-Su be a traitor?


That is...


- Thank you, Jesus.
- Thank you.

And then there were three.

I don't like this.

I feel like
they're gonna k*ll M.J.

I really, really do.

It wouldn't really make
much strategic sense

to get rid of Ekin-Su,

because she's so useless
in the competition,

and she's just a messy,
messy game player.

Come, all of you.

It is but one short final march

towards death.

I don't want to die.

I can feel the poison.

I think it's easy to target
someone like me

because I am charming, you know,
very glamorous, confident.

And I think people can see
that as a threat,

especially the traitors.

Is that three coffins,
for real?

Yes! Yes!

Oh, my God.
There's a plot dug.

- Oh, my God.
- There's a [bleep] grave.

What the actual [bleep]?

- Oh, my God.
- Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

What the hell is going on?

It's literally
my worst nightmare come to life.

They gonna have to get in?

I'm feeling completely exposed.

If my acting is bad,
they're gonna know it's me,

and the jig is up
and I'm getting banished.

Enter your coffins.

- Oh, my God.
- What?

Enter your coffins.

Oh, my God.


- Oh, my God.
- Get in.

[ Bell tolls ]

This is my worst nightmare!
It is my phobia.

I do not want to get
into that coffin.

Oh, no, no.
Going into this coffin,

I'm getting really,
really scared.

I'm literally
struggling to breathe.

Oh, my God. I'm gonna have
a full [bleep] freak-out.


Stepping into my own coffin,

I don't want it to look like
I want sympathy from anyone.

It's just me having a moment
out of sheer terror.


Players safe from m*rder,

you must each take and throw
one of these black roses

into the coffin of the player
you think has been poisoned.

Whoever has the most roses
in their coffin at the end

is the group's final choice.

If your choice is correct,

you will add $20,000
to the prize pot.

If it's wrong,
you'll get nothing!

C.T., please come forward
and take a rose.

Throw it into
the player's coffin

you believe has been poisoned

and say why.

I think M.J. She's like a--
like a wild horse, almost.

She's not gonna be tamed.

She's not gonna
follow the crowd.

She would be the bigger problem
for a traitor.

Thank you, C.T.

Bergie, please come forward
and take a rose.

You're too outspoken, lady.


Do I put myself out on a limb

and throw a rose on Ekin-Su,

getting potentially pegged
as a traitor over $20,000?

I think M.J., because she's very
well liked by everyone here.

I don't think she will ever be
voted out to be banished,

and I think that's a big threat
to the traitors.

To me, it's not worth
rocking the boat.


I feel like we are about
to start getting things right.

I just think it's M.J.

She has her own mind.
She's very opinionated.

If I were a traitor,
those would be the things

that I would be looking for
to m*rder.

Black roses-- it brought me
right back to "The Bachelor."

This time I'm taking
a black rose and I'm giving it

to a girl in a coffin.
[ Chuckles ] It's weird.

Sorry, M.J.
- You know when people say, like,

"I wish I could be
at my own funeral"?

That's what this moment is
right now.

It's so beautiful, yet tortured.

I love you.

All the roses are
landing on M.J.,

and I'm feeling like,
oh, there's a possibility

that I'm actually safe.

Phaedra, please come forward.

At this point, I think
it's more important for me

to stay undetected
than the 20 grand.

I want to make sure that
I continue to be in the game

and I don't bring suspicion
to myself.

Rest in peace.

I just got a unanimous
landslide vote that I'm dead.

[ Exhales ]

M.J. has received all the roses

and therefore, according to you,

was m*rder*d by the traitors.

But have you guessed
the poisoned player correctly?

[ Bell tolling ]

Death tolls chime strong

here in the castle grounds.

Death creeps ever nearer.

- [Bleep]
- Nearer.

And nearer.

The player...

who was m*rder*d...


[ Gasps ]

- What?!
- No way.

- What?!
- No!

I was gonna put her. Wow!

[ Exhales ]


M.J.'s a traitor.

- What the [bleep]?
- What's going on?

We just lost $20,000.

- Doesn't make any sense.
- So confused.

Oh, my God!

Like, I feel like
we're all being punked.

- Out you get.
- I'm really confused

why they would poison Ekin-Su.

I'm pretty sure
she was gonna get banished.

These traitors
are not that smart.

We're gonna miss you.

Ashes to ashes,

dust to mistrust.

A sad day.

And what makes this day
even more somber

is that you guessed incorrectly
who was poisoned

and so have earned zero
for the prize pot.

pay your final respects.

I'll see you back at the castle.

Fergus, fill her in.

I knew it was you.

It's just a lot going
through my mind right now.

I'm shocked.
I'm thinking, is M.J. a traitor?

Is that what that means?
It's got to be her

if she didn't get
m*rder*d earlier.

Just nothing else makes sense.

You know, obviously
I really liked Ekin-Su,

but she was an amazing shield
for them to hide behind.

You know,
she took a ton of heat.

And obviously the traitors
are cutthroat.

They just, you know,
threw away $20,000 on purpose.

You know, they're willing
to do anything

to stick with our vote.

This game is
such a mind [bleep]


Don't know what to expect.

- Right?
- Let's go.

Let's go, guys.

This poisoning has
thrown everyone

completely off the scent.

There's no real reason

why Ekin-Su can be pegged
for m*rder,

so it's probably
our best m*rder so far

because it's caused
the most confusion.

[ Bird cawing ]

What a disaster.
What a disaster.

I'm gonna try everything.

I know. I want a bite
out of everything.

Today was such a crazy day.

Larsa, I have no words.

Like, I just can't understand
why we can't get this.

There was some heat on Ekin-Su.

There just-- There just was.

So my thing is,
why would you get rid of her...

- 'Cause you want chaos.
- ...if there's heat on her?

- Yeah.
- You want the chaos.

Now you just remove someone
who had suspicion from the game.

But it's causing a division
between all the faithfuls.

It's a theory, for sure.

I think there was a lot of
maybes, maybes, maybes.

But I just feel
when you think of the alpha,

when you think of the person
that's just making

all these moves,
it's got to be a strong man.

My strategy at this point

is to continue to be
the Housewives' best friend,

making sure that
I'm good with everyone.

And Larsa runs the Housewives,
point blank.

But Larsa has a big mouth.
She's very blunt.

She gets under my skin.

What are we gonna do?
We're just gonna get there--

We're gonna get to the round
table and just kind of listen?

I was not expecting Ekin-Su
to go today, and she's dead.

And now I'm like,
I don't know who to vote for it.

Bergie, what are you saying?

What's going on with you?

I'm not saying anything
at the round table.

I'm just gonna listen
to everybody tonight.

Who do you think it is,

There's a lot
of disruption here.

And this is the perfect opportunity

to come in and sow some seeds

to get someone out of here
who's not me.

The only reason
to not m*rder M.J.

is if you're working with her

or you think
she's got your back.


The other thought
that I had about performing--

they perform every day
on "Housewives."

I agree with this.

Think Larsa makes the most sense
from what I've been seeing.

And do you remember
how he said at the thing,

we did something or ate
something or drank something

they served at breakfast.

Larsa stood up at the end
of the table and said,

"To Marcus!"

Well, cheers to Marcus.

- Cheers!
- Cheers to Marcus.

Gone but not forgotten, Marcus.

- Mm-hmm.
- Do you remember that?

I do remember that.

I'm definitely leaning
towards voting for Larsa.

There are alarm bells
going off for me.

Larsa has been manipulating
the Housewives,

and the faithfuls really need
to band together

instead of listening
to what the traitors tell them.

Okay, so listen,
only a strong alpha male

would take out
all these other guys.

So right now, tonight,
let's vote for a man.

I think it's two men
and it's two women.

- Yeah, I think so, too.
- You gotta do the numbers.

I think a man is easier
for us to narrow down,

at least get rid of one.
- Okay, so we want to go

to the board and say,

- Let's go to the board.
- Let's go to the board.

I'm saying, we're women.
Hey, let's go this way.

Sorry. Which way? This way.
Let's go this way.

Larsa is such a lady.
She's so classy.

But, honey, she can
hold her own against anyone

because she is coming in hot.


Look, okay?

It's not him.

He's not smart enough.

I've been questioning him.

He's definitely not the one.
It's-- It's this way.

It's between him and him.

And I'm telling you,
this one's the alpha,

getting rid all the big guys,
doesn't need them,

'cause guess what?
He could do it on his own.


C.T. and myself were both gamers,

and I am loyal to them
to a fault.

- He's a silent k*ller.
- Not a silent k*ller.

He's a silent k*ller.

So I can't allow this
to happen.

I'm gonna--
I think I'm gonna--


Yeah, I'm worried about you, C.T.

I'm worried about you.

♪ He was a dead man
walking into his fate ♪

♪ Vengeance was sweet
on my tongue ♪

So Ekin-Su has been buried,

along with all
the players' suspicions

that she was a traitor.

With another
of their ranks dead,

the faithful are spiraling,

and it's back to square one
at the round table.

But will those poisonous
traitors remain undetected,

or will there
be grave consequences

for their latest actions?

♪ Follow me down
into the valley night ♪

♪ Where are the flowers? ♪

I'm over all the lies.

I don't want to dilly-dally
in this anymore.

I don't want to not point
the finger at the person

I believe is a traitor.

My strategy going into
this round table tonight

is breaking the Housewives up.

So I'm going for Larsa.

But also, no one is thinking
about Phaedra.

And I just want people to know

that if there are
four Housewives in this game,

one of them is the traitor.

Good evening, players.

Welcome to your unsafe space.

Today you said goodbye
to Ekin-Su.

You also said goodbye
to a massive $20,000

as you completely failed
in the mission.

What a waste.

Soon you will all vote

on who you want
to banish from the game.

The traitors made it
personal today

by k*lling one of you publicly.

Will you allow that
to go unpunished?

Over to you, players.

- Can I speak?
- Yes, please.

So I really feel
that we have to go on

someone that was poisoned
either ate something

or drank something.

And yesterday at breakfast,

there was something
really suspicious.

Marcus was m*rder*d.
You said, "Cheers to Marcus."

Maybe because someone drank
something that was poisoned.

I toast to everyone.

Cheers to Marcus.
Cheers to everyone.

I think the cheers was weird.

You're telling me that's weird?

- Um...
- I think you're weird.

I think how selfish you are
is weird.

You think I would
ever m*rder my own boyfriend?

You know what?

No one's gonna suspect you
murdering Marcus,

so it's brilliant to do

if you were a traitor.

All the guys
that have been m*rder*d

are big guys that we need.

Who is the person
that's doing all this?

Look at the profile.

Another big guy
that's murdering these people

is doing it
because he doesn't need them.

Why does it have
to be a big guy?

'Cause he's an alpha male.

And I feel like you

are the biggest alpha male
at this table.


But why take Ekin-Su out?

Because he didn't need her.

I literally think
that you're capable

of being a traitor 1,000%.
- That's right.

You have a lot of people fooled.

You're an actor.
You told me you're an actor,

and you're good at that
'cause you had me fooled.

Do I think you're the head
of the snake? Yes.

So there's no evidence.
It's just a hunch.

I think you're giving me
too much credit.

You are the head of the snake.

How do you know
I'm the head of the snake?

Because I know.
When you stand over there,

you will say that
you're a traitor, my friend.

You guys will all see.

I'm a faithful
through and through.

I actually don't like
the strong-man alpha theory.

That doesn't make sense to me.

But it would fit
if it were you.

Why would it fit if it was me?

Because you would
consider yourself threatened

by these alpha men
that have been m*rder*d.

The stronger guys,
the louder guys--

And why did you ever think
I'm so insecure

that I'd feel threatened
by another man?

- If you were--
- So if I were a traitor...

- I'm-- Yeah. I'm giving--
- Right.

If I were a traitor,
I'd get rid of you first.

I find you highly annoying.

[ Laughs ]

Kevin, today at the burial,

when you saw who it was,
you just over-acted.

And it just didn't
look real to me.

The performance aspect has been
on my mind for a while,

which is why I was thinking
it might be Kevin,

'cause he is an actor,

but who has the capacity
to perform this part is actors

and I think Housewives as well...

...because you guys get scripts.
- Yeah, and I murd--

You're looking at me like
I m*rder*d my boyfriend

and all my closest friends?
- Well, it's possible.

- Yeah. We don't act, my friend.
- No, we are--

We live our life.
We live our life.

It's just--
It's performance as well.

Don't come for
the Housewives, honey.

We are not a game.

It does appear that way to me,

the way you guys gather
and walk around the house.

There was a suspicion
going around that you girls

were all sticking together,
and more than likely,

the majority of you
were the traitors.

The only person I've worked
with in this room

is Tamra and Shereé.

Everybody else is a stranger.

We are not k*lling anyone.

So don't do
the Housewives thing, honey.

Don't do that, Parvati.

[ Wolf howls ]

Don't do
the Housewives thing, honey.

Don't do that, Parvati.


time for talk is over.

It's time to vote.

I am livid with Parvati

because you're bringing
heat my way.

I will not tolerate bad behavior
in the round table.

I-I'm feeling worried now
for my life tonight,

just because it could be
anybody at this point.

We're gonna start hearing
the votes with Dan.

Who do you think
is a traitor and why?


I voted for you.

'Cause I voted for you first. Okay.

Sorry if I'm wrong.


My vote is for Kevin.

There's just something
about you, Kevin,

that I don't trust.


I'm not 100% sure, Larsa.

I mean, if you're gonna
keep coming after me

and thinking
I'm something I'm not,

I'm gonna have to do
something to protect myself.


I voted for John.

[ Chuckles ]
I don't think he's a traitor.

I just needed more time.

I don't think Larsa's a traitor.

But there's a lot
of gamers here,

and I feel like they are
playing the game very well.



I felt like I was given
an ultimatum

between you and C.T.,
and I was just like,

I just trust C.T. more,

and that's what
I had to go with.

I'm sorry.
- No worries...

when you get m*rder*d next week.



I voted for you because
you got really defensive.


Well, unfortunately, Kevin,

I didn't have a lot of evidence

except for you coming up
as a great actor.

So I voted for you, Kevin.

So we have three for Kevin,

three for Larsa,

one for John.


Larsa, I voted for you.

I think you displayed
traitorous behavior

in the way
that you cause a lot of chaos.

In what?

In all the information
and everything you say.


My vote's for you, M.J.

You should have been m*rder*d.

And that's what
I'm going off of.

So that's four for Larsa,

three for Kevin,

one for John,

and one for M.J.



I've come to the conclusion

that you're an immensely
capable guy,

but you are acting a part.




Obviously I'm gonna say C.T.

I think you're a traitor
just based on all the bodies

that are there, not based on
a friend of a friend.

So that's five for Larsa,

four for Kevin,

one for John,

one for M.J.,

and one for C.T.

Parvati, who do you think
is a traitor and why?

I voted for Larsa.

Larsa, if you receive
one more vote,

you will be banished.


[ Sighs ]


I think if anybody
could ring-lead, that's you.

For that, I have to say,
I believe you're a traitor.

And finally, Trishelle.

Larsa, I do not like this vote
at all.

I'm sorry.

Larsa, you have received
the most votes

and are banished
from the game.

Please come forward
to the Circle of Truth.

Larsa, before you leave
my castle forever,

please reveal to us--

are you a faithful

or a traitor?

I hope you guys are gonna
switch directions,

'cause you guys are totally off
and totally lost.

I have been a faithful
from day one.

Told you.

See you guys later.

Oh, my gosh.
Don't act surprised.

You guys are k*lling me.

You guys are k*lling me.

Players, you had the chance
to avenge

today's burial
with a banishment.

But unfortunately, once again,

you have weeded out a faithful.

The traitors will meet in their
turret tonight and rejoice,

because by tomorrow morning,
another one of you will be dead.

I'll see nearly all of you
tomorrow morning at breakfast.

Save me a crumpet.


I didn't like my vote.

So why'd you vote?

So now what do we think?

That we all getting played
by the gamers.

I think the Housewives
need to stick together.

Parvati threw something
out there

about the Housewives
banding together,

and I'm like, "Mm.
Watch yourself, Parvati."

'Cause I wanted
to vote for Parvati,

but I didn't want it
to be a, like, a mean vote,

you know what I mean?

But I'm like, don't do that.
I'm not in a g*ng.

Don't do that. That's not cool.

I don't know if Parvati's
actually thinking,

because what you're doing
is putting me under suspicion

with your wild accusations
about Housewives.

I don't need
this type of heat on me.

It's a lot of the gamers.
They've cliqued up.

They are playing
the shit out of us,

and they try to say it's us.

Yeah, we don't play games.

We need to really focus in on

some of the gamers,

and Janelle's name
keeps coming up.

I think the gamers
really want to break up

what they consider this Bravo
or Housewives clique,

and they're doing a good job

because people are drinking
the Kool-Aid.

The focus is gonna be
on the Housewives now.

And so now everybody's
starting to look at them,

and I think everybody
should be looked at.

It has to be somebody
in that Bravo group.

It's a Housewife, for sure.

Maybe the majority
of the traitors

are non-competitive
reality-show people.

That's exactly what I--

And that's why we keep
getting picked off.

Like, who do you trust?

I don't think that
you're a traitor at all.

Yeah, I don't think
you're a traitor either.

At all, at all.

C.T. and I's relationship
coming into this game,

I would say,
was pretty complicated.

We did a "Challenge" together,

and I did not like being
in the house

with a bunch
of huge alpha-male guys,

but I think C.T.'s
changed a lot.

He's a dad now.
He's a great guy.

And I'm starting to think
maybe I can trust him.

If you hear anything
I need to know,

please let me know.
- I will.

And he's the only person
that I feel comfortable

sharing, like,
real information with.

We just got to be careful.

These battle lines
being drawn between shows--

that's gonna be a problem.
- Yeah, that's gonna be ugly.

[ Clock chiming ]
- Oh, my God!

Oh, no.


[ Chiming continues ]

- All right.
- Okay.

Talk tomorrow? Well, I hope--
hopefully there is a tomorrow.

No one's safe.

♪ You can run with the devil ♪
[ Wolf howls ]

♪ Run, run, run with the devil ♪

♪ But you see a little shallow
along the way ♪

♪ Right to a fire
at its brightest stage ♪

Phaedra acted like
she was mad at me.

So it's possible that Phaedra
does feel threatened.

And it also is possible
that it's an act.

♪ Run with the devil ♪

♪ Run, run, run ♪

It would be great
to burn a traitor,

because it takes a little bit
of the suspicion away from me.

It would be great
if Phaedra is exposed.

She is the traitor
that no one suspects.

♪ You can run with the devil ♪

That wasn't cool.

For you to go in there and try
to throw me under the bus.

Wait, what? What happened?

But when you do stuff
like that,

it brings attention to me.

Like, Oh, they work together.
They're on a show."

I'm like, are you kidding me?

No one likes you, Parvati.

Everyone says
you're a [bleep] traitor.

We can be in this game together,
but you're gonna play fair.

And if you don't,
you're gonna have

more problems than the faithful.

What she did tonight
was unacceptable,

and I will not
tolerate it at all.

I'm playing very fair with you.

So don't do that to me.

Both of you.