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01x10 - The Grand Finale

Posted: 01/21/24 19:50
by bunniefuu
- Previously on "The Traitors"...

There were days of deceit.

- Rachel is a traitor!

- And double crossing.

I've been backstabbed by each
and every one of you.

- You all got played yet again.

As Cody, Cirie, and Christian...

Someone is getting m*rder*d

- ran amuck in my castle.

By the order of traitors,
you have been m*rder*d.

- Faithful.
- Faithful.


- This plays right into my hands.

And I can't wait for it.

- After the faithful caught Cody.
- I am a traitor.

- Arie was secretly recruited.

- Let the games begin.

- Now six players remain.

With the prize
put in touching distance.

Suspicions at an all time high.

I hope it's Kate, it has to be
Kate, because I don't know

where to go outside of that.
- And is Christian threatening

the traitors' chances
of taking all the money?

I was recruited to be a traitor.

- What are you doing?

- I messed up.
- Talking too damn much.

Personally, I think
it's Christian.

Who is the one person that
comes into this

day in and day out
without any nervousness.

- Christian.

- This is a tough one.

- ♪ Can't stop the dogs of w*r ♪

Players, it's now time
to reveal your votes.

Let's start with Katie.

- Christian.

I think you're hilarious
and smart and amazing,

and if I'm wrong
I'm really sorry.

- No hard feelings.

- Arie?

- Okay.


I think the conversation
about the letter seemed suspect.

I have to go with the people
I trust the most

at the last part
of this experience.

I'm putting all
my best towards it.

- You're good.

- Christian.

- Went with Kate.

No hard feelings.

- Yeah.

- So, two votes for Christian.

One vote for Kate.


- Kate, I voted for you.

I just have to stay true
to what I think.

What I said earlier was true.
And I do love you.

- Love you, too.

It's two votes each with only
Andie and Cirie left to vote.


- Christian.

I went with my gut tonight
and my gut was telling me...

it's you.

- Cirie, have the deciding vote.

- So, Kate...

There's something that I've
learned throughout my years.

When you're having conversations

and it's called the...
"The Ring of Truth,"

and it's... it's something
that you listen for

and you feel in your gut,


when you say that
you're a faithful...

It has that for me.

So I had to vote for you,

- Christian...

You have received the most votes

and are banished from the game.

Please come forward
to the Circle of Truth.

Christian, before you leave
the game forever,

please reveal to us...

Are you a faithful or a traitor?

I just want to say thank you
so much, this has been

a frickin' awesome experience.

I am not a faithful.
I am a traitor.

- Yes!

g*ng-g*ng, y'all, eh, you
crushed it.

Good job, y'all.
You're awesome.

You know, it's a weird
feeling hearing Christian

say that he's a traitor.

I got two mixed emotions.
I'm excited. Yay!

We got a traitor. Look excited.
Everybody's watching.

But at the same time, I have
a knot in my stomach, like,

"Oh, no. That could be you."

- Oh, my God!

Had me doubting myself!

I was like, am I a traitor?

Oh, my gosh.

- Oh... my gosh.

I'm just, ah, I'm a bucket
of emotions right now.

I feel horrible, like just...

Feel so bad for all the lies
I told.

And I just, I felt a relief
when I said it,

that I was a traitor,
which feels good to me.

It makes me feel better
about myself.

But damn,

I feel more bad that I couldn't
actually get the money.

It hurts thinking the two
who have your back

threw me to the wolves.

But I actually applaud

Arie and Cirie for their move.

That was just
tactically awesome.

I really, really respect that.

You know, it sucks,
but it's been a hell of a...

Hell of a ride.

- He's a good actor.

- Masterful.
- Wow.

- Players...

We are nearly at the end
of the game

and the faithful have struck
another fatal blow.

The stakes are sky high.

The faithful have rallied,

but there are still any traitors
left in the game?

You only have 24 hours left
in my castle to identify

any traitor or traitors
that may still be amongst you.

Deep breath, everyone.

Right. Who'd like a drink?

- Me!

As this is your last night
in the castle,

and I am an impeccable host,

I put some drinks on
for you outside.

You're welcome.

This is the best day of my life!

- It's the most unreal feeling.

We finally got another one.

It's like I got
my intuition restored.

- Oh!


Thank you, sir.

- Thank you, Fergus.

Seeing the bagpipe player,
oh, my gosh.

I am feeling absolutely
fantastic in this moment.

But I know I have a huge target
and suspicion on my back

because for the two traitors
that we've got now,

I have always been
on the wrong side of the boat.

- Oh, my gosh.

So it's not lost on me.

I know that people
are suspicious of me.

I'm going gonna say
for the record,

I am not a traitor.

I know it looks that way,
but I'll say it again.

I am not a traitor.

And that's all I have.
That's my piece.

I think that Quentin is highly
intelligent, very charismatic.

I would not be at all surprised
if a few years from now,

I turned on the television
and saw Quentin

hosting his own show.

He's willing to do
whatever it takes to succeed,

even if that means lie
to a castle full of strangers

for a couple of weeks.

I think Quentin is the president
of the traitors,

master traitor.

Look, silver lining,
we're all here.

Let's just get
our head around that.

- Yeah.
- You know, tomorrow's a new day.

Every day is like a blessing
in this game.

- Yeah.

I was excited to send
Christian home

because I knew there was
no loyalty to me or Cirie.

But so much changes in a day
here that, you know,

we can't start
celebrating too early.

Hello again,
my remaining rabble.

- Hello.

Congratulations to you,
my final five.

But the question is,
are there any traitors left?

If there are, the traitors
will be sure

to sleep well tonight.

In fact, you all will,

because there will be no m*rder.

- Yay!

You are all now
just three steps away

from potentially
winning the prize pot.

Tomorrow, you will have
the mission to end all missions.

- Oh, m*rder me.

Then you will vanish again
at the round table.

Only the four of you who survive
that will then join me

at my little end game,

The Fire of Truth.

And the game will end only
when you think

there are no more traitors left.

Tomorrow will be the most

backstabbing day
this castle has ever seen.

And it's seen a few,
let me tell you.

Trust me when I say this,

there will be multiple


Now we're down
to the final five.

It's just going to get brutal.

I am focused solely on

getting to the end
and winning that prize.

I've been trying to win a prize
for my family

every since the first time
I played "Survivor" in 2005,

and I always mess up by playing
emotionally right at the end.

Do I lead with emotions
or do I lead with strategy?

What strategically
will propel me to the end

of the game?

- Oh! What a day.
- I know!

- I cannot believe that!

Listen, Christian
did it to himself.

He did it with grace, though,
I will say that.

- He went out like a G.

Once I was recruited
and I became a traitor,

I put all my faith in Cirie.

I feel like if we come together
as a team,

that'll be the best for Cirie
and I's game plan,

and hopefully we can ride it out
to the end.

Good luck, girl.
- I know!

- I'm so happy.
- We got it, Arie, we got it.

I don't know what tomorrow...
- I don't know what tomorrow...

Keep it together.
You have to know, though,

once we lock in,
I'm not going to change,

no matter what I say at a round
table or in front of others,

once we concur and we lock in,
that's what it is.

No, I trust you.
I trust you fully.

Going to be so careful tomorrow.

- I know, I know.
- Quentin's like...

He knows his back is against
the wall.

- They're coming for Quentin.

- Let's get this thing done.

I've agreed with Cirie,
we need to banish Quentin.

Once we've done that, hopefully
I walk away as the winner

with Cirie.

If Arie and I could be
standing together

in the final four at
the Fire of Truth,

there's a chance
we would split the money.

But Arie's just walking into
this door right now

as a traitor, it's not been
enough time for me

to see him in action.

Can I trust him? Is he going to
try to turn everyone against me?

I don't know. And the one thing
that I've learned in this game

is that your allies can
and will s*ab you in the back.

- It's the final day.

With one last mission and
roundtable banishment to come,

the remaining players will then
gather tonight

at the Fire of Truth,
where traitors or faithful

will win the prize pot of up
to $250,000.

But first, a final breakfast
to size each other up.

- Oh, first to arrive.

I slept good knowing
that there wasn't a m*rder.

It's going to be
an interesting morning.

I also went to bed strategizing
because I have to figure out

how to ensure
that my bonds that I've created

with people and the trust that
I've established with people

is still solid.

I can feel the end
and I want this victory.

I'm excited to just see
what we're about to go through.

But I'm also scared.

Winning this money
would be incredible for my life.

I have a baby on the way.

If I can secure and make
a stable life

for my family,
that's all that I want to do.

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

Well, this breakfast is much
more relaxed

than the ones before it
because it's the final day.

But this is not a time
for kindness

and benefit of the doubt.

This is the time to err
on the side of caution.

Money is at stake.
I remember thinking,

I can't imagine how awkward
and where it's going to be

for last remaining people
on the last day of breakfast.

I didn't think
it would be me here saying.

- Hey, hey.
- Welcome to breakfast.

- Thank you. Thank you.

I think this whole experience
has just been one of paranoia.

So there's no, like,
letting down my guard yet,

but I'm just ready for any
sort of twist that comes my way.

At least I feel comfortable
in the fact

that I have
a good support in Cirie.

I do not know
what we have in store today,

but I know I'm excited.

- Yeah, I'm dreading it.

- I think it's going to be a lot.

- Hey, hey, hey, hey.
- I'm so glad to see all of you.

Every day to go
to this breakfast.

It's like an erupting volcano

I try to maintain
a calm exterior.

Arie and I have a plan to banish
Quentin at the roundtable.

But I don't want to do
too much talking.

I have this theory:
Out of sight, out of mind.

And that has been my strategy
this entire game.

So I am going to maintain my
under the radar cover

until the end of this game.

Is this the calmest it's
ever been walking in here?

- We can eat and relax.

- For now.

Did you imagine, like,
honestly, did you think you...

- No, not Day 1.
- Yeah.

There's so much, like,
I couldn't even wrap that,

you know,
wrap my head around that.

The game can change
at any moment.

Be on your toes.
- Yeah.

So this will test the loyalty
to each other.

Do we have loyalty?
Let's just put it out there.

Where do we stand?

After last night,
I suspect... I...

If there's a traitor left,
I have to look at you.

All I can say is I'm a faithful
and just look at my record.

I don't feel like
I've ever tried to manipulate.

I've only stated what I thought.

I never... even when y'all were
voting Cody,

I never tried to get you off.

I said,
Let me find out for myself.

Arie doesn't trust me,
but I understand why.

So I need to build some trust
with the others.

Or I could be
the one going home.

- Andie?

I don't. Like, in my gut,
I do not think he is.

Quentin didn't help me get to
this place in the game at all.

In fact, he tried to keep me
from getting here,

so I'm not real motivated
to share the prize pot with him.

If it were up to Quentin,
I wouldn't be here either.

I was just shocked that
you don't because

when Christian said
he was a traitor,

the four of us
were up out of our chairs.

Yay! Yay!

I am not a faithful.
I am a traitor.

- Yes.

Kate believes wholeheartedly
that Quentin is a traitor,

but that if you were a traitor,
that would be a good game

to try to push
the attention off of yourself.

I hate this game that we made
this far with good morale.

They made us turn on each other.

So I think
that there's a traitor.

And to me, it's Kate.

I don't think it's Quentin.

I don't think he's one.

- I don't believe you.

The only person
I'm absolutely...

If they say, right, absolutely,
who's faithful?

I could only write your name.

And I feel
the same way about you.

- I don't see anything.

- I hear something.

- That's a helicopter.

That's a helicopter!

- Incoming helicopter.

This way.

- Yes!

- Oh, my gosh!

This is the mission!

Oh, he's landing right there.

- I'm a nurse from Jersey, okay?

I'm now being picked up
at my castle

in a helicopter!

This is a last chance for us
to fill up this prize pot

as a team before everyone
has to turn on each other.

Are y'all ready?
How often do you get

to be riding
a helicopter to a mission?

Like, come on!
- Here we go.

- Oh, my gosh.

Moments like these make
the game even more worth it

because I'm ready to do
the final mission

and get this money.

- Beautiful.

- Oh, my gosh.

- Is that Alan?

- There he is.
- Yes, it is.

You ready, Cirie?

- Yeah.
- Oh, boy.

- Here we go.

Well, here we are,
the final mission.

We've saved the best till last.

You have tackled each mission
I've set you valiantly.

But they weren't
without mistakes.

Leaving the prize
pot at $182,000.

However, I am a fair man.

I am giving you the chance
to win it all back.

- Yeah!

If you complete today's mission,

you can secure the full

For the prize pot.

But it's going to be very,
very difficult.

This is the mission of all
missions: to win $250,000.

Like, come on.

Behold the beautiful Loch Glass.

Hidden around
its shimmering waters

are various amounts of money,

marked on this map.

All you have to do
is use my weekend speedboat

to reach as many locations
as you can.

But the keys to the speedboat
are locked in a box

over there by the boathouse.

And guess where the combination
for the padlock is.

I'll give you a clue:
it's nowhere near or dry.

Ha! You see those
two buoys out there?

That's where the padlock
combination is.

Each buoy holds a code.

Two of you brave,
brave players must go

and collect those numbers,
then signal

to the rest of you on dry land
what the numbers are.

The players on the shore
will use those numbers

to unlock
the padlock on the box,

get the key,
and ride that speed boat

like greased lightning
around the loch.

You have one hour
to complete the mission.

I need two players for the first
part of the mission.

Who wants to volunteer?

Arie and Kate.
Are you sure?

- Yeah.
- All right.

Oh, there's one little thing
I should mention.

You won't be swimming
to those buoys.

No. You'll be jumping
out of my helicopter.

- Oh, my gosh!

- It's just a small leap.

Missions are just not the life
I want to live.

I love lounge life. Missions are
the opposite of lounge life.

Missions are getting up,
going out and doing things.

Not my vibe.
- Have you ever jumped

out of a helicopter before?
- I've jumped from a yacht.

It's kind of not
the same thing at all.

- Right.

- How high up are we talking?

Slightly terrified.
Not what I expected.

And I'm thinking, what have
we got ourselves into?

Kate and Arie, once you have
made that leap of faith,

you'll be waiting in my lovely

lochside house
for the speed boaters to return.

Okay. Once more unto the breach,
dear players. once more.

- We can do it!
- Okay. We'll get suited up.

Thank you so much for you guys
doing this, badass.

You guys got it.
- Bye.

- It isn't... Okay.

- Look at the map.
- So straight across is 5K.

In the stream, 8K.

The players have a map
that shows them where

some of the money is located.

But it doesn't show them
every location.

That would be far too easy.

- Should we 8K...
- 8K, 12...

-8, 12, 5?

- Danger, excitement.

- Guys, come on, we can do this!

- Yes, I can see 'em!
- Oh, my God.

No way they're jumping out
of that helicopter.

This is it.
There's a lot riding on it.

I'm scared of heights.

Today is my day.
I mean, I'm terrified.

That's pretty far.

- Yeah, that's really far.

- Are you kidding me?!

- Let the final mission begin.

- Oh, my God.

Oh, my gosh.
Oh, my gosh.

My God!
Oh, my g...

- Insane!

- Kate is about to jump!

- Go, Kate!

As much as I would love
the final mission

to be
a champagne helicopter tour

of the castles of Scotland
with a quiz afterwards,

I'm about
to jump out of a helicopter.

- Oh, my God.
- I would be terrified.

Let's go!

Okay, we're doing well, Kate is
making her way to the yellow.

I think Arie's turning
towards the red right now.

Going against the current,
going towards red.

Jumping out of this helicopter
into the loch,

which is ice cold,

and swimming to get a buoy.

This is really hard.

- Let's go, Arie!

Okay. He's at the buoy?
Look, look, look, look.

- I can't see.


Let's go, Kate!
You got it, Kate!

- Let's go!

I'm wearing a helmet,
I'm wearing a harness,

I'm wearing gloves
and wearing boots.

Swimming is not easy right now.

- Where's your number, Kate?!

- 56.
- 56!


- Got it. Got it, Got it.

Key, walking... let's go.

- Good job, guys.
- They get it?

- Yeah.
- Phew!

- Let's hit it!

Key, key, key.
- We're going to go

to the stream first.
- The stream, let's go!

I feel like James Bond
in this moment.

I'm leading the charge because
I know the clock is ticking.

So we decide to go
for the big money first.

On the map, not all the prize
money adds up to 250,000.

So we know that there's
some sort of weird

Alan twist coming.

- There's the stream.

Let's go!
Let's go, guys!

Come on, Quentin!
Let's go, Andie!

My observation skills

from being an operating room
nurse are excellent.

I see the periphery,
I see in front of me.

So if we need a set of eyes
on the boat, I'm your girl.

- Check that side.
- I got it. I got it.

- Come on, guys, you got it!

Oh, wait, wait,
I got it, I got it.

- Let's go.

All right, where you want to go
to next?

- To the beach, please.
- All right.

We're going to the beach.
- Quentin, Andie and I

are working
excellently together.

We're collecting this money.
We're building the prize pot.

I couldn't ask
for a better team.

They've been allies
since day one.

They're the two players that I
trust wholeheartedly

with my game.

Right here's the beach, guys!

Come on, guys, 17 minutes!

Come on, guys!

- Up here.

- Okay.

Oh, man, this is so hard:

scavenging, looking through
the mountaintops,

it's like trying to find
a needle in a haystack

while soaking wet,
and all I know is,

the clock is ticking.

That way?

- Up here, up here, up here.

- Oh!

We're going to the old jetty.

Must be freezing.

Do you want a coat?

Well, bravo! Bravo.

It seems like you both
are adrenaline junkies.

Well, I've got
something else to tell you.

One of the locations
on the loch, in fact,

the one that has the largest sum
of money,

was not on the map.

However, it is on another map.

It's inside this box.

And guess what else?

I can't remember the code

for the padlock.

I wonder how you're
going to find it out.

- It's a five letter word.

- Hey, guys. Anybody there?

- Time is marching on.
- I know!

There's the old jetty
right there.

I don't see the thing.
I don't see the thing yet.

Do you see it anywhere?
- I don't. I don't.

We want to look under the boat?
Or no?

- Yeah, right here. Right here.
- You got it? Boom.

- You got it?

We got it!

- Time is running out.

I need to push you.

- Try, uh...
- I know a few four-letter words

I could think of about now.

- "Raise me"...
- "To celebrate...

My name is the key
to your loch."

Loch. It's Loch Glass.
Try Glass.

Glass. G-L-A-S-S, go.

- Good work.
- Chop, chop.

- Here, hold that.

- Faithful team, faithful team.

Come in, Kate,
we heard you, Kate.

- Hey, Cirie, we have a map.

- What do you have on your map?

Get to the wild boars,
it's $43,000.

Past the Pink House.
The end of the loch.

$43,000 guys. Go, go, go.
- Wild boar, go to the wild boar.

Let's turn this boat around
and get that $43,000.

- We got this.
- We do. We got this.

- Go, go, go.
- We're going, we're going.

- It's gonna be close.

- Whew! Let's go.

There's and extra $43,000
out there.

But I'm so nervous.

I don't know
if we have time to get there.

We gotta go!

Hurry! Hurry!

- Hurry. Hurry. Hurry.

- They better hurry.
- Faster! Faster!

- Good job, guys.

We have to complete this
mission because there's

$68,000 at stake.

This is the final seconds.

This is... this is it.
Oh, guys, wait.

It's right there
in front of the tree.

Oh, you see it,
tight in front of the tree.

- Go, go.

Come on, Andie!
You gotta find it!

- Let's go!

I get to the logo
and there's nothing.

And I'm like, Damn.

- That's not it?
- Oh, no, that was wasn't it?

- You see it?
- No.

- Two minutes to go!

Tell me what you're seeing,

- We're at the location, Kate.

So there's a cage,
a pen of wild boars.

It's in between the boars
and the pink house.

Copy that. In between the boars
and the pink house!

- But closer to the boars.
- Closer to the boars!

It's outside of the pen!
Look around the pen.

They're looking.

- Okay. Look faster.

Tell 'em look faster.

- Quentin, did you go up here?

- I did, but double check.

- Oh, no...

We're still
looking for it, Kate.

- Cirie, you got to listen to me.

I did not get roaches and worms
dumped on my head;

I did not get strapped
to a carnival piece of equipment

and called a liar for nothing!

Just really commit to looking,
there's $43,000.

- I think it was right here.

- Quentin, look up!

Oh, crap!

- I'm coming!
- Come on, guys!

There's a lot of money at stake!


$43,000, baby!
Let's go!

- We got it! We got it!

Good job. I knew you could!

- Amazing! Get back here.

- We are on the way!

- Let's go!

There's about to be
a banishment, and I'm anxious.

I think that I really
have to work on strengthening

the relationship that I already
have with Cirie and with Andie,

because that is the only way
I survive this banishment.

- No, you're not a traitor.
- I'm not.

- I know you're not.
- Thank you.

I always say the only people
that I trust 100%

is Cirie and Quentin.

I think we're all faithful.

We can't turn on each other.
- I won't.

You got my word. I will not.
- You got my word as well.

Thank y'all... y'all don't know
how much... how...

- I-it's good. It's good.

- I could cry.

- I got Quentin and Andie

in my pocket.

I would definitely lose
a strong ally

if I go with Arie
and banish Quentin.

But if I banish Kate,

and Arie is sitting right there

knowing that I betrayed him,

would he turn on me?
Does he have it in him

to turn on me?
So I have a lot of reasons

to be nervous
about tonight's banishment.

- Yeah!

- Bravo!
- What an experience.


- We got the money!

- Good job, good job.

Good job, good job.

- Hi!

- That is it.

Your final mission completed.

You are now looking at
a winner's pot of $250,000.

You may have won the money,

but the day is far from over.

There is a banishment next,

where the final five
will become the final four.

Is there still a traitor
or traitors in your midst?

Then to the finale,
the Fire of Truth,

where the final four will vote
on whether there are

any more traitors amongst them.

The knives will be out
and it will be revealed

who has won the game once
and for all...

The traitors or the faithful.

But bravo in the meantime,
give yourselves...

See you at the castle.

- I don't like that.
- The game is not over.

There's always something,
isn't there?

We might have secured the bag,

but we don't know who's going to
take that bag home.

Are you so surprised that you
and I here on the last day?

I am... definitely didn't think
you would be here.

- Right.
- You know, but we're here.

I've never suspected.
Cirie, Andie or Arie.

He's not a traitor.
He's not.

Okay, I'm giving you
the reasons.

Okay. For one, for me,

Quentin directed me here,
directed me there.

And I feel like
Quentin kept me here

because I was always
easily swayed by him.

And I feel like
he's directed it.

It's risky for me being
in this position.

I'm torn between the traitors
and the faithfuls.

And this is a really
crucial decision tonight for me.

Yeah, I'm kind of torn.

I know which way I want to go,

but is that the right way for me

to get me
to the end of this game?

It is our final roundtable and
decisions will have to be made.

I will feel really bad
if we banish Quentin

and it turns out
he's a faithful.

But I'll feel even worse
if we don't banish Quentin

and he's a traitor.

From the beginning of this game
I've been on Kate's case...

Tough, we've been like

I still believe
that Kate's a traitor.

So we have to be perfect in
our execution at the roundtable.

I feel really confident
about the roundtable.

The fact that I have
good support in Cirie

Everything is going to plan,
and if we stick to it,

Cirie I could end up splitting
the $250,000.

- Hello, players.

We meet at the round table

for the final time.

Your prize pot is now at
the full $250,000.

But who will take it?

You will remember the aim
of this game

is to rid yourselves
of traitors.

At the end,
if you are all faithful,

you will share that prize.

But if any traitors
are remaining,

they will take it all.

If you survive this roundtable,

you will be
one step closer to that prize.

To the matter before us:
a banishing.

How far will you all go

for a quarter of
a million dollars?

The floor is yours.

I think I'll start by saying
one of us in this room

is not who we think they are.

You could be here because
you trust in someone fully

and you could be burned by that,
and they've just kind of

kept you along because they've
earned your trust

or because you could be directed
by somebody

and used within the game.

Quentin, that's just kind
of my thought process.

- I am not a traitor.

I think there's a difference
in influencing

and directing.

And I can bet my bottom dollar

that I have not directly
told anyone what to do.

Kate, I think you are a traitor.

When I think about other players
in the game that have left,

we clearly saw people
organizing chess pieces

and trying to steer the game
a certain way.

I think you do a really good job
of pulling people in

and being influential
and, like, actively directing

and manipulating
and guiding folks.

You're masterful at it.
It's definitely a skill.

And in that, that leads me to
believe that you're the traitor.

Uh, pretty much the only thing
I can be certain about

is myself.

Other than that, none of us have
any way of being

who anybody really is.

But I would hope
that I have a pretty good idea.

Quentin, I kind of think
it's you,

and I really hope I'm not wrong.

To be in a game of such
distrust and paranoia

and to end it with four people
who are now family members

makes this the adventure
of a lifetime for me.

I'm a faithful.

The job that we have been given

is to uncover traitors.

We do have to do
a hard job today

- Yeah.

Let the chips fall
where they may.

- Huh...

- Fascinating.

You're all holding your cards
very close to your chests.

Time for talk is over.

It's time to vote.

This is the most
difficult decision

because Kate is a wild card
in all of this.

And Arie is telling me
to banish Quentin,

but I know Quentin has my back.

Do I stick with the faithfuls
who trust me?

Or do I go
with my fellow traitor?

The worst thing you could do
in this game as a traitor

is to turn on another traitor

and have them aware of it.

All your votes are locked.

Players, for the very last time
at this round table...

You must now reveal your votes.


- Quentin, if you are a faithful,

I want you to know that I also
will be going home with nothing.

Because that means one of these
three people are a traitor.

- This has been so difficult.


But I just...
I have to do what I feel inside.

So that's one vote for Kate,
one vote for Quentin.


- I voted for you, Quentin.

I feel like you might have seen
this one coming just because

there is that tiny bit of doubt.

So we have two votes for
Quentin and one for Kate.


- So I got to say it.
- Mm-hmm.

- I voted for you, Kate.

Two votes for Kate,
two votes for Quentin.

With the final vote...

- This is the most difficult...

vote... for me.

So there's two votes for Kate,
two votes for Quentin,

with the final vote, Cirie?

I trust in the people
that I've played this game with.

Kate, I love you.

But as fabulous...
And you know you are fabulous...

As you are, Kate...

I had to write your name today.

And these are true tears.

And this is true heart.

- That's okay.

- I'm so confused.

Where's the plan?
What happened to the plan?

Thank you, guys.
It's been great.

Kate, you have received
the most votes

and you are banished from
the game.

Please come forward
to the Circle of Truth.

So, Kate, before you leave
the game forever,

please reveal to us:

Are you a faithful,
or a traitor?

Well, guys, it's been so fun
playing with you all.

I hope we all remain friends.

Even though I am a faithful.

I am shocked.
I mean, obviously, you know,

I thought she was a traitor,
like, forever.

- Bye, guys.
- Love you, Kate.

- Love you guys. Bye.

Did I just lose
a popularity contest?

If there are traitors
or a traitor

that will win and to take all
the money,

well played!
Well played.

Quentin is the most likely one.

And I am not even mad about it.

I'm impressed.

Wow. Never would have
saw that coming.

But I have to give
so much respect to Kate,

because she has just been
a punching bag, a scapegoat.

She's just taken so much
in this game.

- So Kate is banished.

And now there are four.

But our twisted tale
does not end there.

The big question that remains:

Are there still traitors
amongst you?

Now you will join me
at the Fire of Truth,

where you will face a choice.

Do you end the game
or banish again?

By the end of the night,
we will know who is taking home

that quarter of a million.

Will it be the faithful
or the traitors?

Once more into
the great good night,

cry havoc
and let slip the dogs of w*r.

Now, go get yourselves ready
and meet me at the fire pit,

where your fate awaits.

Cirie not sticking to our pack
for the roundtable,

it's made me concerned.

This is it. This is the moment
that Cirie and I talked about.

And I just have no idea
what to do right now.

- I'm really nervous.

I don't want to do
another banishment.

I don't want to send
another fateful home

just for money...
It just doesn't feel right.

I'm just hoping that
we can share this money

because I genuinely think
we're all faithful.

I have played an honest game
and I'm in the final four,

literally one step away
from the money.

I did not go through
all of those missions,

go through the betrayal

and losing people to banishment

to get to the final finish line,
to quit.

I got one more hurdle
and I'm going to cross it.

I've been a traitor
since day one,

and the end is really near.

This money...
Oh, my goodness.

It would make such
a huge difference for my family.

It would allow me
to start a college fund

for my two grandchildren.

My mother is 83 years old.

I just want to make
the rest of her life

as comfortable as possible.

Well, things are really
heating up now.

It's been quite the journey,
hasn't it?

already been burned.

And now we go ashes to ashes,
trust to trust.

Or not.

Players, are they still traitors
in your midst?

Or are all four of you faithful?

Your answer to that is important

because you can now unanimously
agree to end the game.

If you decide to end it
and you are all faithful,

you will split this...

Quarter of a million dollars.

But if any traitors remain,

all the money will be won
by them.

Hidden in a chest
next to each of you

are two ceremonial totems.

One says "End game,"
and one says "Banish again."

You must choose one of them
and hand it to me.

If you think you're all

then choose "End game."

If you think there is still
a traitor amongst you,

then choose "Banish again."

If just one person
selects Banish again,

then you will all have to vote.

And then there will be
just three of you left.

We will only end the game

when you all unanimously agree

to end it.

Please make your decision:

end the game, or banish.

The votes are locked.

I will now collect
your decision.

I will cast your decisions into
the fire to reveal your answer.

If all four of your pouches
burn green,

we end the game here and now.

If, however, just one pouch

burns red,

we banish again?

I mean, why stop
being theatrical now?


Arie, you voted to end the game.

- I just feel like this game

is designed to pit us
against each other.

And I feel like the roundtable
that we just had

made it clear to me
that I feel like

we trust one another.

And I have confidence
in all of you.

So I decided to end the game.

Andie, I will now
cast your decision

into the flames.

- I honestly trust all of you,

and I just want to split
that money with you all.

I think we all deserve it.

So let's get out of this castle.

- Now is Quentin's decision.

- I trust everybody here.

So I chose to end the game.

- Cirie, if the fire burns green,

we end the game right now.

If the fire burns red,
we banish again.

Cirie, if the fire burns green,
we end the game right now.

If the fire burns red,

we banish again.

- Ooh.

Oh, man.
What a plot twist.


- You all wanted to finish,

but Cirie chose to banish again.

What made you vote
for a banishment?

It's complicated,
because this $250,000

is life changing.

I don't want to take
anything away from anyone.


I just can't let someone else
walk away with it

who I don't feel has earned it.

And I feel like it sucks
that I have to be the one

to bring this up.

I've given it 1,000%.

I've played this game

from the second
I was chosen as a traitor.

Arie was not a traitor
from day one.

He did not have to stress

the way that I had to stress.

He did not have to

come to every breakfast
and look surprised.

He did not have to make it
through several banishments

knowing other people
were suspicious.

So I don't think Arie's worked
nearly as hard at it as I have.

I do deserve this
more than Arie.

I felt like I'd been stabbed
in the back.

I was like, No!

Cirie, how could you do that
to us?

In the back of my head, I feel
like you're getting greedy

and you're trying to take
all of it.

So trying to think on my feet.


I have been blessed.

I have a great business
and an amazing family back home.

And I came into this
wanting to have a good time,

meet some people,
you know, and stay to my truth.

And I really do

love and adore all of you.


I'd like to remove myself
from the competition.

- Arie!

- Because...

I am a traitor.

- Wait.

- Of all of you,

I was recruited late

and I made that choice.

I feel like I was ready
to end the game with her,

but she kind of
turned the tables.

This has been an experience for
sure, but I love you guys.

- Oh, man.

Wow. Just, wow.

Cirie just masterfully
pinpointed a traitor.

- Oh, my gosh.

- The prize pot just went from

splitting four ways

to splitting three ways.

The money's in the bag.

Like, we're going to split it.

Like, it's happening!
Like, this is it!

- I...

I never saw that coming.

- Oh, wow.

- So, Arie,

you have decided to
remove yourself from the game.

You are therefore banished.

Please leave.

- Good luck, guys.
- Love you, Arie.

- I love you guys.
- Thank you.

- Thank you.
- Yeah, you're welcome.

Good luck.

- So...

Now only three of you remain.

But is it a holy trinity...

or is there
still treachery in this trio?

Once again, you have the chance
to banish once more.

Do you want to end the game...

or do you still think
there's a traitor here

that needs banishing?

Please select and hand me
your decision pouches.

We never expected this.
This was never the game plan.

It just happens to be that
there's three of us at the end.

And there's this sense
of loyalty.

- Andie...

- You all are my family.

And there's no one else I'd
rather split this money with.

And now it's Quentin's decision.

- I trusted y'all,

and I wouldn't want to win
at this point with anyone else.

So it's time to end it.

- Cirie, you have the final vote.

- We're gonna get this money!

- I can't take it anymore.

The roller coaster ride,
the mix of emotions.

So I need to end it.

I'm thinking,
"Oh, my God, it's over."

But I'm also thinking,
"Oh, my God, it's over...

I have to tell them
I'm a traitor now."

Players, you voted to end
the game.

If you are faithful,

you will share that quarter of
a million dollars.

But if any traitors remain,

they win it all.

Now is the time
to reveal your identities.

Andie, are you a faithful
or a traitor?

Never had it in me
to be a traitor, y'all.

I'm a faithful.

- Quentin?

A lot of things I'm willing
to do to get the coin,

but backstab
and run over people is not me.

I am a faithful.

- And Cirie,

are you a faithful
or are you a traitor?

- And Cirie...

Are you a faithful
or are you a traitor?

- I am a faithful at heart.

But I'm a traitor in this game.

- Wow.


I do love you guys.
I love you specifically, Andie.

There wasn't any trickery

in the way I felt
about you... or you, Quentin.

It's just, I was chosen
to be a traitor,

so my only option was to leave
and go back home to my family

or be the best traitor
that I could be.

Andie, I'm really sorry.

Oh, boy.

Seeing the pain that Andie...

is expressing

is too much for me.

The guilt is overwhelming.

How can I not feel guilty
because I betrayed them?

I betrayed them.

I've been trying to muster the
courage to look you in the eyes.

I have to respect what you did.

You did it for your family,

I choose to give you grace.

And I appreciate everything
you've given me in this game

because you were my mom
while I was here.

And I don't hate you.

- I thank you for that.

I really felt a genuine bond
with you

that I know you felt.

- I know.

Andie and Quentin, you've both
played an amazing game.

But now it's time for you
to leave the castle.

I respect what she did, but...
of course it hurts.

Bravo. I mean, it's an
accomplishment within itself.

Like, honestly.
And I do take solace in that.

- I never saw that coming.

Cirie needs the best actor
Oscar immediately.

- We all came to play a game.

However, our connection,
our relationship,

all of that is real.

I'm betraying them.

But I also had to win this game

because I love my family

and I want to do for them.

And if I have to make a choice,

I'm always going to choose
my family.

Come here,
I want to show you something.

See, that, it's a quarter
of a million dollars.

What is that going to mean
for your life?

I have a lot of people
that depend on me, Alan,

and that is
going to change their lives.

So, hopefully I made them proud.

You have the best poker face
of anyone

I've ever met in my entire life.

- Oh, my God.
- Yes, you won.

- Alan, thank you.
- Congratulations.

- I've finally done it!

I finally got a win!

I just want my kids and my mom

to see that I did it.

I did it, y'all.


That'll look nice on my resume.

"Winner of
'Traitors' season one."

I did it.