01x06 - Spirit of the Goat

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gotham". Aired: September 2014 to April 2019.*
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The origin story behind Commissioner James Gordon's rise to prominence in Gotham City in the years before Batman's arrival.
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01x06 - Spirit of the Goat

Post by bunniefuu »

There's a w*r coming, a terrible w*r. There will be chaos. Rivers of blood in the streets! I know it! I-I-I can see it coming!

Mooney: It's time. Somebody has to take over; it might as well be me.


Oswald: Hello, James. Old friend.

Mooney, the MCU cops... none of them know Penguin's alive?

If they did, I'd be dead already.

James Gordon is not a good guy.

He framed Mario Pepper for the m*rder of the Waynes.

James Gordon is the most honest man I've ever met.

This is not a city or a job for nice guys.

You're a cynic.

A slovenly, lackadaisical cynic.

You're probably right.

(water dripping slowly)

I am the Spirit of the Goat.

(breathing unsteadily)

I am the Spirit of the Goat.

I am the Spirit... of the Goat.

I am the Spirit of the Goat!

Gotham still held in a grip of terror, as the mysterious masked k*ller known as the Spirit of the Goat remains on the loose.

But Gotham's Goat hasn't cast his shadow over Thomas and Martha Wayne's celebration of beloved son...

(foghorn blares in distance)

The Wayne family opened their home to the children of the city orphanage to share in the joyous day with...



(muffled screaming)

That's the van registered to Randall Milkie.

We were right, Dix.

Of course we're right.

(grunts) Dispatch, Detective Dix requesting backup at 1100 Cannery Drive.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Come on, man, we gotta get in there.

Wait a second, listen to me.

Wait a minute!

Listen to me.

Randall thinks he's the reincarnation of some ancient, murdering goat spirit.

We are waiting for backup.

He's got Shelly Lawson in there. If he kills her, that's three people we lost to this maniac.

Gotham's Golden Rule, Harvey.

No heroes.

That son of a bitch.

Idiot! She's already dead.

Bullock: You don't know that.

Yeah, I know it.

I told you.

Bullock: Shelly.

I told you she'd be cold.

She's been here half of the night.

Bullock: Wait a minute.

New candles, barely melted.

Just lit.

Ah, that's great. That's great news.

(creaking sound)

Randall Milkie?

You're under arrest for the murders of Shelly Lawson, Daniel Tremont and Edward Talbot.

Randall! Be smart, come out of there or we're gonna have to blow you away!

Randall Milkie is undone.


This body is moved by the Spirit of the Goat.

Uh, we're gonna go with Milkie.

I already did the paperwork.

(Dix screams)




You can never stop the Goat!

This body may fail, but I will not!

I will always come back. I will always come back!

Come back from this!


(sirens approaching)



Talk to me. Talk to me.

Dix, come on, man.

Come on. Dix.


He's through there!

Bullock: We got an officer down!

We need help now!

(breathing heavily)

Nygma: Detective Bullock.

Detective Bullock, do you give up?


My riddle.

A man has to cross a river with a wolf, a cabbage and a goat...

Ed, please.

What's the time of death?

Examiner pegs it at just before 3:00 a.m. this morning.

He's a bit eager with his coagulation markers, so I'd put it at closer to 1:00.

k*ller left her identification for us.

Amanda Hastings, 21 years old.

She comes from money.


And I'm guessing she was the oldest in her family.

Why is that?

The Goat always kills the firstborn.

It's all the same. The same M.O., the same victim choice, presentation... it's all the same.

We got a copycat.

You all right, Detective?

No, I'm not all right!

I already solved this case.

Where's Gordon?

Apparently, he's not answering his phone.


He's not answering his...

You mean I'm on the clock before the Boy Scout?


This is freaking ridiculous.

Fine, I'll tell you the answer.

So the man crosses the river with the wolf and the cabbage.

He leaves the wolf, he goes back with...


(phone buzzing)

I'm not apologizing for my past.

I'm not asking you to. You're not listening.

No, you're not listening.

I'm not asking you to walk away from this.

Really? Because it sounds like you are.

And we keep going around and around and I keep telling you that I don't have a choice.


This city... the law, the crime here, they're all... twisted up at each other like a maze.

I came here to be a cop.

This city needs something else.

So, okay...

I understand.

I'm just asking for one thing: half of what you have to carry.

God knows I've...

I've dumped my half on you and you carry it.

Barbara, what I'm dealing with, it's so dangerous...

Half... of what you carry.

If you think I care about the risk, then you're forgetting who I am.

I swear I'm not.

Are we okay?

Are we still fighting?

We're negotiating terms.


That's not good for me.

You tell me what you're up against.


You let me in.

Then we're okay.

(phone buzzing)

(sighs) That's work again.


I'll tell you everything.

Everything I can.


I'll make it right.


(door opens)

(door closes)

Montoya: There's the one, right there.

We've been canvassing this waterfront for days, Monty.

None of these river rats are gonna help us.

We don't get a lead in the next 24 hours, MCU is dropping this.


I'm on the disability six months.

Where do you expect me to go?

We're not flushing you, old-timer. Okay?

Just want to ask you some questions.

Yeah, about a sh**ting that took place recently on that pier back there.

A sh**ting?


I saw it good.

Okay... uh, great. You-you ever this man?

That was the man did the sh**ting.

A cold customer, that man.

Ice floating in the veins.

We got the son of a bitch.

We got Gordon.

(seagulls squawking)

(indistinct conversations)

"Gotham Goat"?

A wannabe.

For a copycat, the copy is... ugh.

Downright creepy, is what it is.

You moonlighting or something?

Huh? Me?

Yeah. 'Cause you're late and you look like crap warmed over.

Write me up if you want.

Screw you, Boy Scout.

You're in a good mood.

I'm in a déjà vu acid flashback.

Someone's hunting the kids of Gotham's top one percent, the press will have a field day, city turns upside down, the whole thing's gonna come down on the GCPD like a ton of bricks.

Well, then, let's catch him quick.


I'm guessing the k*ller knew the victim, Amanda Hastings, somehow.

We'll go see the family, see if we can try to get something we can work with.

And, Nygma... let me know when they're set up for the autopsy, all right?

Anything in particular you want me to look out for?

Just call me.

Man: You see, the strange thing, the horrible thing, is that I've been having the same dream for weeks.

Of a dark, overbearing presence.

Mr. Hastings, about your daughter... and we know that this is difficult... but... did she have anyone in her life that worried you?

Anyone who might have wished her harm?

Everybody loved my Amanda.

Uh, Mr. Hastings, are... are you all right?

Robert, if you need to take a moment, I'm sure it'll be all right.


Come on.

I know you gentlemen are working against the clock, but I'm afraid Mr. and Mrs. Hastings might not be ready for this.

I can see that.

And you are the Hastings' family therapist, Dr. Marks?

Yes, I treat mostly Mr. Hastings, but we've had many family sessions.

Mr. Hastings has a very... delicate nature.

I'm afraid he's not at all capable of dealing with this kind of tragedy.

No one's capable of dealing with this kind of tragedy.

It's a freight train.

It runs you over.

And you try to pick up what's left.

You don't believe in treatment.

I believe in the tranquilizers you clobbered Mrs. Hastings with.

And if you're giving out samples...

Okay, uh...

Detective, maybe we should, uh...

Bullock: Yeah, you're right, we should.

Excuse me.

Thank you, Doctor.


Woman: Uh-huh.

All right, got it... and got it.

Yes, sir, I'll bring those files right away.

Mr. Nygma.

Hello, Miss Kringle.

So, I'm just looking for all the information you have on the Goat murders from ten years ago.

Don't you find it curious?

Why someone would resurrect the myth of a centuries-old bogeyman.

And what is it about the Goat that has made two separate people decide to k*ll in his name?

No, I-I don't find it curious.

I think I would like your parents.

Excuse me?

Kringle, such a rare surname.

Most people changed it generations ago, out of embarrassment.

Not only did your parents keep it; they called you "Kristin."

"Kristin Kringle." (laughs)

They must be very humorous people.

Humor is so important, don't you think?

Remember you have to sign out any evidence you pull.

How do you find anything at all in here?

I mean, organizationally speaking, this place is a shambles.

I am warning you, Nygma.

I have this exactly as I want it.

I know where everything is.




I can help you, Kristin Kringle.

I doubt that very much.

There's a much better way to do this.

Amanda Hastings was last seen entering this building...

Tuesday, midnight.

That's about 36 hours ago.

You think she was abducted from here?

I don't know. That was Milkie's M.O. ten years ago.

He took each one of the victims from their homes.

But CSI found no signs of a break-in.

They didn't with Randall, either.

He worked for an air-conditioning maintenance crew that covered all three buildings.

He had keys?

He had keys.

This is Detective Gordon.

I need the employee list of every maintenance and janitorial company with access to the Hastings' building.

Yeah, I'll tell him.

They're ready for the autopsy.


Gertrud: I wait for so long, and now he scratches at the door, the filthy tomcat.

Hi, Mom.

I'm alive.

I don't know why you always think I'm running off with some painted lady.

I don't even date.


Why you don't call your mother in all this time?

I tell you why.

You got tangled in some hussy's demon-purse!

Mother, there was no hussy.

Only betrayal and savagery and...

All I wanted was a little respect.

And they hurt me.

So cruelly.

Oh, there was no other woman.


I have been to hell and back. They tried to k*ll me.

The bullies again?

My poor, poor darling.

They only do these things because they resent you.

Envy and spite.

That's all it is.

You watch, Mom.

I'm gonna be somebody in this town.

I always knew this.

Victim was asphyxiated, likely with ether or chloroform.

Look under the scalp.

Humor me.

At the base of the skull will be an incision, about an inch long.

Sewn closed.

Wait a minute. Yes. How did I miss that?

An incision stitched closed, near the occipital.

Over a foreign object.

What is it?

It's a penny.

He's right.

A penny?

Randall Milkie's M.O.

No one could know that detail.

It isn't a copycat.

It can't be.

Bullock: Ten years ago, Randall Milkie took an 1813 Liberty penny just like this one and sewed it into the heads of each one of his victims.


How the hell do I know?

He bum-rushed me wearing animal horns.

I shot him. We didn't talk coin collecting.

And you're sure no one else could have found this out?

Milkie was the definition of a loner.

He didn't tell anybody.

We left it out of the file intentionally.

You suppressed evidence.

We "Easter-egged" it.

We figured a k*ller like the Goat would have a good chance of drawing admirers.

Yeah, it's copycat porn.

We left out this one detail.

The coins, it never hit the papers.

How the hell did this copy-Goat know about this?

Okay, so you hid it.

But the medical examiner, he had to know.

Ed Hayes. Yeah, sure.

But he died of cirrhosis.

That just leaves me. And Dix.

Captain, please, there's no reason...

Go talk to him.

Make sure he didn't tell anyone about the coins.

Hell, see if he's got any ideas.

I'm Lacey White, and this is the Gotham 7 Goat Watch.

Tonight, Gotham's wealthiest one percent rests fitfully under a copycat k*ller's deadly shadow.

And if you happen to be one of the city's high-society silver spoons, then you're probably headed to the Swiss Alps right now...

They've got them all running like rabbits.


I don't know why he chose an ungulate for his totem, but... he does know how to scare them, though.

You do realize you happen to be one of "them," don't you, Master Bruce?

Yeah, firstborn son of Gotham's rich and powerful.

I don't know, maybe you should leave town for a little bit.

Pop down to the lake house. You like it there, don't you?

I'm not going anywhere.

I have work to do.

Besides... why would the Goat take me?

There's no one to take me from.

Oh, my God.

I'm improving your system.

Implementing a rhizomatic cross-index, with your case files classified by subject, but arranged more like the way a peat moss organism grows.

You know, laterally.

I had this entire room organized.

Yes, but now it will be rhizomatic.


What did I ever do to you, Nygma?

What did I do that compels you to come here with your endless notes and suggestions and riddles?

My God, the riddles!

Are you trying to get me to quit?

You can't want my job.

No, no, no! I want you.

To... keep your job and to have it. Here.

For working.

Okay, I'm getting the sense that this was somehow inappropriate.

You are so odd.

I'll just take my non-hierarchical data paradigms out of your hair... and leave you to your work.

Gordon: How long has it been since you've seen this guy?

Look, Bullock, I know what happened.

Anybody in your situation...

Listen, you think you can shrink my head, Boy Scout?

Because you can't.

This is the black box, man.

And we don't open the black box. Ever.

Okay, fine.

So, why don't you sit your ass down?

I'll be back in a few minutes.

We're both on this case.



What do we have here?

Harvey Bullock, boy detective.

Look at you up there, huh?

Living the high life.

And me down here, all broken up with a busted liver.

Don't put that on me, old man.

Your bum liver's between you and the bottle.

I just busted up your gams and put you in that chair.

Gotham's Golden Rule.

No heroes, Bullock.

No heroes.

Listen, Dix.

We have to talk about the case.

About the Goat.

I was wondering when you were going to come and ask for my help.

I'm not asking for your help.

That don't mean you don't need it.

Who's this? Your partner?

James Gordon. Nice to meet you.

Come on, Dix.

You ever tell anyone about Randall Milkie?

The Liberty head pennies?

We said we weren't going to. We sealed them.

I know we sealed them, you jackass!

I told you to seal them.

Okay, but this new k*ller's doing the same thing.

He's stitching up coins in the heads of his victims.

Any idea how he came up with that?

I didn't tell anybody.

Ed Hayes didn't tell nobody.

And you didn't tell nobody.

So, what the hell does that mean?

It means we were wrong about Milkie.

He was not working alone.



You do not have a copycat k*ller here.

You do not have a lone k*ller.

What you have... is a conspiracy.

Bullock: A conspiracy to hang rich kids off local historical landmarks?

Yeah, right.

He always thinks he's the smartest one in the room.

I know, right?

That's because I'm always in a room full of idiots.

Watch out for him.

Oh, yeah? Why's that?

He's a loose cannon.

He thinks he's a white knight jumping into the breach like some idiot in the movies.

You're talking about Bullock here?

We're talking about Bullock here.

Harvey Bullock?

(quietly): Harvey Bullock, yeah.

Detective Bullock, do you want to settle the bill for this month now or should we send it to you?

You can just put it in the mail, thanks.

Is he getting those magazines I ordered?

Those are awful magazines, Detective.

Bullock: But he's getting them?

Woman: Yes. He is.


Thank you.

No, Mom. I'm just grabbing a few things.

Yes. Yes, I know.

I'll be at the marina at 9:00.


Here you are. Thank you, Anita.

Oh, will you put some snack stuff together, please?


Miss Ember?

Anita, have you seen the tops to my yellow silk...?


(muffled shriek)

Ember Copley was supposed to meet her parents tonight at 9:00 at the marina.

When she didn't show, they came back, found the maid out cold, Ember gone.

You think it's our guy?

It's our guy.

He slips in, chloroforms the maid, grabs Ember, no sign of B and E, nothing.

Like a ghost.

Like he had keys.

Randall Milkie had a ritual.

He'd dress the victims, k*ll them and do his little coin trick... whole thing took about eight hours.

If our copy-Goat's doing the same thing, we're running out of time.

I pulled the employee list from the agencies that do maintenance on Ember Copley's building.

Looking for an employee that had access to both victims' apartments.

That's a hell of a lot of people.

Yeah, but our guy's been real busy.

He had to have called in sick the last couple days.

Get Nygma in there. He's freaking good with puzzles.

You got it.

Renee, we have to talk.

What are you doing here?

Look, I know you think that he's done terrible things, but I also know you care about the truth.

You shouldn't be here. Barbara, you shouldn't be seen here.

Damn it, Renee! Will you listen to me?!

Look. I'll work with you, okay?

I will tell you whatever I know, whatever I can find out.

I need you to keep an open mind, okay?

It's too late for that.

Whatever's happening, okay, you've got it wrong, Renee.

You can't tell me, I know that, but it isn't what you think.

He's trying to protect me.

Okay? He won't tell me who's out there.

Who he's afraid of.

He's right not to.

Wait. Why?

Because it'll get you k*lled, okay?

You understand what he knows, who he knows will k*ll you.

We got a judge issuing a warrant tonight.

Barbara, you know how much I care about you.

When Gordon gets arrested, you have to get out of here.

If Jim gets arrested, then this is exactly where I have to be.

By his side.

Please, just leave.

Get out of Gotham Just till this is over.

And don't come to me again.

Gordon: Okay, so four guys have called in sick since last week.

The two suspects from the outer boroughs are cleared.

Another is out of state, but apparently it's unconfirmed.


So... that leaves one last guy.

Raymond Earl.

His shift supervisor says he's been squatting in a place near Cannery Park, somewhere around the 1100 block.

That's him.

You sure?

Yeah, I'm sure. I'm 100% sure.

Déjà voodoo all day long.

This is where we got Randall Milkie ten years ago.

This is where Dix fell.


Got to go in.

Come on.

Yeah. Yeah.

We're going to put you to sleep for good now.

You're lucky to be the sacrifice.

(quiet moaning)

(door opens)

(birds' wings fluttering nearby)

Go get her.

You're safe.

You all right? (mumbling)

You okay?

(Goat yells)

(both grunting)

You'll never stop the Goat.

I will always come back.

Quit saying that!

(both grunting)

Raymond Earl, you're under arrest.

Not bad.

All right.

All right.

(door opens)

(moaning nearby)

(footsteps nearby)

(footsteps approaching)

(door opens)

(door closes)

Your suit is ready.

I steamed it nice.

Thanks, Mom.

I'm worried for you.

So anxious you look.

These moves you make, they're safe, yes?

You're not doing anything illegal?

No, Mom. Don't worry. It's just business.

Well, business is all very fine, but always remember... you can trust no one.

No one but your mother.

I know. (laughs gently)

I know.

But you know what?

I think I finally found somebody I can trust.

A policeman.


The police are liars.

Hmm-mm, not this one, Mom.

He's a real friend.


He'll help me come out right in the end.

Gordon: Raymond Earl, 33 years old, janitor in the city.

Works with an agency that services the buildings of both victims.

And he's not talking.

Bullock: History of mental illness, misdemeanor arrests for lewd and lascivious, public disturbance.

Essen: Thank you, Jesus.

You got him. Good work, Detectives.

I got a lot of phone calls to make.

Bullock, look happier.


(door closes)


Randall Milkie worked for a maintenance company that serviced the buildings of his victims, same as Raymond here.

Milkie was mentally ill, no violent crimes in his history, same as him.

Ten years apart, they never meet, then one day, suddenly, out of the blue, they both decide to become the Goat?

It's like... it's like something found them.

Changed them.

You talking about Dix and his conspiracy theory?

No. It just doesn't add up.

And how'd he know about the coin?

I know that we're missing something, and if we keep missing it, I'm afraid we're never gonna stop this.


We go back to Milkie's files.

We, uh... look for possible accomplices, uh, connections... Tomorrow, tomorrow.

I, uh, just... I need... I need to think.

Why don't you, uh, get some rest?



Good night, Jim.

(door opens)

(door closes)

No. No.

No. No.

Oh, no.

No. No.


No. No.


Holy Ghost on a bicycle.


Jim, look.

I don't know everything, but I know enough.

You have to listen to me now.

Baby, I can barely stand.

Montoya has a witness.


They really believe you k*lled this Cobblepot person.

I didn't.

It doesn't matter anymore.

They've got a warrant for your arrest.

What aren't you telling me?

For weeks now, it's like you've been a different person.

Something happened not long after you started the job.

Something... something you don't feel right about.

Somehow, they've cornered me.

Tied my hands.

Come with me now. Okay?

I don't care what I leave behind, as long as we leave it together.

If they take you away, Jim, I'm scared I'll lose you.

(knocking at door)



(knocking continues)

I can't run.

Can't run.

James Gordon... you're under arrest for the m*rder of Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot.

(handcuffs clicking)

You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can be used against you in a court of law.

(door creaks, slams shut)

DR. MARKS: You're drifting down and away... deeper...

I got it.

I'm sorry to interrupt.

It's Detective Bullock, isn't it?


Did you want to interview Mr. Hastings?

Actually, your secretary told me I might be able to find you here.

I was hoping to pick your brain about the case.

Oh. Uh, I'll just be a minute.

It's okay.

I didn't realize this before.

You're a hypnotist, right?

A hypnotherapist.

Oh, therapist. It's a funny word, therapist.

Can either mean "therapist" or "the r*pist," if...

So you do pro Bono work at an outpatient clinic?

Or a couple of them?

I do. I try to give back.

Yeah, you've been giving back for a while, uh...

12 years now.


That's good.

To be honest, I... wanted to talk to you about one of your pro Bono patients.

Uh, Raymond Earl?

He's a person of interest in our investigation.

Our records indicate you've seen him, uh... at least a few times, right?

Hmm... sounds familiar.

Last year, maybe?

And Mr. Hastings, Amanda's father... we know he's your patient.

When we were here yesterday, he was doing something really curious.

It, uh... he, uh... he kept clenching his fist.

Over and over.

Yes, he does that.


See, I was reading about that, and it said that if a patient has a compulsion, like a bad idea or an impulse, that the hypnotist could put the poor sap under and introduce a... a physical movement.

Like, uh, clenching your fist.

So instead of doing what the compulsion wants the person to do, they just... clench their fist.

That's how it works, pretty much.

So Mr. Hastings, when he's in a, uh, room full of people and he wants to start screaming his head off, I don't know, instead of doing that, he just...




What about Raymond Earl?

Why does he clench his fist?

And what about Randall Milkie?

See, I know you treated him a little over ten years ago, and I want you to follow me because this part gets a little weird.

See, I think a hypnotist completely turned both those men upside down.

Until their own identity was the bad idea, and then it wasn't even them clenching their fists anymore.

It was the Spirit of the Goat.


I underestimated you.

(laughs) I really did.

So I'm right.


Yes, I'm right.

And so you trolled all the outpatient clinics so you could find a suitable borderline case like Randall Milkie.

And then you hypnotize the poor bastard until he literally doesn't even know who he is.

And then I tell him who he is.

That's pretty good intellection, Detective.


Why hypnotize a janitor and turn him into the Goat?

You wouldn't understand.

Try me.

It isn't an act of m*rder or madness.

It's an act of therapy.

Therapy? For who?

For Gotham.

Excuse me?

This city used to have hope, and they gunned it down in the streets.

The rich, the powerful.

Their greed is pathological, an id run rampant, eating Gotham alive.

So your one-percent solution is to k*ll the city's rich kids?

Negative reinforcement.

To believe that the Goat is real, that it wouldn't tolerate this...

Gotham wanted that.

No matter how painful it was.

It's true what they say.

You can't really hypnotize somebody to do something that, deep down, they don't already want to do.

And deep down, we all want to eat the rich.

Don't we?

You are 100% nuthouse crazy, lady.

Dr. Marks... is everything okay?

No, it's not.

Dr. Marks, you're under arrest for conspiracy to commit m*rder, coercion and, frankly, a few things we're probably gonna have to name after you.

Well, I do have another one for you.

Robert, the golden temple is open.

Now k*ll this man.



Heel, Mr. Hastings! Heel!




Freeze, lady!


Essen: One more time.

Take me through the part where you drove to the nice part of town and shot the doctor lady.

We caught the other half of the k*ller.

Dr. Marks was the Spirit of the Goat.

Okay, see, that's the part that I don't... get.

On the same side, do you understand?

We're fighting the same w*r, and damn it, I'm getting somewhere.

Getting into a six-by-eight in the Blackgate Pen, that's what you're getting.

What is this?

MCU's taking Detective James Gordon into custody.


Your boy here m*rder*d Oswald Cobblepot and dumped him in the river.

That's a damn lie!

He's right. It was a lie.

I didn't sh**t Oswald Cobblepot.

I lied. I didn't sh**t him, Bullock.

Of course you didn't, partner.

No, I mean it!

Harvey Bullock, you're under arrest.

For what?

Accomplice in the m*rder of Oswald Cobblepot. Our witness places you at the scene.

Essen: You think you can walk in here and take my people like that?

We're not here to take down the GCPD. We just want these two.

Well, they're GCPD, so the MCU's got a problem.

Yeah, you got a problem. You got a real problem, you...

Holy crap.



I am Oswald Cobblepot.

Son of a bitch.


Son of a bitch!
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