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03x02 - Episode 2

Posted: 01/21/24 10:17
by bunniefuu
Willmus Crabtree.

Respected and venerated factor, sir.

Over a cup of sack, you could suggest to me suitable premises.

I believed I would never know true beauty till I set my eyes on my own Virginia.

I don't know if I'm fleeing from tyranny or running away from a broken heart, but I have to go.

I have a promissory note for you, Nicholas.

We must disguise any possibility of conspiracy between we two.

Let every pair of eyes here see what becomes of traitors! [BABY VIRGINIA CRIES]


Aw! My beautiful girl.


Are you sick again? Hey? Hush now.

Your pa's here.

Your pa will always be here.


What are you doing, Rutter? Waiting, sir.

To see if he should blink.

This man counterfeited life so well, perhaps he might play tricks on death.

Would you jest at a man's severed head? Well, I think he might prefer my jest to your axe, sir.





- 'Ere Get away, Rutter.

Before I enjoy your foolery too much.




Pluck yourself from your bed every morning, Jocelyn, and look upon Farlow's head that you might be reminded that even you must bow to power.

Even you.


See? Yet another wasp at my mind.

England refuses to deliver to us ships from Africa filled with men, like Pedro.

Instead they grab vagabond boys from the streets and send them to work in our fields as men.

Who would defy my command that the Secretary's head must remain here? Look upon me.

All of you! I will not be defied! Rutter! You were seen to give too much attention to what was placed upon that spike.

What use have I with another man's head? When I'm tormented enough by my own? Take a care who you mock, Rutter.

This spike, will stand here, till the man guilty of defying our Governor is found! Give some ale to a man just off t'ship, won't you? Well, I would, if I could see a man stood before me.


You might be pretty if you smiled.

Hey, that kind of cheek will learn you a slap you won't forget.


I'll scrub your buckets better than you can for that ale.

There's your water.

Tamlin Appleday.

I'm to work on Mistress Castell's farm.

What brings you here, Cap'n? My ma was hanged.

Was she so? I watched her being hanged.

Did you so? I was this high.

Well, you're not much taller than that now.

A boy don't need a ma.

All he needs is food and drink.

Ain't you just collected all the wisdom in the world? I intend to be King of Virginia one day.


Well, go to, little Prince Tamlin.

I'm sure your mistress will be eager to win your favour.

Do you know who took the Secretary's head, Master Read? Didn't I see you walking beside our Governor? Perhaps you're allies once more.

Are you to be granted more land to farm? I often wonder about you, James Read.

You do not lack courage.

You do not want for capability, yet while all the men around you who came to Virginia are making rich, here you are, king of your own shrunken world of smoke and soot.

If I resist ambition, it's because there are few who have both riches and honour.


I do not seek sainthood, but I do prefer not to hold hands with shadows and clawed mad men.

When was the day, the exact moment, when I grew tired of men expounding their moral excellence? Your balls, sir, sit softly in a sack to give you quick advantage on every effort of my life.

I do not say that your schemes are not justified, Jocelyn, only that they are dangerous.

Beware the darkness.


You see this? This earth is ours.

The Sharrows'.

You'll know this dirt well, one day, my sweet little girl.





It is time that Winganuske took the babe back to our village to be raised with the women.

Chacrow, I respect your ways.

It isn't so much that my girl is to grow up English, it's that I want her here with me.

She is a Sharrow first.

Henry I have given you a child.

I will give another.

But the little one must be mine, be her mother's for first years.

I've decided what it is to be, Winganuske.

You'll abide by your husband.

The fighting Sharrow baby! A
-ha! Better today.

- Who is that boy?
- Tamlin Appleday, ma'am.

He works four times faster than all the men, five times harder and six times more cheery.

- Ma'am, he is curious.

- Why so?
- Ma'am, he sings.


You have a marvellous appetite for labour, child.

I have a marvellous appetite for lying in the sun and looking at the sky! Boy, I did not say you could cease from your work.

I have done enough toil for today.

Then come with me.

So I might reward you for your fine efforts.

I warm to contrary and spirited souls, Tam Appleday.

But if one worker defies me, then they all will.

You will labour when I tell you to and you might enjoy a treat of best beef when it takes my fancy.

Now, go back to the field like a defeated animal and you and I will be fine friends.

Henry! Henry! [BABY CRIES]

The fever has returned, Henry.

We will go to the settlement and speak to Dr Priestley.

Pepper, bring the horse.




The boy is a miracle! That's my drink, boy.

Don't you know respect If you have no goodness in you, at least have the wits to pick a fight you can win.



James, he's a boy.

He's drunk.

He knows no better.

If you strike a man from behind, you wretch, you will die a coward's death.

Keep him away from me.

Child! Ain't you a sorry fool to your own self, huh? [FIDDLE PLAYING RESUMES]

Does Lettice have dainty feet? I do not know.

Christopher, you are to marry the woman.

Every aspect of her must be imprinted on your mind.

Tell me of her likeness.

Well, her eyes are green.

- And
- Oh, I fear that green eyes are renowned as the picture of a shallow soul.

But I'm sure no woman named Lettice could be shallow.

Jocelyn, why do you seek to sow doubt in my soul? Are you lonely? No.


You are afraid.

I see it.


The babe has a terrible fever, Doctor.

Let the doctor take a look at her.

He'll know what the matter is.

- How long has she been sick?
- Virginia was stricken two days ago.

Crying as if she were in pain.

Just like now.

But her fever subsided.

I thought nothing of it.

She has an ague.

I saw a man with such a fever two weeks ago.

Quiet yourself, women.

The doctor will heal the baby.

Has she been much by the river? Yes.


This man, did he did he recover?
- He did, yes.


We'll have to bleed her.

Place her on the bench there, please.

Hold her still.

Come on.

There you go.

There you go.




Go wait here, Winganuske.

Let the doctor do his work.



Sir, our child is sick.

My wife believes that because you're buckled
-backed that you were the cause of it.

That you poured poisoned spirits into the girl.

Then let me remove myself from her sight, so that you might pacify her.

Meredith? Look at them, Verity.

Sitting there on the bed.

- Hey.


Come back to sleep, lover.


Little birds, Verity.

Such sweet cooing woke me.

Ain't we blessed? Come back to sleep.

- Come on.

Go back to sleep.







Whoo! Whoo
-hoo! [LAUGHTER]

Whoo! Er Ma'am? Ma'am? They was all working and Tam the hardest of them all and And then he came to find a rope on the tree and swung and he splashed and he laughed.

Then everyone started swinging and laughing.

You, boy! You will leave my land and you will not return.

Do you understand? You are not wanted and you are not welcome here.

- Hup
- Aho
- Hup
- Aho
- Hup
- Aho




Henry, Winganuske wants me to fetch her brother here.

Then be on your way.

But she says I'm to ask Chacrow to bring the sorcerer.

You must make your own decisions in life, Pepper.

Master Sharrow, are you to invite the Naturals to display heathen rituals in Jamestown? It'll be a comfort to my wife, that is all, till little Virginia's sickness passes.

But ain't we beholden to teach them to be rid of their heresy? When my skin was burnt, it were the Naturals who brought me back to life.

I have no cause to condemn their beliefs.

Suppose they were to come here to witness the benefits of our medicine? I am told that the Indians value evidence that displays a superior god.

You might use it to persuade them towards conversion.

You see politics in a child's sickness? I do not require lessons in morality from you, sir.

Pepper, do as my wife wishes.

Deliver her brother.

Governor it occurred to me, if we can provide some display of English science, it might persuade Opechancanough to provide us with boys to work on our farm in exchange for learning.

I might carry the notion.

A woman? To talk on my behalf before the Naturals? Never.

Do you suppose that I would let Opechancanough consider me so weak? It might happen, widow, but not with you.

What are you doing here, boy? Why aren't you at your own work? Didn't take Mistress Castell long to have enough of you.

Have you seen my husband? He went out the gates.

If you find him, bring him back to me and I'll feed you your breakfast.

Master Read.

You've set yourself above the moral wheel of Jamestown.

Was it you who removed the head from the spike? The talk of the tavern is, Marshal, that you wish to spare your companion the same scorn in death that he faced in life.

Sir! What was the crime that saw such a fine gentleman as Secretary Farlow separated from the seat of his senses? For what sins had God put that hump on your back? Luck has blessed me, Marshal, with not one ugliness, but two.

So that I will never know compliments, never expect kindness, never wish for flattery.

In short, so that I am free of any and all obligation to devotion or friendship such as those that torment you.

Now you might wish to mark my name, sir.

Willmus Crabtree.

I have it heeded well enough.

I can sell the best goods here as fast as I can ship them, Master Read.

Is there anywhere in this world where a man might better make a fortune? Those that have the fire for it.

It must cost you quite a penny to import such fine furnishings.

These are not my goods, sir.

I am merely an exporter's factor, here to drum on behalf of better men.

Who is it that you trade for? Isn't it marvellous that men might grow rich? Women, too.

Those that have land granted to them might prosper beyond reckoning.

Now there's a woman who fears no God.

Who could miss how she defied the Governor and had every woman walk from the Assembly? Oh Oh, but wouldn't she make any man's cock dance to her tune? I've seen how you look upon her, Master Read.

It is not enough to desire such a beauty.

She must be tamed.

Oh? And how might a man do that? First, the lady must believe that only he can see her truest loveliness.

Only he can perceive the wonder at the core of her.

And do you suppose that the widow would be so easily duped, sir? The best deception is served with sincerity.

I will show you how it is done.



Does the child suffer terrible, sir? The vitality has been sapped from all of her regions.

Sir, if the Naturals fetch a sorcerer is it true they try to call the evil out with singing? I have never seen it.

I'm told that they do.

But the Naturals do have medicines.

They know the herbs and the plants so well.

I have witnessed such wonders of recovery.

Dr Priestley are you saying you prefer their ways? No, I don't.

The child will be healed best if I bleed her again.


Master Rutter.

Tam boy.


Did my wife send you here to find me? She worries.

She worries about me.

She thinks I'm bewildered.

A drinking man don't mind bewilderment.

Rest here with me, Tam.

I'm just sitting here and watching the river flow.


I know you have the rascal in you.

I was the same at your age.

All fights, roaring, revelling.

I saw you tearing the daylight out of that tabor, boy, and I said to myself, I says, 'Ain't it a miracle?' That face of yours I know it well.

Tell me the truth now.

Is that why you come here? To find me? To discover your pa? A man knows his own skin, sure he does.

- I'm to take you back, Master Rutter.

- Tam, Tamlin, suppose that Suppose we could say all them years since I left were lost.

Now is the beginning.

Do you suppose we could do that? Could we do that, little Tam? He heard I were a mariner, so he asked about the docks, till a sailor told him that he travelled with Meredith Rutter to Virginia.

Isn't that something, hey? A boy come across the ocean to seek his pa! Hey.



I'm sorry, Winganuske.



I am truly sorry, Henry.


Sweet Sharrow child.

We take some barley.

Corn if there's no barley.

Oats if there's no corn.

Rye will do a fine job of it, my boy.

Here is where we do all the malting.

So it sprouts and then dries in the kiln here.

Ah You will learn to love this mash tun, as your pa does.

Some put in honey for nourishment.

But we have the best hops.

And that's the flavour.

Did I tell you the wort goes in the kiln? You'll learn it all.

Where is my broom straw? I'll be back! Why do you let him call you 'son'? It's what he wants.

He believes it, Tam.

Where is the harm in that if it fills his heart? Ah, sweet Tamlin, you're just You're just a golden boy.




If you give me boys to work on my farm, we will teach them magic such as this.

Mercy Myrtle, meet my son.

When did he become your son? I came here to look for my pa.

Why didn't you say that, instead of working on the farm? Master Redwick, sir, my own son.

My own son.

Dr Priestley, you're a man of science, sir.

Can you see the likeness between us? Be better familiarity when Tamlin grows a beard on his face.

I can see the likeness now.

Master Thorpe! I want you to meet my son.

I'm telling you, Verity, the boy stole a knife from my forge.

- Did you see him?
- Well, if I'd seen him,
- I'd have tanned his hide.

- Then how can you be certain? Verity, Why are you so determined to protect that wretch from a scolding?
- Gonna find h
- James! James, James.

Su Suppose I plead with the child? I'll ask him who took the blade.

James, I have never seen Meredith this contented.


He's sober.

He's working.

He's brewing.

Last night, in bed, he took me in his arms and he was a man again.

Something in young Tam has restored my husband and I want with all my living soul to hold onto that.


Your trade is booming, Master Crabtree.

Because Jamestown is booming, madam.

The ladies all wish to purchase this fine looking glass.

Then why do you not sell it to them? I'm saving it for you, Widow Castell.

But, sir, I do not want it.

Oh, but you will.

Once you perceive its attractions.

Please look into the glass.

Reflected back is a likeness.

Yours, for instance.

Your eyes blazing and beguiling.

Your face could put a pearl to shame.

Your form could mesmerise any man.

Perhaps that is what you see.

Look again.

I see there such a longing for What is it? Ah, yes.

A yearning for wonder.

Most people live for the gains of the flesh or the purse.

You, madam, you seek the deepest glories of life.

You fancy yourself the poet, sir? Forgive me, madam.

I am a man who cannot help but speak what he perceives.

I thank you, Master Crabtree, but I still have no intention of purchasing the glass.

Oh, but I did not say you would buy it, madam.

Henry, we must take the child to our village.

She must be buried there.

She is a Sharrow.

She belongs on this land.

The priest must send the little one on her way to the other world.

With all true funeral rites.

She is a Sharrow.

Henry the babe must be given her burial gifts to take with her.

She is a Sharrow.

You said she would live.

Henry, I did not say that.

You said the man you treated did not die.

- But I did not mean that your girl
- You let me believe! Henry, please, a child is weaker Listen to me.

You speak truthfully, Doctor.

For your life depends on it.

Was it your failing that meant my babe did not survive? You cannot ask the man such a thing, Henry.

I believe she may have benefited from some other medicines, which the Naturals might provide.

But I didn't have the courage to tell you, because you placed your trust in me.

That was my failing.

When you pass me on the street you will not look at me.

You'll look away.

I never again want to feel your measly eyes upon me.

Oh, Henry Sharrow! Henry Sharrow, did you hear of it? My boy came to find me.

This is my boy here.

Ain't you gonna congratulate me on my blessings? He ain't your son.

Don't you see the likeness? Your son died at three years old, while you were in the alehouse filling your throat.

You've told me so yourself many times.

A dead child don't come back.

Meredith? Henry Henry is a man broken by sorrow.

That's That's only his own loss speaking.

Meredith? Meredith? Would you take me?
- Would you?

Would you make a fool out of me? You get up! Come here.

Get out of my tavern! You ain't no son of mine! No son of mine! Now get out of here!


This is my fault.

I should have told my husband he was bewildered.

I should never have allowed you to pretend that you were his boy.

That was your kindness to him.

And he will see that.

Tam? Aaa
-aaah! It don't matter that you're not our blood.

I'm here to tell you that you have a home.

Here with us.

Where you can live.

Where you'll never be cast out.


Ma'am, I told him, I
-I said, 'My
-my mistress isn't here, you must wait for her return.

' But, ma'am, he would not listen, he simply carried it into the house and placed it down.


What? You've come to look at the blood on my hand, have you? Does that prove, does it, that you were right? And I was wrong about the boy.

He took a knife to me.

Oh, he's a dangerous beast! I hope that you choke on your virtue.


I'm trying to pray to a God I don't believe in.

I would pray to the clouds, I would pray to the birds, I would pray to you I I would pray to the bastard doorknob, if I thought it would give that child one moment of knowing he is loved he is wanted.


Sure, Meredith thinks that Tam is like him.

But he is the same as me.

Willmus Crabtree.

He claims to be a man of trade, when everything about him admits that he is something of a hunter.

- Why do you say that?
- Because when Governor Yeardley stepped out of his house carrying Secretary Farlow's head, the world had its eyes on him.

Willmus Crabtree slipped into Yeardley's house, quiet as a mouse.

What did he want in there? I don't think he was mourning the loss of the dead man.

Why did he do that? Cos he knows who took the head from the spike.

And you saw who stole it, didn't you? It was our Governor himself.











You have fathomed me for more than a merchant.

Why is that? Consider that it might be because I allowed you to.

I've gained more land by the river to farm and you will go there.

Without Maria.

To live and work.

She wishes to stow away in a hold and she wishes you to help her do it.

Will you help me? MARIA: You want to k*ll Yeardley? Will your pride let you stay here, when you know what will become of us? Pedro?