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02x08 - Episode 8

Posted: 01/21/24 10:13
by bunniefuu
The Sharrows have taken every last
n*gro from Massinger's farm.

They claim them as their right

in payment for Massinger's theft
of their tobacco.

I want Master Massinger's land

and you will be my secret partner in
the enterprise.

The previous governor,

sold the land to Master Massinger

without the permission of the company.

Yeardley knows that.

I will not be owned, possessed,
confined or determined by wedlock.

The more they seek to shame me...

the more I refuse... to be tamed.

I hope you will be kind to us,
Lady Yeardley.

What are you doing, Jocelyn?

I am imagining, that is all.

It was most gracious of you, sir,

to compensate the Sharrows
for their loss.

And has it made you reflect upon
your own hardship, Jocelyn?

I came all the way here to marry
a man of position, a man of promise.

I've been robbed of my hopes
because my husband was k*lled

by the giant louse who stole this
land from the company.


You seem quite certain of that
accusation, Widow Castell?

Well, Argyle sold this ground
to Massinger

without the company's permission.

That makes it illegal.

Should the company be alerted to this,

they will reclaim every acre
and none of it will come to you.

Be careful, Jocelyn.

Your politicking has, so far,
amused me, aided me.

Do not make yourself giddy with

I have written to my sister.

A letter she will hold in safekeeping.

Should anything happen to me, she
will pass it to the company.

I ask you, sir, so that I do not
have to ask them,

do you suppose it is all that I deserve,

the widow to be granted a parcel of land

in consideration for my sore loss?

What kind of parcel of land?

This kind.

I was told by the Chickahominy...

Silas Sharrow gives information
to the Pamunkey,

secret information,

- in return for their favours.
- Why would you say this to me?

Because I suspect that you alone
will know if it is true.

I dearly wish it not to be.

You have your hawk's eye
fastened on the Sharrows.

You are no defender of them.

You will tell me how it is.

It's gossip, sir.

The Chickahominy know that the Sharrows
trade well with Opechancanough

so they wish to cause conflict.

Perhaps you misunderstood
what was said to you, sir.

It's a dangerous occupation
to dabble in politics

when mistakes might be made.

It is a dangerous occupation

to dabble in all manner of things
in Jamestown.

It is the judgment and the pleasure

of our governor to compensate the...

to compensate the Widow Castell

in recognition of her bereavement...

by the granting of all lands that
belonged to Master Massinger.


A woman give land and the birth of it
coming from the mouth...

of the marshal hisself!

You enjoy playing to the pack, Rutter.

You shall play the violin.

The neck violin.

- No, Marshall, no not the shrew's fiddle.
- Assembly's concluded.

Go back to work.

How does the widow know about Argyle?

Who could tell her?

Who is it knows but we three?

I might suspect you two,

did you not cherish
your loathing of the widow

as a miser adores a pearl.

She has me... trapped in this matter.

If I challenge her openly,
then the Virginia Company

will be alerted to our land dealings.

It burns my blood that every day,

every week she grows
in strength and position.

Then we must cut her down.

You cut her down
with the skimmington, sir...

but she struck back.

You have made an enemy of the Governor.

And he's made a foe of me.

I know it was he who arranged
the people in the street

to taunt and shame me.

Please tread most carefully.

I see how what
has been done to you by men

makes this freedom
a kind of wonder to you.

So... I will celebrate Widow
Castell's glittering self rule

and I'll pursue you no longer,
dear Jocelyn.

Alice, is Silas still giving favours
to the Pamunkey?

No, that's ended. Why do you ask?

As long as it's done with, that's
all that matters.

I had such plans for Massinger's land.

It's time we took more
territory from the naturals.

You only have to wave your arm, sir,

and I'll put together an attack force.

Are you certain that the widow's gains

give sufficient cause for us
to rile Opechancanough?

Aggression will just bring
condemnation from the company.

They insist on peace.

You would prefer the Pamunkey
to be seen as the ones

to violate the agreement, Governor?

- So, we provoke 'em.
- Not quite.

- What we mean to do is to...
- Falsify some as*ault upon us.

But the result will be the same, sir.


Caution does not become you, Farlow.

Bring me a device that lays
all the blame on the Pamunkey.

If I look this way
and then I look... that way...

and then I look... another way...

- that is all your land?
- It is.

And them men?

Tenured labourers, tied here to me
until their time is served.

They ain't so very pleased
to see us, is they, ma'am?

I will employ an overseer to serve
as master to them.

I know just the man for it.

Master Read?

I would have you make me two swords.

- I have some here.
- I want rapiers.

What cause have you for two weapons
such as that... Doctor?

There is... time enough for

Tell me what the cost will be.

I'll make the rapiers, sir.

Another jug of wine here!

You've a fine thirst on you
tonight, Marshal.

Since you women arrived,

I have plentiful cause to drink.

Ain't this the same man who took a
whip to James Read's back?

Ain't this the same dog
nailed your ear to a post?

This the same...

dung beetle...

locked me in the stocks
and poured pig shite over my head?

- Now we have him.
- There's an old mariner's trick.

Point my percy at him.

When he wakes, he'll believe his own
bladder's shamed him.

I don't suppose I will ever have
such an opportunity again.

Do you need some aid, Marshal?
Shall I fetch the Governor?

Whenever my husband is leaky, sir,

I tell him he's not only
disgraced his breeches,

he has disgraced his name.

If you ever... whisper one word of this,

the pair of you will hate
every miserable breath you take.

The pissed breech walk
in't so very noble.

I know such things.

A fire.

The whole of the widow's harvest
will be lost in flames.

But would that not be a waste of profit?

Her profit.

No, Virginia's profit.

- And can it be done?
- The business will be conducted at night

so all that will be witnessed

is dark figures carrying torches
as the Pamunkey do.

Sir, the widow's new gains
will be ruined

and you'll have good cause
to strike at the naturals

and take land from them,
two enemies, one blow.

A blaze.

What a splendid spectacle

to welcome the widow
into the world of being a landlord.

You have negroes on your farm now?

Yes, yes we do.

Will they have a brand on them?

They will serve their term
as tenured men do

then they will be free men.

Is that a promise or an English promise?

I don't blame you for doubting us, Maria.

Us settlers ain't always done God's work.

The Governor marked me.

Now every day that I am here,
I will try to mark him.

I heard the Governor speaking.

He wants some trouble.

- To blame the naturals for it.
- Who was he talking to?

Did he say what kind of trouble?
Did he mention when it would be?

Night. He wants night.

Maria, are we ready to go now?

No, ma'am.

We are not ready to go now.

Maria has suffered enough, Alice.

I do not wish her to be hurt any more.

Our governor wants to seize
more ground from the naturals.

What will we do?

Do you think I can go back to
Chacrow with this news?

Alice, in't that brought enough worry
to us with that spying business?

The very piece of earth
you live on was once Pamunkey.

What will you do?

Give it back to them?

In't it time you bent your righteousness
to the world we live in now?

You have your own land.
I don't want you on our farm.

Do you hear me?

Will you work as my overseer,
Master Read?

The Governor said that you must marry...

but here you are unwed with
your own farm.

You've proven yourself a gentlewoman
can master any man.

Is that your answer?

A bolder man would not be intimidated

by the prospect of working for a woman.

Now I've offended your delicate mettle.

I wonder if you might weep.

I cannot bear it when a man sobs and

I promise you,

you will never see me weep again.

If that's what your cold heart prefers...

I would prefer that you
take up the position

so that you might prove me wrong.

Suppose I've no need to prove you wrong?

Suppose I already know that
you're wrong.

Sometimes I will say anything to get
what I want.

I need you.

No, you don't.

You don't need anyone.

Perhaps that's your curse.

It is what I was told.

They want to make it seem like
Pamunkey have made an attack.

Why is Silas not here?

You were kind to me, Chacrow.

To hear of such a wrong...
I wanted to tell you.

Does Silas know of Yeardley's plans?

He does not want to help us.

Silas is a true friend.

But he would be k*lled if the Governor
thought he was talking to you.

Will you not be k*lled as a traitor?

No one will ever know.

Winganuske knows. Her first loyalty
is to her husband.

Your first loyalty is also
to your husband.

You're a Sharrow now.

That's all that matters.

The other one is yours.

I'm a proven swordsman, Dr Priestly,
you're not.

Ridgewater at dusk.

You're a kind apothecary who has
helped me many a time.

I issue this challenge between we two

because you have made a mockery of me.

If you do not accept it,

then I must repeat it
before the whole assembly.

Then you'll be marked out as a
coward for the rest of your life

and the reason for my bid against you

will be whispered
on every lip in Jamestown.

- Sir, let me tell you...
- No, let me tell you.

You are a blacksmith.

You have stubbed your filthy fingers
onto my good name.


Because you saw fit not to give a
blink to my heart...

my reputation,
my true and honourable intention.

I will wait for you at Ridgewater.

No more words will pass
between us till then.

I spoke with the Chickahominy up river

and they refused to do the burning for us

but I traded muskets for arrows,

bows and torches,

enough for the blame
to land on the Pamunkey.

We move by dark
and we get the deed done.

It seems a great pity
to waste good crops.

Is there no other way for us
to make trouble with the Pamunkey?

No, no, it must be the widow.

I wanna be there to see that witch's
face when her land burns.

That picture will be moulded
into my memory.

It helps to not gloat, sir,
you'll be heard.

What is the matter with Rutter?

I should have put his head on a
spike years ago.

Gentle sirs,

my wife tells me that
when I am asleep with the drink,

I play a tune the night long with my
second mouth.

- Cracked cheeks, words of wind.
- Away with you, you drayman stool.

Marshal Redwick,
we have a question for you.

Now, we Rutters are forbid
from trading with the mariners...

Might you consider, Marshal,
out of the kindness of your kind heart...

Did you not hear me? Get away.

Ooh, forgive me hopping thither and
thither, sirs.

There are times when my bladder
in't my friend.

Did ever any man have such a...

pissed breeches,
leaking tail as my lover...

- You can trade, Rutter. You can trade.
- Thomas, what is the matter?

Just do not look at me more.

Do you hear me, Rutter?
Don't look at me!

Here... why didn't you ask him to
take off the shrew's fiddle?

Aw, I forgot!


I spoke with Henry.

It was wrong of me to ask you to
live so close by my brother.

He r*ped you.

Now, he might say that he had claim
on you as his wife but...

he now knows that he must work
his own farm.

He's to leave us be.

Thank you.

It's as you said...

I do not trust our governor.

But James Read warned me that the
doctor has heard rumours

that I've been in confederation
with the Pamunkey.

So we must tread carefully.

Silas... I went to speak with
Chacrow to warn him.

Why would you do such a thing?

I... I felt so ashamed that we were
to do nothing.

I felt as though I was
to blame for Maria's branding.

I had to act or my soul would burst.

That is something to love, I suppose.

To have a woman fierce with honour.

What will come of it?

Well, we shall see.

Stop that.

All swine satches on herring shotten.

I don't understand a word he said.

Ma'am, he said he had minded
to do the bidding of a woman.

- How do you know what he spoke?
- I can't say how I know.

I just hear the jumble and then it
unjumbles in my head like pastry.

A near leggest headstring... of a
sheep's leather.

You will work, do you hear me?

You will labour for me as hard
as you did for foul Massinger.

Spepper spabens benorm with a bots.
Massinger half cheeked.

Ma'am, he said he respects
Master Massinger's whip

more than he do a skirt captain.

Why does he speak that way?

Some say it's so many beatings
that done it.

Some say it's because
he eats river plants and...

some say he was born
with the wrong words.

Fight with me.






Again, damn you!

On my hand sig.

Set to a leg! Set to a leg!

I am no farmer,

but this will be the
best plantation in all of Virginia.

Any man who doubts that does not
know me well enough yet.

You will labour not because
you are whipped.

You will labour because
you will be rewarded.

What man wants one year taken from
the time of his tenure here?

- Then work like it's a joy.
- Aye, miss.

We have a harvest must be brought in.

I will never be set free...

will I, Lady Yeardley?

When the Governor bought me, he did
not intend to let me go...

to... be a man with my own land,
like the English...

did he, Lady Yeardley?

Every time I spoke to him

about my hopes,
he did not give me the answer

because he wanted Pedro
to be a believing fool.

My husband wished
to show you all of his kindness

so that you might be glad to remain here.

I have seen all of the Governor's
kindnesses now.

I have seen all of England's kindnesses.

I have seen your kindnesses.

I plead with you, Pedro,

do not attempt to defy my husband.

He will tear your heart out with his

I have a toothache.

Let me take a look.

Yes. I see.

Most worrisome.

- Christopher, you do tease me so.
- You think I tease?

Stop it.

I was fooling.

I only wanted to feel your fingers
upon me, just for a little while.

In England, blacksmiths were
employed to extract teeth.

They have the body strength that is
needed to pull them out.

I would not let the blacksmith lay
his hands upon me.

Do you mean that he might not lay
his hands upon you any more?

Good. That is good.

Christopher, what are you implying?

It puzzled me

why the Governor was
so insistent that I should marry you

but I chose to hide my eyes
behind my fingers

because I wanted to see only the
opportunity to take you to my bed.

To wake beside you, to spend every day

- in your glistening orbit...
- Stop it. Speak no more.

But I will.

Yeardley made sure the blacksmith heard

when he pressed me to marry you.

- And it made me see what I already...
- Speak no more, I say.

It is a falsehood. A cruel calumny.

In your own thinking,
Jocelyn, it might be

whatever you choose it to be.

But here...


between you and I,

you will hear me say how it is.

I would marry you still.

Let that be your memory
of how I love you.

What are you going to do?

Damn you.

We will fight.

Pick up the w*apon.


I will have my honour.

You have your honour.

You are the only man
in Jamestown who does.

That is Master Massinger's farm.

No, it's my farm.

We must fetch water from the river.

We have to stop it from spreading.
Come on. Come on.

Mistress Castell, it seems the fire
was started deliberately.

I found these amongst the trees.

There's the tale of it. Pamunkey.

Governor, I would speak with you.

Silas Sharrow has been plotting
with the Pamunkey.

What are they saying?

And what's going on? Something's wrong.

Silas Sharrow.

They'll blame you for this.

They know you aided the naturals. Go. Go.

- Go.
- After them!

- Come on! Hurry up!
- After them!

Sharrow, give yourself up!

We know you aided our enemy.

They att*cked us because you warned
them we would take land.

It's me that they want.

You give yourself up
and I'll sh**t you in the back myself.

We're all in one spot, if they move
around, they'll have us penned in.

- We'll go into the field, then.
- Pepper!

Henry, they know me as a traitor.

Suppose we k*ll them all today,
what life do we have left?

We fight 'em until there's no
fighting left.

They have us surrounded.


Henry, I will tell them that you are
no part in this.

What is the point in you losing

all that you've worked for
because of my crime?

You're my brother.

Silas, I have the horses back here.

Go on, brother, ride to the Pamunkey.

Ask Opechancanough to give you shelter.

Silas, please.

I can't keep 'em away much longer.

If I go, I can't come back.

They'll be here soon. You must go.

I'm sorry it's come to this, Alice.

Don't go lifting up
your hopes yet, Alice.

I still ain't ready to die.

Any man here

dare say that I aided the Pamunkey

is a fool and a liar.

Who will stand before me and claim it?

The charge is against
your brother, Sharrow.

Well, Silas isn't here
to answer these accusations.

There lies the proof of his guilt.

Will you denounce your brother before
us all as a turncoat,

Judas, snake?

Why should I debate it
when that is what he is?

And will you, yourself return him to
Jamestown to face judgment?

Will you go to the Pamunkey and tell

that he must give up the deserter

in order to show
your loyalty to the Crown?

- I will.
- Why would he ever return?

The Sharrow name,
it don't amount to much...

but it will...

if I can make it a name
that can never be spit upon.

Return your brother.


Why would you do this to your brother?

I will take you to Silas,

then you can decide
whose life it is you wanna live.

There with him or here.

Pedro, here I find you.

Labouring before your wound
has even healed.

How else can I show my respect and
devotion to my master?

I will serve you, sir,
until I lose all my teeth.

I have great plans for you, Pedro.


I've come here to be with you.
I will live here.

You cannot.

It will be no kind of
life for a woman like you.

Winganuske has made a home with us
settlers. I can do the same.


I will not let you bring
my son up in this world.

That is not why I came to Virginia.

Now, you must forget about me, Alice.

Everything is broken.


How did good deeds bring us to this?

Henry, will you lead her
away now, please?

Our lives are written in the stars.

Then I will defy the stars.

The widow's farm was att*cked,

burned by the Pamunkey,
that they might fright us.

The naturals now have a traitor
living amongst them.

To show them that Englishmen will
not be intimidated,

we will occupy more land
in the King's name.

A deed such as this

will shine in English memory and history
for 100 years and more!

This is the proudest day of my life.

Every man must be noble to himself.

Look at him.

There's a man who knows he's no more
than a pissed breeches babe.

That's why men need their wars.


For Christ and Saint George!

It is a sign, ma'am,

that them flames can't take all of life.