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02x03 - m*rder in Plain Sight

Posted: 01/21/24 19:53
by bunniefuu
-Previously on "The Traitors"...

Dan and Phaedra
committed their first m*rder.

[ All gasp ]

-It's Bananas!

-He was somebody
who can’t be controlled.

-The faithfuls then turned
on one of their own.

-My name has been
floated around.

The person responsible
is Trishelle.


I found you out.

-I am...

a faithful.
-[ Gasps ] Oh!

-I am not happy right now.

-And the traitors
recruited a final member.

Welcome to the dark side.

By the power invested in me
from these ancient grounds,

I now pronounce you...

a traitor.

-Oh, my God!



[ Laughter ]

-You are crushing it.
-[ Whispers ] Thank you.

-Oh, my God, I had no clue.
Oh, this is a winning team.

-I thought you’d
do a great job.
-Thank you.

Phaedra and Dan
are really savvy.

I had no clue.

-So we were watching you
all day today.

-Okay. How did I do?
-I thought you did
a pretty good job.

-Pretty good?
[ Both laugh ]

-Welcome, my dear,
to the secret circle...

-Thank you.
-...where k*lling
is not a crime.

[ Laughter ]

-There’s a ton of strategy
in recruiting Parvati.

She’s known for being ruthless
and cutthroat.

My hope is that
we can work together

for the long term in this game.

But in the event
that it doesn’t work out,

she’s still an easy person
to shove

to the front of the line to say,
"Hey, look, Parvati
is a traitor."

-So we’ve got to make
a hard decision.

-Who is the next victim?

-So luckily, I’m the only one
that won a shield today.

So it means that we can m*rder
whoever we want.

-Traitor buffet. [ Laughs ]
-[ Laughs ]

-Traitor buffet.

-What about Deontay?

He doesn’t have
a shield right now.


-Because he could probably
get a shield

for every other challenge
if they’re physical.

-Oh, my God, Lord Jesus,
he is a machine.

-Let’s talk other options.

Right now, I’m just looking at
who can catch on to us.

Marcus -- He’s someone that
I’m really concerned about.

-Marcus was voted
as the person’s opinion

that the players value the most,
so that’s dangerous.

-Because that means he’s
really controlling the game.

-And he’s got Larsa.
He’s got built-in protection.

I mean, if we m*rder Marcus,
she is going to lose her mind.

-Who else do we think is
well-connected and well-liked?

-Well, the obvious is Janelle.

She’s super smart.
She’s definitely gaming.

-She can do
some damage right now.

-I’m telling you,
she will cause a problem

for us at the round table.

-People listen to Janelle.
That’s not safe.

-That’s a powerful move,
if we get rid of Janelle.

So what is it, guys?

-How are we going to decide?


-♪ I don’t know where to go
from here ♪

♪ All I know is fear ♪

♪ I’m fighting ♪

-I hope we made
the right decision.

-Show me how
this works, teachers.
-Okay, all right.

There’s not that much safety
at all in joining a group

that’s already been established.

But this is where all the power
lives inside of this turret.

And now I’m in
the inner circle.

Guys, my first m*rder.

-Good job.
-Thank you.

-You’re a k*ller.
I can tell you’re a natural.

-Oh, thank you so much.


-♪ I'll live for you ♪

♪ I'll die for you ♪


-With the traitors
now a treacherous trio,

they’ve committed
their second m*rder.


This morning,
the surviving players

are heading to breakfast.

One player won’t make it.

But only the traitors
know who that is.


-Oh, yeah.
-We are the only ones here.

-[ Whispers ] Oh, my God.

-We are early risers.

-Today my wish came true,
and I’m first at breakfast.

Congratulations. Mwah!
Little dream team over here.

I want to watch
everyone walking in.

In the life
of a professional dancer,

I get to meet a lot of people.

I have plenty of instincts
about people.

I’m here to play.
I’m here to win.

-I’m going to leave it a chair
just in case Marcus comes.

-Oh, yeah. For sure.
-Don't say, "Just in case."

-I don’t know if he’s coming,
you guys. It's --

-You gotta manifest.

-So who do you think
is potentially in danger?

-I think Trishelle is in danger.
That would make sense,

within what happened yesterday.

To me, it was clear that it
wasn’t Peppermint. Very clear.

-Poor Peppermint.

[ Knock on door ]
-Oh, my God.

-Dang. Here we go, here we go,
here we go.

Okay. All right.

-Trishelle, we thought
you were going to be offed.

-Yeah, we were scared for you,

-Yeah, I was scared for me.
-She was scared for herself.

-I am so excited
that I’m not m*rder*d.

I was obviously
very wrong last night

about Peppermint
not being a traitor.

And I feel like
I’m going to pull back

a little bit more today.

-Oh, my God, look at
the two X's. It's so sad.

-I know. I don't --
That looks so mean.

[ Knock on door ]



[ Applause ]

-Congrats, guys.

-What's up? What's up?
-How we doing?

-Good to see you guys.
-How’d you guys sleep?

-I had the shield, so I was
like -- it’s the first time

I’m like, "I can relax
for a night."

-I didn’t. I stressed.

I’m curious to see
if this m*rder says anything.

If I was a traitor, though,
I’d be totally randomizing it.

I would do, like,
one pick, okay, for a reason.

And then the second m*rder,
random just to not, like,

allow people
to follow your trail.

So there’s so many routes
you can take.

-Peter’s just putting
together certain theories.

And I think Peter’s
pretty smart

but not smart enough to know
that he’s sitting next to

a traitor at breakfast.

[ Pounding on door ]

-Oh, gosh. Who is it?

-Oh, my God!

-Who did you k*ll, John?

-Good morning.
-Doesn't arise.

-John, who’s not coming, John?

-What’s up, guys?
-Oh! Hey!

-Super grateful
to be alive right now.

Morals is a huge thing for me,

but this game is about
getting the upper hand,

taking advantage of each other.

I think if I can find
the right people

and narrow it down to the end,
I can just stay alive,

stay under the radar,
and I won’t get k*lled.

[ Pounding on door ]
-[ Gasps ]

-Oh, my gosh, let’s go.
Let it be Marcus, girl.

Let it be Marcus right now.

-God dang it.

-Oh, oh, my God.

[ All cheer ]

[ Laughter ]

[ All cheer ]
-I made it!

-I’m so happy.
-C.T.! C.T., baby!

-I was wrong! Wow!

-Every time the door opens,
I am hoping and praying

Marcus walks through the door.

-C.T.! I’m so happy you’re here.
I’m happy you’re here.

-You guys,
who is not coming back?

-Parvati, Janelle, Deontay.
-And Marcus.

-Oh my God, Larsa.

It’s going down to the wire.

-I'm very grateful. Thank you.

[ Knock on door ]

-Oh, God.
You guys, you guys, you guys.
-Oh, okay.

[ Knock on door ]


[ Knock on door ]

-Oh, God.
You guys, you guys, you guys.
Oh, okay.


[ All cheer ]

[ All talking ]


-Oh, no!

-Wait, what?



-I don’t understand that.
That didn’t even cross my head.

-That doesn’t make any sense.


-It just doesn't make sense.

-Marcus -- I think he’s one
of the smartest players

that could figure us out.

-Well, that’s gotta go.

Sealed with a kiss.

-[ Sighs ]

Let’s see.

-"Dear Marcus,
by order of the traitors,

you have been m*rder*d."

You know, I feel like maybe
I was too much of a threat.

And then also, I feel like
people are jealous that I --

You know, I have
my girlfriend, Larsa, here,

so, you know, they got me.

-Marcus?! Why Marcus?

-Aw, I feel so bad!

-Oh, I feel so bad.


-I’m the most unlikely suspect.

But I actually care
about a lot of these people.

But they must die.

-Damn, I’m so upset.
I am so upset, Phaedra.

I do feel like the traitors
knew that Marcus

was very influential,
he’s very smart.

And he was going to figure out
who the guys were.

I am going to work so hard to
figure out who these traitors

are and banish them tonight.

Like, I am focused on this.




-Good morning,
my little castle inmates.

-Good morning.
-Good morning.

-How are we
all this morning?


-Last night,
the traitors totally slayed it.

And by it, I mean Marcus,

as he became the second faithful
to be m*rder*d.


Oh, Larsa,
your dearest has departed.

Cherish this, Larsa.
Something to remember him by.

-Thank you.

-Rest in peace, Marcus.

-God, that’s bringing
the vibe down.


-This is where I normally say
"finish your toast

and meet me at the mission."
Today, though, I have news.

Today’s mission takes place
at the witching hour,

AKA the dead of night.


-So why not relax,
enjoy the castle grounds?

Beware of my peacocks.

Or perhaps plan the downfall
of your enemies.

Au revoir.

-Au revoir.


-Well, you guys...
[ Glass clinks ]

...I feel like Marcus really
was a voice of reason,

and I feel like he really
would have helped us figure out

who the traitors were.

So I think that’s why
he’s not here with us,

but he’s here in spirit
with us, I guess.


-Well, cheers to Marcus.

-To Marcus!


-We are going to find
the next traitor.

Like, I’ve never been
more serious. This is it.


[ Crow caws ]


-There’s only one thing
on my mind.

-Well, well, well.
Oh, my God.

-I wanted to see you all so bad.

-How you feeling, bro?
How are you feeling?

-Man, I thought for sure
it was me, man.

-I feel like we have to make
a good decision for tonight.

-We should be good at this.
-I know.

-Like, we watch our back
every single day on our shows.

-Let’s put our housewife
skills together, baby.

-We have to make a decision.

We need to go talk
to other people.

-We need to go out there
and talk to them.

-Let's go.
-Let' go collect some red flags.

-When I’m sad, I eat,
and I’m really sad right now.


-What do you think about Marcus
being m*rder*d? Like,
that’s weird.

-I really never talked to
Marcus, so I know nothing
about him.

-See, I talked to him a lot,
and he gave --

he was very logical
and gave good advice.

But that’s why I’m like,
a traitor

had to have been talking to him
a lot to know

that he was so good,
yeah at this game.

-You can join us.

-Have we interrupted
this quiet confab?

-Who would you suspect?
-It’s, like, weird.

-I’ve been thinking,
you know, Dan a little bit.

He’s not giving any information.
But then I’m like,

I don’t know, because
he seems so, like...

-Yeah. So I’m kind of like,
maybe he’s just super --

I don’t know.
-That’s a good point.

-They’re sniffing
around Dan right now.

If I’m the only one
defending him,

that looks really bad for me.

But I love Dan,
and I want to keep him around

because I think
he’s a really smart player.

So I’m having mixed feelings.

-How are you feeling?

-C.T., I really thought
it was going to be you.

-Yeah. Me too.
How about this, though?

What if it was a warning shot
at Larsa?

-Yo, yo, yo.
-Why you think they
even choose Marcus?

-I mean, it kind of makes sense,
right, 'cause other than that,

what’s the motive behind that?

-What you think, Maks?


-What you think, bro?
-I’m trying, I’m trying,
I'm trying.

-You still didn't tell me
what you think.

-I have no idea
what the motive is.

I was watching people.

-After Marcus was m*rder*d,

Maks is looking
a little suspicious,

and he seemed very nervous.

And Maks, he’s no actor.

-I think everybody’s like,
"Who is it?

And how does that relate to me?

And what’s going to happen
today at the round table?"

You know?

-I always tell people, follow
your heart and not your mind,

because when
you follow your heart,

what you say and what you do,
you won’t regret.

And I’m following my heart
on this one.

-But I can’t wait
for the discussion today

at the round table.

-We need to, like, figure out
who the traitors are.

And I feel like I would love
to banish a traitor tonight.

-Who are you guys feeling like?

-I mean, to me, like,
we’re looking at a man

because I feel like a woman

wouldn’t get rid
of Marcus or Bananas.

-What about you?
So who are you thinking?

-Oh, I’m not a vibe person.
I’m, like, an action person.

So I was hoping
there was going to be

some kind of tie in the murders,
but I haven’t seen anything.

-I think it’s a man.

I think today we have to hone in
on the men.

-Larsa keeps giving me
the evil eye,

and she’s giving me
some weird vibes.

Right now, I’m not really sure
what to do.


[ Owl hoots ]


[ Wolf howls ]

-Darkness envelops the castle,

but it’s nowhere near bedtime
for our players.

Soon they will take part
in an evening mission,

and with a banishment
still to follow,

it’s more important than ever

for the faithful
and traitors alike

to stay out of the spotlight.


-Oh, wow.
-[ Gasps ] Aah!

-You guys, there's graves.

-Yes, there is.


-Where are we, you guys?

-This mission reminds me
of "Lord of the Rings"

meets "Nightmare
Before Christmas."

And unfortunately,
I think both movies suck for us

to be in and play a game in.

-Holy shit!

Pulling up to a graveyard
is my biggest fear.

I do not and will not
be buried alive.



Marcus' grave.
-Oh, my God.

welcome to the dark side.

Tonight we’re going to go
grave digging for gold.

Your mission is straightforward.

Find the gold that is hidden
in the graves,

tombs, and crypts
in the cemetery behind me.

To get inside
the most valuable burial plot,

you’ll need tools which
are hidden inside the cemetery.

Once you have dug up the gold,
bring it to me

and place it in this wheelbarrow
to add it to your prize fund.

Within some of these tombs
are three shields.

-Ooh, I need a shield.

-If I see a shield,
I’m going to grab it.

I don’t trust anyone anymore.

-That all sounds very
straightforward, doesn’t it?

But that’s not all.



-Oh, shit.

-My seeking searchlights.

If any player gets caught in
any of the searchlights' beams,

you will be immediately
eliminated from the mission,

along with any gold
you are carrying.

Half of you will start
in the cemetery.

The rest of you will stand
by the gates awaiting your turn.

Each time someone is caught
in the searchlights,

another player
will take their place

and join the search for gold.

Once you’re out, you’re out.

Please now choose
the first nine of you to play.

-Who wants to go
in the beginning?
-Okay. I’ll go.

-I’ll do as I’m told.
Whatever people want.

-I immediately know that I
want to be in the second group.

It would be more strategic
to have the guinea pigs

in the front
to kind of die out,

and I can watch
how the game works,

and then I can go in
and potentially get a shield.

-So you on my left
are the starting group.

You on my right
are the substitutes.

-Tonight I’m going to show
my team how valuable I am,

because I wasn’t strong enough
or tall enough

to get the scarecrows off
on the last mission,

but this time, I am short enough
to bend down and dig.

So I am going to dig
for my life.

-You have 20 minutes starting...


-Go go, go! Look at the light.
Look at the light.

Keep an eye on the light!

-This mission is
a simple game of light tag.

So you want to retrieve
as much treasure as possible

without getting tagged
by a light.

-Watch out, watch out!
It's Bruce! Bruce is --

-Let's go! [Bleep]

-I am supposed to
duck and weave.

I’m going for gold.

-You got a light.
You got a light.
-Get down!

Get down! Get down!

-The light is coming.

-Watch out for the light!

[ Alarm blares ]

A player has been caught.


I’m caught in the spotlight

within a matter of seconds,

and I am eliminated.

-Take the walk of shame,
John, to the losers' obelisk.

First one out,
and no gold found.

How tragic.

You’ve disappointed yourself,
and you’ve disappointed me.

who is going to step in?

C.T. is stepping in.

-Let’s go, babe, let’s get it.
-Go, C.T.

-Can’t help feel like
this mission is made for me.

Gotta stay focused here, see?


Run for your lives!

-Let’s go, C.T.!

-Time is ticking.
You must hurry, players!

-We’re looking for bags.
-Bergie, do you see anything?

-They have to be all buried.
Everything has to be buried.

-We gotta find a tool.
-If we can’t find

the actual tools to get
into the graves, we’re screwed.

-Where is a hammer?
-You all see anything?

A hammer?
-Nothing yet.

-Hold on. That light is coming.
-Watch out!

It's coming over here.
-As time’s going on,

I gotta do something fast.
-Watch out for the light!

What is this?
What is this?

-Standing there,
I can’t help notice a patch

of hay behind a tombstone
right in front of the mausoleum.

That is the hammer.

I went and grabbed the hammer,

and I’m going to destroy
this g*dd*mn cemetery.

-Let’s go, C.T.
Let’s go, get it.

-Let's go, C.T.
-Light's coming!

-There you go, C.T.
-It’s coming back!

Behind you! Move!
-Get out of there, Janelle!

[ Alarm blares ]

-Oh, my God, that sucks.


-That’s really frustrating.

I just -- I expect
more out of myself,

and I think I got careless.

-Oh, no!

-Without C.T.,
we’re totally losing the game.

C.T.’s got so much experience
in these competition games.

He’s the one carrying
the missions out

and leading the team.

-Light's coming behind you!
-Watch out! Oh!

-M.J., you have been caught
in the spotlight

and must leave the cemetery

Deontay is entering the ring.

-Go, Deontay!
-Let’s go, subs!

-What the hell?

-Larsa, go!

-Come on, Larsa!
-Watch out! Watch out,
watch out, watch out!

-Oh, Parvati, you must leave
the cemetery immediately.

-What the hell?
-I got the pattern.

I got the pattern.
The light starts there.

I’ve seen the pattern.

it's facing that way now.


-Hey! Heads up, heads up!
-Oh, no!

-Deontay, you’ve taken
a knockout blow.

-[Bleep] Pissed off now.

I'm [bleep] pissed
the [bleep] off.

-Six players
have been eliminated.

You have just three
substitutions remaining,

and you have bagged no gold.


-Watch the lights.
Watch the lights.

-We got to communicate, guys.

-Wait for this right light
to come this way.

This light is gonna
come this way. Trust me.

That light goes left to right,
back to left.

-There’s two going off
at the same time. You know that.

-I realize there is a pattern.
-That pattern doesn’t work,

by the way.
-Nobody is listening to me
right now.

And I just know once people
start listening to me,

we can get into
the freaking mausoleum.

That light’s gonna go right.
That one’s going right.

Watch it, watch it!
-Get down, Shereé!

[ Alarm blares ]
-Keep moving!


-Shereé, you have been
eliminated. Phaedra, go!

-To the middle. Right here,
right here, right here,
right here!

We’re waiting for that light
to go back left,

because it’s going to the right.
It’s going to come back.

-The pattern doesn’t work.

-Watch it, watch it.
That one’s going right.

That light’s going to go right.


[ Alarm blares ]

-If more people pay attention!

-I’ve got the pattern down.
Just listen.


-Ten minutes remaining,
and no money has been won.

The pressure is on.

-Listen to Bergie. He knows
what he’s talking about.

-Okay, Bergie, tell us where to
go as soon as it starts.
Meet in the middle.

-Just follow me. Just come right
to me. Stay on my back.

-Okay, I'm coming to you.
Coming to you.

-Eight players have
been eliminated,

and you’re down
to the final substitute --



-To the middle!
To the middle!

-Everyone, listen to Bergie!
-Right here.

It’s safe here.

This one’s gonna go right,
and then it’s gonna

come back left.
This one’s gonna

go all the way down
and come back.

-Tell me when to go.
-It’s right at the door.

Peter, this one’s coming back.

This one’s coming back.
I’m warning you.

-Bergie -- I feel like
he’s coming into his own.

He somehow figured out
the pattern.

He’s controlling the mass,
keeping them out of trouble.

I almost feel like,
pun intended,

this was
Bergie’s time to shine.

-Okay, get out of the middle!
Everybody come over here!

Way to work! Way to work!
-Okay. I just found
a battering ram!

Let’s bring it to the door!
-Go, Bergie, go!

-Let’s go, let’s go,
let’s go, let's go!

-Bergie is the brains
behind the operation right now.

He figured out that pattern.

Now we’re able to,
at the correct time,

go and take our chance with
the battering ram.

-There you go.
Let’s go, ram, go!

-Let's go. Grab that side.
Let's go.

-Hurry up, guys!

-There we go!
-Bergie, you got this!

-[ Grunts ]

-All right!

-Go, go, go!

-Whoo! Go, Bergie!

-Bergie is pulling off

the most
professional graveyard heist

you have ever seen
in your life.

-There you go, Bergie!
-All right!

-Good job, Bergie!
Yeah, Bergie!

-Bergie banking that $5,000.

I always knew he had it in him.

-It's coming, searching!

-There you go. Grab and go!
Grab and go!

There you go. Let’s go.

-Peter has just banked
some money

in the wheelbarrow.
-Let’s go, let’s go!

-Everybody knows
the patterns of the lights.

-Ready to make our run?
Here we go.

-There’s a shield in that tomb.

C.T. broke it open.
-Move, move!

-I’m gonna get it.

And sure enough,
there was a shield.

So I’m looking forward
to a good night’s sleep.

I have nothing to worry about.

-Ooh, here comes some gold.

-There you go. There you go.

[ Cash register dings ]

-Gold is adding up.
But is it too late?

Time is ticking by.

let’s get the battering ram.

-Right here, right here.
-1, 2, 3!

-1, 2, 3!

-Go! Get in there!

Get in there!
-Yeah! Yeah!

-Both lights in the back.
-It’s coming back!

It’s coming back!
-Back light's coming this way!


-Oh, run, run, run!


[ Alarm sounds ]

Oh, no.
-Oh, not Bergalicious!
Not my baby!

[ All cheer ]

-Bergie getting
a hero’s reception.

It’s a beautiful moment.

-I’m not a person that likes
to reveal all of my feelings.

Even my college career,
like, I never got to show

that much leadership of,
like, We can do this.

I have the method down.
Just trust me."

I just wanted to prove to people
I’m not some young,

naive person
that nobody listens to.

And I think tonight
I finally got to prove that.

-Oh, Bergalicious.
I’m so proud.

-You have four minutes left,

and there are still
two shields to be found.

-As much as I would
have loved to found gold,

I didn’t.
But I thought, "You know what?

I really, really, really
want to get a shield."

I’m desperate for a shield.


-Get it!

-Shield! Got a shield!

It feels great having
my very first shield.

I’m on a whole new level
of confidence,

and now it’s just game on.

-Three minutes to go.
-Light coming, light coming.

Start digging. Start digging.
-All right, y’all.

-Here it come, here it come.

-So I’m running around.
There’s tombstones everywhere.

And I see the shield.
Like, it’s mine.

I am a competitor.
-Can I get that?

-And Ekin's in the way.

-Peter, quick!
-Grab it! Grab it!

-Stop! Ow!
-[ Grunting ]

I’m sorry.
Can you, like, move?

-[ Grunts ] [Bleep]

I have the shield on my hand,

and Janelle grabs the shield
and runs off.

-I found one, I found one,
I found one!



-Peter, the light’s
coming back. Peter!

-I got one!
-Watch out behind you, Janelle.

-You must hurry, players.

-No, dig at the bottom.
The bottom.


[ All cheering ]

-Gather round.


Players, congratulations.
That was absolutely smashing.

I can tell you,
you have ransacked $19,500!

[ All cheering ]

And in all that excitement,
three shields have been won.

Who got them?
-Right here.

-Good for you, Janelle,
Peter, and Tamra.

That means
whatever happens tonight,

you won’t end up
in one of those graves.


-Now, players,
let’s return to the castle.

You can return to the cemetery
once you’re dead,

which, for some of you,
might be soon enough.

-Good job, guys, good job.
-Good job, guys!

-Do I have mud
all over my face?

-Just a little bit.
But it’s very sexy and rugged.

[ Wolf howls ]

-Janelle -- We both grabbed
the shield at the same time,

and Janelle barged me
and ran off.

I touched it, and she literally
[bleep] hurt my arm.

-Like, yanked it from you?
Yep. Very aggressively.

I hate bitchy girls.
[ Chuckles ]

-Ekin was, like, behind me,

and she touched my back,
and I looked,

but I already had
the shield in my hand.

-Can I get that?
Grab it!

[ Grunting ]

-[ Grunts ] [Bleep]

I literally walked over
with Peter and grabbed it,

and she was, like,
behind me with her --

She put her hand on me.
-Janelle is so selfish.

Ekin-Su was getting
the shield with Peter,

and Janelle elbowed her

and grabbed the shield
and took off running.

She grabbed it from her?

-She’s [bleep] crazy.
I didn’t even touch her.

-So was her hand in it?

-I would say
something to her, then.

-I mean, if she talks shit
about me, I’m gonna have to.


-Ooh, my little thighs is sore,
honey, like, I had some fun.
-I know.

-And I didn’t have
that kind of good fun.

-I was digging in the grave.
-Thank you, Maks.

-You got it.

[ Humming ]

My game plan here is
to be a part

of all of the conversations.

I belong everywhere.

-If you had to banish one
person, who would you banish?


-He’s been really quiet.

He doesn’t talk about
any single person or thing

that has to do
with being here.

-Why don’t we put Dan
in the hot seat

and ask him point-blank
to speak his case?

You are not safe, Dan. You need
to stand up and defend yourself.


-Do we have a better strategy
for going into the round table?

-I would say --

Yeah. Come on in.

No, come on in.
-You’re invited.

-I wanna go find --
Where did Janelle go?

-Janelle? In here.

-I’m going for Maks.
I’m going for Maks.
-Maks? Okay.

-I saw a dramatic change
of behavior.

He can't look me in the eye now.

Even when we came
to the breakfast

and Marcus wasn’t with us,
Maks didn’t look surprised.

-I’ll be honest with you.
I don’t have a [bleep] clue

what’s going on.


-I truly don’t think
you’re a traitor.

-I’m going to give you
my top person.

[ Sighs ] Janelle.

-Dude, it’s not her.
Just think logically.

Janelle was acting
a little too aggressive

by grabbing a shield when it
doesn’t do anything for her.

I think she legitimately
is scared of a m*rder.

Being a faithful,
we automatically,

from the beginning,
are at a disadvantage.

We don’t have all the knowledge.
The traitors do.

So in order to kind of level
the playing field,

personally, I think
you got to get creative.

We have trust here.

We need to fake a little bit
of tension between us.

What I mean by that,
you and I need to vote

for each other tonight
at banishment.

-Act like we are not
each other’s biggest fans.


-If the traitors see us going
after each other...
-That’s good.

-...they’re going to
keep us around.

That’s brilliant.

-Okay. Good plan.
-Okay. Yeah.


-A bunch of people did,

but it was, like -- They said
that you’re so quiet.



-I don’t want to hang in here
too long by ourselves.

-I’m not on easy street anymore.


-♪ Follow me down
into the valley nigh ♪

♪ Where all the flowers bloom ♪

-The only thing that’s going
through my mind at this point

is I want revenge
for Marcus being m*rder*d.

I want to be able
to banish a traitor tonight.

-♪ His body lies
where flowers grow ♪

-Going to this round table,
I know I’m in for some heat,

so the only thing I’m focused on
is, when it happens,

have a great defense and be
very poised when I deliver it.

-Last round table was horrible.

We got rid of Peppermint,
and I felt so bad.

We need to nail
a traitor tonight.



-Good evening, players.
Welcome to the inner sanctum.

Look around you.

Who can you trust?

Who do you have doubts about?

And who would s*ab you
in the back

given the opportunity?

This is your chance
to take control.


The floor is yours.


-You know, I...

I’ve heard a lot
of Dan’s name today,

so if you want to speak up,

I would probably
speak up right now.


-I’m 1,000% faithful.

I know I’m quiet,

but if that’s a crime,
then so be it.

It takes me a little
while to open up,

but I look at that
as an asset to the faithful.

When I say a name,
I want people to say,

"This is Dan taking his shot,"
and I don’t miss.

You know, I don’t want another
peppermint and say,

"Well, to save my ass,

That’s just not how I play.

-If we all played this game
the way that you did,

there wouldn’t be
any conversations

or any risks or any game.

No, I --
-And that’s, to me --
Sorry, I just want to finish it.

To me, the way that you’re
playing the game is way too safe

and just trying
to fly below the radar.

That’s my thing.

-I feel you 1,000% are faithful.
-I appreciate that.

-And I don’t want people
to confuse his personality

or being quiet
of being a traitor,

because some of us,
that's how we are.

You see, certain people
have changed up on me

from the first time I met them.

This man, he is charming.
This man is intelligent.

And he wears a poker face
that can fool a clown.

And this man that I feel
is a traitor... you, Maks.

The way you move
is of a traitor.

The way you smile
is of a traitor.

The way you speak,
you’re a leader.

And you're a shot caller.

When I walked into the room
when Marcus was m*rder*d,

you gave me an impression,
you said...

And it was so fake to me.

It was bad acting,
as if you already knew...

he wasn’t going to walk
through them doors.


-On the day that Peppermint
was banished,

I was looking around the table

as we were
picking up the slates.

And when I saw Maks,

he put his hands
over his face like this.

Everyone was serious,
everyone was focused.

And you were laughing.

Can you explain why?


Like, I’m uncomfortable
defending myself.

That has to be put right away.

But, you know,
I honestly am sorry.

I had a great time
in the moment,

and I was just having
a reaction.

But that’s what we have to do.
We have to throw out more names.

If we want to play that game
and me throw out another name,

the conversation today between
Janelle and Ekin-Su

was very strange.

And so, if you guys
can clear this up,

I would love it.
-It's really black and white.
It’s really easy.

You don’t have to use
smart words to explain this.

There’s a shield there.

My hand goes in,
I grab the shield box.

You grab the shield box.

In that moment,
in the game, in a rush,

she just barged me and ran off.
-That’s false.

-It’s not false because --
-It is, Ekin.

You keep saying your hand
was in there, and it wasn’t.

I was there, like,
literally way before you.

Then you came up
afterwards behind me,

after my hand was on it.

-That’s fine.
You can take the shield.

I know you’re a selfish person.
It’s fine.

-[ Scoffs ]

-And I think it’s a smart way

to put the attention
on something else

other than yourself,
which it's worked.

-This may be --

there’s no need to take the
subject off yourself right now.

-But there’s no need
to constantly overtalk,

also not let somebody finish

because that’s also suspect,

-Maybe blinking’s a suspect
and breathing’s a suspect, too.


-I had an assumption
that putting them two together

and taking it off you
to deflect

sounds, like, exactly what
a traitor would possibly do.

Now, I’m not accusing
you of anything.

I’m just saying
where I’m coming from,

speaking from my heart,
how that would come.

-But you know what it is?

That’s also a great strategy,

because today I thought
about three people,

and you were included.
-What, me?

-And I thought about this.
-So everybody who brings
your name up...

-The first thing
that you said once,

you got the person that
you would have wanted
to go out first

was Bananas.
-I didn't want to vote
for anybody.

As soon as I brought it up,
you immediately attack me,

call me a traitor,
told me --

You told everybody I got rid
of somebody I’ve known

for almost 20 years.
I’m just letting everybody --

I’m just letting you know.

Listen, all I’m doing
is letting you know

why I’m voting for you.

That’s it, brother.
-The second I’m over there,

the second
I’m over there --

-You're trying to explain
yourself too much, Maks.

Stop talking too much.

Your nervous energy.

One at a time, please.

-Faithfuls, again,
open up your hearts,

because if you don’t know
what to do,

you’re going to be a sheep,
you’re going to follow the herd,

and you’re going
to make mistakes,

and you’re going to go back
to your room feeling shitty

like you did before.

At some point in time,

you got to be a leader
and not a follower.

-I think we are just not
on the right path right now.

Our noses are not
in the right direction,

and I think we need to hone in

and work on a better strategy.
-Who do you feel, then,

if you’re not --
Who do you feel?

-I’m going to be honest
with you.

I love you, Dan.
I think you’re amazing.

But something about your energy
just gives me --

You are so calm,
and that uneases me.

The fact that you’re so calm --
and it’s horrible to
think this --

but you just have a demeanor
about you that just, like,

scares me a little bit.

You know what I’m saying?
And I don't know.
-No, I --

-And I know you’re really good
at playing these games.

Maks is not a gamer, okay?

We don’t go into these things
and last till the very end.

We don’t do that.
So I feel like, in my mind,

I thought like,
"Dan could be a k*ller."

-I can do a better job
of talking to you,

but it’s my personality.

Like, I’m just generally
more quiet.

-Like, there’s not a ton
I can do about that,

but I can do
a better job of,

you know, talking to you.

-Players, it's now the time
to vote.

-[ Sighs ] Lord.
-Frickin' horrible.

-M.J. and Larsa are still
giving me the evil eye.

I don’t know if I’ve done
a good enough job.


-I’m not ready to turn on Dan,

because that will not
bode well for me as a traitor.

So I’m going to seed Kevin
as a potential traitor.

He’s an actor.
He could be performing.


-Oh, my God.
-[ Sighs ]

-The votes are locked.

We’re going to begin
with Shereé.

-Janelle, I voted for you.

I just feel like
you’re either a traitor

or a really selfish faithful.


I had a vote for you.

I really trust Sandra’s opinion.

-M.J., who do you
think is a traitor?

Sorry, it’s nothing personal.



She incited an estrogen
riot today

by saying Janelle did something,

and I just thought
it was extremely strange.

The stories
were totally different.

-So, that’s one for Janelle,
one for Maks,

one for Dan,
and one for Ekin-Su.


-My vote is for Maks.


-My vote’s for Kevin.

I think you’ve been doing
a really good game so far

at kind of sliding under the
radar and keeping heat off you.


-Maks, my vote is for you.


-Maks, I voted for you.

I felt like you really added
a lot of fuel

to the fire of our fight.

-Maks, Who do you think
is a traitor and why?

-I wrote Ekin-Su.

You guys are telling
a completely different story.


-I voted for you, Dan.
You’re playing the game so safe.


-I, um,
I voted for Kevin.

You’re an actor, so
the performance capacity exists.

I’m just putting that out there
as a possibility.



I have to go with my gut,
and I made a mistake

by going with the herd
to begin with.

-Well, players, the field is
wide open.

Four votes for Maks,

two for Dan, two for Ekin-Su,

two for Kevin, one for Janelle,

and one for Peter.



This was a last-minute decision.


-Pushing it to the Maks.

And if I’m wrong,
I’m sorry, bro.


-I’m going for Maks.

-Of course you are.




-And with the final vote,

-Maks. I can’t trust you.

The one time I try
to talk to you about game,

you tried to destroy
my character and lie about me.

-Maks, you have received
the most votes

and are banished from the game.

Please come forward
to the circle of truth.



Maks, before you leave
my castle forever,

please reveal to us,

are you a faithful or a traitor?

-I promise, no long speeches.

I... a faithful.

-Oh, man!

-I knew it.


-Now I’m pissed.

-I already knew it.
-I already knew it.
I already knew it.

-I didn’t think he was at all.
-I already knew it.
-Now I’m pissed.

-[ Sighs ]


you have delivered
another decisive blow.

it was against yourselves.

You really are making it easy
for the traitors.

A recalibration is in order,

a team tactics talk before
the next round table as*ault.

but that will have to wait
until tomorrow.

For those of you
who find yourselves

in the traitor’s crosshairs,
that may be too late.

Good night.

-Oh, my [bleep]

-I think, like, a lot of times,
you guys were,

like, going on the wrong things,
you know what I mean?

Just because someone’s quirky
or someone laughs,

I think we have to, like,
dig deeper.

-I just want to say
that, Deontay and Sandra,

you were both so influential,

and that’s a strong,
wonderful character trait.

But he was faithful.
And Peppermint was faithful.

And here they are
getting knocked off.

We have to be careful.

Wow, you guys.






-That was intense.

-Damn, Deontay is convincing.

-The traitors are
just laughing at him.

-I mean, I listen to him.
He -- Deontay changed my mind.


-Thing about Maks,

I just did not feel like
he was a traitor.

-I think it’s time we caught
at least one traitor.

-Yeah, I agree one. Of course.
-One. Come on.

We can do better than this.

-Deontay, do you agree
we need to...

-Deontay, are you okay?
-He doesn't want to talk.

-I don’t know how much
I can go on. My heart --

I can’t do this no more.
-Oh, no.

-I can’t do this no more, man.

-This shit [bleep] with me
too much.

-Deontay, we need you, man.

-Oh, God.

Deontay is so emotional
and distressed about Maks' exit

because he’s the champion
of his friend’s departure.

Do not cry.
-Shit [bleep] with me.

-I know.

It’s a hard game.

This is not what he does.

He’s a world-champion boxer.
And so, I know

doing this for the first time is
definitely taking a toll on him.


-Another round table,
and another innocent faithful

sent to slaughter by the flock.

Tonight, the traitors
will also strike once more.

But what they don’t know is it
will be a m*rder like no other.

-Oh, my gosh!

-This for me?


-"Traitors, tonight"...

-"There will be no
secret meeting in the turret."

-"Instead, you must m*rder
in plain sight."

-"Before the night is through,

You must decide
with your fellow traitors

which faithful to m*rder
with a poisoned chalice."

-[ Sighs ]

"In the library,
you will find a set

of three
Shakespeare tragedies --

'Hamlet,' 'Othello,'
and 'Macbeth.'"

-"Inside these books, you can
find the poisoned chalice."

-"Whichever faithful's lips

touch the poisoned chalice first

will be m*rder*d."

-"This is a slow-acting poison.

You will not know when it will
take its murderous effect."

-Okay, this is dark.
This is dark.

-The game is becoming
very stressful.

-I’m worried about just getting
the poisoned chalice

out of the library,
out of the books.

We have to do this whole thing

-I think I can do this.

This is, like,
right up my alley.


[ Clock ticking ]

It’s really not easy
in this castle

to meet with Dan and Phaedra,
to have this conversation

and decide
who we’re going to m*rder.

There’s people
in all the different rooms,

and everybody’s
watching each other,

and people are on high alert.



I am a full-on trained assassin
in this moment.

There is zero adrenaline
running through my body,

and I’m just thinking,
"Who’s the best target

to make this happen
in the most nonchalant way

where I won’t
be implicated in this?"


-Should we go in here?

Hey, hey, hey.

We brought bottles for you guys.
We brought bottles for you guys.

-This mission
has my nerves on edge.

I’m going to really leave it up
to Dan and Parvati

because I don’t hang around

my colleagues,
or my fellow traitors.

I just hope this m*rder
doesn’t come back to bite me.

-This is so complicated.

There’s so many people
moving around.

We got to get the chalice
from this magic book.

-[ Sighs ]

By the way, we’re doing that
every day with that book thing.

-I like that book club.


[ Clock ticking ]






-Kevin, what’s up?



-Yeah, he’s accepting
his Academy Award right now.

-I have the chalice.
I got to m*rder somebody.

It’s got to happen
in plain sight.

-No. I’m good.
Don’t worry about me.

-I’m the bartender tonight.

So please enjoy. On the house.
-Thank you.

-That’s very generous of you.

Cheerio, old chap.

[ Laughter ]

I’m in the bar area, and
I’m watching John and Shereé.

So now I’m just racking
my brain thinking,

"How can I get someone
to drink out of this?"

You would like a cup, a goblet,
a chalice, perhaps?

Cheers to you, sir.
-To good health.

To good health.

-Just crazy.


-Parvati -- as soon as I saw her
with the chalice by Shereé...

-Oh, is anyone drinking this?

-While it’s a game, she will
not be k*lled on my watch.


-I know what I can get away
with, and I know what I can't,

and I’m not going
to stick my neck out

and try to k*ll someone
who is in the middle

of an insulated group.

So I abort the mission.

I’m just -- I’m going to decide
which one I’m drinking.


-Oh, Jesus.


-Does anyone else
need more wine?

-I’ll do some more, yeah.
-Red, white?

-I’ll do red, please.

-There’s another big group
of people

hanging out in the kitchen.

I got to choose
one of these people.

Time is running out.

When that clock strikes,
we know it’s time to go to bed.

And I’m standing
right next to M.J.


-Who do you think’s
getting m*rder*d tonight?

-That’s right.
-Just k*ll me now.

Whoever the [bleep] the traitor
is, just k*ll me now.

-You’re too pretty to die.
-Don’t go dying on me, Ekin.

It’s too soon.
-I’ll go first.

-I’m looking at M.J.,
and I’m like,

"How am I going to get M.J.
To drink out of this
rusty old cup?"


M.J. is not going to sip
out of a rusty old cup.

She’s not going to do it.

The pressure is on.
It has to happen now.

There’s no room for error.

I’m looking at this group,
and I’m like,

"Who in the world
can I hand this cup to

and they’re going to
drink out of it?"

And it has to be
someone in this room,

and I have to do it quickly
because time is running out.


And then I finally
find my target.

-♪ I'm coming after you ♪


-I'm a full-on poisonous spider

crawling up to get you
when you least expect it.

[ Clock ticking ]


-♪ Coming after you ♪

-[ Laughs ]

-Still to come this season...

We are gathered here today
to say goodbye to one of you.

-We have a m*rder to make.

-Whatever causes the most
confusion, that’s what we need.

-C.T. and I’s relationship
is pretty complicated.

-I didn’t send her off
to sudden death.

-Whose blood will be
on your hands?

-Everyone's so sad. "Why him?

We loved him."
-I was supposed to be dead.

-Somebody got recruited.
-Oh, no.

-She’s supposed to be dead.

Let’s just light
this place on fire.
-I’m ready.

-You are the head of the snake.
-I think you’re

giving me too much credit.
-I find you highly annoying.

-People are drinking
the Kool-Aid.

-We can be
in this game together.

But you’re going to play fair.

-Treachery deserves
to be punished.

-Game on. We just got him.

-Oh, my Lord.


[ Thunder crashes ]