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02x02 - Welcome to the Dark Side

Posted: 01/21/24 19:52
by bunniefuu
[ Thunder rumbles ]

-Would you backstab your
best friend to get the money?

-There's nothing I won't do
in this game.

-Previously on "The Traitors,"

an all-star cast arrived
at my castle

deep in the Scottish Highlands.

-Let the games begin.

-How does it feel to be
the second best-dressed guy?

-Back off, bitch.

The players made
a strong start

towards the $250,000 prize pot.

-Guys, connect.

[ Cheering ]
-You've bagged $30,000.

The traitors were chosen.

-Oh, this is my sport.

It’s time to start
making some heads roll.

-I’m definitely going to be
queen of this castle.

-And there was a twist
in my tale.

The traitors
are not yet complete.

One of you could be turned
to the dark side.

Choose wisely, traitors.

-Who do you think
will do a good job?

-It’s between Parvati...

-She can be a shield for us.

-Mm-hmm. Janelle...

-She loves to win.


her and Marcus.

-You got to break them up.
-You got to.

What about Sandra?
She’s a good game player.

-This decision could mean
the difference

between victory and defeat.

-The huge risk with
recruiting this person

is I’m not sure at the end
of the day, I can trust them.

-Have you decided
who will join you?

-We have.

-I shall deliver your note
swiftly, silently, and secretly.



Welcome to the dark side.

-I think this new recruit
is going to be

very, very excited to have
the power of being a traitor.

They want to win.

And I think they've got k*lling
in their blood.

-Their reputation
is very cutthroat,

cunning, and deceptive,
which is what we need more of

in the traitor turret right now.




-[ Gasps, laughs ]

Oh, my God.

"Dear Parvati, we have chosen
you to join us as a traitor.

You will join us
for the first time

at our next
secret meeting."

[ Laughing ] Oh, my God.

I’m freaking out right now.

I feel, like, electricity
popping in my chest about this.

I’m having, like,
heart palpitations right now.

This is exciting for me.
Now I’m one of them.

One of the people
who has power in this game.

Yes, I accept
your invitation to be a traitor.

I guess it’s time
to put on my devil horns

and play the dark side.


-So our diabolical duo

is about to become
a treacherous trio.

Parvati won’t know the identity
of her fellow traitors

until tomorrow night.

Before that, though,
Dan and Phaedra

will claim their first victim.

Till death do us part.

-Phaedra, how do you feel
about our decision?

-I think we’ve made
a wise choice.

-I think she’ll help us
get to the end of the game.

-I hope so.

-Are you ready to, like,
m*rder someone?

Like, do you, like -- do you
feel like you got it in you?

-I got it in me.
-[ Laughs ]

-[ Laughs ] Oh, yes, baby.

-This is why I came
to play "Traitors."

I didn’t want to be a faithful
and Kumbaya

and let’s work as a team.

I wanted to operate
in the shadows.

And this is where
I do my best work.

Let’s focus on confusion.

Who can we m*rder...

-...that’s gonna cause

-Kevin comes to mind.

-I really like Kevin.
He’s a good guy.

-That’s exactly why
we m*rder him.

Kevin hasn’t done
anything to anyone.

We’re going to go
into breakfast,

everyone’s going to come in,
go "Kevin?"

-"What did he do?"

Phaedra is a Real Housewife,
and she deals with a lot of,

like, backstabbing
and things like that.

But this game is very different.

As we talk, I realize
I can push a little bit

and get my agenda done

so my ideas are the ones
being ex*cuted.

I’m just throwing this out here.

Johnny Bananas.

Well, I sort of
think he’s funny.

-I think he’s someone who has
the ability to catch us.

-He is a wild horse.

But we need to win the missions,
so we don’t want to take out

someone that’s super strong
that can help us win the money.

I’ve never played
this type of game,

and Dan understands exactly what
he’s been placed here to do.

He’s won "Big Brother" twice.
This is Dan’s playground.

But I understand people,

I understand strategy,
and I understand deception.

Okay, so who else?

-What do you think about
murdering Peppermint?

-I think it could be

She is an encyclopedia
for reality stars.

She definitely knows
all of our résumés.

-I think at some point,
she’s going to be onto me.

-So we might need to
k*ll Peppermint.

-So we got a bunch
of options on the table.

-But I trust your judgment
on this one.


-Do you feel good
about our first m*rder?

-Yes. I think we’re going
to be a dynamic duo.

-Once we open up this box,
there’s no closing it.

-Shall we sign the warrants?
-Let’s do it.

For our first of many
murders together.


-First m*rder.

How do you feel?

-[ Laughs ]

-♪ Now you move on ♪

-This m*rder is going
to shock everyone.

People are really
going to be upset.

But at the end of the day,
someone has to die.

-♪ Holding on like that ♪

♪ Only breaks your back ♪

♪ When demons attack ♪

♪ They’ll shatter you
like glass ♪

-I’ve been waiting
for this moment.

I get to control
who goes home in this game,

and I get to have a lot of fun
hiding in the shadows.

I have no remorse for
murdering people in this game.

They signed up
to get slaughtered,

and I signed up to slaughter
every one of them.


-♪ You better run,
you better hide ♪

♪ This ain't gonna be fun ♪

♪ Cut the strings,
cut the ties ♪

♪ Goodbye and now you move on ♪


[ Wolf howls ]


-Now that the traitors
have claimed their first victim,

the game has truly started.

This morning,
the surviving players

will assemble at breakfast.

One player won’t arrive,

and currently only Dan
and Phaedra know

who that is.


-Ooh. First ones.
-Oh, my gosh. First ones.

-All right, all right.

-Okay, okay.
-We're safe.

-We're safe. We made it.
-We made it. We made it.

-I can’t believe it.

Coming into breakfast, I’m so
relieved that I’m still here.

But I’m starving, so I’m just
focused on the smoked salmon.

Want some salmon?
-I’m good, thank you.

-I’ll take some of that, thanks.

I don’t think anyone
has any idea

of how strategic I could be,
but I’ll be looking out

for everyone’s reactions
as people walk in.

Hopefully people
will start to slip up,

some tells will start
to be revealed,

and we can find out
who these traitors are.

Because I want to win this game
more than anything.

I hate losing.

-I’ve always wanted to be
in a m*rder mystery-like thing.

-Now you’re living in it.
-Now I'm living it.

That is crazy.

-[ Laughs ]
[ Knock on door ]


-Hey, guys, we made it.


I am relieved
still to be in the game.

And I’m ready to drink a cup
of English breakfast tea.

Some buttered toast.

But above all,
I’m thirsting to discover

who doesn’t turn up
at breakfast.

-You guys, this is starting
to get stressful.

I literally could not sleep
all night, you know what I mean?

-I just feel relief.

I have to be honest.
This to me is fun.

I’m just being myself,
just doing my best to blend in

with everyone else,
and they have no clue.

[ Knock on door ]

-Oh, my God.


[ Cheering ]

-I’m alive.
-Oh, my God, girl.

-Entering the breakfast room
with me being a m*rder*r,

I’m just excited that no blood
is dripping off my fingertips.

-Did you seriously think

anybody would want
to m*rder you?

-Child, the girls
always want to k*ll me.

[ Laughter ]
I’m very under the radar.

But I am a lawyer, so I keep
deadly secrets all the time.

So this is sort of par
for the course for me.

[ Laughs ]

-Do you guys think
a traitor's amongst us now?

-Is there at least one in here?
-All of us could be faithful.

-I feel like there’s for sure
a traitor in this group.

-At least one, if not two,
right now in this group.


Makes your heart race,
doesn't it?

-It does.
-♪ Dun dun dun dun ♪

-Phaedra, it does.
[ Knock on door ]

-Oh, my God, I can’t take it.

[ Cheering ]

-Yeah, baby.

-Hey, guys.

♪ I’m alive ♪

I was so worried
I was going to be m*rder*d

because I had a little thing
with Peppermint.

And now I have to address
this elephant in the room.

Right before we went upstairs
to bed last night,

we were, like, all sitting
with, like, Peppermint.

I was like, "Okay, well,
if I get m*rder*d,

then I’ll know
that you’re a traitor, haha."

And her face was like --

And it was just like
a very jolted look.

-I brought some really
fabulous outfits

I’d like to wear for you.
-Me too.

If I get m*rder*d,
she’s a traitor.

-Oh, my gosh. [ Gasps ]
-[ Laughs ] I’m kidding.


-I would say when she walks in,

just watch her, see how she is.

-I’ll keep an eye out.

[ Knock on door ]


-Drum roll.


[ Cheering ]

-Oh, my God, Phaedra.

-Nice. Welcome back.
Welcome back.

-I was worried about you.

-Oh, my God.
This is crazy.

I am losing my mind walking
into breakfast as a traitor.

Everything is different.

-Parvati, were you at all,
like, nervous last night?

-I was dead scared.

It’s really throwing me
for a loop.

It feels like shifting sands
beneath my feet.

And I’m trying very hard
to find some solid ground.

-I want to know
who got recruited.

Who is the recruit?

-Can I have the coffee?
-Yeah, yeah. Go ahead.

-I feel like everyone
is looking at me.

I’m going straight
from being recruited

to being thrown
to the wolves at breakfast.

-If you were a traitor,
who would you recruit and why?

-I think someone
that no one would suspect.

-I’m with you.
I could see that.


[ Knock on door ]


[ Cheering ]


-Coming into breakfast,
and I’m looking around the room

and everybody freaking
looks guilty.

Every single person
looks like a traitor to me.

-Ooh, this is getting intense.

It’s the time to look
at body language right now.

-Right now, I am so curious.

Who are these other traitors?

I think it’s got to be Sandra.

She knows me from "Survivor,"

so she knows that
I can read people pretty well.

-So, wait. Who’s left?

-Johnny Bananas.


-And Kevin.

-I’m a new traitor,
so I don’t know

who they m*rder*d last night.

It could be any one of them.

-In what world is
Johnny Bananas not coming back?

I think Kevin is gone.

Obviously it’s not Peppermint
because she is a traitor.

[ Pounding on door ]

[ Screaming ]

-Oh, my gosh.




[ Pounding on door ]

[ Screaming ]
-Oh, my gosh.


[ Cheering ]


-It’s Bananas.


-There's no way.

-Wait, Johnny Bananas
got m*rder*d?



-I think we get rid
of Johnny Bananas.

-Johnny Bananas sends
a strong message.

-Are you going
to feel bad at all?

-No. [ Chuckles ]

Johnny Bananas is going
to shake the room.


-[ Sighs ]


"Dear Johnny Bananas.

By order of the traitors,
you have been m*rder*d.

Signed, the traitors."

It stings.

And not to toot my own horn,

but the house is going to be
a lot less fun

now that I’m not around.

I definitely made a mistake.

This game is like
a jar of jalapeños.

What you do today is going
to burn your ass tomorrow.

-I’m shocked, actually.

Like, I can’t believe it.
-I am shocked.


Guess that means I’m next.
-I’m shocked.

-Bananas being eliminated
so early

doesn’t sit well with me

because, you know,
I could potentially be next.

Anybody who’s ever watched
"The Challenge"

knows we are arguably
the best to ever do it.

Pray for me.

-He was obviously very loud
and really good in challenges,

but he’s somebody
who can’t be controlled.


Could you clarify the situation
with you and Trishelle?


-What situation did we have?

-Last night.

-Okay, tell me what.

-We were talking about,
like, clothes.

And I was like, "Well,
if I’m m*rder*d,

then I know
that you’re a traitor."

You were like -- Your face --

I felt like I made
an accidental find, basically,

because, like, it was a joke.

-Oh, honey,
this is some bullshit.

I mean, let me tell you this.

If you get m*rder*d,
it might be by my look.

But it won’t be
because I’m a traitor.

-Oh! [ Imitates whip crack ]

-I might knock 'em dead in
this way, but I’m not a traitor.

-Do you know what, guys?
The game has started. Mwahaha.

-Game on.
-[ Laughs ]

-[ Gasps ]

-Look at this outfit.
Oh, my gosh.

-Oh, yes.

-Good morning,
my merry little breakfast club.

-Good morning.
-Good morning.

-How are you? Settling in?

Or should I say unsettling in?
[ Laughter ]

They say breakfast is the most
important meal of the day.

And it really is for you lot

as it signals
that you’re actually alive.

But you know what’s not on
the breakfast menu today?


[ All groan ]

-Too soon, Alan.
Too soon.

-[ Laughs ]

-Johnny Bananas,
challenger no more.

Faithful, soon you will have
the chance to strike back

at tonight’s round table.

There you will banish
from the game forever

a player you suspect
of being a traitor.

But you’ll want to have
your wits about you,

as last night, not only did
the traitors bump off Bananas,

they also recruited
another player

to join their murderous band.


[ Laughs ] Oh, the intrigue.

But first, you all have
a mission to complete.

Split yourselves
into three groups

and I’ll meet you
outside shortly.

Ciao, tutti.

-Let’s go.
Let’s get our mental game.

-Let’s go.

-Oh, man, that was intense.


-[ Gasps ]

-Just walk slower
for a second.

I got to ask you
a couple things.

I’ve been watching our new
recruit with an eagle eye.

It gives me insight into how
they’re gonna be as a traitor.

Has anyone said anything,
like --

-To me about you?

-No. Are people worried
about you, you think?

-No, no, I just want
to make sure because, like --

-So you’re not a traitor?

-Okay. Because I think
there’s like three or four.

-You think there’s that many?

They recruited.
-No, I know.

But you feel good about me?

-Okay. All right.


-Do you think that people
may be suspecting you

harder than other people?

-If they weren’t,
they must be now.

But it was turned into something
much bigger than it was.

Because for me,
it was just like a weird comment

and I was like, oh, you know.

-That breakfast room
is dangerous because,

you know,
you throw one thing out there

while everybody’s there and,

you know,
it could become the narrative.

-I mean, this is the thing --
Trishelle said

"If I’m k*lled,
that means you’re a traitor."

The bitch is sitting
at the table.

She’s not even dead.

So, like,
what are we talking about?

I’m not a pro at this.

I’ve obviously never
done it before.

And so I’m learning as I go.

But I guess I better
figure it out soon

because I don’t want
to get banished.

-It’s tough. Tough sell.
-I don’t know, bro.

Every time she says something,
it’s, like, super defensive.

-I just, uh...

-Time will tell, I guess.


-Obviously, we have a mission
we’re going to do,

but what are we thinking
for a banishment?

-My intuition is telling me
that John is a traitor.

-Why do you say that?

-Because you never trust
a politician, I don’t know.

[ Laughter ]
I mean --

-You're not wrong.
-That's legit. That's legit.

-They have a good game face.

-Did you hear the breathing
from the round table?


-Alan’s going around
picking traitors,

and there was
a very noticeable moment

where John did some like,
[Inhales deeply]

-You were having some
breathing problems?

-Yeah, was that you?
-I don’t breathe brilliantly.

-Oh, okay.
-I’m slightly asthmatic.

-I think he was tapped
by Alan,

and he couldn’t
contain himself.

-Like an involuntary response

because you just got picked
as a traitor?

I’m curious, though, to see if
there is any noticeable behavior

for, like, anyone now
that they’ve been recruited.


-Me and Parvati have history.

It’s not great history,
so I really need to see

and get a feel
for where Parvati is at.

If I get the vibe
that she’s a traitor,

then I’m going to grab all
the faithfuls and take her out.

I’m here to get to the end.

-We’re looking for the people
that we think are lying.

It’s really hard to know
right now.




-Oh, wow.

-In today’s mission,
the players have split

themselves into three groups

to try and win money
for the collective prize pot.

-♪ Blue team ♪
-Oh, my God.

-Hello, my little field workers.


-Oh, loving this look.

-Yes, I know. Uncanny, isn’t it?
[ Laughter ]

Players, you’ve only just met,

but as we all know,
first impressions count.

And no more so than
in today’s mission.

The task is deceptively simple.

All you have to do

is to get to my field of gold
as fast as you can.

And $20,000 worth of gold
is in that field.

To get there, each group
must follow a separate path

along which you will discover
questions in locked boxes.

The questions are about your
opinions on your fellow players.

And the answers are based
on questionnaires

I asked you all
to complete earlier.

You will also meet along the way

a number
of my scarecrow friends.

They were represent
the possible answers.

Simply pick up the scarecrow
you think is the correct answer

and carry it until you reach
the next question box.

If your answer is correct,

that Scarecrow will unlock
the next question.

And you’ll proceed
along the path.

But time is of the essence.

The quicker everyone
gets to the field of gold,

the greater chance you’ll have
of banking some big bucks.

Now listen up.

The field holds
more than just gold.

There will also be three shields
hidden amongst it.

And whoever finds
one of these shields

will be protected
from tonight’s m*rder.

So, my dear players,
it’s a simple dilemma.

What do you value more today?

Money for the group,

or your sole survival?

So get to the field,
get the gold,

and potentially get a life.

-There’s $20,000 on the line,

and you have 30 minutes
to complete it



[ All shouting ]

-Quick, players,
money or your life.


-Let’s go, guys.

-Come on, fellas,
why are you going so slow?

-Come on, red team!

-This scarecrow challenge
is t*rture.

Running up and down hills,
through the woods.

-Workout queens.
-Try to find scarecrows.

-Come up here.

-We need to get
to the final field quickly

to try to find as much gold
and shields as possible.

-Here it is.

-Larsa and Marcus.

-Read it.
-"According to the group,

whose opinion do
you value most?"


-I feel like
the right answer is Marcus.

He’s literally the smartest guy
that I know.

-Who do you think?

-Who’s been more vocal?
-What would the group say?

She has a lot of friends.

-One thing that’s great
about this mission

is the faithful
are telling us exactly

what they’re thinking
about everyone.

-I thought it was Marcus,
you guys.

-It’s all good.

-It’s Marcus.
We got it, guys. Come on.

-Keep going.
-Yep, I got it.

Let’s go.
-Let's go.

-I said Marcus.
-I’ll say Marcus.

-Wait, who's the other person?
-I'll say Marcus too.

-Marcus is obviously
very influential.

-I said Marcus. He said Marcus.

She said Marcus.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

-If he is that influential,
that might be a good thing

to have in our treasure chest
when it comes to the turret.

-We got Marcus and Larsa.

-I would say Marcus

because he has, like, theories
that he talks about.

-If they were giving me an
opinion, I’d listen to Marcus.

-All right, we got it.

-Great, somebody grab it.
-Oh, my God.

-Where are we going?
-Move, move. Here.

-Oh, good.
-Got it.

-Let go, let go, let go, let go!
-All right.

-Oh, yes! All right.

Let’s go, y'all.
All right, baby.

Right here, right here.
-We got it, guys. Come on.

Let’s go.
-This is great for me right now.

I definitely feel like
the players trust me.

Hopefully that lasts.

five minutes have passed.

-Our priority is to get
to the field to get the gold.

Pace matters.
We can’t dillydally.

[ Shouts ]
-Oh, God, John.

John, are you okay?
-Yeah, fine.

-We’re definitely not Olympians.

We’re more like
the Bad News Bears.


-I have suspicions about John.

-Come on!

-He had told Janelle
that he has asthma.

-Come on!

So today I thought
I’m going to ask him a question.

-Get in there.
-I need my inhaler.

John, are you sure
you don’t have an inhaler?

-No, sorry.

-Everybody knows
if you have asthma,

you’re going to need an inhaler.

-Where is the question?

-Some of these
questions are nice.

-Say it, say it, say it.

-Some of these questions
are kind of spicy.

-"Who’s the most popular

-Deontay or Peppermint?

-What the [bleep] question
is this?

-Deontay for sure.


-Oh, Deontay, definitely.

-I said Deontay,

everyone on my team
said Deontay.

I know it’s Deontay.

-I said Peppermint
for my answer.

-Deontay is just famous.

-I kind of thought,
"Come on." I mean...

-I said Peppermint.
-I say it’s Deontay.

-Choosing who was
the most popular person,

I feel so awkward.

-Hey, who’s more popular?
You or Deontay?

-Let’s try me. Let’s try me.

-Everybody loves Peppermint.
-Let's try Peppermint.

-Nobody loves Deontay.

-Now I’m thinking about it,
I’m second guessing myself.

-Oh, let’s just run with it

and then we’ll come back
if we have to.

-Let’s just go.

And then I can just say
I told you so.

-Okay, fair enough.
-You guys, it’s Deontay.

-It’s a tug of w*r.

Is it Peppermint
or is it Deontay?

-I think so too, yeah.

-There’s a consensus
in my group...

-Let’s go back. We’ll go back.
Let’s go back. run back and drop me
on the ground...

-Throw it down. pick up
Deontay's scarecrow.

I think it’s wrong.
-Go, go, go, go, go.

-But I’ll go with
the group dynamic.

-Right there.
I see the box right here.

Use the key. Here.
-Why isn't it unlocking?

-Not the right key?
-Twist it.

-It’s gotta be Deontay.
He’s the most popular player.

-I think we got to go back.
Let’s go.

Let’s go back.
Not wasting our time.

-We gotta go back.
-Oh, my gosh.

-It won't open.

I am so surprised.

I’m pretty sure
the key is broken.

It’s Peppermint.
We’re wasting time, guys.

-That was a trick question.
Ain't no way.

I’m wrong.
Apparently it’s Peppermint.

-We gotta go back
down that hill.

-Oh, you got it. Yeah.

Drop it, drop it!

Go, go!
-Let’s go to the next.

-Please be Deontay.

-Try. It’s not turning.

-Oh, man.

-Let’s go.
-All right, come on.

-I knew it.

-This goon squad up here.

-Focus on the game.

-It’s all good.
It’s all good. It’s all good.

-So we had to go
all the way back,

drop Deontay’s scarecrow,

pick mine up off the ground...

-...and run it all the way back.

-That’s it.
-That’s it?

We knew it was Peppermint.

-All right,
we’re moving forward.

It’s over. Keep moving.

-You now have 15 minutes left.

Run like the wind.

-Keep going. Don’t worry.


-So, Kevin, when you get there,

just yell the question out
to us.

-If I can find it.

-Right here, right here,
right here, right here.

-Ooh! The yellow team are ahead,
leading the charge.

Go, yellow.

-All right, I got you.
-Shereé and Dan.

-"According to the group,
who needs to speak up more?"

-Shereé. No, Dan, Dan.

-My name being one of
the answers definitely puts me

to the front
of the conversation.

-Yeah, Dan.

-My whole plan into this game

is to speak only when spoken to
and keep a very low profile.

-I like that answer.
-It's Dan.

-I like that answer.
Come on.

-I said Dan.

-I think that’s interesting
that people have already noticed

that he’s such an introvert.

I’m not sure if it’s going to
work for this game.

-Dan rarely speaks up.

she’s always talking with us.


-Dan. Careful.
It's top-heavy.

It's top-heavy. It's top-heavy.
-Right here, guys.

-Right here, right here.
-Here’s the box.

-We're doing great.

-There we go.
-Let's go, guys.

-You get it? Yes!
-Well done.

-Let’s go.
-Let's go.

-My heart sinks a little bit.

I hope I don’t have to change up

how I’m playing this game

-A field of gold
and shields awaits.

-Watch your head.
-Go, go, go, go.

-My mind is spinning,

but I feel like
if I get a shield,

it will really drive home
the fact I’m a faithful.

So I’m going to
make a play for it.

-This way.
-Come on, guys.

-Nah, we’re in the field now.

-Hey, we’re the first ones.

-It’s this way.

-I hear the cavalry approaching.

-Oh my God.


-10 of these scarecrows
contain gold.

Three of these scarecrows
wearing hats

contain shields.


-I finally get to the top
of this hill,

and it’s just a very creepy,
ominous vibe.

-Welcome to the Field of Death.

Will you venture to the back
and save your lives?

Or will you go for gold?

Ooh! Peter is going to the back
for the shields.

-It’s very crucial that I can
get a shield to just not stress,

to be able to sleep tonight.

-Dan is going for a shield.

How very, very interesting.

-Real gold in here.
-You must bring the gold to me.

-I’m all about the money, baby,
so show me the money.

[ Cash register dings ]


-[ Panting ]
-The blues have arrived.

Rip open the bulging chest
of those scarecrows

and see what you can find.

-Come on.

-Here's the first red.

John Bercow sprinting
over the horizon.

It’s terrifying.

-I am determined
to get a shield.

Let’s rip the stuffing
out of this wretched beast.

-There’s no way.

Obviously, I want to raise
as much money as possible.

But if there’s an opportunity
to get a shield,

I’m definitely taking it.

I can't open it.

-[ Groans ]

-I don’t want folks to think

that I’m not able to contribute
in any kind of way.

So let me just stick to
what I know and get some gold.

-I’m ripping open scarecrows.
Can’t find anything.

And all of a sudden
I hear a thud on the ground.

I got a shield.

I was thinking about
the double bluff.

I got a shield.

"Oh, Dan’s going for the shield
because he feels unsafe.

There’s no way he’s a traitor."

-Here we go.
One more gold bar.

I’ve never heard such
heavy breathing in my life,

and that’s saying something.

Two minutes remaining,
and only two out

of 10 gold bars
has been discovered thus far.

-Come on!

-It's hard on the hands.
-I gotta go hard.

-Bring the gold to my basket.

Bravo, Peppermint.

-I got two.

-...six, five, four,


-...two, one.

Time’s up, players.

Walk away from the scarecrows.

[ All panting ]

Players, you’ve managed to bank
eight gold bars

worth a total of $16,000.
[ Cheering ]

-We’ll take it,
we’ll take it, we’ll take it.


you could have banked
the full $20,000,

but many of you chose
to prioritize your lives

searching for a shield rather
than adding to the prize pot.

Only one shield
was successfully claimed.

You’ve probably all learned
a fair bit about each other

during that mission.

Did any answers get you a step
closer to rooting out a traitor?

Shall we head back?

-And please do check your shoes.

The only dirt I want to be
flung around my castle

should be at the round table

-That amount of money
feels kind of good.

-Let’s go, team.

-$16,000 in the bank.

I’m the most popular,

but me being popular with
a bunch of snakes and traitors,

let’s see how far
that popularity gets me tonight.


-What are we going to do?
We’re going to go change.

-I personally feel, like,
a little lumberjack-y.

-[ Humming ]

-It’s getting serious.
-I know.


-Parvati has no clue
I’m a traitor.

But she’s also known
as the Black Widow.

She spins a web.

And this mission really
exposed me in a couple ways.

So she’s someone that can help
keep the faithfuls off my tail.



He was the one
that said he has asthma.

Then people were saying today
he didn’t have it.

-Well, I asked him today.

-Okay, but do you have a cold?

Hold on. Hey.

-John, you run fast.

-Well, I fell over.

I think you still have
a little bit mud on your face.

-Oh, have I?
I didn’t know that. Wow.

-I don’t think
that John can be trusted.

You never really hear
great things about politicians.

Aren’t they professional liars?

There’s something in my gut

that’s telling me
John’s a traitor.

-So how are you feeling
right now?

-I feel -- I mean, it’s obvious
that my name is,

like, going around.

-And so I don’t feel
good about it.

I’m upset
that’s the situation.

I don’t like being accused
of things that I didn’t do.

If Trishelle is really concerned
about not banishing a traitor --


I mean not banishing
a faithful --

-You just -- you just --
you keep doing that.

-Okay, well, hold on.

-You threw yourself
under the bus again.

-Oh, girl.

the word traitor came out.

It was a slip-up.

But, I mean,
find me a human being

that hasn’t accidentally said

the opposite what
they meant to say.

Oh, Lord.

I was tongue tied.

And I’ll have to go and have
the doctor check out my tongue.

I don’t know. Whatever.

-Maks, the story
that I told today, like,

about what happened last night
or whatever with Peppermint,

did you feel --
-To me, it's non-story.

-So you didn’t think
it was suspicious?

-I don’t think so.

-I have a feeling that Maks
thinks I’m lying.

-The Peppermint and
the you stuff for me

was just out of nowhere.

The traitors by now would have
decided what the game plan is.

And now it’s like, you know,
you and Peppermint are at it.

So for me,
that’s a little suspect.

-Trishelle is irresponsibly
floating someone’s name,

and I don’t like being accused
of something that I’ve not done.

-But she says that you had
a huge expression on your face.

There was like -- like
almost, like, looked guilty.

We were in there,
and it was a playful

conversation between you.
-We all agree.

-I’m not buying anything
Trishelle is saying.

I don’t get it. I don’t get
traitor from Peppermint.



-♪ He was a dead man
walking to his fate ♪

♪ Vengeance was sweet
on my tongue ♪

-I know that my name
has been circulated,

and it doesn’t feel good,

but the book isn’t
closed on me just yet.

-I am convinced
Peppermint is a traitor.

I hope that they believe me,

but then I’m not sure how much
weight I have in this game

as far as people’s believability
in what I have to say.


-Is my name to be up there
as a candidate for banishment?

I don’t know,
but I’m girding my loins,

ready for battle if necessary.

-I need to be on the right
side of this vote,

and I want to vote
with the numbers.

But I don’t want to banish
one of the other traitors.

I’m feeling nervous about that.



welcome to the round table.


Here, we will convene each night

to set about the business
of banishing one of you forever.

The last time you were here,
the traitors were chosen.


And they in turn have chosen
another to join them.


Look around you.


Who can you trust?

Who is carrying the weight
of deceit upon their shoulders?

Who is a traitor?


In a moment, you will have
a discussion.

Then you will
each cast one vote.

The player who receives
the most votes,

be they faithful or traitor,

will be banished immediately.


The floor is yours.

Let democracy rule.



-I’d like to speak.



-I’d like to speak
and address the room.

My name has been floated around.

Trishelle and I
were having a conversation

with other people in the room.

-As a joke, I said,
"If I get m*rder*d tonight,

then I know you’re a traitor,

And then you looked very jolted.

Like, it looked like
I hit a nerve.

It looked like I found you out.


Bad joke.
-Yeah. Don’t go into comedy.


-I don’t remember
having a reaction

as dramatic as you’re saying.

I remember it being like,

"Bitch, what are you
talking about?"

-Who was literally there
when this conversation happened?

-I was sitting right there.

-Okay, so you heard
what she said?

-Yeah. I did not feel like
it was a big thing.

I thought it was
a joking conversation.

-It’s more suspicious to me

that Peppermint’s name
got thrown out,

you know, today, out of nowhere.

All of a sudden,
now it’s Peppermint,

and it’s like,
well, where's the evidence?

The evidence is gossip
and hearsay.

I just don’t find you
to be the traitor.

And I think it just came
about a little strange.

-I’m questioning why you would

have conversations
about this today,

and it seems like


...and go to talk
to everybody else in this room

except for me when you said --
-I did speak to you.

-I mean, that wasn’t the last
time we were around each other.

-Listen. Listen to me.
-Hold on.

I’m gonna finish.
-I have been respectful to you.

You be respectful to me, okay?
-I’m gonna finish.

-Don’t put your hand
in my face like that.

-I’m --
-It’s disrespectful.


-Don't do that.


But you could have come up
and talk to me.

I know I’m [bleep] faithful,

so either you’re a traitor

and you want my name
to go out there,

which is something
that a traitor would do,

or you’re cavalier

about watching
another faithful go down.


Earlier in the kitchen,
we were talking,

and then you slipped up
and said, "I’m a traitor."


-That a Freudian slip
or something like that?

-I mean, listen.

-Oh, my God.

-Listen, I’m not a traitor.
It was a slip-up.

-You implied you were
a traitor, correct?

-It was implied. Yeah.
-That’s all we need to know.


I think that discrepancies today
in, you know,

your explanations, you know,
just cause concern for me.

-And so someone’s
gonna float a name,

and you all are going to
just jump on to that name

as long as it’s not yours.

The traitors are okay with this.

They want you to look
everywhere but at them.

-I just think this is
kind of like gossip.

We don’t have any real evidence.

-I don’t think
that you’re a traitor.

We all know that we’ve been
having conversations

about what happened
at this table the first time.

-I mean, I can talk
about John’s breathing.

I think it was the final time
that Alan did the lap.

And I heard, John,
you were struggling to breathe.

-It was extreme intensity
in the room,

and I was pleased
it was at an end.

I’ve never breathed
particularly well.

I was asthmatic in my youth.

I don’t regard myself
as asthmatic today.

-But when you took
the mask off, you said,

"I have asthma,"

but you just said
"I was asthmatic as a child."

-That’s absolutely true.
I was asthmatic as a child.

-Is that what you told her?
-You told me you had asthma.

-Look, is asthma a lifelong
condition? I don’t regularly --

-That's not the question
I’m asking you.

-If you ask me
do I use an inhaler --

-I’m asking you
did you say that to her?

-I’ll be absolutely honest.

-Well, that’d be good.

-I don’t remember the exact
words I used in response,

but what I do recall --

-You’re answering this
just like a politician.

-Well, I mean, forgive me,
but that’s just a term of abuse.

-But you’re not answering
the question.

Did you say,
"Yeah, I have asthma?"

-No, you asked me a question.
I might not have answered it

in the way that you wanted --

You kind of went around
your elbow to get to your ass.

-No, I didn’t do anything
of the sort.

I think that is
a spectacularly flimsy basis

upon which to assert
that someone is guilty

of being a traitor.
All I wanted to say --

-No, it's just showing
if you’re lying or not.


-The time for talk is over.


It’s time to vote.


-I can’t really catch a read

on whether my number
is up or not.

People don’t seem very happy
with John.

And Trishelle,

I’m kind of like,
"All right, girl. Hmm."

-This shouldn’t be
a game of name calling

or kindergarten behavior

where one person says
you’re a baddie.

This should be based
on evidence.

-You’ve got people trying
to make decisions

based on speculation,
so they jump to conclusions.

But that happens in real life.

Innocent people go to jail.

Guilty people get away
with m*rder.

It’s all a treacherous world.


-We’re going to
begin with Bergie.


I had to go with you.

There’s just not a lot
of evidence out there right now,

and all I have to go off of is
this morning at breakfast.


-You know, obviously we have to
go based on what we can.



-Um, I’m not really sure,
to be honest.

I’m grasping at straws,
like most people.

And so, unfortunately, tonight,

I had to vote for you.

who do you think is a traitor?

-I voted for Peppermint.


-Unfortunately, Peppermint,
I had to vote for you.

-John, what do you think
is a traitor and why?

-Truth is, none of us
has conclusive evidence.

But that evidence that
we’ve acquired can’t be ignored.

And for that reason,
I have voted Peppermint.



You’ve done so many
suspicious things.

Out of all of these people,

you’re the most likely
to be a traitor.


-I think there’s a bit
of a herd mentality going on.

So I wrote John.

-So that’s six votes
for Peppermint,

two for John.


-I voted for you, Peppermint.


-I'm gonna feel really bad.





-My name seems to have come

out of what I view
to be nowhere.

And the person responsible for
placing my name into your minds.



-So we have nine votes
in total for Peppermint,

two for John,
and one for Trishelle.


if you receive one more vote,
you will have the majority,

and you will be banished
from the castle.

who do you think is a traitor?


if I am responsible for
a herd mentality against you,

I deeply, deeply apologize.

But that reaction
was the only thing

that pinged me
out of everybody here.

If you’re not a traitor,

I’m gonna feel like
absolute garbage.


you have received the most votes
and are banished from the game.

Will the remaining players
reveal their votes?






-I voted for Peppermint.

-Peppermint, please come
forward to the circle of truth.






Before you leave my castle

please reveal to us

are you a faithful...


...or a traitor?




...I came into this game
because I’m a huge fan.

But the bigger reason for me
to come here

is because I’m trying
to put all of my energy

and use my platform to advocate
for our transgender community.

I will keep being myself.

That will never stop.

But in this game,

I think some of you all
have been led astray.





...a faithful.

-Oh, my God.

-Oh, you know what?
I am not happy right now.

Y’all came up with
this whole concoction.


-But she didn’t
defend herself well.

That’s what it was.


tonight was your first chance
to banish a traitor,

and you failed spectacularly.

Faithful, you’ll have to do
better than that,

because the traitors are about
to press their advantage.

Tonight, they not only welcome
a new member,

but they will also
take one of you out.


As Scottish bard Robert Burns
once said,

"Should old Peppermint be forgot

and never brought to mind."

For auld lang syne, my dears.


-I know.

-If we keep doing this,

we’re just going to do
the traitors a favor.

-I always felt like
she was a faithful.

But after hearing everybody,
I changed my vote,

and I feel horrible
for going with the majority.

-Oh, my God.
I am such an idiot.

-[ Scoffs ]

-We can’t keep doing that.


-She said she was a traitor.
-She did.

-I genuinely thought
she was a traitor.

-Mistakes are going to be made,
especially at the beginning.

-I just think

you got to be mindful of
who was really quiet in there.

At least the traitors.

-The quiet mother [bleep]
in the room.

The quiet people.
-Yeah, I agree.

-I’m quiet.

-The quiet people
that are all so quiet.

Like, the ones that do this.

-Oh, Lord.
Who’s doing that, child?

-Who’s doing that?

-[ Sighs ] How are you feeling?
-I’m not happy.

-No, I ain't, either.
-I was close to Peppermint.


But she was a beautiful person,

That shit hit me so hard

because when you have so many
people go against you like that,

and you just know,
you’re just like,

"I’m trying to tell y’all."

Damn, this shit make me
want to cry because I, like,

I relate to that.

I know what it feels like with
people that go against you, bro.

And that’s not
a good feeling, man.

[ Sighs ]

Oh, man, to know that I’m a part
of it now, man. Ohh.


-Y'all, that was not good.
-How are you feeling?

-I feel like an absolute
piece of trash on the floor.

-I’m gonna say that just
to get out of the door.

But you did that.

-No. This morning at breakfast
had nothing to do

with my situation,
and her saying she was a traitor

in there had nothing
to do with this.

-The first round table sucked.

Picking up on Peppermint
made no sense.

It was a made-up nothing
that never happened

that should not have
even been spoken about.

-I was like 95% sure it was her.

The problem was,
is that I told two people

and then two people
told two people,

and word got around,
and then other people were like,

"Oh, yeah, this was suspicious."
-I’m just saying

that it was just a little, you
know, whatever, strange for me.

-I’m gonna -- Yeah.


-I do feel like
there were people that --

and I don’t want
to single you out

because you weren’t
the only person,

but they didn’t say a word
at the round table.

-People think I’m not talking,

but that’s just who I am,
you know?

And it’s sometimes hard
to get a word in.

-All I can do
is offer my opinion.

-I do feel like

anybody that didn’t speak up

was very happy with the way
that the conversation was going,

because they knew it wasn’t
directed towards the traitor.

I don’t think any of us
have enough information

to truly know who a traitor is.

-But time will tell.


[ Clock chimes ]

-All right. Good night, guys.

-Good night.
-I hope to see you guys

at breakfast tomorrow.
Oh, I don’t want to die.

-We missed the mark tonight.
We missed it hard.

And there’s a bunch of traitors
up in here.

I am so excited to find out
who my fellow traitors are.

It’s got to be Janelle
or it’s got to be Sandra.

Who else would recruit me?

But hopefully you’re faithful.

Like, you know, we have
nothing to go off of.

-Well, I pray I’m here tomorrow.

-Are you scared?
-No, I’m good.

-Please be scared.

-Bed's up here, John.
-[ Speaks indistinctly ]

-John, bed -- bed's up here.



-I think this new recruit
is going to be very excited

to have the power
of being a traitor.

This could be the beginning of
a beautiful k*ller relationship.


-♪ Got to taste these thoughts
you crave ♪

[ Vocalizing ]

-I want to see the reaction
when both our hoods come off.

That’s gonna tell me
are we doing a good job

or are we doing
a phenomenal job?

-♪ Come around to your bad side,
babe ♪

-I am dying to know
who my fellow traitors are.

The traitors have the keys
to the castle.

And, baby,
I was born to be a queen.

-♪ The taste
you start to crave ♪

-[ Howling ]

-Time to k*ll.

-♪ If you love to hate,
you love to hate ♪

♪ Come around to your bad side,
babe ♪

[ Vocalizing ]

♪ Turn your back
'cause it's all a mistake ♪

♪ You love to hate,
you love to hate ♪

♪ Welcome to your bad side ♪

♪ Whoa ♪

[ Laughter ]

-Oh, my God!

[ Laughter ]
