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02x01 - Betrayers, Fakes and Fraudsters

Posted: 01/21/24 19:51
by bunniefuu

-[ Echoing ]
She's a natural-born k*ller.

-This is the name of the game.

-What's going on?

-Oh, my God.

[ Clock chimes ]

-Welcome to my castle...


...where treacheries abound,

and murderers hunt the faithful
like hungry, howling hounds.

Amidst this world of bloodshed,
I am your humble narrator.

So step inside, stay a while in
the company of "The Traitors."


These cunning celebrities...

strategic reality legends...

and clever game players...

will play the ultimate
game of trust.

Welcome to the dark side.

[ Thunder crashes ]


-[ Grunts ]
-Fire for your life!

-Everything you got!

-Aah! No!
-[ Screams ]


-She's the traitor?

-...and just a dash of m*rder.

Who will emerge victorious

and win up to a quarter
of $1 million?

-You're the traitor. Shut up.

-I find you highly annoying.

-Why would I want
to m*rder her boyfriend?

-This guy is the silent

-This is not "The Bachelor,"

and I don't have to kiss
your ass for a rose.



-Who wants to see a castle?

-I've never really spent
any time in a castle.

-Oh, my God,
this is so gorgeous.

-This is dope.


-I wonder who else is here.

-I don't know.
I can only speculate.

-And you guys know,
we're like the first couple

that's doing the show.


People think I'm the big,
friendly giant.

But in all honesty, you know,
I'm a cutthroat player.

You know, I've got
Jordan blood in my DNA,

and we like to win at all costs.

I'm coming after that goal.

-I've never been to Scotland,

but, hopefully, this
is a haunted castle.

Make all my dreams come true.
-Oh, no.

-♪ Oh, my gosh ♪

I'm kind of fangirling

being in the car
with the three of you.

-A car of reality queens here.

-Is there anybody
from "Survivor"

that you don't want to see?
-I mean, I would prefer

not to see Sandra.

-Why not?

-My career in "Survivor"

has over-prepared me
for "The Traitors."

I can look you in the eye

while telling you a lie
and smiling in your face.

You would think I'm your
best friend in the game,

when, in fact,
I'm here to destroy you.

-♪ Oh, it's so exciting ♪
-I'm excited to meet Alan.

-Yeah. Me too.
-I can't wait.

-I'm excited to see
what Alan is wearing.



[ Drums beating ]

-Do I hear drums?
-Yes. [ Gasps ]


-Oh, he looks a little creepy.

-Here we go.


our guests are arriving.


[ Both screaming ]

-Oh, my God!


[ Both screaming ]


-[ Laughs ]


-Let the games begin.

-What a place.


-Here we are!
-Yes, here we are.

-Ah, there's Sandra.

-Oh, this is nice.

-[ Chuckles ]
How you doin'?

Of course Bananahead is here.

Can't do anything
without him, apparently.

-Oh, you look great.

-You too.

-If me and Bananas
were in Never Never Land,

he'd be Rufio,
and I'd be Peter Pan.

-How amazing is this?

-How's it going? Peter.

-How are you?
-Good to meet you, man.

-What's up, Janelle?
It's been so long.

-How are you? Hi.
-Good to see you.

So, I haven't seen Janelle
in about a decade.

The last time I saw Janelle,

it was when I was writing
her name down and voting her

out of the "Big Brother" house.

-So, what's your name,

-John. John Bercow.
-John. Okay.

-Yeah, hi.
I'm a retired --

-You're a politician, right?

-Ohhh, you're very, very good.

-Naughty, naughty, naughty.
-I am.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

-Look how gorgeous this is.

-The caliber and diversity
of this cast

is exactly why I wanted to come
and play this game.

-Where do I know you from, baby?
-I was on "Big Brother."

-Ahh, yes!
-And you're from...?

-The "Housewives" franchise.

-You have competition-show
legends like Sandra,

who's won "Survivor" twice.

There is a former
world heavyweight champion boxer

playing this game with me.

I don't understand
why he's here.

I'm glad he is, because it's
the thrill of a lifetime.

If this were the 1990s,

it would be like playing
"The Traitors" with Mike Tyson.

-So nice to meet you.
-Hi. What's your first name?


-Yes. What's your --
-That is a name

that cannot be forgotten.

-I hope we survive the night.
-This is -- Right?

I just want to make it
past night one.

I don't want to be
the first one.

-How embarrassing would that be?

-That would suck.
-It would suck.

-What do you want to be,

traitor or faithful?

-I don't know.

I feel like people might know me

as the calculating bitch
on my show.

-Mm! [ Laughs ]


[ Screaming ]


[ Indistinct exclamations ]
-What's happening?


-Welcome to "The Traitors"!

[ Contestants cheer ]

-His outfits are everything.
-I [bleep] love this man.



[ Cheering continues ]

-Oh, you look gorgeous.
Strut, honey, strut.

-Alan Cumming's amazing.
[ Smooches ]

Like, chef's kiss
of a human being.

He's so swaggy.

[ Cheering dies down ]

-Look at you all,
bright-eyed and bushy-tailed,

full of the joys of spring.

Ready to engage in
a vicious game

of treachery,
deceit, and m*rder.

[ Laughter ]

-And what a game it will be.

Because I stand here before you
looking out at a sea

of schemers,
master manipulators,

cutthroat competitors.

But who knows
what the future holds?

This, my dear players,
may be the most important game

you have ever played.

Well, no biggie.

Just that the winner
will walk away

with up to a quarter
of $1 million.

[ Contestants cheer ]

-Cheers to that.
-I really like that.

-But to business.

Soon, I will select
the traitors.

Each night, those traitors
will m*rder one of you

under the cover of darkness.

It will be up to the rest
of you, the faithful,

to weed out those traitors
and banish them from the game.

Those that survive
until the very end

will be within touching distance
of that huge cash prize.

But be wary of who you trust,

for if even one traitor
makes it to the end,

they will take everything --
and I do mean everything.

-Oh, my God.
-Sally forth. Come on.

Head up to the castle.
Have a drink.

-Sally forth?
-Get to know each other.

Make friends,
swap stories.

-All right.
-But be warned --

In this game,
there are no BFFs.

Unless, of course,
"BFF" stands for

"betrayers, fakes,
and fraudsters."


-♪ Oh, my gosh ♪

-I always think
there's somebody in those.

-Nope, not this one.
-No? Okay, it's safe.

-I feel like I'm in a museum.

-I can smell it.
-[ Sniffing ]

-Is this the bar?
-Oh, nice.

-All right.

-CT, you bartending or what?


-[ Whistles ]


-Is it any wonder
that the three of us

are the first ones
to show up in the bar?

Everyone else's like, "Let's
go check out the library."

-I think the last time
I saw Trishelle,

we were in Thailand filming
"The Challenge,"

and I don't think we were
on the best of terms.

I hope there's no resentment.

-I'll go tell the girls
that the bar's in here.

CT and I have not
always gotten along.

Trust is earned.
It's not just given.

And I don't trust CT.

But, hopefully,
I'll be a traitor,

so I won't have
to worry about it.

[ Animal crying ]

-Where are you going?

-To see what's down here
in the billiard room.

Isn't this wild?

-Oh, my God.
Where am I?

-This is like...


-This is beautiful.


-Sandra and I
are meeting again

for the first time
in a long time.

Sandra and I know each other
from "Survivor,"

and that was a season
where I lost and Sandra won.

We have, like, a little
contention between us

over who is the true
queen of "Survivor."

So maybe we'll see who's
the queen of "The Traitors."

-The devil you know is better
than the devil you don't know.

And enemies become friends,
and so on and so forth.

-Anything could happen.

[ Laughs awkwardly ]

-I want to extend
my hand to you.

-I accept.
-I appreciate this.

-So, we're going to have to
keep each other alive.

-As long as we can.
-As long as we can.

-I'm going to stick to my word,

but the first signs
of deception,

I'm going to take care of her
once and for all.

-Did you see yourself
in this room?

Your picture?

-This is like
the breakfast room.

Look at me!
She cute.

Oh, Lord, help me
get through this game.

I don't know,
there's a lot of winners here

from a bunch of different hard
game shows, like "Survivor."

Those people eat rattlesnakes
and live in the jungle

and hike naked,
for God's sake.

I've never done any of that.
I glamp.

And I barely glamp, honey.

I glamp at the Ritz-Carlton.

[ Chuckles ]

That's the sweetie pie
from "The Bachelor."

-Yeah, he's nice.
-What's his name?

Peter, Peter, Peter.

That's Kevin.
He's from "Bling Nation."

It's a show about
some very wealthy people.

-Everybody here is so used
to competitions.

-I'm not.

-I only do competition shows.
-You only do competitions?

-All right, where's Alan?

-To the, uh, new

kings and queens
of the castle.

-You know who that is?
-No, I don't. Who?

-That's Bananas.

[ Cork pops ]

-Which is...

-So he's a "Challenge" person?

-Oh, he gives "Repo Man" vibes.

-[ Laughs ]

-I'm just saying.

He looks so fun.

-I love a politician.

-So, John -- So you actually
were a member of Parliament?

-I was.

I thought you were the host
when we first got here.

[ Laughter ]

I'm a retired politician.

Backstabbing, deception
are all part and parcel

of the political life.


Over the years, I've developed
a knack for detecting

who, frankly,
is trying to lie,

to deceive, to cheat

for material gain.

-That's Scottie Pippen's

Scottie Pippen!

-From the Bulls. From the Bulls.

-Oh. So?
Okay. So what?

-That's Michael Jordan's son.

Child, wake up
and smell the coffee.


-If you're a traitor,

are you going to m*rder
your boyfriend?

-If I have to.

-You are?

-Yeah. I feel like
we're here individually.

-We're here to play the game.
I'll m*rder her, too.

-I feel like some of the people
might be intimidated

because I'm playing the game
with my boyfriend.

I feel like they think
I have an advantage.

Like, we are both here

Like, it's great
that Marcus is here.

But at the same time, like,

I want to win,
and he wants to win.

It's not like we're a team.

-Push comes to shove,

we'll definitely
m*rder each other, I feel like.

[ Chuckles ]


-Welcome to my round table.

If these walls could talk,
they would probably

tell stories of deception,
treachery, and death.

[ Clock chimes, ticks ]


And our players are about
to begin their very own chapter

in this chamber's dark history.

By the time they leave
this room,

the game's destiny
will be irrevocably set.

Because it is here
I will select my traitors,

and after that, nothing will
ever be the same again.


Quarter of $1 million.

What's your strategy
going into the game?

-I don't want to be
the loudest voice.

Don't want to put a target
on my back in any way,

and listen way more
than I speak, for sure.


-Johnny Bananas.
-In the flesh and blood.

So, how does it feel to be

the second-best-dressed guy
on your show?

-I'd say back off, bitch.

-[ Laughs ]

-Deontay, how do you feel
about this game?

-I feel very confident.
This game is almost the same

as the business of boxing --

lies, backstabbing.

-Do you want to be
a traitor or a faithful?

-I think I'd be better
at finding one of them.

-The only reason I came here
is to be a traitor.

-I cannot manipulate anybody.
My lying skills are awful.

-Give me the chance.
Make me a traitor.

-What would winning that quarter
of $1 million mean to you?

-It would be a big deal for me.

I just got divorced...
-Oh. I'd like to buy a place,
a home, for me and my daughter.

-Maks, sum up your game plan
in one word.


-That's it.
-Is there another word?


[ Choir vocalizes ]


-♪ Follow me down
into the valley nigh ♪

♪ Where all the flowers bloom ♪


-♪ Follow me down
into the valley nigh ♪

♪ Where all the flowers bloom ♪

-Welcome to my round table.

King Arthur said,
"When a man lies,

he murders part of the world."

But m*rder and lie,
some of you must.


Soon, I shall select
the traitors.

They will cast a gloomy shade
of death each night.

Look around you.

This is the last time you
will see each other as equals.

In a few minutes,
everything will change.

-♪ His body lies,
the flowers grow ♪

♪ His body lies,
the flowers grow ♪



-Put on your blindfolds.



If you feel my hand
upon your shoulder,

you are a traitor.






-[ Laughing ]

Oh, oh, oh!

I am so excited.

I was born to be a traitor.

It's hunting season for me.

I'm ready to take
these sheep down,

and they're not going
to see me coming.



-[ Whispering ] Oh, my goodness.

I'm in the secret society
of traitors.

I'm definitely going to be
queen of this castle.



-Remove your blindfolds.



-As much as I want to celebrate
and jump up and down,

'cause this is what I get to do,
I get to be a traitor,

this is why I came to play,
I can't let that slip.

I'm looking around,
scanning, scanning,

making sure I'm trying
to find the traitor.

I was, like, trying to turn my
throat into the Sahara Desert.

Like, don't swallow,
don't swallow,

'cause it was going to be
the loudest thing of all time.


-The traitors
now sit amongst you.


You may never know who they are
or how many.

-I'm a faithful, but I am 100%
pissed off I'm not a traitor.

Now I am absolutely terrified.

-I could smell bullshit
a mile away.

I can spot a fake
and a phony like that.

I'm going to be able
to spot the traitors.

It's going to be so easy for me.

-Later tonight, the traitors
will meet to decide

which one of you
will become their first victim.

But that's not all.

The thing is, the traitors
are not yet complete.

This evening,
they will have the power

to enlist one more member
to their mutinous mob.

One of you yet could be turned
to the dark side.


Choose wisely, traitors,
for this decision

could mean the difference
between victory and defeat.

Now, as if that's
not enough excitement,

you have the small matter
of your first mission.

I'll meet you there shortly.

-Full of surprises, this guy.

-We haven't even met each other.

But now we've got to choose
someone else to join us?

So that changes the game,
as well,

because now you've got to be
strategic to pick an ally

that's strong enough
to keep the society alive.

-You were having
some breathing problems.

Are you -- were you okay?

-I was okay, yeah.

-Yeah, no, I was okay.

I don't breathe brilliantly.
-Oh, okay.

-You were...
-Oh, I'm sorry.

-...really struggling there.

-Well, I slightly --
I'm slightly asthmatic.

There was a slight hesitation

in the walking here.

-In the very last time
he walked,

you started breathing
really heavy.

-No, I could look you
in the eye and tell you,

he certainly didn't tap me.

-Wait. Can I ask you guys
a question?

I feel like my hearing
is really good.

-Were you trying to listen
where he stopped?

-Yeah, I did, too.
-No, not when he stopped,

but when he lifted his jacket,
and it was to my left.

-sh*ts fired already.
Good grief.

-I'm just saying.

Did you guys listen?

-I don't think he would
make it easy to feel

himself touching something.

-My ears were so strong
that I could feel

the vibration
of him lifting his jacket.

-So what are you
trying to say?

She's the traitor?



-I feel like my hearing
is really good.

-I'm just saying.

Did you guys listen?

-But that's a good strategy

for someone
who's trying not to be

caught as a traitor.

-I don't know. I just listened.
-First off.

To blame the person
right next to them.

That is so shady.
-But look at his jacket...

-Girl, you got to be
out of your mind,

already coming out of the gates
accusing me

and thinking I'm going
to sit down here and take that?

Maybe I can be recruited,

because they're all going
to think I'm a traitor anyway.

You're barking up
the wrong tree.

I'm telling you.
I'm serious.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

-Keep it moving.

[ Animal crying ]


-She did not hear shit
at my shoulder.

-I swear to God, like,
I have really good hearing,

and I hear a pin drop.

-Let's go traitor hunting.

-What is that doing?

-Looking at the heartbeat
in your neck.

-[ Laughs ]
-It's at least 120 BPMs, dude.

-Ba-boom, ba-boom, ba-boom.

-[ Whispering ]
Are you a traitor?

-No, I don't think you are.

[ Laughs ]
If you are, recruit me.

-Her energy was off as soon
as I said something to her.

She was, like,
automatically so defensive.

And I was like,
"I just said to my left."

-It was very close.

And he didn't touch me.

-I couldn't feel any better
right now,

because, at this point, I don't
have to cause a diversion.

I don't have to blame anyone.
Larsa did all the work for me.

If she is a traitor,
she's playing this game

very hard and very fast.

And if she's not a traitor,

she could be
a great early recruit

that we set up to frame
early on in the game.

-She said something like,
"That's, like, a good strategy."

-Yeah. So she deflected
back to me.

-She's putting it back on you.
That's called manipulation.

-Right. Right.
-And projection.

-I've done this in psychology.

I do think people
underestimate me.

You know,
as soon as they see me,

"Oh, she's a pretty girl.
She probably loves herself.

Probably not smart."

But I believe in aliens.

I have conspiracy theories.
I love cartoons.

I, you know, can twist my arm
all the way back.

I'm very quirky, very weird,
but I'm also very relatable.

And people love that about me.

-So, listen, I'm sitting next
to that John guy,

and he starts hyperventilating.

He was like...
[breathing heavily]

-Oh, my God.
-And I --

-Very short-lived, though.

And he said
it could have been asthma.

-It was not asthma.
I'm asthmatic, too.

-The only thing --
He tried to defend himself

a little bit too much.

-If I get m*rder*d tonight,
it's him,

'cause I'm the only one sitting
next to him that heard that.

I'm telling you guys right now,
if I'm gone, it's him.

Like, you have to vanish him.

-I ain't saying
nothing to nobody.

Everyone's whispering, trying to
figure out who the traitors are.

My strategy is basically to just
listen, take notes, and agree,

but not actually participate in
those conversations.

That's the whole key
to the game.

Do just enough,
but not too much.


-So you're not a traitor?
-No, I'm not a traitor.

He did not touch my shoulders,
and she did not hear anything.


-How are you feeling?
-I'm feeling good.

I'm a faithful.

You're speaking very fast.

-I am not a traitor.

-I'm not saying
you're a traitor.

I'm just saying
you're speaking very fast.

And you've just
spilled your drink.

-People are gonna know me
from "Love Island,"

so people have this idea of me
being easily manipulated.

-Your cheeks are really red,
by the way.

-And you're sweating a lot.

-Bergie is as red as a tomato.

The guy literally
has soiled himself.

I don't think Bergie
was cut out for this life.

-I don't have
anything to hide.

I don't know what I'm doing
right now. This is terrible.

-We need a cold glass of water
for Bergie over here.

-Are you okay?

-I want to prove in this game

that I'm not someone
that can be manipulated.

I want to find the traitors,
and I want to show the world,

like, hey, I can figure
stuff out on my own.

-To winding people up,
stirring the pot.

Deception, treachery,

To sniff the traitors out...


[ Bell tolls ]

-Let's go, baby. Let's go.
-They're leaving for
the mission. Let's go.

-I'm looking forward
to the mission.

I want to be adding
prize money to the pot.

The traitors will definitely
take note of that,

and I want to possibly
be recruited.

I'm up for the challenge.

You know, Jordans,

we come out to win anything.

And so I definitely think,

if I set my mind to it,

I can take the whole thing.

-I'm actually pretty certain

that everybody in this car
is a faithful, like...

-And I just have,
like, a feeling.

-Oh, my God!


-It's about money.

So we're probably gonna
go over there and grab

something with money,
but we don't know what.

-Oh, my God. This is gonna be
a real mind game.


welcome to your first mission.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Tamra is not well,

so will not be taking part
in today's mission.

Now, the lochs of Scotland

are rich in mystery,
folklore, and legend.

And, if you're lucky,
a nice wee gift shop.

[ Laughter ]
For this mission,

you will set this loch ablaze.

You must work together
to correctly assemble

a giant beacon
in the middle of the icy waters.

You will make your way
into the water,

gather the floating
puzzle pieces,

and rearrange them
in the correct order.


-To help you work out
the puzzle pattern,

there is a replica image

of what it should look like
hidden on this shoreline.

Once you think the puzzle pieces
are in the correct order,

you will set it alight by
pressing down on this detonator.

[ Contestants gasp ]

If you correctly assemble
the pieces within 40 minutes,

you will add a whopping $30,000
to the prize pool.


[ Cheers and applause ]

-Remember, this is
an all-or-nothing mission.

If you fail, you get zilch.

Go and get yourselves ready.


-I'm terrified.

How strong is the current?
How heavy are the puzzle pieces?

Am I going to swim?
Am I going to row?

Am I going to -- what is --
I mean, this is a lot.

-Now, I have news.

-Oh, my God.

-This year, you're not
just playing for money

in these missions.

You are also playing
for your lives.



[ Contestants murmuring
indistinctly ]

This, players, is a shield.


There are two shields
on the loch, and one on land.

Any player who decides
to take a shield

will be instantly protected
from tonight's m*rder.

What's your priority today?

Money for the group or the
preservation of your own life?

-Obviously, I'm going
for the shield.


When I go into competition mode,
I don't come out until I win.

-If you go for a shield,
you could be getting one

because you're a faithful
that's worried about

being targeted by a traitor.

Or you could be
a traitor that is

grabbing a shield
to try and confuse everyone

and make them believe
that you're actually a faithful.

-Oh, one little thing
I forgot to mention.





-You're going to be starting
this mission tied up.

[ Contestants exclaiming
indistinctly ]

Do not fight your fate, players.

-Oh, my God!



[ Contestants exclaiming
indistinctly ]

-Do not fight your fate,


-Well, you'll need to untie
yourselves from these poles

before you begin.

You have 40 minutes.

-Oh, my God.

-Oh, no, this is really tight.

-Oh, no!

-I can't get out.

-Yo, guys, somebody who's untied
has to look for the clue.

-We need to all be untied.

-On the shore.
-Go start looking.

Just go start looking.


-I do not care about
any of these people.

I don't care
if they're tied up all day.

I'm going to find the shield
before I do anything.

-Guys, help the person
next to you.

-Good for you, Janelle.

-I was basically Katniss
Everdeen in "Hunger Games,"

and I'm running for a w*apon.

-Girl, get your ass
back down here and untie me.

Now there's a big target
on your back.

How did she do that so fast?

-Janelle has gone for a shield.

Two shields now left in play.

-She straight up left us.

Instead of helping us,
she left us.

Janelle should have
went on untying,

untying, and untying
every single person,

because every minute counts.

-All right, I'm out.

-Guys, I want to plan.

-Many players still tied up.

There'll be no 30 grand
if you stay tied to the poles.

-Hey, what's the plan?

-We need two people
on the dock.

-I think it's more important to
have the strongest boats going.


[ Indistinct conversations ]

-Going in to do a mission,

this is kind of where I start
to feel at home,

where I'm gonna really be able
to step up and shine, hopefully.

And I'm going to do
what I do best,

and that is kick ass
and take names.

Get in the boat!

-We gotta get the rope first?

-Yes, we're gonna
take the rope out.


-3, 2, 1.
-Together: Go!

-We are going to have
to beeline it out

into the middle of this loch,

unlock a bunch
of floating puzzle pieces,

bring them back to a dock,

somehow manage
to put them all together

in some sort of puzzle formation
that we haven't even seen yet,

because it's hidden
somewhere on the shore.

This is going to be tough.

It went from difficult
to damn near impossible.

-Together: Go! Go!

-In this boat,
it's me, Maks, CT, and Deontay,

and our thought is
just to go as far as we can

and figure out how many pontoons
we can bring back.

There's $30,000 on the line,
and we want to win it all.

-Together, together, together.

-Deontay, Marcus, CT, Maks --
what an alpha boat.


-We're getting
this puzzle piece.

Forward. Forward. Forward.

-My strategy in this mission

is to be somewhere
in the middle.

I definitely don't want to be
a leader in the pack.

I don't want to be
shouting instructions.

And I don't want
to be a straggler.

You good, Parv?

-So I want to be one of
the workhorses in the middle.

I just don't want
to be the lead horse.

Well, you get the close one.
I'll get that.

-Uh, okay.
-Is that all right?

-Yeah, it's totally fine.

-Paddle to the left.
-Yeah. It's left.

-Come on!


-What do I...?

-We're looking for
a piece of paper.

Gotta be along the shoreline.

You come this way.
We'll go in the middle to meet.

-Everyone kind of went off,
and we had people

that were going to look
on the shoreline.

-Oh, my God,
there's a lot of them!

-We need help!

-Oh, so we don't know what to --
-Oh, shit.

-We had people
getting in the boats.

-I don't know
if it's the current

or what the hell's going on,
but, like,

I feel like
we're not moving at all.

-It's just a ton of chaos.

-Did we get the map?

getting the map over there.

-Get over here!


-I can't find
this frickin' clue.

-Help me.
Please help me.

-Dear Bergie's still tied up.

-Hold on. I'm almost out.
-Hold on, baby.

-Don't worry about the map.
They need you to...

-We need you.
You're young, baby.

-Oh, my God.
-Hold on.

-Oh, my God.

I feel so useless
being the last one untied.

I can't help at all.

All right, I can get out.
-Let's go. Okay.

-Oh! He's off.
Bravo, Bergie.

-You go, you go.

Bergie, I'm so proud of you,

-Why aren't we moving?

-John and Kevin aren't exactly
the experienced seamen

you would hope to find.

I don't think either one
of these two guys

has ever picked up an oar
before in their lives.

-I don't think we're
going anywhere. Are we?

-I wonder if
I'm more use if I swim.

My boating experience

is being rowed
or powered by others.

-So let it go, John.

Do not hold on to it.
Let it go.

-Okay, okay.
-You're holding us back.

-Okay, okay.
-Before you know it,

I'm out in the water
so I can prove to everybody

why having me as an asset
to win money outweighs

them wanting to get rid of me
because I'm an assh*le.


-Half your time has gone,

-There's a shield.

-Straight ahead.

-We all...see the shield.

Are we doing this?
We racing for this or what?

Who wants it?


See ya!

[ Laughs ]

I'm out of here.
I'm down.

-All right, let's go, guys.

-Someone's already going
for the shield.

-Y'all got a shield right there.

Oh, there's another one.

All right, y'all go ahead.

There you go.

I see another shield.
I jumped off the boat.

There I go.

I'm not going to stop.
I gotta get it.

-Listen, I would
love the shield, right?

I don't want to come off
like Janelle

and people looking at me
like I'm greedy and selfish,

but I just want to be able
to breathe a little bit.


-CT has got his hands
on the second shield.



-Got the shield.
I'm safe, so I'm happy.


Is the shield gone?

Seeing Deontay and CT
get a shield

did not make me feel good.

-I got it, I got it.
-Half the timer's up.

We don't even
have the puzzle pieces

at the docks yet.

I just don't see
how we're going to make it.


-Let's [bleep] do this.

-Together: Together. Together.

-Where is Shereé?

--I can't even get these out.
It's a whole bunch.

-Oh, my God, that's a lot.
-I'mma start down.

-Where the hell
is crazy-ass Shereé?


-I'm looking for the clue.

-We're looking for a puzzle.
-Anyone find the map yet?

We tear through these bottles --

probably, I don't know,

to get a piece of paper.

-I got it!

She got it!

-You crazy heifers.

-Oh, they got the map.
-The puzzle's like a shield!

It's a shield.
It's a shield.

-The puzzle's a shield

with, like,
a little symbol in it.

-A shield?
-Gimme, gimme, gimme.

-This is too far of a swim.

-There's one more buoy.

-Yeah, keep pulling,
keep pulling.

-All day!

-All night!

-All day!

-I'm trying to get to you,
Bananas. I'm trying.

-Pull it!


-All right.
One of you has to get off.

-Now we have all the puzzle
pieces at the pontoon,

you're fighting with everyone
trying to orchestrate

where we gotta put
all the pieces now

to make sure the puzzle
actually comes together

and makes sense.
-No, this is the bottom!

This is here, no?

-Players, you have
only 10 minutes left.

-Let's stay calm. Dan.

-The bottom of it.
Look at the bottom.

-Furthest or --
-That's the beak.

-The bottom or the top?
-Furthest or closest to you?

-Go in the bottom.
Go in the bottom.

-Move that piece out.
Move that piece out.

-When you're trying
to solve a puzzle,

but you have
four different people

looking at the same puzzle,

all four people are going
to see different things.

It's just bedlam.

-I don't think
that this is right.

-Really, we should have
this thing together already.

Too many chefs in the kitchen.

Only one person should be
looking at that map.

-That's it. Perfect.
Just push it in.

The side to the right of that,
that you're touching,

needs to connect with
the top of this, I believe.

-I already said that.
-Let go of the piece!

-We do need help.
We need more help.

-I believe that
goes over here.

-I think it's
a left-side piece.

-No, it's not a --
-That one...

-Looking at this team
as a whole,

I am terrified.

-CT, go in the middle. Guys!
-The one you're holding.

take charge!

-I don't know
how we're gonna be

winning missions
with these people.

-I'm holding the middle!
I'm holding the middle!

-Players! You will not succeed
if you don't hurry up.

All the pieces
must be assembled.

-Connect everything you can.

-The middle pieces need to be
connected somehow.

-You got Peppermint and Marcus

all yelling completely different
instructions at us.

You've got John on shore,

who I think is just shocked
that he hasn't drowned.

You got CT barking orders

from the water.
-Gotta connect...

-I think Larsa's drowning
on the puzzle piece.

And I'm just trying
to find a way

to just keep this all in order.

We have too many voices!

-Yeah, guys,
there's way too many!

-$30,000 is slipping through
your moist fingers.

-Guys, somebody new has the map
every time I look up.

-I don't think
that this is right.
-Oh, shit.

-Get out! Do it in a --
-Go that way.

-Go that way.

-Guys, come here.

-Help! Help!


-Someone's going to need me.

-Your left hand
is the opposite side.

-These two pieces go together.

-There was no leader.

I'm like, "One person
give directions. One person."

-Can we identify the matching
piece of this

that goes over there?

-Once Johnny, CT, Dan,
Parvati, and I

got the pieces together,
we finally got it.

-Come here, come here!
Rotate, rotate.

-Swim it forward.
Bring it forward.

-Two minutes remaining.

Hurry, or you will fail

-Everybody get in the water
and stop moving pieces!

-Top row needs
to go further back.

-Go that way.
-Which way?

-Go that way.
-Guys, connect.

-You gotta go to the other side.

-Where do you want this?
-I have top right.

Come on, quick!


-Yeah. Push it in, Janelle.
Push it in.

-The middle piece
is not connected!

-Go, go, go.
Come on.

-Tick-tock, tick-tock.

-Bring it in, bring it in.

We got it.
This is the picture, right?

-This is it!

You guys, come on,
get out!

-Get on shore!

-Get out!
-Hurry, guys!

-Come on!

-We need you all on land

before we can detonate.



Come on!

-You need to
hurry, players.

-Hey, we all got
to get on shore.

-Come on.

-Moments left.

Hurry, everybody!
Hurry, hurry!

-Oh, my God!

-Oh, my --
-Get out! Come on!

-Push the detonator.

[ Heavy breathing echoing ]

[ Contestants cheering ]


[ Chuckling ] Yes!


Oh, baby, we did it.

We got the 30 G's
added to the pot.

All day! Ooh! All night!

[ Laughs ]

[ Cheering continues ]


-Okay, let's be honest.

If me and Bananas weren't there,

we wouldn't have got that money.

I hope that everybody
in the castle realizes

how lucky they are
to have me and Bananas

working together
to make their money.

-Feels so good.

-$30,000 for everyone to share.

Or for me to take in the end.


-Well, players,
you've completed

your first-ever mission...

-All right!

-...and bagged

the full $30,000
for the prize pot.

[ Cheers and applause ]

But, I have to say, it seems
lots of you were desperate

to protect yourselves
from tonight's m*rder

and claim those shields.

Janelle, CT, and Deontay,

you three can go
to sleep tonight

safe in the full knowledge

you will not be
the traitors' first blood.

And who will be
their newest recruit?

Well, that vacancy
is still open to all.

Now, get back in the warm,
or you'll catch your death.

Well, if not now,
one of you will later.

[ Scattered gasps ]
Because, from tonight,

you'll start
dropping like flies.



-I'm actually gonna sleep
really, really good tonight

knowing that
I've got that shield,

knowing that
I can't be m*rder*d.

Everyone else is literally

sh1tting in their pants
right now.

[ Laughs ]
It's so funny.

-I'm pretty sure my toenails
are falling off.


-Did you see
any unusual behavior?

-Oh, you mean besides the people
that made beelines

for the shields?

I'm just saying.

-Janelle didn't help anybody.

She got out of the tie
and ran and got the shield.

-I didn't even look
for the shield.

I'm trying to help
everybody get out.

-Me too. Me too. Me too.
-I mean, we finished it,

but we finished it in a --
in the final minute.

How much time did that
potentially cause us by people,

instead of
collecting puzzle pieces?

-We were worried about that.

-Whoever gets recruited
is going to be such a giveaway.

-You guys, it's someone that's,
like, super faithful

or, like, someone
that benefits them,

that they can get
information from.

Like, the most trustworthy.

-Who d'you reckon
will be m*rder*d?

-Is it someone that
helped out a lot

or helped out very little?

What would
the traitors think?

-What would you do, Dan,
if you were a traitor?

-It's a good question.


-Oh, my God, I'm ready
for a hot shower.

[ Contestants cheering ]

-All day! All night!

All day! All night!


-I'm so happy to be back.

-I'm ready to eat. I'm ready to
get out of these wet clothes.

-Job well done today,
ladies and gentlemen.

[ Clock ticking ]

[ Owl hoots ]


-Cheers, brother.

-First mission.
-I don't think I've ever

drank red wine
straight from the bottle.

-You want me to
grab you a glass?


-I think Janelle had her eyes
on the shield

way before the game started.

-We crushed it.
I'm so happy.

-I got a shield and I'm safe,
so I can just rest.

-I think that the first m*rder

is going to tell a lot
about the traitors' strategy.


-Learning that we have
a recruit

makes a very interesting twist
to the game.

But at the same time,

I gotta make sure I recruit
someone that's not like me

and no one would ever suspect
is connected to me.

Someone like CT,
who is the ultimate gamer.

I just adore CT.
I love him so much.

I think I got
a mild crush on him.

-I honestly hope that I see

each and every one of you

-I hope I do, too. I brought
some really fabulous outfits

that I'd like to wear for you...

-Me too! the next dinner.

-[ Chuckles ]
-I did, too.

If I get m*rder*d,
she's a traitor.

-Oh, my gosh!

-I'm kidding,
I'm kidding, I'm kidding.

I'm just messing with you,
I swear.

-I can't tell.


-All right,
so, what are we thinking?

I was not expecting
Alan to come out day one

and say, "Here's the traitors.

But, wait, there's more.
You're gonna add another one."

It's a really critical decision.
You don't want to blow it.

There's going to be
a recruitment.

What do you think about that?

-There's pros and cons
to each side.

But it'd be very difficult
for me to be a traitor.

-I don't know who the other
traitors are right now,

but I need someone else
in the turret with me

who knows how to get stuff done

and isn't going
to feel bad about it.

-Are we gonna talk?
-We gotta find

There's an instant connection
between me and Janelle

'cause we both played
"Big Brother" together.

-[ Whispering ] So, I've been
dying to talk to you.

-[ Whispering ] Yes.

I know how she operates.

She's such a great competitor.

Real quick -- Me, you?

-With Janelle,
she's not going to blink twice

when it's time
to do some dirty work.

And I think I can trust her.

I'm also considering Parvati.

She's made a living
pulling people in

to feel like they can trust her,

and at the last second
gets rid of them.

I kind of think
she's the female version of me.

I'm so excited to play with you.

Like, when I saw you --
"It's the 'Survivor' queen."


-There's no one else
in this house

that's really played
strategic games like Sandra.

She won "Survivor" two times
for a reason.

You won twice.
That's no joke.

I'm just saying.
-But I'm reminding them,

it was a very long time ago.
-No, no, no.

I'm just -- I'm just saying.
-Don't hold that against me.

-No, because I respect you.
-Yesterday --

-Hey, come on in, Maks.
-Oh, come in.

-Is there sneaking going on,
or can I sneak in?

-Come in and sit down.
-No, I was just passing by.

-Cheers, by the way.

-Thank you.
-Thank you. Thank you.


-Why wouldn't he want
to talk to us?


He's irrelevant.

-I don't think many people
in this group know

what Sandra
is really capable of.

She's ruthless, and I know
she's a stone-cold k*ller.


[ Owl hoots, insects chirping ]


-The players will soon hear
the chimes of midnight,

and they must hasten
to their quarters,

for those chimes
are the traitors' tolls,

and it summons them to meet
and set about their grim task.

But tonight, m*rder will not be
the only thing on their minds.

They must select a final traitor
to join their murderous tribe.

So beddy-byes it is.
Sleep tight.

Try not to let
the traitors bite.

This is going to be
such fun, Lala.

-♪ Someone's a traitor ♪

♪ I feel it now ♪

-The reason why --
[ Clock chiming ]

-Oh, God.

-Have we all said our goodbyes,
just in case?

-Pray for your girl.
They might m*rder me, child.

-I don't think so.

-John, hey, brother.
-You too, man.

-Good job out there.


It was a weird reaction.
Like, I was joking.

-If you end up dead,
we know why.



-Someone's going to
get m*rder*d tonight.

-Okay, okay.
Yeah, we know, we know.

-Good night. Hopefully we see
each other tomorrow.

-Oh, God. Oh, my God.

-♪ Someone's a traitor ♪


-♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh,
ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ♪


-Before I adorn you
with your traitor's cloak

and you discover the identity
of your fellow murderers,

I must know --

Are you prepared
to take the traitor's oath?

-I am.

-Are you willing to m*rder
one of your fellow players

every night?

-I'm a k*ller.

-Do you vow to keep
your identity

and the identity of
your fellow traitors a secret?

-I will.
-Yes, sir.

-With the power vested in me
from these ancient grounds,

I now pronounce you a traitor.

[ Animals howling ]

[ Thunder rumbles ]

-I'm really excited to see
who the other traitors are,

because I've been looking.

I haven't seen any cracks
in the armor.

Whoever the other traitors are,
they're doing a great job,

and I can't wait to meet them.

-I feel powerful.

Mysterious. Deceptive.


The queen of the traitors
has arrived.

Long shall she reign.


Yes, baby.

[ Both laugh ]

[ Owl hoots ]

[ Both laugh ]

-I never even considered
it was Dan

because he's just so calm,
so quiet,

so introverted into himself.

So the two of us together,

we're like Wonder Woman
and Superman.

It's just the dynamic duo.

-I'm shocked. Like,
you are playing it so good.

-Thank you.
-How do you feel?

I mean, like --
-I'm -- I'm -- I'm excited.

I would have never thought
it was you.

-We're doing a good job, then.
-[ Chuckles ]

-Phaedra's a Real Housewife,
and she deals with a lot of,

like, backstabbing
and things like that.

But this game is very different.

It's ruthless
and it's cutthroat.

I don't know how much
experience she has

in playing a game like this.

We will play very well together
because --

-Yeah, definitely.
No one will ever suspect it.


I'm excited.
I mean --

-So is it just us?

-Yeah. I mean,
we got to recruit one,

but I think you and I can do it.

But we're going to need
some help, too.

-Yeah. We're going
to need some help.

We've got to
recruit somebody that

is far enough away from us.

Someone that we're not really
so friendly with, you know?

-Okay. Can I say the names
and you tell me your thoughts?

-Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Go ahead. Go ahead.

-So, let's go -- John, no.

-Oh, God, no.
He's so loud.


-No. Lord.
Her brain is on vibrate.

What do you think about Sandra?

-I'll be honest -- Like,
Sandra won "Survivor" twice.

-Sandra's a stone-cold k*ller.

And she's very dangerous.
Like, she's good. She's --

-No, no.
I heard she's extremely good.

-Really good.
-I've been watching her.

Yeah, I heard she's really good.
-She's good.

What do you think about Parvati?

I think she'd do
a great job as a traitor.

-Oh, God.
She's hot already.

-It was to my left.
-What are you trying to say?

She's the traitor?
-I cannot believe...

-To my left.
It was to my left.

-All right, this game's over.

-That may not be
a bad thing, though.

I think you and I
fly under the radar.

-Oh, definitely.
-And so, like,

she's a little bit more out
there than us, which is good.

She can be a shield for us.
-Yeah. Mm-hmm.

Janelle --
she's a good game player.

-Yeah. She went right after
that shield.

-Guys, help the person
next to you.

-Good for you, Janelle.

-Janelle has gone for a shield.

-'Cause I played with Janelle
in "Big Brother."

They say she is tough.

-She's tough, but she's loyal.

I think she'd do a great job
as a traitor

because she loves to win,
you know?

She will play this,
being as a traitor, very hard.

-Yeah. What do you think
about Larsa?

I like Larsa,
and I know she's a hard worker,

but I just think that couple
with her and Marcus.

-You gotta break them up.

-You gotta break them up.
You got to.

-Who do you think
will do a good job?

-So, it's between Larsa...


-They could all help us
get to the end of the game.

-Yeah, I think so.


[ Owl hoots ]


-I think we made
a good choice.

-I think so, too.

-Shall we?


-The huge risk
with recruiting this person

is not that they're
going to accept it.

I know that they're going
to accept becoming a traitor.

What the risk is,
is what they're going to do

once they get
up in the turret with us,

'cause I'm not sure,
at the end of the day,

if I can trust this person.

[ Knock on door ]

[ Door hinges creak ]

[ Footsteps approach ]


-Have you decided
who will join you?

-We have.


-I shall deliver your note
swiftly, silently, and secretly.


-Your final member
will join you tomorrow night.

They will only learn of your
identities when you all meet

for the first time here
tomorrow evening.

But your work is not done yet.

Now is the time,
my dearest traitors, to m*rder.



[ Door closes ]


-♪ There's a darker side of me ♪

[ Owl hoots ]

[ Woman vocalizing ]

[ Wolves howling ]


-♪ On fire, there's a traitor
in my heart ♪

♪ No hope there,
there's a traitor in my heart ♪


[ Door hinges creak ]

♪ There's a darker side ♪

♪ There's a darker side ♪

♪ There's a darker side ♪

♪ There's a darker side ♪

-Welcome to the dark side.

-♪ Welcome to the dark side ♪

[ Bell tolls ]


-This season on
"The Traitors"...

You never know
what's around the corner.


This twisting tale
is nowhere near finished.


[ All gasp ]

-Come on!

-[ Screams ]

-Who will be thrown
to the wolves?



-Whose blood will be
on your hands?


There's a new guest
in my castle.


Don't hate the traitors.

[ Echoing ] Hate the game.

-[ Echoing ] Oh, my God.